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Amongst the occurred disasters happened in the resident area, fires have been known as the dangerous

tragedy that could cause destruction, property and loss of human life In many disasters, fires have

become recurrent, destructive and most influential disasters if compared to others hazards[1]. With the

rapid development of urban construction, the occurrence probability of the great fire and other special

disaster also increased year by year Fires in the early detection and early warning are two important

ways to extinguish the fire promptly and avoid great casualties and property loss[1]-[2]. Therefore, the

requirement of placing intelligent fire alarm system is important within buildings especially in the

buildings where contain many people inside or valuable belongings.

According to the statistic stated by Fire and Rescue Department of Malaysia (JBPM), in 2016 only,

almost 5500 of fire cases reported are concerned with the households followed by transportations,

electrical appliances and leaking gasses[3]. Fires in the households are often triggered by many

common factors investigated which are from cooking equipment, smoking in the house, electrical

appliances, candles, curious children, faulty wiring and many more. If the fire occurs when the

residents are in the house, the possibility to extinguish the fire is a bit high. It is because the residents

themselves can take immediate precaution from the fire to be spread all over by using fire extinguisher

or call the fireman. So the development of a smart fire alarm system will ease and reduce d rate of fire



Design and construction of smart fire alarm system, using GSM module, fire extinguisher and using

MUC (micro controller).

a. To construct a safety fire detector so as to reduce fire destruction of life and properties.

b. To use rechargeable battery (DC) as source of power supply when there is no alternative power supply


c. To practically show the training and knowledge acquired so far in the field of electrical engineering

for the service of humanity.

d. To serve as wealth creation means.

e. For partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of National Diploma (ND)

f. The objective of our project is to minimize fire damage to the building and its contents. We know

many building and many important and necessary things are becoming totally damaged all over the

world due to not preventing fire.


This device detects smoke, fire and can detect a rise in temperature in its vicinity, the approximately

range of the sensor is 2 meters. The fire sensor module consists of IR sensor, comparator and LED. It

has three pins GND, VCC and out. Whenever fire is detected by IR sensor LED glows, and out pin is

set high. The out pin can be given as input to the microcontroller and can be used for any fire detection

applications. Whenever the LED is ON it indicates that fire is detected.


The advantage of fire alarm with GSM alert has save many life and properties and has also contributed

to the economic growth of the nation and reduces fire outbreak, while avoiding lostof life and

properties. These sensors usually employ an audible alarm to alert people when dangerous fire is



We were motivated to design a fire alarm system using a GSM module to secure and reduce human

stress, human life and property is one of the most paramount thing.

The GSM module helps in sending the registered number an alarming message to notify him/her in

case there is fire outbreak and the micro controller automatically extinguish the the fire with a solenoid

pump. The development of the automatic smart fire alarm system are used in a modem house and it

need power supply to regulate always.


The main focus of this project is to design and construct a Microcontroller based on fire alarm system

which can be used at home, office, shops, storese.t.c. The methodology of the project includes:

1. Designing of the power supply unit

2. Writing the program for the microcontroller

3. Designing and Constructing controller board

4. Testing and simulation of the overall circuit

5. Casing of the entire project.




This chapter will discuss about previous projects and some journals that related to the project. These

journals and reports have been analyzed carefully to improve the effectiveness and quality of this

project. By analyzing previous journals and research, the possibilities that affect the quality in their

projects can be analyzed and reviewed. From the previous project, ideas can be implemented and to

improve the project [1]. The previous project has used Global System for Mobile communications

(GSM) module that can send SMS only compared to a mobile phone that can send a message and dial

to a user. Therefore, the literature review process starts from beginning of project until the end of the

project. Besides analyzing the previous project, reviews of the internet and books which are very

effective for this project is done. Throughout the analysis at the beginning of the project, the special

feature in this project is determined and the components used in this project are decided.

Previous Project


The main objective of the work is designing microcontroller based toxic gas detecting and alerting

system. The system will automatically generate an alert which sends the form of short messages. The

hazardous gases like Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and propane were sensed and displayed each and

every second in the liquid crystal display (LCD)[4]. If these gases exceed the normal level, then an

alarm is generated immediately and also an alert message (SMS) is sent to the authorized person

through the Global System for Mobile communications (GSM), which leads to faster diffusion of

emergency situation. So, These gases have to be monitored; such that increase in the normal level of

them could be known and proper precaution measures can be taken.[4]-[5] The system is affordable

and can be easily implemented in the chemical industries and in a residential area which is surrounded

by the chemical industries or plants, to avoid endangering of human lives.

Fig 1.0

The system also supports to provide real-time monitoring of concentration of the gases, which presents

in the air. As this method is automatic the information can be given in time such that the endangering

of human lives can be avoided, but this system just can send a message only to a user. This system

only can detect gas and only send a message to alert a home users. So for the enhancement, the sensor

used is multi sensor that can detect smoke, gas and etc.

2.2 GSM based integrated Energy management system

This project is designed to control electrical appliances by using GSM communication protocols. It

can be used to control home appliances or even industrial loads also. The concept behind the project is

when an SMS is sent to the GSM modem by the user, the modem conveys this message to the

microcontroller through RS232 communication [5]. The main aim of this research is to design and

implement a prototype of a home energy management system based on SMS service on GSM network.

The proposed system can remotely monitor and control the home appliances using a mobile phone.

The proposed system consists of a microcontroller connecting home appliances and lighting through

sensors and relays. The microcontroller is also connected with a GSM module to support this system

operate with an existing GSM network. This system is implemented using a GSM module that is

connected with the personal computer representing the designed microcontroller. The home

appliances, sensors and relays are modeled and simulated using Visual Basic programs. Software

programs are developed and built into the personal computer to activate and control the home

appliances according to received commands from the user mobile phone or to monitor and send their

status to the mobile phone according to user request. The implemented system is tested practically

with several cases at different times and it operates successfully with reasonable flexibility and secure



A good compatibility of the developed programs is achieved, since the system is running continuously

without interruption under normal conditions of GSM network operation. It is found that the execution

times for control and monitoring massages are NORMALLY 19.63 seconds and 19.33 seconds


2.3 Energy Meter status transmission using GSM:

This project is developed to convey the status of the energy meter to the concerned authority using

GSM communication protocols. The system is designed to send an SMS to the department in the event

of the energy meter billing being tampered. The control unit comprises of a microcontroller and a

GSM modem along with sensors and other peripherals[6].

The technology of e-metering (electronic metering) has gone through rapid technological

advancements and there is increased demand for a reliable and efficient Automatic Meter Reading

(AMR) system. It is design with a simple low cost wireless GSM energy meter and it is associated

with web interface, for automating billing and managing the collected data globally. The proposed

system replaces traditional meter reading methods and enables remote access of existing energy meter

by the energy provider. Also they can monitor the meter readings regularly without the person visiting

each house.

Flow data


A GSM based wireless communication module is integrated with electronic energy meter of each

entity to have remote access over the usage of electricity. A Pc with a GSM module receiver at the

other end, which contains the database acts as the billing point. Live meter reading from the GSM

enabled energy meter is sent back to this billing point periodically and these details are updated in a

central database. a new interactive, user friendly graphical user interface is developed using micro-soft

visual studio with proper authentication, users can access the developed web page details from

anywhere in the world. The complete monthly usage and due bill is messaged back to the customer

after processing these data

2.4 GSM based Railway Gate crossing control:

Railway level crossing gate can be controlled by the station master or the engine driver by using GSM

communication. The control unit comprises of a microcontroller and a GSM modem along with

various peripherals and is connected to a DC motor (used for demonstration purpose).

The Objective Of This Projects Are:-

 To stop the collision between two trains on the same track. FSR (Force

 Sensitive Resistor) will be used for this purpose. The data will be taken from the Sensors and

based on that data, the trains will be stopped at a safe distance.

 Message of the train locations and the chances of collision will be sent using GPS and GSM

module to the control room.

Flow data


Make the level crossing automatic, in order to do so, FSRs will be set on both side of the crossing area.

The line bar of the track will be open up or shut down using the microcontroller based on the data of

the FSRs[7]. The passing of trains or other vehicles will be quite easier due to this and accidents or

unwanted events could be avoided.Detect the obstacle on the rail track. In order to detect the obstacle

on the tracks, Microcontroller and sensors like vibration, LDR and laser will be used.

Sensor will sense the obstacle on the track and microcontroller will take the decision to transmit and

receive the signal of the sensors. GPS and GSM module will be sent the location and message to the

control room about the incident.

Detect the breakage on the rail track. Vibration sensor will detect the fault on the tracks. If it finds any

2.5 GSM Based Energy Meter Billing

This involves reading electrical energy consumed in units and calculating the bill by the electrical

department and sending the bill by SMS to the user, then microcontroller will process the signal and

an alert message will be sent to the control room through GSM module[8].



3.0 Methodology

Basically, the design and development of the project are divided into two main parts which are

hardware architecture and software are details. In the hardware architecture the design of the circuit

was constructed and the prototype of the project was built. While in the software development, the

whole complete prototype was operated via programming codes.


The following components were used in design and construction of the smart fire alarm system.

1. MCU(microcontroller)

2. Arduino

3. Relay module

4. TMP36(Temperature sensor)

5. GSM module

6. Power supply

7. Led

8. Vero board

9. Resistor

10. Solenoid pump

11. Standard core wire




3.2.1 Arduino

Since the Ardino is the main board, micro controller on it which Atmega328 is used as the main

controller to manage the circuit accordingly. It is well known open source microcontroller based kit

for creating digital devices and interacting tool that can interact led, switches, buttons, buzzer and

many more. The Arduinosystem offers analog and digital pins that can be integrated to many other

boards and circuit which absolutely have different functions in a design. Arduino board provides a

USB serial communication interfaces for loading the codes from the computer. To do the codes,

Arduino has prepared its own software called integrated development environment (IDE) which

completely supports C and C++ programming language. The arduino integrated development is a cross

platform application and derived from IDE for the processing programming language and writing

projects. Also it is design to introduce programming to artists and others who are not familiar with the

software development. It includes a code editor with features such as syntax highlighting, brace

matching, and automatic indentation, and also capable of compiling and uploading programs to the

board with single click. A program or code writing for arduino is called a “sketch”. The Arduino

comes with a software library called “Wiring” from the original wiring project, which makes it many

common input/output operation much easier. Users only needs define two functions to make run able

circle executive program.

 Setup(): a function run ones at the time of a program that can initialize settings

 Loop(): a function called repeatedly until the board power off

 Open the Arduino software and select the board in use. To select the board.

 Go too tools

 Select board

 Under board, select the board been use, in this case Arduino UNO

 Go to tools and to port and select the port at which the Arduino board is connected.




The software sketch starts by including a software serial.h library initialing it with the arduino pin to

which Tx and Rx of SIM800L module is connected.

In setup function: we initialize a serial communication between Arduino, Arduino IDE and SIM800L

module at a baud rate of 9600.

Now that we have established a basic connection , we try to communicate with the SIM800L module

by sending AT commands.

AT: it is the most basic AT command. It also utilizes auto bands. If it works you should see the AT

characters echo and then ok and its understanding you correctly. You can then send some commands

to query the module and then get some information about it such as

AT+CSQ check the signal strength, the first # is dB strength, it should be higher than around 5.

Higher is better. Of course it depends on your antenna and location.

AT+CCID get the SIM card numberthis tests that the SIM card is found OK and you can verify the

number is written on the card.

AT+CREG?Check that you registered on the network. The second # should be 1 or 5.1 indicates you

are registered to home network and 5 indicates roaming network. Other than these two numbers

indicate you are not registered to any network.

In the looping part of the code, we call custom function called UpdateSerial() which continuously

waits for any inputs from the serial monitor and send it to the SIM800L module through the D2 pin

(Rx of module). It also continuously reads the D3 pin (Tx of module) if the SIM800L module has any


3.3.1 Arduino Code Sending SMS

We program our Arduino to send message (SMS) to any phone i.e phone number. Before trying the

sketch out, you need to enter the phone number. Search for string ZZxxxxxxxxxx and replace ZZ with

the country code and xxxxxxxxxx with the 10 digit phone number.

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
//Create software serial object to communicate with SIM800L
SoftwareSerialmySerial(3, 2); //SIM800L Tx& Rx is connected to Arduino #3 & #2
intpotPin = A0;
int buzzer = 6;
intredLed = 7;
intgreenLed = 8;
int pump = 11;
intval ;
void setup ()
{Serial.begin (9600);
pinMode (potPin, INPUT);
pinMode (buzzer, OUTPUT);
pinMode (redLed, OUTPUT);
pinMode (greenLed, OUTPUT);
pinMode (pump, OUTPUT);
//Begin serial communication with Arduino and Arduino IDE (Serial Monitor)Serial.begin(9600);
//Begin serial communication with Arduino and SIM800L

mySerial.println("AT"); //Once the handshake test is successful, it will back to OK
mySerial.println("AT+CMGF=1"); // Configuring TEXT mode
mySerial.println("AT+CMGS=\"+2347053593803\""); //change ZZ with country code and
xxxxxxxxxxx with phone number to sms
mySerial.print("FIRE/SMOKE IS DETECTED (EEET)"); //text content
}void loop()
{val = analogRead (potPin);
Serial.println (val);
if(val> 900) // put your threshold value here
{digitalWrite(redLed, LOW);
digitalWrite (greenLed, HIGH);
digitalWrite (pump, LOW);
noTone (buzzer);
} else
{ digitalWrite(redLed, HIGH);
digitalWrite(greenLed, LOW);
digitalWrite (pump, HIGH);
tone(buzzer, 1000, 200);
mySerial.println("AT+CMGS=\"+2347053593803\"");//change ZZ with country code and
xxxxxxxxxxx with phone number to sms

mySerial.print("FIRE/SMOKE IS DETECTED (EEET)"); //text content
Serial.println("FIRE/SMOKE IS DETECTED (EEET)"); //text content
while (Serial.available())
{mySerial.write(;//Forward what Serial received to Software Serial Por
{Serial.write(;//Forward what Software Serial received to Serial Port}.

3.3.2 GSM module

A GSM(Global system for mobilecommunication ) module is a chip or circuitthat will be used to

establish communication between a mobile device or a computing machine and a GSM system.

TheseGSM module powered by a power supply circuit and communication interfaces. For GSM

module, GSM sim800A type is selected to carry out the project for sending text message when

heat/smoke is been detected by the TMP36 (Temperature sensor). It operating voltage is from 3.4 to

4.4v, which makes it an ideal candidate for direct for direct LIPO battery supply. This makes it a good

choice for embedding into projects without a lot of space. All the necessary pin for SIM800L GSM

chip are broken out of 0.1” pitch headers. This includes pin required for communication with the

microcontroller. The module supports band rate from 1200bps to 115200bps with Auto band

detection. The module needs an external antenna to connect to a network. The device always come

with a helical Antenna and solders directly to Net pin on PCB. The board also have U.FL connector

facility in case you want to keep the antenna away from the board. There’s a SIM socket on the back,

Any activated, 2G/3G micro SIM card would work perfectly. Correct direction for inserting SIM card

is normally engraved on the surface of the SIM pocket. The GSM module also comprises of a led

status indicator system which indicate the status of your cellular network, which blinks in every three

seconds. The GSM module also functions in the project as an alarm system which helps to alert

individuals at home, offices, shops, companies etc. when fire/smoke is been detected via message i.e.

sending message automatically to the individual or authorize number.



3.3.3 TMP36

The TMP36 (Temperature sensor) is a low voltage, precision centi grade temperature sensor. It

provide a voltage output that is linearly proportional to the centigrade temperature sensors. Unlike the

a thermistor, the TMP36 does not have a temperature sensitive resistor. Instead this sensor uses the

property of diodes, as a diode changes temperature the voltage changes with it at a known rate. The

sensor measures the small change and outputs an analog voltage between 0 and 1.75VCD based on it.

To get temperature we just need to measure the output voltage and a little bit of math. The TMP36 is

chosen for measuring the temperature since it is an analog and linear temperature sensor which has a

linear relationship between output voltage and temperature changes(C). Besides, the TMP36 does not

require external calibration to deliver the accuracy of (1/4) C. The devices is usually use with single

power supply or with plus or minus supply’s. It can receive an input range of 2v up to 35v and result

the output voltage range of 1v to 6v.

fig 2.3



3.4.1 RELAY

A relay is an electromagnetic switch operated by a relatively small electric current that can turn on or

off much larger electric current. The heart of a relay is an electromagnetic(a coil of wire that becomes

a temporary magnetic when electricity flow through it). In other words these device can be describe as

a Single Pole Single  Throw (SPST). These terms will give an instant indication of the design.

 BREAK: this is the number of separate contact that a switch uses to open or close a single

electrical circuit. All contact are either single break or double break. A single break, contact

break and electrical circuit in one place while a double break is in two places.

 POLE: this is the number of completely isolated circuit that relay can pass through a switch. A

single pole contact can carry current through only one circuit at a time. A double pole contact

can carry current through two isolated circuits simultaneously.

 THROW: this is the number of close contact position per pole that are available on a switch.

A switch with a single throw contact can control only one circuit, while a double throw can

control two.

Fig 2.4


3.4.2 SELENOID PUMP(Fire extinguisher)

A solenoid pump is a form of positive displacement pump which uses a diaphragm and solenoid

assembly to displace the fluid into the discharge line. As the solenoid is activated, the electromagnet

pushes the diaphragm, which displace the fluid. Also the solenoid pump is a simple pump because

they have very few moving parts. When current is applied to the solenoidpump, the electromagnetic

coil moves around against a spring to slide a diaphragm into the discharge position. When current is

removed, the diaphragm slides back into the suction position.


 The Solenoid pump is design so that the electromagnet cannot move the diaphragm against a

resistant pressure of liquid(backpressure) that would cause it to fail. They can pump against a

dead head, or infinite backpressure, when discharge is closed off.


 There is a physical limit on the size of solenoid that can be built which limits the flow rate and

pressure that is possible with the solenoid pump. Typically, solenoid pump can pump up to 20

gallons per hour at 30 pounds per square inch.

 The solenoid pump in this project serves as a fire extinguisher, which when fire/smoke is been

detected by the TMP36(temperature sensor) it sends signal to the microcontroller and from the

microcontroller signal is been sends to the relay which helps to trigger or rotate the solenoid

pumpswhich then extinguishes the fire.

fig 2.5

Diagram Selenoid Pump


A power supply is used to reduce the mains electricity at 240 volts AC down to something more

useable, say 12 volts DC. There are two types of power supply, linear and switch mode. The Ac signal

is rectified and regulated to produce a high Dc voltage. +12v power supply converts alternating current

to direct current. Pc’s uses direct current to power them. The +12v rail is a part of the PSU that

produces a positive current at 12 volts. The +12v power supply is use in the project to power on the

variable power supply so as the variable power supply helps to step down the current from 12v to 4.5v

which power the GSM module. Also the variable power supply can be regulated to any actual voltage

needed to power anycomponent

Fig 2.6 fig 2.6.1




Fig 2.8


3.4.4 LED ( Light emitting diode)

A light emitting diode is a two lead semiconductor light source. It is a pn junction diode that emits

light when activated. When suitable voltage is applied to the leads, electronics are able to recombine

with electron holes within the device, releasing energy in the form of photons. Also a light emitting

diode(LED) emits visible light when an electric current passes through it. It isessentially the opposite

of a photovoltaic cell(a device that convert visible light into electric current). The light emitting diode

has the following characteristic:

1. Led is all forward directional lighting, not Omni as conventional bulb

2. Led can develop different light color

3. Temperature will affect Led efficiency

4. Low energy consumption

5. Long life

Fig 2.9



Resistor is a basic two terminal electrical and electronic component use to restrict the current flow in a

circuit. The resistance towards the flow of current result in the voltage drop. The devices may provide

a permanent, adjustable resistance value. The value of resistors can be expressed in ohms. The resistor

is one of the most essential electrical and electronic componentthat is use in various electronic devices.

These are available in different sizes as well as shapes in the market based on the application. Fixed

resistors have resistance that only change slightly with temperature, time or operating voltage.

Variable resistor can be use to adjust circuit elements(such as a volume control or a lamb dimmer), or

as sensing devices for heat, light, humidity, force or chemical activity. Resistors are common element

of electric networks and electronics circuits and are ubiquitous in electronics equipment’s. practically

resistors are discrete component can be composed of various compounds and forms. Resistors are also

implemented within integrated circuit.

Fig 2.9.0



A jumper wire(also known as banana wire, or jumper) is an electric wire, or group of them in a cable,

with a connector or pin at each, which is normally use to interconnect the components of a bread

board, Vero board or other prototype or test circuit, internally or with other equipment’s or

components with soldering, jumper wires typically comes in three versions which are: male to male,

male to female and female to female.

fig 2.9.1





The result and implementation of each of the fundamental circuit unit and how the program was

implemented to control the design and perform the require functionality is hereby presented.


This unit comprises of the transformer, diode, rectifier, filtering capacitor and regulator.


The voltage employed is bridged rectifier arrangement. The circuit diagram is as shown in the figure




This is made up of capacitor connected across the output of the rectifier to smoothing the voltage to

have the minimum ripple factor(at least 10% of the DC voltage). It is preferable to choose a filtering

capacitor that will hold the peak  to peak ripple at approximately 10% of the peak voltage.


The regulator is a single chip that regulate the ripple free rectified voltage to give a constant output

voltage. Since the circuit need a supply voltage of 5v, a 5v regulators were used


The program developed and loaded on the microcontroller by means of an interface known as the

programmer. The program and Hex code is given in appendix.


The assembler use for this project is the MPLAB version 5.7 which was downloaded from the

microchip website. This is windows base integrated development environment (IDE) software which

give support for the microcontroller. This software contain a full featured editor, three operating mood

(editor, emulator, simulator , a project manager, customizable tool bar and key mapping status bar with

the project information. Arduino allow one of edit source file(either in assemble or “C”). other features

include debugging using:

 Source file

 Absolute listing file


This was used to burn the hex files in the microcontroller. This programmer has the facility to

programa ATMEGA328, erase the EEPROM, and also verify the already written program for errors.


For red LED we decide to use resistor R 100  and V 4.9v


The whole system was tested with various trials of fire on the TMP36, turn on the output GSM

module, relay and the pump which sends message to the various registered numbers and also

extinguish the fire, and the relay is used in reverse to stop the extinguisher when fire is no longer



The power supply unit of +5v were tested from the output voltage under no load and full load


Under no load, the voltage of the +5v supply section was measure to be 4.95v while at full load, the

respected voltage were measure as 4.85v from the result obtain above, the performance of the power

supply is satisfactory.




The use of the smart fire Alarm system using GSM module has been employed in various places like

schools, hospital, company and homes.

The fire alarm uses a GSM module that send message to a registered user or number , when heat/fire is

detected. The temperature sensor uses a system called Arduino verification that help in synchronizing

all the arithmetic data before message is been sent to any registered number.

As soon as fire is detected water is been sprinkled around the entire room which serves as an

extinguisher to off the blazing fire.

When fire is detected the alarm (buzzer) goes on and the LED is turn on sequentially. And the

registered number only gets message ones, the number of message can be modified and change

depending on choice.


This project is highly recommended because it does special tasks. Fire alarm system are voluntary

detector system which detect fire/heat and smoke using an authorized temperature sensor and using a

GSM module to automatically send message to any activated or registered number.


In our daily life, whether it’s an industry or domestic, the most common and fatal accidents occurred

are due to fire. This results in both human loss and property loss. Fires claim the lives of innocent

people around the world every single day. A small amount of fire is able to damage a huge part of a

society. Although smoke detectors and fire alarms alert people of danger, they often have few choices

other than escaping from a building and calling the fire department. Although waiting for fire fighters

to rescue people may not always be the best choice. The modern day home and business should be

equipped with at least one fire extinguisher. Using modern fire extinguisher is not so easy and only a

professional user can use it. Fire fighting is a highly technical profession which needs a lot of training

and education to become a professional. So using a fire extinguisher is not at all suitable for people’s

residence. For those purpose automated fire fighting system will be the best choice.


There is a physical limit on the size of solenoid that can be built which limits the flow rate and

pressure that is possible with the solenoid pump.

The GSM module has no specific limitation of numbers that can be registered as long as the used SIM

card in the module is been recharged with enough card for sending messanges, therefore so many

numbers can be registered


[1] M.B Ahrens, “Home fires involving electrical equipment”, NFPA, 2016.

[2] S Suresh, “Home Based Fire Monitoring and warning system,” pp. 53-58, 2014

[3] J B dan P Malaysia, “(Statistikkebakaranmengikutjeniskebakaran) Fire Statistics by type of fire. 2016.

[4] gas detection and alerting.

[5] based integrated energy management system.

[6] “Energy Meter status transmission using GSM” [online] Available:, November 10, 2015.

[7] based railway gate crossing control.

[8] based energy meter billing.




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