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Good afternoon future engineers and good after sir monsalud.

It’s an honor to have the

opportunity to address such a distinguished audience. Let we first introduce ourselves. I’m DR
and DB. For today’s video, as you can see on the screen, our topic is all about corrosion.
Corrosion is a term that refers to a natural process whereas metals are gradually breaking down
by reacting their substances in their environment. One example of this process is RUSTING
wherein the iron reacts with oxygen and water in the environment to form hydrated iron oxide
which is also known as RUST. As you can see during the atomic level, the iron atoms in our
original block of metal are each losing three electrons to become ion three plus ions and at the
same time the two oxygen atoms in each oxygen molecule are gaining two electrons so a total of
four electrons to become oxygen two minus ions. So, the ion is being oxidized because it lost
electrons while the oxygen is being reduced because its gaining electrons. And this means that
the overall reaction is a REDOX REACTION because both oxidation and reduction are taking
place in the same reaction. (NEXT SLIDE)

From vehicles to metal tools, machinery to gutters of our homes, you will find corrosion
everywhere. Corrosion and rust is the result of aging metals. There are some common causes of
corrosion that affect the life and quality of your metal objects. Let’s talk about what corrosion is
and what are its causes. Let’s begin with weather conditions.

One cause of corrosion on most of the metals is its exposure to WEATHER CONDITIONS.
Therefore if you keep your metal objects outdoors in the open, they are going to corrode. Since
they are exposed to environmental elements such as water, wind, and moisture, they will be
oxidized quickly. Rain and too much sun can also cause corrosion. Therefore, it is advised to
keep your metals indoors or at least in dry places so they are safe from moisture. The drier you
keep your metals, the more you will be able to extend their lives.


Your metal objects will corrode faster if you live in coastal regions. If you live in coastal regions
your metal objects will corrode faster. Salty seawater, too much humidity and moisture in the air
is a serious enemy of metallic objects. Therefore, if you keep your metals untreated or exposed
to the elements, they are going to be exposed to corrosion. Similarly, very warm or very cold
climates also have a similar effect on the corrosion of metals.
Another common cause of corrosion is NEGLECT. If you fail to take proper care of your
metallic objects, from your vehicles to the tools and machinery, you will find them corroding
fast. It is very important to keep your metal objects clean and properly taken care of to ensure
they do not corrode. Park your vehicles indoors, clean the tools as soon as you’ve used them to
ensure they are not wet anymore. In conclusion, the more you are able to keep your metal objects
dry, the more will they be free from the effects of corrosion. NEXT SLIDE

As I mentioned earlier, corrosion is mainly caused by redox reaction which is two simultaneous
reactions in one, REDUCTION and OXIDATION. A REDUCTIONS occurs when atoms or
molecules gain molecules. Whereas OXIDATION occurs when atoms or molecules lose
electrons. A common example of corrosion is RUSTING which happens to iron that I mentioned
earlier. You need just three ingredients for RUST. An ANODE that gives up electrons, that’s
IRON. A CATHODE that easily accepts electrons, that’s OXYGEN. And lastly, you’ll need an
ELECTROLYTE SOLUTION that shuttles ions between cathode and anode, that’s WATER.
Ever wonder why some metal objects rust after being left out by the rain? Well water is the
electrolyte solution that helps rust form. Once these redox reactions occur, the iron turns into
HYDRATED FERRIC OXIDE or also known as rust. For a wide explanation, I have here a rusty
metal nail that has iron in it that exposes into the water. The rusty form of this metal is
thermodynamically favored state, meaning it would totally prefer to be that way all the time,
rather than stay in its pure elemental form.

Remember what I said at the beginning of our report today because review is important in
learning. I’d just like to finish with something about Ratan Tata “None can destroy Iron but its
own rust can. Likewise, none can destroy a person, but its own mindset can!” Again, thanks for
your attention to us. I am DAR and DB. God bless us all.

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