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RAGADIO, Dean Allen


Civil Engineering is an arm of engineering field that distributes the art of creating
an aesthetic framework environment scheme including executive buildings,
condominium, railways and other structures. The illustration depicts the exact
measurement of different angles, various conic sections and the best numerical analysis
in the way of rectifying variety of lines. For instance, civil engineer releases the greatest
computer illustration with accurate dimensions of a train station by creating and
implementing algorithms in answering numerically the problems, therefore, the engineer
gave the accurate dimensions of the transport structure. Moreover, civil engineering
provides concrete habitation for individuals as defense from any impairment specifically
the big one extreme earthquake. Research and examine narrow range designs, survey
data analysis reports, locations and other and design construction projects, carry out
surveying operations to establish and design building perimeters, site layouts, reference
points, angles and elevations to support construction. Furthermore, civil engineering
research the results of examinations on building materials like concrete, asphalt and
chemicals for applying in particular projects. Providing bill price proposes for equipment
and materials labor to determine the project’s economic viability. Applying design
software to design and construct hydraulic and transportation systems in line with
government and nation standards. Commanding and managing the maintenance
replacement of the government and private establishments (Mayberry, 2022).
The 2 aspects namely construction and design of civil establishment is a widely
complex. Before design can begin in earnest, engineers must consider the potential
costs and environmental impacts, how long it will take, and what materials should be
used based on the type of soil at the site. During the design process, civil engineers
use complex computer software. Once construction has started, engineers ensure that
the actual structure adheres closely to their design. Inventors and mathematicians that
deal in illustrating accurate measurements of numerical analysis under civil engineering
is called civil engineers. They might begin a plan by gathering and collecting idea
about the offered site of the project by surveying the area and measuring the
perimeter of the location. The progress of the nation from various aesthetic sketches
and plans invented by civil engineers enhances the best outcome for individuals in
society. In developing good foundation of structure, civil engineering affords huge
impact by learning different arms of computer data analysis. Perfect example is a
railway foundation and the illustration that will create through computer data analysis
should be 100% concrete and damage less when stand, thus, the huge impact was
quite aesthetic concrete. Foundation refers to a concrete organized structure that
supports and maintains establishment.

I thought myself when I passed the Civil Engineering Board Examination 3

decades from now. The scenario reaches the highest point whereas I talked a lot of my
clients in planning and designing the aesthetic floorplan namely railways, airports,
expressways, arenas and other structures. The more clients I had, the more designs I
drawn powerful with exact measurements and correct computation under computer
aided drafting. Moreover, I enforce myself mastering with a license in providing the best
quality for every client I had by their proposed structure. I drew the accurate
measurement of various angles in the map after surveying the area. I gave the
proposed bill and price for the proposed establishment depending the square meters of
the site. Therefore, all of these scenarios will happen when I am now a Registered Civil
Engineer Dean Allen Ragadio, RCE under structural engineer specialization.

Enhancing a civil engineer has never been unchallenging and every discipline
goes with the best skills and qualities and is followed by even leadership. However
successful civil engineer must have a specific set of qualities and traits like loyalty when
it comes in measuring angles, slopes and lines, open-minded and brainstorming,
thinking aesthetic ideas and taking in action immediately. Many aspire to become a civil
engineer but not everyone is given the right chance and has developed the courage and
personality traits required to begin the career and become successful.

Of the personal traits I mentioned above, thinking aesthetic ideas by sketching

accurate measurements of various conic sections is already in me because it is for a
civil engineer to think ahead immediately and seek some possible problems and issues
that might arise, therefore, when it happens it would be easier for the problem to be

Therefore, I, Dean Allen Ragadio myself will pursue civil engineering course to
enhance my skills in various concepts of science and mathematics, release my
aesthetic powers in designing an establishment with accurate computer data analysis
and to make my father very proud for me. Childhood dream is also one why I chose this
field. Civil engineering was the first-choice dream when I was a child hence, I played
toys and games connected with different concepts of mathematics and designing such
as Lego in building house blocks, Sudoku and crossword puzzle. Basically, with playing
these games my skills and mastery are enhancing worthy movements in engineering
field which is civil engineering. At the moment, I practiced myself to be more genius in
solving fraction and larger numbers mentally in my head using the four fundamentals
namely addition, subtraction, multiplication and division without using any scientific
calculators for computation. Another, I applied my abilities and crafts in drawing towards
in accurate lining with the correct slope and intercept, the strict shape of circles,
parabolas and hyperbolas and designing in a graphing paper with a floorplan. I took civil
engineering to become more powerful and aesthetic in the art of creating the best
environment for individuals’ habitation.

MAYBERRY (2022). University Library.


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