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Name: Rodmar B.

Sumugat Year&Section: BSBA FM-1B


Adapted from, 20018

Today’s Date: 11-15-22 Target Date: 11-30-22 Start Date: 11-15-22

Goal: Accomplish my portfolio before the given deadline.

Verify that your goal is SMART

Specific: What exactly will you accomplish?

I will accomplish my portfolio in Understanding the Self before December 10, 2022.

Measurable: How will you know when you have reached this goal?

I will know if I am near in accomplishing the goal if I already took the first step and I will know if I
already reached the goal when I am already at the last part of the paper or in the reference part.

Achievable: Is achieving this goal realistic with effort and commitment? Have you got the
resources to achieve this goal? If not, how will you get them?

Affirmative, achieving this goal is realistic and with full effort and commitment. Luckily, the
resources to achieve this goal is just easy to find such as laptop, printer, electricity, money, time
and effort.

Relevant: Why is this goal significant?

This goal is significant it is because this serves as my road map into accomplishing my portfolio,
for me not to lost track of where I am at and if I am already close on finishing it.

Time-bound: When will you achieve this goal?

I will achieve this goal on my target date which is November 30, 2022. I only have two weeks to
accomplish the goal. I will do the portfolio every night starting at 5:30 to 7:00 pm.

This goal is important because:

This goal is important because this is the final output in the subject Understanding the Self. It
will be a shame for me if I will not be able to accomplish it and pass it on time. Additionally,
accomplishing this goal will lessen my school work loads and I’ll be able to have some free time
to review lessons and I will not be burnout worrying about the upcoming deadline.

The benefits of achieving this goal will be:

By achieving this goal the possible benefits that I will receive are the following: (1) Clearer focus
on managing my time and resources. (2) Additional time to accomplish the tasks given by other
instructor. (3) Find out if I am a good planner or a goal setter. (4) Gain motivation. (5) Increase
my productivity.

Take Action!

Potential Obstacle Potential Solutions

Social Media Set aside using or opening your social media

accounts and focus on accomplishing the
goal. You can also turn off the phone to
avoid distractions.
Noise Go to a clear and quite place to focus. Tell
people who are the source of the noise to
keep silent because you have something to
do. I suggest to make your own personal
space, go under the tree and feel the fresh
air, in will help clear your mind and improve
your focus.
Laziness/Procrastination Make a “TO-DO” list, establish a routine and
break larger tasks into smaller units, thereby
eliminating how daunting the task seems.
Lack of Self-Efficacy Identify the things that are easy for you to do
and always believe in your capability and
keep in mind that when you put action into a
desired goal it will be achieved.
Household Chores This obstacle cannot be avoided especially
when you are performing the goal in the
comfort of your own home. The potential
solution that I can suggest is for you to do
the time-management method.
Lack of Motivation Ask yourself “For whom am I doing this?”
“Will this goal benefit me?” Keep the
momentum up and surround yourself with
positive people, those people who will
support and encourage you and not those
people who only knows how to pressure you.

Who are the people you will ask to help you?

The people that I will ask to help are my parents, siblings, friends, and my instructor.


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