Transes 1 (NSTP)

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Transcribed by: Ashley Empaynado | BS Nursing | Prof. Zara Gaboy

PHYSICAL ORGANIZATION & COURSE also adopt and strengthen the practice of
ORIENTATION volunteerism as a strategy in order to attain
NATIONAL SERVICE national development and international
National Service refers to mandatory or voluntary understanding. The inculcation of volunteerism as a
government service programs. Most of the present way of life should be kindled in every Filipino, the
military service focus on the armed forces. The time-honored tradition of Bayanihan to foster social
mandatory service in any armed forces of a country justice, solidarity, and sustainable development.
is known as conscription. The minimum age VOLUNTERISM DEFINED
requirement military reserve force in the event of Volunteerism refers to an act involving a wide
war or national emergencies. It started to be range of activities, including traditional forms of
adopted by countries around the world in the mutual aid and developmental interventions that
coming of the 20th century. It usually requires provides an enabling and empowering
male citizens to serve a minimum of one year in environmental both on the part of the beneficiary
military or national service to be considered as a receiving and the volunteer rendering the act,
member of the reserve force. undertaken for reasons arising from socio
2 TYPES OF NATIONAL SERVICE developmental, business, or corporate orientation,
1. Military Service: the performance of active commitment or conviction for the attainment of the
service by individuals in any branch of the public good and where monetary and other
armed forces. Military service is based on the incentives or reward are not the primary motivating
idea that people have a certain duty and on the factors. (Section 4(a), RA 9418).
assumption that the greater good is more THE ROLE OF VOLUNTEERISM IN SOCIETY
relevant than other individual rights. Some Volunteerism in the academic institution includes,
countries have mandatory military training for but is not limited to, provision of technical
its citizens which could last for years. There are assistance and sharing of technology within the
citizens who serve in the armed forces service academic circle, target communities, and other
for a brief period while other stay on it and clienteles and the upgrading of the quality of
make a career as a military officer. The major education and curriculum methodologies while
armed forces of any country are usually Army, providing career enhancement and exposure to
Navy, and Air force. volunteers. (Section 5(a), RA 9418), on the other
2. Civilian Service: service to a government hand, the volunteerism in the corporate sector as
made by those not joining the military service. an expression of corporate social responsibility and
Once can also serve his/her country not only by citizenship refers to activities recognized by the
involving and engaging in combat. Some company, where employees give their time, skills
countries in the world do not require their and resources in the service of the company’s
people in mandatory service but instead, they internal and/or external communities. (Section
replace it with a national civilian service which 5(b), RA 9418).
aims to develop a sense of nationalism among EXAMPLE OF VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES
its citizens. Civilian service is usually performed 1. Donation of material resources
in the service of non-profit governmental bodies 2. Fundraising for a cause
or other institutions. 3. Outreach activities
THE VOLUNTEER ACT OF 2007 4. Environmental campaign
The Republic Act 9418 or the Act Institutionalizing 5. Medical and health-related advocacies
a strategy for Rural Development, Strengthening 6. Knowledge and change management
Volunteerism and for Other Purposes is the law 7. Scholarship programs
which paves way for volunteerism in the 8. Sharing of expertise, particularly of business and
Philippines. The State, as the protector of the developmental skills
people, must promote the participation of the THE PHILIPPINE NATIONAL VOLUNTEER
various sectors of the Filipino society, and as SERVICE COORDINATING AGENCY (PNVSCA)
necessary, international and foreign volunteer
organizations in public and civic affairs. It should
Transcribed by: Ashley Empaynado | BS Nursing | Prof. Zara Gaboy

The PNVSCA created by Executive Order No. 134, specially designed to enhance the youth’s active
as amended, shall undertake the implementation contribution to the general welfare. The law was
and execution of the provision of this Act. implemented effective school year 2002-2003 in all
According to Section 9 of R.A No 9418, the PNVSCA THE ROTC, WHERE THE NATIONAL SERVICE
shall have the following functions: STARTED
1. Review and formulate policies and guidelines The Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) started
concerning the national volunteer service program originally in the United States. It dates from the
consistent with national development priorities. passage of the Morill Act of 1862 which granted
2. Coordinate, monitor and evaluate the national public land to the senator and representative of
volunteer service program in order that volunteer each state. These lands were to be sold; and then
assistance may fit into the total national proceeds were to benefit educational institutions
development goals; that would offer certain programs, including part-
3. Act as clearing house for matters pertaining to time military training, to their students. These
international volunteer services; schools called “Land Grant Colleges” began to
4. Develop and implement prototypes and models appear after the American Civil War (ROTC in the
of volunteering for adoption by institutions and Philippines 2009). After its beginning, many
communities; countries in the world follow. Colleges and
5. Provide technical service and support for universities abroad and in the Philippines were
capacity building of volunteers and volunteers’ required to maintain an ROTC unit. It requires all
organizations; male students of any baccalaureate course to
6. Undertake advocacy for the promotion and undergo military training either in Army (AROTC),
recognition of volunteerism as a tool for Air Force (AFROTC), or Navy (NROTC). The basic
development; course can be finished for four consecutive
7. Establish and maintain a national network of semesters and will make them eligible to be
volunteer organizations and serve as a liaison candidates as officers of the Armed Forces of the
between among local and foreign governmental Philippines (AFP).
private voluntary organizations including the THE CREATION OF NSTP LAW
United Nations Volunteer (UNV); and In June 2001, an official statement was released by
8. Administer all the PNVSCA funds from all the U-Belt Consortium, an association of
resources including foreign aid in accordance with universities along with the city of Manila, headed
accounting and auditing requirements. For this by the University of Santo Tomas ROTC unit which
purpose, the executive director of the PNVSCA shall called for the abolition of ROTC Program in
submit an organizational plan upon the advice of response to the death of Cadet Officer Mark
the Multi-Sectoral Advisory Body to the department Welson Chua, a 19- year-old Mechanical
of Budget and Management Engineering student of UST. His death became the
THE NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING catalyst for the passage of Republic Act 9163 or the
PROGRAM National Service Training Program Law, which
Overview of the National Service Training removed completion of ROTC as a mandatory
Program requirement for graduation for all male college
The National Service Training Program (NSTP) is a students in the Philippines. It appeals that the
Law otherwise known as Republic Act 9163 or the ROTC program can no longer meet the constitution
NSTP Act of 2001, refers to the program aimed at it was based on and that it perpetuates the power
enhancing civic consciousness and defense of the military over the liberal university orientation
preparedness in the youth, by developing their (“ROTC Crisis of 2001” 2014).
ethics of service and patriotism while undergoing Components of the National Service Training
training in any of the three (3) program Program
components, the Civic Welfare Training Service 1. Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) - Refers
(CWTS), the Literacy Training Service (LTS) and to the program component designed to provide
the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC), military training in order to motivate, train,
Transcribed by: Ashley Empaynado | BS Nursing | Prof. Zara Gaboy

organize, and mobilize students for national The National Service Reserve Corps is composed of
defense preparedness. the graduates of the non ROTC components.
2. Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) - Refers Members of this Corps may be tapped by the state
to the program component or activities contributory for literacy and civic welfare activities through the
to the general welfare and betterment of life for joint effort of the DND, CHED, and TESDA.
the members of the community or the Graduates of the ROTC shall form part of the
enhancement of its facilities, especially those Citizen’s Armed Force. Pursuant to Republic Act No.
devoted to improving health, education, 7077 (Section 11, RA 9163).
environment, entrepreneurship, safety, recreation The Civil Welfare Training Service
and moral of the citizenry. Under the Republic Act 9163 or the NSTP Law, the
3. Literacy Training Service (LTS) - Refers to the CWTS component comprises the following topics to
program component designed to train students to be discussed:
teach literacy and numeracy skills to school 1. Health
children, out-of-school youth, and other segments 2. Education
of society in need of their service. 3. Environment
Who Are Required To Take The NSTP? 4. Entrepreneurship
Students, male and female, of any baccalaureate 5. Safety
degree course or at least two (2) year technical- 6. Recreation
vocational courses in a public and private 7. Moral of the Citizen
educational institution shall be required to complete CITIZENSHIP TRAINING
one (1) of the NSTP components as requisite for What is Citizenship?
graduation. A term denoting membership of a citizen in a
Management of the NSTP Components political society, which membership implies,
The school authorities exercise academic and reciprocity, a duty of allegiance on the part of the
administrative supervision over the design, member, and duty of protection on the part of the
formulation, adoption, and implementation of the State (DeLeon 2011).
different NSTP components in their perspective The Citizens of the Philippines
schools: Provided, That in case a CHED – or – 1. Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the
Tesda accredited non-government organization time of adoption of this Constitution.
(NGO) has been contracted to formulate and 2. Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of
administer a training module for any of the NSTP the Philippines
components, such academic and administrative 3. Those born before January 17, 1973, of Filipino
supervision shall be exercised jointly with that mothers, who elect Philippine citizenship upon
accredited NGO: Provided, further, that such reaching the age of majority.
training module shall be accredited by the CHED 4. Those who are naturalized in accordance with
and TESDA. The CHED and TESDA regional offices (Article IV of the 1987 Philippine Constitution).
shall oversee and monitor the implementation of The Three Kinds of Citizenship
the NSTP under their jurisdiction to determine if the 1. POLITICAL CITIZENSHIP - It means showing
training are being conducted in consonance with respect for the law and government. One can be a
the objectives of this Act. (Section 10, RA 9163). good political citizen by carrying out duties such as
Institution Exempted from the NSTP voting, paying taxes, and obeying traffic rules.
In view of the special character of the following 2. ENVIRONMENTAL CITIZENSHIP – It involves
institution, they are exempted from offering the caring for the environment. Practice environment
NSTP under the implementing rules and regulations citizenship by doing things like conserving water,
of the NSTP Law. using fuel wisely, planting a tree, and putting
1. Philippine Military Academy (PMA) garbage in the disposal.
2. Philippine Merchant Marine Academy (PMMA) Why is Environment Citizenship Important?
3. Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA) Environmental Citizens can exercise their
The National Service Reserve Corps environmental rights and duties, and able to
identify the underlying structural causes of
Transcribed by: Ashley Empaynado | BS Nursing | Prof. Zara Gaboy

environmental degradation and environmental nation by being productive. There are productive
problems. It is also the idea that we all should take employees, business owners, artist, public servants,
responsibility for how we interact with the and caregivers and so on. They make a positive
environment. contribution to their nations.
How does one become an Environmental 4. BE ACTIVE IN YOUR COMMUNITY - they
Citizen? participate in the social life of their own city or
You can start by educating yourself and simply town, and they look their place to make a better
making a few changes in your lifestyle, go on to place to live
support environmental causes and attend massive 5. KEEP YOURSELF WELL-INFORMED - read to
events, or even go one step further and volunteer educate yourself about the important issues facing
for a hands-on activity in the conservation field. your nation like various sources that cover local,
3. SOCIO-ECONOMIC CITIZENSHIP - It is national and global news, books that has a content
about caring for the community and supporting of important issues, biographies of people who
the economy. A person can show socio- have help to shape the world and history books.
economic citizenship by buying products made 6. BE VIGILANT - we always keep our eyes to the
in the Philippines, engaging in legitimate people with a high position if they perform their
livelihood programs, and volunteering in church duties and obligations.
groups, health centers, and schools. 7. PARTICIPATE IN YOUR NATION'S
What is Good Citizenship? POLITICAL LIFE - you should be politically active.
Citizens should realize that for every right there As a citizen, you have the right to have your voice
must be a corresponding duty. They have rights of heard. Exercise that right.
which they cannot be deprived of, but they also 8. BE A MENTOR - "Today’s kids are tomorrow's
have duties which they must not neglect. If the citizen." Help shape the citizen's future by
people are aware not only of their rights but also mentoring the kids.
their obligations, there will be less The Need for Participation for Good
misunderstanding and less conflict in society. One Citizenship
of the reasons for the turmoil and ferment in many Participation means being involved in something
countries is the attitude of demanding one’s rights you believe in, Participation in the decision making,
under the law and yet being forgetful of one’s or governance, of your barangay, city, municipality,
duties as a citizen. or province is important of being a good citizen,
THEODORE ROOSEVELT says that the first Participation is an essential part of good
requisite of a good citizen in this republic of ours is governance.
that, He or she will be able and willing to pull his Participation means being involved in something
own weight that he shall not be a mere passenger you believe in, Participation in the decision making,
but shall do his share in the work that each or governance, of your barangay, city, municipality,
generation of us find ready to hand. or province is important of being a good citizen,
Ways to be Good Citizen: Participation is an essential part of good
1. A GOOD CITIZEN IS PATRIOTIC - having governance.
and showing devotion to our country. It means There are two kinds of Participation:
having an attachment to certain cultural values and o DIRECT PARTICIPATION – is a very
showing critical loyalty to your nation. effective way of being involved
GOOD CITIZEN - Honesty or always tell the truth, somebody to represent your needs and wishes.
integrity, be morally upright, be accountable for GOOD GOVERNANCE, a key to Philippine
yourself and for your action, respectfulness, treat Economic Development
other people how you want to be treated, showing Governance is a process of making decisions and
kindness and be friendly, be considerate to others then putting these decisions into action (UNESCAP),
and be always fair. Governance is the ‘output’ of what governments
3. BE A PRODUCTIVE MEMBER OF THE do, Local governance involves decision-making
SOCIETY - a good citizen contributes to their process at the local government level, good
Transcribed by: Ashley Empaynado | BS Nursing | Prof. Zara Gaboy

governance is decision making which results in

better standards of living for everyone.
GOVERNANCE (Local Government Academy
1. PARTICIPATION. People are viewed as
stakeholders, so the government should care about
their needs and interests. They should be included
in planning, implementation, and monitoring.
2. RULE OF LAW. When the government makes
fair laws. The human rights of people, particularly
minority groups, are protected. Courts must be
unbiased and there should be an honest, uncorrupt
police force.
3. TRANSPARENCY. People can easily see and
understand what is happening in their government.
There are no secrets.
4. ACCOUNTABILITY. When the government
takes responsibility for their actions and can explain
to the people, they have made a decision.
government can work with different groups in the
community, particularly minority groups, to reach a
general agreement about something.
should feel included in society. Everyone has
opportunities to improve his/her quality of life.
7. EFFICIENCY. The timely delivery of services
using the minimum available resources to achieve
the greatest effect on the most number of people.
8. RESPONSIVENESS. The government can
respond to the needs of the people, or
stakeholders, within a reasonable amount of time.

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