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1 - The occasion I would send:

1. A request letter: when I need an estimate of my house repair from a construction contractor.


30 May 2022

Quick Repair Contractor

1001 Whatever St

Washington DC, DC 12345

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Joe Biden and I live in 234 White House St, Washington DC.

I have some roof damage on my house due to the heavy rain last night  and I would like to get a repair
estimate on it as soon as possible.

Thank you.


Joe Biden

2. A complaint letter: when I receive a broken item shipped to me from an online company.


30 May 2022

Toys R Us

123 Wherever St

New York, NY 12345

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Jack Dorsey and I want to write a complain about your toy I bought online last week via your
website. I received it 2 days ago delivered to my house and when I opened it the item inside was broken.

I want to return the broken item and please send me a new one as soon as possible.

Attached is the proof of purchase.

Thank you.

Jack Dorsey  

3. A thanking letter: when I receive a special wedding gift from a friend.


30 May 2022

Britney Spears

123 Somewhere Lane

Hollywings, CA 12345

Dear Britney,

I would like to thank you for the special gift you gave for our wedding. It meant a lot to both us. It is a
very thoughtful of you. Mike and I appreciate it very much and you are the best.

Thank you.

Yours Truly,


No. 2 - I received a gift I really wanted from my friend on my birthday. Below is a thanking  (body)
letter stating how grateful I am for receiving the gift.

I would like to thank you for the wonderful gift you gave for my birthday. It is a very nice gift and I like it
very much. It is a very thoughtful of you and I am very grateful to receive the gift.


Contoh-contoh kasus surat di atas tergolong Personal Letter (Surat Pribadi). Personal Letter adalah

sebuah jenis surat yang ditulis oleh seseorang ke orang lain tentang masalah/urusan pribadi. Bahasa
yang digunakan dalam Personal Letter pada umumnya menggunakan bahasa informal namun terkesan

Berikut bagian-bagian dari Personal Letter:

1. Tanggal – Tanggal saat surat ditulis.

2. Salutation/Greeting – Bagian ini dikenal sebagai bagian Salam Pembuka yang biasanya dimulai
dengan “Dear + Nama Depan”.

3. Body – Bagian ini adalah isi utama dari surat.

4. Closing – Bagian ini adalah bagian penutup surat yang diawali seperti: Regards, Sincerely, Yours
Truly, dan-lain-lain.

5. Signature – bagian ini adalah bagian paling akhir surat yang ditandai dengan nama dan tanda

Beberapa contoh Personal Letter antara lain:

1. Surat Permohonan (Request Letter)

2. Surat Komplain (Complaint Letter)

3. Surat Terima Kasih (Thanking Letter)

4. Surat Cinta (Love Letter)

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