Marn10b Prelim

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Mendoza, Ferdinand Ennyl C.

BSBA – MM 301

In your own understanding, what do you mean by Research? Why do we conduct

Research? Explain concisely.

- Research benefits companies. Many successful companies are investing in

research and development, including those that manufacture consumer goods

and mass-produced goods. There are a lot of benefits while conducting research

not just in business field but also in other activities that requires you to gather

data so that you can adopt easily in that chosen field or environment. This

includes conducting psychological surveys on consumption, hosting focus

groups, beta testing products by selected customer groups, submitting

satisfaction surveys to existing customers, and surveying the company's major

competitors. However, it is not limited to these. In selecting topic, it is important

that the topic has its own uniqueness and originality because the essence of a

research is to find a new information or knowledge about the topic. Creating a

research that is identically same to other research will not make any sense

because it will not provide what research should be giving to other people.

In your own perception, what is the difference between fundamental and applied

- Basic research or fundamental research, this type of research finds the unknown

and examines the data to satisfy curiosity. These usually include "how", "what",

and "reason" questions to describe the event. Basic research deals with how a

process or concept works. Knowledge gained from basic research often forms

the basis of applied research. Applied research is a type of test that seeks

practical solutions to existing problems. Applied research focuses on answering

specific client or sponsor questions. It is a kind of research method that

improves the human condition by applying natural science to real life.

In selecting topic, why is it important that the topic must be characterized by originality

and uniqueness? Explain briefly.

- The ability to come up with good research themes is an important skill. The

instructor may assign you a specific topic, but in many cases the instructor will

select you in your own area of interest and ensure that the topic is manageable

and that material is available. Request to do. Before choosing a topic, you need

to be clear about what you want your final project to look like..

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