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Chapter Four: Ruins and Caverns

power so raw that together they affect the world around

Grieg’s End him. Strange apparitions and monsters from the tormented
Grieg’s End, it is told, is the home of the great, insane geomancer’s imagination are found throughout Grieg’s
Combine geomancer Grieg. Originally a wizard in service End, and adventurers are warned not to believe everything
to the Tsaph Katta, Grieg activated the ancient wizard they see. The fortress, like its prisoner, remains untouched
spires on Norrath for his liege and was thus responsible for by time, almost as it was when Grieg’s servants first fled in
bringing the Combine people to Luclin. He did not stay the face of his madness. Some of those servants remained
long after the Loyalists’ arrival, for it was discovered that his behind, though, and were transformed into undying ser-
calculations had been in error, and that the refugees could vants. The rest of the complex is inhabited by spirit
not return to Norrath. When the Loyalists departed, Grieg creatures that resemble beings from the outside world.
remained behind in Shadow Haven to study the forces —Muliek
contained in the Nexus, but he was driven out after his
failed attempts at geomancy caused several costly disasters.
Needless to say, the Loyalists who now lived in Katta
Castellum did not want Grieg back, so the geomancer Random Appearance
wandered the moon of Luclin, finally settling in the moun- Those who enter Grieg’s End are said to change
tains north of the Scarlet Desert. Here, anxious to find a in appearance. The GM should be creative in using
way back to Norrath, he built a great fortress he called this effect. Perhaps visitors can trade appearances
Grieg’s End, where he settled in to continue his studies. — the female dark elf necromancer can take on the
Years passed, and Grieg’s research began to show promise, appearance of the male barbarian warrior, the
drawing the attention of the goddess Luclin. Erudite may look like the Vah Shir, and so on.
Luclin wanted no more travel between her domain and Alternately, visitors may take on the appearance
Norrath. She saw Grieg drawing closer to a solution, and of random creatures from Luclin or elsewhere
decided to take steps. She sent him visions and dreams, (thought horrors, grimlings, myconids, and the
even granting him a glimpse of the stones of wisdom in Vex like). To make matters even more difficult (and
Thal, where her own words were carved. entertaining!), the GM might decide that charac-
Thus, Grieg gained the knowledge he desired, but in the ters’ appearance change with every room, at regular
end it was all for naught — even a brief glimpse at the mind or irregular intervals, or maybe even in the midst of
of a goddess was enough to drive an ordinary mortal mad, fights, which will certainly make it difficult to
and Grieg was no exception. To this day he dwells in his distinguish between friend and foe — especially if
castle, unnaturally preserved by the goddess’s whim, sur- the foe suddenly changes appearance as well.
rounded by demons and specters sent by Luclin to contain
him. It is said his madness is so all-encompassing and his

Chapter Four:
Ruins & Caverns


Encounters in Grieg’s End 4 Roll 1d3. Use the similarly numbered result
from this table, above, except that only one
Grieg’s End is a vast, sprawling space, yet it is easily filled character can hear the sound(s).
by semi-material or even fully solid manifestations of the 5 Roll 1d3. The air in the room is (1) cool enough
geomancer’s madness. Many of the rooms appear empty on to raise gooseflesh; (2) uncomfortably cold;
the map, but when entered they prove to contain occu- (3) freezing cold.
pants, trigger sounds or strange events, and the like — 6 Roll 1d3. The air in the room is (1) warm enough
usually never the same occupant or event twice. It is up to to induce sweating; (2) uncomfortably hot; (3)
the GM whether that occupant or condition remains the abysmally hot.
next time the room is entered, whether by the same 7 As either number 5 or 6, above, except that
individual or another person. (The GM is encouraged to only one character feels the difference in tem-
produce a list of results from the following tables before the perature.
game session, to avoid bogging down play.) 8 Everyone in the room should make a Spot
Whenever a character enters a room that is not num- check (DC 20). Those who succeed feel as if
bered, the GM should roll 1d10 and consult the following they are being watched. (And, at the GM’s
discretion, perhaps they are being watched.)
9 Everyone in the room feels an uncomfortable
d10 Result Occurrence sensation (i.e., itching, wetness, stomach dis-
1–3 Phenomenon tress); this sensation may or may not have
4–6 Sending game effects, as the GM wishes.
7–8 Inhabitant 10 Everyone in the room feels a pleasant sensa-
9 Empty tion (the sun’s warmth, a gentle caress); this
10 Roll again (reroll another result of 10) sensation may or may not have game effects,
If the result is “roll again,” then the chamber may contain as the GM wishes.
both a prevailing phenomena and an inhabitant, for in- 11 Everyone in the room smells something un-
stance, or perhaps two distinct phenomena or two pleasant (mold, grave soil, etc.).
inhabitants. The GM should use even results that would 12 Everyone in the room smells something pleas-
normally contradict one another; for example, one or more ant (e.g. roses, apple pie).
characters may feel extremely cold while in the room, while 13 As any one of 8–12, above, except that only
one character feels the sensation or smells the
others are sweating profusely from the heat. Similarly, the odor.
characters might encounter an ice-bone skeleton in an
14 The room is transformed into an outdoor set-
otherwise idyllic springtime forest glen. ting (which may or may not be larger than the
In general, any effect or creature encountered in Grieg’s dimensions of the room should allow), such as
End is potentially real enough to cause physical harm — for a forest glade, a stream-bed, etc.
while it is but a figment of Grieg’s imagination given form, 15 The room is transformed into some subterra-
Ruins & Caverns
Chapter Four:

it is also given substance by the power of Luclin herself, nean setting (which may or may not be larger
channeled through him). Thus, a sending deals real dam- than the dimensions of the room should allow),
age if the PCs engage it in combat, and a pool of water found such as a dark, damp cavern, a warm, torch-lit
in a room that only moments before had been bare stone dwarven hall, etc.
can nevertheless be swum across (and a character might 16 The room is transformed into some interesting
even drown in it). indoor setting (which may or may not be larger
than the dimensions of the room should allow),
Objects or substances resulting from phenomena in Grieg’s such as a well-appointed sitting room with a
End can be taken from any room or otherwise brought into tinkling fountain, a dusty, abandoned dining
a character’s possession, but they disappear after 24 hours as room full of cobwebs, etc.
if summoned by a spell of the summon dagger spell line 17 One or more characters see constant flickers
(although they otherwise look and behave as normal items of motion out of the corners of their eyes —
or materials of their kind). The objects and materials but when they look, there is nothing there.
cannot be dispelled and do not disappear even in null- 18 There are strange markings or stains on the
magic areas (they are temporarily “real”). walls, ceiling, and/or floors (soot, blood, foot
Phenomenon: Roll 1d20 on the following table to find prints, etc.).
the local condition or experience prevailing in the room. 19 The walls, ceiling, and/or floors have some odd
d20 Roll Result property (e.g. glowing, transparent, spongy
1 Some loud sound (e.g. a single shriek, a bestial and wet, etc.).
roar) occurs as the door is opened. The sound 20 The very space-time fabric of the room is
may or may not have an apparent source. twisted in some way — perhaps time passes
2 A low sound (moaning, droning, tapping, etc.) more slowly or quickly therein, or perhaps
constantly fills the air for as long as the there is no gravity (or lighter or heavier gravi-
character(s) remain in the room. The sound ty), etc.
may or may not have an apparent source. GMs are encouraged to come up with their own effects
3 Some sound (laughter, heavy breathing, sob- and mysterious sights or sounds throughout Grieg’s End.
bing, children singing) can be heard intermit- Sendings: Sendings resemble ordinary creatures, but are
tently for as long as the character(s) remain in actually physical manifestations of Grieg’s tormented mind.
the room. The sound may or may not have an If a sending is encountered or described, select a random
apparent source. creature from Monsters of Luclin or Monsters of Norrath. The

Chapter Four: Ruins and Caverns

sending has that creature’s statistics and abilities, but is undead, known in Grieg’s old Combine tongue as singultus
perhaps surrounded by an odd luminescence (or has some proeliator. These are equivalent to Medium-size dark-boned
other unusual traits, as the GM wishes), and disappears skeletons (see Monsters of Norrath) with 12 to 24 Hit Dice.
when slain. Sent by Luclin to torment Grieg, Akhevan shadows (see
Inhabitants: Specific creatures that actually dwell in Monsters of Luclin), called occisor primoris (Xov shadows) or
Grieg’s End include the wizard’s former servants, now all occisor acerbus (Pli shadows).are common in Grieg's End.

1. Entrance Strength check (DC 25), but the tomb actually hides a
A short tunnel leads out to the Dawnshroud Peaks. Like quantity of alchemical ingredients and herbs worth about 250
most of this portion of the fortress, the entrance passage is gp. The tomb has a false bottom, however (Search DC 20),
normally unoccupied, save for mysterious sounds and occa- which contains 2d8 randomly-determined potions.
sional flickers in the shadows, as if something dark and fast 7. Fence Chamber (EL 20)
is moving there. Of course, when an observer looks into the
shadows, there’s nothing to be seen. A lone Vah Shir beastlord named Gesha Mraal (male Vah
Shir (ti), Bst 20, CN; Khati Sha, Naturalists of Luclin) and his
2. Barracks (EL 9–12) tiger Kirah (a type 7 warder) occupy this room, the tiger
This chamber once housed Grieg’s mercenary guards, but pacing protectively about her bewildered master. Gesha
they fled when madness took him. The room is lined with seems in a daze and does not respond coherently to any
cots and chests, but there is nothing of value in them. inquiries; he became lost in the complex and now suffers
Several singultus proeliator stand watch in the room, but from amnesia and disorientation. He fights competently
they do not fight unless attacked. enough if attacked, though, aided by an enraged Kirah.
Gesha is armed with a high master’s eitchatka (see Chapter
3. Courtyard (EL 0+) 5: New Magic) and a +2 punching dagger that, due to its
acrylia-alloy construction, gives off illumination as a candle.
This broad court is open to the dim sky overhead. It’s normally
empty, but sendings and singultus proeliator sometimes wander 8. Mushrooms (EL 10+)
the space, intent on their own unknown errands. Sometimes they
ignore intruders, other times they attack. Occupying this room are 2 malevolent sendings in the form
of a thought horror and a shik’nar. The floor is covered with
4. Shrine (EL 12+) pulpy detritus, from which several huge mushrooms grow.
The mushrooms were part of Grieg’s experiments, but most of
Several sendings in the form of fire and earth elementals
his servants suspected that madness was overcoming him, for

Chapter Four:
Ruins & Caverns
occupy this room, which was originally devoted to the
the mushrooms seemed quite unrelated to the problem of
worship of the gods of Norrath. After Grieg began to receive
escaping Luclin and returning to Norrath. The mushrooms
visions from Luclin, he changed it to a shrine devoted to the
are edible but have no other remarkable qualities.
Goddess of the Moon. It contains a statue of the dancing
Luclin, a smaller version of the giant statues commonly found 9. Pump Room
in Akhevan cities. It also contains an altar and several small
stelae inscribed with Akhevan hieroglyphics. These stones This room contains intricate mechanical pumps built to
appeared one day after Grieg had had an especially vivid carry water throughout the complex. The water has long
dream of the goddess, and he was only half way through since gone, but the pumps remain, and the fortress’s other
translating them when the madness overcame him. inhabitants sometimes wander through here.
Anyone who can read the Fleshless Tongue of the Akheva 10. To Upper End
can attempt to read the tablets, but they are in a very obscure
This door opens to Area 14 in the upper end of the
dialect and require a Language (Fleshless Tongue) check (DC
20) and 2 to 3 hours to decipher. If successful, the reader finds
1d4 spells of the GM’s choice on the tablets. 11. Kitchen (EL 9+)
5. Tomb Food was once prepared in this stone chamber; Grieg’s
oven still occupies the south wall of the room. The rest of
A single granite sepulcher occupies the center of the
the room’s fixtures were carried off by fleeing servants, and
room. It is not a real tomb, but a solid chunk of granite.
today a pair of sendings in the form of remarkably tough
Grieg had it constructed after he went mad, and no one can
(Medium-size, but 20+ HD) rock hoppers remain here.
say why. The “tomb” is inscribed with Akheva-style hiero-
glyphics, but they are meaningless gibberish. 12. Wizard Spire
6. Tomb (EL 13) Originally, Grieg built a small circle of wizard spires here, much
like the miniature spires at the gates in the Nexus that lead back
The false tomb in Area 5 might have been built to distract
to Norrath. On the verge of discovering a way of activating the
intruders from the “real” tomb located here. The room is
spires and opening a route back home, however, Grieg was seized
occupied by 2 sendings of type 5 spirit wolves that lurk in the
by Luclin’s madness and he soon disassembled the small spires —
shadows unless the tomb is disturbed. The tomb does not
all save one that sits alone in the middle of this room.
contain any kind of remains. Moving the lid requires a

spire must be collected before users can begin to experi-
ment with the spire. Once the fragments have been obtained,
Quest: Quest for the Spire a Knowledge (mysticism) check (DC 33) followed by a
Faction: Nexus Scions (+1 rank). Knowledge (planar travel) check (DC 38) and 2d4 days of
NPC: Natana Sharif. study are required to get the spire functioning again. If
CR: 13+. either check fails, the study process must start again and the
Reward: +1 faction rank with the Nexus Scions two checks must once more be attempted. If either roll is a
(and see below); 1,000 gp; attuned spire shard. natural “1”, then the spire is permanently damaged and will
Consequence: None. not function again.
Quest Summary: The opening of the gates to 13. Storage
Norrath has spurred even greater interest in the old
spells and devices used for the first Exodus. Lady There are still a few boxes and barrels here. Most were
Natana Sharif (female Erudite, Ari 4/Wiz 19, OG; looted by servants before they left, but some dry goods and
NSc), Mistress of the Guild of Nexus Scions in Shadow preserved food can be found in this chamber, somehow still
Haven, has heard rumors that fragments of Grieg’s fresh and edible as the day it was left.
miniature spires may still contain useful energies. She
asks the characters to journey to Grieg’s End and bring
14. Open Courtyards
back as many fragments of the geomancer’s spires as This chamber, like those around it, was originally a room
possible. intended for habitation by Grieg’s servants. Early on, when
If the characters bring an entire intact spire back, Grieg was relatively sane and still prosperous, there were
they receive +2 faction rank (as opposed to the +1 for many servants, all sharing these rooms dormitory-style. As
merely bringing back pieces of spires). Once her re- Grieg’s fortunes declined, however, so did the numbers of
searches are completed, about one week later, Natana servants, and toward the end each individual had two or
Sharif gives the heroes an attuned spire shard (see three entire rooms to herself. After madness completely
below) and 1,000 gold pieces as a reward. consumed Grieg and the last of the servants fled, he
inexplicably transformed these rooms into largely-empty
Attuned Spire Shard courtyards open to the eternally morning-lit sky above.
Description: Fragments of wizard spires can be 15. Courtyard (EL 0+)
crafted into transportation devices with the correct
spells and magical treatment. The spires created by High columns rise up toward the almost-daylight sky.
Grieg were attuned to the world of Norrath, and the The wind constantly sighs among them and, as in the rest
lands of the Combine in particular. If properly pre- of the complex, strange sounds echo constantly. Among
pared, fragments of Grieg’s spires can be used to carry the shadows sometimes flit the shades that wander Grieg’s
End, the occisor primoris and the more powerful occisor
Ruins & Caverns
Chapter Four:

users back to the old Combine lands on Norrath.

Powers: The bearer of this item receives a +5 bonus
on Sense Heading checks. Once per day, a spellcaster 16. Discarded Spires
holding the shard can invoke a power identical to the
spell Combine gate. Once per week, a spellcaster hold- A dozen or so miniature wizard spires lie here in various
ing the shard can invoke a power identical to the spell stages of construction — or deconstruction. These were
Combine portal; however, after using this latter power, unsuccessful or partially-completed spires which Grieg
the spire shard’s Combine gate power cannot be used abandoned when his sanity finally fled. As with the spire in
again for one full week either. Area 12, these could be valuable to the researchers in
Shadow Haven, but they present the same difficulties to
Con +3, Wis +3, Int +3, hp +12, mana +16, all anyone who removes them.
resistances (3).
Bonus types: Ability scores = enhancement. Hit 17. Grieg’s Bedroom
points = arcane. Mana = arcane. Resistance = en- The geomancer himself once slept in this relatively small
hancement. but comfortable chamber. His bed, chests, table, and chairs
Activation: Spell Trigger [spellcaster] (Combine remain intact and untouched, but Grieg is nowhere to be
gate, Combine portal); Use Activated (all other pow- found.
Caster Level: 17th. 18. Sitting Room (EL 0+)
Market Price: 914,350 gp. A pleasant stone chamber, this sitting room contains
Slot: Miscellaneous. several low tables and comfortable chairs. Shades some-
Weight: 0.1 lbs.–3 lbs. times wander through this room, but as in the bedroom
there is no evidence of its original owner, Grieg.

19. Pillar Chamber (EL 11+)

By itself, the lone spire has no magical properties, but it Solid granite pillars fill this room; it’s not certain whether
might possibly be made to function if combined with these pillars were placed here for structural stability or for
fragments from the other fallen or destroyed spires that lie decoration, as aids in Grieg’s experiments, or simply as a
around Grieg’s End. Enough fragments to make an entire manifestation of his oncoming madness. Several guardians

Chapter Four: Ruins and Caverns

Chapter Four:
Ruins & Caverns

— mostly singultus proeliator, but occasionally occisor tain spells, information about Grieg, or just mindless gib-
primoris as well — lurk in the shelter of the columns, berish.
observing intruders. They might merely harass outsiders, More worthy of immediate note than the books is the
throwing rocks or simply showing themselves and then room’s sole occupant — a creature known only as the
fleeing. On other occasions, they attack fiercely. Servitor of Luclin, the personal emissary of the dark god-
dess who brought the very knowledge that drove Grieg
20. Spire Chamber mad.
This room is empty save for a few plants, both lunar and Years ago, the goddess Luclin dispatched one of her
Norrathian, growing here and there. However, the atmo- trusted servants to Grieg’s End — a great dark being similar
sphere almost literally crackles with magical energy. A low in appearance to an Akhevan shadow but having a physical
humming emanates from the southern end of the room form, bringing with it the knowledge of planar travel that
where a miniature wizard spire rises. The spire radiates Grieg desired. Unfortunately for the geomancer, the wis-
tangible magical force. dom that the Servitor bore was not intended for mortal
The spire is indeed functional, but very limited in use. A minds, and it proved too much for him to handle, driving
Spellcraft check (DC 35) is required to figure out how it him irrevocably over the edge into hopeless insanity. As
functions. Once an individual figures out how to work the madness took hold, however, Grieg sought vengeance on
spire, another Spellcraft check (DC 28) is required to the goddess and her servant, sealing the creature in this
activate it (taking 10 or 20 is not allowed on this second chamber behind a nearly impenetrable magical barrier.
check). If the spire is successfully activated, the user and all The Servitor remains in the room, and has grown some-
creatures within 30 feet are immediately transported to what mad itself, desperate to escape. Though it can be
Area 37, where Grieg Veneficus himself lurks, lost in reasoned with (Diplomacy DC 30 persuades it to stop and
madness. listen), the Servitor is mostly consumed with rage and fear,
attacking anyone who enters the room as allies of Grieg
21. Barracks who are therefore at least indirectly responsible for its
These well-appointed barracks, intended for Grieg’s imprisonment.
mercenaries, are almost entirely intact. The room contains Servitor of Luclin: CR 33; Huge outsider; HD 35d8+315; hp 489; Init
a dozen comfortable beds, each with its own chest, bedside +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Spd 40 ft.; AC 38 [flat-footed
table, and armor rack. Some of these racks contain armor 33, touch 13] (–2 size, +5 Dex, +25 natural); BAB +35; Grap +54; Atk
(the GM should determine how many suits of armor and +47/+43/+39/+35/+31 melee (4d6+14, crit 19–20, sombrous
what type are available), and some chests contain clothing claidmore) and +39 melee (1d8+5, wand of musing); Face 10 ft. by 10
and weapons. ft.; Reach 15 ft.; SA spells; SQ damage reduction 40/+5, divine powers
(celestial healer, invisibility to undead, purify soul, receive divine
22. Commander’s Bedroom (EL 22) aura), fast healing 20, flowing thought I, Greater Specialization (abju-
ration), immunities, see in darkness, spell resistance 35, telepathy; Res
There are 4 occisor primoris shades standing guard in this
Ruins & Caverns
Chapter Four:

AR 50, CR 50, DR —, ER 25, FR 50, MR 51, PR —, SoR 25; AL NE;

room; they attack anyone trying to pass by them, but do not Fac Luclin; SV Fort +28, Ref +24, Will +30; Str 33 (30), Dex 21 (18),
pursue foes who flee back out of the room. Grieg’s guard Con 28 (25), Int 33 (28), Wis 33, Cha 21.
commander once occupied this bedroom, but the chamber’s Skills: Bluff +40, Channeling +44, Diplomacy +28, Es-
location on the way to the library caused a great deal of cape Artist +25, Gather Information +20, Hide +32,
traffic to pass through here, much to the commander’s Intimidate +42, Knowledge (geography) +29, Knowledge
chagrin (Grieg’s irrational placement of the bedroom may (history) +30, Knowledge (mysticism) +46, Knowledge
be evidence of his oncoming dementia, but there is no way (planar travel) +46, Knowledge (religion) +30, Listen +46,
of knowing for sure). Meditation +46, Search +46, Sense Heading +31, Sense
The room contains a fine hardwood bed, two chests Motive +46, Sneak +23, Spellcraft +48, Spot +46, Taunt
containing high-quality clothing, and an armor rack with +40.
a suit of masterwork full plate armor. There is also a Feats: Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Double Attack, Dual
weapons rack that still holds a longsword, a battleaxe, and Wield, Improved Initiative, Parry, Power Attack, Riposte,
a mighty (+3) composite shortbow, all masterwork. School Specialization (abjuration).
Cleric Spells Prepared (mana cost, modified for Greater
23. The Servitor of Luclin (EL 31) Specialization): Aegolism (135), banish summoned (37),
This chamber has but a single door, locked and magically bulwark of faith (53), enforced reverence (33), paralyzing earth
sealed by Grieg in one of his last rational acts, which would (17), trepidation (7), the unspoken word (71), wake of tran-
present a considerable challenge to batter down. Any quility (50). Caster level 30th; save DC 21 + spell level.
character making a Spellcraft check (DC 30) can discern Mana Pool: 786.
that the portal is heavily warded against passage. Normally, Immunities (Ex): Immune to disease and poison, subdual
it can be opened only with a special golden key originally damage, energy drain, ability score damage or drain, stun-
carried by Grieg, but now in the possession of Prast Iantor ning, and paralysis.
in Area 25.
Possessions: Sombrous claidmore (see Chapter 5: New
Magically Sealed Door: Hardness 25; 500 hp; Break DC Magic), wand of musing (see Chapter 5: New Magic).
— (can’t be burst).
Servitor of Luclin (buffed with aegolism and bulwark of faith): hp
The room beyond the door was once a library. The walls 694; AC 46 [flat-footed 42, touch 21] (–2 size, +4 Dex, +25 natural,
are lined with bookshelves, though only a few volumes +9 divine); SQ damage reduction 40/+5 and 19/–.
remain. The GM may determine whether the books con-

Chapter Four: Ruins and Caverns

24. Barracks 32. Courtyard (EL 22+)

A unit of elite guards once stayed here on six comfortable Several occisor acerbus shades drift across this courtyard.
beds, each with its own armor tree and footlocker. Only one The passing of the years has made itself known here more
of these beds is used now, by the nearly mad warrior Prast than elsewhere in the complex (perhaps the magic that has
Iantor (see Area 25). protected Grieg’s End from aging is beginning to wear off,
or does not extend as fully to this area). Weeds and grass
25. Storage (EL 28) sprout between paving stones, and the furniture that once
This room contains boxes of decayed food supplies and stood here has fallen into piles of rotting wood.
mildewed cloth. The disheveled figure that lurks here is
actually legendary Combine hero Prast Iantor (male undead 33. Tomb
[human], War 28, DE; no faction), who spends much of his Grieg had another tomb constructed here, although only
time here inventorying items that will never be used. Like he knows (perhaps!) who he intended to lay to rest. The
Grieg himself, Prast is kept “alive” by the will of Luclin, but tomb is empty and unguarded, as if it was never used for its
is quite mad, and still believes that Grieg’s End is function- intended purpose.
ing in its normal fashion. He is a tough fighter, but he
simply orders intruders to leave, threatening to summon 34. Entrance Chamber
the guards if they do not. If the guards don’t arrive, he This room appears to have been ransacked. Its door lies
accuses the intruders of having killed them all, and attacks. fallen on the floor, and some boxes that once contained
Prast wears Combine chainmail (see Chapter 5: New Magic), supplies are broken and looted. A constant hot breeze from
a Tobrin’s mystical eyepatch, and a +5 Combine claymore, and the corridor beyond blows through the chamber.
he bears a golden key that opens the door to Area 23.
35. Bedchamber
26. Courtyard (EL 20) Once quarters for servants who tended this portion of the
An occisor acerbus shade guards the door to this open complex, this room contains two large beds and chests.
courtyard. The area contains chairs and tables, and was
once used for casual outdoor dining by Grieg and his 36. Passage to Scarlet Desert
visitors. A single stove at the eastern end of the courtyard This portal opens in the rugged cliffs surrounding the
provided heat. Scarlet Desert (see Scarlet Desert, Area 91).
27. Guest Chamber 37. Grieg’s Chambers (EL 34)
Grieg himself lived in reasonable luxury, but his work Characters transported from Area 20 arrive at the end of
always took priority and he reserved the truly posh accom- the passageway to this chamber, where 2 occisor acerbus
modations for distinguished visitors. This room contains a stand guard. Up a flight of stairs is an open courtyard, where

Chapter Four:
Ruins & Caverns
huge, comfortable, canopied bed, upholstered chairs, and a what is left of Grieg Veneficus wanders aimlessly, mutter-
hardwood dining table, all in perfect condition. ing incomprehensibly to himself. He sees all outsiders as
servitors of Luclin, come to torment him further, and reacts
28. Conference Courtyard accordingly. He has 6 occisor acerbus companions who aid
Another open space, this courtyard was intended for him if he is attacked.
conferences or meals when the weather was good. It con-
tains a long table with comfortable chairs. Grieg Veneficus
This terrifying, vaguely wraith-like being is all that
29. Storage (EL 20) remains of the powerful geomancer Grieg. After helping
An occisor acerbus shade stands guard outside this cham- the Combine Loyalists escape to Luclin, he was distraught
ber. The interior is piled with boxes and great stacks of hay, to discover that he could not find a way to return. Forced
probably intended to feed horses and livestock associated to leave both Shadow Haven and Katta Castellum, Grieg
with the fortress. The hay is fresh and unspoiled despite the wandered for a time before finally settling in the northern
passage of years. wastes of Luclin’s moon, where he built his home, Grieg’s
30. Twin Spires (EL 21) Here, safe from outsiders, Grieg continued his researches,
Two nonfunctional wizard spires flank a white marble hoping to find a way to escape from Luclin and undo the
casket. If the casket is opened, 2 occisor acerbus emerge and harms he had caused. In the end, his research was his
attack. The casket contains various potions and minor undoing, for when he called upon the goddess Luclin for
magic items (determined by the GM), but no corpse. guidance, she sent him more knowledge than even his
substantial intellect could contain. Driven to madness,
31. Pump Room Grieg allowed his home to fall into disrepair; today he
Water in the eastern portion of the complex was moved lingers on in a vague semblance of life, surrounded by
by the mechanical pumps in this room. The room also Luclin’s shades and the shambling undead remains of his
contains beds, a large table, and furniture for the pump- servants.
tenders. While there is no water, the pumps themselves are Grieg’s madness has made him an even more fearsome
in perfect condition. opponent. When approached by foes, he usually allows his
shade companions or summoned creatures to take the

initial attack, then once the enemy is fully engaged uses his Grieg’s Vengeance (Su): Rather than the frightful pres-
Grieg’s vengeance power to draw individual close to him ence ability typical to revenants, Grieg has the ability to
where he can attack them in melee. If engaged in melee by disorient his foes with a mere touch. If his touch attack
multiple foes, he will teleport away and cast an area effect succeeds, the target must make a Will save (DC 32) or be
spell upon his opponents. subject to one of the following randomly determined ef-
Grieg Veneficus, Male Revenant [Human], Wiz 30/War 9 (always fects:
buffed with manaskin): CR 33; Medium-size undead; HD 30d12 plus d4 Result Effect
9d12; hp 370 [plus (2d10+2)x10 = ave. 130 vs. spells/spell-like abilities 1 Target is effectively paralyzed for 1d4 rounds.
only]; Init +8 (Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 34 [flat-footed 25, touch 22] (+5 2 Target is blinded and deafened for 1d4 rounds.
Dex, +3 natural, +9 armor, +3 deflection, +2 haste, +2 dodge); BAB
+24; Grap +30; Atk +36/+34/+32/+30/+28 melee (1d3+9 plus ignite 3 Target is confused for 1d4 rounds.
bones proc [Proc DC 21; Fort DC 33], crit 19–20, Bonecurse) and 4 Target is immobilized as if by a root spell for
touch +25 melee (Grieg’s vengeance); SA Grieg’s vengeance, spells; 1d4 rounds.
SQ berserking, cold, fire, and magic saves +1, damage reduction 2/–, Wizard Spells Prepared (mana cost, modified for Greater
flowing thought IV, Greater Specialization (alteration), greater Specialization): Annul magic (13), decession (8), evacuate
wizardries (mana burn, rapid casting x2), haste (5) [one extra action/ (8), flaming sword of Xuzl (117), Garrison’s superior sunder-
round], immunities, quicken mastery, spell resistance 29, Taunt bonus ing (90), ice spear of Solist (50), levitation (9), lure of
+3, teleportation mastery, ultravision, undead, +4 turn resistance; lightning (53), manaskin (55), Nexus portal* (23), tears
Res AR 15, CR —, DR —, ER —, FR 20, MR 30, PR —, SoR of Solusek (68), thunderbolt (50). Save DC 26 + spell
10; AL DN; Fac Grieg, Luclin; SV Fort +16, Ref +21, Will level, or DC 28 + spell level
+21; Str 22 (17), Dex 26 (16), Con
—, Int 43 (32), Wis 12 (6), Cha for evocation.
17 (15). * See Chapter 5: New
Skills: Bluff +11, Magic.
Channeling +45, Diplo- Mana Pool: 948.
macy +13, Escape Artist Immunities (Ex): Grieg is
+16, Gather Informa- immune to cold and elec-
tion +9, Handle tricity, and to attacks and
Animal +10, Hide +19, effects that would hamper
Intimidate +17, or halt his movement or
Knowledge (geogra- change his physical form
phy) +58, Knowledge to that of another crea-
(history) +36, Knowl- ture.
edge (mysticism) +49, Teleportation Mastery
Knowledge (planar (Su): Grieg need pay only
Ruins & Caverns

travel) +58, Knowl-

Chapter Four:

50% of the usual mana

edge (religion) +36, cost for any spell with
Listen +11, Meditation the [teleportation] de-
+62, Ride +17, Search scriptor. In fact, so great
+26, Sense Heading is his mastery of
+11, Sense Motive +17, geomancy and
Sneak +15, Spellcraft teleportation magic that
+51, Spot +11, Taunt Grieg can teleport himself at will
+11, Trade Skill to any location within 300 feet as a move action (no mana
(blacksmithing) +32, Trade Skill (jewelcraft) +27, Trade cost). Moreover, he may summon any creature within 100
Skill (pottery) +27, Undead Empathy +11. feet to any location within 10 feet of himself as if by the
Feats: Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Double wizard spell decession (mana cost 8; no save, though SR
Attack, Dual Wield, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Hand to applies). He need not be able to see his target to use this
Hand, Mental Clarity, Mobility, Mystic Capacity (x4), ability.
Parry, School Specialization (alteration), Spell Focus (evo- Possessions: Jennly’s two-tone cuirass (see Chapter 5: New
cation), Toughened. Magic), Bonecurse (see Chapter 5: New Magic), belt of
virility (see Chapter 5: New Magic), geomantic fingers of
focus (see Chapter 5: New Magic).


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