Decreasing Energy Losses in Transient Condition in DC Tractive Drive

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Decreasing Energy Losses In Transient Condition In Dc Tractive Drive


. . .

1.1 Introduction. 1.2 Calculation the losses in DC separately motor in transient state. 1.3 Decreasing the energy losses in transient state in DC Separately motor. 1.4 Decreasing the energy losses in transient state in DC Series motor. 1.5 Chopper.

1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 The general characteristic of work

he correct using of the electric power is a matter of economic interest in any country on establishment, because it generally has a large bearing on the capital and running costs of numerous electric drives.

Usually to produce one unit of electric energy we have to spend 23 units of primary fuel like gas, uranium or petroleum. Here we have to point out two things: The primary fuel is non-renewable. The costs of primary fuel constantly rise. We see that the more consume of electric energy directs to rise in costs or prices, dirtying environment and exhausting the energy recourses. More effective methods to economy electric energy are connected with the spending for energy-efficient events and the mentioned negatives will be gone. The main consumer of electric energy are electric drives, which consume about 65-70% of all produced electric energy, therefore the experts and specialists in energy saving concentrate on electric drives. One of the methods for economy electric energy is connected with rational organization of start-stop regimes of electric drives which is needed in their exploitation many starting and stopping times, like electric drives of paper making machines tramway and metal-cutting devices where many D.C. drives are used.

That is why the problem of decreasing the energy loss for the rational organization of start-stop regimes is very important and urgent.

1.1.2 The object of work

Is to research or study possibility of decreasing the energy loss in D.C. tractive electric drives rational organization of start regimes.

1.1.3 Methods of research

In the process of studying we use methods of electrical engineering, classical calculus of variation, theory of automation and modeling by IBM. The following positions are presented: 1. Accurating method for calculation electric energy loss in the D.C. electric drives in the transient conditions. 2. Algorithm control of supply voltage for decreasing electric energy loss in the first zone of regulations. 3. The grade of starting losses in the electric transport devices using the methods based on the static data .

1.1.4 Energy involved in transient processes of separately excited DC motors

The power drawn by the separately excited motor from power supply in order to develop a mechanical output at the shaft is consumed in:

1- Carrying the load at the shaft (1.1)

2- Storing kinetic energy in the rotating parts of electric drive, the amount of power required being determine by dynamic torque (1.2) 3- Covering the losses in the motor. If it assumed that the friction losses comprise a part of the motor load, then the losses in the motor will be the sum of the armature circuit, heat losses and the power required for field excitation. The energy loss in the armature circuit of a separately excited motor during starting is determined from the equation:


1.1.5 Evaluation of energy losses in case without load in traditional equation:

The energy drawn by the separately D.C motor it is consumed as: Kinetic energy stored in rotating parts of the motor The energy loss in the armature circuit of separately excited motor The energy loss in the armature circuit of separately excited D.C motor during starting determined from the equation. (1.4)

To find losses (without load), we get: =


Where :

1.2 Calculation the losses in DC separately motor in transient state

1.2.1 Evaluation of energy losses in case without load using dynamic equations:

The losses in starting without load represented by equation (2.23) : (1.6)

1.2.2 Evaluation of energy losses in case with load :

(1.7) Knowing In real system ( ), then: (1.8) The dynamic equation may write as: (1.9) Where: Derivative equation (2.26): (1.11) Substitution (2.9) and (2.28) in : (1.10 )

(1.12) Integrating this equation we get the final equation which expresses the total losses in starting mode: (1.13) The final equation of the total losses with load in armature circuit during starting .

1.2.3 Energy losses when the starting is with adding resistance

in the armature circuit energy loss independent of the value of starting resistance. With After is shunted (1.14) At load (After starting): (1.15)

The currents will be: (1.16)


For energy losses in the motor can write the following: (1.19)


(1.21) Where: 0.693 the time in which the

From obtained results the conclusions is that the energy loss is independent of the

1.3 Decreasing the energy losses in transient state in DC Separately motor

1.3.1 Decreasing the energy losses in transient state in D.C. separately motor
In previous section we calculate energy losses in transient state, and we observe how many the losses which we determine. In this section we will decrease these losses by changing voltage supply to be able to control of current to decreasing amount of energy losses. This will be achieved in two types of changing voltage supply: 1. Multi step. 2. linear rising

1.3.2 Energy loss with changing

Energy loss with changing


Direct starting not possible for the big starting currents. In previous methods of calculations energy loss we take as constant. Now will be changed in two steps, then we will evaluate the energy losses in this case. The first step of changing at The second step Then the general result in case : (1.22) Where: Is the number of voltage steps


Energy loss with changing

using MATLAB in multi steps:

Figure (1.1.A) model of changing voltage as four steps for separately excited method




Figure (1.1.B) output of voltage, speed & motor current for 4-step

When we increased numbers of steps the energy loss will be decrease that is prove in the table (1.1).

Table (1.1) The effect of changing number of steps in multistep method :

The number steps (k)


2 12.3*104

4 6.124*104

6 4.04*104

8 3.027*104

10 2.42*104


1.3.3 Investigation the linear equation without load:

The object of optimal control has been looked in which can be formulated into: - Finishing set speed by time t with minimum losses in motor. - This object is called variation. and conditions for analytical write is :

(1.23) (1.24)

From that we prove that the mount of current is constant, so:

Using kerchief law we can determine the rule to change voltage signal. (1.25) (1.26) (1.27) (1.28) (1.29) Where: (1.30) (1.31)


1.3.4 Investigation the linear equation with load

We prove that the amount of current is constant, so:

Using Kirchhoff law we can determine the rule to change voltage signal. (1.32) (1.33) (1.34) (1.35) (1.36) Where: (1.37) (1.38)

1.3.5 Reason ignore the value of

or ignore it, we

When we calculate the losses considering

conclude that the losses is same approximately as we show in table (1.2). So we ignored the value of .

Form simulation of the system proved, increased or decreased the amount of does not affected in amount of energy loss that is looked in table (1.2) Figure (1.2)


Figure(1.2) model of changing voltage as linear rising

Table (1.2) result of energy losses when changing rated of

0 1.366*

0.1 1.38*

0.2 1.392*

0.5 1.43*

0.8 1.468*

1 1.49*


1.3.6 Starting with linear rising of the supply voltage with limitation by nominal value.

Figure (1.3.A) model of D.C. separately excited motor with linear rising voltage input


Figure (1.3-B) output voltage, speed and current of D.C. separately excited motor linear rising mode

The general losses will be: (1.39) Starting losses make up: Ast To compare between linear ising and multi step if k was more or equal (2), for example when k=2 so: For multi step method: (1.40) K: number of step in multi step And for linear rising method: (1.41)


From two equations we can get value of n vise to K until to find the rated of energy losses between two method that show in table (3.3)
Table (1.3) result rated between n and k

K number of step N-for linear rising principle of

changing voltage Rated of losses

3 10

4 15

5 20

6 25

7 30

8 35

1.85 2.009 2.1

2.17 2.217 2.25

The result form table keeping accuracy increasing in linear rising law with increasing number of steps in multi step law, but does not found logic from increasing number of step from (4_8) steps which vise in linear rising law time equal (15_35) and the starting current in this

case was around (0.61.2) of the nominal value, for that depend on result we can say for linear rising principle more efficiency about

twice from multi steps law.


1.3.7 Decreasing energy losses with linear rising law of supply voltage with load. For armature current: (1.42) Substation in obtain equation instead of: we obtained;

After time And equation can rewrite:


For the last zone of transient condition, then t following equation is right: (1.44)

, the


Figure (1.4)starting current at T= const.

Figure (1.5) output of voltage , current and speed separately excited motor starting with load

To calculate the energy losses, the best and easy method is standing each part form transient condition parts alone .


The final equation: (1.45) The best for calculating energy losses during starting time is to take separately energy zone then sum them in form: Then (1.46) we are found this calculation and find optimum for losses energy by using Excel program when the load equal nominal, and from it, it is clear that minimum losses energy is when (n = 28) =

. .





150000 100000

4 2


1 3
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38
No. of n "n"

Figure (1.6) relationship between whereas :

with n


The curve no.1 : the losses energy in armature. The curve no.2 : the losses energy from loading The curve no.3 : the losses energy from static current. The curve no.4 : the total of losses energy.

, .

180000 160000


120000 100000 80000


40000 20000

No. of n

Figure (1.7)relationship between with n

The figure (1.7) shows losses energy when the load is half nominal From the curves its clear the optimum go to increase (n) when decreasing load.


2.1 Decreasing the energy losses in transient state in DC Series motor. 2.2 Chopper.


2.1 Decreasing the energy losses in transient state in DC Series motor

The thing which approximate the mathematical description for DC series and DC separately, that in starting state for DC separately started in current larger than current, this give us the ability to speech that in this time curve of this relationship is constant approximately because of the enter in saturation region. So we

can consider that the principle which we utilized it in DC separately motor can apply it for DC series motor for decreasing energy losses.

2.1.1 Decreasing the energy losses in transient state in DC Series motor (Using MATLAB simulink)
In this section we want to determine energy losses in transient state in DC series motor, starting in direct voltage supply. Then we want to decrease the energy losses by controlling supply voltage in two ways: 1. Multi step 2. Linear growing In the last we will compare the result.

2.1.2 the energy losses in direct operation without load :

Figure (2.1-A) we connect direct voltage on the model using MATLAB. We observe how much the energy losses, it is high. Energy losses in starting = 1.603 * 105Joule , as well as the energy losses in separately DC motor is And figure (2.1-B) shows the speed, current and moment.


Figure (2.1-A) the model of DC series excited motor using simulink in MATLAB





Figure (2.1-B) output of speed , current and torque direct voltage

2.1.3 Decreasing energy losses by changing voltage:

-step voltage Now will be changed in two steps, then we will evaluate the at energy losses in this case. The first step of changing The second step Then: and at the speed will .


Figure (2.2-A) shows the four-step model using MATLAB.





Figure (2.2-B) output of speed, current and four-step voltage Table (2.1) Comparison between energy losses in separately exited and series motor in multi-step Number of step Energy losses ( ) Separately motor Energy losses ( Series motor ) 1 2.822 * 105 1.603 * 105 2 12.3*10

4 6.124*10

6 4.04*10

8 3.027*10

10 2.42*10

8.095 * 104

4.062 * 104

2.712 * 104

2.038 * 104

1.63 * 104

We observe that when we increase number of steps, the Energy losses ( ) will be decreasing.

From table (2.1) we find that the energy loss in both motors approximately is similar, take in mind that also data should be equal.


Linear growing voltage

Figure (2.3-A)The model of series which demonstrated controlling of power supply.




Figure (4.7-A) the model of linear rising voltage signal using simulink in matlab


Figure (2.3-B) the signal output of linear rising voltage

Table (2.2) comparison between energy losses (Joule) in separately and series motor in changing voltage as linear rising n-for linear rising law Energy losses ( ) Separately motor Energy losses ( Series motor ) 10 1.24 * 10

15 0.92 * 10

20 0.7 * 10

25 0.56 * 10

30 0.52 * 104 0.67 * 104

1.3 * 104

0.96 * 104

0.8 * 104

0.7 * 104

From table (2.2) we can observe that the value is approximately equal.

Notice that the changing voltage in linear growing is the best method for decreasing Energy losses ( ).


2.1.4 Comparisons and conclusions

Table (2.3) comparison between energy losses (Joule) in separately and series motor in several status No. Principle of voltage changing Separately motor 1 2 3 4 1-step 4-step Linear rising voltage Second zone regulation 1.61 * 105 4.015 * 104 0.92 * 104 3.6 * 104 Series motor Separately motor 1.92 * 105 8.54 * 104 5.7 * 104 1.305 * 105 Series motor

1.603 * 105 4.062 * 104 0.96 * 104 -------

1.98 * 105 8.5 * 104 6.03 * 104 1.294 * 105

Now we can say that all of principles using in separately motors can be implemented on series motors. And from this we can see the linear rising is the best of all system to decreasing the energy losses when we work in first zone, and the exponential when we work in second zone.


2.2 Chopper
2.2.1 Generate linear rising voltage using chopper

In previous section we consider the linear voltage signal ideal, but in practical we generate it using chopper circuit to get a signal close form ideal linear voltage signal. Many industrial applications require power from dc voltage sources. Several of these applications, however, perform better in case these are fed from variable dc voltage sources. The conversion of fixed dc voltage to an adjustable dc output voltage, through the use of semiconductor devices is called chopping. A chopper is static device that converts fixed dc input voltage to a variable dc output voltage directly. It is a high speed on/off semiconductor switch (connects source to the load and disconnects the load from the source at a fast speed). The power semiconductor device used for a chopper circuit can be force commutated Thyristor, power BJT, power MOSFET, GTO or IGBT. A chopper may be thought of as dc equivalent of an ac transformer since they behave in an identical manner .like a transformer, a chopper can be used to step down or step up the fixed dc input voltage. Chopper systems offer smooth control, high efficiency, fast response and regeneration. In this control scheme, the time ratio is varied. This is realized in two different strategies: a) Constant frequency system: in this scheme the time is varied keeping the frequency constant. Variation of on-time means adjustment of pulse width , as this scheme is also known as pulse-width modulation(PWM) . b) Variable frequency system: in this scheme, the chopping frequency is varied and either ontime or off time is kept constant .this scheme is also known as frequency modulation.


Figure (2.4-A) the model of chopper


U ,


, /

Figure (2.4-B) the output signal of chopper circuit

Table (2.4) difference between linear rising and four-step at several frequencies

Frequency linear

500 Hz 0.042 * 104 8.038 * 104 8.080 * 104 0047 * 104 8.61 * 104 8.657 * 104

2000 Hz 0.043 * 104 8.037 * 104 8.080 * 104 0.049 * 104 8.58 * 104 8.629 * 104



3.1 Investigation of the suggested linear rising using MATLAB .



3.1 Investigation of the suggested linear rising algorithm using MATLAB .

A very interesting and exact enough method to grade starting losses in transport devices is the method based on statistic data about cost per unit spending energy for ton kilometer (TKm). In this work this method is used to grade energy losses for this tramway . Calculation showed that it is necessary to spend 0.7 kwatt . H when drive starts from t = 0 to establishment speed and for all transfers 1.25 kwatt.H and the energy losses will be about 0.35 kwatt.H and the kinetic energy will be the same 0.35 kwatt.H .

In this chapter we will cover the researches and minimizing energy losses in electric drives of transport devices like tramways. To calculate starting and stopping losses in establishment running it is offered to use : - Recommendation of energy conversation in starting regimes. Where it is needed to know the starting moment of transport devices and the moment of resistance in the time of establishment running . - Statistic data by energy specific costs for this type of transport device. - To calculate and determine the value of starting resistance moment we offer the following : The value of starting resistance in the start of running are not far , because the last while little speed is change insignificantly.


Voltage (volt)

Time (s)

Figure (3.1): the suggested voltage algorithm . By this assumption we can form the principle of voltage supply to grade the value of resistance moment . fig (3.1 ) shows one of these methods. Where some devices form linear rising voltage principle by time to the starting moment of transport device after that the control device leave the voltage constant and transport device will run to establishment speed (zone 2) . duration time for 1-2 zone about (2.5 - 3) seconds . Information about the drive current value will come to the controller from the sensors and for this regime the current expended just to overcome the running resistance value and Tb =Tc or Ib =Ic the base of current value can account the resistance moment like : Tst = Ist k . (3.1) Where Ist - static current. Km Coefficient depending on the design features of the given motor .


Figure (3.2) the supply voltage algorithm applied on the model


Figure (3.3) Suggested curves of voltage and starting current control for tramway .


After determining starting moment it is reasonable to predict the resistance moment at the time of running (movement). Using data of starting resistance, drive moments when different loads and with nominal speed 35km/h the curves of fig.(3.4) were built which reflect the dependence between resistance moment of tramway and its speed .

V (m/s)
12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 V (m/s)

L (m)

Fig.(3.4) Curves of dependence between resistance moment of tramway and its speed .


From curves fig.(3.5) we can determine the average value of starting moment .

= + .. (3.2)
Where is the slope angle of characteristic . Trun=


The value of TB.CPE is used to determine the principle of voltage rising for the following run of the transport device . After determining TTPOP and predicting the behavior of the resistance moment the nominal speed 30-35 km/h was taken as the most probable one . Therefore the controller determines the rising curve of drive supply voltage minimizing starting losses with calculating the value of TB.CPE using equation : UR =

t (3.4)


Where : UR armature voltage . U electric drive supply voltage . n -- number 1,2,3, M electromechanical time constant . t voltage rising time . The implementation of the offered sequence is to define the resistance moment using chopper. When starting by this algorithm and using ideal principles of supply voltage. The losses make up about 23% of losses by traditional starting methods . In this work the virtual model of chopper is used. By this model losses make up about 27% of losses by traditional starting methods .

Fig.3 The dependence of speed regime for tramway of the way The value of A1 is determined by mass and speed of transport device A1 = .(3.5)

And isn't possible for it to decrease, but about can decrease by forming drives voltage control using PDC and with this method the starting time won't be 10 but 11-12 seconds and losses can decrease in 4 times .

We think that this percent is agreed with real conditions. If compare the results of economy by this method with the results of calculating resistance moments, the conclusion will be that the results are the same but the last method is more clear at marking out the factors of economy energy :


- Economy on the starting zone . - Rationally used stored kinetic energy on the stopping zone . - Economy by selecting of the speed . Really in compare with traditional methods of control can decrease spending energy about 40-50% . Therefore for approach based on using statistic data of energy losses in electric transport devices to calculate and analyze energy losses to decrease there is a very perspective . Justification of the last method to grade energy losses is proved experimentally .


4.1 the Energy losses between two stations on the basis of the static data of tramway energy .

4.2 The Friction Torque Calculation


4.1 the Energy losses between two stations on the basis of the static data of tramway energy .
For the static data of tramway the dissipated energy is about 90120 Watt.H/ , using and depending on this quantity of energy we will try to explain the energy losses diagram when the tramway is moving from station to another . For the calculation of tramway energy losses we use the following data : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tramway weight = 18 Tons The distance between the two stations is 500 m The tramway weight + passengers weight = 25 Tons We consider that the required energy is 100 Watt.h/ We consider that maximum speed of the tramway is 36m/h and stay on it until beginning stopping 6. At the stopping the tramway doesnt consume energy from the electrical grid but providing it . For explaining the previous assumption , figure (4.1) shows the relation between speed , time and distance through the movement between two stations .

V (m/s)
12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550

Figure (4.1) : the relation between speed , distance and time .


Depending on the speed , steady state conditions and the movement distance we calculate the time parameters for each zone. By considering that the speed is linear rising so the average speed of the first zone is : Vavg =
0+10 2

= 5 m/sec .(4.1)

The required time for the first zone is t starting =

50 5

= 10 sec ..(4.2)

the time for second zone is tss =

400 10

= 40 sec .(4.3)

The time required for third zone is tstop =

50 5

= 10 sec .(4.4)

So the required time for the tramway movement from the beginning to the end is : trun = tst+tss+tstop = 10 + 40 + 10 = 60 sec ..(4.5) And within this interval the tramway needs the following amount of energy A = EWS .(4.6) Where : A : the required energy for this interval E : the required energy per ( Ton.Km ) W : the weight of tramway and passengers S : distance between two stations

By substituting the tramway data in equation (1) A = ( 100 . /. ) ( 25 ) ( 0.5 ) = 1250 Watt.H


A = 1250 60 min 60 sec = 45*105 J A = 1.25 kWatt . H

The average power consumed from the electrical grid is : Pavg =

1.25 60/ 3600

= 75.3 kwatt ( A= 1.25 kWatt.H)

Now we will conclude how this amount of energy will dissipate between two stations as follow :

1. For 25 Ton weight and 10 m/sec speed we need kinetic energy A1 =

= 0.5 25000102 = 125*104 J = 0.35 kWatt . H

2. The energy losses of motors if they starting with adding resistance in the armature circuit will be ARadd = 0.35 kWatt. H Thats mean is the total energy losses in the first zone A1 + ARadd = 0.35 + 0.35 = 0.7 kWatt. H

3. The required energy for the second zone ( steady state ) is A s.s = 1.25 0.7 = 0.55 kWatt. H

4. The required power for the second zone is Pss =


= 0.55 kWatt.H / 40 sec = (0.55 1000 3600) /40 sec = 49.5 kWatt.


In which part we can save energy ?? We can't decrease the value of A1 at this speed and weight of tramway, the value of ARadd we can decrease it if we use the voltage changing law and control it using chopper. But the required time will not be 10 sec. It will be ( 12 -13 ) sec we can decrease it four times . And for stored energy part of it can return to supply by using regenerative braking in process of stopping transport device . The virtual methods of regenerative braking were worked up SHOROVEM N.E and his students. At the results of their works we can return 100% of stored energy, but we will take it about 80% to supply this means that the economy of energy for realizing the energy-efficient control of start stop may be about 43% .

Apart of stored kinetic energy in the rotational parts of the motor could be returned to the electrical grid using regenerative braking. The efficiency and the safety for this kind of braking was studied by scientist and experts , depending on this studies 80% of the energy could be returned to electrical grid Thats mean = 0.35 0.8 = 0.28 kWatt.H By considering that the saved energy in first zone , AA1 = 0.35 * 0.75 = 0.2625 kWatt .H The total saved energy AA= 0.2625 + 0.28 = 0.5425 kWatt.H Or the saved energy by using voltage algorithm for the starting and braking 0.5425 will be : = = 0.434 = 43.4% 1.25 Assuming that the previous value is fit with the real conditions.


4.2 The Friction Torque Caculation

Finally we are thinking about the friction force on the steady state condition and by considering that the amount of the required energy in this zone we can be calculated from the formula :

A f = F.S .(4.7)
Where: F : the friction force. S : the distance between two stations.

A f = A s.s .. (4.8)
F =
( 0.553600 1000 ) 400

= (198 *104 ) / 400 = 4950 N = 495 kg.

The power of the friction force is :

Pfriction = 4950 N * 10 m/sec = 49500 N.m/sec = 49.5 kwatt

If the speed of the motor is known then we can determine the moment of braking

Tbr =

= 49500 / 293 = 168 N.m

If we compare the energy parameters for this type of transportation devices in this way with the previous results by considering the friction force we can conclude that the results so to each other but in that result the factors of saving energy will appears: 1. saving energy in the first zone ( starting ) 2. saving energy by selecting the required speed 3. using the stored energy in the third zone ( regenerative braking ) Comparing with traditional methods we can save about (40-50) % from the required energy.


So we can say that the calculations thats worked on the basis of the static data to study the possibility of saving energy is real and very important .


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