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Module 5: Being a Catholic Christian: Faith and Salvation

Let us start this lesson by pondering upon this question below:

As a Catholic Christian, what have you learned about faith and salvation?

Module Coverage

This module has the following lesson/s:

Lesson Title Expected Skills Core Values Estimated
no. You’ll learn to… Time
5 Being a Doctrine: discuss the different stages of growth in faith Strong faith in 10 days
Catholic as a response to God’s call; God
Faith and Morals: witness and live out one's faith to the God of Gratefulness
Salvation history, and for the of faith

Worship: attend liturgical celebrations in order to Prayerfulness

strengthen one's faith in God.

The learner will be able to know that Christian faith rests on the foundation of the Jesus’ resurrection and
salvation is the promise for all who adhere to this teaching in faith and in good deeds.

The learners articulate his/her Christian faith by living according to the teachings of the Gospel.

Holy Bible
CCC # 75, 759,761
Vatican II documents
Panagtagbo Series


To do well in this module, you need to remember and do the following:

1. Discuss the different stages of growth in faith as a response to God’s call.
2. Witness and live out one's faith to the God of history.
3. Attend liturgical celebrations in order to strengthen one's faith in God.


DAY 1 & 2

Let’s find out how much you have learned about being a Catholic Christian: Faith and
Salvation by answering the set of question below.

Task 1
Directions: Read carefully the selection below under (What do I see?) section.

Module 5: Being a Catholic Christian: Faith and Salvation 1|

Filipinos are known as people who have deep
devotion and piety. Wherever we go we see Filipinos who
show their piety both inside and outside the Church or in
liturgical celebrations. Our faith leads us into profound
communion with God our ultimate destiny in life.
The CFC teaches us that, "For most people, faith simply means "believing in God.” Christian faith
believes in the God revealed by Jesus Christ. Catholic Christian Faith means believing that Christ reveals God
to us in and through the Catholic Church, the body of Christ, united in the Holy Spirit" (CFC 114). Our faith
moves us to do the right things even if difficult. It provides us the will to have hope in ourselves and others
despite crises or tribulations. Faith stirs us to understand that Jesus will be with us in our voyage towards God's
Kingdom in our midst.
While we claim that the Filipinos nation has the largest number of Catholic Christians throughout Asia,
we still ask whether our way of living and witnessing is consistent to the faith that we received. There are many
among us today who are confused about their faith because they don't know what they profess as Catholics.
Many who belong to our community do not fully understand what they believe in because of the lack of
education in the faith.
Again the CFC observes: Faith in its broadest sense is a central reality in Filipino life." Take for
instance, when we get into a jeepney or tricycle, we have that trust that the driver will bring us safely to our
destination. There are many examples in our day to day life that demonstrate that we have basic faith in
ourselves. "Faith as a human reality, therefore, is central to our daily lives" (CFC 119).
Activity 1
Directions: Be brief and write legibly.

1. What does the selection all about?

End of Explore
Good job! It’s quite easy right? You were able to be acquainted about b eing a Catholic Christian:
Faith and Salvation. Now, it’s time to strengthen your learning as you go along to the next sections.


Task 2
Directions: Read the following selections below under What do I hear section.

A. What Does the Bible Say?
We draw upon the people and events in the Scriptures to paint a motivating representation of religious
faith, firm and steadfast. It is not a philosophical definition of faith but one that is revealed by God Himself.

Hebrews 11:1-12

Module 5: Being a Catholic Christian: Faith and Salvation 2|

Faith of the Ancients
Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen. Because of it the ancients
were well attested. By faith we understand that the universe was ordered by the word of God, so that what is
visible came into being through the invisible. By faith Abel offered to God a sacrifice greater than Cain's.
Through this he was attested to be righteous, God bearing witness to his gifts, and through this, though dead, he
still speaks.
By faith Enoch was taken up so that he should not see death, and "he was found no more because God
had taken him.” Before he was taken up, he was attested to have pleased God. But without faith it is impossible
to please him, for anyone who approaches God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek
him. By faith Noah, warned about what was not yet seen, with reverence built an ark for the salvation of his
household. Through this he condemned the world and inherited the righteousness that comes through faith.
By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place that he was to receive as an
inheritance; he went out, not knowing where he was to go. By faith he sojourned in the Promised Land as in a
foreign country, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, heirs of the same promise; for he was looking forward
to the city with foundations, whose architect and maker is God. By faith he received power to generate, even
though he was past the normal age-and Sarah herself was sterile-for he thought that the one who had made the
promise was trustworthy. So it was that there came forth from one man, himself as good as dead, descendants as
numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the sands on the seashore.
B. What does the Church teach?

Faith transforms us to live our lives like Jesus Christ. Believing in Christ is necessary for our salvation"
(CCC 161) it is a prerequisite to obtain eternal life. It is by our faith that we please God, "From experience we
realize that faith brings us fuller life which can be described by three basic values: genuine personal maturity,
freedom and happiness" (CFC 137).
The Three Essential Dimensions of Faith
Vatican II explains this faith-response as follows: "By faith man freely commits his entire self to God,
making the full submission of his intellect and will to God who reveals, and willingly assenting to the
Revelation given by Him" (DV 5). Christian Faith touches our minds (believing), our will (doing), and our
hearts (trusting)( CFC 128).
Faith is not mere knowing of some abstract truths. It is more like deep knowledge we have of our
parents, or anyone we love dearly (CFC 169). Christian Faith is personal knowledge of Jesus Christ as "my
Lord and my God" (Jn 20:28). Faith involves our basic conviction as Christians. "For if you confess with your
lips that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead; you will be saved (Rom.
10:9). John sums up his gospel with these words: "These things have been recorded to help you believe that
Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, so that through this faith you may have life in His name" (n. 20:31).
Christ solemnly assures each of us: "Here I stand knocking at the door. If anyone hears me calling and opens the
door, I will enter his house, and have supper with him, and he with me" (Rv 3:20) (CFC 129).
Faith is also doing. As St. James writes, "My brothers, what good is it to profess faith without practicing
it?" (Jas 2:14). Christ himself taught: "None of those who cry out Lord, Lord' will enter the Kingdom of God,
but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven" (Mt 7:21). Faith, then, is a commitment to follow
(obey) God's will for us. This we see exemplified in Mary's "I am the servant of the Lord. Let it be done to me
as you say” (Lk 1:38). PCP I1 brings out this "doing" dimension of faith as "witnessing" through
"lovingservice" to our needy neighbours. In our concrete situation, particularly urgent is the call for: 1) deeds of
justice and love; and 2) for protecting and caring for our endangered earth's environment (cf. PCP 78-80) (CFC

Module 5: Being a Catholic Christian: Faith and Salvation 3|

Beyond believing and doing, faith is also entrusting oneself into God's hands. Abraham, our father in
faith, at God's command left everything to set out for a foreign land. Against all human odds Moses trusted
Yahweh to free the Hebrews from their slavery in Egypt. In the New Testament, Jesus worked signs and cures
only with those who trusted in him. He promised the possessed boy's father: "Everything is possible to a man
who trusts” (Mk 9:23) (CFC 132).
Faith is personal yet ecclesial in nature. It is the Church first of all that believes and thus supports and
nourishes and sustains our personal faith (cf. CCC 168-69). We received the faith when we were baptized and
became a member of the Christian community, the Church. Inside our Christian families the faith embedded in
Baptism develops and matures. Faith is never simply something private or personal but a partaking in the
Christian community’s faith. It is our commitment as Catholics to nurture our faith in God by going to the
Eucharistic celebration particularly on Sundays to offer gratitude to God in whom "we move and have our
being". It is good to gather families and communities to go to the Mass and worship Christ the Lamb of God.
End of Firm-Up
In this section, you will be going to widen your understanding on Being a Catholic: Faith and
Salvation. Do the Activity 2 below and learn more about the topic.


Activity 2. Enumeration
Directions: Write your reflection about faith and salvation. Complete the idea below.

1. I shall live out my faith this way…

End of Deepen
You have learned the concept about Being a Catholic Christian: Faith and Salvation in your own way while
expressing your superb talent and skills. Proceed to the next section of this module to develop your

How am I doing?
Using the scale of 1 to 5, rate your skills (1 = poor, 2 = satisfactory, 3 = good, 4 = very good, 5 = excellent)
Rate Skills
Module 5: Being a Catholic Christian: Faith and Salvation 4|
I can discuss the different stages of growth in faith as a response to God’s call.

I can witness and live out one's faith to the God of history.

I can attend liturgical celebrations in order to strengthen one's faith in God.

Now that you have gained enough knowledge about Being a Catholic Christian: Faith and Salvation, let’s
apply your learning in a real-life context.


DAY 4-7

Performance Task
Directions: You are a feature writer of “The Bridge”, an official School Paper publication in your school. You are asked
by your School Paper Adviser to make a feature article on ‘Being a Catholic: Faith and Salvation’. This is to uplift the
spirit of being a Catholic Student. Your feature article must be substantial and free from any typographical error. Also,
provide an engaging title of your output. Do your feature article on an A4 size bond paper with at least 1 page and
maximum of 2 pages, Times New Roman, font size is 12; spacing is 1.5, and margin is normal (top 2.54cm, bottom
2.54cm, left2.54cm, right 2.54cm. Make sure to submit it along with this module. You can do it.

Notare Bone:

What is feature article?

A feature article gives information of human interest. It is generally the stories in newspapers and magazines other than
straight news stories, editorials, or advertising. Plus, because of their human interest, they attempt to involve the reader
emotionally. A good feature article is often interesting to read a year after it was written. It is more similar to fiction
because it tells a story.

Feature Article Rubric

Excellent Good Fair Poor
(5) (3) (2) (1)
No title.
TITLE Grabs reader’s Grabs the reader’s No special
attention is creative attention quality to grab
and appropriate. the readers’
Writers use vivid Writers use vivid Writer uses Writer uses a
words and phrases words and phrases words that limited vocabulary
WORD CHOICE that linger or draw that linger or draw communicate that does not
pictures in the pictures in the clearly, but the communicate
readers’ mind, and readers’ mind, but writing lacks strongly or capture
the choice and occasionally the variety, punch the reader’s
placement seems words are used and flair. interest.
accurate, natural inaccurately or
and not forced. seem overdone.
There is one clear, Main idea is clear, Main idea is The main idea is
well-focused but the supporting somewhat clear, not clear. There is a
defined topic. Main information is or the writer seemingly random
FOCUSED TOPIC idea is supported general. tries to bring in collection of
with detailed too much off information.
information. topic material.
The writer draws an The writer draws a The writer There is no
appropriate conclusion, but it’s rambles in the conclusion.
CONCLUSION conclusion and not satisfying. conclusion.
writes it well.
GRAMMAR Writer made no Writer made 1-2 Writer made 3-4 Writer made more
AND errors in grammar errors in grammar errors in than 4 errors in

Module 5: Being a Catholic Christian: Faith and Salvation 5|

SPELLING or spelling that or spelling that grammar or grammar or
distract the reader distract the reader spelling that spelling that
from the content. from the content. distract the distract the reader
reader from the from the content.

Hopefully, you have learned many things about the New Testament Recounts the Life of Jesus with His
Disciples. Continue improving your learning as we go along with our next lessons.



Directions: Enumerate and discuss thoroughly the Three (3) Essential Dimensions of Faith. (5 points each)
Provide a concrete example.

DAY 9-10

Directions: Together with your family or friends, take a groufie after a Eucharistic celebration in your parish
for those who are Catholics. For those who are not, still take a groufie with your family or friends after you
attended your praise and worship or Church Day. Add a caption of the photo in relation to the Gospel reading of
the day or what your Pastors have preached. Maximize the space below.

Module 5: Being a Catholic Christian: Faith and Salvation 6|


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