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Difference between JDK, JRE, and JVM

2. Objects and Classes in Java

3. What is a method in Java?
4. Access Specifier
5. Types of Method
6. Types of constructors
a. Default Constructor
b. Parameterized Constructor
7. Constructor Overloading
8. Does constructor return any value?
9. Copying the values of one object into another
10. Does constructor perform other tasks instead of the initialization
11. Static variable

12. Program of the counter without static variable

13. Program of the counter with static variable

14. Static method

15. Restrictions for the static method

16. Why is the main method static?

17. Static block

18. Can we execute a program without main method?

19. Inheritance
20. Types of Inheritance
21. Why multiple inheritance is not possible in Java in case of class?

22. Aggregation in Java

23. Different ways to overload the method
24. By changing the no. of arguments
25. By changing the datatype
26. Why method overloading is not possible by changing the return type
27. Can we overload the main method
28. method overloading with Type Promotion
29. Understanding the problem without method overriding
30. Can we override the static method
31. Method overloading vs. method overriding

32. Super Keyword in Java

33. Polymorphism in Java
34. Abstract class in Java
35. Interface
36. Example of Interface
37. Multiple inheritance by Interface
38. Why multiple inheritance is supported in Interface while it is not supported in case of class.
39. Marker Interface
40. Nested Interface

41. Difference between abstract class and interface

42. Java Package
43. Example of package
44. Accessing package
a. By import packagename.*
b. By import packagename.classname
c. By fully qualified name
45. Subpackage
46. Sending class file to another directory
47. -classpath switch
48. 4 ways to load the class file or jar file
49. How to put two public class in a package
50. Static Import
51. Package class

52. Encapsulation in Java

53. Java Arrays
54. Difference between method overloading and method overriding in java
55. Difference between method overloading and method overriding in java
56. Java String
 Exception Handling

 Advantage of Exception Handling

 Hierarchy of Exception classes

 Types of Exception

 Exception Example

57.  Scenarios where an exception may occur

58. Multithreading
59. Multitasking
60. Process-based multitasking
61. Thread-based multitasking
62. What is Thread

63. Java AWT Tutorial

64. Java Applet

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