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Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide
Copyright (C) 2011 by Merlin Beerman and Revelation Publications.
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Questions and compilation by Merlin Beerman

Commentary text compiled from E.G. White publications
Editor - V. C. Darmody
Illustrations - (C) 2011 by Revelation Publications

Printed in 2011 in the U.S.A.

ISBN 978-1-934924-06-8

An Invitation to the Reader ...................................................... 4
Suggestions for Individual Study .............................................. 5
Suggestions for Group Study .................................................... 6

1. The Farmer and the True Vine ................................................... 7
2. The Fruit-bearing Branch ......................................................... 13
3. Abiding in the Cleansing Word ................................................ 18
4. Abiding in Faith ....................................................................... 25
5. The Source of Abiding ............................................................. 31
6. The Withered Branch ............................................................... 36
7. Abiding in Prayer ..................................................................... 41
8. Bearing Fruit to God’s Glory ................................................... 47
9. Abiding in Obedience .............................................................. 52
10. Abiding in Joy ......................................................................... 59
11. Abiding in Love ....................................................................... 65
12. An Abiding Friendship ............................................................ 73
13. Chosen and Ordained .............................................................. 80

Supporting Materials
Answer Key ............................................................................. 87
Resource Abbreviations ........................................................... 91
Certificate of Excellence ........................................................ 93
Inspirational Material Ordering Information ........................... 95


We are glad you have received Our Abiding Christ Bible Study
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You may have been a Christian all your life, or this may be your
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know Him better.



(1) PRAY FOR Each time you study, pray for discernment and
GUIDANCE the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Approach your
study with an open mind. Avoid preconceived
ideas that may have a negative influence on
your search for truth.

(2) READ THE Read each question slowly taking extra time to
QUESTION contemplate and understand it. This will result
in the greatest benefit from your study.

(3) FIND THE Use any Bible to look up the reference text listed
ANSWER below the answer space. Read the reference
and surrounding texts to gain an understanding
of their context. Write a concise answer on the
blanks provided in your study guide. If you
want to confirm your answer you may look it
up in the answer section located in the back.

For a deeper understanding, read and compare

the reference texts in multiple versions
of Scripture. Use a concordance, column
references, and a dictionary to look up unfamiliar
words and search for other related texts.

(4) CONTEMPLATE Reread the question and answer, then read the
THE RESULTS commentary. Contemplate the significance of
what you have just studied and ask for wisdom
from the Lord to help you know how to
apply it to your life.

(5) CONTINUE It is our prayer that you will continue to study

TO STUDY God’s Word. We encourage you to contact your
source for this guide and obtain other
inspirational materials that will aid in your
spiritual growth.


(1) ASSIGN A It is important to appoint an individual to lead your

LEADER study group. This may be a pastor, church leader, or
a shared responsibility among the group members.
This individual’s responsibility is to keep the
discussion objective and encourage participation.

(2) PREDETERMINE Make a group decision whether to include outside

STUDY METHODS materials in your study sessions. As a rule, study
time will be the most fruitful when the focus is on
Biblical references.

(3) PRE-STUDY Encourage each member of your group to study

THE LESSON the lesson prior to meeting. This will result in the
greatest benefit to each individual as well as
enhancing his/her ability to participate in discussion.

(4) BEGIN WITH Each time you meet always invite the Lord to be
PRAYER present in your study session and the Holy Spirit to
be your guide.

(5) READ QUESTION The group leader may read or appoint another
member of the group to read the questions.

(6) READ ANSWER The group leader can ask for volunteers to give the
& COMMENTARY answer and related commentary. When time allows,
ask for answers derived from various translations
to increase participation and understanding.

(7) DISCUSSION The most benefit will be gained if the leader does
not lecture the group but rather leads it. Each
member of the group should be encouraged to
participate in the capacity he/she is comfortable.
One member of the group should not dominate the
discussion. Encourage sensitivity to the feelings
and opinions of others even in disagreement.

(8) TESTIMONY Have a time at the beginning or end of your session

for brief testimonies. This can be general or limited
to the subject matter being studied.

The Farmer and the True Vine - 1
This lesson is based on John 15:1.

Jesus and the disciples were on the

way to Gethsemane, at the foot of John 15:1
Mount Olivet, a retired spot which He
had often visited for meditation and Related Texts: John 15:5; Psalm 80:8;
prayer. The Saviour had been explain- Genesis 49:10, 11; 1 Kings 4:25; 2 Cor-
ing to His disciples His mission to inthians 3:5
the world, and the spiritual relation to
Him which they were to sustain. Now “I am the true Vine,” He says. Instead
He illustrates the lesson. The moon of choosing the graceful palm, the lofty
is shining bright, and reveals to Him cedar, or the strong oak, Jesus takes the
a flourishing grapevine. Drawing the vine with its clinging tendrils to repre-
attention of the disciples to it, He em- sent Himself. The palm tree, the cedar,
ploys it as a symbol. {DA 674.2} and the oak stand alone. They require no
support. But the vine entwines about the
(1) In Christ’s illustration, trellis, and thus climbs heavenward. So
who is represented by the Christ in His humanity was dependent
“True Vine”? upon divine power. “I can of Mine

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

own self do nothing,” He declared. been obtained. There has been a harvest
John 5:30. {DA 674.3, 675} which the passers-by have plucked.
{DA 675.2}
(2) Who is represented by
the “Vinedresser”? (3) What IS ANOTHER title
that proclaims him as
John 15:1
Related Texts: 1 Corinthians 3:9; James
5:7; Isaiah 61:3; Matthew 20:1 John 1:9
God claims the whole earth as His vine- Related Texts: 1 John 2:8; John 6:32;
yard. Though now in the hands of the Jeremiah 10:10
usurper, it belongs to God. By redemp-
tion no less than by creation it is His. For In the manifestation of God to His people,
the world Christ’s sacrifice was made. light had ever been a symbol of His pres-
“God so loved the world, that He gave ence. At the creative word in the begin-
His only begotten Son.” John 3:16. It is ning, light had shone out of darkness.
through that one gift that every other is Light had been enshrouded in the pil-
imparted to men. Daily the whole world lar of cloud by day and the pillar of
receives blessing from God. Every drop fire by night, leading the vast armies
of rain, every ray of light shed on our un- of Israel. Light blazed with awful
thankful race, every leaf and flower and grandeur about the Lord on Mount
fruit, testifies to God’s long forbearance Sinai. Light rested over the mercy
and His great love. {COL 301.3} seat in the tabernacle. Light filled the
temple of Solomon at its dedication.
On the hills of Palestine our heavenly Light shone on the hills of Bethlehem
Father had planted this goodly Vine, and when the angels brought the message
He Himself was the husbandman. Many of redemption to the watching shep-
were attracted by the beauty of this herds. {DA 464.2}
Vine, and declared its heavenly origin.
But to the leaders in Israel it appeared God is light; and in the words, “I am
as a root out of a dry ground. They took the light of the world,” Christ declared
the plant, and bruised it, and trampled it His oneness with God, and His relation
under their unholy feet. Their thought to the whole human family. It was He
was to destroy it forever. But the heav- who at the beginning had caused “the
enly Husbandman never lost sight of light to shine out of darkness.” 2 Cor.
His plant. After men thought they had 4:6. He is the light of sun and moon
killed it, He took it, and replanted it on and star. He was the spiritual light
the other side of the wall. The vine stock that in symbol and type and prophecy
was to be no longer visible. It was hid- had shone upon Israel. But not to the
den from the rude assaults of men. But Jewish nation alone was the light
the branches of the Vine hung over the given. As the sunbeams penetrate to the
wall. They were to represent the Vine. remotest corners of the earth, so does
Through them grafts might still be the light of the Sun of Righteousness
united to the Vine. From them fruit has shine upon every soul. {DA 464.3}

The Farmer and the True Vine

(4) Who AND WHAT IS “TRUTH”? fullness of joy. When it is cherished in

the heart, the love of Christ is preferred
to the love of any human being. This
is Christianity. This is the love of God
in the soul. Thus pure, unadulterated
truth occupies the citadel of the being.
John 14:6 The words are fulfilled, “A new heart
also will I give you, and a new spirit
will I put within you.” There is a
nobleness in the life of the one who
lives and works under the vivifying
Psalm 119:160 influence of the truth. . . . {RC 111.4}

Related Texts: John 8:31, 32; 17:17; 2 Many are supposed to be converted
Timothy 2:15; John 15:26; 16:13; Ephe- who will not stand the stress of trial and
sians 5:9; 1 John 5:6 temptation. . . . They have no depth of
spiritual experience. They do not apply
The Word of God is to be our spiritual the truth to the heart and conscience. . . .
food. “I am that bread of life” (John 6:48), There is a lack of pure-toned piety; and
Christ said. . . . The world is perishing this lack makes them weaklings in the
for want of pure, unadulterated truth. army of the Lord, when they might be
Christ is the truth. His words are truth, giants if they were but willing to be truly
and they have a deeper significance converted. . . . {RC 111.5}
than appears on the surface, and a value
beyond their unpretending appearance. We are living in perilous times. In the
Minds that are quickened by the Holy fear of God I tell you that the true expo-
Spirit will discern the value of these sition of the Scriptures is necessary for
words. When our eyes are anointed with the correct moral development of our
the holy eyesalve, we shall be able to characters. When mind and heart are
detect the precious gems of truth, even controlled by the Holy Spirit, when self
though they may be buried beneath the is dead, the truth is capable of constant
surface. {RC 111.2} expansion and development. When the
Truth is delicate, refined, elevated. When truth as it is in Jesus molds our charac-
it molds the character, the soul grows ters, it will be seen to be truth indeed.
under its divine influence. Every day the As it is contemplated by the believer,
truth is to be received into the heart. Thus it will grow brighter, shining with its
we eat Christ’s words, which He declares original beauty. It will increase in val-
are spirit and life. The acceptance of ue, quickening and vivifying the mind.
truth will make every receiver a child . . . It will elevate our aspirations, en-
of God, an heir of heaven. Truth that is abling us to reach the perfect standard
cherished in the heart is not a cold, dead of holiness.-- Review and Herald, Feb.
letter, but a living power. {RC 111.3} 14, 1899. {RC 111.6}

Truth is sacred, divine. It is stronger (5) How can we apply THE

and more powerful than anything else “truth” to our daily lives
in the formation of a character after and, as a result, abide in
the likeness of Christ. In it there is Christ?

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

promises are ours: “Ye shall know the

truth, and the truth shall make you
free.” “If any man willeth to do His
will, he shall know of the teaching.”
John 8:32; 7:17, R. V. Through faith
in these promises, every man may be
1 Peter 1:22 delivered from the snares of error and
the control of sin. {DA 258.5}
Related Texts: Galatians 5:16, 25; Ro-
mans 8:1, 4; 1 John 3:18; Ephesians 4:15 Every man is free to choose what power
he will have to rule over him. None have
When one is fully emptied of self, when fallen so low, none are so vile, but that
every false god is cast out of the soul, the they can find deliverance in Christ. The
vacuum is filled by the inflowing of the demoniac, in place of prayer, could utter
Spirit of Christ. Such a one has the faith only the words of Satan; yet the heart’s
that purifies the soul from defilement. unspoken appeal was heard. No cry from
He is conformed to the Spirit, and he a soul in need, though it fail of utterance
minds the things of the Spirit. He has in words, will be unheeded. Those who
no confidence in self. Christ is all and will consent to enter into covenant
in all. He receives with meekness the relation with the God of heaven are
truth that is constantly being unfolded, not left to the power of Satan or to the
and gives the Lord all the glory, saying, infirmity of their own nature. They are
“God hath revealed them unto us by His invited by the Saviour, “Let him take
Spirit.” “Now we have received, not the hold of My strength, that he may make
spirit of the world, but the spirit which is peace with Me; and he shall make
of God; that we might know the things peace with Me.” Isa. 27:5. The spirits
that are freely given to us of God.” of darkness will battle for the soul once
[1 COR. 2:10, 12.] {GW 287.1} under their dominion, but angels of God
will contend for that soul with prevailing
(6) How does abiding in power. The Lord says, “Shall the prey
jesus – the “Truth” and the be taken from the mighty, or the lawful
“True Vine” – Affect OUR captive delivered? . . . Thus saith the
DAILY LIVES? Lord, Even the captives of the mighty
shall be taken away, and the prey of
the terrible shall be delivered: for I will
contend with him that contendeth with
thee, and I will save thy children.” Isa.
49:24, 25. {DA 258.6, 259}
John 8:32

Related Texts: Ps. 40:11; 61:7; 51:6; 91:4 (7)WhatdidChrist–theTrue

Vine – come to this earth to
The means by which we can over- provide for all humanity?
come the wicked one is that by which
Christ overcame,–the power of the
word. God does not control our
minds without our consent; but if we
desire to know and to do His will, His John 10:10

The Farmer and the True Vine

Related Texts: John 3:16, 17; 6:33; formed between the parent stock
6:51; Matthew 20:28 and the branch, and the same fruit
appears upon the branch that is seen
All created beings live by the will and upon the tree. Thus the Lord will
power of God. They are recipients of work through the human agent who
the life of the Son of God. However unites himself to Jesus Christ. Those
able and talented, however large their who have an abiding trust in Christ,
capacities, they are replenished with will, like Enoch, have a sense of the
life from the Source of all life. He abiding presence of God. Why is it
is the spring, the fountain, of life. . that there are so many who feel in
. . The life which He had laid down uncertainty, who feel that they are
in humanity, He again took up and orphans?–It is because they do not
gave to humanity. “I am come,” cultivate faith in the precious assur-
He says, “that they might have life, ance that the Lord Jesus is their sin-
and that they might have it more bearer. It was in behalf of those who
abundantly.”...{SD 237.4} had transgressed the law, that Jesus
took upon Him human nature, and
Christ became one with humanity, that became like unto us, in order that
humanity might become one in Spirit we might have everlasting peace
and life with Him. By virtue of this and assurance. We have an advocate
union in obedience to the Word of God, in the heavens, and whosoever ac-
His life becomes their life. He says to cepts Him as his personal Saviour is
the penitent, “I am the resurrection, not left an orphan to bear the curse
and the life.” {SD 237.5} of his own sins. {SD 287.2}
(8) How can we become con- We must daily cultivate faith, daily
nected to Christ–the True contemplate Him who has undertaken
Vine? our case, who is a merciful and faith-
ful high priest; “for in that he himself
hath suffered being tempted {not in a
few things, but in all points like as we
are}, he is able to succour them that are
tempted.” “For we have not an high
priest which cannot be touched with
the feeling of our infirmities.” Even
now, in heaven, He is afflicted with our
John 1:12 afflictions; and as a living Saviour, as
an interested Advocate, He is making
Related Texts: Galatians 3:6, 7; Mat- intercession for us. {SD 287.3}
thew 10:40; 18:2-5
We should daily exercise faith; and that
Those who would follow Christ, faith should daily increase as it is ex-
must believe in Him; they must ercised, as we realize that He has not
open the heart to receive Him as an only redeemed us, but has loved us, and
abiding guest. They must abide in washed us from our sins in His own
Christ, as the branch abides in the blood, and has made us kings and priests
living vine. There is a vital union unto God and the Father. {SD 287.4}

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

Through this powerful il- to change my life and the

lustration, I now better power to set me free. I
understand Christ’s mis- want to receive with meek-
sion in this world and the ness the truth that He de-
relationship that must exist sires to unfold in my life.
between God the Father,
Jesus His Son, and us His Circle: Yes Undecided
It is my desire to be con-
Circle: Yes Undecided nected to Christ – the “True
Vine” – and obey the things
I appreciate the love of God of the Spirit; not having
– the Husbandman – in ev- confidence in self.
ery drop of rain He provides
and every ray of light shed Circle: Yes Undecided
on our ungrateful race. I
am thankful for every leaf Through full surrender of
and flower and fruit, that my life, I choose to enter
testifies to His long for- into a covenant relationship
bearance and His great with the God of heaven that
love for me. no earthly or satanic force
can destroy and to claim
Circle: Yes Undecided His promise of strength and
peace in my life.
I love Jesus and see Him as
“Truth” who has the power Circle: Yes Undecided

Study Notes - Prayer Requests - Answered Prayers: _________


The Fruit-bearing Branch - 2
This lesson is based on John 15:2. is engrafted into the living vine, and
fiber by fiber, vein by vein, it grows
(1) Who is represented by into the vine stock. The life of the
the “branch” in this illus- vine becomes the life of the branch.
tration given by Christ? So the soul dead in trespasses and
sins receives life through connec-
tion with Christ. By faith in Him
as a personal Saviour the union is
John 15:5 formed. The sinner unites his weak-
ness to Christ’s strength, his empti-
Related Texts: Isaiah 60:21; 61:3; ness to Christ’s fullness, his frailty to
Proverbs 11:28; Romans 11:16 Christ’s enduring might. Then he has
the mind of Christ. The humanity of
Though He [Christ] was about to be Christ has touched our humanity, and
removed from them, their spiritual our humanity has touched divinity.
union with Him was to be unchanged. Thus through the agency of the Holy
The connection of the branch with the Spirit man becomes a partaker of the
vine, He said, represents the relation divine nature. He is accepted in the
you are to sustain to Me. The scion Beloved. {DA 675.3}

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

(2) What MUST BE THE re- Christ has provided means whereby our
lationship between the whole life may be an unbroken com-
“TrueVine,”the“Vinedress- munion with Himself; but the sense of
er,”and us –the “branches” Christ’s abiding presence can come only
– if we are to abide in him? through living faith. {HP 56.5}

You may be united to the Living Vine.

Every member of your whole being
may be united to that Vine, and the sap
and nourishment that come from the
Vine will nourish the branch that is in
the Vine, until you are one with Christ
John 17:21 as He was one with the Father. Thus
His blessings will be imparted to you.
Related Texts: John 17:11, 22, 23; But brethren, we have not had faith. We
10:30; Galatians 2:20 have dishonored God by unbelief long
enough. {FW 66.5, 67.1}
Christ’s connection with His believing
people is illustrated by this parable as (4) WHAT IS OUR VITAL PART
by no other. [NP] All who receive Christ IN ESTABLISHING AND KEEP-
by faith become one with Him. The ING AN ABIDING CONNECTION
branches are not tied to the vine; they WITH CHRIST?
are not joined to it by any mechanical
process of artificial fastening. They
are united to the vine, so as to become
part of it. They are nourished by the
roots of the vine. So those who receive Jeremiah 29:13
Christ by faith become one with Him
in principle and action. They are united Related Texts: James 4:7, 8; Joshua
to Him, and the life they live is the life 22:5; Luke 14:33; Romans 10:3, 4; 1 Peter
of the Son of God. They derive their 4:19; Hosea 10:12
life from Him who is life. {HP 56.3}
The whole heart must be yielded
(3) What is the key ELEMENT to God, or the change can never be
that allows Christ to wrought in us by which we are to be
dwell in our hearts and restored to His likeness. By nature
is the basis of our abiding we are alienated from God. The Holy
relationship with Him? Spirit describes our condition in such
words as these: “Dead in trespasses
and sins;” “the whole head is sick, and
the whole heart faint;” “no soundness
in it.” We are held fast in the snare of
Ephesians 3:17 Satan, “taken captive by him at his
will.” Ephesians 2:1; Isaiah 1:5, 6; 2
Related Texts: Hebrews 11:6; Romans Timothy 2:26. God desires to heal us,
1:17; 1 Peter 1:5; John 3:36; Philip- to set us free. But since this requires an
pians 3:9 entire transformation, a renewing of our

The Fruit-bearing Branch

whole nature, we must yield ourselves seen in our lives; not one will be miss-
wholly to Him. {SC 43.2} ing. {DA 676.4}

The warfare against self is the greatest “Herein is My Father glorified,” said
battle that was ever fought. The yield- Jesus, “that ye bear much fruit.” God
ing of self, surrendering all to the will desires to manifest through you the
of God, requires a struggle; but the soul holiness, the benevolence, the com-
must submit to God before it can be passion, of His own character. Yet the
renewed in holiness. {SC 43.3} Saviour does not bid the disciples labor
to bear fruit. He tells them to abide in
Baptism may be repeated over and Him. “If ye abide in Me,” He says,
over again, but of itself it has no power “and My words abide in you, ye shall
to change the human heart. The heart ask what ye will, and it shall be done
must be united with Christ’s heart, the unto you.” It is through the word that
will must be submerged in His will, Christ abides in His followers. This is
the mind must become one with His the same vital union that is represented
mind, the thoughts must be brought into by eating His flesh and drinking His
captivity to Him. {HP 56.4} blood. The words of Christ are spirit
and life. Receiving them, you receive
Let all contemplate the completeness the life of the Vine. You live “by every
it is their privilege to have and ask word that proceedeth out of the mouth
themselves the question, Is my will sub- of God.” Matt. 4:4. The life of Christ in
merged in Christ’s will? Is the fullness you produces the same fruits as in Him.
and richness of the Living Vine–His Living in Christ, adhering to Christ,
goodness, His mercy, His compassion supported by Christ, drawing nourish-
and love–seen in my life and character? ment from Christ, you bear fruit after
{HP 56.6} the similitude of Christ. {DA 677.1}

(5) What “fruit” WILLthose (6) H ow are these fruits

W H O A R E connected to produced in the life ofan
the True Vine bear? abiding Christian?

Ephesians 5:9
Philippians 1:11
Related Texts: Galatians 5:22,23;
James 3:17, 18; Romans 6:22 Related Texts: Philippians 1:6; John
14:10; 15:7; Romans 12:2
The life of the vine will be manifest
in fragrant fruit on the branches. “He As you receive the Spirit of Christ–
that abideth in Me,” said Jesus, “and I the Spirit of unselfish love and labor
in him, the same bringeth forth much for others–you will grow and bring
fruit: for without Me ye can do noth- forth fruit. The graces of the Spirit
ing.” When we live by faith on the Son will ripen in your character. Your faith
of God, the fruits of the Spirit will be will increase, your convictions deepen,

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

your love be made perfect. More and wardly united with the vine, there may
more you will reflect the likeness of be no vital connection. Then there will
Christ in all that is pure, noble, and be no growth or fruitfulness. So there
lovely. {COL 67.3} may be an apparent connection with
Christ without a real union with Him
“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, by faith. A profession of religion places
longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, men in the church, but the character
meekness, temperance.” Gal. 5:22, 23. and conduct show whether they are in
This fruit can never perish, but will pro- connection with Christ. If they bear
duce after its kind a harvest unto eternal no fruit, they are false branches. Their
life. {COL 68.1} separation from Christ involves a ruin
as complete as that represented by the
“When the fruit is brought forth, imme- dead branch. “If a man abide not in
diately he putteth in the sickle, because Me,” said Christ, “he is cast forth as a
the harvest is come.” Christ is waiting branch, and is withered; and men gather
with longing desire for the manifesta- them, and cast them into the fire, and
tion of Himself in His church. When they are burned.” {DA 676.5}
the character of Christ shall be perfect-
ly reproduced in His people, then He (8)Whathappenstothefruit
will come to claim them as His own. bearing branches?
{COL 69.1}
It is the privilege of every Christian not
only to look for but to hasten the coming
of our Lord Jesus Christ, (2 Peter 3:12,
margin). Were all who profess His name John 15:2
bearing fruit to His glory, how quickly
the whole world would be sown with the Related Texts: Job 17:9; Psalm 51:7;
seed of the gospel. Quickly the last great Malachi 3:3; Matthew 3:12; Isaiah 60:21
harvest would be ripened, and Christ
would come to gather the precious grain. “And every branch that beareth fruit,
{COL 69.2} He purgeth [pruneth] it, that it may
bring forth more fruit.” From the cho-
(7) What happens to the sen twelve who had followed Jesus, one
branches that do not bear as a withered branch was about to be
fruit? taken away; the rest were to pass under
the pruning knife of bitter trial. Jesus
with solemn tenderness explained the
purpose of the husbandman. The prun-
ing will cause pain, but it is the Father
John 15:2 who applies the knife. He works with
no wanton hand or indifferent heart.
Related Texts: Matthew 3:10; 15:13; There are branches trailing upon the
21:19; 13:40-42 ground; these must be cut loose from
the earthly supports to which their
“My Father is the husbandman. Every tendrils are fastening. They are to reach
branch in Me that beareth not fruit He heavenward, and find their support in
taketh away.” While the graft is out- God. The excessive foliage that draws

The Fruit-bearing Branch

away the life current from the fruit must He who professes to be in Christ is
be pruned off. The overgrowth must be expected to bring forth fruits appro-
cut out, to give room for the healing priate to his profession. These fruits
beams of the Sun of Righteousness. The are elsewhere termed “the fruit of the
husbandman prunes away the harmful Spirit” ( Gal. 5:22; Eph. 5:9), or “fruits
growth, that the fruit may be richer and of righteousness” Phil. 1:11; cf. Heb.
more abundant. {DA 676.6} 12:11), that is, fruits which are righ-
teousness. These fruits are evident in
(9) whAT IS THE MIRACULOUS the character and the life. When these
RESULT OF THE pruning or “good fruits” (James 3:17) are absent
purging process? it becomes necessary to sever the fruit-
less branch.

The character is “purged” by the tests

and trials of life. The Father, the heav-
Hebrews 12:11 enly Husbandman, oversees the pro-
cess. And though the “chastening” may
Related Texts: 2 Corinthians 4:17; seem to be grievous, “nevertheless af-
Isaiah 6:7 terward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit
of righteousness unto them which are
The disciples are represented as the exercised thereby” Hebrews. 12:11.
branches of the vine. As the branches
are dependent upon their connection There can be no life without growth.
with the stock for life and productive- As long as there is life there is need
ness, so the Christian is dependent of continual development. Character
upon union with Christ for spiritual life development is the work of a lifetime.
and fruitfulness. {5BC 1042}

Dear Heavenly Father, it is My desire is that the life of

my desire to receive Christ the Vine will be manifested in
by faith and become one fragrant fruit through me.
with Him in principle and
action. Circle: Yes Undecided

Circle: Yes Undecided Please prune me that I

may be purged of my many
Please help me to not only transgressions and con-
unite with You but that our tinually yield the peac-
union will demonstrate that able fruit of righteousness
connection. that will bring You glory.

Circle: Yes Undecided Circle: Yes Undecided

Abiding in the Cleansing Word - 3
This lesson is based on John 15:3. upon every opportunity for acquaint-
ing himself with God’s word. Its study
(1) What affect does the will be restricted to no special time
Word of God have on those or place. And this continuous study is
who choose to ABIDE IN IT? one of the best means of cultivating a
love for the Scriptures. Let the student
keep his Bible always with him and,
as he has opportunity, read a text and
meditate upon it. While walking in the
John 15:3 streets, waiting at a railway station,
waiting to meet an engagement, let
Related Texts: John 17:17; Psalm 119:9, him improve the opportunity to gain
11; Ephesians 5:26; 1 Peter 1:22, 23 some precious thought from the trea-
sure house of truth. {CT 463.1}
When a real love for the Bible is awak-
ened, and the student begins to realize It is through the Word that Christ abides
how vast is the field and how precious in His followers. This is the same vital
its treasure, he will desire to seize union that is represented by eating

Abiding in the Cleansing Word

His flesh and drinking His blood. The

words of Christ are spirit and life. Re-
ceiving them, you receive the life of
the Vine. You live “by every word that
John 10:1:14, 17
proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”
Matt. 4:4. The life of Christ in you pro-
duces the same fruits as in Him. Living
in Christ, adhering to Christ, supported John 10:35
by Christ, drawing nourishment from
Christ, you bear fruit after the simili-
Related Texts: John 1:1; 17:14, 17; 1
tude of Christ. {DA 677.1}
John 5:7; Revelation 19:13; Deut. 8:3;
John 6:68
(2) Who inspired the writ-
ing of God’s Word through Christ said: “Except ye eat the flesh of the
human instruments? Son of man, and drink His blood, ye have
no life in you. Whoso eateth My flesh,
and drinketh My blood, hath eternal life;
and I will raise him up at the last day. For
My flesh is meat indeed, and My blood
2 Timothy 3:16 is drink indeed. He that eateth My flesh,
and drinketh My blood, dwelleth in Me,
Related Texts: 2 Peter 1:21; Hebrews and I in him. As the living Father hath
1:1; Luke 1:70 sent Me, and I live by the Father: so he
that eateth Me, even he shall live by Me.”
Every part of the Bible is given by How many of those who are laboring in
inspiration of God and is profitable. word and doctrine are eating Christ’s flesh
The Old Testament, no less than the and drinking His blood? How many can
New, should receive attention. As we comprehend this mystery? The Saviour
study the Old Testament we shall find Himself explains this matter: “It is the
living springs bubbling up where the Spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth
careless reader discerns only a desert. nothing: the words that I speak unto
{CT 462.2} you, they are spirit, and they are life.”
The word of God must be interwoven
The Bible presents a perfect standard with the living character of those who
of character. This sacred book, inspired believe it. The only vital faith is that
by God, and written by holy men, is a faith which receives and assimilates
perfect guide under all circumstances the truth till it is a part of the being and
of life. It sets forth distinctly the du- the motive power of the life and action.
ties of both young and old. If made the Jesus is called the Word of God. He
guide of life, its teachings will lead the accepted His Father’s law, wrought out
soul upward. It will elevate the mind, its principles in His life, manifested its
improve the character, and give peace spirit, and showed its beneficent power
and joy to the heart... {FE 100, 101} in the heart. Says John: “The Word
was made flesh, and dwelt among us,
(3) What are 2 Biblical def- (and we beheld His glory, the glory as
initions of the “Word” of of the Only Begotten of the Father,)
God? full of grace and truth.” The follow-

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

ers of Christ must be partakers of His treasure of the New. Both Old and
experience. They must assimilate the New present truths that will continu-
word of God. They must be changed ally reveal new depths of meaning to
into its likeness by the power of Christ the earnest seeker. {CT 462.3}
and reflect the divine attributes. They
must eat the flesh and drink the blood (5) What are some of the
of the Son of God, or there is no life characteristics and pur-
in them. The spirit and work of Christ poses of God’s Word?
must become the spirit and work of His
disciples. {5T 575.2} (a)
(4) Who is revealed in the
pages of God’s Word? (c)

John 5:39
Related Texts: John 5:46; Luke
24:27, 44
Hebrews 4:12
There is nothing more calculated to (f)
energize the mind and strengthen the
intellect than the study of the word (g)
of God. No other book is so potent to (h)
elevate the thoughts, to give vigor to
the faculties, as the broad, ennobling (i)
truths of the Bible. If God’s word were (j)
studied as it should be, men would
have a breadth of mind, a nobility of
character, and a stability of purpose 2 Timothy 3:16
that are rarely seen in these times. The
search for truth will reward the seeker Related Texts: Proverbs 30:5; 1 Thes-
at every turn, and each discovery will salonians 2:13; 1 Timothy 4:5, 6; Psalm
open up richer fields for his investiga- 119:50, 104, 105, 140, 160
tion. {CT 460.1}
The truths of the Bible, treasured in
The Old Testament sheds light upon the heart and mind and obeyed in the
the New, and the New upon the Old. life, convince and convert the soul,
Each is a revelation of the glory of transform the character, and comfort
God in Christ. Christ as manifested and uplift the heart. . . . The Word makes
to the patriarchs, as symbolized in the proud humble, the perverse meek
the sacrificial service, as portrayed and contrite, the disobedient obedient.
in the law, and as revealed by the The sinful habits natural to man are
prophets is the riches of the Old Tes- interwoven with the daily practice.
tament. Christ in His life, His death, But the Word cuts away the fleshly
and His resurrection; Christ as He is lusts. It is a discerner of the thoughts
manifested by the Holy Spirit, is the and intents of the mind. It divides the

Abiding in the Cleansing Word

joints and marrow, cutting away the Related Texts: Luke 8:11-15; Mark 4:19
lusts of the flesh, making men willing
to suffer for their Lord. {TMK 199.2} Christ specified the things that are dan-
gerous to the soul. As recorded by Mark
The Bible is of the highest value be- He mentions the cares of this world, the
cause it is the word of the living God. deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of
Of all the books in the world it is the other things. Luke specifies the cares,
most deserving of study and attention, riches, and pleasures of this life. These
for it is eternal wisdom. The Bible is a are what choke the word, the growing
history that tells us of the creation of spiritual seed. The soul ceases to draw
the world and opens to us past centu- nourishment from Christ, and spiritual-
ries. Without it we should have been ity dies out of the heart. {COL 51.1}
left to conjecture and fable in regard to
the occurrences of the remote past. It “The cares of this world.” No class is
reveals to us the Creator of the heavens free from the temptation to worldly
and the earth, with the universe that He care. To the poor, toil and deprivation
has brought into being, and it sheds a and the fear of want bring perplexities
glorious light over the world to come. and burdens. To the rich come fear of
{CT 421.1} loss and a multitude of anxious cares.
Many of Christ’s followers forget the
The Bible is a field where are concealed lesson He has bidden us learn from the
heavenly treasures, and they will re- flowers of the field. They do not trust to
main hidden until, by diligent mining, His constant care. Christ cannot carry
they are discovered and brought to their burden, because they do not cast
light. The Bible is a casket containing it upon Him. Therefore the cares of life,
jewels of inestimable value, which which should drive them to the Saviour
should be so presented as to be seen for help and comfort, separate them
in their intrinsic luster. But the beauty from Him. {COL 51.2}
and excellence of these diamonds of
truth are not discerned by the natural
eye. The lovely things of the material “The deceitfulness of riches.” The love
world are not seen until the sun, dis- of riches has an infatuating, deceptive
pelling the darkness, floods them with power. Too often those who possess
its light. And so with the treasures of worldly treasure forget that it is God who
God’s word; they are not appreciated gives them power to get wealth. They
until they are revealed by the Sun of say, “My power and the might of mine
Righteousness. {CT 421.2} hand hath gotten me this wealth.” Deut.
8:17. Their riches, instead of awakening
(6) What ARE 3 DANGERS THAT gratitude to God, lead to the exaltation
can render GOD’S Word to of self. They lose the sense of their de-
be Ineffective in our lives? pendence upon God and their obligation
to their fellow men. Instead of regarding
wealth as a talent to be employed for the
glory of God and the uplifting of human-
ity, they look upon it as a means of serv-
ing themselves. Instead of developing in
man the attributes of God, riches thus
Luke 8:14 used are developing in him the attributes

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

of Satan. The seed of the word is choked “The word of our God shall stand for-
with thorns. {COL 52.2} ever.” “All His commandments are
sure. They stand fast for ever and ever,
“And pleasures of this life.” There is and are done in truth and uprightness.”
danger in amusement that is sought Isaiah 40:8; Psalm 111:7, 8. Whatev-
merely for self-gratification. All habits er is built upon the authority of man
of indulgence that weaken the physical will be overthrown; but that which is
powers, that becloud the mind, or that founded upon the rock of God’s im-
benumb the spiritual perceptions, are mutable word shall stand forever. {GC
“fleshly lusts, which war against the 288, 289}
soul.” 1 Peter 2:11. {COL 53.1}
(8) What method does the
“And the lusts of other things.” These Bible recommend in the
are not necessarily things sinful in them- study of its pages?
selves, but something that is made first
instead of the kingdom of God. Whatever
attracts the mind from God, whatever
draws the affections away from Christ, is
an enemy to the soul. {COL 53.2} Isaiah 28:10
(7) How long willthe Word Related Texts: Revelation 22:18, 19;
of God endure? 1 Thessalonians 2:13; Colossians 2:8;
2 Peter 1:19
We are so thankful that we have a sure
Isaiah 40:8 word of prophecy, so that none of us
need be deceived. We know that there
Related Texts: Isaiah 46:10; Matthew are heresies and fables in our world at
24:35; Mk 13:31; 1 Peter 1:25; Psalm the present time, and we want to know
111:7, 8 what is truth. It becomes us to search
carefully for ourselves that we may
Like the builders of the houses on the gain this knowledge. We cannot do this
rock, said Jesus, is he who shall receive with a mere reading of the Scriptures,
the words that I have spoken to you, and but we must compare scripture with
make them the foundation of his charac- scripture. We must search the Scriptures
ter and life. Centuries before, the proph- for ourselves, so that we shall not be led
et Isaiah had written, “The word of our astray; and while many may be led astray
God shall stand forever” (Isaiah 40:8); because there are all kinds of doctrines in
and Peter, long after the Sermon on the our world, there is one truth. Many may
Mount was given, quoting these words come to you and tell you that they have the
of Isaiah added, “This is the word which truth, but it is your privilege to search the
by the gospel is preached unto you” (1 Scriptures for yourself. “To the law and to
Peter 1:25). The word of God is the only the testimony: if they speak not according
steadfast thing our world knows. It is to this word, it is because there is no light
the sure foundation. “Heaven and earth in them.” (Isaiah 8:20). We must be
shall pass away,” said Jesus, “but My acquainted with the Scriptures ourselves,
words shall not pass away.” Matthew that we may understand the true reason of
24:35. {MB 148.1} the hope that is within us. {LHU 114.2}

Abiding in the Cleansing Word

The apostle says, “All Scripture is given emplar; he catches the looks, the spir-
by inspiration of God, and is profitable it, of his beloved Master; by behold-
for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, ing he becomes changed. “Looking
for instruction in righteousness: that the unto Jesus, the author and finisher of
man of God may be perfect, through- our faith.” (Heb.12:2) ... {CSW 17.1}
ly furnished unto all good works.” 2
Timothy 3:16). The Bible is its own It is not enough for us to know and re-
expositor. One passage will prove to be spect the words of the Scriptures. We
a key that will unlock other passages, must enter into the understanding of
and in this way light will be shed upon them, studying them earnestly, eating the
the hidden meaning of the word. By flesh and drinking the blood of the Son of
comparing different texts treating on God. Christians will reveal the degree to
the same subject, viewing their bearing which they do this by the healthiness of
on every side, the true meaning of the their spiritual character. We must know
Scriptures will be made evident. (Isaiah the practical application of the Word to
28:10). {FE 187.2} our own individual character-building.
We are to be holy temples, in which God
(9)WhatisTHEevidencethat can live and walk and work. Never must
we are believing and abid- we strive to lift ourselves above the ser-
ing disciples of Christ? vants whom God has chosen to do His
work and to honor His holy name. “All
ye are brethren.” Let us apply this Word
to our individual selves, comparing
John 8:31 scripture with scripture.
Related Texts: Luke 8:15; John 7:17; In our daily lives, before our brethren
Psalm 119:10, 11, 101; Hosea 6:3 and before the world, we are to be liv-
ing interpreters of the Scriptures, doing
No man, woman, or youth can attain honor to Christ by revealing His meek-
to Christian perfection and neglect the ness and His lowliness of heart. Christ’s
study of the word of God. By careful- teachings are to be to us as the leaves of
ly and closely searching His word we the tree of life. As we eat and digest the
shall obey the injunction of Christ, bread of life, we shall reveal a symmetri-
“Search the Scriptures; for in them cal character. By our unity, by esteeming
ye think ye have eternal life: and they others better than ourselves, we are to
are they which testify of Me.” (John bear to the world a living testimony of
5:39). This search enables the student the power of the truth. …
to observe closely the divine Model,
for they testify of Christ. The Pattern When men submit entirely to God, eating
must be inspected often and closely the bread of life and drinking the water of
in order to imitate it. As one becomes salvation, they will grow up into Christ.
acquainted with the history of the Re- Their characters are composed of that
deemer, he discovers in himself de- which the mind eats and drinks. Through
fects of character; his unlikeness to the Word of life, which they receive
Christ is so great that he sees he can- and obey, they become partakers of the
not be a follower without a very great divine nature. Then their entire service
change in his life. Still he studies, is after the divine similitude, and Christ,
with a desire to be like his great Ex- not man, is exalted (Letter 64, 1900).

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

It is now clear to me that I realize that the cares of this

ALL the Word of God is world, the deceitfulness of
inspired by Him and is riches, and the pride of life
acceptable for reproof and are the pitfalls Satan puts in
doctrine that I may grow our path to derail us from
and abide in Him. an abiding relationship with
Circle: Yes Undecided
Circle: Yes Undecided
I understand the importance
of “eating His flesh and It is my determination to
drinking His blood.” The daily study God’s Word
words of Christ are spirit putting line upon line and
and life. it is my desire to precept upon precept so
receive them so that I may that I may abide in Him and
receive life from the Vine. avoid Satan’s pitfalls.
Circle: Yes Undecided Circle: Yes Undecided

Study Notes - Prayer Requests - Answered Prayers: _________


Abiding in Faith - 4
This lesson is based on John 15:4. ing high on a wave of religious fervor
one day, only to fall low into a period of
(1) What must the “branch” neglect the next, does not promote spiri-
dobeforeitwillbearfruit? tual strength. To abide in Christ means
that the soul must be in daily, constant
communion with Jesus Christ and must
live His life (Gal. 2:20). It is not pos-
sible for one branch to depend upon
John 15:4 another for its vitality; each must main-
tain its own personal relationship to the
Related Texts: 2 John 9; John 6:56-58; vine. Each member must bear its own
Isaiah 26:3 fruits. {5BC 1042}

A continuous abiding in a living connec- The root sends its nourishment through
tion with Christ is essential for growth the branch to the outermost twig. So
and fruitfulness. Occasional attention to Christ communicates the current of
matters of religion is not sufficient. Rid- spiritual strength to every believer.

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

So long as the soul is united to Christ, (3)WhatTWO-PARTcondition

there is no danger that it will wither or M U S T W E M E E T to e x peri-
decay. {DA 676.3} ence the rest that a mutu-
allyabiding relationship
(2) Why does abiding with with Christ offers?
Christ at times seem so dif-

Matthew 11:29

Galatians 5:17 Related Texts: Mark 10:21; Colossians

2:6; 1 John 2:6
Related Texts: Matthew 26:41;
Romans 7:18-25; 8:7 We are to bear the yoke of Christ that
we may be placed in complete union
Every individual, by his own act, either with Him. “Take my yoke upon you,”
puts Christ from him by refusing to He says. Obey My requirements. But
cherish His spirit and follow His exam- these requirements may be in direct
ple, or he enters into a personal union opposition to the will and purposes of
with Christ by self-renunciation, faith, the human agent. What then is to be
and obedience. We must, each for him- done? Hear what God says: “If any man
self, choose Christ, because He has first will come after me, let him deny himself,
chosen us. This union with Christ is to and take up his cross daily, and follow
be formed by those who are naturally me.” The yoke and the cross are symbols
at enmity with Him. It is a relation of representing the same thing,—the giving
utter dependence, to be entered into by up of the will to God. Wearing the yoke
a proud heart. This is close work, and unites finite man in companionship with
many who profess to be followers of the dearly beloved Son of God. Lifting
Christ know nothing of it. They nomi- the cross cuts away self from the soul,
nally accept the Saviour, but not as the and places man where he learns how
sole ruler of their hearts. {FLB 135.2} to bear Christ’s burdens. We cannot
follow Christ without wearing His yoke,
... Every Christian must stand on guard without lifting the cross and bearing it
continually, watching every avenue after Him. If our will is not in accord
of the soul where Satan might find with the divine requirements, we are to
access. He must pray for divine help deny our inclinations, give up our darling
and at the same time resolutely resist desires, and step in Christ’s footsteps. …
every inclination to sin. By courage, Men frame for their own necks yokes
by faith, by persevering toil, he can that seem light and pleasant to wear,
conquer. But let him remember that but they prove galling in the extreme.
to gain the victory Christ must abide Christ sees this, and He says, “Take My
in him and he in Christ. ... It is only yoke upon you. The yoke you would
by personal union with Christ, by place upon your own neck, thinking it
communion with Him daily, hourly, a precise fit, will not fit at all. Take My
that we can bear the fruits of the Holy yoke upon you, and learn of Me the
Spirit. {FLB 135.5} lessons essential for you to learn; for I

Abiding in Faith

am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall your will, your service,–give yourself to
find rest unto your souls. My yoke is Him to obey all His requirements; and
easy, and My burden is light.” The Lord you must take all,–Christ, the fullness of
never makes a false estimate concerning all blessing, to abide in your heart, to be
His heritage. He measures the men your strength, your righteousness, your
with whom He is working. When they everlasting helper,–to give you power to
submit to His yoke, when they give up obey. {SC 69.2}
the struggle that has been unprofitable
for themselves and for the cause of God, The Lord manifests His grace and His
they will find peace and rest. When they power over and over again, and this
become sensible of their own weakness, should teach us that it is always profit-
their own deficiencies, they will delight able under all circumstances to cherish
to do God’s will. They will submit to faith, to talk faith, to act faith. We are not
the yoke of Christ. Then God can work to have our hearts and hands weakened
in them to will and to do of His good by allowing the suggestions of suspi-
pleasure, which is often entirely contrary cious minds to plant in our hearts the
to the plans of the human mind. When seeds of doubt and distrust [Heb. 3:12]
the heavenly anointing comes to us, we (Letter 97, 1898).
shall learn the lesson of meekness and
lowliness, which always brings rest to (5) What is faith?
the soul (RH Oct. 23, 1900).
(4) What is the fundamen-
tal element in an abiding
relationship with Christ?
Hebrews 11:1

Related Texts: Psalm 64:10; 27:13;

Romans 1:17 34:8; 36:7; Matthew 8:13; 17:20
Related Texts: Hebrews 10:38; 12:1, Jesus said: “If thou canst believe, all
2; Galatians 3:11; Colossians 2:6 things are possible to him that be-
lieveth.” All things are possible with
Do you ask, “How am I to abide in God, and by faith we may lay hold on
Christ?” In the same way as you re- His power. But faith is not sight; faith
ceived Him at first. “As ye have there- is not feeling; faith is not reality. “Faith
fore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so is the substance of things hoped for, the
walk ye in Him.” “The just shall live evidence of things not seen.” To abide
by faith.”... You gave yourself to God, in faith is to put aside feeling and self-
to be His wholly, to serve and obey Him, ish desires, to walk humbly with the
and you took Christ as your Saviour. You Lord, to appropriate His promises, and
could not yourself atone for your sins apply them to all occasions, believing
or change your heart; but having given that God will work out His own plans
yourself to God, you believe that He for and purposes in your heart and life by
Christ’s sake did all this for you. By faith the sanctification of your character; it is
you became Christ’s, and by faith you to rely entirely, to trust implicitly, upon
are to grow up in Him–by giving and the faithfulness of God. If this course
taking. You are to give all,–your heart, is followed, others will see the special

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

fruits of the Spirit manifested in the life (7) As our faith and trust
and character. {FE 341.3} in Christdeepens,howwill
we feel from day to day?
(6) Why is faith the essen-
tial element in an abiding
relationship with Christ?
Isaiah 26:3
Related Texts: John 14:27; 16:33; Phi-
lippians 4:6, 7; Ephesians 2:14; Isaiah
57:19-21; Psalm 85:8

Galatians 2:16 A life in Christ is a life of restfulness.

There may be no ecstasy of feeling,
Related Texts: Ephesians 2:8; 1 John but there should be an abiding, peace-
5:4; 1 Peter 1:3-5 ful trust. Your hope is not in your-
self; it is in Christ. Your weakness is
Without the grace of Christ, the sin- united to His strength, your ignorance
ner is in a hopeless condition; noth- to His wisdom, your frailty to His en-
ing can be done for him; but through during might. So you are not to look
divine grace, supernatural power is to yourself, not to let the mind dwell
imparted to the man, and works in upon self, but look to Christ. Let the
mind and heart and character. It is mind dwell upon His love, upon the
through the impartation of the grace beauty, the perfection, of His charac-
of Christ that sin is discerned in its ter. Christ in His self-denial, Christ in
hateful nature, and finally driven His humiliation, Christ in His purity
from the soul temple. It is through and holiness, Christ in His matchless
grace that we are brought into fel- love––this is the subject for the soul’s
lowship with Christ, to be associated contemplation. It is by loving Him,
with Him in the work of salvation. copying Him, depending wholly upon
Faith is the condition upon which Him, that you are to be transformed
God has seen fit to promise pardon into His likeness. {SC 70.2}
to sinners; not that there is any virtue
in faith whereby salvation is merited, Jesus says, “Abide in Me.” These
but because faith can lay hold of the words convey the idea of rest, stabil-
merits of Christ, the remedy provided ity, confidence. Again He invites,” Come
for sin. Faith can present Christ’s per- unto Me, . . . and I will give you rest.”
fect obedience instead of the sinner’s Matthew 11:28. The words of the psalm-
transgression and defection. When ist express the same thought: “Rest in the
the sinner believes that Christ is his Lord, and wait patiently for Him.” And
personal Saviour, then, according to Isaiah gives the assurance, “In quietness
His unfailing promises, God pardons and in confidence shall be your strength.”
his sin, and justifies him freely. The Psalm 37:7; Isaiah 30:15. This rest is not
repentant soul realizes that his jus- found in inactivity; for in the Saviour’s
tification comes because Christ, as invitation the promise of rest is united
his substitute and surety, has died for with the call to labor: “Take My yoke
him, is his atonement and righteous- upon you: . . . and ye shall find rest.”
ness. {1SM 366, 367} Matthew 11:29. The heart that rests most

Abiding in Faith

fully upon Christ will be most earnest and able us to live thus. This is genuine
active in labor for Him. {SC 71.1} sanctification, and what more exalted
position can mortals desire than to be
(8) from whom does T H E connected with Christ as a branch is
“branch”receiveStrength joined to the vine? {5T 306}
to abide in the Vine and re-
flect His Image? (9) On whatawesome event
should our minds daily
dwell so that our faith
and assurance in Christ
will increase?

Philippians 4:13

Related Texts: 2 Corinthians 12:9;

Ephesians 3:16; 6:10, 11; Colossians
1:11; Isaiah 41:10 Hebrews 9:28

Jesus asks us to consecrate ourselves Related Texts: 1 Peter 3:18; 1 John 3:5;
to Him. He has placed signal honor Isaiah 53:4-7
upon the human race; for He says, “As
many as received him, to them gave he “... Those who have an abiding trust in
power to become the sons of God, even Christ, will, like Enoch, have a sense
to them that believe on his name.” of the abiding presence of God. Why
Shall we not, then, give to Christ that is it that there are so many who feel
which He has died to redeem? If you in uncertainty, who feel that they are
will do this, He will quicken your orphans?–It is because they do not
conscience, renew your heart, sanctify cultivate faith in the precious assur-
your affections, purify your thoughts, ance that the Lord Jesus is their sin-
and set all your powers at work for bearer. It was in behalf of those who
Him. Every motive and every thought had transgressed the law, that Jesus
will be brought into captivity to Jesus took upon Him human nature, and
Christ. {7BC 909} became like unto us, in order that we
might have everlasting peace and as-
“Without Me,” says Christ, “ye can surance. We have an advocate in the
do nothing;” but with His divine grace heavens, and whosoever accepts Him
working through our human efforts, as his personal Saviour is not left an
we can do all things. His patience and orphan to bear the curse of his own
meekness will pervade the character, sins. {SD 287.2}
diffusing a precious radiance which
makes bright and clear the pathway We must daily cultivate faith, daily
to heaven. By beholding and imitat- contemplate Him who has undertaken
ing His life we shall become renewed our case, who is a merciful and faith-
in His image. The glory of heaven ful high priest; “for in that he himself
will shine in our lives and be reflect- hath suffered being tempted {not in a
ed upon others. At the throne of grace few things, but in all points like as we
we are to find the help we need to en- are}, he is able to succour them that are

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

tempted.” “For we have not an high We should daily exercise faith; and that faith
priest which cannot be touched with should daily increase as it is exercised, as
the feeling of our infirmities.” Even we realize that He has not only redeemed
now, in heaven, He is afflicted with us, but has loved us, and washed us from
our afflictions; and as a living Saviour, our sins in His own blood, and has made
as an interested Advocate, He is mak- us kings and priests unto God and the
ing intercession for us. {SD 287.3} Father. {SD 287.4}

I realize that a continuous I realize it is only by constant

abiding in a living connec- communion with Christ that we
tion with Christ is essential can bear the fruits of the Spirit.
for growth and fruitfulness It is my prayer and soul’s de-
and that it is not possible for sire to have this constant con-
one branch to depend upon nection that I may bear fruit
another for its vitality. and bring glory to God!

Circle: Yes Undecided Circle: Yes Undecided

I choose to abide and ac- I pray for Christ’s divine

cept the spiritual strength grace to work through my
and nourishment that Christ weak human effort so that the
– the True Vine – offers fruit of His love and charac-
through surrender of my life ter can shine in my life and
and study of His Word. reflect His glory to others.

Circle: Yes Undecided Circle: Yes Undecided

Study Notes - Prayer Requests - Answered Prayers: _________


Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

The Source of Abiding - 5

This lesson is based on John 15:5. And many who are working with a very
different purpose, fall into a like error.
(1) What will Christ one They are working for others’ good; their
day say to those who HAVE duties are pressing, their responsibilities
ATTEMPTED TO serve Him are many, and they allow their labor to
without an abiding con- crowd out devotion. Communion with
nection? God through prayer and a study of His
word is neglected. They forget that
Christ has said, “Without Me ye can do
nothing.” John 15:5. They walk apart
from Christ, their life is not pervaded
by His grace, and the characteristics of
self are revealed. Their service is marred
Matthew 7:23 by desire for supremacy, and the harsh,
unlovely traits of the unsubdued heart.
Related Texts: Matthew 7:20-22; Here is one of the chief secrets of failure
13:40; John 10:14; Luke 13:25-27; 2 in Christian work. This is why its results
Timothy 3:1-5 are often so meager. {COL 52.1}

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

(2) What DOES CHRIST SAY (3) as we abide in him, What

WE CAN ACCOMPLISH IF WE istheMOSTimportantfruit
ABIDE IN HIM? that we will bear?

John 15:5
Related Texts: 2 Corinthians 3:5; Hosea 1 Corinthians 13:13
14:8; Philippians 1:11; 2 Peter 1:3
Related Texts: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13;
This union with Christ, once formed, 1 John 4:8; Galatians 5:6; 5:22, 23; 1
must be maintained. Christ said, “Abide Peter 4:8; Mark 12:29-31
in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot Wherever there is union with Christ there
bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the is love. Whatever other fruits we may
vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in bear, if love be missing, they profit noth-
Me.” This is no casual touch, no off-and- ing. Love to God and our neighbor is the
on connection. The branch becomes a part very essence of our religion. No one can
of the living vine. The communication of love Christ and not love His children.
life, strength, and fruitfulness from the When we are united to Christ, we have
root to the branches is unobstructed and the mind of Christ. Purity and love shine
constant. Separated from the vine, the forth in the character, meekness and truth
branch cannot live. No more, said Jesus, control the life. The very expression of the
can you live apart from Me. The life you countenance is changed. Christ abiding in
have received from Me can be preserved the soul exerts a transforming power, and
only by continual communion. Without the outward aspect bears witness to the
Me you cannot overcome one sin, or peace and joy that reign within. We drink
resist one temptation. {DA 676.1} in the love of Christ, as the branch draws
“Abide in Me, and I in you.” Abiding in nourishment from the vine. If we are
Christ means a constant receiving of His grafted in Christ, if fiber by fiber we have
Spirit, a life of unreserved surrender to been united with the Living Vine, we shall
His service. The channel of communica- give evidence of the fact by bearing rich
tion must be open continually between clusters of living fruit. If we are connected
man and his God. As the vine branch with the Light, we shall be channels of
constantly draws the sap from the liv- light, and in our words and works we shall
ing vine, so are we to cling to Jesus, and reflect light to the world. Those who are
receive from Him by faith the strength truly Christians are bound with the chain
and perfection of His own character. of love which links earth to heaven, which
{DA 676.2} binds finite man to the infinite God. The
light that shines in the face of Jesus Christ
The root sends its nourishment through shines in the hearts of His followers, to the
the branch to the outermost twig. So glory of God. {1SM 337.2}
Christ communicates the current of
spiritual strength to every believer. So (4) What promise can we
long as the soul is united to Christ, there claim IN OUR STRUGGLE
is no danger that it will wither or decay. against sin if we are abid-
{DA 676.3} ing in Christ?

The Source of Abiding

1 John 3:6 John 12:24

Related Texts: 1 John 3:9; 5:4; 5:18; Related Texts: John 12:25; 1 Corinthians
Galatians 5:16 15:36-38; Galatians 2:20; Mark 8:35

Jesus teaches the same thing when He And all who would bring forth fruit
says, “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the as workers together with Christ must
branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except first fall into the ground and die. The
it abide in the vine; no more can ye, ex- life must be cast into the furrow of the
cept ye abide in Me. . . . Without Me ye world’s need. Self-love, self-interest,
can do nothing.” John 15:4, 5. You are must perish. But the law of self-sacrifice
just as dependent upon Christ, in order is the law of self-preservation. The seed
to live a holy life, as is the branch upon buried in the ground produces fruit, and
the parent stock for growth and fruitful- in turn this is planted. Thus the harvest is
ness. Apart from Him you have no life. multiplied. The husbandman preserves
You have no power to resist temptation his grain by casting it away. So in human
or to grow in grace and holiness. Abiding life, to give is to live. The life that will be
in Him, you may flourish. Drawing your preserved is the life that is freely given
life from Him, you will not wither nor be in service to God and man. Those who
fruitless. You will be like a tree planted for Christ’s sake sacrifice their life in
by the rivers of water. {SC 68.3} this world, will keep it unto life eternal.
{COL 86, 87}
This union with Christ, once formed,
must be maintained. Christ said, “Abide (6) What is the first ac-
in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot tion we must take before
bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the Christ can impute His righ-
vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in teousness to us?
Me.” This is no casual touch, no off-and-
on connection. The branch becomes a part
of the living vine. The communication of
life, strength, and fruitfulness from the James 4:8
root to the branches is unobstructed and
constant. Separated from the vine, the Related Texts: Isaiah 55:6, 7: Zecha-
branch cannot live. No more, said Jesus, riah 1:3; 1 Chron. 28:9; 2 Chron. 15:2
can you live apart from Me. The life you
have received from Me can be preserved Christ has said, “Without me ye can do
only by continual communion. Without nothing.” The resolutions you may make
Me you cannot overcome one sin, or in your own finite strength, will be only
resist one temptation. {DA 676.1} as ropes of sand; but if you pray in sin-
cerity, surrendering yourself, soul, body,
(5)Likethewheatdescribed and spirit, unto God, you put on the
in this text, what must hap- whole armor of God, and open the soul
pen to self before we bear to the righteousness of Christ; and this
much fruit? alone,–Christ’s imputed righteousness,–

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

makes you able to stand against the wiles to enter the heavenly mansions that
of the devil. The work of every soul is to Jesus has gone to prepare; for no one
resist the enemy in the power and might will be there except those who have
of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the promise surrendered their will and way to God’s
is that the devil shall flee from us. But let will and way. He whose character is
all realize that they are in peril, and there proved, who has stood the test of trial,
is no assurance of safety except as they who is a partaker of the divine nature,
comply with the conditions of the text. will be among those whom Christ
The Lord says, “Draw nigh to God.” pronounces blessed. {FE 194.1}
How?–By secret, earnest examination of
your own heart; by childlike, heart-felt, Without Christ we can do nothing. The
humble dependence upon God, mak- pure principles of uprightness, virtue, and
ing known your weakness to Jesus; and goodness are all from God. A conscien-
by confessing your sins. Thus you may tious discharge of duty, Christlike sym-
draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh pathy, love for souls and love for your
to you. {SD 346.3, 347.1} own soul, because you belong to God,
and have been bought with the precious
(7) Without a Love - infus- blood of Christ, will make you a laborer
ing, character - changing, together with God, and endow you with
connection with Christ, persuasive, drawing power. You must re-
what will be the result spect your own faith in order successfully
of our attempts to labor to introduce it to others. By example as
for Him? well as precept, you must show that you
reverence your faith, speaking reverently
of sacred things. Never allow one expres-
sion of lightness and trifling to escape
your lips when quoting Scripture. As you
1 Corinthians 13:1 take the Bible in your hands, remem-
ber that you are on holy ground. Angels
Related Texts: 1 Corinthians 13:2, 3; 1 are around you, and could your eyes be
opened, you would behold them. Let your
John 3:10; Matthew 25:45; 1 Peter 4:8
conduct be such that you will leave the
impression upon every soul with whom
O that all might realize that without Christ
you associate that a pure and holy atmo-
they can do nothing! Those who do not
sphere surrounds you. One vain word,
gather with Him scatter abroad. Their
one trifling laugh, may balance a soul in
thoughts and actions will not bear the
the wrong direction. Terrible are the con-
right character, and their influence will be
sequences of not having a constant con-
destructive of good. Our actions have a
nection with God. {FE 194.2}
twofold influence; for they affect others
as well as ourselves. This influence will (8)whoisthesourcethrough
either be a blessing or a curse to those whom Christ infuses spiri-
with whom we associate. How little tual life to the soul that
we appreciate this fact. Actions make we may be fruitful?
habits, and habits, character, and if we
do not guard our habits, we shall not be
qualified to unite with heavenly agencies
in the work of salvation, nor be prepared Romans 15:13

The Source of Abiding

Related Texts: 1 John 3:24; 4:12, 13; all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.
Romans 8:9; Ephesians 3:16, 17 And ye are complete in him” (Col.
2:9, 10). Never will the human heart
The Lord Jesus acts through the Holy know happiness until it is submitted to
Spirit; for it is His representative. be molded by the Spirit of God. The
Through it He infuses spiritual life Spirit conforms the renewed soul to
into the soul, quickening its energies the model, Jesus Christ. Through the
for good, cleansing it from moral de- influence of the Spirit, enmity against
filement, and giving it a fitness for His God is changed into faith and love,
kingdom. Jesus has large blessings to and pride into humility. The soul per-
bestow, rich gifts to distribute among ceives the beauty of truth, and Christ
men. He is the wonderful Counselor, is honored in excellence and perfec-
infinite in wisdom and strength; and if tion of character. As these changes are
we will acknowledge the power of His effected, angels break out in rapturous
Spirit, and submit to be molded by it, song, and God and Christ rejoice over
we shall stand complete in Him. What souls fashioned after the divine simili-
a thought is this! In Christ “dwelleth tude. {AG 196.4}

I realize that Christ’s words As the branch becomes a part

are true: “Without me ye can of the living vine, I choose to
do nothing.” surrender myself – soul, body,
and spirit – unto God through
Circle: Yes Undecided Christ – the True Vine. I fully
submit my heart to the shap-
I realize that my union with
ing and molding of the Spirit
Christ, once formed, must be
maintained. I cannot spiri- of God that I may receive
tually survive with a casual life, strength, and fruitfulness
connection and hope to live. through and from Him.

Circle: Yes Undecided Circle: Yes Undecided

Study Notes - Prayer Requests - Answered Prayers: _________


Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

The Withered Branch - 6

This lesson is based on John 15:6. tion. It is possible for those who
have been in Christ to sever their
(1) W hat are the three connection with Him and be lost.
long term consequences Salvation is conditional upon abid-
if the branch fails to re- ing in Christ until the end.
to the Vine? The Christian represented by the sev-
ered branch may carry on a form of
religion, but the vital power is lacking
(2 Tim. 3:5). Under test and trial the
shallowness of his profession is seen.
John 15:6 As the severed branches are eventually
gathered and burned, so the unfruitful
Related Texts: Matthew 3:10; 7:18-20; Christian, along with the nonprofessor,
Isaiah 14:19; Ezekiel 17:9, 10 will suffer ultimate extinction (Matt.
10:28; 13:38–40; 25:41, 46). No overt
The delusion, “once in grace always act of disobedience is mentioned, sim-
in grace,” is denied by this condi- ply the sin of neglect. Compare the

The Withered Branch

parable of the Sheep and the Goats branch cannot live. No more, said Jesus,
(Matt. 25:31–46). Those to the left of can you live apart from Me. The life you
the King were excluded from the king- have received from Me can be preserved
dom for neglect of practical Christian only by continual communion. Without
duty. {5BC 1042} Me you cannot overcome one sin, or
resist one temptation. {DA 676.1}
“My Father is the husbandman. Every
branch in Me that beareth not fruit He “Abide in Me, and I in you.” Abiding
taketh away.” While the graft is outwardly in Christ means a constant receiving
united with the vine, there may be no of His Spirit, a life of unreserved sur-
vital connection. Then there will be no render to His service. The channel of
growth or fruitfulness. So there may communication must be open con-
be an apparent connection with Christ tinually between man and his God. As
without a real union with Him by faith. the vine branch constantly draws the
A profession of religion places men in sap from the living vine, so are we to
the church, but the character and conduct cling to Jesus, and receive from Him
show whether they are in connection by faith the strength and perfection of
with Christ. If they bear no fruit, they His own character. {DA 676.2}
are false branches. Their separation from
Christ involves a ruin as complete as that The root sends its nourishment through
represented by the dead branch. “If a man the branch to the outermost twig. So
abide not in Me,” said Christ, “he is cast Christ communicates the current of
forth as a branch, and is withered; and spiritual strength to every believer.
men gather them, and cast them into the So long as the soul is united to Christ,
fire, and they are burned.” {DA 676.5} there is no danger that it will wither or
decay. {DA 676.3}
(2) F rom whom does the
ability to live a holy and (3) what two VITAL steps
blameless life come? DID PAUL TEACH THAT WE
Connect to Christ the liv-
1 Thessalonians 5:23 ing Vine and bring FORTH
Related Texts: 1 Thessalonians 3:13;
Leviticus 20:8; Jude 1:1
This union with Christ, once formed,
must be maintained. Christ said, “Abide Acts 20:21
in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot
bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the Related Texts: Acts 10:43; 11:18; Ro-
vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in mans 3:22-26
Me.” This is no casual touch, no off-and-
on connection. The branch becomes a part As the severed branch, leafless, and
of the living vine. The communication of apparently lifeless, is ingrafted into
life, strength, and fruitfulness from the the living stock, and, fiber by fiber,
root to the branches is unobstructed and and vein by vein, drinks in the life
constant. Separated from the vine, the and strength of the vine until it buds

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

and blossoms and bears fruit, even so 5:11. His heart of love is touched by our
may the sinner, by repentance and faith, sorrows and even by our utterances of
connect himself with Christ, become a them. Take to Him everything that per-
partaker of the divine nature, and bring plexes the mind. Nothing is too great for
forth in words and deeds the fruit of a Him to bear, for He holds up worlds, He
holy life. {OHC 145.2} rules over all the affairs of the universe.
Nothing that in any way concerns our
Jesus “has life in himself,” and this life peace is too small for Him to notice.
He offers to impart freely, to souls that There is no chapter in our experience
are dead in trespasses and sins. Yea, He too dark for Him to read; there is no per-
shares with them His purity, His honor, plexity too difficult for Him to unravel.
and exaltation. . . . The sapless branch, No calamity can befall the least of His
ingrafted into the living vine, becomes children, no anxiety harass the soul, no
a part of the vine. It lives while united joy cheer, no sincere prayer escape the
to the vine. So the Christian lives by lips, of which our heavenly Father is un-
virtue of his union with Christ. The observant, or in which He takes no im-
sinful and human is linked to the holy mediate interest. “He healeth the broken
and divine. The believing soul abides in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.”
in Christ, and becomes one with Him. Psalm 147:3. The relations between God
When persons are closely united in the and each soul are as distinct and full as
relations of this life, their tastes become though there were not another soul upon
similar, they come to love the same the earth to share His watchcare, not
things. So those who abide in Christ another soul for whom He gave His be-
will love the things which He loves. loved Son. {SC 100.1}
They will sacredly cherish and obey
His commandments. . . . {OHC 145.3} (5) If we communicate with
God by prayer WITH sup-
(4) WHAT CAN WE DO TO Abide plication and thanksgiv-
in C hrist through tri - ing, what promise can we
als and difficult circum- claiminanycircumstance?

1 Peter 5:7 Philippians 4:6, 7

Related Texts: Psalm 34:7; 34:19; Related Texts: Isaiah 26:3, 4; 45:7;
Matthew 6:25-33 John 14:27
Keep your wants, your joys, your sor- It is our privilege to have daily a calm,
rows, your cares, and your fears before close, happy walk with Jesus. We need
God. You cannot burden Him; you can- not be alarmed if the path lies through
not weary Him. He who numbers the conflicts and sufferings. We may have
hairs of your head is not indifferent to the peace which passeth understand-
the wants of His children. “The Lord is ing; but it will cost us battles with the
very pitiful, and of tender mercy.” James powers of darkness, struggles severe

The Withered Branch

against selfishness and inbred sin. The The Holy Spirit is the breath of spiritual life
victories gained daily through perse- in the soul. The impartation of the Spirit
vering, untiring effort in well-doing is the impartation of the life of Christ. It
will be precious through Christ who imbues the receiver with the attributes
has loved us, who gave Himself for us, of Christ. The Holy Spirit will enter the
that He might redeem us from all iniq- heart that can boast of nothing. The love
uity, and purify unto Himself a “pecu- of Jesus will fill the vacuum that is made
liar people, zealous of good works.” . . . by the emptying out of self. Those who see
{LHU 98.5} Christ in His true character, and receive
Him into the heart, have everlasting life.
Christ suffers trial to come upon His It is through the Spirit that Christ dwells in
followers that they may be led to seek us; and the Spirit of God, received into the
the Lord more earnestly. Then when heart by faith, is the beginning of the life
trials come, do not think that the Lord is eternal. {FLB 57.2-4}
your enemy. He purges for a reason. He
does not want you to be discouraged; but We do not see Christ and speak to Him,
He would prove you, to see if you will be but His Holy Spirit is just as near us in
true to Him and will conduct yourselves one place as in another. It works in and
circumspectly under every circumstance. through every one who receives Christ.
He does not want to drive you away, but Those who know the indwelling of the
to drive you nearer to the Lord. In God Spirit reveal the fruits of the Spirit–love,
is the Christian’s only hope in time of joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness,
perplexity. {UL 303.2} goodness, faith. {FLB 57.5}
Do not talk to others about your trials, for (7) Like King David, what
they have enough of their own to bear, practicalthingcanweask
and our human friends cannot always God to do in us each day to
understand. It is your privilege to go to prevent our withering?
One who will always understand, because
His life on earth was one of constant trial
and perplexity, borne without failure and
sin. . . . {UL 303.3}
Psalm 143:8
(6) What is THE evidence
of a healthy, abiding re- Related Texts: Psalm 25:4, 5; 32:8;
lationship with Christ? 86:4-7; 5:2, 3; Proverbs 3:5, 6
It is by communion with Him, daily,
hourly–by abiding in Him–that we
1 John 4:13 grow in grace. He is not only the au-
thor, but the finisher of our faith. It is
Related Texts: 1 John 3:24; Romans Christ first and last and always. He is
8:9, 11, 14-16 to be with us, not only at the beginning
and the end of our course, but at every
The presence of the Spirit in the Christian’s step of the way. {AG 293.4}
life is a proof that God is dwelling in him,
for it is through the Spirit that God abides Consecrate yourself to God in the morn-
in a man . . . {7 BC 658} ing; make this your very first work. Let

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

your prayer be, “Take me, O Lord, as Related Texts: 1 King 18:21; Mat-
wholly Thine. I lay all my plans at Thy thew 6:24; Romans 6:16; 1 Corinthians
feet. Use me today in Thy service. Abide 10:21; 2 Corinthians 6:14
with me, and let all my work be wrought
in Thee.” This is a daily matter. Each Our first work is with our own hearts.
morning consecrate yourself to God The true principles of reform should be
for that day. Surrender all your plans to practiced. The heart must be converted
Him, to be carried out or given up as His and sanctified else we have no connection
providence shall indicate. Thus day by with Christ. While our hearts are divided,
day you may be giving your life into the we shall never, never be fitted for
hands of God, and thus your life will be usefulness in this life or for the future
molded more and more after the life of life. As intelligent beings, we need to sit
Christ. {SC 70.1} down and think whether we are really
seeking first the kingdom of God and His
(8) To keep our spiritual righteousness. The very best thing we
connection to the V ine can do is to think soberly and candidly
fromwithering,whatmust whether we desire to put forth the effort
we CHOOSE TO DO on a daily necessary to obtain the Christian hope and
basis? secure the Christian’s heaven. If through
the grace of Christ we decide that we do,
the next question is: What is there that I
must cut away from my life in order that
Joshua 24:15 I shall not stumble? {TDWG 48}

It is my prayer that, by His I realize that this type of rela-

Grace, I can retain an abiding, tionship with Christ requires a
vital connection to Christ. daily and hourly connection.
Circle: Yes Undecided Circle: Yes Undecided
It is my desire Lord, by your I claim Christ to be not only the
grace, to stand under test and Author but also the Finisher of
trial to bear fruit to your glory my faith. I choose to have Him
and to the glory of the Father. not only at the end of my path
but every step along the way.
Circle: Yes Undecided
Circle: Yes Undecided
I desire and choose to have a
union with Christ that is no ca- I choose to separate from any-
sual on and off connection. It is thing in my life that may cause
my desire to cling to Jesus and me to stumble; and, by faith,
to constantly receive the pres- allow Him to live out His di-
ence of His Spirit. vine character within me.
Circle: Yes Undecided Circle: Yes Undecided

Abiding in Prayer - 7
This lesson is based on John 15:7. so identified with the divine will that
only such requests are made as are in
(1) WHAT IS THE RESULT IF WE harmony with that will Furthermore,
ABIDE IN HIM AND HIS WORD? no sin intervenes to prevent a favor-
able answer.
My words abide. These words show that
the indwelling of Christ is not wholly
John 15:7 a mystical, inexplicable experience.
Men receive Christ by receiving His
Related Texts: Jeremiah 15:16; Colos- word. As they feed upon that word it
sians 3:16, 17; John 16:23; 1 John 5:14, enlightens the mind. And as they make
15; 1 John 3:21, 22 an intelligent choice to follow that
word and obey it implicitly through the
The abiding is mutual as expressed enabling power of Heaven, Christ, the
in verse 4. As men abide in Christ, hope of glory, is formed within (Col.
Christ dwells in them and they be- 1:27). Furthermore, for this experience
come partakers of the divine nature to be constant they feed daily upon the
(2 Peter 1:4). Their thoughts become word. {5BC 1043}

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

(2) How does this verse sym- The Lord has sought to show us how
bolically describe how to ready is God to hear and answer our
have Christ’s Words abide request by the use of a most familiar and
in us? commonplace occurrence. He said: “What
man is there of you, whom if his son ask
bread, will he give him a stone? Or if he
ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? If
ye then, being evil, know how to give
John 6:53 good gifts unto your children, how much
more shall your Father which is in heaven
Related Texts: Psalm 119:11; Acts 17:11 give good things to them that ask him?”
(Matt. 7: 9-11). Christ made an appeal to
Study the Bible as the word of God, and us concerning the willingness of God to
feed upon its truths, which are the flesh help, arguing from the natural love of the
and blood of the Son of God! “Except ye parent to his offspring. What father could
eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink turn from his son who asks bread? Should
His blood, ye have no life in you. Whoso anyone dishonor God by imagining that
eateth My flesh, and drinketh My blood He will not respond to the call of His
[that is, continues to receive the words of children? Would we think a parent capable
Christ, and practice them], hath eternal of trifling with his child, and tantalizing
life; and I will raise him up at the last him by raising his expectation only to
day. For My flesh is meat indeed, and My disappoint him? Will a father promise to
blood is drink indeed. He that eateth My give good and nourishing food to his child
flesh, and drinketh My blood, dwelleth in and then give him a stone? If ye then,
Me, and I in him.” “And he that keepeth being human and evil, give good gifts to
His commandments dwelleth in Him, your children, how much more shall your
and He in him. And hereby we know that Father which is in heaven give good things
He abideth in us, by the Spirit which He to them that ask Him? The Lord assures
hath given us. {FE 385.3} those that ask Him that He will give them
the Holy Spirit. {1SM 329.1}
(3) What awesome avenue
ofcommunication has God (4) In addition to asking,
providedthatwe may“ask” what must we do in order
for our heart’s desires? to receive our heart’s de-

Mark 11:24
Mark 11:24
Related Texts: Luke 11:9-13; John 14:13;
2 Chronicles 7:14; Isaiah 55:6 Related Texts: Matthew 21:22; James
5:15; 1 John 5:14, 15
Prayer is the opening of the heart to God
as to a friend. Not that it is necessary in True faith lays hold of and claims the
order to make known to God what we promised blessing before it is realized
are, but in order to enable us to receive and felt. We must send up our petitions
Him. Prayer does not bring God down to in faith within the second veil and let our
us, but brings us up to Him. {SC 93.2} faith take hold of the promised blessing

Abiding in Prayer

and claim it as ours. We are then to believe (5) HOW SHOULD WE PRAY TO
that we receive the blessing, because our RECEIVE ANSWERS from the
faith has hold of it, and according to Father?
the Word it is ours. “What things soever
ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye
receive them, and ye shall have them.”
Mark 11:24. Here is faith, naked faith, to James 5:16
believe that we receive the blessing, even
before we realize it. When the promised Related Texts: Jeremiah 29:12,
blessing is realized and enjoyed, faith is 13; Genesis 32:28; Ephesians 6:18;
swallowed up. But many suppose they Proverbs 8:17; Hosea 5:15
have much faith when sharing largely of
the Holy Spirit and that they cannot have God will be to us everything we will
faith unless they feel the power of the Spirit. let Him be. Our languid, half-hearted
Such confound faith with the blessing that prayers will not bring us returns from
comes through faith. The very time to heaven. Oh, we need to press our peti-
exercise faith is when we feel destitute of tions! Ask in faith, wait in faith, receive
the Spirit. When thick clouds of darkness in faith, rejoice in hope, for everyone that
seem to hover over the mind, then is the seeketh findeth. Be in earnest in the mat-
time to let living faith pierce the darkness ter. Seek God with all the heart. People
and scatter the clouds. True faith rests on put soul and earnestness into everything
the promises contained in the Word of they undertake in temporal things, until
God, and those only who obey that Word their efforts are crowned with success.
can claim its glorious promises. “If ye With intense earnestness learn the trade
abide in Me, and My words abide in you, of seeking the rich blessings that God
ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be has promised, and with persevering,
done unto you.” John 15:7. “Whatsoever determined effort you shall have His
we ask, we receive of Him, because we light and His truth and His rich grace.
keep His commandments, and do those {OHC 131.3}
things that are pleasing in His sight.”
1 John 3:22. {EW 72.2, 73} In sincerity, in soul hunger, cry after
God. Wrestle with the heavenly agen-
... Not because we see or feel that God
cies until you have the victory. Put your
hears us are we to believe. We are to
whole being into the Lord’s hands,
trust in His promises. When we come
soul, body, and spirit, and resolve to be
to Him in faith, every petition enters the
His loving, consecrated agency, moved
heart of God. When we have asked for
by His will, controlled by His mind, in-
His blessing, we should believe that we
fused by His Spirit. {OHC 131.4}
receive it, and thank Him that we have
received it. Then we are to go about our
duties, assured that the blessing will be (6)Whattypeofdailyprayer
realized when we need it most. When we is crucial in an abiding re-
have learned to do this, we shall know lationship with Christ?
that our prayers are answered. God
will do for us “exceeding abundantly,”
“according to the riches of His glory,”
and “the working of His mighty power.”
Eph. 3:20, 16; 1:19. {DA 200} Matthew 6:6

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

Related Texts: Matthew 14:23; Luke do nothing.” It is Jesus that we need; His
6:12; 5:16 light, His life, His Spirit, must be ours
continually. We need Him every hour.
How precious is secret prayer––the soul And we should pray in the morning that
communing with God! Secret prayer is to as the sun illuminates the landscape,
be heard only by the prayer-hearing God. and fills the world with light, so the Sun
No curious ear is to receive the burden of of Righteousness may shine into the
petitions. Calmly, yet fervently, the soul chambers of mind and heart, and make
is to reach out after God; and sweet and us all light in the Lord. We cannot do
abiding will be the influence emanating without His presence one moment. The
from Him who sees in secret, whose ear is enemy knows when we undertake to do
open to the prayer arising from the heart. without our Lord, and he is there, ready to
He who in simple faith holds communion fill our minds with his evil suggestions that
with God will gather to himself divine we may fall from our steadfastness; but it
rays of light to strengthen and sustain him is the desire of the Lord that from moment
in the conflict with Satan. {TMK 272.4} to moment we should abide in Him, and
thus be complete in Him... {ML 15}
Family prayer and public prayer have
their place; but it is secret communion Consecrate yourself to God in the morning;
with God that sustains the soul-life. It was make this your very first work. Let your
in the mount with God that Moses beheld prayer be, “Take me, O Lord, as wholly
the pattern of that wonderful building Thine. I lay all my plans at Thy feet. Use
which was to be the abiding-place of His me today in Thy service. Abide with me,
glory. It is in the mount with God––the and let all my work be wrought in Thee.”
secret place of communion––that we This is a daily matter. Each morning
are to contemplate His glorious ideal for consecrate yourself to God for that day.
humanity. Thus we shall be enabled so Surrender all your plans to Him, to be
to fashion our character-building that to carried out or given up as His providence
us may be fulfilled the promise, “I will shall indicate. Thus day by day you may
dwell in them, and walk in them; and I be giving your life into the hands of God,
will be their God, and they shall be My and thus your life will be molded more and
people.” [2 COR. 6:16.] {GW 254.1} more after the life of Christ. {SC 70.1}
(7) W hen is it a good time (8) If we are to CONTINUE TO
to pray establishing your abide, how often will we
abidingconnectioninChrist be in communication with
for each NEW day? heaven?

Psalm 5:3 Acts 6:4

Related Texts: Psalm 63:1; 90:14;
Isaiah 26:9; Job 1:5 Related Texts: 1 Thessalonians 5:17;
Luke 18:1; Daniel 6:10; Colossians 4:2
The very first outbreathing of the soul in
the morning should be for the presence Pray often to your heavenly Father. The
of Jesus. “Without Me,” He says, “ye can more often you engage in prayer, the

Abiding in Prayer

closer your soul will be drawn into a sa- The consistent course is to commit our
cred nearness to God. The Holy Spirit desires to our all-wise heavenly Father,
will make intercession for the sincere and then, in perfect confidence, trust all
petitioner with groanings which cannot to Him. We know that God hears us if we
be uttered, and the heart will be softened ask according to His will. But to press
and subdued by the love of God. The our petitions without a submissive spirit
clouds and shadows which Satan casts is not right; our prayers must take the
about the soul will be dispelled by the form, not of command, but of interces-
bright beams of the Sun of Righteous- sion. {MH 230.2}
ness, and the chambers of mind and
heart will be illuminated by the light of There are thousands of prayers daily of-
Heaven. {HP 89.2} fered that God does not answer. There
are faithless prayers. “He that cometh
Pray in your closet, and as you go about to God must believe that he is, and that
your daily labor let your heart be often he is a rewarder of them that diligently
uplifted to God. It was thus that Enoch seek him.” Heb. 11:6. There are selfish
walked with God. These silent prayers prayers, proceeding from a heart that is
rise like precious incense before the cherishing idols. . . . There are petulant,
throne of grace. Satan cannot overcome fretful prayers, murmuring because of
him whose heart is thus stayed upon the burdens and cares of life, instead of
God. {SC 98.3} humbly seeking grace to lighten them.
Those who offer such petitions are not
There is no time or place in which it is in-
abiding in Christ. They have not sub-
appropriate to offer up a petition to God.
mitted their will to the will of God.
There is nothing that can prevent us from
They do not comply with the condition
lifting up our hearts in the spirit of ear-
of the promise, and it is not fulfilled to
nest prayer. In the crowds of the street, in
them. {OHC 147.3}
the midst of a business engagement, we
may send up a petition to God and plead
for divine guidance, as did Nehemiah They that are abiding in Jesus have the
when he made his request before King assurance that God will hear them, be-
Artaxerxes. A closet of communion may cause they love to do His will. They
be found wherever we are. We should offer no formal, wordy prayer, but
have the door of the heart open continu- come to God in earnest, humble con-
ally and our invitation going up that Je- fidence as a child to a tender father,
sus may come and abide as a heavenly and pour out the story of their grief
guest in the soul. {SC 99.1} and fears and sins, and in the name of
Jesus present their wants; they depart
(9) What is the primary con- from His presence rejoicing in the as-
ditionofansweredprayer? surance of pardoning love and sustain-
ing grace. {OHC 147.4}

(10) When we pray in faith,

1 John 5:14, 15
what wonderful promise
can we claim?
Related Texts: Matthew 26:39; 7:21;
John 4:34; Mark 11:25; Psalm 66:18;
Proverbs 28:9; James 4:3

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

thing from His saints that walk upright-

ly. Man is erring, and although his peti-
tions are sent up from an honest heart,
Mark 11:24 he does not always ask for the things
that are good for himself, or that will
Related Texts: Matthew 7:7-11; John glorify God. When this is so, our wise
16:23, 24; 1 John 5:14, 15; James 1:17 and good Father hears our prayers, and
will answer, sometimes immediately;
Every saint who comes to God with but He gives us the things that are for
a true heart, and sends his honest pe- our best good and His own glory. God
titions to Him in faith, will have his gives us blessings; if we could look into
prayers answered. Your faith must not His plan, we would clearly see that He
let go of the promises of God, if you do knows what is best for us and that our
not see or feel the immediate answer to prayers are answered. Nothing hurt-
your prayers. Be not afraid to trust God. ful is given, but the blessing we need,
Rely upon His sure promise: “Ask, and in the place of something we asked for
ye shall receive.” God is too wise to that would not be good for us, but to our
err, and too good to withhold any good hurt. {1T 120.2}

I realize that Christ’s Word I realize that faith is the criti-

enlightens and strengthens cal element that will allow
the mind. I want to make an me to take hold and claim the
intelligent choice to follow promised blessings of God.
His Word and obey it im-
plicitly through the enabling Circle: Yes Undecided
power of the Holy Spirit.
I choose to open my heart to
Circle: Yes Undecided God in prayer day–by–day,
and minute–by–minute so
I am also grateful for the gift that He can impart His di-
and privilege of prayer and vine will into my heart and
see its vital importance in life.
maintaining a constant con-
nection with Christ. Circle: Yes Undecided
Circle: Yes Undecided I trust God to know what is
best for me. He is too wise
I choose to believe God’s to err and too good to with-
promise that if I ask accord- hold any good thing from me
ing to His will I will receive so I leave the outcome of my
what I ask. prayers in His hands.
Circle: Yes Undecided Circle: Yes Undecided

Bearing Fruit to God’s Glory - 8
This lesson is based on John 15:8. cluster of the vine, the precious graces
of the Spirit,––love, joy, peace, long-
(1) How do we BRING GLO- suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
RY TO THE father As we BE- meekness, temperance... {OHC 145.4}
COME HIS disciples?
It is glory to a vinedresser when his
plants bear well. Thus glory comes to
God when His image is reflected in the
lives of His followers. Satan claims that
John 15:8 the requirements of God are too severe
and that men cannot attain to the ideal of
Related Texts: Psalm 92:12-14; Isa- Christian perfection. Thus the character
iah 60:21; 61:3; Matthew 5:16 of God is vindicated when men, through
divine grace, become partakers of the
The vine-branch, nourished from the divine nature.
parent stock, becomes flourishing and
fruitful. Its rich and fragrant clusters at- The reflection of the Christian graces is
test its union with the living vine. So evidence of discipleship. Without a vital
the Christian, abiding in Jesus, will connection with Christ it impossible to
bring forth fruit. In character and life bring forth the fruits of righteousness.
will be manifested, like the teeming {5BC 1043}

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

(2) what is our role in over- ANDthefruitofrighteous-

coming sin SO THAT WE CAN ness IN OUR LIVES?

Hebrews 13:20, 21

Romans 13:14 Related Texts: John 15:5; Philippi-

ans 2:13; 1:6; Hebrews 13:20, 21; 1
Related Texts: James 4:7; Luke 9:23; Peter 5:10; 1 Thessalonians 5:23, 24
Romans 6:11; Philippians 2:5; Colos-
sians 3:1, 2; 2:6; Galatians 5:16, 17 All who receive Christ as a personal
Saviour are to demonstrate the truth of
Temptation must be met and resisted. the gospel and its saving power upon the
Day by day the spiritual battle goes on. life. God makes no requirement without
Day by day we are to work out our own making provision for its fulfillment.
salvation with fear and trembling. It is Through the grace of Christ we may
God that works in us, to will and to do of accomplish everything that God requires.
His good pleasure. Every soul is to strive All the riches of heaven are to be revealed
with “all diligence” to add constantly to through God’s people. “Herein is My
his spiritual attainments, strengthening Father glorified,” Christ says, “that ye bear
every grace, increasing in efficiency that much fruit; so shall ye be My disciples.”
he may grow in usefulness and holiness, John 15:8. {COL 301.2}
as a fruit-bearing tree in the Lord’s
garden. He is to be neither barren nor Many have an idea that they must do
unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord some part of the work alone. They have
and Saviour Jesus Christ. True religion trusted in Christ for the forgiveness of sin,
leads to the cultivation of the gifts that but now they seek by their own efforts to
make a man more precious in God’s live aright. But every such effort must
sight than the gold of Ophir. fail. Jesus says, “Without me ye can do
nothing.” Our growth in grace, our joy,
“All diligence” means much. It means a our usefulness––all depend upon our
daily diligence. There is danger that we union with Christ. It is by communion
shall be blind in regard to the working with Him, daily, hourly––by abiding
of satanic agencies, and that we shall be in Him––that we grow in grace. He is
ensnared by Satan’s alluring temptations. not only the author, but the finisher of
Therefore the word comes to us, “Giving our faith. It is Christ first and last and
all diligence,” add to your character the always. He is to be with us, not only at
graces that will make you strong to resist the beginning and the end of our course,
evil. “He that lacketh these things is but at every step of the way. David says,
blind, and cannot see afar off.” He does “I have set the Lord always before me:
not realize his spiritual poverty [2 Peter because he is at my right hand, I shall not
1:10, 11 quoted] (Letter 144, 1903). be moved” (Ps. 16:8). {AG 293.2}

(3) Who is ULTIMATELY the “Without Me,” says Christ, “ye can
source of VICTORY over sin do nothing;” but with His divine grace

Bearing Fruit to God’s Glory

working through our human efforts, (5) As we CONTINUALLY walk

we can do all things. His patience and in the Spirit, how will itaf-
meekness will pervade the character, fect our DAILY lives?
diffusing a precious radiance which
makes bright and clear the pathway
to heaven. By beholding and imitating
His life we shall become renewed in
His image. The glory of heaven will Galatians 5:16
shine in our lives and be reflected
upon others. At the throne of grace Related Texts: Galatians 5:25; 6:8;
we are to find the help we need to en- Romans 8:1-14
able us to live thus. This is genuine
sanctification, and what more exalted The Lord Jesus acts through the Holy
position can mortals desire than to be Spirit; for it is His representative.
connected with Christ as a branch is Through it He infuses spiritual life
joined to the vine? {5T 306} into the soul, quickening its energies
for good, cleansing it from moral de-
(4) O N C E W E H AV E D ie D to filement, and giving it a fitness for His
self, how does Christ ac- kingdom. Jesus has large blessings to
tually dwell within us? bestow, rich gifts to distribute among
men. He is the wonderful Counselor,
infinite in wisdom and strength; and if
we will acknowledge the power of His
Spirit, and submit to be molded by it,
1 John 4:13 we shall stand complete in Him. What
a thought is this! In Christ “dwelleth
Related Texts: 1 John 3:24; Romans all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.
8:9; 11; 1 Corinthians 3:16 And ye are complete in him” (Col.
2:9, 10). Never will the human heart
When one is fully emptied of self, know happiness until it is submitted
when every false god is cast out of to be molded by the Spirit of God.
the soul, the vacuum is filled by the The Spirit conforms the renewed soul
inflowing of the Spirit of Christ. Such to the model, Jesus Christ. Through
a one has the faith that purifies the soul the influence of the Spirit, enmity
from defilement. He is conformed to against God is changed into faith and
the Spirit, and he minds the things of love, and pride into humility. The
the Spirit. He has no confidence in self. soul perceives the beauty of truth,
Christ is all and in all. He receives with and Christ is honored in excellence
meekness the truth that is constantly and perfection of character. As these
being unfolded, and gives the Lord all changes are effected, angels break out
the glory, saying, “God hath revealed in rapturous song, and God and Christ
them unto us by His Spirit.” “Now rejoice over souls fashioned after the
we have received, not the spirit of the divine similitude. {AG 196.4}
world, but the spirit which is of God;
that we might know the things that are (6) What are we called to
freely given to us of God.” [1 COR. do in our secular occupa-
2:10, 12.] {GW 287.1} tionsAND dailyACTIVITIES?

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

It is a law of nature that our thoughts and

feelings are encouraged and strengthened
as we give them utterance. While words
1 Corinthians 7:24 express thoughts, it is also true that
thoughts follow words. If we would give
Related Texts: Proverbs 11:20; 11:1; more expression to our faith, rejoice more
Philippians 2:3; Matthew 22:37-39 in the blessings that we know we have,–
–the great mercy and love of God,––we
The vine-branch, nourished from the should have more faith and greater joy.
parent stock, becomes flourishing and No tongue can express, no finite mind
fruitful. Its rich and fragrant clusters at- can conceive, the blessing that results
test its union with the living vine. So the from appreciating the goodness and
Christian, abiding in Jesus, will bring love of God. Even on earth we may
forth fruit. In character and life will be have joy as a wellspring, never failing,
manifested, like the teeming cluster because fed by the streams that flow
of the vine, the precious graces of the from the throne of God. {MH 251.4}
Spirit,––love, joy, peace, long-suffering,
gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, “Let the peace of God rule in your hearts;
temperance. . . . {OHC 145.4} . . . and be ye thankful.” Colossians
3:15. Forgetting our own difficulties
The apostle says, “Let every man, where- and troubles, let us praise God for an
in he is called, therein abide with God.” 1 opportunity to live for the glory of His
Corinthians 7:24. The businessman may name. Let the fresh blessings of each
conduct his business in a way that will new day awaken praise in our hearts for
glorify his Master because of his fidel- these tokens of His loving care. When
ity. If he is a true follower of Christ he you open your eyes in the morning,
will carry his religion into everything that thank God that He has kept you through
is done and reveal to men the spirit of the night. Thank Him for His peace in
Christ. The mechanic may be a diligent and your heart. Morning, noon, and night,
faithful representative of Him who toiled in let gratitude as a sweet perfume ascend
the lowly walks of life among the hills of to heaven. {MH 253.2}
Galilee. Everyone who names the name of Our confession of His faithfulness is
Christ should so work that others, by seeing Heaven’s chosen agency for revealing
his good works, may be led to glorify their Christ to the world. We are to acknowl-
Creator and Redeemer. {SC 82.1} edge His grace as made known through
(7) As God abides IN US and the holy men of old; but that which will be
reforms our characters, most effectual is the testimony of our own
what will we proclaim? experience. We are witnesses for God as
we reveal in ourselves the working of a
power that is divine. Every individual has
a life distinct from all others, and an ex-
perience differing essentially from theirs.
God desires that our praise shall ascend
1 Peter 2:9 to Him, marked with our own individual-
ity. These precious acknowledgments to
Related Texts: Hebrews 13:15; Ephe- the praise of the glory of His grace, when
sians 5:12; Isaiah 61:3; 43:21 supported by a Christlike life, have an ir-

Bearing Fruit to God’s Glory

resistible power that works for the salva- of heaven into this world, by giving us in
tion of souls. {MH 100.2} Christ all heaven, God has purchased the
will, the affections, the mind, the soul,
(8) What will be the evi- of every human being. Whether believ-
dence of our abiding rela- ers or unbelievers, all men are the Lord’s
tionship with God which property. {AG 173.2}
will bring glory to him?
We are His by creation and by redemption.
Our very bodies are not our own, to treat
as we please, to cripple by habits that
lead to decay, making it impossible to
render to God perfect service. Our lives
and all our faculties belong to Him. He
Matthew 5:16 is caring for us every moment; He keeps
the living machinery in action; if we
Related Texts: Isaiah 58:8; Ephesians were left to run it for one moment, we
2:10; 1 Timothy 5:25; Titus 3:8, 14 should die. We are absolutely dependent
upon God. {AG 173.3}
Everyone who believes in Christ as A great lesson is to be learned when
a personal Saviour is under bonds to we understand our relation to God, and
God to be pure and holy, to be a spiri- His relation to us. The words, “Ye are
tual worker, seeking to save the lost, not your own, for ye are bought with
whether they are great or small, rich or a price,” should be hung in memory’s
poor, bond or free. The greatest work hall, that we may ever recognize God’s
on earth is to seek and to save those right to our talents, our property, our
who are lost, for whom Christ has paid influence, our individual selves. We are
the infinite price of His own blood. Ev- to learn how to treat this gift of God, in
eryone is to do active service. . . . The mind, in soul, in body, that as Christ’s
sheep unsought is not brought back to purchased possession, we may do Him
the fold. {LHU 358.4} healthful, savory service. {AG 173.4}
(9) how will our love and
gratitude to god be prac-
tically demonstrated in I love God the Father and Je-
our lives? sus the Son with all my heart
and it is my earnest desire to
bring Them glory. I know that
I am not my own and have
been purchased at a high price
1 Corinthians 6:19, 20 and so, in love, I dedicate my
talents and all I possess to the
glory of God and advancing
Related Texts: 1 Corinthians 10:31; of His kingdom.
Romans 12:1, 2; 6:19
Circle: Yes Undecided
All men have been bought with this infi-
nite price. By pouring the whole treasury

Abiding in Obedience - 9
This lesson is based on John 15:9, 10. His glory and majesty, the Father points
us to Christ as His representative. What
(1) How is christ’s abiding you see revealed in Jesus, of tenderness,
love for us measured? compassion, and love, is the reflection of
the attributes of the Father. The cross of
Calvary reveals to man the love of God.
Christ represents the Sovereign of the
universe as a God of love. By the mouth
John 15:9 of the prophet He said, “I have loved
thee with an everlasting love: therefore
with loving-kindness have I drawn thee”
Related Texts: John 17:21, 26; 15:13; (Jer. 31:3). {HP 18.3}
Ephesians 3:17-19; 1 John 3:16: 4:8
To abide in Christ means to abide in the
Jesus presented the Father as one to whom shelter of His love. It is comforting to
we could give our confidence and present know Christ’s love for us is as abiding as
our wants. When we are in terror of God, the Father’s love for the Son. More than
and overwhelmed with the thought of that, “the Father himself loveth you” (ch.

Abiding in Obedience

16:27) with the same love with which He ship T H AT H e desires be -

loves the Son (EGW RH Nov 4, 1890). tween the Father, Himself,
and us?
(2) Which came first: God’s
abiding love for us or
Christ’s sacrifice?

John 17:23
John 3:16
Related Texts: John 17:21, 26; 16:27;
Related Texts: Jeremiah 31:3; Ephe- 3:35; 5:20, 21; Ephesians 3:17-19
sians 2:4-7; Romans 5:8; 1 John 3:1
O what an assurance is this, that the love
But this great sacrifice was not made of God may abide in the hearts of all
in order to create in the Father’s heart who believe in Him!...One who knows,
a love for man, not to make Him will- has said, “The Father himself loveth
ing to save. No, no! “God so loved the you.” One who has had an experimental
world, that He gave His only-begotten knowledge of the length, and breadth,
Son.” John 3:16. The Father loves us, and height, and depth of that love, has
not because of the great propitiation, declared unto us this amazing fact. This
but He provided the propitiation be- love is ours through faith in the Son of
cause He loves us. Christ was the me- God, therefore a connection with Christ
dium through which He could pour out means everything to us. We are to be one
His infinite love upon a fallen world. with Him as He is one with the Father,
“God was in Christ, reconciling the and then we are beloved by the infinite
world unto Himself.” 2 Corinthians God as members of the body of Christ, as
5:19. God suffered with His Son. In the branches of the living Vine. We are to be
agony of Gethsemane, the death of Cal- attached to the parent stock, and to receive
vary, the heart of Infinite Love paid the nourishment from the Vine. Christ is our
price of our redemption. {SC 13.2} glorified Head, and the divine love flowing
from the heart of God, rests in Christ, and
Jesus said, “Therefore doth My Father is communicated to those who have been
love Me, because I lay down My life, united to Him. This divine love entering the
that I might take it again.” John 10:17. soul inspires it with gratitude, frees it from
That is, “My Father has so loved you its spiritual feebleness, from pride, vanity,
that He even loves Me more for giv- and selfishness, and from all that would
ing My life to redeem you. In becom- deform the Christian character. {FE 178.1}
ing your Substitute and Surety, by
surrendering My life, by taking your (4) What is the privilege and
liabilities, your transgressions, I am duty of every Christian?
endeared to My Father; for by My sac-
rifice, God can be just, and yet the Jus-
tifier of him who believeth in Jesus.”
{SC 14.1}

theabiding love relation- Jeremiah 29:13

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

Related Texts: Jeremiah 24:7; Deu- thoughts, our purposes, our actions, will
teronomy 4:29; Psalm 119:2 be in harmony with the will of God as
expressed in the precepts of His holy law.
It is not only the privilege but the duty of “Little children, let no man deceive you:
every Christian to maintain a close union he that doeth righteousness is righteous,
with Christ and to have a rich experience even as He is righteous.” 1 John 3:7.
in the things of God. Then his life will Righteousness is defined by the standard
be fruitful in good works. Said Christ, of God’s holy law, as expressed in the ten
“Herein is my Father glorified, that ye precepts given on Sinai. {SC 61.1}
bear much fruit” (John 15:8). When we
read the lives of men who have been Christ attaches a weight of importance
eminent for their piety we often regard to the obedience of His people to the
their experiences and attainments as far commandments of God. They are to have
beyond our reach. But this is not the case. an intelligent knowledge of them, and
Christ died for all; and we are assured in bring them into their daily life. Man cannot
His word that He is more willing to give keep the commandments of God, only as
His Holy Spirit to them that ask Him than he is in Christ, and Christ in him. And it
are earthly parents to give good gifts to is not possible for him to be in Christ,
their children. The prophets and apostles having light on His commandments,
did not perfect Christian character by a while disregarding the least of them. By
miracle. They used the means which steadfast, willing obedience to His word,
God had placed within their reach; and they evidence their love for the Sent of
all who will put forth the same effort will God. {TDWG 142.1}
secure the same results. {SL 83.3}
Not to keep the commandments of God
(5) What is evidence that is not to love Him. None will keep the
we love God and his abid- law of God unless they love Him who
ing love is in us? is the only begotten of the Father. And
nonetheless surely; if they love Him,
they will express that love by obedience
to Him. All who love Christ will be
loved of the Father, and He will manifest
1 John 2:5, 6 Himself to them. In all their emergencies
and perplexities they will have a helper
Related Texts: 1 John 3:21-24; 5:3, 4; in Jesus Christ. {TDWG 142.2}
John 14:15, 21; 1 Thessalonians 4:1
God loves not only those who love His
We do not earn salvation by our obedience; Son, He loves the world (John 3:16;
for salvation is the free gift of God, to be cf. Rom. 5:8). Nevertheless when men
received by faith. But obedience is the fruit respond to the love of God a greater
of faith. “Ye know that He was manifested manifestation of that love is possible.
to take away our sins; and in Him is no {5BC 1049}
sin. Whosoever abideth in Him sinneth
not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen Him, (6) What is the ultimate
neither known Him.” 1 John 3:5, 6. Here test ofour loveand loyal-
is the true test. If we abide in Christ, if the ty to God and the state of
love of God dwells in us, our feelings, our our characters?

Abiding in Obedience

(7) What does willful sin

cause which prevents an
abiding relationship with

John 14:15

Related Texts: 1 Corinthians 7:19; Isaiah 59:2

Revelation 22:14; 2 Peter 2:21
Related Texts: Jeremiah 5:25; 2:17-
God’s great object in the working out of 19; Proverbs 15:29; Micah 3:4
His providences is to try men, to give
them opportunity to develop character. Let none deceive themselves with
Thus He proves whether they are obedient the belief that they can become holy
or disobedient to His commands. Good while willfully violating one of God’s
works do not purchase the love of God, requirements. The commission of a
but they reveal that we possess that love. If known sin silences the witnessing
we surrender the will to God, we shall not voice of the Spirit and separates the
work in order to earn God’s love. His love soul from God. “Sin is the transgres-
as a free gift will be received into the soul, sion of the law.” And “whosoever sin-
and from love to Him we shall delight to neth [transgresseth the law] hath not
obey His commandments. {COL 283.2} seen Him, neither known Him.” 1
John 3:6. Though John in his epistles
There are only two classes in the world dwells so fully upon love, yet he does
today, and only two classes will be not hesitate to reveal the true character
recognized in the judgment––those who of that class who claim to be sanctified
violate God’s law and those who obey it. while living in transgression of the law
Christ gives the test by which to prove of God. “He that saith, I know Him,
our loyalty or disloyalty. “If ye love Me,” and keepeth not His commandments,
He says, “keep My commandments. . . . is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But
He that hath My commandments, and whoso keepeth His word, in him verily
keepeth them, he it is that loveth Me. is the love of God perfected.” 1 John
And he that loveth Me shall be loved 2:4, 5. Here is the test of every man’s
of My Father, and I will love him, profession. We cannot accord holiness
and will manifest Myself to him. . . . to any man without bringing him to the
He that loveth Me not keepeth not My measurement of God’s only standard
sayings; and the word which ye hear is of holiness in heaven and in earth. If
not Mine, but the Father’s which sent men feel no weight of the moral law,
Me.” “If ye keep My commandments, if they belittle and make light of God’s
ye shall abide in My love; even as I precepts, if they break one of the least
have kept My Father’s commandments, of these commandments, and teach
and abide in His love.” John 14:15-24; men so, they shall be of no esteem in
15:10. {COL 283.3} the sight of Heaven, and we may know

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

that their claims are without foundation. the law.” 1 John 3:5, 4. But Christ was
[Matt. 5:19]. {GC 472.3} obedient to every requirement of the law.
He said of Himself, “I delight to do Thy
(8) When we love God and will, O My God; yea, Thy law is within
choose to abide in Him, by My heart.” Ps. 40:8. When on earth, He
whose power are we able said to His disciples, “I have kept My
toobeythecommandments Father’s commandments.” John 15:10.
and overcome sin? By His perfect obedience He has made
it possible for every human being to
obey God’s commandments. When we
submit ourselves to Christ, the heart is
united with His heart, the will is merged
1 Corinthians 15:56, 57 in His will, the mind becomes one with
His mind, the thoughts are brought into
Related Texts: Philippians 3:9; Ro- captivity to Him; we live His life. This
is what it means to be clothed with the
mans 7:22-25; 2 Corinthians 12:9 garment of His righteousness. Then as
There are but few who have an ap- the Lord looks upon us He sees, not the
preciation of the grievous character of fig-leaf garment, not the nakedness and
sin, and who comprehend the greatness deformity of sin, but His own robe of
of the ruin that has resulted from the righteousness, which is perfect obedience
transgression of God’s law. By exam- to the law of Jehovah. {COL 311.4}
ining the wonderful plan of redemption
to restore the sinner to the moral image (9) In an abiding partner-
of God, we see that the only means for ship with C hrist, what
man’s deliverance was wrought out by is our role in overcom-
the self-sacrifice, and the unparalleled ing sin?
condescension and love of the Son of
God. He alone had the strength to fight
the battles with the great Adversary of
God and man, and, as our substitute
and surety, He has given power to those
who lay hold of Him by faith, to be-
come victors in His name, and through
His merits. {FE 135.1} James 4:7, 8

This robe–[Christ’s robe of righteous- Related Texts: Acts 3:19; John 15:4,
ness]–woven in the loom of heaven, has in 5; Matthew 26:41; Galatians 2:20
it not one thread of human devising. Christ
in His humanity wrought out a perfect Let no man present the idea that man
character, and this character He offers to has little or nothing to do in the great
impart to us. “All our righteousness are work of overcoming; for God does
as filthy rags.” Isa. 64:6. Everything that nothing for man without his coopera-
we of ourselves can do is defiled by sin. tion. Neither say that after you have
But the Son of God “was manifested to done all you can on your part, Jesus will
take away our sins; and in Him is no sin.” help you. Christ has said, “Without me
Sin is defined to be “the transgression of ye can do nothing” (John 15:5). From

Abiding in Obedience

first to last man is to be a laborer to- in the world does not reach the divine
gether with God. Unless the Holy Spirit standard and has no more merit before
works upon the human heart, at every Heaven than had the offering of Cain.-
step we shall stumble and fall. Man’s -Manuscript 26a, 1892. {1SM 381.5}
efforts alone are nothing but worth-
lessness; but cooperation with Christ (10) When we are yoked in
means a victory. Of ourselves we have an abiding relationship
no power to repent of sin. Unless we withChrist,whatawesome
accept divine aid we cannot take the promise can we claim?
first step toward the Saviour. He says,
“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning
and the end” (Rev. 21:6) in the salva-
tion of every soul. {1SM 381.2}

But though Christ is everything, we

are to inspire every man to unwearied Matthew 11:28-30
diligence. We are to strive, wrestle,
agonize, watch, pray, lest we shall be Related Texts: Jeremiah 6:16; He-
overcome by the wily foe. For the pow- brews 4:9-11; Isaiah 26:3
er and grace with which we can do this
comes from God, and all the while we ...We are to find rest by wearing His yoke
are to trust in Him, who is able to save and bearing His burdens. In being co-
to the uttermost all who come unto God workers with Christ in the great work for
by Him. Never leave the impression on which He gave His life, we shall find true
the mind that there is little or nothing rest. When we were sinners, He gave His
to do on the part of man; but rather life for us. He wants us to come to Him
teach man to cooperate with God, that and learn of Him. Thus we are to find
he may be successful in overcoming. rest. He says He will give us rest. “Learn
{1SM 381.3} of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart.”
In doing this you will find in your own
Let no one say that your works have experience the rest that Christ gives,
nothing to do with your rank and position the rest that comes from wearing His
before God. In the judgment the sentence yoke and lifting His burdens (GCB
pronounced is according to what has April 4, 1901).
been done or to what has been left un-
done (Matt. 25:34-40). {1SM 381.4} In accepting Christ’s yoke of restraint
and obedience, you will find that it is
Effort and labor are required on the of the greatest help to you. Wearing
part of the receiver of God’s grace; for this yoke keeps you near the side of
it is the fruit that makes manifest what Christ, and He bears the heaviest part
is the character of the tree. Although of the load. “Learn of me; for I am
the good works of man are of no more meek and lowly in heart.” To learn the
value without faith in Jesus than was lessons Christ teaches is the greatest
the offering of Cain, yet covered with treasure students can find. Rest comes
the merit of Christ, they testify to the to them in the consciousness that they
worthiness of the doer to inherit eternal are trying to please the Lord (Letter
life. That which is considered morality 144, 1901).

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

I realize that because He loves Christ. My role is to abide in

me the Father provided the sac- Him and resist the devil with ev-
rifice of His Son. ery effort possible, realizing that
all victory comes from Him.
Circle: Yes Undecided
Circle: Yes Undecided
I realize that I cannot earn salva-
tion by my obedience; for salva- From first to last I choose to be
tion is the free gift of God to be a laborer together with God. I
received by faith. I choose to know that unless the Holy Spir-
accept His amazing gift and I it works upon my human heart,
want to bring glory to Him by at every step I will stumble and
doing what is right in my life. fall. My efforts alone are noth-
ing but worthlessness; but if I
Circle: Yes Undecided am in cooperation with Christ
this means certain victory.
I see that righteousness is de-
fined by the standard of God’s Circle: Yes Undecided
holy law, as expressed in the ten
precepts given on Sinai. I realize I realize that ultimately these
also that I do not have the abil- victories in my life will be
ity on my own to obey them. directly proportional to my
abiding connection to Christ.
Circle: Yes Undecided Today I choose to spend time
in His Word daily and live
I understand that to overcome minute-by-minute in submis-
sin and obey His command- sion to His will.
ments I must enter into a di-
vine – human partnership with Circle: Yes Undecided

Study Notes - Prayer Requests - Answered Prayers: _________


Abiding in Joy - 10
This lesson is based on John 15:11. heavenly Father, He gives the assurance
that He will fulfil His promises. His joy
(1) What WAS Christ’S pur- will be in their hearts, and their joy will
pose in sharing these di- be full. {Letter 203, Sept. 14, 1903}
vine truthsaboutabiding
in Him with us? (2) Who is the Source of joy?

Romans 15:13

John 15:11 Related Texts: Ecclesiastes 2:26; Isa-

iah 65;18; Jeremiah 31:13; Luke 2:10
Related Texts: John 17:13; 10:10;
14:27 God is the source of life and light and
joy to the universe. Like rays of light
God is the eternal, uncreated fountain of from the sun, blessings flow out from
all good. All who look to Him and trust Him to all the creatures He has made.
in Him find Him to be this. To those In His infinite love He has granted men
who serve Him, cleaving to Him as their the privilege of becoming partakers of

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

the divine nature, and, in their turn, of sin and imparts to them His righteousness.
diffusing blessings to their fellow men. Their joy is full. {CME 26.3}
This is the highest honor, the greatest joy,
that it is possible for God to bestow upon Who have better right than Christians to
men. Those are brought nearest to their sing songs of rejoicing? Have they not the
Creator who thus become participants in expectation of being members of the royal
labors of love. He who refuses to become family, children of the heavenly King? Is
a “laborer together with God,”––the man not the gospel good tidings of great joy?
who for the sake of selfish indulgence When the promises of God are freely
ignores the wants of his fellow men, the and fully accepted, heaven’s brightness is
miser who heaps up his treasures here,– brought into the life. . . . {CME 26.4}
–is withholding from himself the richest
blessing that God can give him.--R. & (4)WhydoesabidinginChrist
H., Dec. 6, 1887. bring joy to the heart?

( 3 ) W hat do those who

accept Christ as their sin

Psalm 16:11

Related Texts: Acts 2:28; 1 Thessa-

lonians 2:19

Why should not our joy be full––full, lack-

Isaiah 61:3 ing nothing? We have an assurance that Je-
sus is our Saviour, and that we may draw
Related Texts: Isaiah 35:10; Psalm freely from Him. We may partake freely of
70:4; 5:11; John 17:13 the rich provision that He has made for us in
His Word. We may take Him at His word,
As God raised Christ from the dead, that believe on Him, and know that He will give
He might bring life and immortality to us grace and power to do just as He bids
light through the gospel, and thus save us. . . . We may constantly seek the joy of
His people from their sins, so Christ has His presence. We need not be all the time
raised fallen human beings to spiritual upon our knees in prayer, but we may be
life, quickening them with His life, filling constantly asking for His grace, even when
their hearts with hope and joy. {HP 7.2} we are walking on the streets, or when we
are engaged in our ordinary daily duties.
It is the duty of Christians to convince the We may constantly keep the mind ascend-
world that the religion of Christ disrobes ing to Christ, and He will freely impart to us
the soul of the garments of heaviness of His grace. . . . {2 SAT 293}
and mourning and clothes it with joy and
gladness. Those who receive Christ as a (5) FROM Whom do we expe-
sin-pardoning Saviour are clothed with riencejoythatwemaythen
His garments of light. He takes away their impart it to the world?

Abiding in Joy

Related Texts: Hebrews 12:2; Mat-

thew 25:21; Luke 15:7, 10

Romans 14:17 To share eternity with the ransomed of

all ages and the unfallen beings of other
worlds was a prospect that brought
Related Texts: Galatians 5:22; Acts utter joy to our Lord as He suffered
13:52; 1 Thessalonians 1:6 in Gethsemane and on the cross of
Calvary. {7BC 481} The joy of Christ
As the divine endowment––the power of lay in the consciousness of a successfully
the Holy Spirit-––as given to the disciples, accomplished mission. The Saviour had
so it will today be given to all who seek joy in carrying out the divine purpose in
aright. This power alone is able to make man’s redemption and in enduring that
us wise unto salvation and to fit us for men might be saved. His purpose in life
the courts above. Christ wants to give us was to glorify His Father. {5BC 1043}
a blessing that will make us holy. “These
things have I spoken unto you,” He says, ( 7 ) W hen W E are abid -
“that My joy might remain in you, and ing in Christ, what will
that your joy might be full.” John 15:11. bring joy to our hearts?
Joy in the Holy Spirit is health-giving,
life-giving joy. In giving us His Spirit,
God gives us Himself, making Himself
a fountain of divine influences, to give
health and life to the world. {7T 273.1} Psalm 126:6
As God so liberally bestows His gifts Related Texts: Proverbs 11:25; Isa-
on you, remember that it is in order that iah 58:6-8; John 4:36
you may return them to the Giver, mul-
tiplied by being imparted. Bring into the And he who seeks to give light to others
lives of others light and joy and peace. will himself be blessed. “There shall be
Every day we need the discipline of showers of blessing.” “He that watereth
self-humiliation, that we may be pre- shall be watered also himself.” Prov.
pared to receive the heavenly gift, not 11:25. God could have reached His ob-
to hoard it, not to rob God’s children ject in saving sinners without our aid; but
of His blessing, but to give it in all its in order for us to develop a character like
rich fullness to others. When more than Christ’s, we must share in His work. In
now shall we need a heart open to re- order to enter into His joy,––the joy of
ceive, aching, as it were, with its long- seeing souls redeemed by His sacrifice,–
ing to impart? {7T 273.2} –we must participate in His labors for
their redemption. {DA 142.2} Is it not
(6) What BRINGS Joy TO THE a privilege to be thus copartners with
HEART OF Christ? Jesus? Is it not an honor to be con-
nected with the grand work of saving
souls, acting the part assigned us by our
Saviour? And none can impart a bless-
ing to others without receiving benefit
Jude 24 himself. {CH 508.1}

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

The service rendered in sincerity of heart In thinking of heaven, we may put our
has great recompense. “Thy Father which imagination to the utmost stretch and
seeth in secret Himself shall reward thee think the loftiest thoughts that we are
openly.” By the life we live through the capable of thinking, and our minds will
grace of Christ the character is formed. grow weary in the effort to comprehend
The original loveliness begins to be the breadth and depth and height of the
restored to the soul. The attributes of subject. It is impossible for our minds to
the character of Christ are imparted, and take in the great themes of eternity. It is
the image of the Divine begins to shine impossible for us even to make an effort
forth. The faces of men and women who to understand these things without the
walk and work with God express the effort affecting our whole character for
peace of heaven. They are surrounded good and having an uplifting influence
with the atmosphere of heaven. For these on our minds. As we think of how Christ
souls the kingdom of God has begun. came to our world to die for fallen man,
They have Christ’s joy, the joy of being we understand something of the price
a blessing to humanity. They have the that was paid for our redemption, and we
honor of being accepted for the Master’s realize that there is no true goodness or
use; they are trusted to do His work in greatness apart from God. {Mar 322.2}
His name. {DA 312.2}
Only by the light shining from the cross
(8) upon WHAT SUBJECT MUST of Calvary can we know to what depths
OUR MINDS DWELL IN ORDER of sin and degradation the human race has
to enter into the fullness fallen through sin. Only by the length of
of Christ’s joy? the chain let down from heaven to draw
us up can we know the depths to which
we had sunk. And it is only by keeping
the unseen realities in view that we can
understand anything of the wonderful
theme of redemption. {Mar 322.3}
Colossians 3:2
We are almost home; we shall soon
Related Texts: Romans 8:5, 6; 12:2; hear the voice of the Saviour richer
Isaiah 26:3; 2 Corinthians 4:18 than any music, saying, Your warfare is
accomplished. Enter into the joy of thy
When God’s people take their eyes off Lord. Blessed, blessed benediction; I
the things of this world and place them want to hear it from His immortal lips.
on heaven and heavenly things they I want to praise Him; I want to honor
will be a peculiar people, because they Him that sitteth on the throne. I want my
will see the mercy and goodness and voice to echo and re-echo through the
compassion that God has shown to the courts of heaven. Will you be there? . . .
children of men. His love will call forth God help us, and fill us with all fullness
a response from them, and their lives and power, and then we can taste of the
will show to those around them that joys of the world to come. {Mar 322.4}
the Spirit of God is controlling them,
that they are setting their affections on (9) What is important that
things above, not on the things of the we do so that His joy can
earth. {Mar 322.1} remain in us?

Abiding in Joy

(10) As Christ’s followers

how should we demon -
strate our love for Christ
to the world?

1 John 2:24

Related Texts: Deuteronomy. 4:9; Co- Psalm 32:11

lossians 2:6; Hebrews 12:2; Romans
1:17 Related Texts: Psalm 40:16; 43:4
The Lord would have all His sons and Why should not our joy be full––full,
daughters happy, peaceful, and obedient. lacking nothing? We have an assurance
Jesus says, “My peace I give unto you: that Jesus is our Saviour, and that we
not as the world giveth, give I unto you. may draw freely from Him. We may
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let partake freely of the rich provision that
it be afraid.” “These things have I spoken He has made for us in His Word. We
unto you, that My joy might remain in may take Him at His word, believe on
you, and that your joy might be full.” Him, and know that He will give us
John 14:27; 15:11. {SC 124.1} grace and power to do just as He bids
us. . . . {OHC 148.3}
Even here Christians may have the joy
of communion with Christ; they may The joy of Christ is a pure, unalloyed
have the light of His love, the perpetual cheerfulness. It is not a cheap gaiety,
comfort of His presence. Every step in that leads to vanity of words or light-
life may bring us closer to Jesus, may ness of conduct. No, we are to have
give us a deeper experience of His love, His joy, and His greatest joy was to see
and may bring us one step nearer to the men obeying the truth. . . . Plead with
blessed home of peace. Then let us not God, saying, “I make an entire sur-
cast away our confidence, but have render. I give myself away to Thee.”
firm assurance, firmer than ever before. Then be joyful. The Word is in you,
“Hitherto hath the Lord helped us,” and purifying and cleansing your charac-
He will help us to the end. 1 Samuel ter. God does not want His children
7:12. Let us look to the monumental to go about with anxiety and sorrow
pillars, reminders of what the Lord expressed in their faces. He wants the
has done to comfort us and to save lovely expression of His countenance
us from the hand of the destroyer. Let to be revealed in every one of us who
us keep fresh in our memory all the are partakers of the divine nature; for
tender mercies that God has shown we have power to escape the corrup-
us,––the tears He has wiped away, the tions of the world. . . . {OHC 148.4}
pains He has soothed, the anxieties
removed, the fears dispelled, the wants We are not, because Christ died, left a
supplied, the blessings bestowed,–– company of orphans. . . . It is possible
thus strengthening ourselves for all that for us to obtain victory after victory, and
is before us through the remainder of be the most happy people on the face of
our pilgrimage. {SC 125.1} the earth. {OHC 148.5}

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

I am thankful that, as He suf- Circle: Yes Undecided

fered on calvary, it brought joy
to the heart of Christ knowing I understand that those who
He was redeeming me by His become a participant in
sacrifice. Christ’s labor of love for the
lost are brought nearest to
Circle: Yes Undecided their Creator. I choose to be
a partaker in this greatest joy
I choose to be clothed with known to fallen man.
His garment of righteousness
that He may impart to me Circle: Yes Undecided
the fullness of joy He offers
through salvation. I long for the day when
Christ‘s joy will be complete
Circle: Yes Undecided as we – the ransomed – en-
ter through the gates of His
I realize that even here on kingdom to be eternally with
earth I may experience the joy Him and the Father.
of communion with Christ that
can only be experienced in Circle: Yes Undecided
His presence. I, by His grace,
choose to abide in Him.

Study Notes - Prayer Requests - Answered Prayers: _________


Abiding in Love - 11
This lesson is based on John 15:12. was one of the principal attributes of
Jesus. Jesus’ life had been a practical
(1)Whatcommandmentdoes demonstration of love in action. A
christ ask us to follow manifestation of this same kind of
which demonstrates our love by the disciples of Jesus would
abiding connection with give evidence of their relationship
Him? and close association with thei r
Master. It is love rather than profession
that marks the Christian...constant,
fervent manifestations of love, rather
than isolated, f itful outbursts of
John 15:12 charitableness, are the evidences of
discipleship. {5BC 1031}
Related Texts: John 13:34, 35; 1 John The command to love was not in itself
4:16; Ephesians 5:2; 1 Peter 4:8 new. It belonged to the instructions
given by the Lord through Moses (Lev.
Followers of great teachers reflect the 19:18)...The command was new in that
characteristics of their teachers. Love a new demonstration had been given

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

of love, which the disciples were now Love to man is the earthward mani-
bidden to emulate. By His revelation of festation of the love of God. It was to
His Father’s character Jesus had opened implant this love, to make us children
to men a new concept of the love of God. of one family, that the King of glory
The new command enjoined men to became one with us. And when His
preserve the same relationship with one parting words are fulfilled, “Love one
another that Jesus had cultivated with another, as I have loved you” (John
them and mankind generally. Where 15:12); when we love the world as He
the old commandment enjoined men has loved it, then for us His mission is
to love their neighbors as themselves, accomplished. We are fitted for heav-
the new urged them to love as Jesus en; for we have heaven in our hearts.
had loved. The new was, in fact, more {DA 641.3}
difficult than the old, but grace for its
accomplishment was freely provided. (3) Who is the Source of
{5BC 1031} loveandwhatmusthappen
in us before it can be prac-
(2) H O W I S L O V E D E F I N E D ticed?
AND What does the pres-
ence of it indicate?

1 John 4:7
1 John 4:16
Related Texts: 1 Thessalonians 3:12;
Related Texts: 1 John 4:7, 8; 2:4, 5; 4:9; 2 Thessalonians 3:5; 2 Timothy
3:16, 17 1:7; Romans 5:5

It is the greatest and most fatal deception ...The soul is fed by the streams of pure
to suppose that a man can have faith unto love that flow from the heart of Christ,
life eternal, without possessing Christ- as a wellspring that never fails. O, how
like love for his brethren. He who loves is the heart quickened, how are its mo-
God and his neighbor is filled with light tives ennobled, its affections deepened,
and love. God is in him and all around by this communion! Under the educa-
him. Christians love those around them tion and discipline of the Holy Spirit, the
as precious souls for whom Christ has children of God love one another, truly,
died. There is no such thing as a loveless sincerely, affectedly—“without partial-
Christian; for “God is love,” and “here- ity, and without hypocrisy.” And this be-
by we do know that we know him, if we cause the heart is in love with Jesus. Our
keep his commandments. He that saith, affection for one another springs from
I know him, and keepeth not his com- our common relation to God...(Letter
mandments, is a liar, and the truth is not 63, 1896).
in him.” … “This is my commandent,
That ye love one another, as I have loved Love is the basis of godliness. Whatever
you.” This is the fruit that is to be given the profession, no man has pure love to
back to God (MS 133, 1899). God unless he has unselfish love for his

Abiding in Love

brother. But we can never come into pos- the certain result of every labor of love.
session of this spirit by trying to love oth- It is diffusive in its nature and quiet in
ers. What is needed is the love of Christ its operation, yet strong and mighty in
in the heart. When self is merged in its purpose to overcome great evils. It
Christ, love springs forth spontaneously. is melting and transforming in its influ-
The completeness of Christian charac- ence, and will take hold of the lives of
ter is attained when the impulse to help the sinful and affect their hearts when ev-
and bless others springs constantly from ery other means has proved unsuccess-
within–hen the sunshine of heaven fills ful. Wherever the power of intellect, of
the heart and is revealed in the counte- authority, or of force is employed, and
nance. {COL 384.2} love is not manifestly present, the affec-
tions and will of those whom we seek
(4) What does love have the to reach assume a defensive, repelling
power to accomplish? position, and their strength of resistance
is increased. Jesus was the Prince of
Peace. He came into the world to bring
resistance and authority into subjec-
Proverbs 10:12 tion to Himself. Wisdom and strength
He could command, but the means He
Related Texts: Song of Sol. 8:6, 7; employed with which to overcome evil
1 John 4:18; Romans 13:10 were the wisdom and strength of love.
Suffer nothing to divide your interest
Love is power. Intellectual and moral from your present work until God shall
strength are involved in this principle, see fit to give you another piece of work
and cannot be separated from it. The in the same field. Seek not for happiness,
power of wealth has a tendency to for it is never to be found by seeking for
corrupt and destroy; the power of force it. Go about your duty. Let faithfulness
is strong to do hurt; but the excellence mark all your doings, and be clothed
and value of pure love consist in its with humility. {2T 135.2}
efficiency to do good, and to do
nothing else than good. Whatsoever is (5) howarewe,INAPRACTICAL
done out of pure love, be it ever so little WAY, ABLE to love others as
or contemptible in the sight of men, is Christ loved and thus ful-
wholly fruitful; for God regards more fill the law?
with how much love one worketh than
the amount he doeth. Love is of God.
The unconverted heart cannot originate
nor produce this plant of heavenly
growth, which lives and flourishes only Galatians 5:13, 14
where Christ reigns. {2T 135.1}

Love cannot live without action, and

Related Texts: Galatians 6:2; John
every act increases, strengthens, and ex- 15:12, 13; 1 John 3:16-18; Hebrews
tends it. Love will gain the victory when 13:16; Ephesians 5:1, 2
argument and authority are powerless.
Love works not for profit nor reward; yet If the Majesty of heaven could do so
God has ordained that great gain shall be much to show His love for man, what

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

ought not men to be willing to do to

help one another out of the pit of dark-
ness and suffering! Said Christ, “Love
one another, as I have loved you;” not
with a greater love; for “greater love
hath no man than this, that a man lay 1 John 4:12
down his life for his friends.” Our love
is frequently selfish, for we confine it Related Texts: 1 John 4:16, 20; 3:10;
to prescribed limits. When we come 3:14, 17; 5:2; John 13:34, 35; 15:14, 17
into close union and fellowship with
Christ, our love and sympathy and our Love to man is the earthward manifesta-
works of benevolence will reach down tion of the love of God. It was to implant
deeper and will widen and strengthen this love, to make us children of one fam-
with exercise. The love and interest of ily, that the King of glory became one
Christ’s followers must be as broad as with us. And when His parting words are
the world. Those who live merely for fulfilled, “Love one another, as I have
“me and mine” will fail of heaven. God loved you” (John 15:12); when we love
calls upon you as a family to cultivate the world as He has loved it, then for us
love, to become less sensitive in regard His mission is accomplished. We are fit-
to yourselves and more sensitive to the ted for heaven; for we have heaven in our
griefs and trials of others. This selfish hearts. {DA 641.3}
spirit that you have cherished all your
lives is correctly represented by the All this is but a fulfillment of the principle
priest and the Levite who passed by of the law,–the principle that is illustrated
the unfortunate on the other side. They in the story of the good Samaritan, and
saw that he needed help, but purposely made manifest in the life of Jesus. His
avoided him. {3T 529.2} character reveals the true significance
of the law, and shows what is meant by
Christ’s love is deep and earnest, flowing loving our neighbor as ourselves. And
like an irrepressible stream to all who when the children of God manifest mercy,
will accept it. There is no selfishness in kindness, and love toward all men, they
His love. If this heaven-born love is an also are witnessing to the character of
abiding principle in the heart, it will make the statutes of heaven. They are bearing
itself known, not only to those we hold testimony to the fact that “the law of the
most dear in sacred relationship, but to all Lord is perfect, converting the soul.”
with whom we come in contact. It will Ps. 19:7. And whoever fails to manifest
lead us to bestow little acts of attention, this love is breaking the law which he
to make concessions, to perform deeds professes to revere. For the spirit we
of kindness, to speak tender, true, manifest toward our brethren declares
encouraging words. It will lead us to what is our spirit toward God. The love
sympathize with those whose hearts of God in the heart is the only spring of
hunger for sympathy (MS 17, 1899). love toward our neighbor. “If a man say,
I love God, and hateth his brother, he is
(6) W hat does our love a liar: for he that loveth not his brother
for our fellow man re- whom he hath seen, how can he love God
veal about our relation- whom he hath not seen?” Beloved, “if we
ship with god? love one another, God dwelleth in us,

Abiding in Love

and His love is perfected in us.” 1 John His holy, happy home, where He was be-
4:20, 12. {DA 505.1} loved by all the heavenly host. He beheld
our sore need, He undertook our case,
(7) I n the parable of the and identified His interests with those of
Good Samaritan, what ex- humanity. He died to save His enemies.
ample did Christteachand He prayed for His murderers. Pointing to
practice? His own example, He says to His follow-
ers, “These things I command you, that
ye love one another”; “as I have loved
you, that ye also love one another.” John
15:17; 13:34. {COL 381.1}

(8) W hat spea k s louder

then words in the life of
John 13:34 one claiming the title of
Related Texts: John 13:35; Galatians
6:2; Romans 12:10

In the story of the good Samaritan, Jesus

gave a picture of Himself and His mis-
sion. Man had been deceived, bruised,
robbed, and ruined by Satan, and left to James 1:22
perish; but the Saviour had compassion
on our helpless condition. He left His
Related Texts: John 13:35; 8:31; Mat-
glory, to come to our rescue. He found thew 5:14-16; Luke 11:28
us ready to die, and He undertook our
case. He healed our wounds. He cov- Divine truth exerts little influence upon
ered us with His robe of righteousness. the world, when it should exert much in-
He opened to us a refuge of safety, and fluence through our practice. The mere
made complete provision for us at His profession of religion abounds, but it has
own charges. He died to redeem us. ... little weight. We may claim to be follow-
{DA 503.6, 504} ers of Christ, we may claim to believe
every truth in the word of God; but
The Samaritan had fulfilled the com- this will do our neighbor no good un-
mand, “Thou shalt love thy neighbour less our belief is carried into our daily
as thyself,” thus showing that he was life. Our profession may be as high as
more righteous than those by whom he heaven, but it will save neither our-
was denounced. Risking his own life, selves nor our fellow men unless we
he had treated the wounded man as his are Christians. A right example will do
brother. This Samaritan represents Christ. more to benefit the world than all our
Our Saviour manifested for us a love that profession. {COL 383.2}
the love of man can never equal. When
we were bruised and dying, He had pity By no selfish practices can the cause
upon us. He did not pass us by on the of Christ be served. His cause is the
other side, and leave us, helpless and cause of the oppressed and the poor. In
hopeless, to perish. He did not remain in the hearts of His professed followers

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

there is need of the tender sympathy of contemplation of which should fill the
Christ–a deeper love for those whom soul with inexpressible gratitude! Oh,
He has so valued as to give His own what love, what matchless love! The
life for their salvation. These souls contemplation of this love will cleanse
are precious, infinitely more precious the soul from all selfishness. It will lead
than any other offering we can bring the disciple to deny self, take up the cross,
to God. To bend every energy toward and follow the Redeemer. {CH 222.2}
some apparently great work, while we
neglect the needy or turn the stranger ...God’s love embraces all mankind, but
from his right, is not a service that will directly benefits only those who respond
meet His approval. {COL 383.3} to it. Love requires reciprocity in order
to be fully effective. But significantly,
(9) What, in an amazing dem- God’s love embraces those who reject
onstrationoflove,didGod it as well as those who accept it. None
give to fallen humanity? of the lost can accuse God of not loving
them...{5BC 929}

(10) What is the greatest

demonstration of love and
John 3:16 theamazingsacrificeChrist
has made for us?
Related Texts: Romans 5:8; 1 John
4:9; 3:1
John 15:13
...God decided to give human beings
unmistakable evidence of the love with Related Texts: John 10:11; Romans
which He regarded them. He “so loved 5:6, 7; Ephesians 5:2; Philippians 2:8
the world, that He gave His only-begotten
Son, that whosoever believeth in Him How did Christ manifest His love for
should not perish, but have everlasting poor mortals? By the sacrifice of His
life.”...{CH 222.1} own glory, His own riches, and even His
most precious life. Christ consented to
The Godhead was stirred with pity for a life of humiliation and great suffering.
the race, and the Father, the Son, and He submitted to the cruel mockings of an
the Holy Spirit gave Themselves to the infuriated, murderous multitude, and to
working out of the plan of redemption. the most agonizing death upon the cross.
In order fully to carry out this plan, it was Said Christ: “This is My command-
decided that Christ, the only-begotten ment, That ye love one another, as I have
Son of God, should give Himself an loved you. Greater love hath no man
offering for sin. What line can measure than this, that a man lay down his life for
the depth of this love? God would make his friends.
it impossible for man to say that He
could have done more. With Christ He ...Every earthly blessing has come to us
gave all the resources of heaven, that because of the infinite price that has been
nothing might be wanting in the plan paid in our behalf. If it has cost so great
for man’s uplifting. Here is love––the a price to redeem man, so that he should

Abiding in Love

not perish, but have everlasting life, how sakes He left the happiness and glory of
we should rejoice that we are privileged heaven and suffered poverty and shame,
to become co-workers with Christ in cruel affliction and a terrible death? Had
saving those for whom He has given He not by His death and resurrection
His precious life! The Lord Jesus loves opened for us the door of hope, we should
those for whom He has made the greatest have known nothing but the horrors of
sacrifice. He gave His own most precious darkness and the miseries of despair. In
life to bring life and immortality to light our present state, favored and blessed
to all those who should believe. “This is as we are, we cannot realize from what
life eternal, that they might know thee the depths we have been rescued. We cannot
only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom measure how much deeper our afflictions
thou has sent” {John 17:3}. Those who would have been, how much greater our
receive Christ are in copartnership with woes, had not Jesus encircled us with His
Him, and will not mistake their lifework. human arm of sympathy and love, and
They will heed the words spoken by lifted us up. {5T 316.1}
Christ. They will be guided by the Holy
Spirit, and become more and more Many who profess to be Christians become
intelligent in regard to the requirements excited over worldly enterprises, and their
of God, and will reveal the love and grace interest is awakened for new and exciting
that were revealed in the life of Christ amusements, while they are coldhearted,
toward those with whom He came in and appear as if frozen, in the cause of
contact. {R & H, Jan. 14, 1896.; SW 53.1} God. Here is a theme, poor formalist,
which is of sufficient importance to excite
(11) Like Paul, on what tre- you. Eternal interests are here involved.
mendous theme should our Upon this theme it is sin to be calm and
lips speak and our minds unimpassioned. The scenes of Calvary call
constantly dwell? for the deepest emotion. Upon this subject
you will be excusable if you manifest
enthusiasm. That Christ, so excellent,
so innocent, should suffer such a painful
1 Corinthians 2:2 death, bearing the weight of the sins of
the world, our thoughts and imaginations
Related Texts: Ephesians 3:17-19 can never fully comprehend. The length,
the breadth, the height, the depth, of such
Romans 5:6-8 amazing love we cannot fathom. The
contemplation of the matchless depths
What a theme for meditation is the of a Saviour’s love should fill the mind,
sacrifice that Jesus made for lost sinners! touch and melt the soul, refine and elevate
“He was wounded for our transgressions, the affections, and completely transform
He was bruised for our iniquities: the the whole character. The language of the
chastisement of our peace was upon apostle is: “I determined not to know
Him; and with His stripes we are healed.” anything among you, save Jesus Christ,
{Isaiah 53:5}. How shall we estimate and Him crucified.” We also may look
the blessings thus brought within our toward Calvary and exclaim: “God forbid
reach? Could Jesus have suffered more? that I should glory, save in the cross of our
Could He have purchased for us richer Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is
blessings? Should it not melt the hardest crucified unto me, and I unto the world.”
heart when we remember that for our {2T 212.3}

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

I realize that it is love rather not originate nor produce

than profession that marks love. God is the Source
the true disciple of Christ. and the Giver and it lives
and flourishes only where
Circle: Yes Undecided Christ reigns.

I see that it is constant, fervent Circle: Yes Undecided

manifestations of love, not the
occasional good deed that are I plead, that by His grace, His
evidences of true discipleship. character will be revealed in
me so that, in love, the impulse
Circle: Yes Undecided to help and bless others springs
constantly from within.
I know it is true that the
unconverted heart can- Circle: Yes Undecided

Study Notes - Prayer Requests - Answered Prayers: _________


An Abiding Friendship - 12
This lesson is based on John 15:14, 15. best he can for his Master is admitted to
familiar intercourse with the One whose
(1) I f we love and honor commands he loves to obey. In the faith-
Christwithourobedience, ful discharge of duty we may become
what does he consider us? one with Christ, for those who are obey-
ing God’s commands may speak to Him
freely. The one who talks most familiarly
with his divine leader has the most ex-
alted conception of His greatness and
John 15:14 is the most obedient to His commands.
{TMK 296.2}
Related Texts: John 14:21, 23; Isa-
iah 41:8; James 2:23, 24 The character of the one who comes to
God in faith will bear witness that the
Those who live in close fellowship with Saviour has entered into his life, direct-
Christ will be promoted by Him to posi- ing all, pervading all. Such a one is con-
tions of trust. The servant who does the tinually asking, “Is this Thy will and way,

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

O my Saviour?” Constantly he looks to How often those who are in health forget
Jesus, the Author and Finisher of his the wonderful mercies that are continued
faith. He consults the will of his divine to them day by day, year after year. They
Friend in reference to all his actions, for render no tribute of praise to God for all
he knows that in this confidence is his His benefits. But when sickness comes,
strength. He has made it a habit to lift up God is remembered. The strong desire
the heart to God in every perplexity. . . . for recovery leads to earnest prayer, and
{TMK 296.4} this is right. God is our refuge in sickness
as in health. But many do not leave
He who accepts God as his sovereign their cases with Him; they encourage
must take the oath of allegiance to Him. weakness and disease by worrying about
He must put on the Christian uniform themselves. If they would cease repining
and bear aloft the banner that shows and rise above depression and gloom,
to whose army he belongs. He must their recovery would be more sure. They
make an open avowal of his allegiance should remember with gratitude how long
to Christ. Concealment is impossible. they enjoyed the blessing of health; and
Christ’s impress must appear in the life should this precious boon be restored to
in sanctified works. {TMK 296.5} them, they should not forget that they are
under renewed obligations to their Creator.
(2) How does our Heavenly When the ten lepers were healed, only
Father dailydemonstrate one returned to find Jesus and give Him
His friendship toward us? glory. Let us not be like the unthinking
nine, whose hearts were untouched by the
mercy of God. {5T 315.2}

(3) Like Peterand John,what

will be our natural reac-
true friendship of Christ?

Psalm 103:2-5

Related Texts: Psalm 103:6-18; Lam-

entations 3:22, 23; Matthew 7:11
Acts 4:20
“Let everything that hath breath praise the
Lord.” Have any of us duly considered Related Texts: Acts 1:8; 18:5; 22:14,
how much we have to be thankful for? 15; 2 Samuel 23:2
Do we remember that the mercies of
the Lord are new every morning and No sooner does one come to Christ,
that His faithfulness faileth not? Do we than there is born in his heart a desire to
acknowledge our dependence upon Him make known to others what a precious
and express gratitude for all His favors? friend he has found in Jesus; the saving
On the contrary, we too often forget that and sanctifying truth cannot be shut up
“every good gift and every perfect gift is in his heart. If we are clothed with the
from above, and cometh down from the righteousness of Christ, and are filled
Father of lights.” {5T 315.1} with the joy of His indwelling Spirit,

An Abiding Friendship

we shall not be able to hold our peace. spirit overcome, a temptation to neglect
If we have tasted and seen that the Lord duty resisted, passion subdued, and will-
is good, we shall have something to tell. ing, cheerful obedience rendered to the
... {AG 305.3} will of Christ are far greater evidences
that you are a child of God than spas-
And the effort to bless others will react modic piety and emotional religion.
in blessings upon ourselves. This was the {4T 188.1}
purpose of God in giving us a part to act in
the plan of redemption. . . . {AG 305.4} (5) What is the significance
If you will go to work as Christ designs instead of servants?
that His disciples shall, and win souls for
Him, you will feel the need of a deeper
experience and a greater knowledge in
divine things, and will hunger and thirst
after righteousness. You will plead with John 15:15
God, and your faith will be strengthened,
and your soul will drink deeper drafts You have the Pattern, Christ Jesus; walk
at the well of salvation. Encountering in His footsteps, and you will be quali-
opposition and trials will drive you to the fied to fill any and every position that
Bible and prayer. You will grow in grace you may be called upon to occupy. You
and the knowledge of Christ, and will will be “rooted and built up in Him, and
develop a rich experience. {AG 305.5} stablished in the faith, as ye have been
taught, abounding therein with thanks-
(4) What is the true testi- giving.” You are not to feel that you are
mony of an abiding friend- a bondslave, but a son of God; that
ship in Christ? you are highly favored in that you
have been regarded of so great value
that God has made you His by paying
an infinite ransom for your freedom.
Jesus says, “I call you not servants;...
but I have called you friends.” When
John 15:14 you appreciate His wondrous love,
love and gratitude will be in your heart
Related Texts: John 14:15; Matthew as a wellspring of joy. {FE 303.2}
12:50; 1 John 2:5; Hebrews 10:38
(6) Where does the Lord
Says Christ: “You are My friends, if you look for evidence to see if
do whatsoever I command you.” This is we are His bondservant or
the condition imposed; this is the test that abiding friend?
proves men’s characters. Feelings are of-
ten deceiving, emotions are no sure safe-
guard; for they are variable and subject
to external circumstances. Many are de-
luded by relying on sensational impres- 1 Samuel 16:7
sions. The test is: What are you doing for
Christ? What sacrifices are you making? Related Texts: 1 Samuel 15:22; Prov-
What victories are you gaining? A selfish erbs 21:27; 15:8, 9

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

The present is a season of solemn privi- Me: because I live, ye shall live also”
lege and sacred trust to the servants of (John 14:18, 19). We do not see Christ in
God. If these trusts are faithfully kept, person. It is by faith that we behold Him.
great will be the reward of the faith- Our faith grasps His promises. Thus it
ful servant when the Master shall say: was that Enoch walked with God.--MS
“Give an account of thy stewardship.” 27, 1901. {2MCP 538.2}
The earnest toil, the unselfish work,
the patient, persevering effort, will be (8) What is our invitation
rewarded abundantly; Jesus will say: thatshould be our motiva-
Henceforth I call you not servants, tionforseekingfriendship
but friends, guests. The approval of with Christ?
the Master is not given because of the
greatness of the work performed, be-
cause many things have been gained,
but because of the fidelity in even a
few things. It is not the great results
we attain, but the motives from which
we act, that weigh with God. He prizes Psalm 34:8
goodness and faithfulness more than
the greatness of the work accom- Related Texts: Matthew 11:29, 30;
plished. {2T 510.2} Ephesians 3:17-19
(7) Like Abraham, what is The shortness of time is frequently urged
our part in this friend- as an incentive for seeking righteous-
ship with Christ? ness and making Christ our friend. This
should not be the great motive with us;
for it savors of selfishness. Is it neces-
sary that the terrors of the day of God
should be held before us, that we may
James 2:23 be compelled to right action through
fear? It ought not to be so. Jesus is at-
Related Texts: Galatians 3:9; Hebrews tractive. He is full of love, mercy, and
11:6; James 4:4 compassion. He proposes to be our
friend, to walk with us through all the
Faith is evidence of Christianity. When rough pathways of life. He says to us,
you receive help and comfort, sing to the I am the Lord thy God; walk with Me,
praise of God. Talk with God. Thus you and I will fill thy path with light. Jesus,
will become a friend of God. You will rely the Majesty of heaven, proposes to el-
on Him. You will obtain a faith that will evate to companionship with Himself
trust whether you feel like trusting or not. those who come to Him with their bur-
Remember that feeling is not an evidence dens, their weaknesses, and their cares.
that you are a Christian. Implicit faith in He will count them as His children, and
God shows that you are His child. Trust finally give them an inheritance of more
in God. He will never disappoint you. He value than the empires of kings, a crown
says, “I will not leave you comfortless: I of glory richer than has ever decked the
will come to you. Yet a little while, and brow of the most exalted earthly mon-
the world seeth Me no more; but ye see arch. {LHU 98.3}

An Abiding Friendship

It is our duty to love Jesus as our Re- We are Christ’s witnesses, and we are
deemer. He has a right to command our not to allow worldly interests so to
love, but He invites us to give Him our absorb our time and attention that we
heart. He calls us to walk with Him in pay no heed to the things that God has
the path of humble, truthful obedience. said must come first. There are higher
His invitation to us is a call to a pure, interests at stake. “Seek ye first the
holy, and happy life––a life of peace kingdom of God and His righteous-
and rest, of liberty and love––and to a ness.” Christ gave His all to the work
rich inheritance in the future, immortal that He came to do, and His word to
life. Which will we choose––liberty in us is, “If any man will come after Me,
Christ, or bondage and tyranny in the let him deny himself, and take up his
service of Satan? . . . If we choose to live cross, and follow Me.” “So shall ye be
with Christ through the ceaseless ages My disciples.” Willingly and cheer-
of eternity, why not choose Him now as fully Christ gave Himself to the carry-
our most loved and trusted friend, our ing out of the will of God. He became
best and wisest counselor. {LHU 98.4} obedient unto death, even the death
of the cross. Shall we feel it a hard-
(9) What does Christ ask ship to deny ourselves? Shall we draw
of those who desire to back from being partakers of His suf-
follow after him? ferings? His death ought to stir every
fiber of the being, making us willing
to consecrate to His work all that we
have and are. As we think of what He
has done for us, our hearts should be
filled with love. {MYP 314.3}

When those who know the truth practice

Matthew 16:24 the self-denial enjoined in God’s word,
the message will go with power. The
Related Texts: 1 Peter 2:21; Matthew Lord will hear our prayers for the con-
version of souls. God’s people will let
6:31-33; 5:39-42; 11:29; Mk 12:42-44 their light shine forth, and unbelievers,
seeing their good works, will glorify our
There are some who seem to be always heavenly Father. --Review and Herald,
seeking for the heavenly pearl. But they December 1, 1910. {MYP 315.1}
do not make an entire surrender of their
wrong habits. They do not die to self that (10) How is the freedom
Christ may live in them. Therefore they found in anabiding Friend-
do not find the precious pearl. They have ship with Christ imparted
not overcome unholy ambition and their and sustained in his fol-
love for worldly attractions. They do not lowers?
take up the cross and follow Christ in the
path of self-denial and sacrifice. Almost
Christians, yet not fully Christians, they
seem near the kingdom of heaven, but
they cannot enter there. Almost but not
wholly saved, means to be not almost
but wholly lost. {COL 118.1} John 8:31

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

Related Texts: John 6:53-58; Revela- to all with whom he associates that he
tion 1:3; 22:7; Luke 11:28 has been with Jesus and learned of Him.
{COL 129.3}
The Author of this spiritual life is unseen,
and the exact method by which that life (11) O nce we e x perience
is imparted and sustained, it is beyond friendship with J esus,
the power of human philosophy to what principle will we
explain. Yet the operations of the Spirit apply in our relation-
are always in harmony with the written ship with others?
word. As in the natural, so in the spiritual
world. The natural life is preserved
moment by moment by divine power;
yet it is not sustained by a direct miracle,
but through the use of blessings placed
within our reach. So the spiritual life is
sustained by the use of those means that Ephesians 5:2
Providence has supplied. If the follower
of Christ would grow up “unto a perfect Related Texts: 1 John 4:7, 8; Prov-
man, unto the measure of the stature of erbs 17:17; 18:24; Job 6:14
the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13),
he must eat of the bread of life and drink The love that is inspired by the love we
of the water of salvation. He must watch have for Jesus will see in every soul,
and pray and work, in all things giving rich and poor, a value that cannot be
heed to the instructions of God in His measured by human estimate. The
word. {AA 284.2} world sinks into insignificance in com-
parison with the value of one soul. The
Our life is to be bound up with the life love of God revealed for man is beyond
of Christ; we are to draw constantly from any human computation. It is infinite.
Him, partaking of Him, the living Bread And the human agent who is a partaker
that came down from heaven, drawing of the divine nature will love as Christ
from a fountain ever fresh, ever giv- loves, will work as Christ worked.
ing forth its abundant treasures. If we There will be an inborn compassion
keep the Lord ever before us, allowing and sympathy which will not fail or
our hearts to go out in thanksgiving and be discouraged. This is the spirit that
praise to Him, we shall have a continual should be encouraged to live in every
freshness in our religious life. Our prayers heart and be revealed in every life. This
will take the form of a conversation with love can only exist and be kept refined,
God as we would talk with a friend. He holy, pure, and elevated through the
will speak His mysteries to us person- love in the soul for Jesus Christ, nour-
ally. Often there will come to us a sweet ished by daily communion with God.
joyful sense of the presence of Jesus. Of- All this coldness on the part of Chris-
ten our hearts will burn within us as He tians is a denial of the faith. But this
draws nigh to commune with us as He spirit will melt away before the bright
did with Enoch. When this is in truth the beams of Christ’s love in the follower
experience of the Christian, there is seen of Christ. Willingly, naturally, he will
in his life a simplicity, a humility, meek- obey the injunction, “Love one another
ness, and lowliness of heart, that show as I have loved you.” {WM 83.1}

An Abiding Friendship

I realize that those who refuse I realize that as His friend I

to obey the will of God for fear am called to go to work and
of displeasing earthly friends win souls. I know the present
are not the friends of God. I time is a season of solemn
choose to seek the friendship privilege and sacred trust to
of the Lord above my friend- the servants of God.
ships of this world.
Circle: Yes Undecided
Circle: Yes Undecided
I am grateful for this wonder-
I am thankful Christ sacrificed ful privilege and look forward
all for me. I know I am not to the deeper experience and
even worthy to be called His greater knowledge of divine
servant but He has called me things that it will bring.
friend. For this amazing privi-
lege I am eternally grateful! Circle: Yes Undecided
I want to walk in Christ’s foot-
Circle: Yes Undecided steps, and allow Him to
qualify me to fill any and every
My prayer is that He will give position that He calls me to
me a stronger love and the joy occupy that one day I can
of obedience in my heart for hear the words, “my good and
Him that I can be worthy to be faithful servant, enter into the
called His friend. joy of the Lord.”
Circle: Yes Undecided Circle: Yes Undecided

Study Notes - Prayer Requests - Answered Prayers: _________


Chosen and Ordained - 13
This lesson is based on John 15:16. the same that He desired to accomplish
through Israel when He brought them
(1) Though we are unde- forth out of Egypt. By beholding the
serving, what two amaz- goodness, the mercy, the justice, and
ing things has Christ done the love of God revealed in the church,
for us? the world is to have a representation of
His character. And when the law of God
is thus exemplified in the life, even the
world will recognize the superiority of
those who love and fear and serve God
John 15:16 above every other people on the earth.
The Lord has His eye upon every one of
His people; He has His plans concerning
Related Texts: Revelation 17:14; Isa- each. It is His purpose that those who
iah 41:8, 9; Deuteronomy 7:6; Psalm practice His holy precepts shall be a dis-
33:12; James 2:5; 1 Peter 2:9 tinguished people. To the people of God
today as well as to ancient Israel belong
The purpose which God seeks to ac- the words written by Moses through the
complish through His people today is Spirit of Inspiration: “Thou art an holy

Chosen and Ordained

people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord first principles which would make them
thy God hath chosen thee to be a special subjects of the kingdom of God. Human
people unto Himself, above all people learning cannot qualify for that kingdom.
that are upon the face of the earth.” Deu- The subjects of Christ’s kingdom are not
teronomy 7:6. ... {6T 12.1} made thus by forms and ceremonies, by
a large study of books. “This is life eter-
In order to manifest the character of God, nal, that they might know Thee the only
in order that we may not deceive our- true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou
selves, the church, and the world by a has sent.” The members of Christ’s king-
counterfeit Christianity, we must become dom are members of His body, of which
personally acquainted with God. If we He himself is the head. They are the elect
have fellowship with God, we are His sons of God, “a royal priesthood, an holy
ministers, though we may never preach to nation, a peculiar people,” that they
a congregation. We are workers together should show forth the praises of Him
with God in presenting the perfection of who has called them out of darkness into
His character in humanity. {6T 13.3} His marvelous light. {FE 413.1}

(2) Who does God not call (3) After hearing His call,
to be the greatest advo- like the prophet Isaiah,
cates of His cause? what should be our re-

1 Corinthians 1:26 Isaiah 6:8

Related Texts: 1 Corinthians 1:27; 3: Related Texts: John 9:4; Ephe-

18-20; Matthew 11:25; James 3:13-18 sians 2:10; Matthew 28:18-20

There are Christian workers who have The councils of heaven are looking
not received a collegiate education be- upon you who claim to have accepted
cause it was impossible for them to se- Christ as your personal Saviour, to see
cure this advantage, but God has given you make known the salvation of God
evidence that He has chosen them and to those who sit in darkness. They are
ordained them to go forth and labor in looking to see you making known the
His vineyard. He has made them effec- significance of the dispensation of the
tual coworkers with Himself. They have Holy Spirit; how that through the work-
a teachable spirit; they feel their depen- ing of this divine agency the minds of
dence upon God; and the Holy Spirit men, corrupted and defiled by sin, may
is with them to help their infirmities. It become disenchanted with the lies and
quickens and energizes the mind, directs presentations of Satan, and turn to Christ
the thoughts, and aids in the presentation as their only hope, their personal Sav-
of truth. {CT 509.1} iour. {TDWG 51.3}

So we see that the highest line of earthly Christ says: “I have chosen you, and or-
education may be obtained, and yet the dained you, that ye should go and bring
men possessing it may be ignorant of the forth fruit, and that your fruit should re-

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

main” (John 15:16). As Christ’s ambas- it, what fruit are we or-
sador, I would entreat of all who read dained to bear?
these lines to take heed while it is called
today. “If ye will hear his voice, harden
not your hearts” (Heb. 3:15; 4:7). With-
out waiting a moment, inquire, What am
I to Christ? and what is Christ to me?
What is my work? What is the character
of the fruit I bear?--Review and Herald,
Feb. 12, 1895. {TDWG 51.4} Ephesians 5:8, 9

(4) What is our first and Related Texts: Ephesians 1:4; 1 Pe-
HIGHEST calling AS WE PRE- ter 2:9; Galatians 5:22, 23; 2 Thes-
PAREFORCHRIST’SSOONCOM- salonians 2:13; Revelation 17:14
There is work for you to do in the
church and out of the church. “Herein is
My Father glorified, that ye bear much
1 John 2:28 fruit.” The fruit we bear is the only test
of the character of the tree before the
Related Texts: 1 John 2:27; 2 John world. This is the proof of our disciple-
1:9; John 15:4, 5 ship. If our works are of such a charac-
ter that as branches of the living Vine
Our first and highest duty is to know that we bear rich clusters of precious fruit,
we are abiding in Christ. He must do the then we wear before the world God’s
work. We are to seek to know “What own badge as His sons and daughters.
saith the Lord,” yielding our lives to We are living epistles, known and read
His guidance. When we have the Spirit of all men. {5T 348.2}
of an abiding Christ, everything will
take on a changed aspect. The Saviour The character of the Christian is shown
alone can give us the rest and peace we by his daily life. Said Christ, “Every good
so much need. And, in every invitation tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a cor-
He gives us to seek the Lord that He rupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit” (Matt.
may be found of us, He is calling us to 7:17). Our Saviour compares Himself to
abide in Him. This is an invitation, not a vine, of which His followers are the
merely to come to Him, but to remain in branches. He plainly declares that all
Him. It is the Spirit of God that moves who would be His disciples must bring
us to come. When we have this rest and forth fruit; and then He shows how they
peace, our daily worries will not lead us may become fruitful branches. “Abide in
to be coarse and rough and uncourteous. me, and I in you. As the branch cannot
We shall no longer follow our own way bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the
and will. We will want to do the will of vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in
God, abiding in Christ as the branches in me” (John 15:4). {SL 80.1}
the vine. {TDWG 140.3}
The apostle Paul describes the fruit which
(5) What has Christ cALLED the Christian is to bear. He says that it “is
us to do and, by H is S pir- in all goodness and righteousness and

Chosen and Ordained

truth.”... And again, “The fruit of the God pronounces the purest, the meek-
Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, est, the most childlike Christian, the
gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, best worker for Him, the mightiest in
temperance”...These precious graces are labor for souls. Heavenly intelligences
but the principles of God’s law carried can work with the man or woman who
out in the life. {SL 80.2} will not absorb the glory to himself, but
who will be willing that all the glory
(6) What commission and shall redound to the honor of God. It
privilege does Christ give is the man who most feels his need of
to His fruit bearing rep- divine wisdom, the man who pleads
resentatives? for heavenly power, that will go forth
from communion with Christ, to hold
converse with souls perishing in their
sins; and because he is anointed with
the Spirit of the Lord, he will be suc-
cessful where the learned minister
may have failed. God has given les-
sons that are all-important in regard
Matthew 28:19 to the duty of every disciple. Not one
need be in darkness; for it is evident
Related Texts: Isaiah 49:6; Mark that every Christian is to be a living
16:15; Luke 24:46, 47; Acts 1:8; epistle, known and read of all men.
26:16; Matthew 5:14-16 {LHU 358.3}

As His representatives among men, (7) W hen we are abiding

Christ does not choose angels who in C hrist, what will W E
have never fallen, but human beings, reflect to the world?
men of like passions with those they
seek to save. ...{DA 296.4}

He who called the fisherman of Galilee

is still calling men to His service. And Matthew 5:14, 16
He is just as willing to manifest His
power through us as through the first Related Texts: Proverbs 4:18; Isaiah
disciples. However imperfect and sinful 58:8; 60:1-3; 1 Thessalonians 5:4-9
we may be, the Lord holds out to us the
offer of partnership with Himself, of ap- The light of truth should be allowed to
prenticeship to Christ. He invites us to shine so that men, by seeing the righteous
come under the divine instruction, that, course of those who know the truth,
uniting with Christ, we may work the will acknowledge that there is power in
works of God. {DA 297.1} the truth, because it has accomplished
so great a work for those who have
The true worker for God wrestles with received it. They will fall in love with
God in prayer, and puts intense earnest- the principles of holiness that shine forth
ness into the work of saving lost souls. in the lives of the representatives of truth,
He does not seek to exalt self by word and they will accept the truth and glorify
or deed, but simply seeks to win souls. God by consecrating themselves to Him

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

to become lights to the world in their Him, unworthy as we are, we may obtain
turn. {HP 315.3} all spiritual blessings. {AG 85.2}

As Abraham and other holy men of old My brethren and sisters, plead for the
were a light in their generation, so must Holy Spirit, God stands back of every
God’s people be a light in the world. The promise He has made. With your Bibles
beams of heaven’s attractive loveliness are in your hands, say: “I have done as Thou
to shine forth from us, showing the only hast said, I present Thy promise, ’Ask,
good and right way, and ever showing and it shall be given you; seek, and ye
the superiority of God’s law above every shall find; knock, and it shall be opened
human enactment. Bible religion is not unto you.’” Christ declares: “What things
to be hidden away in the dark. It delights soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe
to be examined. Every additional ray of that ye receive them, and ye shall have
light that shines upon our pathway is in them.” “Whatsoever ye shall ask in My
God’s plan a fresh element of strength, an name, that will I do, that the Father may
added power by which to draw the world be glorified in the Son.” Matthew 7:7;
to God. {HP 315.4} Mark 11:24; John 14:13. {8T 23.1}

Christ declares, “Ye are the light of the Make your requests known to your
world.” Christ is the source of light and Maker. Never is one repulsed who comes
power for His church. If the heart is pure to Him with a contrite heart. Not one
and right, if godliness is dwelling there, it sincere prayer is lost. Amid the anthems
will be revealed in the life. It will pervade of the celestial choir, God hears the cries
the conversation and all the relations of the weakest human being. We pour
of man to his fellow man. He will be a out our heart’s desire in our closets,
doer of the words of Christ. . . . His every we breathe a prayer as we walk by the
action will shine with a holy luster. He way, and our words reach the throne of
will be invested with power, for the divine the Monarch of the universe. They may
presence is with him. {HP 315.5} be inaudible to any human ear, but they
cannot die away into silence, nor can
(8) As we – His chosen – go they be lost through the activities of
forthinfaithtobearfruit, business that are going on. Nothing can
what unlimited promise drown the soul’s desire. It rises above the
can we claim if we ask in din of the street, above the confusion of
Christ’s name? the multitude, to the heavenly courts. It is
God to whom we are speaking, and our
prayer is heard. {AG 85.3}

leged callas Christ’s cho-
John 15:16 sen , how are we able to
continue to bear fruit?
Related Texts: John 14:13; 16:23, 24;
Isaiah 41:9, 10
Through Christ we may present our
petitions at the throne of grace. Through 1 Chronicles 16:11

Chosen and Ordained

Related Texts: John 15:4, 7, 9; 6:56- Christ. You are privileged with His abid-
58; 1 John 4:15; 2:10; 2 John 9 ing presence in the place of a short-lived
privilege that is not lasting as you engage
It is not a casual touch with Christ that is in the duties of life. ...{HP 55.4}
needed, but it is to abide with Him. He
called you to abide with Him. He does not (10) If we walk with God as
propose to you a short-lived blessedness Enoch walked, what will
that is realized occasionally through be said as a testimony of
earnest seeking of the Lord and passes our lives?
away as you engage in the common
duties of life. Your abiding with Christ
makes every necessary duty light, for
He bears the weight of every burden.
He has prepared for you to abide
with Him. This means that you are Hebrews 11:5
to be conscious of an abiding Christ,
that you are continually with Christ, Related Texts: 2 Corinthians 3:2, 3
where your mind is encouraged and
strengthened. . . . {HP 55.2} “By faith Enoch was translated that he
should not see death; . . . for before his
Do not stand outside of Christ, as many translation he had this testimony, that he
professed Christians of today. To “abide pleased God.”... To such communion God
in me, and I in you” is a possible thing to is calling us. As was Enoch’s, so must be
do, and the invitation would not be given their holiness of character who shall be
if you could not do this. Jesus our Sav- redeemed from among men at the Lord’s
iour is constantly drawing you by His second coming. {GW 54.1&2}
Holy Spirit, working with your mind that
you will abide with Christ. . . . The bless- In the midst of a life of active labor,
ings He bestows are all connected with Enoch steadfastly maintained his com-
your own individual action. Shall Christ munion with God. The greater and more
be refused? He says, “Him that cometh pressing his labors, the more constant
to me I will in no wise cast out” (John and earnest were his prayers. He con-
6:37). Of another class He says, “Ye will tinued to exclude himself at certain pe-
not come to me, that ye might have life” riods from all society. After remaining
(John 5:40). . . . {HP 55.3} for a time among the people, laboring to
benefit them by instruction and example,
Have you, have I, fully comprehended the he would withdraw, to spend a season in
gracious call, “Come unto me”? He says, solitude, hungering and thirsting for that
“Abide in me,” not Abide with Me. “Do divine knowledge which God alone can
understand My call. Come to Me to stay impart. {GW 52.1}
with Me.” He will freely bestow all bless-
ings connected with Himself upon all … The infinite, unfathomable love of
who come to Him for life. He has some- God through Christ, became the subject
thing better for you than a short-lived of his [Enoch’s] meditations day and
blessedness that you feel when you seek night. With all the fervor of his soul he
the Lord in earnest prayer. That is but as sought to reveal that love to the people
a drop in the bucket, to have a word with among whom he dwelt. {GW 51.2}

Our Abiding Christ Bible Study Guide

Enoch’s walk with God was not in a to be attached to the parent stock, and
trance or a vision, but in all the duties of to receive nourishment from the Vine.
his daily life. He did not become a hermit, ...” {Ed 178}
shutting himself entirely from the world;
for he had, in the world, a work to do for Resolve that you will be fruit-bearing
God. In the family and in his intercourse members of the living Vine. The scion
with men, as a husband and father, a can flourish only as it receives life
friend, a citizen, he was the steadfast, and strength from the parent stock.
unwavering servant of God. {GW 51.3} Improve, then, every opportunity to
connect yourselves more closely with
“... a connection with Christ means Christ. It is by believing Him, loving
everything to us. We are to be one Him, copying Him, and depending
with Him as He is one with the Father, wholly upon Him, that you are to be-
and then we are beloved by the infinite come one with Him; and through you
God as members of the body of Christ, His life and character will be revealed
as branches of the living Vine. We are to the world. {OHC 145.5}

Through the course of these I realize that the fruit I bear is

lessons, I see that to abide in the test of my character before
Christ is my first and highest the world and the test of my true
privilege. I realize that I must discipleship. It is my prayer, by
have this experience in order the power of the Holy Spirit, to
for me to manifest the char- bear rich clusters of precious
acter of God to the world. I fruit. My longing is to wear be-
choose to seek Him with all my fore the world God’s badge as
heart that I may be constantly His child. I want to be a living
connected to Him. epistle, known and read of all
men to God’s glory.
Circle: Yes Undecided
Circle: Yes Undecided

I understand that once I have I choose from this day for-

accepted Christ as my Saviour ward to seek a constant con-
I am then called and ordained nection to Christ – the Living
to bear fruit for His kingdom. Vine – through prayer, study
Without a living connection of His Word, and sharing my
this is impossible. It is my de- faith with others. I want to be
sire to spend time with Him one with Christ as He is one
each day so that I may be a with the Father, so that as His
fruit bearing branch. branch, I can receive nour-
ishment from the Vine.
Circle: Yes Undecided
Circle: Yes Undecided

Answer Key

The words of your answer may vary according to the translation of the Bible
you use, but the basic meaning should remain the same.
(1) Jn. 15:1 = I [Christ speaking] (1) Jn 15:3 = Now ye are clean
am the true vine. through the word which I have
(2) Jn. 15:1 I am the true vine, and spoken unto you.
my Father [God the Father] is the (2) 2 Tim. 3:16 = All Scripture
vinedresser. is given by inspiration of God.
(3) Jn 1:9 = True Light (3) (a) Jn 1:14, 17 = And the Word
(4) (a.) Jn. 14:6 = Jesus is the Truth. (Jesus ) became flesh and
(b) Psalm 119:160 = entirety of dwelt among us.
Your word is truth. (b) John 10:35 = Scripture.
(5) 1 Pet. 1:22 = Obeying the truth (4) Jn. 5:39 = They testify of Me (Christ).
through the Spirit. (5) Heb. 4:12
(6) Jn. 8:32 = The truth shall make (a) Quick.
you free. (b) Powerful.
(7) That they may have life, and that (c) Sharper then any two-edged
they may have it more abundantly. sword.
(8) As received Him, to them He gave (d) Divides the soul, spirit,
the right to become children of God. joints, and marrow.
(e) Discerner of the thoughts
LESSON 2 and intents of the heart.
(1) Jn 15:5 = You are the branches. 2 Tim. 3:16
(2) Jn 17:21 = That they all may be (f) Inspired of God.
one, as You, Father, are in Me, (g) Profitable for doctrine.
and I in You; that they also may (h) Reproof.
be one in Us, that the world may (i) Correction.
believe that You sent Me. (j) Instruction in righteousness.
(3) Eph. 3:17 = That Christ may (6) Luk. 8:14
dwell in your hearts through faith. (a) Cares of this world.
(4) Jer. 29:13 = Search for Me with all (b) Riches.
your heart. (c) Pleasures of this world.
(5) Eph. 5:9 = For the fruit of the (7) Isa. 40:8 = The word of our God
Spirit is in all goodness, stands forever.
righteousness, and truth. (8) Isa. 28:10 = For precept must be
(6) Php 1:11 = Being filled with the upon precept, line upon line.
fruits of righteousness which are (9) Jn. 8:31 = If you abide in My
by Jesus Christ, to the glory and word, you are My disciples indeed.
praise of God.
(7) Jn. 15:2 = Every branch in Me that LESSON 4
does not bear fruit He takes away. (1) Jn. 15:4 = Abide in the Vine.
(8) Jn. 15:2 = Every branch that (2) Gal. 5:17 = The flesh lusts against
bears fruit He prunes, that it may the Spirit, and the Spirit against
bear more fruit. the flesh; and these are contrary to
(9) Heb. 12:11 = It yields the peaceable one another.
fruit of righteousness to those who (3) Mat. 11:29 = Take My yoke
have been trained by it. upon you and learn from Me.

Answer Key

(4) Rom. 1:17 = Faith–the just shall minds through Christ Jesus.
live by faith. (6) 1 Jn. 4:13 = Because He has given
(5) Heb. 11:1 = Substance of things us of His Spirit.
hoped for, the evidence of (7) Ps. 143:8 = Cause me to hear Your
things not seen. loving kindness in the morning, For
(6) Gal. 2:16 Man is not justified in You do I trust; Cause me to know
by the works of the law but by the way in which I should walk, For
faith in Jesus Christ. I lift up my soul to You.
(7) Isa. 26:3 = Perfect peace. (8) Josh. 24:15 = Choose for your-
(8) Philip. 4:13 = Through Christ selves this day whom you will serve.
who strengthens me.
(9) Heb. 9:28 = Christ was offered LESSON 7
once to bear the sins of many. To (1) Jn. 15:6 = You will ask what you
those who eagerly wait for Him desire, and it shall be done for
He will appear a second time, you.
apart from sin, for salvation. (2) John 6:53: Eat the flesh of the Son of
Man and drink His blood.
LESSON 5 (3) Mk 11:24 = Ask in prayer.
(1) Mat 7:23 = ‘I never knew you; (4) Mk 11:24 = Believe that you have
depart from Me, you who practice received it.
lawlessness!’ (5) Jam. 5:16 = Effective fervent
(2) Jn. 15:5 = Christ says, “the same (earnest) prayer.
bringeth forth much fruit.” (6) Mat. 6:6 = In secret or private.
(3) 1 Cor. 13:13 = The greatest is love. (7) Ps. 5:3 = In the Morning.
(4) 1Jn. 3:6 = Whoever abides in Him (8) Acts 6:4 = Give ourselves
does not sin. continually to prayer.
(5) Jn 12:24 = If it die, it brings forth (9) 1 Jn. 5:14, 15 = Ask anything
much fruit (We must die to self). according to His will.
(6) Jam. 4:8 = Draw near to God. (10) Mark 11:24 = Believe that you
(7) 1 Cor. 13:1 = We are like a noisy receive them and you will.
gong or a clanging cymbal.
(8) Rom. 15:13 = The Holy Ghost LESSON 8
(Spirit). (1) John 15:8 = That you bear much
LESSON 6 (2) Rom. 13:14 = Put on the Lord
(1) Jn. 15:6 = Cast out, withered, Jesus Christ, and make no
and burned. provisions for the flesh, to fulfill
(2) 1Thes. 5:23 = The God of peace its lusts.
Himself. (3) Heb. 13:20, 21 = The God
(3) Acts 20:21 = Repentance toward of peace make you perfect in
God and faith toward our Lord every good work to do His will
Jesus Christ. through Jesus Christ.
(4) 1 Pet. 5:7 = Cast all your care (4) 1 Jn. 4:13 = Because He has
upon him; for he cares for you. given us of His Spirit.
(5) Philip. 4:6, 7 = The peace of God, (5) Gal. 5:16 = You shall not
which surpasses all understand- fulfill the lust of the flesh.
ing, will guard your hearts and (6) 1 Cor. 7:24 = Where he is

Answer Key

called, therein abide with God. LESSON 10

(7) 1 Pet. 2:9 = We will proclaim (1) Jn. 15:11 = That my joy might
the praises of Him who calls remain in you, and that your joy
us out of darkness and into His might be full.
marvelous light. (2) Romans 15:13 = God of hope fill
(8) Mat. 5:16 = That they may you with all joy.
see your good works and glorify (3) Isa. 61:3 = They receive beauty
your Father in heaven. for ashes, the oil of joy for
(9) 1 Cor. 6:19, 20 = Glorify God mourning, the garment of praise
in your body and in your spirit, for their spirit of heaviness.
which are God’s. (4) Ps. 16:11 = In Christ’s presence
is fullness of joy; At His right
LESSON 9 hand are pleasures forevermore.
(1) Jn.15:9 = As the Father loved Me, (5) Rom. 14:7 = In the Holy Spirit.
I also have loved you. (6) Jude 24 = To keep you from
(2) Jn. 3:16 = For God so loved the stumbling, And to present you
world that He gave His only faultless Before the presence of
begotten Son. His glory.
(3) Jn. 17:23 = I in them, and You in (7) Ps. 126:6 = Bearing seed for
Me; that they may be made perfect sowing.
in one, and that the world may (8) Col. 3:2 = Things above, not on
know that You have sent Me, and things on the earth.
have loved them as You have (9) 1 Jn. 2:24 = Let that therefore
loved Me. abide in you, which ye have heard
(4) Jer. 29:13 = Seek Me and find Me, from the beginning.
when you search for Me with all (10) Ps. 32:11 = Be glad in the Lord
your heart. and rejoice, you righteous; And
(5) 1 Jn. 2:5, 6 = Whoever keeps His shout for joy, all you upright in
word, truly the love of God is heart!
perfected in him. By this we know
that we are in Him. 6 He who says LESSON 11
he abides in Him ought himself (1) Jn. 15:12 = Love one another as I
also to walk just as He walked. have loved you.
(6) Jn. 14:15 = “If you love Me, keep (2) 1 Jn. 4:16 = God is love; he that
My commandments. dwelleth in love dwelleth in God,
(7) Isa. 59:2 = Your iniquities have and God in him.
separated between you and your (3) 1 Jn. 4:7 = Love is of God; and
God, and your sins have hid his everyone who loves is born of
face from you. God and knows God.
(8) 1 Cor. 15:56, 57 = God, who gives (4) Prov. 10:12 = Love covers all
us the victory through our Lord offenses.
Jesus Christ. (5) Galatians 5:13, 14 = Through
(9) Jam. 4:7, 8 = Resist the devil; love serve one another and love
draw near to God; cleanse your your neighbor as yourself.
hands; and purify your hearts. (6) 1 Jn. 4:12 = If we love one
(10) Mat. 11:28-30 = We will find rest another, God abides in us, and His
for our souls. love has been perfected in us.

Answer Key

(7) Jn. 13:34 = As I have loved you, LESSON 13

you also love one another. (1) Jn. 15:16 = Chosen and Ordained.
(8) Jam. 1:22 = Be doers of the Word (2) 1 Cor. 1:26 = Not many wise
and not hearers only. according to the flesh, not many
(9) Jn. 3:16 = God so loved the world mighty, not many noble, are called.
that he gave His only begotten (3) Isa. 6:8 = “Here am I! Send me.”
Son. (4) 1 Jn. 2:28 = Abide in Him.
(10) Jn. 15:13 = That a man lay down (5) Eph. 5:8, 9 = Walk as
his life for his friends. children of light in all goodness,
(11) 1 Cor. 2:2 = Jesus Christ and Him righteousness, and truth.
crucified. (6) Matt. 28:19 = Go therefore and
make disciples of all the nations,
LESSON 12 baptizing them in the name of the
(1) Jn. 15:14 = His friend. Father and of the Son and of the
(2) Ps. 103:2-5 = Forgives our Holy Spirit.
iniquities, heals all your diseases, (7) Matt. 5:14, 16 = You are the light
redeems your life from the pit, of the world. Let your light so
who crowns you with steadfast shine.
love and mercy, who satisfies you (8) Jn. 15:16 = Whatever you ask the
with good so that your youth is Father in My name He may give
renewed like the eagle’s. you.
(3) Acts 4:20 = We cannot but speak (9) 1 Chron. 16:11 = Seek the
the things which we have seen and Lord and His strength; Seek His
heard.” face evermore!
(4) Jn. 15:14 = If you do whatever I (10) Heb. 11:5 = It will be said of us
command you. that we pleased God.
(5) Jn. 15:15 = For the servant, for
all things that I have heard of my
Father I have made known unto
(6) 1 Sam. 16:7 = The LORD looketh
on the heart.
(7) Jam. 2:23 = Like Abraham believe
(8) Ps. 34:8 = To taste and see that
the Lord is good and be blessed in
(9) Mat. 16:24 = Let him deny
himself, and take up his cross, and
follow Me.
(10) Jn. 8:31, 32 = If we abide in His
Word we will be His disciples and
we will know the truth and the
truth will set us free.
(11) Eph. 5:2 = We will walk in love,
as Christ also has loved us and
given Himself for us.

Source Information

RESOURCE ABBREVIATIONS Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald

Publishing Association, 1973. 426 pp.
[Book code, Title, # of Volumes, year first
published, publisher, edition, pages] FW = Faith and Works. 1979. Nashville,
TN: Southern Publishing Assoc., 1979. 122 pp.
AA = The Acts of the Apostles. 1911.
Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press GC = The Great Controversy Between
Publishing Association, 1911. 633 pp. Christ and Satan. 1911. Mountain View,
CA: Pacific Press Publishing Association,
AG = God’s Amazing Grace. 1973. 1950. 719 pp.
Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald
Publishing Association, 1973. 383 pp. GCB = The General Conference Bulletin.

#BC = SDA Bible Commentary: Ellen G. GW = Gospel Workers. 1915. Washington,

White Comments. 7 vols. plus supplement D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing
(vol. 7A). 1953-1957. Washington, D.C.: Association, 1948. 534 pp.
Review and Herald Publishing Association,
HP = In Heavenly Places. 1967.
Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald
Publishing Association, 1967. 382 pp.
CH = Counsels on Health. 1923. Mountain
View, CA: Pacific Press Publishing
LHU = Lift Him Up. 1988. Hagerstown,
Association, 1957. 687 pp.
MD: Review and Herald Publishing
Association, 1988. 382 pp.
CME = A Call to Medical Evangelism and
Health Education. 1933. Nashville, TN: Mar = Maranatha; The Lord Is Coming.
Southern Publishing Association, 1954. 47 pp. 1976. Washington, D.C.: Review and
Herald Publishing Association, 1976. 383 pp.
COL = Christ’s Object Lessons. 1900.
Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald MB = Thoughts From the Mount of
Publishing Association, 1941. 436 pp. Blessing. 1896. Mountain View, CA:
Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1955.
CSW = Counsels on Sabbath School Work. 172 pp.
1938. Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald
Publishing Association, 1938. 192 pp. MCP = Mind, Character, and Personality.
2 vols. 1977. Nashville, TN: Southern
CT = Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Publishing Association, 1977. 882 pp.
Students. 1913. Mountain View, CA:
Pacific Press Publishing Assoc., 1943. 575 pp. ML = My Life Today. 1952. Washington,
D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing
DA or DOA = The Desire of Ages. Association, 1952. 377 pp.
1898. Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press
Publishing Association, 1940. 863 pp. MS# = Manuscript
EW = Early Writings of Ellen G. White. MYP = Messages to Young People. 1930.
1882. Washington, D.C.: Review and Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald
Herald Publishing Association, 1945. 324 pp. Publishing Association, 1930. 498 pp.

FE = Fundamentals of Christian Education. OHC = Our High Calling. 1961.

1923. Nashville, TN: Southern Publishing Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald
Association, 1923. 576 pp. Publishing Association, 1961. 380 pp.
FLB = The Faith I Live By. 1958. RC = Reflecting Christ. 1985. Hagerstown,

Source Information

MD: Review and Herald Publishing

Association, 1985. 382 pp.

RH = The Review and Herald. Hagerstown,

MD: Review and Herald Publishing

SAT = Sermons and Talks. 2 vols. 1990,

1994. Silver Spring, MD: Ellen G. White
Estate, 1990, 1994.

SC = Steps to Christ. 1892. Mountain

View, CA: Pacific Press Publishing
Association, 1956. 134 pp.

SD = Sons and Daughters of God. 1955.

Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald
Publishing Association, 1955. 383 pp.

SL = The Sanctified Life. 1889.

Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald
Publishing Association, 1956. 110 pp.

#SM = Selected Messages. 3 books. 1958,

1980. Washington, D.C.: Review and
Herald Publishing Association, 1958, 1980.

SW = The Southern Work. 1898, 1901.

Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald
Publishing Association, 1966. 96 pp.

#T = Testimonies for the Church. 9 vols.

1855-1909. Mountain View, CA: Pacific
Press Publishing Association, 1948.

TDWG = This Day With God. 1979.

Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald
Publishing Association, 1979. 384 pp.

TMK = That I May Know Him. 1964.

Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald
Publishing Association, 1964. 382 pp.

UL = The Upward Look. 1982.

Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald
Publishing Association, 1982. 383 pp.

WM = Welfare Ministry. 1952.

Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald
Publishing Association, 1952. 349 pp.

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