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Graduate School of Business (GSB), Indore


Devi Ahilya Vishwa Vidyalaya (DAVV)
Roll No.
Batch No.




I, Mr. NAMAN JAIN hereby declare that the project report is the record of authentic work
carried out by me during the period from ---- to ----- and has not been submitted to any other
University or Institute for the award of any degree / diploma etc.

Naman Jain


This is to certify that Mr. Naman Jain of Graduate School Of Business, Indore has
successfully completed the project work titled ‟ Exit Interview : A strategic tool to study
attrition in the organization” in partial fulfillment of requirement for the completion of (Honors) course as prescribed by Devi Ahilya Vishwa Vidhyalaya (DAVV), Indore.

This project report is the record of authentic work carries out by him during the period from
------ to -----. He has worked under my guidance.
Project Guide (Internal)

Counter signed by


To acknowledge all the people who have helped in the fulfillment of this project, it would not
have been not possible for any researcher but in spite of all that it becomes the foremost
responsibility of the researcher and also the part of research ethics to acknowledge those who
have played a great role in the completion of this project.

So, in the same sequence at very first, I would like to acknowledge my parents because of
whom I got the existence in this world for the inception and the conception of this project.
Later on, I would like to confer the flower of acknowledgement to Major General Rajesh
Chaba (Director of GSB) and Mr. Khushit Mehta and other faculty members who taught me
that how to do project through appropriate tools and techniques. I would like to give thanks to
the organization from the depth of my heart.

Rest all those people who helped me are not only matter of acknowledgment but also
authorized for sharing my success.


DECLARATION FROM STUDENT.............................................................................................ii

CERTIFICATE FROM GUIDE.....................................................................................................iii


CHAPTER SCHEME......................................................................................................................v




Purpose of exit interview........................................................................................................................5

Objective of Exit interview.....................................................................................................................6

Methods for conducting Exit Interviews.................................................................................................7

Face to Face interviews............................................................................................................7

Telephone interviews...............................................................................................................8

Paper surveys...........................................................................................................................9

Online surveys..........................................................................................................................9

Stages of the Exit Interview..................................................................................................................10

Significance of the study.......................................................................................................................12

Goals of conducting Exit Interviews.....................................................................................................13

Advantages of Exit Interviews..............................................................................................................14

Disadvantages of Exit Interviews..........................................................................................................15

CHAPTER2:- REVIEW OF LITERATURE................................................................................16

CHAPTER3:- OBJECTIVE OF RESEARCH..............................................................................19

CHAPTER4:- RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...........................................................................20

CHAPTER5:- RESULTS AND INTERPRETATION..................................................................22

CHAPTER6:- CONCLUSION......................................................................................................29

CHAPTER7:- APPENDIX............................................................................................................31




Employees are the important asset to the organization. Every organization spends a lot of time,
money and energy to hire, coach and manage performances of their employees. An organization gets
an identity and success only because of their employees. Therefore, it is more challenging to focus on
employee retention and more depressing when you come to know, one of your team members is set
to depart. Exit interviews are very important procedure in any organizations as they provide an
opportunity for the employees to express their reasons for exit and help the organizations to review
and improve upon their employee retention policies. This is the only unique chance for an
organization to understand and interpret the perception of departing employees who will be more
open and their perception on organizational policies and practices, corporate insecurity and
defensiveness sometimes act as a barrier for running the process of exit interview smoothly in any
organization. The feedback received from the employee who is leaving the organization during the
process is kept secret due to their personal reason or simply not taking the exit interviews seriously.
The reason because of which the employee is leaving the organization is considered to big drawback
for the organization and to find proper loophole, exit interview plays an important role.


An exit interview is conducted by an employer for a departing employee. They are generally
conducted by human resources and other staff members who work a neutral party. To
ascertain why an employee is leaving or what the reasons because of which employee is
leaving, this exit interview is conducted between the staff member of the organization and the
employee who is leaving the organization

It is a learning opportunity for the top officials who are concerned for can did view son
workplace-related problems. Exit interviews are considered as the prime opportunity to figure
out and point out the reason, why someone is leaving your organization. Through exit
interview organization can identify and improve their bottom line by decreasing the turnover
and the related cost for hiring and training new employees. These exit interviews help to give
some important tips about the problems and issues that are causing their employees to leave
the organization. One can conduct exit interviews through a questionnaire, which will be
given to an employee who is leaving the organization or it can be done through form given to
them on the final day of their job and mail you back and final is having a face-to-face

You can ask the following type of questions:

 What is the reason for leaving the company?

 What was the best part of being an employee in this organization?

 Have your complaints been handled fairly?

 What could we do better in the organization?

 Is there anything which can convince you to continue in this organization?

 Do you feel your career path were clear here?

To figure out trends, such as the main reason to leave the organization, the time duration a
person works for the department, or group associated with that particular manager, we should
analyze the result of an exit interview. The idea behind the exit interview was to find out the
changes one can have before they quit, also the job which has most of the turnovers, and their
pattern of resignation to keep the people from leaving the organization. With the insights you
gain, one should be listening and make changes in the company.

Exit interviews allow us to identify exactly why an employee is leaving and also to ensure
that there should to proper replacement of that position. One should encourage positive and
negative feedback during an exit interview. This is a positive sign where employers can learn
about what they are doing right in regards to position areas in which they can improve and
resolve issues an employee during his employment in the organization.

The primary aim of this interview is to learn the different reasons for an individual’s
departure, and on that basis, the criticism will be a helpful drive for improving the
organization, it is considered as an opportunity to enable the transfer of knowledge and
experience to success or replacement about a brief of a team on the current project, issues,
contacts from the departing employee of the organization. It help us to yield information
which is useful for the organization and assess and improve the working environment, culture,
processes, system, management, development, etc. From the interview perceptive, it is an
opportunity to get some positive feedback and leave the organization with good positive note,
good relations and mutual respect.

The days or weeks between the decision for an employee’s actual departure and of decision
for an employee to leave offer a crucial opportunity for an organization to gather important
information and knowledge from the employee. This is typically applying in sales and buying
roles, and for business unit management and especially relevant in roles where employees
have to accumulate a significant amount of knowledge and personal connection.

The knowledge of employee who is leaving the organization has immense value to the
organization and the recovery of that data often overlooked altogether byte organization or,
until the employee has not left the company, or more likely been hurried out of the door
holding the contents of their desk in a cardboard box.

The exit interview provides: -

1. To collect and gather the data in a structured manner.

2. Aggregating the results as a whole for the organization.

3. To identify consistent trends, patterns, and themes and analyze the trend.

4. Using the results, they can determine and implement strategies to reduce turnover to
increase retention.

According to RAVINDRA, exit interviews are interviews conducted with employees who
are departing, before they leave from the organization. Exit interview is a unique chance to
survey and analyze the opinions of departing employees, who generally are more
forthcoming, constructive and objective than staff still in their jobs.

According to WILL KENTON, Attrition is a process in which the work forced windless at a
company, following a period in which a number of people retire or resign, and are not be

“Attrition is defined as both the voluntary and involuntary reduction of a company’s

workforce through deaths, employee retirements, transfers, resignations and terminations.

Purpose of Exit interview

1. For the existing employee they can try to overcome by analyzing the factor for which
he/she is leaving and retains the outgoing employee.

2. Timing for an interview scheduled at their final day of the outgoing employee or when
he/she serves his notice period.

3. The exit interview gives information that helps in a better result for better selection,
placement, development, and training practice, and improved supervision.

4. The exit interview gives assurance that all the property is returned or accounted for to
resolve the financial responsibility before leaving the jobsite.

5. To end the employee’s time with the company on a positive note, an exit interview is
considered as the opportunity to end it in that way.

6. Valuable feedback related to training and development can be obtained through the process
of the exit interview.

7. An exit interview can effectively provide valuable feedback about benefits and
compensation, which can be either positive or negative.

8. To make changes in reducing the turnover rates, an exit interview is an opportunity for the
firm to understand why people voluntarily leaving the company

Objective of Exit interview

 Through exit interviews one can retain the departing employee or analyze the factor why
he is leaving the organization and find out the ways to overcome these for existing employees.

 From the departing employee, the exit interview is helpful to know the negative and
positive aspects of the organization.

 From exit interviews we can collect the data which is usually helpful to gather the data to
improve working conditions and retaining employees.

 From improving the recruitment and induction of new employees exit interviews provide
valuable information.

 For the executive, it is a learning opportunity that seeks to view on workplace-related


Methods for conducting Exit Interviews

There are various means which are used to for conducting exit interview:-

 Face to Face interviews

This is the most primary method used by every organization to conduct Exit Interviews,
although this is process of exit interview is changing very rapidly all over the globe. These
meetings are conducted either internally by a human resource professional or manager, or by
some external consultant. In this interview, an individual meeting is conducted between an
HR representative and each departing employee. Such interviews give a personal touch to the
process and help in providing useful and personal information to the organization. On the
other hand, during such interview’s employees may not feel comfortable and are afraid to
speak their mind out. These interviews are very time consuming and it is difficult to get the
desired result by tracking verbally received information.


1. Completion rates of this interview process are tended to be very high, only if the interview
is not conducted by any relevant and suitably skilled professional.

2. If Interviewers are well trained and highly skilled and professional, the content can be well
structured and checked in real-time to ensure accuracy of data, especially concerning reasons
for leaving.

3. This method also allows us to collect high-quality data from people whose literary skills
are not good.


1. There is no reporting tool attached to the exit interview data which can capture the
feedback or rarely captured, in a way that allows reporting on trends of attrition in the

2. This method is too expensive if an external consultant is conducting

3. There are very few organizations providing training on exit interviewing so the quality of
data can be captured but it is highly variable.

 Telephone interviews
These days Exit Interviews are conducted through telephone, which are becoming more
common and effective method of Exit Interviews. These interviews are either conducted by an
HR representative or by some third party over telephone. It is easier to put more questions
during such interview as conversation is generally short and crisp whereas it becomes
expensive if done through a third-party consultant. Through such interviews it is hard to
achieve high participation rate and employees are usually reluctant to share sensitive or
negative information on the phone.


1. It is easy to capture and code feedback in a form that allows easy reporting to the top
officials and analysis for better interpretation and examine it.

2. Among all the other methods, the completion rates are highest, because there is no need for
the physical presence of either interviewee or interviewer at some physical place.

3. Easy to outsource and less expensive as compared to face-to-face interviews.


1. It is more expensive than online and paper surveys.

 Paper surveys
Exit interviews taken in the form of paper which allows to conduct interview with those
individuals who don’t have access to internet and also it provides the feature of being
anonymous while filling the form and all that information is also entered into tracking system
manually. However, in today’s era everybody has accessibility of internet which makes this
method as a traditional method of for collecting the data of exit interviews. Paper and pencil
method of exit interviews used through a form provided to the employee on his last working
day or by interview. This method is less time taking as compared the others exit interview
methods. Employees may feel comfortable while sharing information on a piece of paper than
to a human being. The compilation and tracking of such received data is very difficult and
consumes a lot of time.
 Online surveys

Exit interview conducted with the help of internet is called online exit interview. It has the
advantage of flexibility, privacy and high reliability. By this method departing employees
become comfortable in sharing information by using computer. Employees do self-service in
giving the response. In this method the participation rate of departing employees will be
double than other methods.


1. Online surveys are considered to be least costly method to conduct Exit interviews.

2. There are different free survey software tools available on the online market.
3. The data is collected in the manner which is easy to report and analyze.


1. Exit Interviews have low completion rate compare to other methods.

Stages of the Exit Interview

In the employee lifecycle (ELC), exit interview fits into separation stage. It is the final stage
of the ELC which start from point where the employee started feeling disengaged to the
moment, he leaves the organization. This is considered as the key time to administer the exit
interview as employee’s feeling regarding their departure is fresh in their mind. This off-
boarding process helps the employer to close the existing relationship with employee in the
proper manner which in turn helps to collect all the company’s material in the correct manner
and other formalities and feedback and insights can be gathered through exit interview and all
the loose ends can be dissolved.

The main focus of the exit interview is mainly on the employee who is leaving the
organization or a project it is completed. One of the important aspects of the Exit interview is
to extract feedback from the employee who is leaving the organization in order to improve the
working aspects of the organization, which in turn helps the organization to retain their
employees and reduce turnover. At the times of exit interview, the employer asks following
question to the employee regarding their journey in the organization or factors which lead
them to take the decision to leave the organization. Organization cause the information
collected through the exit interview to align the HR strategy in the manner the employees of
the organization wants and enact the procedures, programs, rules and practices that will
influence top talent to be the part of organization for longer period.

There are many ways in which data can be collected and analyzed for example metrics,
analytics, benchmarks and best practices that might help organizations which make sense and
which will use the data towards pro-active organizational retention programs. Recently
software for taking exit interview has been developed and popularized. Such type of programs
facilitates the organization to streamline the employee separation process, allow surveys to be
completed through the web, make separation and retention trends and procedure to be easily
completed and identified, and actionable data which will helps us to increase organizational
effectiveness and productivity. Additionally, through some of these programs it is possible to
quantify data gleaned from the surveys and more accurately understand why employees are

leaving the organization.
Common questions include reasons for leaving, job satisfaction, frustrations, and feedback
concerning company policies or procedures. Questions may relate to the work environment,
supervisors, compensation, the work itself, and the company culture.

Significance of the study

Over the years a great emphasis has been led up on to understand the reasons for employee
exit therefore, HR practitioners conduct exit interviews to find reasons for employee exit.
They do so due to the belief that an exit interview helps the organization to understand the
reasons for voluntary employee turnover and to gather the information, which can help to
improve individual and organizational performance. The present study attempts to find out the
reason of leaving the organization by conducting an exit interview to attract employee to the
organization moreover. At the exit interview employee reveals the reason for exit and, present
study uses that advantage to find out the reason of their exit from the organization It showed
that a good exit interview must focused on getting improvement on working environment,
culture, systems and processes leadership and developmental opportunities etc. Accordingly,
the current study generates significant for followings.

Goals of conducting Exit Interviews

Understanding employees’ perception towards the job

Exit interviews help the organization to understand what employees think about the job
including work culture, job design, co-workers and working condition. It will result into
increased employee motivation and effectiveness.

Encourages innovation by getting ideas

If during such interviews, any departing employee give some suggestion and if the
organization feels like accommodating that suggestion in an innovative and improved way,
then it will be beneficial for the employees, organization and the entire industry.

Uncovers organizational issues

There may be several issues which are unfavorable for the employees. Exit interviews helps
the organization stake corrective steps and make the organization more employees friendly.

Getting knowledge of managers’ abilities

These interviews help the organizations to identify efficient and positive managers and
differentiate them from the toxic ones. The organization may further provide better training
and undertake initiatives for having better management.

Advantages of Exit Interviews


A lot of time is spent during replacing and retraining employees is reducing. It also saves the
times which is spent on making a team to work as dynamic team and redistributing their work
which departing employee used to-do.
To know the reasons behind the departure of employees

We can easily diagnose the reason behind the departure of employees. Also we can discover
the hidden agenda, if any and if seems appropriate this may contribute in reversing the
decision of outgoing employee.
Reduce litigation risk

It is extremely important to fulfill every possible requirement of the departure process of

outgoing employee in order to avoid any future litigation.
Help in getting key information related to job

If an employee is having enough experience of the job, he is the best person who can describe
the require improvements in that particular job. With the departing employees one can also
tell about the skills and capabilities mandatory to perform the certain job.
Increase the morale and satisfaction of the staff

If an organization shows some concern towards the departing employee’s welfare then it is
perceived that the organization is concerned about the welfare of its employees in general,
which is a very positive effect on the staff.
Increase retention of employees

If the trends and aspects of the company go in the negative direction which are identified and
corrected then the organization will be able to increase satisfaction and employee retention in
the organization.

Disadvantages of Exit Interviews


It is considered as a very expensive procedure to be conducted as the costliest factor is the

salary of the person who is conducting the interview. Exit interviews are expensive to be
conducted. For the preparation and conducting the interview the money and time are two
important factors which are required.

Many times, exit interviews are often conducted by employees of the same organizations.
Because of which, it is possible that due to some personal reason with any departing
employee person conducting such interview may present abased report of the interview. These
types of exit interview are of no use to the organization inane manner.

Large data may create difficulty

If many interviews are going to be conducted at different location at one-point time it

becomes difficult for recorders and interpreters to record and interpret the data precisely.

Real facts may not come out

While conducting exit interview, one cannot be relying on every fact revealed by the
departing employee because it is possible that the departing employee has very little trust
remained in the organization and people. Even if a good amount of trust is still there,
employees may have difficulty in verbalizing each aspect of the job and they may prefer to
remain silent on many points.


According to Van Wert, I. Gregg (2004) in his article” AN EVOLVING VIEW OF EXIT
INTERVIEW said that, it is a challenge for good management to accept that attrition and let it
stay as the way it’s in the organization. Many employees leaving the organization avoid the
exit interview because they feel that it might open their organizational limitations and failures,
which may not be liked by top officials of the organization. According to him, the findings
should be communicated to top management which will be helpful in the also suggested that
Interview findings must be communicated in the form of recommendations and suggestions to

According to Neil, Martha (2006) Exit interviews are conducted with purpose to gather real
information about their experience in the organization and to understand why they decided to
leave the organization and what led them to take such decision.

In one of the studies by Levin Geg (2007), he discusses the practices and components that
should be incorporated into interview strategy which will positively impact on staff Attrition.
According to him it is beneficial if they use third party to conduct exit interview because it is
best way to make employee at ease and get best results.

Bhatnagar, Jyotsna. (2007) added that they should focus on the factors of organizational
culture, career planning along with incentives and organizational support to get exit interview.
It is mentioned in the article that organizational culture and career planning are the prime
indicators of attrition in the organization.

In the words of Flamholtz. E. G (2003), the exit interview provides us opportunity for
effective communication in several addition areas but also enable us to improve
understanding of the reason behind leaving the organization. For example, information related
to benefits provided by the company , pension programs (if any) , maintenance related to
medical insurance, Discussion of policies on rehiring and its eligibility, and also the areas
where corrective measures are required to be taken.

According to Garretson, P., & Teel, K. S. (1992, there are two elements which are pointed
out by him are discovery and communication. The discovery of employee’s leaving the
organization and what is motivation to vacate the positions not easy when it comes to share
such information with the management. Staff understanding and cooperation are critical when
it is viewed as mandatory procedure before final departure from the organization.

According to P Hameem Khan, Aliya Sgultana, T Narayana Reddy, exit interviews gives
positive impact on the employee retention and employee turnover affects the company in
many different ways such as loss of skilled talent, rejections of project so on so forth. In the
opinion if the employees, exit interview gives an opportunity to company in the projection of
companies’ policies and procedure which will be helpful in conducting the exit interview and
gather information easily and helps us to use the recorded information on improving the
workplace facilities. If the interview is taken by third party interviewers, the employees
willingly participate in the exit interview by which is properly designed and structured.
Apparently, they are unbiased and help the organization in retaining the talented workforce. If
any employee hesitant in sharing his reason to leave the organization then management should
work on to find out the root cause of this issue and having efficient retention polices.

In the research conducted by Akshatha S, S Senthil Ganesh they had explored the exit
experience into four different areas namely exit system, relationship, exit process and legal
requirements. One interesting finding which emerges from this study is how the relationship of
manager and peers before the notice period has an influence on the exit experience of the
employee. The relationship puts huge impact on the exit interview during the notice period also
the study shows that relationship during the notice period influence the exit experience in a way.

Rachna Nigam and Snigdha Mishra (Faculty and HOD at ITM Kharghar, Mumbai Maharashtra)
can be concluded that collecting accurate and reliable information is the key to effective exit
interview process. In the survey conducted the respondents mentioned various personal and
professional reasons were noted as their reason to leave the organization such as Delay in decision
making, ambiguous roles, travelling etc. Most of the respondents want to re-join the organization
in the future if the situation demand, also majority of them were happy to recommend others to
join the organization. The overall level of effectiveness is also influenced by reliability of
response, as most of the time distortions may occur due to negligence or insecurities, fears etc. in
the minds of the respondents. This generally happens as the interviewees probably feel concerned
about the possibility of their comments impacting on their remaining co-workers and there may be
a feeling of having forged strong co-worker relationships during their employment. The entire
process can be fruitful if there is underutilization of information gathered by human Interviewer.
It is needless to say that if employees do not give accurate information in the exit interview, even
if the information is fully utilized, efforts made on the way to reduce employee turnover based on
the information will be ineffective as the decisions will be based on inaccurate and unreliable.


 To examine the process of Exit Interview.

 To understand the elements of Exit Interview and to integrate it with strategic HR

activities of the organization.
 To ascertain the outcomes, merits and demerits of Exit Interview.

Exit Interview

A resignation interview is a survey of people who have left an organization. In most cases, this happens
between employees and organizations, students and educational institutions, and members and

Organizations can use information from the exit interviews to evaluate what needs to be improved,

changed, or left unchanged. Organizations can also use exit interview results to reduce the high costs
associated with employee turnover by reducing employee, student, or participant turnover and
increasing productivity and engagement.


H01: -

There is no significant relationship between exit interview feedback and employee retention.

H02: -

No significant relationship between employee exit interview participation and employee

retention policy


Employee Retention has been a major problem to IT Industry, global opportunities and lucrative
packages from competitors making employees to leave the company. Exit interview is a formal
procedure which is conducted to get the valuable suggestions and feedback from outgoing employees,
suggestions and feedback are used to make further polices on employee retention. Employee
participation in exit interviews is a challenge as they are unsatisfied and frustrated and they will not take
it on serious note as they are aware that nothing can be figured out after all giving the honest feedback.
But to make effective policies on retention Concrete feedback, active participation and quantitative data
from employees are needed.

Employee feedback

Exit interviews are conducted as a tool to build a positive relationship with the departing employee,
high potential employees will be given priority and interviewers try to persuade to withdraw their
resignation. Salary hike, Employee Stock Options and other benefits bestowed up on skilled talent. Exit
interviews are the greatest sources for collecting concrete feedback from the employees, this feedback is
used to take assertive measures in controlling employee attrition. Proper implementation of feedback
obtained from exit interviews is not only valuable for the departing employees but also organization.
Exit interview is a liaison between organization and employee attrition Exit interview feedback data
should be flowed to line supervisors on timely basis so that they can monitor the employee churn,
gathered information should be used in departmental or unit reviews for identification of areas requiring
policy amendments (James G. Neal, 1989). Employee feedback from exit interview is used to improve
the policies and facilities at workplace.

From the below information: -

H01: There is no significant relationship between exit interview feedback and employee retention is
rejected as the F value is 1.013.

Employee Participation

Exit interview is a tool which makes employee to participate and give honest feedback about the
company, interviewers negotiate and make employees to rethink and with draw the resignation. It is
important to make sure to select a good method for conducting exit interview process, online exit
interview management system enables employee a hassle-free participation. Questions which are asked
should be simple and comprehensive, so the data collected will be intense. Employees often reluctant to
participate in exit interviews as they feel that nothing can be changed after all are giving the honest
feedback (Md. Sajjad Hossain, Samaha Tasmin Hami, and Junaid Al Ameen., 2017). To overcome such
issues, exit interview would be conducted as per employee willingness and schedule; every possible
option must be given to the employees to make sure stay back in the current organization. Employees
are the valuable assets for any organization, while they depart from the company it’s important to settle
all their arrears and exit interview should be that platform.

H02: There is no significant relationship between employee participation in exit interview and
employee retention policies is rejected as the F value is 0.117.


Research methodology shows how the research is carrying out the report and interpreting the results.
It includes research variables, sampling techniques, source of data, data analysis tools that are used in
this research

 Sample Size-The technique used for Sampling is Convenience Sampling as the respondents is
chosen by convenience of researcher. The Research is conducted among respondents in
corporate sector. The Sampling framework consists of youth as well as adults who had
working experience in the corporate sector. The number of respondents is 100.

 Data Analysis Tests-To find out the meaningful relationships among the various parameters,
data will be analyzed using suitable techniques such as T-test sample (assuming equal
variances) and ANOVA– Single factor analysis.

 Type of Data Source-Primary source of data collection is being used for present research
work. Various statistical tools are used to collect and analyze the Primary data.

 Tools for collecting Primary data-A Structured questionnaire is designed for data collection
as per the objectives of study. The questionnaire is designed to provide data on two wide
ranges of variables. This includes close ended questions, providing limited answers for
question on numeric scale

 Customer Demographic Variables-Name, Gender

 Customer Psycho-graphic Variable–Here the questions will be measured on a Yes/No



1. Personal Reasons





Shifting to other cities Going for further studies

Family Circumstances Starting your own venture

From the above pie chart, it can be concluded that 36% of individuals leaves an organization because
they want to start their own venture, 21% of employees will leave the organization because of family
circumstances, 20% of employees will leave the organization because they are going for further
studies and 23% of employees will leave the organization because they are shifting to other cities.

2. Career Opportunities


Lack of career growth opportunities

Less challenging job

From the above pie chart, it can be concluded that 53% of employees thinks that there is lack
in career growth opportunities, 47% of employees will leave the organization because they
find the job as less challenging.

3. Job Responsibility



Additional Roles and Responsibilities

Growth in terms of level and responsibilities

Job duties and responsibilities turnout to be as you expected

From the above pie chart, it can be concluded that 31% of employees leaves an organization
even if they will be provided with additional roles and responsibilities, 40% of employees will
leave the organization because they find the growth in terms of level and responsibilities. 29%
of employees will leave the organization because they find out that their job duties and
responsibilities don’t turn out as they expected.

4. Quality of Supervision

24% 27%


Better Guidance and Support from your Supervisor

Proper recognition for the job
Fair and equal treatment to everyone
Encourage or listen to suggestions

From the above pie chart, it can be concluded that 27% of employees leave an organization
because they didn’t find better guidance and support from the supervisor, 24% of employees
will leave the organization because they didn’t find proper recognition for their job. 25% of
employees will leave the organization because their supervisor doesn’t give fair and equal
treatment to all the employees, 24% of employees leave the organization because their
supervisor never encourages them give suggestions and even when they give suggestion, they
doesn’t pay attention to it.

5. Working Environment

25% 25%


Better Work Atmosphere

Complaint and issues are resolved fairly and promptly

Delay in decision making

From the above pie chart, it can be concluded that 25% of employees leave an organization
because the atmosphere at workplace is not good, 50% of employees will leave the
organization because they find out that complaints and issues are not resolved fairly and
promptly, and 25% of employees will leave the organization because they find that there is
delay in decision making in the organization.

6. Compensation and Benefits

32% 32%


Inadequate incentives & Bonus

Pay is low according to the work
Increases your Compensation and Benefit

From the above pie chart, it can be concluded that 32% of employees leaves an organization
because they receive inadequate incentives and bonuses, 32% of employees will leave the
organization even if the organization increases their compensation and benefits, and 36% of
employees will leave the organization because they find that their pay is low according to their

7. Training and Development

49% 51%

Lack of training and development

Quantity and quality of training

From the above pie chart, it can be concluded that 49% of employees leaves an organization
because they find lack of training and development in the organization, 51% of employees will
leave the organization because they find out that the quantity and quality of training is lagging
them behind to achieve growth in their career.

8. Job Satisfaction

49% 51%

Enough freedom and space to allow your creativity to blossom

Work you do isn't according to your interest

From the above pie chart, it can be concluded that 49% of employees think that they don’t have
enough freedom and space to allow their creativity to bloom, 51% of employees thins that the
work they do is not according to their interest.


Every organization should conduct exit interview. It is conducted to gather data for improving
working conditions and retaining employees. The information collected from each exit interview is
used to provide feedback on why employees are leaving, what they liked about their employment and
what areas of the company need improvement. For gathering relevant information from exit
interview, there are a few things to keep in mind when structuring the exit interview process. The
interview is conducted between a staff member of the organization and an employee who is leaving,
which helps to ascertain the reasons for the employee leaving the organization. Effective exit
interviews help an organization to improve their bottom line by reducing turnover and the associated
costs of hiring and training new employees. Through exit interview the organization can retrieve
some important tips about the problems and issues that are causing your employees to leave. Through
this information the selection procedure, placement procedure and development in the organization
can be improved Placement, development and training practice as well as improved supervision. If an
organization effectively uses exit interview, it can also provide the valuable feedback concerning
benefits and compensation of the company. It can be both negative and positive. It is considered as a
helpful tool to know negative and positive aspects about the organization by the view of the employee
who is leaving. Employees are the most precious asset of a business; the hardest part is to manage-
one is watching good employees leaving the organization. Of course, it’s important to know why
your company is facing employee attrition, that why it is the very purpose of an exit interview. It is
conducted to determine the reasons because of which an employee is quitting the company. The
employer himself can do it but the exiting employees are more likely to be frank and forthright with
an external party.

So how exactly will an exit interview help the organization to control attrition? Information gathered
from the exit interview will help the organization to improve working conditions and cut down the
attrition in the organization. In his/ her exit interview the employee who is leaving the organization is
gently persuaded to confide about his experience in the company. This is important so that he or she
does not carry any negative emotions about the company he/she is leaving into the next organization
he/she will join. This also safeguards the reputation of your company. In case the employee has any
grudges or complaints against the company or his colleagues he/ she will naturally bemire
comfortable to reveal this to a third party.

Exit interview is also a good time to debrief the employee and prevent leak of any sensitive
information regarding the company, it ensures you complete confidentiality of information gathered
in exit interviews.

A summary of the findings showed that the gathering of accurate and reliable information is the key
to whether the exit interview process acts as an effective management tool in understanding the
factors which affects the decision to leave the organization. If employees do not give accurate
information in the exit interview, even if the information is fully utilized, attempts to understand the
factors because which the employee is quitting the organization based on the information received
will be somewhat ineffective as the decisions will be based on inaccurate and unreliable data which
would ultimately lead to ineffective human resource practices.


Q: -Name:-


Q: - Date of joining: -

Q:-Date of Exit:-
Q: - Package p.a. (previous company)
Q:-Package p.a. (Current Company)
Q: - Name of the organization Joined: -
1. Are you shifting to other cities?
1. YES
2. NO

2. Are you going for further studies?

1. YES
2. NO

3. Are you going to start your venture?

1. YES
2. NO

4. Because of a lack of career growth opportunities, will you leave the organization?
1. YES
2. NO

5. If the job is less challenging, will you leave the organization?

1. YES
2. NO

6. Will the additional rules and responsibility affect your decision to leave the organization?
1. YES
2. NO

7. Did you experience growth in terms of level and responsibilities?

1. YES
2. NO

8. Did your job duties and responsibilities turnout to be as you expected?

1. YES
2. NO

9. Due to excessive workload, will you leave the organization?

1. YES
2. NO

10. Your decision to leave could be different if there are Better Guidance and Support from your
1. YES
2. NO

11. Did your supervisor demonstrate fair and equal treatment to everyone?
1. YES
2. NO
12. Did your supervisor provide proper recognition for the job you do?

1. YES

2. NO

13. Did your supervisor encourage or listen to suggestions?

1. YES

2. NO
14. Are you able to maintain a balance between personal life and office work?

1. YES

2. NO

15. Could you stay in the organization if there is better work atmosphere?

1. YES

2. NO

16. Employeeproblemscomplaintandissuesareresolvedfairlyandpromptlyintheorganization?

17. Due to delay in decision making by supervisor?

1. YES
2. NO

18. Due to Inadequate incentives & Bonus?
1. YES
2. NO

19. According to your work, your Pay is low?

1. YES
2. NO

20. If the organization increases your Compensation and Benefit could you stay in the
1. YES
2. NO

21. Did you find a lack of training and development in your organization?
1. YES
2. NO

22. Quantity and quality of training are not up to the mark?

1. YES
2. NO

23. Did your organization provide you with enough freedom and space to allow your
creativity to blossom?
1. YES
2. NO

24. Is the work you do according to your interest?

1. YES
2. NO

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