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Labuyo, Tangub City

Fecundity of Mangrove Crab (Scylla serrata)

in Coastal Areas in a City of Southern Philippines

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course

Educ. 20 – Educational Technology

Apple Mae Bacus

Anthony R. Betache
Virgie Mae B. Bucar
Hannah Lee T. Carpio
Arvelin T. Jumalon
Fecundity of Mangrove Crab (Scylla serrata)

in Coastal Areas in a City of Southern Philippines


Mangrove crab Scylla serrata is an ecologically important species of crab found in the
estuaries and mangroves in Panguil Bay. Scylla serrata is a greenish-brown crab with a broad
carapace whose antero-latera1 margins are armed with eight or more teeth. Scylla serrata mode
of reproduction belongs to oviparous which refers to those animals who layed eggs that develop
and hatch outside the maternal body as a reproductive strategy. In mature female Scylla serrata
the developing ovary increases in mass and undergoes color changes from creamy white to
yellow to dark brown before the crab spawns, at which time the ovaries occupy a major portion
of the crab’s interior as was observe by (Pillay & Ono,1978). Female mangrove crab Scylla
serrata attained sexual maturity after reaching 80 mm carapace width and above. Fifty percent of
females at size range 91-100 mm carapace width were sexually mature. Each crab spawns once
in two months (Lavilla, 2016). The number of eggs carried by Scylla serrata is 2.5 to 3 million
depends on its mass (La Sarah, 2012). The berried females migrate from estuarine areas to the
inshore sea. The eggs hatch out in the sea and undergo metamorphosis and then they migrate to
brackish water areas and spread to different parts of the estuarine systems (Lavilla, 2016).

The study of the growth patterns and size at maturity of female fecundity of mangrove
crab Scylla serrata had been determined to provide basic data for its population and habitat
management (Baldevarona, 2010). Reviewing (Thorson, 1998) reproduction in larval ecology of
marine bottom invertebrates reported that marine species often produce millions of eggs per
female so there must be wastage of eggs and larvae during development. However, most studies
have limited success in the optimization of survival rate of the larvae (Djunaidah,, 2003).
According to (Holme, 2006), one of the major challenges in the development of appropriate
hatchery techniques for mud crabs is our limited understanding. There are several factors
affecting the survival rate in crab culture such as asynchronous molting, cannibalism, salinity
and temperature, fluctuations and shelter (Estepo, 2011).
In addition some researchers used the formula of (Bagenal &Erich, 1978) the
logarithmic curve and was then transformed to a straight line by logarithmic transformation.
The linear relationship formed by logarithms allows standard statistical technique and to get the
relationship between fecundity and carapace width. In this study the researchers uses statistical
tools the Gonads Weight formula (GW) to get the carrying capacity of mangrove crab and also
a measuring tape to measure the carapace size at first maturity of mangrove crab Scylla serrata
through its carapace.This study will be conducted at the Hatchery Camp of Mr. Stephen Lavilla
which located at Punta Meriam, Panaon Misamis Occidental.
Fecundity studies are important for estimating the reproductive capacity of mangrove
crab. Nevertheless, the early stages of organisms contribute a major proportion to the annual
production of mud crab Scylla serata. In connection with this, the researchers aim to find the
size at first maturity of mangrove crab through its carapace and to estimate the fecundity of the
mangrove crabs Scylla serrata using the Gonads weight formula.
Conceptual Framework

The mode of reproduction of Mangrove Crab Scylla serrata is oviparous, means crabs lay
their eggs then deposit eggs that develop and hatch outside the maternal body. With that, this
study focus on one aspect of the reproduction which is the fecundity. .

Panguil Bay

Species of Mangrove Crab (Scylla serrata)


Carapace Size Weight of the Mangrove Crab

Scylla seratta



Figure 1. Schematic Diagram

Methods and Design

The study made use of descriptive methods and quantitative design type of research. The
methods that were being used by the researchers were purposive sampling, measuring and
weighing the sample mangrove crabs Scylla Serrata.

The samples of Mangrove crab Scylla serrata will be collected and studied from August
2018 to October 2018.There will be 15 samples of female mangrove crab Scylla serrata from
Panguil Bay, Philippines that will be hatch in the Mikulong Aquaventure Corporation a hatchery
camp which located in Punta Meriam Panaon Misamis Occidental. The sample that will be
collected will be individually weigh using the weighing balance in order to get the mass of the
crab and measuring tape for measuring the width of the crab carapace to find its first maturity.
Once the sample is matured the researchers will get its fecundity through the use of statistical
tool Gonads weight formula (GW).This formula assesses in getting the weight of the berried
mangrove crab, subtracted by the weight of the sample crab after hatching Through this, we will
use the statistical tool Gonads weight formula (GW).
Study Site

Sampling of mangrove crab Scylla serrata was carried out from the Panguil Bay of
Misamis Occidental, Philippines (8.080608 longitude and 123.756703 latitude) to Punta Meriam
Panaon, Misamis Occidental (8.359152 longitude and 123.843867 latitude). Specifically, to the
Hatchery camp of Mr. Stephen Lavilla a hatchery Consultant/Technician of Mikulong
Aquaventure Corporation.

Figure 2: Mikulong Aquaventure in Punta Meriam Panaon, Mis. Occidental

Figure 3. Panguil Bay, Philipines

Statistical Tool


GW = Gonad’s Weight
WMCDF - Weight of the Magrove Crab durin Fecund
WMCAH- Weight of the Mangrove Crab after Hatching

Figure 4 : Equation 1 Gonads Weight Formula

Results and Discussion

Table 2 showed Carapace Width, Weight of the Mangrove Crab during fecund, Weight
of the Mangrove Crab after hatching, Gonad’s Weight, Estimated Egg Range. So, the Gonad’s
weight formula is use to determine the weight of the gonads alone. The egg was estimated by the
estimated egg range base on Table 2. The carapace together with the weight of the crab was
always related in order to determine its fecundity.

Results showed the size at first maturity of Scylla serrata obtained during the study
period and had a carapace width of 80 mm (Table 2). This shows that mangrove crab Scylla
serrata start maturing after reaching 80 mm carapace width and above and has estimated egg
range of 1,677,003. As the researcher’s observed also on the Table 2, it showed that the usual
weight of the fecund mangrove crabs (Scylla serrata) in Coastal area in the City of Southern
Philippines is ranging from 250.01 g- 300 g which has the estimated egg range of 1,677,003 -
2,012,003 up to 450.01 g- 500 g that has the estimated egg range of 3,017,007 - 3,352,007.

The total number of crabs was 15 species of Scylla serrata. The mean carapace width was
120.02 mm, mean of weight of the Mangrove Crab during fecund was 400.52 grams and the
mean of Gonad’s weight is 42.3. There is a relationship of the carapace width and to the weight
of Mangrove crab during fecund because they influenced to each other. Moreover, the mean of
the Gonad’s weight is 42.3. They are the determinant that the Mangrove crab (Scylla serrata) are
matured and can carry millions of eggs.
Weight of the Mangrove Crab during
Fecund (WMCDF) Carapace Width (mm) Estimated Egg Range
(Scylla serrata)
50g below 0mm - 15mm 0 - 335,000

50.01g - 100g 15.01mm - 30mm 336,000 - 671,000

100.01g - 150g 30.01mm - 45mm 672,000 - 1,007,000

150.01g - 200g 45.01mm - 60mm 1,007,001 - 1,342,001

200.01g – 250g 60.01mm - 75mm 1,342,002 - 1,677,002

250.01g – 300g 75.01mm - 90mm 1,677,003 - 2,012,003

300.01g – 350g 95.01mm - 105mm 2,012,004 - 2,347,004

350.01g – 400g 105.01mm - 120mm 2,347,005 - 2,682,005

400.01g – 450g 120.01mm - 135mm 2,682,006 - 3,017,006

450.01g – 500 g 135.01mm - 150mm 3,017,007 - 3,352,007

500.01g - 550g 150.01mm - 165mm 3,352,008 - 3,687,008

550.01g - 600g 165.01mm - 180mm 3,687,009 - 4,022,009

600.01g - 650g 180.01mm - 195mm 4,022,010 - 4,357,010

650.01g - 700g 195.01mm - 210mm 4,357,011 - 4,692,011

700.01g - 750g 210.01mm - 225mm 4,692,012 - 5,027,012

750.01g - 800g 225.01mm - 240mm 5,027,013 - 5,362,013

800.01g - 850g 240.01mm - 255mm 5,362,014 - 5,697,014

850.01g - 900g 255.01mm - 270mm 5,697,015 - 6,032,015

900.01g - 950g 270.01mm - 285mm 6,032,016 - 6,367,016

950.01g - 1000g 285.01mm - 300mm 6,367,017 - 6,702,017

1000.01g and above 300.01mm and above 6,702,018 and above

Weight of the Weight of the Gonad’
Species Carapace Width Mangrove Crab Mangrove Crab s Estimated Egg Range
# (millimeter) during fecund after hatching Weight
(grams) (grams) (grams)
1 120 mm 400 grams 358.3 grams 41.7 g 2,347,005 - 2,682,005

2 80 mm 300 grams 267 grams 33.1 1,677,003 - 2,012,003

3 125 mm 440 grams 394.6 grams 45.4 2,682,006 - 3,017,006

4 148 mm 500 grams 448.2 grams 51.8 3,017,007 - 3,352,007

5 120 mm 400 grams 358.3 grams 41.7 g 2,347,005 - 2,682,005

6 103 mm 339 grams 303.5 grams 35.5 2,012,004 - 2,347,004

7 147 mm 478.5 grams 430.6 grams 47.9 3,017,007 - 3,352,007

8 110 mm 365.8 grams 326.5 grams 39.3 2,347,005 - 2,682,005

9 128 mm 410.2 grams 362.2 grams 48 2,682,006 - 3,017,006

10 133 mm 428 grams 382.3 grams 45.7 2,682,006 - 3,017,006

11 117 mm 398.4 grams 357.4 grams 41 2,347,005 - 2,682,005

12 112 mm 378.6 grams 340.1 grams 38.5 2,347,005 - 2,682,005

13 127 mm 402 grams 358.6 grams 43.4 2,682,006 - 3,017,006

14 103 mm 326.9 grams 291.3 grams 35.6 2,012,004 - 2,347,004

15 130 mm 440.3 grams 394.4 grams 45.9 2,682,006 - 3,017,006

Mean 120.02 mm 400.52 grams 42.3


The study was all about the fecundity of mangrove crab (Scylla serrata) in Coastal Areas
in a City of Southern Philippines. Mangrove crab showed that Scylla serrata started maturing
after reaching 80 mm carapace width and above. The method that the researchers used in this
study was descriptive method and quantitative design. Researchers found out that usual weight of
the fecund mangrove crabs (Scylla serrata) in Coastal area in the City of Southern Philippines is
ranging from 250.01 g- 300 g which has the estimated egg range of 1,677,003 - 2,012,003 up to
450.01 g- 500 g that has the estimated egg range of 3,017,007 - 3,352,007. Therefore, the
researcher get the size at first maturity of Mangrove crab through its carapace and able to give
the estimated fecundity of Mangrove crab Scylla serrata.


It was shown in the result of the study about the relationship between carapace size and
body weight to the fecundity of crab. From this, it is suggested not to get mud crab Scylla
serrata that has its carapace size and body weight mentioned in the study. It is also
recommended for the future researchers to give emphasis more on the fecundity of another crab
species and to compare it to the Scylla serrata..


The world supply of Scylla serrata to the market is dwindling due to the increase in
human population. The increase in population has resulted in higher local consumption and
thereby also a decrease in abundance of Scylla serrata in the Panguil Bay because of its high
demand and good price in the market. That is why fishermen catch out the small and juvenile
crab in the sea in order to sell it in the market without knowing that there is already a decrease in
multiplicity of Scylla serrata in the Panguil Bay because of the destruction of the natural habitats
of the crabs.

Fecundity studies are important for estimating the reproductive capacity of mangrove
crab Scylla serrata. The implication of this study will provide data that can help to the fishermen
to identify the approximate carapace width and weight of the matured female mangrove crab. It
also shown there in (Table.2) the weight of the crab during fecund, gonads weight and estimated
egg range that can also contribute in identifying the fecundity of mangrove crab depends on its

Coordination with Mr. Stephen Lavilla, consultant/technician of Mikulong Aquaventure

Corporation at Molave, Zamboanga Del Sur.

Measuring the carapace size of the samples mudcrab Scylla serrata.

Weighing of the samples mudcrab Scylla serrata.

Berried mudcrab Scylla serrata


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