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org 1
Secrets Unsealed is an offi-
cially incorporated non-profit
organization which is commit-
ted to upholding, proclaiming
Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 and multiplying the unique
end-time present truth message
Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 which God has entrusted to the
Study Notes. . . . . . . . . . . 11 Seventh-day Adventist Church
to proclaim to the world. Ever
DVD/CD/MP3 Series . . 12 conscious of the sacredness of
Religious Liberty . . . . . 23 God’s holy truth, we hold high
and without apology or com-
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 promise all the fundamental
Spanish/Español. . . . . . 2E teachings of the Bible as well
as the distinctive beliefs of our
beloved Seventh-day Adventist
Church. Secrets Unsealed is
sustained by the sales of ma-
terials and also by tax deduct-
ible contributions from those
who believe in the mission. We
greatly appreciate your prayers
as we know that success is not
by might nor by power but by
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Pastor Stephen P. Bohr
Pastor Stephen P. Bohr has spent his life in
mission service. Born of missionary parents,
he has dedicated decades in ministry and
theological research. His love for the Lord is
the driving force behind his commitment to
spread the cutting edge gospel message for
these last days with clarity and power. 3
The Dangers of
Contemplative Prayer
Howard Peth. What could possibly
be wrong with spending quiet time,
emptying your mind, and listening
for the voice of God? So many parts
of Spiritual Formation and contem-
plative Prayer sound good — maybe
even familiar. Satan is delighted
that his age-old seductive weapon of
spiritualism is now seeping into our
churches. In these pages, you will
learn to see more clearly the treads
of satanic charm that have fascinated
BKSPCL5. . . . . . . . . . . $35.00 men and women for centuries and, by
God’s grace you’ll be warned against
them. (128 pages)
The Apocalyptic Vision and the Neutering of Adventism BKTDOCP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13.99
George R. Knight. Neutering. Obnoxious word! But a meaningful
one. Learn how Protestant liberalism performed the operation on Christians Beware: The Dangers
itself, and how Adventism has been tempted to do the same. (107 of Secular Psychology
pages) Magna Parks. Secular psychology
BKAV. . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.99 has had a significant impact on the
Christian church in general and on
the Seventh-day Adventist church in
particular. Secular psychology is par-
ticularly dangerous because it mixes
Bothersome and Disturbing Bible Passages truth with error which is Satan’s most
Louis Torres. Ever confronted with texts that appear to contradict successful method of deception! A
your faith or that are difficult and obscure? This book explains real eye-opener! (84 pages) See DVD
those texts that reveals the harmony of the Word of God. (174 pages) series on pg. 13.
BKBADBP. . . . . . . . . . $9.95 BKCB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11.95

Graffiti in the Holy of Holies

Clifford Goldstein. In his inimitable
style Clifford Goldstein masterfully
defends the Seventh-day Adventist
doctrine of the Sanctuary and partic-
The Certainty of the Third Angel’s Message
ularly of the pre-advent, investigative
Louis F. Were. Truly a prophetic masterpiece! The late Australian
judgment. A persuasive answer to the
evangelist Louis Were shares time-tested principles on how to
objections of the enemies of Advent-
study and properly interpret Bible prophecy. A must-read for all
ism! (176 pages)
serious students of prophecy. (346 pages)
BKGRAF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12.99
BKLWC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.95

Daughters of Inheritance
Ordinatio’s A New Look at Women’s Ordination
n Wellesley Muir. Are men and women equal in God’s eyes? What role do women play in
the home and in the church? In an ancient culture dominated by the power of men, the
daughters of Zelophehad answer these questions. This book is a unique springboard to
reach a better understanding of the important role of women in society and church in
the modern era. Also see page13 at the end of Christians Beware book. (158 pages)
BKDOI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12.99

4 Order Today! 888-REV-1412 (888-738-1412)

The Greatest of All the Prophets
Russell R. Standish & Colin D. Standish. A century has History of
passed since God, through His messenger, Ellen G. White,
first warned of the Omega of Apostasy. Now, ecumenism
Genuine Leather
is substituted for the preaching of the Three Angels’ Mes-
sages. Sabbath desecration has replaced God’s holy day.
Ellen G. White. Eight books with-
The sanctuary message is denied or, at best, spurned.
Obedience to God’s law is set forth as an impossibility. At in one volume. The standard book
every level of our beloved church, worldwide, the Omega size page numbers are included for
of Apostasy is dominant. (411 pages) easy reference. Contains the fol-
BKTGOATP . . . . . . . . . . . . $17.99 lowing books by Ellen G. White:
• Patriarchs and Prophets
Here We Stand — Evaluating New Trends
• Prophets and Kings
in the Church
Christians used to believe that the Bible is the test of spiri- • The Desire of Ages
tual wisdom. But times have changed. Novelty is now the • The Mount of Blessing
measure of the Spirit’s leading, hence, new methods for • Christ’s Object Lessons
church growth, new views on Creation, new styles of wor- • The Acts of the Apostles
ship, have emerged in the church. Various contributors Imitation Leather • The Great Controversy
including Samuel Koranteng-Pipim/editor. (809 pages) • Steps to Christ
BKHWS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19.95
BKTHOR. . . . . . $78.99 (Black)
(Genuine Leather w/Zipper. 1,460 pages)
BKTHOR-BLK. . . $73.99 (Black)
History of Redemption (Imitation Leather w/Zipper. 1,428 pages)
BKTHOR-BRN. . . $73.99 (Brown)
(Imitation Leather w/Zipper. 1,428 pages)
Pocket Books
Ellen G. White. These 4-1/4” x 6” soft cover books come
packaged in a small box, perfect for gift wrapping. Excel-
lent for students, travelers and readers on the go, with easy Heresy, Columbus
to read print and the standard book size page numbers. In- and the Inquisition
Salim Japas. By all
cludes the following 11 books by Ellen G. White: accounts the Inquisi-
• Patriarchs and Prophets • Christ’s Object Lessons tion was a savage in-
• Prophets and Kings • The Acts of the Apostles stitution. How could
• The Desire of Ages • The Great Controversy a mechanism such as
this arise in the USA
• The Mount of Blessings • Education where human rights
and Steps To Christ • Counsels To Parents, Teachers, and Students are the basis of its
• The Ministry of Healing Constitution? (139
BKHORPB. . . . . . . . . . . . . $39.99 BKJAPAS … $7.00

The Omega Rebellion

Rick Howard. It is essential that we
stay away from non-biblical spiritu-
Israelite Festivals al disciplines or methods of spiritu-
and the Christian al formation that are rooted in mys-
Church ticism such as contemplative prayer,
Angel Manuel RodrÍ- centering prayer, and the emerging
guez. Must Christians to-
day celebrate the Hebrew church movement in which they are
feasts? (18 pages) promoted. (224 pages)
BRIR3 … $0.50 BKOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . $13.99 5
Prophecy’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Stephen Bohr. In this insightful study of the two beasts of Rev- BKPDR
elation 13 Pastor Bohr shows the deplorable results of uniting 1-9. . . . . . . . . . . $7.95 each
church and state and how this illegitimate union will lead to the 10-24. . . . . . . . . $6.76 each
setting up of the image to the beast. You will find many 25+. . . . . . . . . $6.36 each
unique insights in this in-depth study. (80 pages)

In Search of the Storehouse

G. Edward Reid. In almost every discussion of tithing,
the question of where the tithe should be sent comes up.
Elder Reid examines the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Testimonies policy, based on the Bible. The counsel from the Spirit of
for the Church
Prophecy, the second tithe, what to do with back tithe,
why the church was organized, what about other “min-
istries,” what if there are problems in the ministry are
Ellen G. White. This nine volume- all addressed. Ellen White’s example, and the duty of the
conference are also discussed. (32 pages)
set of counsels from the Spirit of
BKGER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00
Prophecy contain a spiritual com-
mentary of a general nature, along The Kings That Come From the Sunrising
with many letters of intimate instruction to Louis F. Were. What’s the connection between the Ar-
members of the church during Ellen White’s mageddon prophecy and righteousness by faith? A clos-
er look at Revelation 16:12 brings an encouraging and
time. The standard size book page numbers are stimulating prophetic outline to light. (64 pages)
included. (1,906 pages) BKLWK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.50
BKTFTC . . . . . . . $82.99
(Genuine Leather w/zipper
— Limited Qty Avail.)
The Mind of Christ — How to Have It
BKTFTC-BLK. . . $78.99 Various Contributors: Pastor Dennis Prieve, Pastor Larry
(Imitation Leather w/zipper) Kirkpatrick, Pastor Kevin D. Paulson, Chris Lewis M.D.,
Carl Martin, David Qualls, & Carlye Hummel. A brief,
BKTFTC-BRN . . $78.99
simple, clear and compelling case for victory over sin this
(Imitation Leather w/zipper)
side of heaven.  Easy to understand and excellent for shar-
ing.  It has life-changing potential for any reader, and is
vital for these uncertain and difficult times. (32 pages)
BKTMOF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0.49

Jewelry In The
Seventh-day Adventist
Church, WHY? Taken or Left?
Charles E. Creech. Why
is there so much jew- Stephen Bohr. Jesus said that at His
elry wearing and outward
adornment among Sev-
coming ‘one would be taken and the
enth-day Adventist church other left.’ Does this text teach a pre-
members today? Early in tribulation rapture? Who is taken and
the church’s history, Ad- who is left? Find out the surprising an-
ventists were known by their exemplary modesty. swer to these questions. (48 pages)
They were really God’s “peculiar people.” What BKTOL
has happened? This book traces the use of jew-
1-9. . . . . . . . $3.49 each
elry from man’s earliest existence to how it has
become a problem in the Adventist Church. (54 10-24. . . . . . $2.97 each
pages) 25+. . . . . . . $2.79 each
BKJEWEL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.95

6 Order Today! 888-REV-1412 (888-738-1412)

The Truth About 666 & the Story of the Great Apostasy

Edwin de Kock. Written for both scholars and lay people, this is a penetrating but pleasantly
readable book, which ranges over the entire Christian era from Apostolic times until the Sec-
ond Coming. It is the most extensive treatment of the Historicist prophetic interpretation of
666. With abundant new evidence, it shows that Vicarius Filii Dei is the best interpretation of
Revelation 13:18. It also exposes the problems with Futurist, Preterist and Idealist inter-
pretations. The book should be required reading for anyone studying the end-time
prophecies of the Bible. (Two books in one. Includes Data CD, 874 pages)
BKTTA666GA … $39.95

Vicarius Filii Dei, An Annotated Timeline

Jerry A. Stevens. Many people say that the title Vicarius
Patience In the Midst of Trials Filii Dei doesn’t exist thus making Adventism’s under-
& Afflictions standing of 666 void. But in this book, Jerry A. Stevens
Samuel Koranteng-Pipim. Have you ever won- shares a weight of evidence affirming the historical inter-
dered why God permits trials and afflictions? pretation of Revelation 13:18. (126 pages)
This book explains the nature of patience, why BKV … $9.95
God permits trials and afflictions, and how you
can benefit from them. This life-changing book
will give you confidence in God’s guidance and
renew your determination to trust Him no mat-
ter what. (136 pages)
BKP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.95
The Truth About
Prove All Things
Mercedes H. Dyer. This convincing book shows
the Number 666
that the Bible is not silent or neutral on the role of
women in the church and points out the danger Stephen Bohr. The number 666 has piqued the cu-
of departing from clear biblical teaching. This riosity of thousands throughout the years. What
eye-opening book presents a biblical vindication is the meaning behind this cryptic code? There are
of the Adventist pioneers’ long-standing posi-
Women many opinions but only one biblical answer. In his
Ordinati ’s tion. (423 pages)
typically thorough style, Pastor Bohr examines the
on BKPAT … $13.95
viability of Vicarius Filii Dei, a title meaning “vicar
of the Son of God,” being the “number of a man”
The Sanctuary, 1844 and the Pioneers in Revelation 13:18. He considers the characteristics
Paul A. Gordon. Events during recent decades applied to the man who bears the number and com-
have brought the doctrine of the sanctuary and pares it to papal activities, habits, and admissions
the investigative judgment to the forefront as through the centuries. This study points directly to
never before. This book answers all your ques-
tions about the events surrounding 1844. (217
the head of the papacy as being the man with the
pages) number. (32 pages)
BKTS1844 … $4.95 BKTTATN666
1-9. . . . . . . . . . $1.49 each
10-24. . . . . . . . $1.27 each
The Use and Abuse of Prophecy 25+. . . . . . . . . $1.12 each
Edwin de Kock. Two thousand years of prophetic
interpretation take the reader on a remarkable
journey through the Christian era. The two ma-
jor tracks that proceed through all the periods
involved are the Historical School and the other
goes back before Christianity to pagan Greek
philosophies. (217 pages)
BKTUAAOP … $14.95 7
AD 508 Source Book AD 538 Source Book
Heidi Heiks. Learn from the translated primary Heidi Heiks. The year A.D. 538 was a landmark
sources of how the rise of the papacy in AD508 year for the beginning of the fulfillment of an im-
fulfilled the prophetic specifications of scrip- portant time prophecy that spans the Middle Ages.
tures to the very letter. You will learn the real It is essential, therefore, that those who follow the
truth why the hate and smear campaign by the historicist method of interpreting prophecy estab-
Catholic Church was so intense against the Arian lish this fixed point as firmly as possible. Heiks
Christians. Then the author uncovers and re- has done precisely that with this present study of
veals the best kept secret of the Dark Ages that the important events that occurred that year. (323
Rome had thought she had buried forever. This pages)
book is a treasure house of original historical BKHH538. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $21.95
documentation. A must-read for serious Bible
students! (222 pages)
BKHH508. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16.95

AD 1798 1843 Source Book The “Daily” Source Book

Heidi Heiks. The events of the year 1798 and Heidi Heiks. Within the pages of this book, you
what followed immediately afterward are of will obtain knowledge about the sanctuary, the
great interest to students of history and proph- work of the priest on earth, and the work in heaven
ecy. In this collection of primary and secondary that Jesus, our High Priest, is fulfilling. The “dai-
documents compiled shortly thereafter, Heiks ly,” activities which were followed once a year by
has filled out the events surrounding the cap- the ‘yearly’ or ‘annual’ ministration in the Most
tivity of Pope Pius VI and the setting up of the Holy Place, were a typological model of what is
Roman Republic through the eyes of those who taking place in the real heavenly sanctuary. (222
participated in those events at the time. One can pages)
follow this course of events in intimate detail BKHHDSB . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16.95
through the witness of those who favored such a
change and those who did not. (188 pages)
BKHH17981843. . . . . . . . . $14.95

King of the North — An Exposition of Daniel 11:40-12:1

Heidi Heiks. There are two schools of thought on the interpretation of Daniel 11,
especially the closing verses which are seen as still to be fulfilled in the future.
The first may be called the literal historical view in which the kings of the north
and south are seen as literal geo-political entities in the present day Middle East.
Adventist interpreters favored this view until the end of World War I when the
British and the Turks fought a battle at Megiddo (Armageddon), but Christ did
not come after it. This failure led to the development of the second view, which
may be called the spiritual or symbolic interpretation. By the end of World War Heidi Heiks, former Inter-
II most Adventist interpreters had adopted this view. Heiks stands squarely national Christian Editor and
within the parameters of the symbolic approach and he has given careful and Speaker, Bible instructor at senior
detailed consideration to the possibilities that need to be examined in carrying academic levels and Speaker for
out his search for the correct application of these symbols. (115 pages) The People of the Book radio pro-
BKHHKOTN . . . . . . . . . . . $11.95 gram.

Worship at Satan’s Throne

Stephen Bohr. A great tragedy is facing the remnant church as the protectors BKWST
of God’s end-time truth have begun to waiver on the teachings that brought 1-9. . . . . . . . $11.95 each
them a new, powerful understanding of the Bible and prophecy. Pastor Ste- 10-24. . . . . . $10.16 each
phen Bohr uncovers the dangers lurking within the Sabbath-keeping church 25+. . . . . . . . $9.56 each
that seek to divide and conquer God’s people, crippling their ability to faith-
fully share the last-day message with the world and driving them onward
toward compromise and apostasy. Also available in Spanish. (144 pages)

8 Order Today! 888-REV-1412 (888-738-1412)

Judging the Sabbath
Hidden Sabbath Ron du Preez. Sabbatar-

ians have argued for cen-
turies that the “sabbath”
of Colossians 2:16 refers to
the Jewish ceremonial sab-
Stephen Bohr. Why didn’t God give Adam and baths, and not the Deca-
Eve a direct command to keep the Sabbath in logue Sabbath. Traditional
Genesis? Why doesn’t Genesis mention an eve- Christian interpretation of
ning and a morning of the seventh day? Pastor that passage has generally
Bohr reexamines the Sabbath day in a brand new bypassed the context and relied on other argu-
light, bringing a fresh, exhilarating, and bibli- ments, often unexamined by careful exegesis. In
this book, du Preez examines those other argu-
cal perspective that will reignite your passion ments and in the process, he challenges argu-
for God’s holy day. This book is also a power- ments that rely on Colossians 2:16 in order to deny
ful sharing tool that connects the Sabbath with the continuing moral imperative of the seventh-
Christ’s work of redemption and to the creation day Sabbath. (208 pages)
of the new heavens and new earth, drawing other BKJTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19.99
believers in a way that will fascinate and convict
them of this vital Bible truth. (79 pages) The Lost Meaning of
BKHST the Seventh Day
Sigve K. Tonstad. This
1-9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.95 each sweeping work of bibli-
10-24. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.06 each cal theology and historical
25+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.76 each analysis traces the seventh
day as it is woven through-
out Scripture and the his-
tory of Christianity. Tons-
tad engages the move away
from the seventh day in early Christian history,
the mindset in medieval Christianity, and the so-
bering long-term implications leading all the way
to the Holocaust and the ecological crises in our
time. (Hard cover. 575 pages)
BKTLM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.99
“The sins of blasphemy and willful
Sabbath breaking received the same Futurism’s
punishment, being equally an expression Incredible Journey
of contempt for the authority of God.” Stephen Bohr. Study the fascinating and tragic
story of how Roman Catholic Jesuit scholars
Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 409 infiltrated Protestantism and destroyed its
prophetic roots. Similar dangers face the Sev-
enth-day Adventist church
Reflections on Women’s Ordination
today! (128 pages)
Stephen Bohr. A movement has been steadily, but
stealthily, building over the past several years and is BKFIJ
now dangerously close to reaching groundswell pro- 1-9. . . . . . . . . . $8.95 each
portions in the North American Division and beyond. 10-24 . . . . . . . $7.61 each
This movement would accomplish the objective of or- 25+. . . . . . . . . . $7.16 each
daining women as full-fledged ministers of the Gospel.
Are you concerned? Is there anything you could or
should do about it? (64 pages)
Women 1-9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.95 each
Ordinati ’s 10-24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.47 each
25+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.97 each 9
“God ascribes the fall of Babylon to her gluttony and drunkenness.
Indulgence of appetite and passion was the foundation of all their sins.”
Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 147

Good News Health

Milton Teske, MD. Here is a fantastic, inexpensive, informative, scientific, yet easy to understand
series on the most important principles we must follow in order to have good health. By following a
simple plan and reforming our lifestyle choices, Dr. Teske explains how we can reverse and prevent
diseases such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, hypertension, heart disease, strokes, high blood pressure,
osteoporosis, arthritis, colds, flu, and auto-immune diseases such as lupus and psoriasis. At the same
time you can boost your immune system to withstand many common diseases and help prevent can-
cer. (3 DVDs, 6 presentations) See page 24 for “Free Medical Advice” by Dr. Teske.
1. The Sugar-door Story – Reversing Diabetes
2. How to Control Cholesterol without Drugs
3. Don’t Starve Yourself & When Can I Stop Taking These Pills?
4. Solid Bones & Pain Free Joints
5. Destroying the Enemy
6. The Fire Inside
GNHDVDSET-6. . . . . . . . . $34.00

Dr. Milton Teske

Ten Talents Cookbook

Rosalie Hurd, B.S., & Frank Hurd, D.C., M.D. Take action now to get healthy and stay
healthy with this amazing comprehensive vegan and vegetarian cookbook. Includes over
1,000 delicious and healthful recipes and over 1,300 colorful illustrations. As a complete
health resource manual, this cookbook is perfect for teaching nutrition and cooking class-
es. This all-time classic emphasizes God’s original diet for man as found in Genesis 1:29
including the principles of health and the practical approach to nutrition. Highly recom-
mended for the novice or the experienced cook. Also available in Spanish. (675 pages)
BK10TAL . . . . . . $34.95 (English)
BKDT. . . . . . . . . .$34.95 (Spanish/Español)

Herbal Slide Charts

Rosalie Hurd, B.S., & Frank Hurd, D.C., M.D. Medicinal herbs
of yesterday for today! Fast and easy-to-use slide charts giving
practical information at a glance, showing healing herbs for
common conditions. Slide Chart #1 displays 36 common condi-
tions and 90 herbs that can be used to treat them. Slide Chart #2
displays 36 healing herbs and 150 conditions for which each herb
is beneficial. Each chart is 4 inches x 9 inches.
BKHERBSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.95 (set of 2)

10 Order Today! 888-REV-1412 (888-738-1412)

Pastor Bohr’s hard copy study notes on various topics.
Detailed, informative, and carefully researched.

Cracking the Prophecy The Three

Genesis Code Made Simple Angels’ Message
Also see p. 12. Also see p. 18. Also see p. 16.
(236 pages) (159 pages) (192 pages)
BCGC32 … $31.99 BPMS … $26.99 BTAM2 … $29.99

His Way Is In the Specialized The Three Elijahs

Sanctuary Studies in Daniel Also see p. 22.
Also see p. 15. Also see p. 20. (32 pages)
(300 pages) (278 pages, BTTE … $17.99
BHWIITS … $36.99 Chapters 1-10 only)
BSSD … $34.99

Mary, The Studies in The Wise Shall

Mother of Jesus Revelation — Understand
Also see p. 17. The Seven Seals Also see p. 21.
(66 pages) Also see p. 21. (120 pages)
BMMJ … $19.99 (166 pages) BTWSU … $24.99
BSIR7S … $27.99

Misunderstood Studies in To the Law and

Texts on the State Revelation — The To The Testimony
of the Dead Seven Trumpets Available Spring
Also see p. 17. Also see p. 20. of 2013.
(89 pages) (160 pages) Also see p. 19.
BPUZ2 … $21.99 SIR7T … $26.99 BTTL … $32.99

Planet Earth’s Studies on “None but those who have fortified

Planet Earth’s
Last Generation
Last Generation Matthew 24 the mind with the truths of the
The Sanctified Life Also see p. 20.
Also see p. 19. (124 pages)
Bible will stand through the last
(175 pages) BMAT24 … $24.99 great conflict. To every soul will
BPEFB … $27.99 come the searching test: Shall I
obey God rather than men? The
decisive hour is even now at hand.”
Darkness Before Dawn, p. 36 11
A New Look at the Blessed Hope Anchors of Truth
Stephen Bohr. Cutting edge issues in this series Stephen Bohr. Filmed live at 3ABN, Pastor
include: Does the Bible teach a pre-tribulation Bohr shares in this five part series the State
rapture of the church? Does the 70-week proph- of Dead and the Sabbath.
ecy refer to Christ or to antichrist? Will the mil-
lennium be spent in heaven or on earth? Who Titles
is the man of sin in 2 Thessalonians 2? How did 1. The Acid Test (on one DVD - $10.00)
the futuristic approach to Bible prophecy enter Protestantism? Who is the King of 2. Wiping Out the IOU’s, Part 1
the North in Daniel 11? What role does Israel play in Bible prophecy? 3. Wiping Out the IOU’s, Part 2
4. The Inward Outworking, Part 1
Titles 5. The Inward Outworking, Part 2
1. Prophecy’s Time Frame 7. The Secret Rapture Fallacy
2. The Little Horn that Changed 8. The Three Comings of Jesus Complete Series
God’s Times 9. Four Portraits of the Millennium AOTDVDSET-3 . . . . $29.99 (3 DVDs)
3. Protestants Are No More 10. Satan’s Final Deception AOTCDSET-3. . . . . . $20.00 (5 CDs)
4. Israel and the Palestinians 11. The Devastating Implications AOTMP3SET . . . . . . . $10.00 (MP3)
5. The Prophecy of the of Futurism
Seventy Weeks 12. The Great Controversy
6. One Taken and the Other Left & Daniel 11
Complete Series Individual Titles
BHDVDSET-12. . . . . $59.00 (6 DVDs) $12.00 (1 DVD - 2 titles on each)
BHCDSET-12 . . . . . . $36.00 (12 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 title on each)
BHMP3SET-12. . . . . $24.00 (MP3)

Cr acking the Genesis Code

Stephen Bohr. On the surface the book of Gen-
esis appears to be a mere collection of ancient
stories. But don’t be fooled! Beneath the exter-
Excellent for Outreach
nal simplicity lies a secret code which, when
broken, reveals in no uncertain terms what
will happen in the future. These presentations Complete Series Individual Titles
will help you comprehend the intimate rela- CGCDVDSET-52 . . $269.00 (26 DVDs) $14.99 (1 DVD - 2 titles on each)
tionship between the first book of the Bible, CGCCDSET-52. . . . $208.00 (52 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 title on each)
Genesis, and the last book, Revelation. Don’t CGCMP3SET-52. . . $104.00 (MP3)
miss this life changing experience. BCGC-32. . . . . . . . . . . $31.99 (Study Notes #1-32 only)
1. Cracking the Genesis Code 18. Abraham & Covenant Promises 35. God’s Heavenly Council
2. The Serpent, the Woman and the Seed 19. Israel & the Palestinians 36. The Ladder and the Tower
3. History’s Golden Thread 20. The Battle for World Dominion 37. Genesis and the Gift of Prophecy
4. History’s Hidden Conspiracy 21. The Prince & the Dragon 38. Innocent until Proven Guilty
5. Messiah’s Family Tree 22. The Antichrist & the Number 666 39. The Base Crime of Amalgamation
6. The Paradox of Good & Evil 23. 911 & the Destiny of America 40. God’s Method of Discipline
7. What on Earth Is Happening? 24. Lessons From a Forbidden Tree 41. Unshakable and Unbreakable Faith
8. The Genuine & the Counterfeit 25. Armageddon: Earth’s Final Battle 42. And they Lived Happily Ever After
9. The Giant Slayer 26. Genesis and the 144,000 43. One Greater than Joseph
10. Quality Time in the Rat Race of Life 27. Genesis & Revelation’s Millennium 44. The Matchmaker
11. The (Almost) Forgotten Day 28. How to Overcome Guilt & Failure 45. History’s Invisible Guide
12. Two Devastating End Time Deceptions 29. The 8 Health Secrets in Genesis 46. The Enemy Within the Gates
13. Noah’s Flood: Myth or Fact 30. How to Invest in your Future 47. The Priesthood of Melchizedek
14. New Age or Old Lie? 31. Sow a Character, Reap a Destiny 48. Eternal Loss for a Plate of Lentils
15. Keys to Mystery of Life & Death 32. How to Choose the Right Church 49. The Time of Jacob’s Trouble
16. Lessons from Sodom & Gomorrah 33. Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me? 50. The Enoch Generation
17. Globalism & the New World Order 34. The Return of the War Hero 51. Creation’s Travail and Deliverance
52. A Warning to the Mockers

12 Order Today! 888-REV-1412 (888-738-1412)

The Beast from the Abyss Catching Up to Jesus
Ivor Myers. Discover the devil’s “organized Stephen Bohr. Seventh-day Adventists
confusion” unleashed upon an unsuspect- have been criticized because their church
ing world and learn of the amazing proph- originated in an environment of disap-
ecy of Revelation 11 which accurately pin- pointment. But did you know that at each
points the major power Satan would use to stage of Christ’s ministration—his incar-
draw our young people away from the word nation, his death, his installment as high
of God. priest and his work as judge—there has been a similar disappointment?
Titles Last Titles
1. The Forgotten Beast: Adaptation vs. Creation Time in
Catalog 1. John’s Great Disappointment 4. The 1844 Disappointment
2. Environmental Warfare, Atmospheric Pressure
2. We Thought He Was the Redeemer 5. Who Shall Be Able To Stand?
3. Origins
3. The Pentecostal Disappointment 6. Rich, Busy, Distracted & Lost
Complete Series Individual Titles
IMBFADVD . . . . . . . . $39.95 (3 DVDs) $14.99 (1 DVD - 1 title on each) Complete Series Individual Titles
IMBFACD. . . . . . . . . $12.00 (3 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 title on each) CUTJDVDSET-6 . . . . $57.99 (6 DVDs) $12.00 (1 DVD - 1 title on each)
IMBFAMP3. . . . . . . . $12.00 (MP3) CUTJCDSET-6. . . . . $24.00 (6 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 title on each)
CUTJMP3SET-6. . . . $12.00 (MP3)

The Biblical View of Temptation Daniel & Revelation 10

Stephen Bohr. Was Jesus truly tempted in Stephen Bohr. A study of the origin, mes-
all things such as we are? Is it possible to sage, mission and destiny of God’s remnant
overcome all temptations such as He did? If church. A thorough study of Daniel 12:4
so, what are the secrets to victory? and its relationship to Revelation 10.
Titles Titles
1. Yield not to Temptation 1. Daniel & Revelation, Part 1
2. His Temptation and Ours 2. Daniel & Revelation, Part 2
Complete Series Individual Titles Complete Series Individual Titles
TBVOTDVDSET-2. . . . $14.99 (1 DVD) Not availble on DVD. MCMDRDVDSET-2. . $16.99 (2 DVDs) $10.00 (1 DVD - 1 title on each)
TBVOTCDSET-2 . . . . $8.00 (2 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 title on each) MCMDRCDSET-2 . . . $8.00 (2 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 title on each)
TBVOTMP3SET-2. . . $4.00 (MP3) MCMDMP3. . . . . . . . . $4.00 (MP3)

The Blessing of Abraham Deliverance of the Saints

Stephen Bohr. Jesus’ taking our curse on Stephen Bohr. Did you know that the ab-
the cross opened up the way for the day of sence of God’s name in the book of Esther
Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was poured has great prophetic significance, that the
out on the disciples and the gospel would final conflict will follow the same pattern
from there be spread to all nations. This se- as the one in Esther, and that the close of
ries examines the puzzle as to why the law probation, the time of trouble and the death
is called a curse in some texts but in other places it is called holy, just, and decree are clearly revealed in the book?
One Two-Hour Presentation
good. God’s promise to Abraham about his Seed that would bless all nations DOSDVD. . . . . . . . . . $12.00 (1 DVD)
of earth comes to a clear light in these beautiful messages. DOSCDSET-2. . . . . . . $8.00 (2 CDs)
TBOADVDSET-2. . . . $14.99 (1 DVD) DOSMP3SET-1. . . . . . $4.00 (MP3)
TBOACDSET-2. . . . . . $8.00 (2 CDs)
TBOAMP3. . . . . . . . . . $4.00 (MP3)
Mind Games: The Dangers
of Secular Psychology
Magna Parks. Since the beginning of time,
Chain of Command Satan has mixed truth and error to deceive the
Stephen Bohr. Just how does the Godhead world. This is especially true in the area of secu-
implement its plans on planet earth? What lar psychology, which has, sadly, captured the
relationship do the angels sustain to the God- minds of many, even in Christianity.
head? What is the omnipresence of God?
Titles 1. Childhood, Therapy, and Healing
1. Chain of Command, Part 1 2. Self-Esteem and Felt Needs
2. Chain of Command, Part 2 3. Unconditional Acceptance and Emotions
Complete Series 4. Moving Away from Psychology’s Dangers
COCDVDSET-2 . . . . . $14.99 (1 DVD)
COCCDSET-2. . . . . . . $8.00 (2 CDs) MGDVDSET-4. . $22.95 (2 DVDs)
COCMP3SET-2. . . . . . $4.00 (MP3) MGCDSET-4. . . . $16.00 (4 CDs)
MAGNA PARKS MGMP3SET-4. . . $8.00 (MP3) 13
Dealing with Rebellion
Excellent for Outreach Phil Vecchiarelli IV. Are we to blame for the
delay of the second coming? Learn the sig-
Exploring the Prophetic
nificance of the book of Numbers.
Taj Pacleb. The economy crumbles and natural di-
sasters increase; gas price spike and morals drop; Titles
political and social decay are rampant; terrorism at 1. Rebellion in the Home Last
home and abroad threaten our freedom and people 2. Personal Rebellion Time in
look towards the future with fear and uncertainty. 3. Rebellion in the Church Catalog
The prophecies of Daniel & Revelation dispel all 4. The End of the Rebellion
these fears as they reveal to us why these things are
happening and how we are to respond to them. Complete Series Individual Titles
DWRDVDSET-4 . . . . $19.99 (4 DVDs) $8.00 (1 DVD - 1 title on each)
Titles DWRCDSET-4 . . . . . . $16.00 (6 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 title on each)
1. Unlocking the Revelation 15. Revelation’s Final Showdown DWRMP3SET-4. . . . . $8.00 (MP3)
2. The End! Is It Here, Near or 16. God’s Love in Hell’s Fire
Mere Fear? 17. Living to Die & Dying to Live
3. Prophecy’s Final Countdown
Earth’s Final Battle
18. Revelation’s Mysterious Horseman Stephen Bohr. In this mini-series, Pas-
4. Why So Much Suffering? 19. A Love That Transforms tor Bohr studies the last three plagues of
5. The Seed of Bible Prophecy 20. Babylon: The Fallen City Revelation 16 and what the Battle of Ar-
6. Revelation’s Two Minute Warning of Revelation mageddon really means. Gain courage for
7. Facing the Judgment 21. Survivors of the Longest War the days ahead in seeing how God delivered
with Confidence 22. Messages From Outer Space Israel in their time of extremity.
8. Israel in Prophecy 23. The Mark of the Beast
9. Revelation’s Knight in and the Seal of God Titles
Shining Armor 24. The Sin that God Cannot Forgive 1. Earth’s Final Battle, Part 1
10. Revelation’s Answer to 25. Can A Saved Man Choose to 2. Earth’s Final Battle, Part 2
Global Peace Be Lost?
11. Revelation’s Eternal Sign of Love EFBDVDSET-2. . . . . . $14.99
26. The Clock Runs Out on
12. Antichrist’s Greatest Deception America’s Freedom EFBCDSET. . . . . . . . . $8.00
13. How to Postpone Your Funeral EFBMP3 . . . . . . . . . . . $4.00
27. What Will Heaven be Like?
14. Can the Dead Speak to Us? 28. The Darker the Night the
Brighter the Light
Complete Series Individual Titles
TAJEPSDVD. . . . . . . $119.00 (14 DVDs) $12.00 (1 DVD - 2 titles on each) Great Apostasies
TAJEPSCD . . . . . . . . $84.00 (28 CDs)
TAJPSMP3 . . . . . . . . $36.00 (MP3)
$4.00 (1 CD - 1 title on each) of the
The Distraction Dilemma Stephen Bohr. This inspir-
Christian Berdahl. Rescued from a life of ing series will teach you
abuse and hardship, Christian was miracu- how to detect the signs of
lously lifted “out of the pit” by a merciful apostasy and how to stand
Savior and led into a ministry of praise. In
this 12-hour seminar, he shares from his pre-
firm when the whole world
conversion insider experiences in professional seems to be forsaking
theater, music theater and television produc- God’s truth.
tion, as well as from more than 15 years of full- Titles
time music ministry. This series on music ex- 1. Four Steps to Ruin (Achan) 6. Mutiny in the Camp (Korah)
poses the traps and methods Satan is using to 2. Vanity of Vanities (Solomon) 7. Rebellion is as Witchcraft (Saul)
separate us from God. Presented in an easy to
3. Worship Egyptian Style 8. The Traitor (Absalom)
understand, common sense way with audible illustrations, the Bible, inspired (Golden Calf) 9. The Son of Perdition
writings, science and quotes from the music industry itself! 4. The Holy and the Profane 10. The Overmastering Delusion
Titles (Nadab &Abihu) 11. God’s Antidote for Itching Ears
1. Overture: Our Personal Journey 6. 3rd Movement: Music 5. The Constantine 12. The Final Apostasy
History 1991-2011 Syndrome (Balaam)
2. Opus: Identifying the Mind’s Mark
3. Motive: Music Mechanics 7. Crescendo: Contemporary Complete Series Individual Titles
& Body Language Christian Music, Part 1 GADVDSET-12 . . $59.00 (12 DVDs) $12.00 (1 DVD - 1 title on each)
4. 1st Movement: Music 8. Crescendo: Contemporary GACDSET-12. . . . $48.00 (12 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 title on each)
History 450 AD-1969 Christian Music, Part 2
GAMP3SET-12. . . $24.00 (MP3)
5. 2nd Movement: Music 9. Serenade: Music in Worship
History 1970-1990 10. The Four Cs of Christianity
DDDVDSET-10. . . . . $49.99 (5 DVDs)
14 Order Today! 888-REV-1412 (888-738-1412)
His Way Is In the Sanctuary
Stephen Bohr. “The correct understanding of the ministration in the heavenly sanctu-
ary is the foundation of our faith” (Evangelism, p. 221). Why is this so? What makes
the doctrine of the sanctuary so important? In this series, Pastor Bohr explains how
the many doctrines of the Bible, such as the divine/human nature of Christ, the salva-
tion of sinful man, the Sabbath, the Ten Commandments, the state of the dead, the
judgment, tithing, healthful living, the work of angels, and even end-time events, are
explained in the sanctuary service. With simplicity and clarity he shows how the sanc-
tuary is the great magnet which draws together all the doctrines of the Bible into a
unified system of truth.
1. His Way is in the Sanctuary 17. Found! The Ark of the Covenant!
2. The Sanctuary’s Angels 18. The Manna Test
3. Death and Life in the Sanctuary 19. Disappointment in the Sanctuary
4. The Incarnation’s Seven Secrets 20. As a Thief in the Night
5. The Lamb of God Slain 21. God on Trial
6. Reaping the Sanctuary’s Benefits 22. The Judgment’s Three Stages
7. A People Close to His Heart 23. The Scapegoat and Revelation’s Millennium Complete Series
8. The Triangle of Sanctification 24. A Monumental Conversion Experience HWIITSDVDSET-32. . $189.99 (16 DVDs)
9. The Sanctuary’s Two Covenants 25. In Antichrist’s Temple Part 1 HWIITSCDSET-32. . $128.00 (32 CDs)
10. The Bible’s Foundational Prophecy 26. In Antichrist’s Temple Part 2 HWIITSMP3SET-32. . $64.00 (MP3)
11. The Chronology of the Judgment 27. The Sanctuary’s Financial Secrets BHWIITS . . . . . . . . . $36.99 (Study Notes,
12. The Sanctuary Shall be Cleansed, Part 1 28. The Holy and Profane 300 pages)
13. The Sanctuary Shall be Cleansed, Part 2 29. The Two Temples
14. Three Stages of Israel’s history 30. The Sanctuary and the Prophetic Gift Individual Titles
15. The Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks, Part 1 31. Three Inseparable Doctrines $14.99 (1 DVD - 2 titles on each)
16. The Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks, Part 2 32. Home At Last $4.00 (1 CD - 1 title on each)

Guidance for the Last Days The Hebrew Religious Calendar

Herbert E. Douglass, Jud Lake, and Gerhard
Stephen Bohr. Understand the meaning
Pfandl. Interested in learning more about
of the feasts with meticulous detail. In an-
God’s remnant church’s prophet? Explore the
cient times God gave Israel a series of sev-
biblical foundations for the gift of prophecy
en annual observances. What significance
in the remnant church, especially as it relates
do these feasts have for us today? What
to Revelation 12:17. Among other things this
spiritual lessons can we learn from them?
series answers the following questions: Does
Ellen G. White pass the test of a true prophet? HRCCD-12 . . . . . . . . $36.00 (12 CDs - DVDs not available)
Are the Writings of Ellen White still relevant HRCMP3SET-12. . . .$20.00 (MP3)
for the 21st century? Was Ellen White a plagiarist? How do we explain her HOHF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 (One-page handout)
literary borrowing? What principles should we use to properly interpret her
writings? How do we deal with the accusations of her critics? Hidden Sabbath Truths
Stephen Bohr. Explore the creation and
Titles redemption meaning of the Sabbath. Why
1. A Prophet for God’s Remnant Church – Gerhard Pfandl didn’t God give Adam and Eve a direct
2. The Tests of a True Prophet – Gerhard Pfandl command to keep the Sabbath in Genesis?
3. Ellen White, More Relevant Today Than Ever – Herbert Douglass Why doesn’t Genesis mention an evening
4. Ellen White and the Charge of Plagiarism – Judson Lake and a morning of the seventh day?
5. Ellen White Criticisms: Nothing New Under the Sun – Judson Lake Titles Complete Series
6. General Questions and Answers 1. Sabbath at Creation HSTDVDSET-2. . . . . . $19.99 (2 DVDs)
7. The Interpretation of Ellen White – Gerhard Pfandl 2. Sabbath at Redemption HSTCDSET-2 . . . . . . . $8.00 (2 CDs)
Also available in Spanish. HSTMP3SET-2. . . . . . $4.00 (MP3)
Complete Series Individual Titles
BKHST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.95 (Book – See page 9.)
GFLDDVDSET-7 . . . $35.00 (4 DVDs) $12.00 (2 titles on each except 7)
GFLDCDSET-7. . . . . $30.00 (7 CDs) $4.00 (1 title on each) Individual Titles
GFLDMP3. . . . . . . . . . $14.00 (MP3) $12.00. (1 DVD - 1 title on each)
$4.00.(1 CD - 1 title on each) 15
Final Movements Titles
Stephen Bohr. This series gives us a view of 1. Adventism’s Trojan Horse 4. The Collapse of the Three Walls
last day events happening both inside and 2. The Stealth Man* 5. The Symbols of Revelation 17**
outside the church that are tending toward 3. The Roman Element* 6. The Resurrection of the River Dragon **
a crisis that we must be prepared for. “We *&** Come together on the same DVD.
have more to fear from within than with-
out” we are warned and Satan is sneaking Complete Series Individual Titles
into the remnant church through unconse- FMDVDSET-6 . . . . . $42.00 (4 DVDs) $12.00 (not all DVDs have 2 titles)
crated members. FMCDSET-6. . . . . . . $24.00 (6 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 title on each)
FMMP3SET-6. . . . . . $12.00 (MP3)

God On Trial: A Theology of Job Jewels for the Master

Stephen Bohr. What is the central theme of Stephen Bohr. How can I be a better witness for
Job? How does the book relate to the experi- Jesus and win souls for the kingdom? Learn
ences of Jesus Christ? Why does Satan seem the methods that Jesus and his disciples used.
to disappear from the book after chapter 2?
What is the meaning of Leviathan? Titles
1. Fishing for the Master
Titles 2. Send Me
1. God, Leviathan and Job 3. The Value of a Soul
2. Job & the Messiah 4. Evangelism’s Five Stages
Complete Series Individual Titles Complete Series Individual Titles
GOTDVDSET-2 . . . . . $19.99 (2 DVDs) $12.00 (1 DVD - 1 title on each) JFMDVDSET-4. . . . . $34.99 (4 DVDs) $12.00 (1 DVD - 1 title on each)
GOTCDSET-2. . . . . . . $8.00 (2 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 title on each) JFMCDSET-4 . . . . . . . $16.00 (4 CDs) $ 4.00 (1 CD - 1 title on each)
GOTMP3SET-2. . . . . . $4.00 (MP3) JFMMP3SET-4. . . . . . $8.00 (MP3)

The Three Angels’ Message

Stephen Bohr. Have you ever wondered what’s in store for the future? Do you know how to prepare for what’s
ahead? Can you have certainty in uncertain times? Discover the answers to these and other questions in this
gripping series where Pastor Bohr develops in a simple, practical and meaningful way, the phrase by phrase
meaning and relevance of God’s final message to planet earth. As world history winds down toward its end you
owe it to yourself to know how to prepare for the events ahead.
1. Ten Facts About Revelation 14 14. The Mark of the Beast, Part 1
2. What Is the Everlasting Gospel? 15. The Mark of the Beast, Part 2
3. The Beginning of Wisdom 16. The Wine of God’s Wrath
4. How To Glorify God 17. The Smoke of Babylon’s Torment
5. The Hour of God’s Judgment 18. The Patience of the Saints
6. The Foundation of True Worship 19. The Commandments of God
7. Mystery: Babylon the Great 20. The Faith of Jesus
8. Babylon’s Abominable Wine 21. The Remnant of Her Seed
9. Babylon’s Filthy Fornication 22. The 144,000
10. Revelation’s Sea Beast 23. The Testimony of Jesus
11. Revelation’s Land Beast 24. The Harvest of the Earth is Ripe
12. The Image of the Beast 25. Come Out of Her My People
13. 666: The Number of the Beast

Complete Series Individual Titles

TAM2DVDSET-25. . . $159.00 (8 DVDs) $14.99 (1 DVD - 2 titles on each)
TAM2CDSET-25. . . . $80.00 (8 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 title on each
TAM2MP3SET-25 . . $40.00 (MP3)
BTAM2 . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.99 (Study Notes, 192 pages)

16 Order Today! 888-REV-1412 (888-738-1412)

God’s Everlasting Sign Message to the Laodiceans
Stephen Bohr. Come on an eye-openingtour Stephen Bohr. God has a unique and pow-
to discover life-changing truths of how God erful message for the Laodicean church,
designed His outward signs to reveal an the church of the end time. What is this
inward experience of a relationship of love message and how vital is it?
and loyalty to Him. This series will help you
to understand the dynamics of a faith that
works in your Christian experience. Titles
GESDVDSET-2. . . . . . . . . . $14.99 1. Nothing But Leaves 4. Laodicea’s Heart Problem
Titles 2. Holier Than Thou 5. The Remedy for Laodicea
1. God’s Everlasting Sign, Part 1 GESCDSET-2. . . . . . . . . . . . $8.00
GESMP3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.00 3. Diagnosing Laodicea’s Problem
2. God’s Everlasting Sign, Part 2
Complete Series Individual Titles
The Law of Life and Death MTLDVDSET-5. . . . $29.99 (3 DVDs) $14.99 (1 DVD - 2 titles on each,
#5 is a single at $12.00)
Stephen Bohr. Pastor Bohr analyzes the
MTLCDSET-5. . . . . . $20.00 (5 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 title on ea)
two great mysteries of the Bible, the mys-
MTLMP3SET-5 . . . . . $10.00 (MP3)
tery of Godliness and the mystery of iniq-
uity and the founders of both: Christ and
Lucifer. This is a must series for everyone Misunderstood Texts on
who is struggling with self and pride. the State of the Dead
Stephen Bohr. Study the difficult passages
Titles that the Protestant world uses to defend
1. The Bible’s Two Mysteries 4. The Four Sins of Pride their views on life after death. Learn how
2. The Two Crowns 5. Agony and Ecstasy to defend what the Bible really teaches on
3. The Immensity of God 6. Bury Your Leprosy this subject.

Complete Series Individual Titles Titles

LLDDVDSET-6. . . . . $29.99 (3 DVDs) $12.00 (1 DVD - 2 titles on each) 1. The Right to the Tree of Life 7. Rachel’s Departing Soul
LLDCDSET-6. . . . . . $24.00 (6 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 title on each) 2. The Thief and the Witch 8. The Keys of Hades
LLDMP3SET-6. . . . . $12.00 (MP3) 3. The Rich Man and Lazarus 9. The Dead Who Stand Before God
4. Paul’s Dilemma: To 10. The Souls Under the Altar
The Letter and the Spirit Stay or to Depart? 11. Undying Worm &
Stephen Bohr. A careful study of the dif- 5. Absent from the Body & Unquenchable Fire
ficult passage in 2 Corinthians 3. Does the Present with the Lord 12. Immortality of the Soul or
new covenant do away with the old? Is the 6. Preaching to the Spirits in Prison Resurrection of the Dead?
old covenant all of law and the new cov- Complete Series Individual Titles
enant all of grace? PUZ2DVDSET-12 . . $69.99 (6 DVDs) $14.99 (1 DVD - 2 titles on each)
PUZ2CDSET-12. . . . $48.00 (12 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 title on ea)
Titles TLATSDVDSET-2 . . . $14.99 (1 DVD) PUZ2MP3SET-12. . . $24.00 (MP3)
1. The Letter and the Spirit, Part 1 TLATSCDSET-2. . . . . $8.00 (2 CDs) BPUZ2. . . . . . . . . . . . . $21.99 (Study Notes)
2. The Letter and the Spirit, Part 2 TLATSMP3. . . . . . . . . $4.00 (MP3)
New Perspectives on the
Mary, the Mother of Jesus Spirit of Prophecy
Stephen Bohr. She was a righteous and hum- Stephen Bohr. Is the gift of prophecy still rel-
ble woman, but was she really immaculately evant today? Was Ellen White inspired or was
conceived? Was she sinless throughout her she a product of her time? Find out about the
life? Is she now interceding as the Queen of greatest gift the Lord could give to His last
Heaven with Jesus on our behalf? Is she really day church. Direct counsel in plain lan-
communicating with us today in visions and guage on everyday issues.
prophecies? This is a sobering Biblical look at Mary, the mother of Jesus.
Titles 1. The End Time Gift 5. Guidance for the Last Days
1. The Biblical Portrait of Mary 5. The Myth of Apostolic Succession 2. The Testimony of Jesus 6. The Lesser Light
2. The Cult of the Virgin Mother 6. Peter and the Rock 3. Prophets and Time Prophecies 7. John and Ellen’s Visionary
3. Mary the Rival of Jesus 7. The Final Dogma 4. Moses and the Prophets Experience
4. The Immaculate Deception 8. The Ecumenical Mary
Complete Series Individual Titles
Complete Series Individual Titles NPSPDVDSET-7. . . . $59.99 (7 DVDs) $12.00 (1 DVD - 1 title on each)
MMJDVDSET-8. . . . $64.95 (8 DVDs) $12.00 (1 DVD - 1 title on each) NPSPCDSET-7. . . . . $28.00 (7 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 title on each)
MMJCDSET-8. . . . . . $32.00 (8 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 title on each NPSPMP3SET-7. . . . . $14.00 (MP3)
MMJMP3SET-8 . . . . . $16.00 (MP3)
BMMJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19.99 (Study Notes) 17
Operation Global Rain Prophecy Made Simple
Stephen Bohr, Doug Batchelor, Ivor Myers. Stephen Bohr. Learn how to study and un-
Learn what you need to do to prepare for the derstand various Bible prophecies in a simple
outpouring of the latter rain! Live broadcast. fill-in-the-blanks style.
PMSCDSET-36. . . . . $107.99 (36 CDs)
Titles PMSMP3SET-36. . . . $72.00 (MP3)
1. The Pentecostal Outpouring, BPMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . $26.99 (Study Notes)
Last with Stephen Bohr
Time in 2. Panel Discussion & To See God, Rebuilding the Wall
Catalog with Doug Batchelor Stephen Bohr. Pastor Bohr explains in detail
3. Testimonies & His Death lessons from Nehemiah’s day, the return of Is-
Shall Bring, with Ivor Myers rael from captivity, the rebuilding of the wall
and their restoration to the land, and parallels
Complete Series Individual Titles them with the church at the end time, facing
GRAINDVDSET-3. . $24.95 (3 DVDs) $12.00 (1 DVD - 2 titles on each the same issues, but with a spiritual wall to
1 title on #5)
GRAINCDSET-3 . . . $20.00 (5 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 title on ea) rebuild, the Sabbath and God’s law.
GRAINMP3SET-3. . . $10.00 (MP3) Titles RTWDVDSET-2 . . . . $14.99 (1 DVD)
1. Rebuilding the Wall, Part 1 RTWCDSET-2. . . . . . . $8.00 (2 CDs)
2. Rebuilding the Wall, Part 2 RTWMP3SET-2. . . . . $4.00 (MP3)
The Power of Words
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, Revisiting the Godhead
and those who love it will eat its fruit. Stephen Bohr. How can God be three and
yet one? What roles do the Father, the Son
Titles and the Holy Spirit play in the administra-
1. Watch your Mouth tion of the universe? How are we to under-
2. The Mighty Midget stand the exotic vision of Ezekiel 1? We rec-
TPOWDVDSET-2. . . . . . . $14.99 ommend you also purchase the single title
TPOWCDSET-2 . . . . . . . . . . $8.00 Baptism Into The Name seen on page 24.
TPOWMP3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.00 Titles
1. 1+1+1=1 3. The Omnipresence of God, Part 1
Principles of Sabbath Observance 2. Wheel within a Wheel 4. The Omnipresence of God Part 2
Stephen Bohr. How should God’s people really Complete Series Individual Titles
keep the Sabbath? What do texts such as Co- RTGDVDSET-4 . . . . $34.99 (4 DVDs) $12.00 (1 DVD - 1 title on each)
lossians 2:16 mean? Should we also keep the RTGCDSET-4. . . . . . . $16.00 (4 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 title on each)
ceremonial sabbaths? How will the beast at- RTGMP3SET-4. . . . . . $8.00 (MP3)
tack the first four of the Ten Commandments
that have to do with worshipping God? The Robe of Life
Stephen Bohr. This series walks you step by
step through the Sanctuary with Jesus, re-
1. The Sabbath of the Lord 4. Preaching the Sabbath More Fully
vealing how each of its four sections teaches
2. The Wall Around the Wall 5. Repairers of the Breach
a particular function He undertakes in the
3. The Two Laws great plan of salvation focusing on Christ’s
Complete Series Individual Titles robe of righteousness.
POSODVDSET-5. . . $36.00 (3 DVDs) $14.99 (1 DVD - 2 titles on each) Titles
POSOCDSET-5. . . . . $20.00 (5 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 title on each) 1. Weaving the Robe
POSOMP3SET-5 . . . . $10.00 (MP3) 2. Claiming the Robe
ROLDVDSET-5. . . . . $30.00 (3 DVDs)
3. Wearing the Robe
ROLCDSET-5. . . . . . $20.00 (5 CDs)
ROLSETMP3 . . . . . . . $10.00 (MP3) 4. Examining the Robe
Prophecy’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Stephen Bohr. This is a two-hour in-depth study of 5. Without the Robe
Revelation’s mysterious lamb-horned beast of Rev- The Sign of Jonah
elation 13. A sea-beast, a land-beast, a dragon, two Stephen Bohr. If Jesus was crucified on Fri-
lamb-like horns, a sword, an image, a mark, a dead- day and resurrected on Sunday how could
ly wound and its healing. What can it all mean? He have been in the heart of the earth for
One Two-Hour Presentation three days and three nights? When do the
SPPDRDVD. . . . . . . $12.00 (1 DVD) three days and nights begin? Why is it im-
SPPDRCDSET-2. . . . $8.00 (2 CDs) portant to do a careful study of Jonah 2?
SPPDRMP3SET-2. . . $4.00 (MP3) Titles SOJDVDSET-2 . . . . . . $14.99 (1 DVD)
BKPDR. . . . . . . . . . . . $7.95 (Book – See page 6.) 1. Inclusive Reckoning SOJCDSET-2. . . . . . . . $8.00 (2 CDs)
2. Born to Die SOJMP3SET-2. . . . . . . $4.00 (MP3)

18 Order Today! 888-REV-1412 (888-738-1412)

Satan’s Plan to Undermine Scripture The Song of Moses and the Lamb
Stephen Bohr. The records of Creation and Stephen Bohr. A comparative analysis of
the Flood in Scripture are especially being history and prophecy answers the puz-
attacked today as evolutionary theories zling question of why the 144,000 will sing
have infiltrated the church. People crave Revelation’s Song of Moses as well as the
the emotional, the subjective, the miracu- Song of the Lamb in the end. The events
lous, and the sensual, and Satan will cater of the Exodus were history that will be re-
Titles to all. Don’t be fooled! peated in many respects on a worldwide scale.
1. The Acid Test
2. Satan’s Attempt to Undermine Creation
1. The Song of Moses 2. The Song of the Lamb
3. The Universal Flood
Complete Series Individual Titles
Complete Series Individual Titles
SOMDVDSET-2. . . . . $19.99 (2 DVDs) $12.00 (1 DVD - 1 title on each)
SPTUSDVDSET-2 . . . $19.99 (2 DVDs) $14.99 (1 DVD - 2 titles on each)
SOMCDSET-2. . . . . . . $8.00 (2 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 title on each)
SPTUSCDSET-3. . . . $12.00 (3 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 title on each)
SOMMP3SET-2 . . . . . $4.00 (MP3)
SPTUSMP3. . . . . . . . . $6.00 (MP3)

The Sanctified Life — Coming Soon To The Law and To The Testimoney
Speakers: Stephen Bohr, C.A. Murray & — Coming Soon
Milton Teske, MD. Contact Secrets Unsealed Speakers: Stephen Bohr, Steve Wohlberg, & Mil-
for information and pricing. ton Teske, MD. Contact Secrets Unsealed for in-
formation and pricing.

The Time Is At Hand

Stephen Bohr, G. Edward Reid, and Ron du Preez. This series opens up prophecies
given in the book of Revelation in a way that leaves one marveling at how
very close we are to the end of time. You will see how the Seventh-day Ad-
ventist message is the powerful antidote given by God to correct the evolu-
tionary and ecumenical belief systems sweeping into modern Christianity
and the whole world. The meaning of the Sabbath and the Second Advent of
Christ springs to life in these presentations, while also learning solid princi-
1. The Imminence of the Second
ples for proper Bible interpretation that will keep you from falling into error.
Coming, G. Edward Reid
You will be confi rmed in your faith that God gave us the distinctive name
2. Signs of the Second Coming, G. Edward Reid
“Seventh-day Adventist” to lift high as His banner in a world needing the
3. Secret Methods, Ron du Preez
rest, trust, and belief in His supernatural power that this blessed hope offers.
4. The Time is at Hand, Stephen Bohr
Complete Series Individual Titles 5. Sunday Chatter, G. Edward Reid
TTIAHDVDSET-9 $45.00 (9 DVDs) $10.00 (1 DVD - 2 titles on each 6. Colossians 2:16: Arise, Ron du Preez
except 1, 4, and 15) 7. Sabbath: God’s Everlasting
TTIAHCDSET-18. . . $30.00 (18 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 title on each) Sign, Stephen Bohr
TTIAHMP3SET. . . . $36.00 (MP3) 8. Revelation 10, Stephen Bohr
9. Old Fashioned Bible Study, Ron du Preez
10. Sunday Chatter and the Second
Coming, G. Edward Reid
11. Four Hours Can Change a Life, Ron du Preez
12. Our Denominational Name, Stephen Bohr
13. Panel Discussion with Bohr/du Preez/Reid
14. Must We Keep the Feasts?, Ron du Preez
15. Spirits of Just Men, Stephen Bohr
Stephen Bohr G. Edward Reid Ron du Preez 19
Specialized Studies on Daniel Southwest Youth Conference
Stephen Bohr. Dig deep into the book of Life changing sermons as presented
Daniel in this series. DVDs unavailable. during SWYC with Stephen
SSDCDSET-80 . . . . . . . . . . . $240.00 (80 CDs) Bohr, Samuel K. Pipim, Ivor Last
SSD-NO1260-CDSET-76. . $228.00 (76 CDs) Myers and Peter Gregory. Time in
SSD-NOD11-CDSET-64. . $192.00 (64 CDs) Catalog
*SSD1260CDSET-4. . . . $12.00 (4 CDs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$180.00 (60 CDs) Titles
BSSD (Chap. 1-10 only). . $34.99 (St. Notes) SSDMP3SET-80. . . . . . . . . . $160.00 (MP3) 1. Changing the Times, Bohr 10. Are You There? Pipim
*Included in 80 CD set. *SSDAN11CDSET-16. . . . . . $48.00 (16 CDs) 2. Revelation’s Sanctuary 11. The Most Important Question
Pattern, Bohr in this Generation, Pipim
Studies in Revelation 12 3. Mission Report, Our Challenge 12. Finishing The Race, Part 1,
Stephen Bohr. Discover why Revelation 12 To This Generation, Pipim Gregory
is to Revelation what Daniel 2 is to Daniel. 4. Christ’s Three Titles in 13. Finishing The Race, Part 2,
A careful, verse by verse study of the Revelation, Gregory Gregory
prophecy of Revelation 12! 5. Lessons from the Two 14. The Special Resurrection, Bohr
SIREV12CDSET. . . . . . $36.00 (9 CDs) Horned Beast, Bohr 15. Latter Rain, Sunday Law, What
SIREV12MP3SET-9. . . $18.00 (MP3) 6. Spiritual Lessons from Comes First, Part 1, Myers
the 144,000, Gregory 16. His Death Shall Bring, Myers
Studies in Revelation — 7. Question & Answer Session — 17. Latter Rain, Sunday Law, What
The Seven Trumpets Bohr/Pipim/Myers/Gregory Comes First Part 2, Myers
Stephen Bohr. Are the trumpets to be un- 8. Our Invisible Shame, Gregory 18. Without Hands, Myers
derstood from a futurist or from a histori- 9. Samson’s Riddle, Myers 19. The Relationship In The Law, Bohr
cist perspective? Don’t miss this fascinat-
Complete Series Individual Titles
ing journey in Revelation.
DVDs/MP3. . Not Available
SWYCCDSET-13 . . . $76.00 (19 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 title on each)
SIR7T1CDSET-7 Trumpet #1 (7 CDs) $28.00 Presenter Sets
SIR7T2CDSET-4 Trumpet #2 (4 CDs) $16.00 Stephen Bohr Only Set
SIR7T3CDSET-4 Trumpet #3 (4 CDs) $16.00 SWYCCDBSET-6. . . $24.00 (6 CDs)
SIR7T4CDSET-6 Trumpet #4 (6 CDs) $24.00
SIR7T5CDSET-35 Trumpet #5 (35 CDs) $140.00 Samuel Koranteng-Pipim Only Set
SIR7T6CDSET-7 Trumpet #6 (7 CDs) $28.00 SWYCCDPSET-4. . . . $16.00 (4 CDs)
SIR7T7CDSET-3 Trumpet #7 (3 CDs) $12.00 Ivor Myers Only Set
SIR7TCDSET-66 Complete 66 CD set $264.00            SWYCCDMSET-5. . . $20.00 (5 CDs)
SIR7TMP3SET-66 Complete 66 MP3 set $132.00           
BSIR7T Study Notes (192 pages) $26.99          Peter Gregory Only Set
SWYCCDGSET-6. . . $24.00 (6 CDs)
Studies On Matthew 24
Each Presenter Set includes the Q & A.
Stephen Bohr. Who constitutes true Israel, spir-
itual Babylon, and the beast and false prophet
Studies in Revelation —
of Revelation? How does one’s viewpoint affect
The Seven Churches
the interpretation of Bible prophecy? Distin-
Stephen Bohr. Study Revelation 1-3 with
guish between the sacred and the common in
meticulous detail. See how the experi-
worship, and be prepared for the close of proba-
ences, problems, and victories those lo-
tion coming as a “thief in the night.”
cal churches in Asia Minor went through
Titles describe conditions and events that would
1. Seven Great Truths 8. Matthew 24 and the False Prophet happen in seven great periods of church history. You will find counsel that
About Matthew 24 9. The Great Tribulation applies to today’s generation.
2. The Eagles of Babylon 10. As a Thief in the Night Individual Titles Not Available
3. The Abomination of Desolation 11. The Budding Fig Tree SIRCDSET-135. . . . $176.00 (44 CDs)
4. The Eagle’s Omen 12. The Final Abomination SIRMP3SET-35 . . . . $76.00 (MP3)
5. Harbinger of the Future 13. Living in Expectancy
6. A Blueprint of End Time Events 14. The Times of the Gentiles Studies in Revelation 13
7. The Return of the Eagles Stephen Bohr. A meticulous study of the
Complete Series Individual Titles two beasts of Revelation 13 taking into
MAT24DVDSET-14. . $129.99 (14 DVDs) $12.00 (1 DVD - 1 title on each) account the Old Testament background and
MAT24CDSET-14 . . $56.00 (14 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 title on ea) parallel passages from the New Testament.
MAT24MMP3SET-14. . .$28.00 (MP3) SIREV13CDSET-26. . $103.99 (26 CDs)
BMAT24 . . . . . . . . . . $24.99 (Study Notes) SIREV13MP3SET-26. . $52.00 (MP3)

20 Order Today! 888-REV-1412 (888-738-1412)

Studies in Revelation — They Lived Happily Ever After
The Seven Seals Stephen Bohr. Most marriages start with
Stephen Bohr. Examine the meaning of a fairy tale-like wedding day. But what
the symbols used to describe Christian happened to the “happily ever after?” Learn
church history found in the seven seals of Biblical principles for a happy marriage and
Revelation 4-7. Clear, thorough, informa- see how the Marriage of the Lamb is a pattern
tive and uplifting. for the human marriage. Is your marriage on
the rocks? Apply these principles and your marriage will be happier and more
Individual Titles Not Available meaningful. Not married yet? This series will be of great value to you.
SIR7SCDSET-38. . . $152.00 (38 CDs)
SIR7SMP3SET-38 . . $76.00 (MP3) Titles
BSIR7S. . . . . . . . . . . . . $27.99 (Study Notes) 1. The Sacrament of Marriage 4. The Five Pitfalls of Marriage
2. Subordinate but Equal 5. The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
3. Husbands Love your Wives
Complete Series Individual Titles
MSDVDSET-5. . . . . . $44.95 (5 DVDs) $12.00 (1 DVD - 1 title on each)
MSCDSET-5 . . . . . . . $20.00 (5 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 title on each)
MSMP3SET-5. . . . . . . $10.00 (MP3)

The Wise Shall Understand

Stephen Bohr, Samuel Koranteng-Pipim, & Dr. Milton Teske. When speak-
ing of the great deceptions in the last days, Jesus warned they would be so
convincing that they would, if possible, deceive even the very elect (Matthew
24:24). What does it take to be wise, or one of the very elect? Join Pastor Bohr
as he guides you through a detailed study into the key behind understanding
the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation—their literary structure. Covering
everything from the king of the north to the close of probation, this series pro-
Complete Series vides crystal clear explanations of some of the Bible’s most complex prophe-
TWSUDVDSET-10. . $49.00 (10 DVDs) cies regarding these last days. Witness the Bible come to life, and personally
TWSUCDSET-17. . . . $40.00 (17 CDs) experience God’s guarantee that “the wise shall understand!”
TWSUMP3 . . . . . . . . $34.00 (MP3)
BTWSU. . . . . . . . . . . $24.99 (Study Notes, 120 pages) Titles
1. Daniel’s Little Book, Stephen Bohr
Individual Titles 2. The Faith of Jesus, Samuel Koranteng-Pipim
1 DVD . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00 (1 title on each) 3. Ellen White’s View of Daniel 11, Stephen Bohr
1 CD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.00 (1 title on each) 4. Caffeine: Satan’s Most Effective Brain
Disrupter, Part 1 & 2, Milton Teske
5. Where’s Your Hope? Samuel Koranteng-Pipim
6. The Greatest of These , Samuel Koranteng-Pipim
7. The Sanctuary and the Book of Revelation, Stephen Bohr
8. The Literary Structure of Revelation 12-22, Stephen Bohr
9. Q & A with Stephen Bohr, Samuel Koranteng-
Stephen Samuel Milton Pipim, Milton Teske, MD, and James Finn
Bohr Pipim Teske 10. The Literary Structure of the Millennium, Stephen Bohr

save Bulk DVD Pricing!

Buy 10 or more DVDs of any same DVD/title.
10-24. . . . . . . . . . $6.20 each
25-49. . . . . . . . . . $4.96 each
50+ . . . . . . . . . . . $4.10 each

The Three Elijahs Worship At Satan’s Throne — The
Stephen Bohr. What does the Bible mean Chilling and Thrilling Story of 1844
when it says in Malachi that Elijah will Stephen Bohr. In two hours you will learn
reappear in the end times? Why is this topic what really happened with Christendom
so distorted by today’s theologians? Find on earth in 1844, and if tongues, healings,
out in this step-by-step study. signs and wonders are signs of the Holy
Spirit’s presence. Is a refined type of
spiritualism entering the Seventh-day Adventist church through the back
Titles door? How can we distinguish between a true revival and a counterfeit? Also
1. The Historical Elijah 3. The Middle Ages Elijah available in Spanish.
2. The Prophetic Elijah 4. The Apocalyptic Elijah
WSTDVD . . . . . . . . . . $10.99 (1 DVD)
Complete Series Individual Titles WSTCDSET-2. . . . . . . $8.00 (2 CDs)
TTEDVDSET-4. . . . . $42.00 (4 DVDs) $12.00 (1 DVD - 1 title on each) WSTMP3SET-2. . . . . . $4.00 (MP3)
TTECDSET-4 . . . . . . . $16.00 (4 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 title on each) BKWST. . . . . . . . . . . . $11.95 (Book , 144 pages — See page 8.)
TTEMP3SET-4. . . . . . $8.00 (MP3)
BTTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17.99 (Study Notes, 32 pages) We Know Not the Hour
Stephen Bohr. Many Christians are oblivious
The Times of Refreshing to the vital truth of the close of probation.
Stephen Bohr. Study the supreme Pastor Bohr discusses the story of the flood,
importance of having the Holy Spirit in our Matthew 24, the three angels’ messages, and
life. Learn how we need to be like the early the King of the North attacking Michael and
apostles as they underwent the necessary His people, as models which illustrate the se-
preparation for receiving the Spirit’s power. quence of end time events. We are to be prepared at every moment for the close of
probation, either because of death or because we do not know the hour when Jesus
will finish His priestly mediatorial work in the heavenly sanctuary.
Titles TORDVDSET-2 . . . . . $14.99 (1 DVD)
1. The Times of Refreshing, Part 1 TORCDSET-2. . . . . . . $8.00 (2 CDs) Titles
2. The Times of Refreshing, Part 2 TORMP3SET-2. . . . . . $4.00 (MP3) 1. We Know Not The Hour, Part 1
2. We Know Not The Hour, Part 2
3. We Know Not The Hour, Part 3

Informative Vespers Programs Complete Series Individual Titles

WKNTHDVD. . . . . . . $19.95 (2 DVDs) $14.99 (1 DVD - 2 titles on each)
VSPDOI. . . . . . . . . . Daughters of Inheritance (on Women’s WKNTHCD . . . . . . . $12.00 (3 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 title on each)
Ordination), Stephen Bohr, Wellesley Muir, WKNTHMP3. . . . . . . $6.00 (MP3)
Justin Torossian, Pam Madala and Gary Jensen
VSP050909 . . . . . . . Living Longer and Better, Larry Beeson
VSP112010. . . . . . . . The Publication of Questions on Doctrine “The fourth commandment is the only one
and Its Aftermath, Stephen Bohr
VSP81608. . . . . . . . . The Significance of the U.S. Papal Visit,
of all the ten in which are found both the
Stephen Bohr name and the title of the Lawgiver. It is
VSP092008* . . . . . . Vespers on Sleep, Dr. Daniel Schlund
the only one that shows by whose authority
DVDs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12.00
DVDs*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.00
the law is given. Thus it contains the seal
CDs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.00 of God, affixed to His law as evidence
CDs*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.00
of its authenticity and binding force.”
Patriarchs and Prophets p. 307

Broadcasting Schedule
Check broadcasting stations’ online schedules for program time or give us a call.
On 3ABN hear/watch Pastor Bohr every Tuesday at 7:00 pm Central Time. Secrets
Unsealed programs can also be viewed on 3ABN Proclaim and AFTV channels
throughout the week.

22 Order Today! 888-REV-1412 (888-738-1412)

In Times Like These The Non-Negotiable of Liberty The Future of Freedom
Nathaniel Higgs, M.D. Dr. Higgs addresses Lincoln Steed, Michael Peabody. Meet three Alan Reinach, Steve Wohlberg. A look at today’s
some of the most pressing contemporary issues modern day Daniels and find out what happens headlines reveals that we are closer to the end of
in religious liberty. Included is a historical and when mail carriers decide to keep the Sabbath. time than we realize. As we see the religious right
theological presentation on the meaning of the pushing for a Christian nation, we see the image
number 666. Titles of the beast being formed. What is the role of
1. The Non-Negotiable of Liberty America in Bible prophecy? Why is it not right for
Titles 2. Dexter Avenue and the Battle America to be a Christian nation?
1. Last Day Events for the Bill of Rights
2. In Times Like These 3. Present Christ Titles
3. The Truth About 666 4. Dare to Be a Daniel 1. Why America Should NOT Be a
4. Cracks In the Wall Christian Nation, Alan Reinach
Complete Series 2. America in Prophecy, Steve Wohlberg
5. Q & A Session with Higgs, Alan Reinach
RL08DVD. . . . . . . . . . $19.99 (4 DVDs) 3. A Short History of Freedom, Alan Reinach
RL08CD. . . . . . . . . . . . $16.00 (4 CDs) 4. The Mark of the Beast, Steve Wohlberg
Complete Series RL08MP3 . . . . . . . . . . $8.00 (MP3) 5. The New and Unholy Roman
RL07DVD. . . . . . . . . . $19.99 (5 DVDs) Empire, Alan Reinach
Individual Titles
RL07CD. . . . . . . . . . . $20.00 (5 CDs) 6. Question and Answer Session
1 DVD . . . . . . . . . . . . $12.00 (1 title on each)
RL07MP3 . . . . . . . . . . $10.00 (MP3)
1 CD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.00 (1 title on each) Complete Series
Individual Titles FOFDVD. . . . . . . . . . . $19.99 (6 DVDs)
1 DVD . . . . . . . . . . . . $12.00 (1 title on each) FOFCD. . . . . . . . . . . . $20.00 (5 CDs)
1 CD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.00 (1 title on each) FOFMP3 . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00 (MP3)
Individual Titles
1 DVD . . . . . . . . . . . . $12.00 (2 titles on each)
1 CD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.00 (1 title on each)
All 3 DVD Sets for
Time in
Catalog 23
All single presentations are by Stephen Bohr unless otherwise noted.

Product Code Title Product Code Title

SPACTH A Call To Holiness (Part 1 only) SPRTB Remembering the Blesser
SPAMDT A Mother’s Day Tribute SPRAR Revival and Reformation
SPANYR A New Year’s Resolution SPROE Running on Empty
JTAWAO As We Are One by Justin Torossian SPSR *Sabbath Reform
SPBIN Baptism Into The Name SPSAT Sanctified Arm Twisting
SPBMAS Build Me A Sanctuary SPSNM Saturday Night at the Movies
VSPDO1 Daughters of Inheritance SPSWC Shall We Clap?
SPDO *Divine Ordinances SPSB Systematic Benevolence
SPEDOTE Eavesdropping On The Enemy SPTAT The Acid Test
SPEGATL Exodus, Grace and the Law SPTAOJ The Ancestry of Jesus
SPFIHS Fellowship in His Sufferings SPTDOI The Declaration of Independence
SP4TH *Fourth Commandment SPTEC The Ethiopian Cry
MTFMA Free Medical Advice by Milton Teske SPFOT The Feast of Tabernacles
— Past & Future
SPFDD From Dead Dog to King’s Son
SPTFT The Fundamental Ten
SPFRTR **From Riches to Rags
SPTGCT *The Great Controversy Theme
SPFU From Useless to Useful
SPTLIOR The Lord is Our Rock
SPGFW God Focused Worship
SPTMOF The Measure of Forgiveness
SPHFH Homesick For Heaven
SPTOW The Omniscient Sword
SPHTSHM How to Stay Happily Married
SPTPP The Peter Principle
SPHTSBP *How To Study Bible
Prophecy 3ABN Live SPTROJ The Refuge of Jacob
SPIC Identity Crisis SPTS The Ship
SPJAPT Jesus and Present Truth SPTSOF The Simplicity of Faith
SPJATA Joshua and the Angel SOTTATC The Thief and the Cross
SPLCF Lazarus Come Forth SPTTCOJ The Three Comings of Jesus
SPMAY21 (See note.) May 21, 2011 re: Harold Camping SPTTOMB The Timing of Messiah’s Birth +
1 pg handout: When Jesus Was Born
SPMW Mercenary Worshipers
SPTUF The Universal Flood
SPMG Messiah’s Genealogies
SP3RD *Third Commandment
SPNAA Naked and Ashamed
SP3G4TK Three Gifts for the King
SPNCBT Not Conformed But Transformed
SPTIDCD (CD only) Three Inseparable Doctrines
SPPOH Prisoner Of Hope
SPWSWST What She Would Say Today
SPROICD (CD only) Prophets: Reformers or Innovators?
SPWAC Words Are Cheap
SPROD11CD (CD only) Reflections on Daniel 11
SPROTE Reflections of the Elections
Note: SPMAY21 prices are $14.99 for the DVD and $8.00 for the CD.

Individual Titles
DVD. . . . . . . . . . $12.00 each
DVD*. . . . . . . . . $10.00 each
DVD**. . . . . . . . . $8.00 each
CD. . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.00 each

24 Order Today! 888-REV-1412 (888-738-1412) 25
A Call to Holiness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Mary, The Mother of Jesus . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 The Certainty of the Three Angel’s Message. . 4
A Mother’s Day Tribute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Mary, The Mother of Jesus Study Notes. . 11 The “Daily” Source Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
A New Look at the Blessed Hope. . . . . . . . 12 May 21, 2011 re: Harold Camping. . . . . . . 24 The Declaration of Independence. . . . . . . 24
A New Year’s Resolution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Mercenary Worshipers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 The Distraction Dilemma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
AD 508 Source Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Message to the Laodiceans . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 The Ethiopian Cry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
AD 538 Source Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Messiah’s Genealogies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 The Feast of Tabernacles — Past & Future . . 24
AD 1798 1843 Source Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Mind Games: The Dangers of The Fundamental Ten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Anchors of Truth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Secular Psychology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 The Future of Freedom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
As We Are One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Misunderstood Texts on the State The Great Controversy Theme. . . . . . . . . . 24
Baptism Into The Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 of the Dead. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 The Greatest of All the Prophets . . . . . . . . . 4
Build Me A Sanctuary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Misunderstood Texts on the State The Hebrew Religious Calendar. . . . . . . . . 15
Chain of Command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 of the Dead Study Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 The History of Redemption. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Cracking the Genesis Code. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Naked and Ashamed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 The Kings That Come From the Sunrising. . 6
Cracking the Genesis Code Study Notes. . . 11 New Perspectives on the Spirit of Prophecy. 17 The Law of Life and Death. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Christians Beware: The Dangers of Not Conformed But Transformed. . . . . . . 24 The Letter and the Spirit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Secular Psychology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Operation Global Rain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 The Lord is Our Rock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Daniel & Revelation 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Patience In the Midst of Trials & Afflictions. . 7 The Lost Meaning of the Seventh Day . . . . 9
Daughters of Inheritance. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 24 Planet Earth’s Last Generation, The Measure of Forgiveness. . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Daughters of Inheritance Vespers. . . . . . . 22 The Sanctified Life Study Notes. . . . . . 11
Principles of Sabbath Observance. . . . . . . 18 The Mind of Christ — How to Have It. . . . 6
Dealing with Rebellion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 The Non-Negotiable of Liberty. . . . . . . . . . 23
Deliverance of the Saints. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Prisoner Of Hope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Prophecy Made Simple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 The Omega Rebellion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Divine Ordinances. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 The Omniscient Sword. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Earth’s Final Battle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Prophecy Made Simple Study Notes. . . . . 11
Prophecy’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde . . . . . 18 The Peter Principle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Eavesdropping On The Enemy. . . . . . . . . . 24 The Power of Words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Exploring the Prophetic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Prophecy’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Book. . . 6
Prophets: Reformers or Innovators?. . . . . 24 The Publication of Questions on
Fellowship in His Sufferings. . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Doctrine and Its Aftermath. . . . . . . . . 22
Final Movements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Prove All Things. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 The Refuge of Jacob. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Fourth Commandment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Rebuilding the Wall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 The Robe of Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Free Medical Advice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Reflections on Daniel 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 The Sanctified Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
From Riches to Rags. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Remembering the Blesser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 The Sanctuary, 1844 and the Pioneers . . . . 7
From Useless to Useful. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Revisiting the Godhead. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 The Ship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Futurism’s Incredible Journey . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Revival and Reformation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 The Sign of Jonah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
God Focused Worship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Running on Empty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 The Significance of the U.S. Papal Visit . . 22
God On Trial: A Theology of Job. . . . . . . . 16 Sabbath Reform. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 The Simplicity of Faith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
God’s Everlasting Sign. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Sanctified Arm Twisting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 The Song of Moses and the Lamb . . . . . . . 19
Good News Health. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Satan’s Plan to Undermine Scripture . . . . 19 The Thief and the Cross. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Graffiti in the Holy of Holies . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Saturday Night at the Movies. . . . . . . . . . . 24 The Three Angels’ Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Great Apostasies of the Bible. . . . . . . . . . . .14 Shall We Clap?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 The Three Angels’ Message Study Notes. . 11
Guidance for the Last Days. . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Southwest Youth Conference. . . . . . . . . . . 20 The Three Elijahs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Herbal Slide Charts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Specialized Studies in Daniel Study Notes. .11 The Three Elijahs Study Notes. . . . . . . . . . 11
Here We Stand — Evaluating New Specialized Studies in Daniel. . . . . . . . . . . 20 The Time Is At Hand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Trends in the Church. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Studies in Revelation — Revelation 12. . . 20 The Times of Refreshing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Heresy, Columbus and the Inquisition. . . . 5 Studies in Revelation — Revelation 13. . . 20 The Timing of Messiah’s Birth. . . . . . . . . . 24
Hidden Sabbath Truths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Studies in Revelation — The Seven The Truth About the Number 666. . . . . . . . 7
Hidden Sabbath Truths Book. . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Churches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Studies in Revelation — The Seven Seals. . . 21 The Truth About 666 & the Story of the
His Way Is In the Sanctuary. . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Great Apostasy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
His Way Is In the Sanctuary Study Notes.11 Studies in Revelation — The Seven Seals The Use and Abuse of Prophecy. . . . . . . . . . 7
Study Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
History of Redemption, Pocket Books. . . . 5 Studies in Revelation — The Seven The Wise Shall Understand. . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Homesick For Heaven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Trumpets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 The Wise Shall Understand Study Notes. . 11
How to Stay Happily Married. . . . . . . . . . . 24 Studies in Revelation — The Seven They Lived Happily Ever After. . . . . . . . . . 21
How to Study Bible Prophecy 3ABN Live.24 Trumpets Study Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Third Commandment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Identity Crisis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Studies On Matthew 24. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Three Gifts for the King. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
In Search of the Storehouse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Studies On Matthew 24 Study Notes. . . . . 11 Three Inseparable Doctrines. . . . . . . . . . . . 24
In Times Like These. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Systematic Benevolence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 To the Law and to the Testimony. . . . . . . . 11
Israelite Festivals and the Christian Church. . 5 Taken or Left?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Vespers on Sleep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Jewelry in the Seventh-day Adventist Ten Talents Cookbook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Vicarius Filii Dei An Annotated Timeline. . . 7
Church, WHY?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Testimonies for the Church. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 We Know Not the Hour. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Jewels for the Master. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 The Acid Test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 What She Would Say Today. . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Jesus and Present Truth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 The Ancestry of Jesus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Words Are Cheap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Jesus and the Angel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 The Apocalyptic Vision and the Worship at Satan’s Throne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Judging the Sabbath. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Neutering of Adventism . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Worship at Satan’s Throne — The
King of the North. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 The Beast from the Abyss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Chilling and Thrilling Story of 1844. . . 22
Lazarus Come Forth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 The Biblical View of Temptation. . . . . . . . 13
Living Longer and Better. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 The Blessings of Abraham. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 All single presentations are listed on page 24.

26 Order Today! 888-REV-1412 (888-738-1412)

2012-2015 Catalog Update as of 04-03-15 Click images for online descriptions
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5949 E. Clinton Avenue | Fresno, CA 93727
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New Books Recommended by Pastor Bohr

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The Mystic Omega of Endtime Crisis Meet It Tremble
by Carsten Johnsen - 144 pages by Rick Howard - 158 pages by Dave Fiedler - 191 pages
Product Code: BKMO Product Code: BKMI Product Code: BKT

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Don't Torture Scripture Better Choices Fresh & Healthy Cuisine Satan's Counterfeit Prophecy
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Product Code: BKDTS Product Code: BKBC Product Code: BKHHSCP

$13.99/ea $15.99/ea $16.95/ea- (new price)

The Character of God Controversy Touched With Our Feelings The Certainty of the Third Angel's Message
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Product Code: BKTCOGC Product Code: BKTWOF Product Code: BKLWC

$13.99/ea $6.99/ea
Hidden Heresy? The Tip of an Iceberg $84.99 - Issues in Worship
by Thomas Mostert - 112 pages by C. Raymond Holmes - 196 pages 7 books on the issues in worship, the emerging
Product Code: BKHH Product Code: BKTTOAI church, rebellion & the one project.
Product Code: BKINWBKSPCL7

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New Books Recommended by Pastor Bohr - Continued

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$12.99/ea $1.95/ea Exclellent for Sharing $22.99/ea

God's Last Message Now! 101 Questions About Ellen White…
by Steve Wohlberg - 160 pages by Merikay McLeod - 28 pages by William Fagal- 224 pages
Product Code: BKGLM Product Code: BKNOW Product Code: BK101Q

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Notes on Music The Lunar Sabbath Conspiracy Interactive Great Controversy
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Product Code: BKNOM Product Code: BKTLSC Product Code: BKIGC

$79.00/5-Book Set $103.95/6-Book Set $24.99/ea

508, 538, 1798 1843, Daily Source Book 6-book set - this set includes Give Them Something Better
and King of the North, all by Heidi Heiks Satan's Counterfeit Prophecy by Heidi Heiks bySarah Frain & Stephanie Howard
Product Code: BKHH5SPCL Product Code: BKHH6SPCL Product Code: BKGTSB

$24.99 $24.99
Messenger of the Lord from Plant to Plate Free While Supplies Last
by Herbert E. Douglass by Tami Bivens, R.D. 288 Reflections on Women's Ordination
Hard Cover / 640 pages pages/soft cover by Pastor Stephen Bohr
Product Code: BKMOTL Product Code: BKFPTP Product Code: BKWO

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New Presentations
Click images for additional information and pricing for DVD, CD, MP3 or Blu-ray sets.

Also on
$21.95/DVD set-$29.95/Blu-ray $36.95/DVD set-$44.95/Blu-ray $49.99/DVD set
Equal But Different The 24 Elders To The Law & To The Testimony
by Stephen Bohr by Stephen Bohr by Stephen Bohr, S. Wohlberg & Dr. Teske
Product Code: EBD Product Code: 24E Product Code: TTL

$14.99 (has 3 presentations)

$19.99/DVDset $8.00/Cdset - $4/MP3 The Supreme Court and Our
The Battle for Liberty of Conscience Does God Destroy Religious Freedom
by Alan Reinach by Pastor Stephen Bohr by David B. Larsen, Esq.
Product Code: TBFLOC Product Code: DGD Product Code: TSCDVD

$66.00/CD set - or - $44/MP3 set Available on CD & MP3 $14.99/DVD

What Jesus Said Studies in Revelation 12 & 13 Pseudology: The Art of Lying
by Pastor Stephen Bohr by Pastor Stephen Bohr Documentary
Product Code: WJS Product Code: SIREV1213 Product Code: PTAOLDVD

$10/DVD or $8/CD or $4/MP3 $16.00/CDSET - $8.00/MP3 $26.00/CDSET - $16.00/MP3

Ordination Discussion (2-hrs at ASI) Studies in Revelation 15 144,000
Gilley, Shelton, Bohr, Batchelor, Gallimore by Pastor Stephen Bohr (4-hrs) by Pastor Stephen Bohr (8-hrs)
Product Code: SPOD Product Code: SIREV15 Product Code: 144000CDSET-8

$4.00/CD - or - $10/DVD $4.00/CD - or $10/DVD $56/CDSET - $28/MP3

Daniel: Theme of Book Daniel 12 Studies in Revelation 16
by Pastor Stephen Bohr by Pastor Stephen Bohr by Pastor Stephen Bohr (14-hrs)
Product Code: DTOB Product Code: DAN12 Product Code: SIREV16

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NEW Presentations - Continued
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$10/DVD or $8/CD or $4/MP3 $10/DVD or $8/CD or $4/MP3 $28/CDSET - $14/MP3

A Conversation on Women's Ordination Is The Protest Over? (2-hrs) Studies in Revelation 17
Pastor Bohr & Jennifer Arruda Pastor Bohr, Jim Gilley & C.A. Murray by Pastor Stephen Bohr (7-hrs)
Product Code: SPACOWO Product Code: SPITPO Product Code: SIREV17

$79/DVDset $56/DVDset $59.99/DVDSET - $40/Cdset - $20/MP3

Knowledge Shall Be Increased The Sanctified Life The Bible or Tradition
11 Summit Presentations 10 Summit Presentations by Stephen Bohr - 10 Sermons
Product Code: KSBI Product Code: TSLDVDSET-10 Product Code: BOT

$179.99/DVDset - $120/CDset $14.99/DVDset - $8/CDset - $4/MP3

Prophetic Principles: The Nuts and
Lessons from the Indiana Camp Meeting
Bolts of Bible Prophecy
30-Class Sessions w/Pastor Bohr by Pastor Stephen Bohr - 2 hours
Product Code: ANCHOR14 Product Code: ICM

This "Women's Ordination Symposium" set $24.99/DVDset

is yours FREE for the cost of shipping. Omega Emerging: Meet It
Donations are appreciated when ordering WOS Now! Meet It
this set. Tell Your Friends ! Speakers: Bohr, Wohlberg, Newman,
Davis, Hernandez, Fieldler, Wagoner &
Available on DVD, CD, MP3 or Digital Download - Retail Value $154.99 Butler.

Email or call 559-264-2300 to obtain your free set. Product Code: OEDVD

$59.99 /DVD - $40 /CD - $20 /MP3

The Secrets of Pentecost
by Pastor Stephen Bohr
Product Code: TSOP
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NEW STUDY NOTES by Pastor Bohr

$49.99/ea $28.99/ea
$98.99/2-Vol set|$46.99/Vol 1|$54.99/Vol 2 Studies in Daniel Studies in Revelation - The
Anchchor School of Theology Study Notes by Pastor Stephen Bohr - 459 Pages Seven Churches
Prophetic Principles: The Nuts and Bolts of Product Code: BDAN by Pastor Stephen Bohr - 187 Pages
Bible Prophecy - 30 Class Sessions Product Code: BSIR7C
Product Code: BANCHOR14

$28.99/ea $21.95/ea
Studies in Revelation 12 & 13 Catching Up To Jesus
by Pastor Stephen Bohr - 189 Pages by Pastor Stephen Bohr - 73 pages
Product Code: BSIREV1213 Product Code: BCUTJ

$24.95 The Sanctified Life $23.95
Knowledge Shall Be Increased (AKA: Planet Earth's Final Generation) The Secrets of Pentecost
by Pastor Bohr - 129 pages by Pastor Bohr - 175 pages by Pastor Bohr - 111 pages
Product Code: BKSBI Product Code: BPEFB Product Code: BTSOP

$22.95 $29.99 $14.99

The Bible or Tradition In The Beginning The 24 Elders
by Pastor Bohr - 101 pages by Pastor Bohr - 199 pages by Pastor Bohr - 63 pages
Product Code: BTBOT Product Code: BITB Product Code: B24E
New ANCHOR Class
Study Notes:
$56.99/Vol1 - $44.99/Vol2
$99.99/for 2-Vol Set
Believe His Prophets
by Pastor Bohr - 671 total pages
Product Code: BANCHOR15BHP Page 5 of 6
Estudios Escritos en ESPAÑOL
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"Varón y Hembra Los Creó" es una seria de

21 segmentos. Precio: el costo de envio más
una donación de cualquier cantidad (valor WOS
de esta seria es $154.99).
$24.95 - 105 páginas
Impacto Profético Está disponible en DVD, CD, MP3 o descarga digital.
Escuela de Teología con Pastor Bohr Email: o llame 559-264-2300
Product Code: BANCLA14

DVD y CD Nuevos en Español

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$9.99/DVD (Reg. $15) $9.99/DVD (Reg. $15) $11.99/DVD (Reg. $15)

Dioses Ajenos Reino Majico Battlefield Hollywood Presentaciones
Orador: Alex Castillejos Orador: Alex Castillejos 6- Presentaciones Orador: Alex Castillejos
Product Code: DADVD Product Code: RMDVD Product Code: BHSDVD

$10.00/DVD - $4.00/CD $10.00/DVD - $4.00/CD $10.00/DVD - $4.00/CD

Daniel 12 (en Español) La Luz y Las Tinieblas El Propósito de Los Adventistas
Por el Pastor Bohr Por el Pastor Bohr Por el Pastor Bohr
Product Code: DAN12S Product Code: LLYLT Product Code: EPDLA

$10.00/DVD - $4.00/CD $30/DVD - $12/CD - $4/MP3 $10.00/DVD - $4.00/CD

Inspirado por El Espiritu Santo El Manto de Vida (serie) El Tema del Libro de Daniel
Por el Pastor Bohr Por el Pastor Bohr Por el Pastor Bohr
Product Code: IPEES Product Code: ROLS Product Code: ETDLDD

$10.00/DVD - $4.00/CD $10.00/DVD - $4.00/CD

La Voz de la Experiencia El Microscopio de Dios
Por el Pastor Bohr Por el Pastor Bohr
Product Code: LVDLE Product Code: EMDD Page 6 of 6
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Secrets Unsealed es una orga-

nización sin fines de lucro legal-
mente incorporada que se ocupa
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Libros. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3E ferar el mensaje de la verdad pre-
sente que Dios le ha concedido
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Ingles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 conscientes del carácter sagrado
de la verdad de Dios, manten-
emos en alto y sin disculpas to-
das las verdades fundamentales
de la Biblia al igual que todas
las doctrinas distintivas de la
Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo
Día. Secrets Unsealed se sostiene
económicamente por medio de
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de aquellos que creen en nuestra
misión. Agradecemos mucho sus
oraciones pues estamos consci-
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con el Espíritu de Dios.

Noticiero DE
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de Secrets Unsealed. Enviado
cada trimestre con artículos por
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salud por el Dr. Daniel Urrutia,
testimonios, y ofertas especiales.

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Stephen “Esteban” Bohr

Presidente/Or ador
Detonando el Engaño Acerca de Israel
Steve Wohlberg. Hoy, literalmente millones de personas que es-
tudian las profecías bíblicas tienen sus ojos puestos en Jerusalén.
¿Enfoca el libro de Apocalipsis realmente al Medio Oriente? Este
libro es como dejar caer una bomba atómica sobre las ideas pro-
féticas de la mayoría de los cristianos del mundo. ¡Sin embargo,
este mensaje todavía puede salvar tu vida! (125 páginas)
El Pastor Esteban Bohr se crio en Colombia 1-10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.49 c/u
y Venezuela a donde sus padres sirvieron 11-99. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.99 c/u
como misioneros. Por mas de treinta años 100+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.49 c/u
se ha desempañado como pastor de iglesia,
consejero de jóvenes, profesor de teología Diez Talentos
y evangelista. En el presente es pastor de la ¡Un extraordinario libro de culinaria vegetariana! Contiene
Iglesia Adventista Central en la ciudad de más de mil recetas veganas y vegetarianas que le ayudarán a
Fresno, California y también es Presidente conservar la salud y a llevar una vida feliz y balanceada. Tam-
y orador de Secrets Unsealed, una entidad bién contiene más de mil trescientas ilustraciones a todo color
sin fines de lucro que se ocupa en producir al igual que instrucciones sobre cómo enseñar la reforma pro-
material audiovisual sobre las grandes salud. Este clásico enfatiza la dieta original que Dios le concedió
enseñanzas de la Biblia. al hombre originalmente en Génesis 1:29. También expone los
ocho remedios naturales y provee instrucciones sencillas sobre
la correcta nutrición. Un libro de valor para el principiante al
igual que para el experto. Disponible en Inglés. (673 páginas)
BKDT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34.95

Culto en el Trono de Satanás

Esteban Bohr. No hay en la iglesia adventista de hoy un asunto que cause tantos confl ictos
y divisiones como el de la forma apropiada de rendirle culto a Dios. La gente se pregunta
con frecuencia: ¿Tiene alguna importancia la forma en que le rendimos culto a
Dios? ¿Es aceptable usar instrumentos de percusión en el culto? ¿Tiene algo
de malo usar música cristiana contemporánea? ¿Es aceptable emplear
BKWSTS en el culto métodos tales como dramas, pantomimas, marionetas,
1-9. . . . . . . $12.95 payasos, magos y baile para impartir el mensaje del evangelio?
10-24. . . . . $11.01 En este libro el Pastor Stephen P. Bohr responde a estas pre-
25+. . . . . . $10.36 guntas y otras. Disponible en Inglés. (175 páginas)

La Música Y sus Efectos Esperanza para el Enigmas Descifrados:

William Gómez. No pode- Planeta Tierra Conozca los Fascinantes
mos negar que hoy más Esteban Bohr. ¿Cuál es el Misterios de Daniel
que nunca la música está origen de nuestro mundo y Capitulos 11 y 12
afectando nuestra mod- de nuestra raza? ¿Cuál será Humberto R. Treiyer B.
erna sociedad. Lamen- nuestro destino? Su vida sera Entre otras cosas, el libro
tablemente los adelantos diferente al terminar de leer. explica con claridad el rey
tecnológicos y digitales (124 páginas) del norte, el rey del sur, la
han enfocado sus fuerzas BKEPEPT tierra gloriosa, las nuevas
en contra de la familia, la 1-10. . . . . . . . $1.99 c/u del oriente y del norte, la
sociedad y hasta los estratos políticos de nuestros 11-99. . . . . . . $1.59 c/u abominación asoladora, el
países. Creo que llegó el momento para descubrir 100+ . . . . . . . $1.29 c/u continuo y los 1290 y 1335
los daños que este moderno sistema nos está ha- días. Esté es el único libro sobre Daniel 11 que haya
ciendo. (271 páginas) sido escrito por un erudito Adventista en español.
BKLM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00 (257 páginas)
BKDAN1112. . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00 3E

Creed A Sus Profetas Felicidad Sin Limites

Esteban Bohr. En este estudio el Pastor Esteban Bohr. ¿Tienes amor, paz, salud,
Bohr explica el significado, la importancia gozo, prosperidad y una vida sin límites?
y el propósito del don de la profecía El Pastor Bohr presenta de una forma clara
en la Biblia. Hace una comparación y sencilla ocho de las grandes doctrinas de
impresionante entre los profetas del tiempo la Biblia.
del Antiguo Testamento, el ministerio de
Juan el Bautista, y el ministerio de Elena Ultima
Títulos vez en e
catálog l
G. De White. En forma sencilla, clara y con
1. Si Dios es tan bueno, 5. Gozo sin límites
detalles importantes explica las profecías del libro de Apocalipsis.
¿Porqué hay tanto mal? 6. Reposo sin límites o
Títulos 2. Amor sin límites 7. Prosperidad sin límites
1. Los Ojos de la Iglesia 6. El Cambio de los Tiempos y la Ley 3. Paz sin límites 8. Vida sin límites
2. Profetas en el Tiempo del Fin 7. Moisés y los profetas 4. Salud sin límites
3. Las Profecías de Tiempo 8. El Microscopio de Dios
Serie Completa Título Individual
4. La Luz Menor 9. La Precisión del Don Profético FSLDVDSET-8. . . . . $64.00 (8 DVDs) $10.00 (1 DVD - 1 tema c/u)
5. Dos Libros Apocalípticos 10. Profetas Falsos y Verdaderos FSLCDSET-8. . . . . . . $32.00 (8 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 tema c/u)
FSLMP3SET-8 . . . . . . $16.00 (MP3)
Serie Completa Título Individual
CPDVDSET-10. . . . . $109.99 (10 DVDs) $12.00 (1 DVD - 1 tema c/u)
CPCDSET-10. . . . . . . $40.00 (10 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 tema c/u)
CPMP3SET-10 . . . . . $20.00 (MP3) “Los pecados de blasfemia y violación voluntaria del
sábado recibieron el mismo castigo, pues eran ambos una
expresión de menosprecio por la autoridad de Dios.”
Patriarcas y Profetas, p. 433

El Poder Oculto de la Música

Oliver Coronado. La música posee un poder sorprendente tanto para el bien como
para el mal. Diversos estilos musicales contemporáneos han penetrado de una u
otra forma al culto de adoración en la iglesia y Satanás, el padre de toda mentira,
los ha disfrazado usando “letra santa”. Es hora de quitarle el disfraz al enemigo.
Esta serie será de gran bendición para su vida y le ayudará a conocer “El Poder
Oculto de la Música.” “Conoceréis la verdad y la verdad os hará libres.”

Complete Series Títulos

EPODVDSET-8. . . . . $54.95 (4 DVDs) 1. Sin Amor no hay Música
EPOCDSET-8 . . . . . . $32.00 (8 CDs) 2. El Creador de la Música:
EPOMP3SET-8. . . . . . $16.00 (MP3) Parámetros de la Buena Música
3. El Creador de los Instrumentos:
Individual Titles Su Uso Correcto – Salmos 150
1 DVD . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.00 (1 DVD – 2 temas) 4. El Poder de la Música Parte 1:
1 CD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.00 (1 CD – 1 tema) ¿La Música Posee un Mensaje?
5. El Poder de la Música Parte
2: ¿Fuego Extraño en la
Iglesia? Jazz y Rock & Roll Oliver
6. El Poder de la Música Parte 3: Balada Coronado
Rhythm & Blues, Música Latina
7. Verdad Presente o
Entretenimiento Religioso
8. Un Gigante Contra Mi:
Verdadero Adoración

4E Orden Hoy! 1-888-REV-1412

Orden Hoy! 1-888-REV-1412 28

La Coreografía Divina Textos Dificiles Sobre

Esteban Bohr. Cada evento de la vida el Estado de los Muertos
de Cristo fue planificada por Su Padre Esteban Bohr. ¿Qué sucede en el instante de
antes de Su venida a esta tierra. Dios ha la muerte? ¿Es la muerte el fin del camino o
planificado también nuestra vida antes de habrá una resurrección? ¿Tiene el hombre
nuestro nacimiento. ¿Que plan tiene Dios un alma inmortal que sale del cuerpo en
para mi vida y cómo puedo saber cuál es? el momento de la muerte o es la muerte
meramente un sueno inconciente hasta la resurrección? Usted se sorprenderá
LCDDVD. . . . . . . . . . $12.00 (1 DVD) al ver como muchos cristianos de hoy explican erradamente ciertos versículos.
LCDCD . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.00 (1 CD)
LCDMP3SET-1. . . . . . $4.00 (MP3) Títulos
1. El Árbol de la Inmortalidad 7. ¿Qué es el Alma?
2. Un Ladrón y una Pitonisa 8. Las Llaves del Hades
Los Dos Pactos
3. El Rico y Lázaro 9. Los Muertos Parados Ante Dios
Esteban Bohr. ¿Cual es la diferencia entre
4. El Dilema del Apóstol Pablo 10. Las Almas Bajo el Altar
el antiguo pacto y el nuevo pacto? ¿Elimina
el nuevo pacto al antiguo? 5. Ausentes del Cuerpo y 11. El Fuego Eterno
LDPDVD. . . . . . . . . . $10.00 (1 DVD) Presentes con el Señor 12. ¿Inmortalidad del Alma o
6. Predicando a los Espíritus Resurrección de los Muertos?
LDPCD. . . . . . . . . . . . $4.00 (1 CD)
Serie Completa Título Individual
Secretos del Reposo de Dios TDDVD. . . . . . . . . . . . $79.99 (6 DVDs) $14.99 (1 DVD - 2 temas c/u)
Esteban Bohr. ¿Porqué Génesis no dice TDCD. . . . . . . . . . . . . $48.00 (12 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 tema c/u)
que el séptimo día tuvo tarde y mañana? TDMP3 . . . . . . . . . . . $24.00 (MP3)
¿Porqué no le dio Dios a Adán y Eva una
orden explicita de guardar el Sábado? La Un Ancla Inmutable
Biblia tiene respuestas fascinantes para Esteban Bohr. Los Mensajes de los Tres
compartir. Disponible en Inglés. Ángeles explicado frase por frase.
1. Sabado de la Creación 2. Sabado de la Redención
Serie Completa Título Individual
SDRDDVDSET-2. . . . $19.99 (2 DVDs) $12.00 (1 DVD - 1 tema c/u) Títulos
SDRDCDSET-2. . . . . . $8.00 (2 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 tema c/u) 1. Dad Gloria a Dios 10. El Redentor
SDRDMP3SET-2 . . . . $4.00 (MP3) 2. El Fuego Consumidor 11. Los Mandamientos de Dios
3. Las Tres Etapas del Juicio 12. La Paciencia de los Santos
4. La Hora del Juicio Divino 13. Adorad al Creador
5. El Mensaje Final de Dios 14. Mi Redentor Vive
“El cuarto mandamiento es, 6. Un Árbol y un Día 15. Ha Caído Babilonia
7. La Fe de Jesús 16. El Evangelio Eterno
entre todos los diez, el único que 8. El Redentor en “Ruth” 17. Temed a Dios
contiene tanto el nombre como el 9. Los Tres Puntales del Error 18. El Testimonio de Jesucristo

título del Legislador. Es el único que Serie Completa Título Individual

UAIDVDSET-18. . . . $99.00 (12 DVDs) $12.00 (1 DVD - (algunos tienen
establece por autoridad de quién se 2 temas c/u)
dio la ley. Así, contiene el sello de UAICDSET-18. . . . . . $72.00 (20 CDs)
UAIMP3SET-18. . . . $36.00 (MP3)
$4.00 (1 CD - 1 tema c/u)

Dios, puesto en su ley como prueba

de su autenticidad y de su vigencia.”
Patriarcas y Profetas, p. 315

ahorre ¡Precios especiales!

Aproveche de un descuento cuando compra 10
o más DVDs del mismo título.
10-24. . . . . . . $6.20 c/u
25-49. . . . . . . $4.96 c/u
50+ . . . . . . . . $4.10 c/u


Cronograma Profético
Ya llego el Cronograma Profético que coordina to-
das las profecías de la Biblia. Este cuadro mide 9
pies por 2.5 pies. Es una ayuda indispensable para
el estudio de las profecías de la Biblia. Extraordi-
nario y a todo color!
PROCHART. . . . . . . . . . . $40.00

Anclas de la Verdad Adoración en el Trono de Satanás: El

Esteban Bohr. ¿Que sucedio en el cielo en el dia del Pentecostés? ¿Por que Significado y la Importancia de 1844
fue necesario elegir a un sucesor de Judas antes del derramamiento del Esteban Bohr. ¿Qué sucedió realmente
Espirítu Santo? ¿Cual fue el propósito del don del Espiritu Santo? ¿Qué papel con el mundo Cristiano en 1844? ¿Esta
juegan los ángeles en la predicación del evangelio? Estas y otras preguntas siempre presente el Espíritu Santo a
importantes se responden en esta serie sobre el día del Pentecostes. donde hay señales, prodigios y milagros?
¿Esta tratando de entrar un espiritismo
Títulos refinado por la puerta trasera de la Iglesia
1. El Pentecosté y las Profecías 4. Cadena de Mando Adventista? ¿Cómo podemos distinguir
2. Jehová es la Roca 5. La Formula Bautismal un reavivamiento falso de uno verdadero?
3. Una Elección Providencial Disponible en Ingles.
Serie Completa Título Individual Presentación de 2-hrs.
ADLVDVDSET. . . . . $29.99 (5 DVDs) $10.00 (1 DVD - 1 tema) WSTSDVD . . . . . . . . . $10.99 (1 DVD)
ADLVCDSET . . . . . . $20.00 (5 CDs) $4.00 (1 CD - 1 WSTSCD. . . . . . . . . . . $8.00 (2 CDs)
ADLVMP3SET. . . . . . $10.00 (MP3) WSTSMP3. . . . . . . . . . $4.00 (MP3)

Descubriendo los Misterios de Génesis

Esteban Bohr. Un estudio sobre el principio Serie Completa
y el fín en la Biblia que tiene como propósito DLMGDVDSET-36. . $199.00 (19 DVDs)
explicar las grandes profecías de la Biblia DLMGCDSET-36. . . $152.00 (38 CDs)
desde la perspectiva del libro de Génesis. Una DLMGMP3 . . . . . . . . $76.00 (MP3) Título Individual
serie clara, sencilla y profunda. $14.99 (1 DVD - 2 temas c/u)
$4.00 (1 CD - 1 tema c/u)
1. Cómo Estudiar el Libro de Génesis 15. El Fuego Eterno de Sodoma de Armagedon
2. La Serpiente, la Mujer y la Simiente 16. La Torre de Babel y el 26. Génesis y los 144,000
3. La Rebelión del Querubín Cubridor Nuevo Orden Mundial 27. Génesis y el Milenio Apocalíptico
4. Génesis y el Tema 17. Abrahám y las Promesas del Pacto 28. Génesis y los Ocho
Central de la Biblia 18. Israel y los Palestinos Secretos de la Salud
5. Una Conspiración Secreta 19. El Futuro del Mundo Predicho 29. Y Vivieron Felices Para Siempre
6. El Duelo en el Huerto 20. El Príncipe y el Dragón 30. Uno Mayor Que José
7. La Ley, la Gracia y la Salvación 21A. El Anticristo y el Número 666 - #A 31. Perdición Eterna por un
8. Las Cinco Artimañas de Satanás 21B. El Anticristo y el Número 666 - #B Plato de Lentejas
9. Dos Errores Monumentales 22A. Los Estados Unidos en 32. Como Desarrollar una
y Mortíferos la Profecía - #A Fe Omnipotente
10. El Día (Casi) Olvidado 22B. Los Estados Unidos 33. Los Hijos de Dios y las
11. La Señal Eterna del Todopoderoso en la Profecía - #B Hijas de los Hombres
12. Un Cataclismo Peor que Katrina 23. Un Arbol y un Día 34. La Generación de Enoc
13. Cómo Nacer de Nuevo 24. Los Cuatro Secretos de la 35. Génesis y La Iglesia Verdadera
14. Llaves que Abren el Verdadera Riqueza 36. Génesis y las Profecías de Tiempo
Misterio de la Muerte 25. Génesis y la Gran Batalla

6E Orden Hoy! 1-888-REV-1412

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