Thermodynamics & Thermochemistry 05-11-2020

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Sec: Star SC Thermodynamics & Thermochemistry Date: 05-11-2020

1. Given the following information for an ideal gas:
Isothermal reversible expansion
P1 , V1 , T

Adiabatic reversible expansion

[P, V, T] P1 , V2 , T1

Adiabatic irreversible expansion

P2 , V1 , T2
Which of the following is incorrect:
A) T2  T B) P1  P2 C) V2  V1 D) T1  T
2. When one mole of an ideal gas is reversibly changed from ‘30K’ to ‘300K’ in a closed
container what is the change in its entropy?
2.303R 3 r
A) B) 2.303 R C) R D)
  1 2 2.303R
3. When one mole of an ideal gas is reversibly changed from ‘30K’ to ‘300K’ in a closed
container what is the change in its entropy?
2.303R 3 r
A) B) 2.303 R C) R D)
  1 2 2.303R
4. The enthalpy (in KJ/mol) of one three centre two electron bond
in B2 H 6  B  H  B  2 B g   H  g   from the given data H 0f  BH 3 g    100 KJ / mol
H atm  B s    565 KJ / mol ,
H 0f  B2 H 6 g    36 KJ / mol

H atm  H 2 g    436 KJ / mol

A)408 B)455 C)320 D)550
5. 2 mol of a gas behaving ideally expands irreversibly & isothermally at 310K until its
volume doubles. If 3.41 KJ heat is taken from surrounding find Suniverse ?
A) 22.52 J/k B) 0.50 J/k C) -3.48 J/k D) 0
6. Which of the following is not true in case of reversible isothermal expansion of an
ideal gas?
A) Stotal  0 B) H  0 C) S gas  0 D) U  0
7. In a system, a piston caused an expansion against an external pressure of 1.2 atm
giving a change in volume of 32 lt. for which E =–51 kJ. What was the value of heat
involved? (Take 1 lt. atm = 100 J)
A) –36 kJ B) –13 kJ C) –47 kJ D) 24 kJ
8. A solution containing 0.060 mol NaOH dissolved in 200 g water was treated with
successive aliquots of 6.0 M aqueous HCl in a well-insulated flask, and the
temperature was measured after each aliquot to give the following data:

The same experiment was repeated, again using 0.060 mol NaOH and 6.0 M aqueous
HCl, but this time the NaOH was initially dissolved in 400 g water. Which graph
represents the data obtained in this experiment?

A) B)

C) D)

[At constant Temperature & Pressure]

Reaction Reaction
A B CD


9. Extent of reaction Extent of reaction

Statement-I A will not convert into B either partially or completely..
Statement-II C will be completely converted into D
Statement-III C will partially convert into D.
Statement-IV A will be completely converted into B
Select the correct order of initials T (true) or F (false) for above statements.
10. Incorrect graphs representing variation of entropy of universe ( on y-axis) with the
composition of the system (on x-axis) as the system approaches to equilibrium

A) extent of reaction B) extent of reaction

C) extent of reaction D) extent of reaction

11. Given : f H  N2O  82kJ / mol , Bond energies :


 N  N  946kJ / mol ,  N  N  418kJ / mol ,  O  O  498kJ / mol ,  N  O  607kJ / mol .

Which among the following is/are correct on the basis of given information.
A) f H0  N2O calculated using given bond energies is 120 kJ/mol
B) N 2O involves resonance
C) Resonance energy in N 2O using given information is – 88 kJ/mol
D) f H0  N2O calculated using bond energies is 82 Kj/mol.
12. AB, A2 and B2 are diatomic molecules, if the bond enthalpies of A2, AB and B2 are in
the ratio of 1 : 1 : 0.5 and the enthalpy of formation of AB from A2 and B2 is -100 kJ
mol-1, Heat of formation of AO is ( -1200 kJ mol-1). Bond energy of (O= O) bond is
500 kJ mol-1. What cannot be the bond enthalpy of (A - O) bond?
A) 400kJ mol 1 B) 1650kJ mol 1 C) 1200kJ mol 1 D) 200kJ mol 1
Given: For ethylene oxide H 0f and S of are –51 kJ mol–1 and 243 Jmol–1 K–1
respectively and acetaldehyde H 0f and S of are –166 KJmol–1 and 266 Jmol–1 K–1
respectively, then select the correct statements:
A) H 0 for the reaction is –115 KJ mol–1
B) S 0 = 0.023 KJmol–1 K–1
C) Reaction is thermodynamically favourable
D) High temperatures will favour formation of more and more product.
14. A monoatomic ideal gas is at initial temperature T0 and initial volume V0 & initial
pressure P0 is compressed isothermally to & then it is heated to restore its
initial entropy the graph representing the above process is/are :
32 P0
8 P0
8 P0
P P0
P P0

V0 V0 V0
V0 V0 8 2
A) 8
V B) V

8 P0
8 P0

P 2 P0 P P0

V0 V0 V0
V0 V0
4 8
C) 8
V D) V
15. What is the total number of intensive properties in the given list:
(i) Internal energy (ii) Pressure (iii) Molar entropy
(iv) Volume (v) Entropy (vi) Density
(vii) Gibb’s free energy (viii) Boiling point (ix) Molality
(x) EMF
16. When ‘Q’ amount of heat is given to one mole of a monoatomic gas, it does Q/2
amount of work on surroundings. Find the heat capacity of the system in calories?
17. For isothermal expansion of an ideal gas into vacuum, among the following how many
are zero E , H , T , q, Pext , S sys , S sur , Stotal , Gsys
18. Among the following, the total number of reactions/ processes in which the entropy
increases are:
a. 2NaHCO3  Na2CO3  s   CO2  g   H 2O  g 
b. A liquid cyrstallises into a solid.
c. Temperature of crystalline solid is raised from zero K to 100 K.
d. Hard boiling of an egg.
e. Intermixing of gases at constant temperature.
f. Boiling of water
g. Desalination of water.
h. NH 3  g ,10 atm  NH 3 g ,1atm
Answer Q.19, Q20 and Q.21 by appropriately matching the information given in
the three columns of the following table.
To calculate S  S2  S1 , we devise a reversible path from 1 to state 2 and we use
2 dq rev q
S   . If T is constant, then S  rev . If T is not constant, we use an expression
1 T T
for dqrev to evaluate the integral.
Column-I Column-II Column-III
Adiabatic reversible
expansion of one
 STotal  n    2Rn2
5R 7
mole an ideal 5R  75   64 
 S system  n    Rn   (P)
(I) (i) 2  10 
monoatomic gas 2  300   2 
from (64 atm, 300
K) to (2 atm)
compression of 1
(II) mol of an ideal (ii)  Ssurrounding  0 (Q)  STotal  0.193R
monoatomic gas
from (4 atm, 300K)
to (1 atm)
expansion of 1 mol
 R
(III) an ideal (iii)  S surrounding     (R)  STotal  0
 2
monoatomic gas
from (8 atm , 4t )
to (4 atm, 8t )
Free expansion of 1
mol of an ideal
5R  210 
(IV) monoatomic gas (iv)  Ssystem  2 n  300   Rn  4  (S)  STotal  2Rn2
 
from (4 atm, 8t ) to
(1 atm, 32t )
19. For irreversible compression in Column I which is the correct matching
A) (II) (ii) (S) B) (III) (iii) (S) C) (II) (iv) (P) D) (IV) (ii) (S)
20. For irreversible expansion in Column I which is the correct matching
A) (III) (iii) (S) B) (III) (ii) (Q) C) (IV) (ii) (Q) D) (IV) (ii) (S)
21. For reversible process in Column I which is the correct matching
A) (I) (i) (P) B) (I) (ii) (R) C) (I) (i) (Q) D) (I) (ii) (S)
Paragraph for Questions 22 and 23:
One mole of super cooled water at 100 C and 1 atm pressure turns into ice. Given that
heat capacities  Cp, m  of water and ice 75.3 and 37.7 J K 1 respectively and latent heat
of fusion of ice is 6.02 kJ / mol .  ln 75.3  4.32, ln1.038  0.037, ln 6.02  1.795, ln 37.7  3.63 
22. The entropy change in water when if froze at 100 C is
A) 2.81J K 1mol 1 B) 20.64 J K 1mol 1 C) 22.04 J K 1mol 1 D) 1.41J K 1mol 1
23. The overall entropy change in system and surrounding is
A) 42.1J K 1mol 1 B) 0.81J K 1mol 1 C) 42.1J K 1mol 1 D) 0.81J K 1mol 1
24. Match column I (graph) with the physical quantity in column II (area shown in
The graph represents the magnitude of)
Column I Column II

A) P) qrev

B) Q) | w |

C) R)  G T

D) S)  G  P

Column – I Column – II
(A) Work done in reversible (P) dSu,v > O, dHs,v < 0
adiabatic process
(B) Entropy of all perfectly (Q) U  0
crystalline substance
(C) Criteria of spontaneity (R) Zero when T  0
(D) Isothermal reversible process (S) P1V1  P2 V2
 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
BC ACD ABC A 6 6 6 6 C D
21 22 23 24 25

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