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Not Justified by the Law. VANHAT positive statement does the apostle make concerning the Jaw? z 9 “Therefore by the deeds of the law dere shail no flesh be justified in his sight?” Rom, 3:20. f 2. What does the law do? “Thad not known sin, but by the Jaw; for Thad not known lust, ereght the Jam hued said, Thou shalt nol covet.” Roms 7:7 3 320, last clause. : 3. Will the law do this work for others besides the Jews? h to them whe are “Now we know that what things seever the law sai w aw, that every mouth may be stopped, and ail the world muy be- conse guilty before God.” Rom. 3119. 4. What is the nature of God’s law? “Wherefore the Jaw é fedy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good.” Rom, 7:12. 5. It is manife: never justify one from the transgre: then, can man be justified ? ¢ that a law, the office of which is to point out sin, can ions of that law. How, ed freely dy his grace through the redemption hat iz in Christ Fesus."" 2 - 6. But does the fact that we are subjects of God’s grace, give us license to sin? “What then? shall we sin, because we are not under God forbid, Know ye not, that to whom ye yi obey, sis servants ye are fe whom ye ebcy, whether « dicuce nto righteousness ??* Rom. 6:15, 16. law, but under grace ? Id yourselves servants to. sist wente death, or of obe- t . How must those walk who would be free from condemnation ? There is therefore now no condemnation to them which Christ Jesus, who rout not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Rom, 831. [196]

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