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Pama, Justine C.

BSED – Biological Sciences III

I – Content Standard. Interactions in the Atmosphere. The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
A) the different phenomena that occur in the atmosphere.

II – Objectives: At the end of the topic the students are expected to:
A) explain what happens when air is heated and what happens to the air in the surrounding as
warm air rises,
B) differentiate the sea breeze and land breeze,
C) interpret a map to determine the direction of wind movement.

III – Materials:
 4 pictures of the 4 types of weather
 4 envelopes
 Tape
 4 markers
 2 pencils
 2 models for the common atmospheric phenomena
 2 maps
 Video clip

References: Grade 7 Science textbook, pp. 321-332

Prerequisite Skills: a. know how to locate the direction from where the wind blows,
b. know how to make a diagram of the sea breeze and land breeze.

IV – Subject Matter: Monsoons

V – Procedure: 5E’s (Grade 7 students)

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preparation
a. Review
Before we will start our lesson for today let Group 1: Sunny day
us first have a short activity as a recap for our
last topic.
Post-activity: 1 Pic 1 Word
Our last topic was all about the 4 types Group 2: Rainy day
weather. For me to see if you really learned
about our last topic, I will group you into 4
groups. I have here 4 envelopes which contain
cutted pictures. All you have to do is to arrange Group 3: Windy day
these pieces and observe what is in the picture.
Answer the blanks below by filling in the write Group 4: Cloudy day
letters that would best suit to the picture that
you have formed. I will give you 1 minute and 30
seconds only to do your task. Choose a
representative who will share your work in front
of the class. The group who will have the correct
answer will be given a merit of 10 points. Am I Yes ma’am.
clear class?
Then be ready as your time will start now!
Time is up! Okay group 1. Who’s your
representative? Okay, kindly share your work
here in front. Group 2, and so on. Now, class let’s
see if your answers are correct. Our last topic
was all about the 4 types of weather. These are
the sunny, rainy, windy, and cloudy day. First, we
have sunny day.
1. Sunny day - occurs when the sun is
shining, the air is warm, and the wind is
weak. Is the answer of group 1 correct
2. Rainy day - occurs when the sun cannot
be seen, the clouds are dark, and the
rain is falling.
3. Windy day - occurs when the sun is
shining, clouds are slightly dark or clear,
and the air is blowing hard.
4. Cloudy day - occurs when the sun is not
seen and there are plenty of slightly
clouds, yet the rain is not falling.
(The teacher will declare the winners)
Are there any questions or clarifications Yes/None ma’am.
before we proceed to our next activity? If none,
then let’s proceed.

B. Motivation
So before we will have our discussion this
morning, let us first have an activity. But before
that, let me present to you the objectives for
today’s discussion:
A) explain what happens when air is
heated and what happens to the air
in the surrounding as warm air rises,
B) differentiate the sea breeze and land
C) interpret a map to determine the
direction of wind movement.
The activity is entitled;
Activity 1: The Two Concepts of Common
Atmospheric Phenomena
These are the essential guide questions to
help us in determining the two concepts of the
common atmospheric phenomena:
1. What happens when air is heated?
2. What happens to the air in the surroundings
as warm air rises?
Our first activity will be divided into two.
This will be the group 1 (left) and this will be the
group 2 (right). Group 1 will be the first group
who will perform the activity 1.1 within 1 minute
and 30 seconds. Group 2 will observe what will
happen in activity 1.1 and choose a
representative who’s going to answer the first
essential guide question with a little explanation.
The group 2 will be the second group who will
perform activity 1.2 within 1 minute and 30
seconds. Then the group 1 must observe what
will happen in activity 1.2 and choose a
representative who’s going to answer the second
essential guide question with a little explanation.
For the activity 1.1, we have here the
procedures. Everybody read.
Group 1
Materials needed:
 Two paper bags Group 1: Performed Task
 Candle
 Long straight stick
 Match
 Masking tape
 Chair
1. Attach a paper bag to each end of the stick.
The open end of each bag should be facing Question 1: What happens when air is heated?
down. Answer: Air becomes warm and warm air rises.
2. Balance the stick with the paper bags on the
3. Make a prediction: what do you think will
happen if you place a lighted candle under the
open end of one of the bags?
4. Now, light the candle and place it below one
of the bags. Caution: Do not place the candle too
close to the paper bag. It may catch fire. Be
ready with a pail of water or wet rag just in case.

Okay group 2, who is your representative?

Please share your observation. Okay, clap your
hands for group 2 class. Thank you group 1. You
may now take your seats.
For activity 1.2, we have here the
procedures. Everybody read. Group 2: Performed task

Group 2
Materials needed:
 Box
 Candle
 Scissors
 Match
 Cardboard tube
 Smoke source (mosquito coil)
 Clear plastic
Procedure Question 2: What happens to the air in the
1. Open the box and place the candle directly surroundings as warm air rises?
below the hole on top. Light up the candle and Answer: The air in the surroundings moves
close the box. toward the place where warm air is rising.
2. Make a prediction: What do you think will
happen if you place a smoke source near the
3. Now, place the smoke source near the hole.

Okay group 1, who is your representative?

Please share your observations. Okay clap your
hands for group 1 class. Thank you group 2. You
may now take your seats.

After that, the teacher will then clarify and

summarize the two concepts based on the
activity being performed.
The first concept in activity 1 is: warm air
rises. As you have seen, when the candle is being
put under one of the paper bags, it rises because
the air molecules inside that paper bag is heated
or becomes warm. The second concept in
activity 2 is: air in the surroundings moves
toward the place where warm air is rising. As you
have seen, air in the surroundings can be
affected by rising warm air. The air above the
candle becomes warm because of the flame, so
warm air rises. The air in the surroundings will
then move toward the place where warm air is
rising. You can tell that it is moving because of
the smoke from the mosquito coil which shows
the movement of air.

C. Presentation
Now class, do you know that these two
concepts of common atmospheric phenomena
are the main reasons why monsoons occur? Some may say yes, others may say no.
For those who already know, you can help
those who doesn’t know in unlocking new ideas
to be learned. So fasten your seatbelt as we fly
around the Earth’s atmosphere and discover
truths behind Monsoons. Everybody read.
D. Engagement

The Earth is made up of two surfaces. Does

anyone from the class knows these two
surfaces? Yes Ms. Cotejo? The two surfaces of the Earth are land and
Okay very good! Clap your hands for Ms. water.
Cotejo class. So the two surfaces of the Earth are
the land and water. Do you know which of the
two warms up faster? Land or water?
Some may answer land, others may answer
Okay, so for us to find out which of the water.
two surfaces warms up faster, let us see a video
Video link:

As you have seen from the video

presentation, which of the two surfaces warms
up faster? The land or water? Yes Mr. Betache?
Okay, very good! Give claps for Mr. Betache
class. So as you have seen, land warms up faster Land ma’am.
than the water during daytime. Land also cools
down more quickly than water during night time.
This warming and cooling of the two surfaces of
the Earth are the reasons why warm air rises and
the air in the surrounding moves toward the
place where warm air is rising. Let us continue
the video presentation to see how the two
concepts are related to the warming and cooling
of two surfaces.
Video link:

Probing Questions:
From the video presentation, what are the
two breezes? How do they occur?

Ms. Cortes, can you give me the two types

of breeze?

Very good! Clap your hands for Ms. Cortes.

So the two types of breeze are the sea breeze The two types of breeze are the sea breeze and
and land breeze. How does the sea breeze land breeze.
occur? Yes Ms. Carpio?

During daytime, the land heats up faster than

Is that correct class? Okay, give claps for the sea. The warm air above land rises and the
Ms. Carpio class. cool air above the sea moves toward the place
So according to Ms. Carpio class, during where warm is rising which is above the land.
daytime, the land heats up faster than the water Yes ma’am.
in the sea. The air above land will then become
warm ahead of the air above the sea. You know
what happens to warm air: it rises. So the warm
air above the land will rise. The air above the sea
will then move in to replace the rising warm air.
You will then feel this moving air as a light wind
called sea breeze.

How does land breeze occur? Yes Mr.


During night time, land cools down faster than

the water. It means that water is warmer than
the land during night time. The warm air above
the sea rises and the cool air above land moves
Is that correct class? Okay, give claps for toward the place where warm is rising which is
Mr. Alberca class. above the land
So according to Mr. Alberca class, during Yes ma’am.
night time, the land and sea will both cool down.
But the land will lose heat faster than the water
in the sea. In other words, the sea will stay warm
longer. This time the air above the sea will be
warmer than that above land. The warm air
above the sea will then rise. Air from land will
move out to replace the rising warm air. This
moving air or wind from land is called land

In the illustration, you can see an arrow

pointing upward. This represents rising warm air.
The place where warm air rises is a place where
air pressure is low. In other words the place
where warm air is rising is a low-pressure area.
In contrast, cold air is dense and tends to sink.
The place where cold air is sinking is a high-
pressure area.
The high and low-pressure area are wind
systems called Monsoons. Am I clear class?
Do you have any questions or Yes ma’am.
clarifications? None ma’am.
Then let’s proceed.
E. Exploration
Our next activity will be; Activity 2: In
What Direction Do Winds Blow – From High to
Low Pressure Area or Vice Versa?
With the same group. I have here 2 figures
of a weather map and 2 pencils. Figure 1 is a
weather map of pressure and winds in January
and Figure 2 is a weather map of pressure and
winds in July. Group one will have Figure 1 and
Group 2 will have Figure 2. You are given two
minutes to do your task and 1 minute only to
share your work. Each group must choose a
representative to discuss their work in front of
the class. Am I clear class?
Kindly read the directions.

Materials needed
 Figure 1: Pressure and Winds in January
 Figure 2: Pressure and Winds in July
 Pencil

Directions: Study the figures given. It shows the

air pressure and direction of winds in different
parts of the world in January and July. Low-
pressure areas are marked by L and high-
pressure areas are marked by H. Broken lines
with arrowheads show the direction of the wind.
Answer the questions given.
1. Choose a low-pressure area and study the
direction of the winds around it. Do winds move
toward the low pressure area or away from it?
2. Choose a high-pressure area and study the
direction of the winds around it. Do the winds
move toward the high-pressure area or away
from it?
3. Study the direction of the map. (North, East,
West and, South). Where is the Philippines on
the map? Encircle it.
4. Study the wind direction near the Philippine
area. From what direction does the wind blow
near the Philippines in January/July?

F. Explanation
Okay class, time is up! Finished or not Group 1
finished post your work in front.
Figure 1: Pressure and Winds in January

Okay very good! Clap your hands for group

1 class. Let’s have group 2. A representative will share their work in front.
(The teacher cannot predict their answer
because it depends to their understanding of
ideas from the previous activities.)

Group 2
Figure 2: Pressure and Winds in July
Okay, very good! Clap your hands for group
2 class. For you to find out if your answers are
correct, I will discuss to you first what is

A representative will share their work in front.

(The teacher cannot predict their answer
because it depends to their understanding of
ideas from the previous activities.)

G. Elaboration
Monsoon – it is the seasonal wind of the
Indian Ocean and Southern Asia, blowing from
the Southwest in summer and from the
Northeast in winter.
Many people think that monsoons are rains
but they are not. Monsoons are wind systems
but these winds usually bring abundant rainfall
to the country and this is probably the reason
why they have been mistaken for rains.
In Philippines, there are two types of
Monsoons and these are the Northeast
Monsoon or Amihan and the Southwest
Monsoon or Habagat.
 Northeast Monsoon (Amihan) – draws
cold, dry air from Siberia, China and
- brings slight to moderate
- Starts from November to April

The wind moves from the high-pressure

area in the Asian continent toward the low-
pressure area South of the Philippines. Let’s
answer Figure 1.

Ex: Figure 1

1. The winds move toward the low-pressure

2. The winds move away from the high-pressure
3. The winds blow from high pressure area to
low pressure area.

5. The direction from where the wind blows near

the Philippines in January is from North to East.
So group 1, are your answers correct? If
not, then I will give you time to correct your
work to see if you fully understand what is
Northeast Monsoon.

 Southwest Monsoon (Habagat) - it is

characterized by hot and humid
weather, frequently heavy rainfall, and a
prevailing wind from the west.
- starts from June to October

This time the wind will move from the

high-pressure area in Australia to the low-
pressure area in the Asian continent. Let’s
answer Figure 2.
Figure 2:

1. The winds move toward the low-pressure

2. The winds move away from the high-pressure
3. The winds blow from high pressure area to
low pressure area.

5. The direction from where the wind blows near

the Philippines in July is from South to West.
So group 2, are your answers correct? If
not, then I will give you time to correct your
work to see if you fully understand what is
Southwest Monsoon.
Values Integration
Now class, do you have any questions or
clarifications? Yes/no ma’am.
If not, then I will be the one who’s gonna
ask you some questions.
Based from the discussion that we had a
while ago, which of the two monsoons are we The type of monsoon we are experiencing
experiencing this month? Yes Ms. Fuentes? this month is the Southwest Monsoon because
our month is in the month of June.
Okay, very good! The type of monsoon in
which we are experiencing this month of June is
the Southwest Monsoon or Hanging Habagat
because as you have observed our weather is
rainy. And Habagat starts from June to October.
What is the importance of Monsoons Monsoons are important especially to the
especially to the farmers? Yes Ms. Jumalon? farmers because they will be able to know when
will the rain comes for them to be able to plant
their crops.
Okay very good! Give claps for Ms.
Jumalon class. Why are fisher folks not so happy Because monsoons bring a heavy rainfall
about the monsoons? Yes Ms. Bucar? and it causes the currents of the sea strong that
may lead them to accident.
Okay, very good! How about the
importance of monsoons for all of us people not It helps us citizens to know when there is a
just in the Philippines but also to the other typhoon coming and will help us understand the
countries? high and low pressure area whenever we are
watching tv.

Okay very good! Give claps for Ms. Bucar None ma’am.
class. Do you have any questions or
Then let’s have a quiz.
H. Evaluation
Directions: Group the students into 3. Let them
make a drama based on what type of people
within the society will be picked which is related
to monsoons using drawn by lot. The drama
should show an importance of monsoons for
these people which they have picked. Give them
two minutes to prepare and two minutes each
group to perform in front of the class.
Content - 20
Relevance - 15
Acting skills - 15
Total - 50
Type of people:
1.Fisher folks
2. Farmers
3. Students

I. Assignment
Directions: Aside from the type of people
within the society being used in the
evaluation, give at least 3 types of
people and write each as to why
monsoons are important to them.

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