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repeya ACE Engineering College (An Autonomous Insti Juestion Paper Code: a . [serve] Semester End Examination IIB. Tech- II Semester- AUGUST -2022 THERMAL ENGINEERING-I MECHANICAL ENGINEERING tion) Time: 3 Hours Max, Marks: W.T.No CI ] Answer any § Questions out of 8 Questions from the following QNo| —_ _ Question Marks 1, | Beolain the working of a four stroke CI engine and indicate the processes on PY and 7 | plots. Lad : | 2.a)| Explain the various factors that influence the Name spead. 7 Dy Wh he help oF a neat diagram explain the working principle Of idivect njecTon GombusTor 7 chamber of a C.L. engine? 3.) [ Compare and contrast fans, blowers and compressors BY A inal acting, single eylindSt reciprocating aic compressor i Composing 20 KONO WF 7 from LOkPa. 30°C to 600 kPa and delivers it to a receiver, Law of compression is py'75= by Explain with figures the various types of combustion chambers wed in CT engines 7 5. | A single-stage double-acting air compressor is required to 14 m* of air per minute measured at | 14 datum id 20°C: The delivery pressure i 6 bar andthe speed 300 rpm, Take the aie ipressor running at 20000 rpm, The | 14 Gun data sas follows: Slip factor= 0.00; Isentropic total head efficiency =0.75,s One diameter of blade tip = 500 mm Determine : The temperature rise of air passing through the compressor (li) The static pressure ratio. {li Assume that the velocities of air at inlet and exit of the compressor are same 7a) | Describe with neat sketch the working ofa simple constant pressure open eyele gas 7 turbine. 4)/ A gas turbine unit receives air at 100 kPa and 300 Kelvin and compresses ‘adiabatically to | 7 Bike ath etliciency of the compressor 8896. The fuel has a heating value of aieeo Hifkg and the fuel/air ratio is 0.017. The turbine internal efficiency fe sos, tee maximaum temparature in a gas turbine unit is 1500 Kelvin, Caleulate the compressor work, turbine work and thermal efficiency. 8. | Ap axial flow air compressor of 50% reaction design has Blades wiih Tet and Oat angles of | 44 30° and 15° respectively, The compressor is 1 produce a preg wihe yd with an overall isentropic efficiency of 0.8 when the air inlet temperature is 45° C. The blade speed and axial ‘locity are constant throughout the compressor. If blade speed is 480 rpm: Fira power input required by the compressor.

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