EE614A - Endsem Exam

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EE614A Endsem Exam, Total Marks 70, Time 3 hours

Answer all the questions. There will be partial marking.

1. (3 × 5 = 15 marks) In this question, you are asked to qualitatively plot a graph. Please explain
your plot clearly in each case. State all assumptions that you may have made.
a) Plot (in a log-log scale) the variation of mobility of electrons (µe) with temperature (T) in a p-
type Si assuming that both lattice vibration (phonon) and ionized impurity scattering are present
and complete ionization occurs for the considered temperature range. On the same graph, plot
µe vs T when the same material (Si) is doped more heavily by the same type of dopants.
b) A moderately-doped abrupt p-n junction is doped symmetrically (i.e., the doping concentration
is same on both sides, although the dopants are different). Plot (in a linear-linear scale) the
variation of the electric field (E) with position (x) in the depletion approximation. On the same
graph, plot E vs x if the doping concentration is doubled on both sides (same dopants).
c) A moderately-doped abrupt p-n junction is doped symmetrically (i.e., the doping concentration
is same on both sides, although the dopants are different). Plot (in a linear-linear scale) the
variation of the electric field (E) with position (x) in the depletion approximation. On the same
graph, plot E vs x when the temperature is increased.
d) The source, drain and body of an p-channel MOSFET (n-type substrate) are grounded and a
gate voltage (VG) is applied. Plot (in a linear-linear scale) the variation of capacitance (C)
between the gate and the body terminal with the gate voltage (VG) if the measurement is
performed at low frequency. On the same graph, plot C vs VG if the measurement is performed
at a higher frequency.
e) Consider an p-channel MOSFET (n-type substrate) with source and body grounded. Assume
the applied gate voltage (VG) is greater than the threshold voltage (VT). Plot the variation of the
drain current (ID) with the drain voltage (VD) assuming long-channel, ignoring channel-length
modulation and assuming no velocity saturation effect. On a different graph, plot ID vs VD
considering velocity saturation effect in a short-channel MOSFET and compare that with the
previous case of a long-channel MOSFET.

2. (3 marks) A p-n junction diode is kept in open-circuit condition and is illuminated uniformly
by light having frequency that can provide sufficient energy to create electron-hole pair (energy
of photon greater than the band gap of the semiconductor). Assume low-level of illumination
such that low-level injection condition also remains valid. Using the expression for the diode I-
V characteristics, explain how the depletion width will change in this scenario (will it increase,
decrease or remain the same after illuminating by the light compared to equilibrium case when
it is not illuminated and still kept open-circuited?).

3. (10 marks) Fermi-Dirac distribution (fFD) approx. by Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution (fMB)

a) (3 marks) For electron energy E and Fermi level EF, if fFD can be approximated by fMB when
the condition (E-EF) > m kBT is satisfied, where m is some number, kB is the Boltzmann constant
and T is the temperature. Let δf = |(fFD- fMB)| is the absolute error and r = δf/ fFD is the relative
error. Derive an expression relating r to m.
b) (2 marks) If we want r to be 10%, what will be m? If we want r to be 1%, what will be m?
c) (5 marks) Suppose the intrinsic carrier concentration ni in Si is calculated using the MB
approximation. Show that, if the Si is heavily doped, then at equilibrium np < ni2, where n and
p are the equilibrium electron and hole concentrations calculated using the FD distribution for
the heavily doped Si. Show the steps and give reasoning. Can you estimate the relative error if
np is approximated by ni2? (The conduction band minimum is at Ec and Fermi level at EF)
4. (10 marks) Transition temperature for carrier concentration vs temperature plot at equilibrium
a) (4 marks) Consider a p-type semiconductor doped only acceptors with doping concentration
NA. Plot (in a log-linear scale) the variation of electron concentration (n) with 1/kBT. and
indicate the three different regions. The acceptor energy level is EA, the valence band (VB)
maximum energy is Ev,and the effective density of states for the VB is Nv.
b) (6 marks) Write down the expressions (only giving an order of magnitude value) to calculate
the two transition temperatures that separate the three regions mentioned in part a.

5. (20 marks) P-N diode heterojunction

a) (3 marks) A p-n diode heterojunction is formed using two different semiconductors.
Semiconductor 1 (S1) has band gap Eg1 which is lower than the band gap (Eg2) of semiconductor
2 (S2). However, the electron affinity (eχ1) of S1 is higher than the electron affinity (eχ2) of S2.
The permittivity of S1 and S2 are ε1 and ε2, respectively. S1 is doped p-type with acceptor
concentration NA1 and S2 is doped n-type with donor concentration ND2 such that the work
function of S1 (eφ1) is larger than the work function (eφ2) of S2. Draw the equilibrium band
diagram. Intrinsic carrier concentration for S1 and S2 are ni1 and ni2.
b) (2 marks) What is the value of conduction band discontinuity at the interface? What is the value
of valence band discontinuity at the interface?
c) (6 marks) Make the depletion approximation and qualitatively draw the variation of charge
density, electric field and potential difference with position. Explain everything, state your
assumptions and give reason for the plot.
d) (4 marks) What is the ratio of the electric field value at the two sides of the interface? Can you
derive the expression for the built-in potential from the given information? Explain.
e) (5 marks) Draw the equilibrium band diagram if S1 is doped n-type with and S2 is doped p-
type so that the work function of S1 (eφ1) is smaller than the work function (eφ2) of S2. In that
case, what are the values of conduction band and valence band discontinuities at the interface?

6. (12 marks) P-I-N junction

a) (4 marks) Consider a semiconductor rectangular bar which is doped p-type on left with acceptor
concentration NA, has an intrinsic region in the middle of length Wi (ni is the intrinsic carrier
concentration) and is doped n-type on right with donor concentration ND. Draw the equilibrium
band diagram. (Remember that an intrinsic semiconductor is like an insulator with smaller band
gap, so you can use the concept from MOSCAP).
b) (6 marks) Make the depletion approximation and qualitatively draw the variation of charge
density, electric field and potential difference with position. Explain everything, state your
assumptions and give reason for the plot.
c) (2 marks) Can you derive the expression for the built-in potential from the given information?
Explain and derive the expression (you can use other information if you think is necessary).

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