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Polynomials of Class 10
An algebraic expression f(x) of the form f(x) = a0 + a1x + a2x2 + ......+ anxn, where a0, a1, are real numbers and all the index of x are non-negative integers is called
polynomials in x and the highest Index n in called the degree of the polynomial, if .

Zero Degree Polynomial:
Any non-zero number is regarded as a polynomial of degree zero or zero degree
polynomial. For example, f(x) = a, where is a zero degree polynomial, since we can
write f(x) = a as f(x) = ax0.

(b) Constant Polynomial:

A polynomial of degree zero is called a constant polynomial. e.g. f(x) = 7.

(c) Linear Polynomial:

A polynomial of degree 1 is called a linear polynomial.

e.g. p(x) = 4x - 3 and f(t) = are linear polynomials.

(d) Quadratic Polynomial:

A polynomial of degree 2 is called quadratic polynomial.

e.g. f(x) = 2x2 + 5x – and g(y) = 3y2 – 5 are quadratic polynomials with real coefficients.

If is a polynomial and α is any real number, then the real number obtained by
replacing x by α in is called the value of at x = α and is denoted by .

e.g. Value of at will be

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A real number α is a zero of polynomial if = 0.

The zero of a linear polynomial is . i.e.

Geometrically zero of a polynomial is the point where the graph of the function cuts or
touches x-axis.

When the graph of the polynomial does not meet the x-axis at all, the polynomial has no
real zero.

In algebraic or in set theoretic language the graph of a polynomial f(x) is the collection (or
set) of all points (x, y), where y = f(x). In geometrical or in graphical language the graph of a
polynomial f(x) is a smooth free hand curve passing through points x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3),
..... etc. where y1, y2, y3,.... are the values of the polynomial f(x) at x1, x2, x3,.... respectively.

In order to draw the graph of a polynomial f(x), follow the following algorithm.

Step I: Find the values y1, y2, ...... yn of polynomial f(x) on different points x1, x2, ....... xn…………
and prepare a table that gives values of y or  f(x) for various values of x.

x: x1 x2 … xn xn+1 …

y = f(x) y1 = f(x1) y2 = f(x2) … Yn = f(xn) yn+1 = f(xn+1) …

Step II: Plot that points (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3),.....(xn, yn).... on rectangular co-ordinate
system. In plotting these points use different scales on the X and Y axes.

Step III: Draw a free hand smooth curve passing through points plotted in step 2 to get the
graph of the polynomial f(x).

Graph of a Linear Polynomial:

Consider a linear polynomial f(x) = ax + b, Graph of y = ax + b is a straight line. That in
why f(x) = ax + b) is called a linear polynomial. Since two points determine a straight line,
so only two points need to plotted to draw the line y = ax + b. The line represented by y =
ax + b crosses the X-axis at exactly one point, namely .

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1. Draw the graph of the polynomial f(x) = 2x - 5. Also, find the coordinates of the point
where it crosses X-axis.

Sol. Let y = 2x - 5.

The following table list the values of y corresponding to different values of  x.

x 1 4

y -3 3

The points A (1, - 3) and B (4, 3) are plotted on the graph paper on a suitable scale. A line is
drawn passing through these points to obtain the graphs of the given polynomial.

(b) Graph of a Quadratic Polynomial :

Let a,b,c be real numbers and . Then f(x) = ax2 + bx + c is known as a quadratic
polynomial in x. Graph of the quadratic polynomial i.e. he curve whose equation is y = ax2
+ bx + c, Graph of a quadratic polynomial is always a parabola.

Let y = ax2 + bx + c, where

⇒ 4ay = 4a2x2 + 4abx + 4ac

⇒ 4ay = 4a2x2 + 4abx + b2 – b2 + 4ac

⇒ 4ay = (2ax + b)2 – (b2 - 4ac)

⇒ 4ay + (b2 – 4ac) = (2ax + b)2 ⇒ 4ay + (b2 – 4ac) = 4a2 (x + b/2a)2

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⇒ …(i)

where D = b2 - 4ac is the discriminate of the quadratic equation.


Shifting the origin at , we have X = x - and Y = y -

Substituting these values in (i), we obtain

Y = aX2 ....(ii)

which is the standard equation of parabola

Clearly, this is the equation of a parabola having its vertex at .

The parabola opens upwards or downwards according as a > 0 or a < 0.


The graphs of are given in figure. Identify the signs of a, b and c in each of the

(i) We observe that represents a parabola opening downwards. Therefore, a <

0. We observe that the turning point of the parabola is in first quadrant where

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∴ ⇒ ⇒

Parabola cuts y-axis at Q. On y-axis, we have x = 0.

Putting x = 0 in we get

So, the coordinates of Q are (0, c). As Q lies on the positive direction of y-axis. Therefore, c
> 0.

Hence, and

(ii) We find that represents a parabola opening upwards. Therefore, The

turning point of the parabola is in fourth quadrant.

Parabola cuts y-axis at Q and y-axis. We have x = 0. Therefore, on putting x =

0 in we get

So, the coordinates of Q are (0, c). As Q lies on negative y-axis. Therefore, c < 0.

Hence, a > 0, b < 0 and c < 0.

(iii) Clearly, represents a parabola opening upwards.

Therefore, a > 0. The turning point of the parabola lies on positive direction of x-axis.

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The parabola cuts y-axis at Q which lies on positive y-axis. Putting

x = 0 in we get y = c. So, the coordinates of Q are (0, c). Clearly, Q lies on OY.

∴ c > 0.

Hence, a > 0, b < 0, and c > 0.

(iv) The parabola opens downwards. Therefore, a < 0.

The turning point of the parabola is on negative x-axis,

Parabola cuts y-axis at Q (0, c) which lies on negative y-axis. Therefore, c < 0.

Hence, and

(v) We notice that the parabola opens upwards. Therefore, a > 0.

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Turning point of the parabola lies in the first quadrant.

As Q (0, c) lies on positive y-axis. Therefore, c > 0.

Hence, and c > 0.

(vi) Clearly,

Turning point of the parabola lies in the fourth quadrant.

As Q (0, c) lies on negative y-axis. Therefore, c < 0.

Hence, and c < 0.

Polynomials 

How To Draw Graph Of Quadratic Polynomials 

Division Algorithm For Polynomials 

solved question 

Exercise 1 

Exercise 2 

Exercise 3(Subjective) 

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