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School Year 2019-2020

SAVAGE ADDICTION: An Analysis on the Poor Eating Habits to the Amount of

Time Allotted in Playing Mobile Legends Bang Bang

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Academic Requirements in
Research Capstone Project

Submitted by:

Hijastro, Edlyn Joyce D.

Samonte, Janellah
Sulit, Kyla Michelle R.
Tabucol, Krystel Beah B.
Vargas, Christian Russel DJ.


Ms. Maricar S. Dimla

February 2020



Cover Page

Abstract i

Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………….
Hypothesis of the Study………………………………………………………..
Conceptual/Theoretical Framework …………………………………………..
Relationship of Variables ……………………………………………………..
Definition of Terms …………………………………………………………….

Respondents of the Study...................................................................................
Methods and Techniques........................................................................................
Instrument of the Study.......................................................................................
Statistical Treatment...........................................................................................

Results and Discussion

Tables and Graphs….............................................................................................
Summary of Findings.............................................................................................

References …...............................................................................................................
Appendix ….................................................................................................................


Mobile games have reached the peak of popularity to the young adults. Mobile

Legends Bang Bang is one of the most played mobile game nowadays and it is quite

popular in Southeast Asia. It is one of the most widely popular online-mobile game. It

has grown much faster and captured million users in just few years. As of year 2019, the

Mobile Legends Bang Bang reportedly has 500 million of downloads and approximately

75 million of players were active (Marges, 2019). It is increasingly developing and

growing tremendously. It is seen to be a leisure activity for students or teenagers and

even in adults.

According to the study of Ferrari, (2018), online games gives benefit on

young adults in their cognitive and emotional skills. In their research, the outcome

showed that playing these kind of games can be an effective tool to enhance memory,

dexterity and concentration. Moreover, it also improved the mood of adults or young

adult since the goal of this was to promote relaxation and prevent anxiety.

On the flip side, there is a negative impact to every gamer’s daily life in which

their health is at risk. As cited to the study of Kayhan, (2018), if playing it was not

controlled or turned into addiction, it will lead to health problems like nutrition disorder.

As they pay more attention in playing, they tend to forgot to eat their meals. This problem

often occurs on young adults since they were experiencing adolescence where in this

period unhealthy eating habits or behavior is seen. One factor that triggers it was online

games like Mobile Legends Bang Bang.

Playing Mobile Legends Bang Bang has become a favorite past time for students.

Some of them play it to spend time, to eliminate frustration, and as way to escape their

problems. As stated by Jana (2019), as they spend much time in playing virtual games

rather than having some physical exercises, excessive gaming can have an adverse effect

to their health. For instance, they skip meals to play online games they are addicted to.

Mobile games addict dietary habits had become different since they began to play

online games. They ate smaller meals, had poor appetites, and ate at more irregular

speeds than those non-mobile game addicts. They were also much more likely to snack

throughout the day and skip important meals like dinner. The specific foods they ate also

differed from those without mobile game addiction and the quality of their diet was

significantly lower (Kvarnstrom, 2015).

Poor eating habits can cause metabolism to slow down where it causes gaining

weight or make it harder to lose weight. Blood sugar also decreases due to skipping

meals. Low blood sugar causes people to feel fatigued, confused and irritable. When

someone skip a meal or go in a long time without eating, the body goes into a survival

mode (Piedmont Healthcare, 2019).

Hence, online games specifically Mobile Legends Bang Bang has created a lot of

controversy due to the harmful effects it has on human health. Due to the excessive use of

mobile phone games, it has an impact on student’s personal habits such as skipping

meals. It is associated with higher levels of poor eating attitude.


The main objective of the researchers is to determine the duration of time spend

by the students in playing Mobile Legends Bang Bang and how it affects their eating


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to define and state the impact of excessive use of Mobile Legends

Bang Bang to every student specifically to their eating habits.

The goal of this study is to answer the following questions:

1. How frequently does every student spent in playing Mobile Legends Bang


2. How does the duration of time on playing Mobile Legends Bang Bang affects

the eating attitude of each student?

Hypothesis of the Study

H0 The duration of time in playing Mobile Legends Bang Bang of Grade 12

STEM students in LCUP has no relationship on their poor eating habits which is skipping


H1 The duration of time in playing Mobile Legends Bang Bang of Grade 12

STEM students in LCUP is associated and has a positive or negative effect on their poor

eating habits such as skipping meals.


Conceptual Framework

Independent Variables Dependent Variable

Duration of Time in Poor Eating Habits

Playing Mobile Legends (Skipping Meals)
Bang Bang

Figure 1. Conceptual Model of the Study.

Relationship Between Variables

As stated by Kayhan, (2018), if the time spent in playing mobile games

increases, the negative eating habits also increases. This is due to the pleasure they feel

when playing Mobile Legends Bang Bang. The duration of time increases as they wanted

to prolong that feeling. They focus more in playing these kind of game and turns out that

they skipped meals and prefer eating unhealthy snacks which results to nutrition lost. In

this study, the researchers will determine if the independent variable which is the number

of hours spent in playing Mobile Legends Bang Bang has correlational relationship to

dependent variable which is the poor eating habits specifically skipping meals.

Definition of Terms

Eating attitude - define as how a person eat their food, which and what food they intake

habitually influenced by different factors. In this study, the factor that influence the

eating attitude is mobile games (Alvarenga,, 2017).

Mobile game - an app that can be play by everyone using their gadgets. These are games

designed for mobile phones (Mayra, 2015).

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang - an online-mobile game that is run by any kinds of

gadgets in which many teenagers are addicted. It became one of the most popular

handheld online game in this generation (Salvador, 2017).

Nutrition disorder - is a disease occur when the person didn't achieve the exact amount

of nutrients. It is usually caused by incorrect balance of the nutrients. This may happen

when they eat unhealthy foods or skipped important meals (Weininger, 2020).

Pathological habit - can be classified as things repeatedly do but without a clear

motivation or reason for doing so (Kandola, 2019).



This presents and clearly defines the research population and subjects of the

study, methods and techniques used, research instruments, and statistical treatment.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents in this study were the Grade 12 Science, Technology,

Engineering, Mathematics students in La Consolacion University Philippines in the City

of Malolos, Bulacan. The researchers have a list of all 17 sections in STEM strand and

write each section on a card. The researchers randomly choose cards through a pure-

chance selection and only seven sections were chosen to be the target respondents. 100

STEM students from the following sections from STEM: 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 17 will be

responsible to answer the given instrument to gather the data and information. Table 1

shows the distribution of the respondents according to the chosen sections.

Table 1. Distribution of the Respondents According to the Chosen Sections.

Section Number of Students Percentage

5 17 17%

6 13 13%

7 17 17%

8 14 14 %

11 12 12%

12 13 13%

17 14 14%

Total Respondents: 100 100%

Methods and Techniques Used

The researchers will use survey method as the research technique. McCombes

(2019), stated that survey method allows to gather quantifiable data that will be analyze

and interpret statistically. It is more effective and convenient to collect data. Researchers

will gather information by asking questions to the respondents pertaining to the topic

which is the duration of time in playing Mobile Legends Bang Bang in relation to the

eating habits of every student.

And the method that the researchers will use in this study is Unrestricted Random

Sampling. It is the best type of probability sampling through which the researchers can

choose sample from a population using a pure-chance selection.

As showed in Table 1, the chosen population in some sections of STEM strand of

the Grade 12 students in La Consolacion University Philippines in the City of Malolos,

Bulacan was 100, which was used as the total number of respondents needed in the study.

Instruments of the Study


The researchers will use a questionnaire as the research instrument to gather all

the data. Questionnaire was chosen by the researchers because it is reliable and it is a

quick method to collect the information from multiple respondents in an efficient and

timely manner. The research instrument is composed of two parts. Part I was structured in

the Single Select Multiple Choice Question. It is a close-ended question type in which the

target respondents need to select one respond from a given list of options. On the other

hand, Part II was structured in the modified Likert fashion, which it has 5-point scale.

Ranging from 5 – strongly agree, 4 – agree, 3 – neutral, 2 – disagree, 1 – strongly

disagree. With this scale, respondents are instructed to respond on the statements

contained in the questionnaire with their degree of agreement (Bhat, 2020).

Statistical Treatment

The collected data from the respondents will be tallied and processed under

descriptive statistics. According to Narkhede (2018), descriptive statistics deals with

analyzing and interpreting the data gathered. It will use the central tendency and

variability. Kenton (2019), stated that in descriptive statistics, it will provide basic

information. Data will be presented through the use of table, graphs and chart in order to

easily interpret and visualize.

In this study, the researchers will be using the frequency distribution table.

According to Bridgens (2017), frequency distribution table is used to summarize and

organize the data obtained. It will represent the frequency of the outcome in the entire or

sample of the population.

Table 2. Coefficient Value for Likert Scale


1.00 - 1.79 = Strongly Disagree

1.80 – 2.59 = Disagree
2.60 - 3.39 = Neither agree nor disagree
3.40 - 4.19 = Agree
4.20 - 5.00 = Strongly Agree

Results and Discussion

In this section, the collected data will be analyzed, interpret and discussed. The

researchers will determine how does the addiction on playing Mobile Legends Bang

Bang affects the eating habits of every student through analyzing the gathered data.

The outcome of the data analysis will be interpreted in order to answer the

questions indicated in the Statement of the Problem.


Part I. Duration of time spend in playing Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

Table 3. Time spend in playing Mobile Legends Bang Bang in one day

Question 1:
How much time did you spend on playing Mobile Legends Bang f %
In in one day?
Bang table 3,
2 hours less 72 72%
6 hours 17 17%
8 hours 6 6%
Over 10 hours 5 5%
TOTAL 100 100%
Legends Bang Bang while 17% play for 6 hours, and 6% play for 8 hours. Furthermore,

5% of them approximately spend for about 10 hours or more in one day.


Kayhan, (2018) stated that experts infer that gamers should not play for

more than 2 hours. It says that when duration time spend on playing increases or exceeds

to the suggested time given by the professionals, negative factor will occur such as health


Table 4. Number of days playing Mobile Legends Bang Bang in one week

Question 2:
How many days you play Mobile Legends Bang Bang in one f %
1 day 19 19%
2-3 days 49 49%
4-5 days 21 21%
6-7 days 11 11%
TOTAL 100 100%

On the other hand, in table 4, most of the respondents play this mobile game for

about 2 to 3 days in a week with 49% responds while 21% of them play it for 4 to 5 days.

19% said that they only play for 1 day and the remaining 11% of the students play 6 to 7

days in one week.

Table 5. Number of years playing Mobile Legends Bang Bang.

Question 3:
f %
Number of years playing Mobile Legends Bang Bang?
Below 1 year 10 10% As
1 year 46 46%
2 years 25 25%
3 years 14 14%
4 years 5 5%
TOTAL 100 100%
cited by Chua (2019), it is already 4 years since the Mobile Legends Bang Bang was

released specifically on July 11, 2016. According to table 5 showed above, 46% of the

respondents of Grade 12 STEM students in La Consolacion Univerrsity Philippines play

this mobile game for 1 year. 25% of them play it for 2 years, and 14% play for about 3

years which is closely to the total responds of below 1 year of playing with 10%

responds. And only 5% of them said that they already installed and play this since the

year it was released.

Part II.

Table 6. Time length spend on playing Mobile Legends Bang Bang

Statements Mean Score Interpretation

1. I spend most of my time in playing. 3.17 Neutral

2. I play longer than I meant to. 2.98 Neutral

TOTAL 3.075 Neutral

Moving forward, when it comes to table 6, it was indicated that the mean score

for statement 1 is 3.17 and 2.98 for statement 2. Hence, the total mean score was 3.075

and it was intercalated in the range of 2.60 – 3.39 which is Neutral. It shows that the

respondents spend on playing for a longer time but not frequently.

Mobile games were designed for leisure activities. Happiness, relaxation and

satisfaction are the things that the player may gain from this. Due to that reason, instead

playing it as past time activities it turns that they want to felt that enjoyment from it thus

they spend for a longer time (Kayhan, 2018).


Table 7. Impact to the Student’s Eating Habit

Statements Mean Score Interpretation

3. I feel that gaming affects my physical health
3.29 Neutral
in a negative way.
4. My eating habits was affected because I
3.02 Neutral
played too much.
5. I still continue playing even though it
2.87 Neutral
negatively harms my eating behavior.
6. I always forget to eat my important meals
2.62 Neutral
when I am playing.
7. I skip meals just to finish the game. Neutral

8. It is a waste of time to eat meals while

2.27 Disagree

9. I prefer eating snacks than meals while

2.75 Neutral

TOTAL 2.79 Neutral

Lastly, in table 7, it shows that the respondents answered (N) Neutral in most of

the questions.

With regards to the impact of student’s eating habit, the mean score for statement

number 3 was 3.29, 3.02 for statement 4, 2.87 for statement 5, 2.62 for statement 6, 2.72

for statement 7, and 2.75 for statement 9 where it was rated in the range of 2.60 – 3.39. It

shows that sometimes they felt there is a change in negative way in their physical health

when they spend too much time on playing mobile games. They still continue on playing

and to finish game even if they know that it affects their eating behavior but not all the

times. Furthermore, it also shows that sometimes they prefer to eat snacks while playing.

However, the mean score of statement 8 was 2.27 which it was intercalated in the range

of 1.80 – 2.59 as represented by the number of respondents with these answer. It shows

that they disagreed that eating meals is a waste of time. When playing, they still prefer to

eat meals.

Therefore, the total mean score was 2.79 and it was intercalated also in the range

of 2.61 – 3.40 which is Neutral. It shows that they experiencing a negative impact to their

eating behavior when they play too much yet not all the times.

Relationship of Variables

Table 8. Correlational Relationship

Variables t value Interpretation
IV: Duration of Time in Playing Mobile
Legends Bang Bang Significant
2.062 0.042
DV: Poor Eating Habits Reject H
(Skipping Meals)

Thus, in table 8, it presents the correlation between the poor eating behavior and

the amount of time spend in playing Mobile Legends Bang Bang. It shows that the t value

was 2.062 and p value was 0.042 which means it is significant. Based from that, the null

hypothesis was rejected. Moreover, the alternative hypothesis was favored which means

that there is a direct connection between the two variables


After the researchers organized, interpret and presented the collected data from

respondents through the use of statistical tools they have come up to the conclusion. And

based from the outcome of the findings, the following questions disclosed:

1. How frequently does every student spent in playing Mobile Legends Bang


Based from the result of the data analysis, most of the students with a 72% of

responds said that they spend for about 2 hours or less in playing this mobile game for a

day. However, almost half of the respondents with 49% said that they usually play for 2

to 3 days in a week. It is also indicated that 46% of the students have already played it for

1 year.

2. How does the duration of time on playing Mobile Legends Bang Bang affects

the eating attitude of each student?

Researchers have found out that there is correlational relationship between the

allocated time spend by the gamers and their eating behavior. Due to that, they come up

that when the duration time on playing increases, the risk of having poor eating attitude

also increases. They tend to skipped their meals as they want to prolong the enjoyment or

satisfaction they have gain on playing it.

Through the use of Pearson’s r, they identified that there is positive correlation

between the two variables. It was indicated in the findings that the correlation coefficient

is 0.04 which means it is statistically significant. The null hypothesis is rejected and

favored the alternative hypothesis. Therefore, the duration of time in playing Mobile

Legends Bang Bang of Grade 12 STEM students in LCUP is associated and has negative

effect on their poor eating habits such as skipping meals is true or accepted.

According to the study of Ferrari, (2018), mobile games benefit the players

in different aspects such emotional, mental, social and physical health. However, the

result of the study is similar to the research conducted by Jana (2019), Kvarnstrom (2015)

and also the study of Kayhan, (2018). It was said in their study that addiction on

mobile games has a relationship to the eating habits. They stated that if the gamers did

not limit themselves and pay more attention to it they tend to forget to eat their proper



As the result of the study, the following are proposed recommendations that may

help the future researchers who will conduct a research related to the present study.

1. Future researchers should consider a long time frame for conducting this kind of study

to increase the probability of success.

2. The researchers advise the future researchers to limit the number of respondents and be

certain in choosing it. They are recommend to choose only those who are experiencing

the present issue which is addiction on Mobile Legends Bang Bang. This will allow to

have a precise outcome.

3. To the Future researchers they should not limit the respondents to only STEM students

from one particular school.

4. To the students they should priority first important things (e.g. doing school works and

house hold chores), and know their limitation and consequences that they might get from

too much playing online games.

5. The students should step away playing online games time to time. Sitting for long

periods of time to play a game is unhealthy. Online gaming should be done for fun, not

for an unhealthy eating behavior.



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Kvarnstrom, E. (2015, October 16). How Internet Addiction Can Affect Your Physical

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Marges, J. (2019, November 10). M1 2019: A Primer For The World’s Biggest Mobile

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Mayra, F. (2015). Mobile Games. Retrieved from





McCombes, S. (2019, May 15). Descriptive Research. Retrieved from

Narkhede, S. (2018, June 6). Understanding Descriptive Statistics. Retrieved from


Piedmont Healthcare. (2019). Living Better Newsletter. Retrieved from


Salvador, J. (2017, July 6). Everything You Need To Know About The Mobile Legends.

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Validated Questionnaire


Proof for Validating the Statistical Treatment

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