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I. General Instructions. Write your answers, with complete solutions,

in a long bond paper. On the first page, write your complete name,
section, student ID number, and signature. Final answers should be
encircled or highlighted, and the solutions should be readable.
Scan or take a picture of your output, paste it in MS word and save
it as a PDF file. Alternatively, scan your output using an
application installed on your phone (e.g., clearscanner,
camscanner). Use this filename convention;
“GE135ProbSet2_Section_LastnameFirstname” (Example:
GE135ProbSet2_SectionJKRS2_GestaJunLove). Submit it on or before
November 11, 2022, at 11:59 pm. Not following instructions means a
deduction of 10 points. Late submissions are subject to a deduction
of 10 points and additional 5 points deduction per day.
II. Additional Instructions. Solve all the problems. Answers below
1.000 (one) should be in 3 significant figures (e.g.,
0.0111,0.00123), and answers above or equal to 1.000 (one) should
be in 3 decimal places (e.g., 1.123, 576.980)

1. Compute the normal tension which will be applied to a tape

supported over two supports in order to make the tape equal to
its nominal length when supported only at endpoints. The steel
tape is 30-m long and weighs 0.84 kg. when supported throughout
its length under a pull of 5.6 kg, with the modulus elasticity is
2x106 kg/𝑐𝑚2 and area of 0.06 𝑐𝑚2 . (10 pts)

2. A baseline was measured using 100 m. Tape which is standardized

at 20°C with a standard pull of 15 kg. The recorded distance was
found out to be 550.60 meters. At the time of measurement, the
temperature was 25°C and the pull exerted was 24 kg. The Weight
of one cubic cm of steel is 7.86 gram/𝑐𝑚3 . Weight of tape is 2.84
kg. E= 2 x 106 kg/𝑐𝑚2 , K= 7 x 10−7 m/°C.

A. Determine the cross-sectional area of the tape.

B. Compute the total correction. (8pts)
C. Compute the true length of the base line.

3. An engineer used a 30 m tape in measuring an inclined distance.

The measured length on the slope was recorded to be 459.20 m
long. The Difference in elevation between the initial point and
the end points was found to be 1.25 m. The 30-m tape is of
standard length at a temperature of 10°C and a pull of 50 N.
During measurement the temperature reading was 15°C and the tape
was supported at both ends with an applied pull of 75 N. The
Cross-sectional area of the tape is 6.50 mm² and the modulus
elasticity is 200 x 10³ kg/mm². The Tape has a mass of 0.075
kg/m. K= 0.0000116 m/°C. NOTE: Newton (N) is Kg.m/s or Weight x
gravity (m/s)

A. Determine the total correction per tape length.

(12 pts)
B. Determine the correction for slope and Correct
slope distance (5 pts)
C. Determine the horizontal distance? (5 pts)

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