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Class : II AI&DS ACADEMIC YEAR 2022-2023


Name of the Faculty : Dr. A. SASIREKA


1. Write the symbolic representation of “If either Ram takes C++ or Kumar takes Pascal,
then Latha will take Lotus”.
2. Write the statement in symbolic form, “The crop will be destroyed if there is a flood”
3. Give the Converse, Contrapositive and Inverse of the implication “ If it is raining, then
I get wet ”.
4. Using truth table verify that the proposition (P  Q)   (P  Q) is a contradiction.
5. Show that the formula Q  ( P  Q)  (P  Q) is a tautology.
6. Show that the proposition ℸ(PΛQ) ℸP V ℸQ is a tautology.
7. Construct the truth table for 𝑃 → ℸ𝑄.
8. Write the dual of (PQ)T.
9. Show that ( P Q) ( R  Q)  ( P  R)  Q.
10. Define functionally complete set of connectives and give an example.
11. Find PCNF and PDNF of P(P  (QP)) using truth table..
12. Define PDNF and PCNF.
13. Write minterms of the two variables p and Q.
14. Define Quantifiers with examples.
15. Define statement function of one variable, when it will become a statement.
16. Negate the statement: “For all real numbers x, if x > 4, then x 2 > 16”
17. Symbolise the expression “x is the father of the mother of y”.
18. Explain the existential and universal quantifier with an example each.
19. Write the negation of the statement (x)(y) p( x, y ) .
20. Show that  (P  Q)  (  P  (  P  Q))  (  P  Q). (use only the laws).
21. Write the following in the symbolic form
(a) “Some intelligent students like music”
(b) “All CSE Students are brilliant.”


1. Define tautology and contradiction. Test whether the following formula:

Q  (P   Q)  (  P   Q) is a tautology or contradiction
2. Define Conditional operator with example.
3. Using laws of logic, show that {ℸ𝑃 Λ (ℸ𝑄 Λ R)} 𝑉 (𝑄 Λ R) 𝑉 (𝑃 Λ R) ⇔ R.
4. Without using truth tables find the PDNF and PCNF of (𝑃 Λ Q) 𝑉 (ℸ𝑃 Λ 𝑅 ).
5. Obtain the PCNF and PDNF of the formula (  P   Q)  ( P   Q ).
6. Use indirect method of proof to prove that (x) (P(x) ∨ Q(x)) (x)P(x) ∨
7. Show that (𝑅Λ𝑆) can be derived from the premises 𝑃 → 𝑄, 𝑄 →
ℸ𝑅, 𝑅, 𝑃 𝑉(𝑅Λ𝑆) 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑄.
p  (q  r ), q  (r  s)  p  (q  s)
8. Using CP rule, derive
9. “Express the statement using quantifiers.
i) “ For every x there exist a ‘y’ such that x2 + y 2  100” in symbolic form.
ii) “If Somebody is female and is a parent, then this person is someone’s mother.”
10. Show the following statements constitute a valid argument.
a. “ If there was a ball game then travelling was difficult. If they arrived on
b. time, then traveling was not difficult. They arrived on time. Therefore
c. there was no ball game.

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