Earth Sci Unit 1

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Lesson 1.1: the amount of redshift is proportional

Big Bang Theory to the distance of the galaxy; i.e.
nearby galaxies have smaller redshifts
Big Bang Theory than distant galaxies
- a cosmological model explaining how the universe
began; universe started its expansion about 13.8 - ultimately supported
billion years ago Lemaître’s proposal of the expanding universe
• Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson
Overview of the Big Bang Theory
- American astronomers, who studies the cosmic
• Bread-raisin Model radiation in 1964
- universe: bread; galaxies: raisins - cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation:
- raisin does not expand; it only moves apart as the microwaves with wavelengths of about 7
dough rises centimeters

• Singularity → thermal energy released when the ionized

- an area predicted to be in the core of a black hole gases became neutral particles as the early
with very high temperature and density universe cooled down
- constantly expands and cools → leftover
- rate of expansion is almost equal to the rate of
Drawbacks of the Big Bang Theory
- failed to explain how the universe was created,
• Nucleosynthesis
failed to explain how the galaxies formed
- formation of elements, such as hydrogen and helium - It just explains how it evolve and not where it
→ led to the formation of the stars and the originated.
galaxies; stars led to the formation of other
cosmic bodies such as planets, comets, and
asteroids As universe expands, its density increases.
- no new matter is added as it expands
Proponents of the Big Bang Theory
- Density = mass/volume
• Georges Henri Joseph Edouard Lemaître → increasing volume at constant mass yields
- Belgian priest; expanding universe decreased density
- first proponent
Lesson 1.2:
- Cosmic Egg: an explosive act of primeval atom
Steady State and Oscillating Universe Theory
- was not recognized by most cosmologists since it
was not supported by empirical evidence at that Steady State Theory
time - universe has no beginning and no end

• Edwin Powell Hubble Overview of the Steady State Theory

- an American astronomer
Universe has always been here and will always be
- Hubble’s law: provided evidence that the universe
present; the universe continuously expands while
was not static but expanding simultaneously creating matter.
- 1923: spotted what he thought as a flaring nova star - density remains constant
in the M31 nebula or the Andromeda constellation - rate of the death of stars = to the rate of birth of
(Andromeda galaxy, the nearest galaxy in the Milky stars; universe is not evolving over time

Proponents of the Steady State Theory Lesson 1.3:

Nebular Theory
• Hermann Bondi, Thomas Gold, and Fred Hoyle
- physicists from Cambridge Nebular Theory
- watched the horror movie “Dead of Night” - “nebula” cloud
→ universe was dynamic but unchanging - stars originate from interstellar gas and dust
Drawbacks of the Steady State Theory - solar system was formed about 4.6 billion years ago
- describes Earth starting from molten mass
It is not parallel with the law of conservation of
energy and mass. Description of the Nebular Theory
Three Major Steps on How the Solar System was Formed:
cloud collapse, formation of protoplanetary disk, and
The Oscillating Universe Theory growth of planets
- universe is expanding and will contract once all the
energy after the big bang has been used up Cloud Collapse
- pulsating theory The collapsed cloud of interstellar gas and dust
results to a smaller radius which means it will spin faster.
Overview of the Oscillating Universe Theory
This resulted to flattened disk of cloud with central bulge.
combination of the big bang and the big crunch
Formation of Protoplanetary Disk
• Big Crunch Metals and silicates could exist near the sun because
- universe expands and eventually reverses, then these compounds have higher boiling points.
collapses causing the formation of a singularity or
the occurrence of another big bang • Terrestrial planets:
- Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars
• Big Bounce - could not grow in huge diameter because of the
- once the universe reverses and attains the point of
limited reserve of metallic elements in the solar
singularity, another universe will be born
Proponent of Oscillating Universe Theory
• Jovian planets
• Richard Tolman - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
- an American mathematical physicist and physical - huge planets made up of gases without land surfaces
chemist - farther from the sun; forming these massive, but
- made essential contributions on theoretical low-density planets
- theorized that the universe may be first in the cycle, Growth of Planets
or it could be a result of a previous big bounce event Dust and grains surrounding the sun eventually
- “Relativity, Thermodynamics and Cosmology”: formed clumps; clumps then accreted forming planetesimals
universe has zero energy because the positive mass
energy and negative gravitational energy cancel each • Planetesimal
other - a small celestial body that once collide together, it
tends to fused to form the planets of the solar
Drawbacks of Oscillating Universe Theory
Scientists discovered many loopholes; universe
Proponents of the Nebular Theory
would collapse on its own after it reached its full expansion:
violate some current laws of physics, such as the postulated • Emmanuel Swedenborg: first proponent
existence of dark energy • Immanuel Kant: developed the theory

• Pierre-Simon Laplace: independently developed and Unlike the planetesimal theory, the tidal theory
proposed a similar model proposes that the hot gas from the passing star condensed
into planets instead of condensing into planetesimals
Drawbacks of the Nebular Theory
does not follow the law of angular momentum Proponents of the Tidal Theory

REMEMBER • James Jean: English physicist and astronomer

• Harold Jeffreys: an English mathematician and
Denser materials sink (iron, nickel), less dense astronomer
materials float to the atmosphere.
Drawbacks of the Tidal Theory
Lesson 1.4:
Encounter Theory One problem of the tidal theory is that the hot
material from either star cannot contract. Thus, planets will
Encounter Theory not form.
- planets were formed from the material ejected from
the sun during an encounter with another celestial
- has 2 (two) several forms including:
planetesimal theory
tidal theory

The Planetesimal Theory

A passing star termed as intruding star nearly
collided with the protosun.
- describes Earth starting from a solid mass smaller
than its present size
The oceans and the atmosphere were formed on Earth
through volcanic activities.

Proponents of the Planetesimal Theory

• Thomas Chrowder Chamberlin: an American geologist
• Forest Ray Moulton: an American astronomer

Drawbacks of the Planetesimal Theory

This theory is no longer accepted today due to the
fact that hot material from the sun expands and dissipates
rather than contract.

The Tidal Theory

- solar system formed as a result of a near collision

between a passing star and the sun


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