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Pao Copyegh © 0), Dvd Aan AI Rigs Read ANTON psa nd sm ny wed opto roto i aramge spree Be nie Como a of ante onal fmt (Cees Cementca the Ural Copy Cece, again St sat an ae eye hos Syririn ayW a rel nel coy hfe a em Ba cP, Ss ting Se ea page sack and ama by ORaMaATISTS LAY SERVICE, Rito No pameeste Bist witowr cian in sane Riv Senvice ie ‘os cept ter las eg, SP 16h Hoo, New ek, NY 10010. Att: Jaton ais one Secu. Nore fans rein OE TE twpcte Hag dtd i amen wk one ee Pt a th eg eer my cmel dd fo al Pei foe ra roduction leat fot tse aed pecs aon i a 3 pos nd oe recon ene tc reopen a ie, ‘sl ing kd meg ra ee a Sten nt oesnes nw acon rope aren a cpr owneh mu Soc Other Lhesopii omer af ch mp, tings ar eee ee ‘ngs semigemcs or coding inthe pubic Sonat ay See PROOF premicred ae Manhattan Theatre Club (Lynne Meadows Aine Direror, Barry Grove, Executive Produces) in New York Cry om May 23, 2000, Ie wae dncted by Daniel Sullivans the st denn was by John Lee Beaty, the lighting design was by Dat Cling, the original music and sound. design. were by John Gromads: the costume design was by Jes: Goldstein; and the rodction sage manager was ames Hes, The at was allows ROBERT Lary Bayggman CATHERINE ‘ary-Lowize Parker HAL Ten Shennan cual Johanna Day PROOF was subsequently produced on Broadway atthe Walter kere Theatre by Manet Theare Club, Roger Bedlind, Carle Shorenstein Hays, jjameyn Theses, Oxar Enerpries, Darl Rodh and Seat Thompson on October 24, 2000 Iwas directed by Daniel Sallvany the sex design war by Joba Lee Beaty the lighting design was by Pat Calling the orginal music and sound dssign were by Jobn Gromads; the costume design was by Jes GGoldscin; and she production stage manager vas fares Hasker The est was a follows ROBERT. Larry Beyggman CATHERINE Mary-Louise Pater HAL. ‘Ben Shenkman CLARE Johanna Dy CHARACTERS ROBERT, sos CATHERINE, 25 CLAIRE, 29 HAL, 28 SETTING The back porch ofa house in Chicago PROOF ACT ONE Scene 1 Nigh. Catherine chain Sh it twenty-five, exhated, Inaphazavdly dese. Eye ced. Ber i ezning bind then He i Catherines father. Raped academic lok oben dcr nt know be thee fer « moment ROBERT. Cant sleep? CATHERINE. Jesus, you scared me. ROBERT. Sor CATHERINE. What ae you doing hese? ROBERT. I choughe i check upon you. Why are you in bed? CATHERINE. Your tuden i ell hire, Hes up in your stay. ROBERT. He cat le hielo. CATHERINE. T might ar well mic up dll he's done. ROBERT. Hes not my student anymore. Hes teiching now Bright kid, (Boot) CATHERINE. What time ii? ROBERT. 1c slmon one CATHERINE. Huh, ROBERT. After midnight CATHERINE. S22 ROBERT. So: (He indices something on these bind bims a bose of champagne) Happy birthday (CATHERINE. Ds. ROBERT. Do I ever forge? CATHERINE, Thank you. ROBERT. Twengy-five cant believe i CATHERINE. Neither ean. Should we have ic now? ROBERT. Tes up to you CATHERINE. Yes ROBERT. You want me to open i? CATHERINE. Let me. Last time you opened a botle of cham- pagae out here you broke a window. ROBERT. That wasa long ime ago, {resent your bringing cup CATHERINE” Ys ky you tn ae ap eo gee bottle.) = . ROBERT: Trenp-fve! CATHERINE” Teo ROBERT Youtes kid CATHERINE. Glass ROBERT, Gadam org the lanes, Do you wat me to— CATHERINE. "Nah (Se ins fom the bie bog pall ‘abr wate br) ROBERT. Thope you lik i. {wasn sure what ge you CATHERINE. ‘Tass the worse chempagne {hae cist ROBERT. Lam proud roy I dont le ating ove wes "hat thse kind of people wh are sys ang abet vn CATHERINE. Ieenot even champagne. = — RORERT. The bot was the tight shape CATHERINE. “Great Lakes Vines” I dda know they ROBERT Agi wic aking from he bot shold om- phn, Dont gun eh a lan beverage CATHERINE. (Offering the botsle.) Do you ee ROBERT. No, go ahead CATHERINE You sre ROBERT. Yeuh, your birdy. CATHERINE. Happy birthday co me. ROBERT. What are you going vo do on your bith CATHERINE. Drink this Have some. . ROBERT. No. hope oie no pening you birchdsy alone. CATHERINE. Tm ot lone = ROBERT | dor coune CATHERINE” Why noe SOBER Tip your man. Goon with some end CATHERINE Ripe ROBERT our fens arn aking you 08? EXTERN he ROBERT. Why yo? CATHERINE, Besse in oder your end 1 tke ou out you geal tee hve nda ROBERT (Dime) On — RTHERINE, Tr fy how sa wos ROBERT. You have ends, What su! acct onde, what warhernane CATHERINE woae ROBERT She ver ovr on Eli rene — you ed pend Sey mine ogc EXTHIERINE "indy cote ROBERT Cindy ies! CATHIRONE. Th warn i gre, Da. He fly moved seta ODERT What our Claire : EXTERNE Sent my nd shy sites Anse in New Yr. And Idole he OBEN {coop ses coming in. CATHERINE: Neal esr, Ca) ROBERT Mavic yu nd our awe gh tem add sone tres CATHERINE: Ot plese ROBERT We cold me tpt GATHER Ne ROBERT Wy we CATHERINE” Pent nk of anything Wome You se you fort wan sy? ROBERT Wry thnks Meuued e ERIN, Novy OBERT Yo knw ars pine number wa before yo old = CATHERINE. Well now Ive forgoten ROBERT. (Herd) Dont waste your talent, Catherine. (Beat) CATHERINE. Tenew you'l sy something ike har ROBERT. I realize you've had dffeal ne CATHERINE. Thanks. ROBERT. Thaté not an excuse. Don be lary. CATHERINE, I havent been ly, Ive been aking cae of you, ROBERT. Kid, Ive seen you. You deep el noon jou et Joak, os dont work, the dishes pileup inthe snk, Ifyou go cut tvs ‘uy magazines You come back wih sac of agains th igh Fy dent know how you read that erp: And there are the good days. Some days you dont getup, you don ge ou of bed CATHERINE. Those are the good das, ‘ROBERT. Balls Those dys arelst. You threw them away, And youll never know whac ele you theew away with them decane you los the ideas you didat have, dscoveres Jou mover made ‘because you were moping in your bed at four in the afernoon (Best) You know Ti ight, (Boa) CATHERINE. Ive ort few day. ROBERT. How many? CATHERINE. Ob {dont know. ROBERT. I bet you do, CATHERINE, What? ROBERT. I bee you count, CATHERINE. Knock ic of ROBERT. Well do you know or dont you? CATHERINE, I dont. ROBERT. Of course you do. How many days have you los? CATHERINE. “A month, Around 1 moath ROBERT, Exactly CATHERINE. Goddamn it [dort — ROBERT. HOW MANY? ‘CATHERINE. Thinty-chice day. ROBERT. Exscly? CATHERINE. I dont know. ROBERT. Be pect, for Chisake CATHERINE. I slepe il noon today. ROBERT. Callie thicy-threc and quarter days a CATHERINE. Ye at ight ROBERT. Ye ding CATHERINE. No ROBERT. Anating number CATHERINE” irs deprsing fecking number. ROBERT. Catherine, eer day you sy ys lost were yen, ie would bea vey intctogSchng ori CATHERINE. Thin the and a quarter yeti not imeresing ROBERT Stop i Yoo know crcdy what mean CATHERINE” (Coneding) 1729 work ROBERT. 1,729, Gat urbe The smal umber exes CATHERINE. — express the sum a wo cab im wo i rene way ROBERT. The ced pls one cubed equ 1.729. CATHERINE. And en Gabel pls nie cab Ye woe got ic Sask you ROBERT. You sce Even your depresion i mathemascl Stop Imoping and geo work Th Kindo orn you hae CATRERINE: I hen done anyig ood ROBERT, Yovte young. Youve got tis CATHERINE. 1 do? ROBERT. Yer CATHERINE. By the ime you wee my age you were amos, ROBERT. By che tine I mot yor ap Fé sad done ny bax work Bet) CATHERINE, what sou ae? ROBERT. Afr wae CXTHERINE® Afer you gor sick ROBERT. What abou i CATHERINE. You could work she. ROBERT No, ifanyhing | was supe CATHERINE” (he cn p gh) Dad ROBERT. twas Hoy te. The daly char was the amazing thing. No dou: ‘CATHERINE. You were happy? ROBERT Yoh, Terbuy CATHERINE. Nov these thi ROBERT 1 don the dite ew what waned do 9 and 1d ic TEL waned to work problem all day loog, i TET wanted to look fr infomation — screener and tantalizing mesages I could find them all around nee te In pile of fallen leaves some neighbor tke together In bee ‘cores inthe paps writen inthe cam coming Up ofa cap ot coffes The whole workd was talking omer SS SP TFL ja wanted o close my eye, st giey on the porch and lsen forthe messge. 1 did ta Tear wonder (Ben) CATHERINE: Tow od were you? When eared ROBERT. Mid-wences. Twenty-three, four (se) Isha what youre woced about? CATHERINE. Ive though sbou ROBERT. Ju geting year alder means nothing, Catherine CATHERINE. Ie nor ja gong oder ROBERT. tes me da) CATHERINE. Tve though above i ROBERT, Rely? CATHERINE. How could noe ROBERT. Walif ths why yout wore you'e not keeping up with che medical literature, Thee ae all Kinds of Beton Te ne simply something you here Jus because I went bughouse doce mean yu wil CATHERINE, Dad ROBERT. Listen o me Life changes ft in your ely twenties and it shakes you up. Youre fling down. ley been a bad week You've had = lousy couple eas, no one knows that beter tha me But youre gonna be okay CATHERINE, Yeah? ROBERT. Yes. promite you. Push yourself Dost read so many magazines Sit down and gt the machinery going andl wen God youl fel fine. The simple fit that we eat ale abou tie together is good sign, CATHERINE, A good sign? ROBERT. Ys! CATHERINE. How could i be a good sign? ROBERT. Because! Crary people dont st around wondeting if 0 theyre nate CATHERINE. They doa't ROBERT. Of course not. They've got beer things todo, Takei from me, Avery good sign that you ery isan inability to ask the question, "Am Tera" (CATHERINE. Even if the answer i yee? ROBERT. Crany people dont ae You se? CATHERINE. Yer ROBERT. $0 if youre aking CATHERINE. I'm not ROBERT. Bur if you were, ie would be avery god sgn CATHERINE. good sign ROBERT. A goad sgn that youre fine CATHERINE. Right. ROBERT. You se! Youve jus gort shin these sings ehrough ‘Now come on, what do you say? Lets all ica night, you go tp ire some slep, and chen in dhe morning you can CATHERINE, Wale No ROBERT. Whats the maser? CATHERINE. Te doce work ROBERT. Why noe? (CATHERINE. Te docs make sens ROBERT. Sure it docs, CATHERINE. No. ROBERT. Where che problem? CATHERINE. The peablem i you ae cry ROBERT. Wha difference doc that make? CATHERINE. You admived — You jut told me thar you ae ROBERT, So? CATHERINE. You sid a cay person would never admit ha. ROBERT. Yeah, bur its. ob. [se CATHERINE. ‘So? ROBERT es pipe. : CATHERINE. So how can you admit it ROBERT. Wall, Because I'm aso dead. Beat.) Arent CATHERINE. Yo ed ag ROBERT. Heac ile, Quick The funerals tomorrow. (CATHERINE. ‘That why Cire fying in from New York. ROBERT Ye. CATHERINE. You siting hee You giving me advice, You rough me champagne ROBERT Ya: ae) CATHERINE. Which means ROBERT. For you? CATHERINE. Yor ROBERT. Fo ou Cathie my auger, vho I lve voy sah ie ould bes bad sgn, (Thy gr for a noe [ote of Hal exon, nse. tin, wip Sos He Sect and ajc, fled He the dong ed bok Catherines th jn) CATHERINE” Wha’ HAL. Oh, God sony — Di wake your CATHERINE. Wine HAL. Were you ap? (ate Reber is gone) CATHERINE "Yost me, for Chae, What ae you ing HAL Tn sony dat eae it had gore oles. Tm done for the nigh CATHERINE. Good HAL. Drinking alone? (She rishi bling the champagne bore She pu dom si) cae CATHERINE. ‘ex HAL. Champagne huh? CATHERINE “o. HAL. Ceebraing? CATHERINE No.1 jus ike champa HAL és fesive, a CATHERINE Whar HAL. Fesive ie mate on aeled ‘ary grure CATHERINE. Do you want some? ee BAL Sue CATHERINE, (Gite hi he boric dope You cn ke te ves ith ou HAL Oh No hanks CATHERINE. Take i'm done HAL. No,I sould im diving. (Beat) 2 Wal cane myself out (CATHERINE, Good HAL. When shuld | come bale CATHERINE. Come bake HAL. Yeh. im nowhere nae inthe, Maybe tomorow? CATHERINE” We have fone omorow HAL. God, you'evigh, im sary {was going ro tend ua al she CATHERINE. Yeu HAL. Wha about Sunday? Wil you be around? CATHERINE. You've had thee days HL. Td love to get in some more ime up ther. CATHERINE. How much longer do you be HAL. Another week. Ae leet CATHERINE. ‘Are you joing? HAL. Ne. Do you Know how mach stuff there CATHERINE. A wel HA. howjo do xs any in yous ar sight so Lok, I spent te st couple das gating everhing sorted oo es mos noteboks: He ded thm all now tha ve gor ther iene dot veto werk hve I could ake some sot howe, read, bing back CATHERINE. No, HAL. Il be cel CATHERINE. My fer woulda wane anything moved and dont want anything ove this howe HAL "Thea should work here say out of he way CATHERINE. You's wating your ine HAL. Someone nee ogo through your dads papers CATHERINE. Theres nothing up tere i guage. HAL. Thee ate a handed and thee nebo CATHERINE. Tve looked a shose. Ke ibe HAL. Someone shoud wad them CATHERINE. He was cry HAL. Yes, but he wrote chem CATHERINE. He vasa graphomania, Harold. Do you know seh thai HAL. Thaw. He woe compulsive Call ne Hal B CATHERINE. Ther no conneton baween the ides. Theres rides sik a monkey ats pewter One hued and hee totebonk fall of ul HAL. Lets me sre hey bli CATHERINE. Tn se HAL, Tm prepared o look a evry page Are ou? CATHERINE” No, 'M noc craye Gets) AL. Wal i goon beste Some find of mie ae inthis band, Theye plying ts Bar up on Diversey. Way down the il theyre potly golg om sound ewe, ews. Tl be ee CATHERINE. Gren HAL. ‘They all inthe math deparcent. Thee realy good ‘They have his greet song, you keeled"? — lowers Thay just sand there and dently anything fr sve minutes CATHERINE. “lnsginny Numbec™ HAL. Kes math jose “ou ee why they way down the bil CATHERINE! Longe oxen in bad IAL. Ga hat hen people sy thats ot ha longa dive CATHERINE. So choy we nae = HAL. Ob they raging eck But they gc who, you know ‘andres hemes. ld down ob sts major uatersity Some of chem have suite from gis contac They pla ‘ports the pa in band, they get aid sapeivingy often 0 in {Eats they tor of make you queton che whl et of rma — peck, nerd, work, dveeh, Die, pester CATHERINE. Youle inthis andy neat yout HAL Oly ys py roms You want come! never sing. CATHERINE. No shanks: HAL. All ht Look Cathrine, Mondey: What do you i? CATHERINE” Dont you have ob? HAL Yeh hes filling od his quae plas my own CATHERINE. Plus band practice HAL, T dont have tne odo this bu Tim going t,IFyull et ‘me. (Beat.) loved your dad. ere . | dont beive mid lk sca just shat down, Heh acd “ moments. He had acd yes a whole yea four years go CATHERINE. Tear oye It wor noe ike fine month FAL. Achool year He war advising students. Twa sled on ‘ny TD. Lasts dost gulting ee with your dad and he fume on de sigh ack with my reach eh. ERTHERINE. Sore HAL, Look, Let me — You went. righ? CATHERINE. How old ae you HAL. edocs mater Listen: CATHERINE. Fuck yo, how oi are you HAL. Tim oveng-sigh, ll ght? When your dad was younger tha hth oe mide mar anion © te Fe ne theory, lgebrse geometry, and noalnesr operator eo on ‘of ts never get our heads asound. one” He batcly invented the mathematica techniquer for reying rational ielavion and he ge the stopyscite penny 0 work over oo Okay? CATHERINE, Dori ecu me TIAL. Tm noc im ing you cae up with one-tenth of the ‘hit your dd produced I cold wet my own eke fo any math depres inthe county (Beat) CRTHERINE: Give me your backpack HAL. Whae CATHERINE. Give me your backpack HAL. Way CATHERINE. 1 want ook inside ie HAL. Whae CATHERINE, Open i and give ieto me HAL. Ob come on CATHERINE” Youte no king anything ou of his house FAL. vould do tae CATHERINE. You're hoping o find something ups hat ou can publi HAL. Sore CATHERINE, Then you can wit your own ticket, HAL. Whae No! ewould be under your dads nae. woul be for your dad CRTVIERINE, 1 don believe you. You havea nozebook in that 15 backpack HAL. What are you ealking bout? CATHERINE” Give itt me HAL. You're beings lil bie paranoid. CATHERINE. PARANOID? HAL. Maybe litle. CATHERINE. Fuck you, HAL, I KNOW you have one of my notebooks. HAL. [think you shoeld calm down and thi ying CATHERINE. Im yi familys property IAL. Andi think tha sounds paranoid CATHERINE, Jus because I'm paranoid docs mean there int something in chat bckpack ou js sid yousel here nothing up there. Dida you? CATHERINE. 1 — . HAL, Didat you sy that? CATHERINE. Yes, HAL. So what would I eae? Righe Boat) CATHERINE. You‘e right HAL. Thank you CATHERINE. So you dont need to come back, HAL. (Sigh) Pleas. Someone should know for sure whether — CATHERINE. [LIVED WITH HIM, 1 spec my life with hm. fed im Talked eo him. Tied ole {en when he alked. Talked to people who: were dere etched him shufling around lke a ghost. A very smelly phere He was filthy. Thad co make sre he bathed. My own fachce HAL. Tim sory. shoulda have CATHERINE, ‘Afer ny mother died it was jus me her. Tred to kp him happy no maces what oie projec ws dang, Le sed to read all day, He kept demanding more and more boty 1 took them out of the lbrry bythe eaoad. We hed horace ‘pats, Then Leaied he was reading: He believed aliens wens sending him messages through the dewey decimal namibec or ane Tibrary books, He was trying ro workout the cade ink about what youre ing yout lying to me and stealing. my 6 HAL, What kindof messager? CATHERINE. "Beautiful machematcs. Answees to everything ‘The mos elegant proof, perfect proofs, rool lke musi HAL. Soundr good, (CATHERINE: Plus fision ps, knock-knoe jokes —1 mean i vas NUTS, okay? HAL. He wall. Fewas tragedy CATHERINE, ‘Later the weting phase: scribbling, nineteen, ‘enty hours a day. ordered hima case of notebeoks and fe sed every one 1 dropped out of school. Lm gl he dead HAL, T undestand why youd fel thac way. CATHERINE. Fuck you HEAL. You‘evight I can imagine deling with sha, Ie must have been awful know you — CATHERINE” You dont know me. I want co be alone. I dont ‘want him aound. HAL. (Confised) Hin? I don't — ‘CATHERINE. You. dont want yu her, HAL. Why? ‘CATHERINE, Hes dead HAL, Buc I'm nor — (CATHERINE. THE’ dead; I dont need any proégés around. HAL, ‘There will be other CATHERINE, What TIAL. You think Tim the only one? People ate already working ‘ove his stuf. Someone’ gonna read those notebooks CATHERINE. TT do i HAL. No, you — CATHERINE. He my fhe, do i HAL. You can CATHERINE. Why noe HAL. You dont have the math Ie ll use squiggles on 3 page You wouldnt know dhe good sll rom the junk CATHERINE. Ie all junk HAL. fics noc we eat afford ro mise any through carelessness. CATHERINE. I now mathemati, HAL. TF there were anything up there it would be prety high v7 in and gives it back. Bae) ee ‘My Mon dis couple ers go and was prey broken up CATHERINE. Tm fine. Beat) ee ings wes It not too ead yee Ifyou mane wo corse soma CATHERINE "Wate your coat. tearm) ane me comorrow. (Best They are both 8 HAL. Jc old on. CATHERINE. Cec out HAL. Cao I please jst — CATHERINE. Ger the Fick ou of my how. HAL. Linen to me fora mins CATHERINE. (Mining te bok) You sole hie HAL. Let e expsin! CATHERINE. You soe fiom ME, you sole ie fom my FATHER — (lnc she boob) HAL, Twaneto show you something, wil yu calm down? CATHERINE. Give iba HAL, Jum waits minute CATHERINE. Tim cling the police. (Se ick ap te phone and iat) HAL. Dont, Look, {borrowed she book ll sight? Pim sory, ue sk cup before cane downs and hough Ti EXTHERINE. (Os phone) Hale HAL. 1 it for eon CATHERINE, Hel, Plc? 1 —Yo, ik to epor a obey HALT nods something — something your fther wrote. All fight Noc math, something be wite Heeler me how yo CATHERINE. A ROBBERY. HAL. Will you put she faking phone down and tent me? CATHERINE. (On phone) Yes,Tm 35724 South — HAL. Its out you Sec YOU. leas writen abou ou. Her’ your name: CATH. See CXTHIERUNE. South =. (She pons She seme be ening) HAL (Rend,)°A. good doy. Some vey good ems fom Catherine Tir know what hat fee, buf hough you fi CATHERINE” When di he wie tis? HAL, Lehi fur yer ago The banding is ead. mur fave ben during his eon, “Theres moe. (A moment. Cathrine bans xp the plone) “Machinery nor woekng ye but [ar pene, “The achingty” tha heclled hie mind, hit bilty to do snathemat. » CATHERINE. 1 toon HAL lead)" know Tl thee aan auto michanic whe afc yas prey work ons hopes wed used ood ae ine cough, Tam not deving yr burs ce oes sling we ude pe Sy dows ting cea cs sein strans ng bate l ti of noe "Mt ofall Cay. The yen he alot ering almon wits wae ie he ful wo lt ne Se Seed ied — er keeping mex home cng for me heel he tly eed mye Made wating ts pole Made wee to linagine doing math sun. Wher dans her meng none Frome nee pay ht aT i he ity She eng-on. Fn tang he to Dated September fourth Thats onto CATHERINE tod HAL. You righ (hates be bot) hgh you mighe wtf ce 1 shoul ave id wo sneak out. Temorow Twat gong fo —it wounds stapid sow 7 wip Sti (ed xia. Ca apy birthday. (al ei Catherine is ane. She puter ead in er hands Soe nes. Eventual te tops, wie ber pes Pon a plein, drt cee) CATHERINE. "Sne Fade Scene 2 ‘The nex morning. Clie spl, aac, dink cof fom stg. She has bree bagel and fut ott the arch on ‘ay She nonices the champagne bole beng onthe or. She ‘ici up andres ion a ale. Catherine enter Her bir ‘nse fom a hower CLAIRE, Beer Much, CATHERINE. Thanks. CLAIRE, Feel betes? CATHERINE. Yeah CLAIRE, You look milion imes beter Have some cof. CATHERINE. Otay. CLAIRE, How do you tke ie CATHERINE. Bleck CLAIRE. Have lise mille (Sbe pours) Want a banana? Iisa ood thing I brought Food: There was nothing inthe house. CATHERINE. Tre ben meaning to go shopping CLAIRE. Have a bags. CATHERINE. No! hate breakfast, Best.) CLAIRE. You dias put on the des CATHERINE. Dida reilly fel kei, CLAIRE. Don't you want to ty it on? Se if fis? CATHERINE. Til put icon later. (ost) CLAIRE. you want to dey you hr | have hie dries. CATHERINE. Nah CCLAIRE. Did you us chat conditioner I broughe you? CATHERINE. No, shi forgx CLAIRE. Ie my fiver You love Katie. I want you ty CATHERINE. Ture it nex cme CLAIRE. Youll ike iI as ojos, CATHERINE. Whats “ojbs"? CLAIRE. 1es something they pu in for healthy hai 2 CATHERINE, Haic ie dead CLAIRE, Whe CATHERINE. Is dead cisue You cant make it “healthy” CLAIRE, Whatever, ifs something that good for your baie CATHERINE. Wha, a chemical? CLAIRE. Noi organi CATHERINE. Wel ican be organic and sill be a chemical CLAIRE. I dont know what iis CATHERINE, Havent you cve bead of organi chemist? CLAIRE. Ie makes my hit eh, lok, and smell good. Thats the extent of my information about it. You mighe like iif you decide CATHERINE. Thanks, yi CLAIRE, Good, the dress does fe we an go downtown and exchange it CATHERINE. Olay CLAIRE. Take you ro lunch, CATHERINE. Gree. CLAIRE. Maybe Sunday before Igo back. De you mend any- hing CATHERINE. Like date? CLAIRE. Oc anything. While Tm here. CATHERINE. Nah im col. (Bea) CLAIRE. I chought weld have some poople over tonight. IFyoute Fecling oly CATHERINE. I'm feling olay, Cir, sop saying ha, CLAIRE, You dont have any plans? CATHERINE. No, CLAIRE, J owdered some food, Wins, bees CATHERINE. We are buying Dad this sfernoon, CLAIRE. 1 think ie willbe allright. Anyone wha been o the faneral and wants vo come ove or something to ext can An ies ‘the only time I can se any old Chicago fiends. fel be nce. Is a funeral but we dant have co be complerly grim about iI is okay with you CATHERINE. Yes, sure, CLAIRE, 1s been 3 sresfilcime, I would be good to relaxin low-key way. 2 Mich sy CATHERINE” Hi, Mich CLAIRE, Hes cali sorry he could come CATHERINE. Yeah, hes gonna mie al she fon CLAIRE. He wanted ro ate you He sends hi ove. Uo Kien you se him son enough ‘Were geting mare CATHERINE No she CLAIRE. Ys! We jot decided CATHERINE. Vile. CLAIRE. Yee! CATHERINE. Wheat CLAIRE, nosey. CATHERINE” Huh, CLAIRE, Were not ging todo ge hing. Hi falls are gone {co Jat Cy al en tig inner sour vote restau fr Stfour ends And you fue [hope youl be nthe weding CATHERINE. "Yah OF coune, Congrulion, Cave, Tm realy happy for you CLAIRE Thanos me co, We just dail ic wat ine. Hijab is get je gor promod CATHERINE: Heh, CLAIRE. You wil comet CATHERINE. Yes ue. Januar? I mean {dnt hive to ches toy calendar o anything Sr CLAIRE: “Thamar every happy: (Bet) How ae you? CATHERINE. Olay CLAIRE. How ace you eng about everthing? CATHERINE. About “everthing”? CLAIRE. About Da. CATHERINE” Whac shout him? CLAIRE, How areyou fling shout is enh? Are you alight CATHERINE. Yer Tm CLAIRE, Honest? CATHERINE. Yeu : CLAIRE: I sink in some wait was the “ght ine.” I thee ‘Do fukn wha you want 0d om? 23 (CATHERINE. No. CLAIRE. Do you wane to say here? CATHERINE? T deat know. CLAIRE. Do you want to go back ro school? (CATHERINE, I have thought about i CLAIRE. Wel theresa lor to think sbout Hw do you fee? (CATHERINE. Dhysialy? Gres. Except my hair tems kind of tunalhy, [wish there were something could do abou chat, CLAIRE. Come on, Catherine (CATHERINE. What ie the pone of all hese quetions?(Beet,) CCAIRE. Kae, ome poiemen cae by wie you wer in he CATHERINE, Yea? CLAIRE. Thay sid they were “checking up” on things hee Sezing how everything was this morning CATHERINE. (Neutral) Tha was nice CLAIRE. They old me they responded to call las night and came to the house, CATHERINE, Yee CLAIRE. Did you cal che police le night? CATHERINE, Yeh, CLAIRE. Why? (CATHERINE. I thought the house wa being robbed. CLAIRE. Bur ie warn (CATHERINE. No. changed say ind. Bec.) CLAIRE. Fint you call 911 with an emergency and chen you hang up on thers — (CATHERINE. T dnc relly wane them co come, CLAIRE. So why did you ell CATHERINE. [as tying 0 gecthis guy out ofthe house. CLAIRE, Whot CATHERINE. One of Da tadent. CLAIRE, Dad hasnt had any sudents for yeas CATHERINE. (No, he WAS Dads student Nov hei — he a mathematician CLAIRE. "Why war hein the house inthe Fie place? CATHERINE, Well he been coming hese to look at Dats note » books. CLAIRE. In the middle of ce night? (CATHERINE. Iewas lt, [war wating for hen to finish and last ‘ight I thought he might have boen sealing them CLAIRE. Stein the notebooks CATHERINE. YES. So [tld him 0 go, CLAIRE. Was he sealing them? CATHERINE. Yeu. Thats why [called che police CLAIRE. Wha ie his mats name? CATHERINE. Hal Hurold. Harold Dobbs CLAIRE. The police si you were the only one her (CATHERINE. He lft belore they got here CLAIRE. With the nrebooks? CATHERINE. No, Clie dont be stupid, there ae overa hun dred notebooks. He war ony stealing ONE, buc he was sealing i te he cul give ie BACK to me 9 let him go so he could pay ‘vith is band on the north side. CLAIRE. His bane (CATHERINE, He was late, He wanted me to come with him but Twas ike Yeah, igh (Beat) CLAIRE. (Gen Ie “Harold Dobbs” your boyfriend? CATHERINE. Not CLAIRE. Ate you sleeping with him? (CATHERINE, Whae Euughh! Not Hes a math gek! CLAIRE. And he's ina band? A rock band? CATHERINE. No marching Bnd He ls wombone. Ya rock band! CLAIRE, Wha is the name of his band? CATHERINE. How should I know? CLAIRE, “Harold Dobbs" dda el you the name of hi rock Band? CATHERINE. No, 1 dont know: Look in the paper They were playing las night, They do a song called “Imaginary Number that doeet exist. Bet) CLAIRE. Tm sory, Ui jase eying to understand: Is “Harold Dobbs CATHERINE. Stop siying "Harald Dobls." CLAIRE. In this. peson 2% CATHERINE, HAROLD DOBBS EXISTS. CLAIRE. Tn sare he doe CATHERINE, "Hes = mathematician at the Univeasiny of Chicago: Clie fsking math parent f CLAIRE. Don't ge upset Tim jue tying to understand! 1 mean iyo found ur some ep glad stent ting eke he of Ded pape and you i te ple Funder a You were ou here prying, drinking with your nk Bh wo nore dont ger Because you made up the bond” sory. was ae LON ee nt CLAIRE, Harold Dobbs want here? GATHERINE. No, he — YES, he wat here, but we werent prying” GLAIRES You ween denking wih him? CATHERINE. Nol CLAIRE. (She fold up the champagne bre) Thi was sing sah hee, Who were ou dining champagne wid (Chern ERB ave. Wh on Cate 2, Suit ces CEN ai 26 CLAIRE. Oh my God CATHERINE. T might have puthed him a ice CCLAIRE. They sid you were ether drunk or disturbed CATHERINE. They wanted co come in here and SEARCH MY HOUSE — CLAIRE, YOU called THEM, CATHERINE. Yer bu [didnt acally WANT them to come, But the did come and then they sured acing like they owned the place — pushing me sound, ealing me "gi" smiking a me laughing’ They were ishole. CLAIRE. ‘These guys seemed pevfctly nice, They wer of:duy fand they took the wouble to come back here atthe end of thet She co check upon you. They wee very poi CATHERINE. Wal people are nie you. (Bet) CLAIRE. Kase, Would you likes come to New York CATHERINE. Yes I tld you, Ill come in January. CLAIRE. You couid come sooner, Wel lve to have you. You could say with us. lea be Fn, CATHERINE. Tdonkt wane to ‘CLAIRE, Mirch has become sn excllene cook. I ike his hobby row, He buye all thee gadgew. Gale pres. olive oi prayer Every night theres something new. Delicious, wonderful meals “The ose day he made vegeaian chill CATHERINE, What dhe fuck ae you talking shout? CLAIRE. Say with us fora while. We would have so much fun CATHERINE. Thanks, im okay here CLAIRE, Chicago i dead, New Yor sso much mote Fas your care believe i CATHERINE. The Tun” thing i ily not where my focus a the moment (CLAIRE. T think New York would be ealy fun and «fe place for you to — CATHERINE. I donc need a safe place and 1 dont want co have say fat im pececly fine here AIRE, You lok tired. Think you could use some downtime. CATHERINE, Downsime? CLAIRE. Kate plere, Youve hada very hard time CATHERINE, im PERFECTLY OKAY, 2 CLAIRE. 1 kink youre up nd exhaused ‘CATHERINE. Ts FINE tl you ge here CLAIRE: Yes but ou HAL. (om off) Cahaine? CLAIRE. Who chat (4 bs. al ne) HAL Hey (Catherine tone and pes mphanly aim) CATHERINE. HAROLD DOoBaS! HAL. (Conf) CATHERINE. OKAY? 1 ely dont need thi, Chie i fine, You know, Fin totaly fine and then you swoop fa here wih tess {questions and Ae you okay” and your scthng tone of Yee, fd “Oh the poor polices’ Thnk the pokes can hand ‘hemseie — and bg and banana aod jojoba and "Come to Now Yo" and vegan chil | mean hale re of so just SAVE TT. Bet) GLAIRE, (Smoth Hel) Tm Chie. Catherines ster HAL, Oh, MT Fal Neco mex your (Onofre ber) ope its noe too ei I was jst Going to wo get tome wot dane before the ub-—ifuh fe 7 CLAIRE var CATHERINE. suse, oy (Hl exits A moment) CLAIRE. Thais Harold Dober CATHERINE” Yer CLAIRE. Het cu CATHERINE (Digucd) CLAIRE: Tes «neat CATHERINE hin you owe me an spoogy, lire CLAIRE. We need oniakesome decons. But should have ‘ied to arts shing inthe morning I dork want a epumene (Be) Nabe Hall i= bgt (Cerne doo tke te Fade Fy Scene 3 igh Ise he bse pary in prog Ld mie fae cee ood bat ecb Bnd. Cater Mioneon the pur. She weet fering Black dr de ‘he tan fais monber) Chee applene Afr moment Hafcones ov. Heswear ade ne Hebe ion isi Heincny nd rw-p lm playing. He bl Ie bites of bee Ctherine rears A beat (CATHERINE. 1 feel sha for fame scepson hit might have forten bt ot of cone FEAL Aw come one great. Come on in CATHERINE. Tn okay HAL. Were done lying, promise CATHERINE. No, dun HAL, Do you wants bea? CATHERINE. Ti okay HAL. L brought you one. (Bae. She eae.) CATHERINE. Olay (Stk ip) How many people aein thee HAL, Ie dowa to shou fo CATHERINE” Foss? AL J hhc pre, CATHERINE. My site fiend HAL, No, mathmaccns Your Sites fiends eft hours ago. “Fhe gaye wee rly lend eo be ated wo parcpte They wortipel your dad CATHERINE! Teas Chir iden AL rvs good CATHERINE (Conder) The performance of “Inaginary Number vas. sort of moving HAL, Good fuser: mein not "god" but — CATHERINE. No, Yea 29 HAL. Can you betev hw many people came? CATHERINE. Iwo suprid FAL T thiak he would hve ket. (She od a im) Sori tot my pace wo CATHERINE. No, youre sighe Eseryhing was beter chan I hough. (oe HAL You look gre CATHERINE. (Tnlcne the des) Chic ave cto me HAL. hei CATHERINE. te does eal HAL. No, Catering, it good. moment Noe om inde) CATHERINE. When do you think thi eres HAL, No way to know: Mathematicians ae asane went this ‘aferece in Tron las fl Tim young. ight Tn a hope though could hang with he ig bop Wong Teer rest exhausted in ny ie For-ighr sah hour of parson an ing ug, paper, eure CATHERINE. Brag HAL, Yeah. Amphetsmincs, mostly. | meant dont. Some of he de guys acl hooked CATHERINE” Reale HAL. Yeah he hin they need ic CATHERINE. Wine FAL. They think maths young mars game, Spd keep hem facing makes them fel sharp. Theses his ee tec yous ary pail round owen and i all downhill bom tage On You hit ly i over you might s wel ech high hot CATHERINE. Thats what ny fer ough HAL. I dunno. Some peopl say pote CATHERINE. Notmom HAL. No, youl righe Realy orgal work — iba young guys CATHERINE. Young ga Josey HAL. Young people CATHERINE” Buti is men, most HAL. There are some women CATHERINE. Whor HAL. "hese woman at Stanford, I can remember her name. CATHERINE. Sophie Germain 30 HAL. Yah? Ive probably sce heat mexings, I just dont chink Tremet het CATHERINE, She was born in Pain 1776, (Beet) ALS eddy nwt CATHERINE. She mi raped a her house. “The French Revaation ws going ot he Terror, She had co sayin for afery and she pass the ve ean es hers Say The Grek ater she ed roger al eden butte Schools dnt alow women. So she wrote tert She wte to Gauss. she wel « mans name, Uh Antsine August LeBlanc She sent him some prof iavling = certain kind of pre mun ber imporan wok leas dcghed to sorspond ith such bata young man ‘Dad ve fea book about he. HAL, Tin stupid Sophie Goma, of couse. CATHERINE” You know bet HAL, Germain Pane, CATHERINE” Righe HAL, Thoyte fous Double them and ad one and you ge another prim: Like two Two prime doubled pls one fe Se prin CATHERINE, Right. 092.305 dimes 2 pls one HAL, (are) Reh CATHERINE. Thats the big one. The bigest one known Gaur} HAL, Did he ever find ot who she wa? Gaus CATHERINE. Yeh Latera muta end tld hi shebiiant I Hert hah tae forthe mses of umes nes sively rare, But when a peion ofthese which, ncondng wo cur astm and pues, ust peau nfl ore dics ‘han mea to faire her with tha thoy searches sue seolsneveteesin petting the mos obcte puto hem, then without 3 doube she mt hve the soles Cours, le ‘Stondinary lens and superior rar (ow wffcorou) 1 memocaed i. (Hel ares ther. He ‘deny ses ber, then tps embed He move toy) FAL Sony mie drank 3 CATHERINE. es olay. Ucomfrebe bre) Tin sry about Jeceda Iwan, Abr the wrk ose Dog Tae tong you need ups, HAL You were fi Iwas phy CATHERINE [yas awa FHL. No. My dining ws eile. Anyway, you probably sight CATHERINE. ‘Win iat hin HAL, About bing juke CATHERINE! (Ned) Ye, HAL: Tread trough lot of suff ody, jut skimming, Escpt for the book I stole m nes CATHERINE. Oh, God im sony about tha HAL. No, you wer rig CATHERINE. T sould have led the pic, HAL. Iewas my Bue CATHERINE No HAL. The point is ha book —T'm sang to think ithe only lucid one ell: And chet no mathe CATHERINE” No HAL meas, kesp rating, bu if don id nyhing ina couple of ay CCATFIERINE "ack o che drum HAL Yeoh CATHERINE. And your own sesenh. HAL, Such ari CATHERINE. Whats wrong wich i HAL snot exactly sting the mol on fre CATHERINE” On vome HAL, sus, bavi CATHERINE: Herald HAL papers gt cred down or the ight eons — my selfs. The ig eas ret thes CATHERINE esto bout big de. is work. Youve ge vo hip away aa problem, HAL "Thaes noc what our da di CATHERINE, "Tt wasn» vay He ack «question fom te side, om ome weed angle skp oe pata Ae He was logging He was js so much er hae ee 32 rr that fom the ouside ake mage HAL Tor tow CATHERINE. Tin usc gusing HAL. Phas the work was betes sueamned: no wasted snows ke a ainesy-veleaehour al es js gan. CATHERINE. Yoh HAL, And that’ what you canner duplicate. Ar leaf cane 1s olay. Aa coral poe you ize ts not going bapen, you adjust your expcetion 1 eajoy teaching CATHERINE” You might come up with something FAL. Tin twenycighe semen On the down dope CATHERINE: Have youd pee Ive het il HAL. (Laugh) Yeh, (ect) CATHERINE” So Tit HAL. Yate CATHERINE. Whac do you do forse HAL. Whae CATHERINE. A your conferences HAL. Un Tub CATHERINE. Tait ha why people hod conference? Tiel Room sevice. Tuedducibl tr in ig hotel Bo HAL agin nrvone) Maybe. dott nove CATHERINE 55 wha do ou do: All you gy (Be the ire dng with him? Halo note) HAL. Wallwe resents CATHERINE. Sor AL. So tec lot of experimentation CATHERINE. (Laughs) sce (Bete: Cahrne uct him. She ‘ebm A longer eons Hal pried we pared) HAL. Huh CATHERINE. Tha as nic. HAL Realy? CATHERINE. Yeu HAL. Again? CATHERINE. Yu. (Kix) HAL, always ited you CATHERINE. You dab HAL Brea before knew you. Tach glimpses of you when you 33 ‘sted your da fea choo Iwaned aw you bs ‘hough No you do noe it wh your dos cde nape CATHERINE Esecy when our aes cy HAL Exec thn in) CATHERINE. You came here onc, Four yu go Rememte? HAL, Sur I cant tle you do [wa doping af da ny thes fx your dad ous Twa eto CATHERINE. Yow looked nour HAL Teant ble you remeber cha CATHERINE. Treember you (ie) though you seemed not boring. (They continue bi) ae Fade Scene 4 The mex morning. Caerne alae on the porch in «robe Haber, blfdesed. He was np behind ber qui She ‘earth and tara AL. How long have you been up? CATHERINE. A while, HAL. Did | ovcnleep? CATHERINE. No. (Beet Morning-sfer artwardnes,) HAL Is your ser up? CATHERINE” No. Shes Fyng home ina couple hours. hou ‘probably wake her. es! . a HAL ‘Lec her sep She was doing some prety serous dink with the theoreti! physical gh : CATHERINE. il make her ome cfc when she ges up. (Bet) HAL, Suday orig nly go out Gx te paper ae CATHERINE” Otay, (ea) HAL. Do you want come? 4 CATHERINE. Oh, No. I ought to stick around until Chir lemves: HAL. Allright ‘Do you mind iT say? (CATHERINE. No. You can work if you want HAL, (Tekensback) Olay. CATHERINE. Oey. HAL. Should CATHERINE, Ifyou want HAL, Do you waat me vo go? CATHERINE. Do you want co go? HAL. 1 wane sy hee with you. CATHERINE. Oh HAL, T want co apcnd the day with you if posible, 1 ike co spend as much ie with you ae Lean snes ofcourse Um coming fon way ta atong right now and scaring you in which case Tl begin backpealing immedi. (She laughs. er ris ev dn ibis. They bse) HAL How eobacasing ee fay ase night was wonderful? CATHERINE. Kes only embarasing if dont agree. HAL, Uh 20 CATHERINE” Dont be embarrased, (They his. Afer« moment Catherine bee off She bees, mang «decision. Then the kes (chain fom avon he ech, There ia hey on the chin. She tases fete Hal) Here HAL, Whare thie CATHERINE. [esa key. HAL Ab. CATHERINE. Try ic HAL. Whee? CATHERINE. Bottom drawer ofthe ds in my dats fice. HAL. Whats in there CATHERINE, There's one way find out, Profesor. TIAL. Now? (Ceshern brn Hal leh, wre if is ira jbe or non) Oly. (Hels her qucky ten gos mide Catherine ier to eel. She's happy. onthe edge of be giddy. Clare ene, ha gover She i dow, suinsng) CATHERINE. Good morning. 3% CLAIRE, Pads yl pease CATENE “Ae pales CLAIRE Ne ta Se chr) Ths ack pic CATHERINE, harps GLAtRE, Taser eg meade wh em CATHERINE. Wer weet ae GLATRE My sap ots ony eon tlc — thal nd gon and py beer ed setting fn doseoak hes bees GRRE Uy yn ak eee GEAIRE ug coud lap he hough ‘stop. They dida't. Oh God. = SSEERNE” be yu uc sone caer GLARE reine Th BAND cari ah, GEAIRE they we rb GATHREINE Tye hy Tey ad cin GLARE, Wel arlng cee ad You de tunel Sse catia Tie’ GLARE ond ERTERINE a, wonder GLAIRE Tw sp you ere CATHERINE" ies Cee Thnk GLAIRE presi elome Taein gal no GREENE Self AIRE A ong’ Nn dh ea atti ce GLARE Tens ck Dosa tap ou ie CREME", You waneyur cote GIAIRE No on EATHERINE “ring i Ke no on GEAIRE. Halden sac Ra Tt ae ke et) Tings CATHERINE, You sid 1 know. 36 ted tne eke Sie esi ine ene Sea at Cie a tere ESE NE a ee ph wh hae ana SERRE nacre ERIE rn end a se eran nia whee 3 CLAIRE. Come 19 New York CATHERINE. Tear believe chs CLAIRE, Tel beso good. You deserve a change. This would be a whole new adventure fo you CATHERINE. Why are you doing cist CLAIRE. Twanc a help CATHERINE. By kicking me ou of my howe? CLAIRE, Tc was my house oo, CATHERINE, You haven lived heee for years CLAIRE. I know tat. You were on your wn I ally regret tha, Katie, CATHERINE. Dont. CLAIRE. 1 know Ie you down. | fel avfl about ic Now tim eying ro help. CATHERINE, You want to help now? CLAIRE. Ys CATHERINE. Dad is dead CLAIRE. Tow. CATHERINE, Het dead, Now that hes dead you flyin for che yrckend and decide you wane to help? YOU'RE LATE. Whee have you been? CLAIRE. T— CATHERINE. Where were you iv helping then, CLAIRE. Tas working CATHERINE. Iwas HERE. ved with him ALONE. CLAIRE. 1 was wotking foucen-hour days. 1 paid every bill hee. paid off the morgage on this thee-edroask house bile was living in asad in Brooklyn, CATHERINE. You had your lie: You got ro finish schoo. CLAIRE. You could have syed in school CATHERINE, How? CLAIRE, I would have done anyching — I cold you that. {told you. milion times todo anything you wanted, CATHERINE. What about Dad? Someone had to tke care of him, CLAIRE. He wall: Heshould have been ins ullcine pokes ‘CATHERINE. He didnt belong in the nuthouse, re years ago? You werent 38 CLAIRE, He migh have hen beef CATHERINE” How an you uy tha? CLAIRE. Tht ewer Tn meant el guily igh? CATHERINE. Sue go ore CLAIRE. Tm here My ove fue CATHERINE. He ecded be he In hs om house, aa the Univesity net hinstadets nar vying tar mad is py CLAIRE” Maybe, Or maybe sme ra posona exe weld fave done hi more god than rating round ina ity hoe sh YOU loki a him Tim souy, Cathrine, ns yours my fl fr keting youde EATHERINE, 1 sight 0 keep hi here CLAIRE. No CATHERINE, Whe sou hi emisin? Fur yu ao: Heat fest foralmowe yar SARE a ih ov i CATHERINE. He might hare ben wos ia hop CLAIRE" An he MIGHT ave See BETTER Bh edo soy mek pint CAITTERIRE” No CLAIRE. NO. ‘And you might have ben be. CATHERINE. (apng forse under comma) Bee than wine CLAIRE. Living here with him dd do you any god. You sd thatyourel “a had 0 much ene CATHERINE, You din ia ke Daa CLAIRE. Tshikyou hie me of hi alent and some of iste Any toon by (Ban) CATHERINE!” Cle in aden wo the cue aparment that You senutl” forme in New Yor, mold you by any chance Xo have devoted sme of jour connie pegs tard sowing oot another pe of GEARE'NO. CATHERINE. —tivng iy for your bughose lie sie? CLAIRE. NO? Abe not Tha nt hat iss sue 39 (CATHERINE, Dont le me, Chie, 'm smarter thin you. (Beet) CLAIRE. The resources. ve ivesiguad CATHERINE. ‘Oh ary GOD, CLAIRE, — ifyou WANTED ro, all 'm saying isthe doctors in York and the people are the BEST, and they —- CATHERINE, FUCK YOU. CLAIRE. Iewould be entiely up to you, You wouldnt LIVE any where, you can — CATHERINE. Thate you CLAIRE, Donic yell pene, calm down, CATHERINE. THATE YOU. T— (ial ents, holding «note book, Clie and Castine op sudden, Bot) CLAIRE. What ae you fete here (She lots er Catherine Hal is nearly spechion Heer ot Catherine) HAL. How long have you known about this? CATHERINE, A while HAL Why didat you tll me about i CATHERINE, Tasst sue I wanted t, (Bea) HAL. Thankyou CATHERINE. Youre welcome, CLAIRE. Wha’ going on? HAL. God, Caherines thank you CATHERINE. T thought youd ike tose ie CLAIRE. Whar i HAL. Is incredible CLAIRE. What IS @ HAL. Oh, ub its rule, A prook ‘Team ie looks like one. mean iis one, avery long one, 1 havent read it all ofcourse, or checked iI dont even know if could chek i, bue if IS wise I chin iti proof of ies a very... IMPORTANT ...prooe CLAIRE, Whae desi prove? HAL. looks lke ie proves heorem .. a mathematical theorems shoot prime numbers, something mathematicians have been tying to prove since. since dere were mathematicians, basiealy, Mos people chought ie could be done CLAIRE. Where did you find ie FAL, In your fathers desk: Cathy told me abou it 40 CLAIRE, You knoe what thie CATHERINE. Sure CLAIRE. [ic goe? ‘CATHERINE. Yes HAL. Ics histor ic checks out CLAIRE. What does iy? HAL. [dont know ye Tver read the ft fw pages CLAIRE, ‘Bu wha dos imean? HAL. Itmeans tha daring time when everyone thought your da vrs Grty or bielyRretoning he war ding sone ofthe mpi maha he wit I co ne en publish ist. Ie mesne newpaper all over the word re ang fo want ol the person whe nd this otcbook CIRIRE Cay HAL. Cathy. CATHERINE. 1 die find i HAL. Ye you di CATHERINE. No CLAIRE, Wal did you find ic or dd Hal ind HAL. I didn Bd ie CATHERINE, T did Gd ic 1 wrote Curtain ACT TWO Scene 1 er ali nt och, He uly eninge ee Se Pcs iro Se ey ele, 32 ir thn the cts iter Oe ke ‘ia abe Oth ROBERT. Hel CATHERINE. How did you know wa he ROBERT. [ heard you. a - CATHERINE. Thought you wer slep ROBERT. On an aetnon ke dis Ne CATHERINE Do you ned ayciogs ROBERT. No trad CATHERINE” rm gong tothe ore ROBERT. What o dience CATHERINE ha do you wane ROBERT. Noc spghet CATHERINE” Alege ROBERT. Diguing null CATHERINE! Thaet what I was going co make ROBERT. Thad a feling. Good thing I spoke up. You make ie ‘500 much CATHERINE. What do you wane? ROBERT. What do you have a ste for? CATHERINE. Noting ROBERT. Nothing a aie CATHERINE, [dont care 1 hought pasta would be easy ROBERT. Past, oh God dont cren ay the word ‘pega Ie a sounds so hopeless, ke surrender “Pasta would be ea” Yes, yes ie would. Pasta Ie doesnt MEAN anything. Is just euphemism people invented when they gor sick of etn spat CATHERINE. Dad, whardo you wane exe ROBERT. T donc know, CATHERINE. ‘Wel I donc know what to gs. ROBERT. Tl shop CATHERINE. No, ROBERT. Tl doit CATHERINE. No, Dad est ROBERT. T wanted tote «walk anyway CATHERINE. Are you sur? ROBERT. Yes, What abouts walk tothe lake? You and me: CATHERINE. All righ ROBERT. 1 would love to go tthe lke. Then on dhe way home well cp a the store, see what jumps out aus. CATHERINE. Tes warm. Te would be nce, iFyoute up fore ROBERT. Youte damn right Tim up fort. Well work up an ‘appesc. Give me ten seconds, let me put chi scuff ay and ee ‘ut the door CATHERINE. Tm going to school, (Bet) ROBERT. When? (CATHERINE. Tin gonna stare at Nocthwestem atthe end ofthe sont ROBERT: Northesera? (CATHERINE, They were grat shout my clits. They'e aking me in 2 sophomore Taare sure when 0 tll to you about it ROBERT. Northwestern? CATHERINE. Yeu ROBERT. Whats wrong with Chicago? ‘CATHERINE. You sl teach chet im sory. if oo weird, king clases in your department ROBERT Tee long dive CATHERINE. Not that long half an how ROBERT. Sail, vice day CATHERINE. Dad, lve dere, (Beet) ROBERT. Youd scully want to live in Evanson? 8 CATHERINE. Yess be cl. can come home whenerer you wane “oe been well— rely well — for almost seven month. 1 on hk you need me her evxy minute othe day (Boon) ROBERT. Thissalls done de You'e in CATHERINE. Yo ROBERT. Yous sure CATHERINE. Yo. ROBERT. Who pays fori CATHERINE. Theyre giving me afc ide, Da. Theyve been wat ROBERT. On wan sure, What bou fad, books clothes gs meal out do you panto have soca is CATHERINE. [dost know ROBERT. You gots pay your mn way on dates a hen dates, say the first three, otherwise they expect something, . CATHERINE. The mone wil be ne Cate gonna Rep ot ROBERT. When did you rao Cae? CATHERINE” T don know euple wecks go ROBERT. You kt her beer you ule to ae CATHERINE: There wee so of del fo work out She was {get she offered eo ake car ofall the expenses ROBERT Ths iss biguop. Adifrene Sy CATHERINE. Ie: not even slong discs phone cl ROBERT, tesa huge pice, Thoyte scious up there T aean scious Cah the Footbal s der but the math guy dont a round. You hives ben in schoo. You ste youre ey You Gan get buried up there CATHERINE Ti be all igh, ROBERT. Yocte way bhi. CATHERINE. Tinos ROBERT. A yeaa et CATHERINE. Thank ou, KNOW. Look, I dnt know if hie is god deni don kaow ca hana the work Tart if ean handle any oe ROBERT. For hrs, Casein, you should hae ale me CATHERINE. Dud Listen youre ifforany taser fumed out that you needed me here hl dine ape “4 | | ee eee een Seer ROBERT. Soft ak this comeraton aot of onfden oe Seat cin cree nines sane Rossen ey ag of ey Cn paar eee eee ree) 45 CATHERINE. (ih Robert) That isa BRILLIANT idea ROBERT. Oh dea fenus God no. CATHERINE. (Wh Raber) Whats ic elle? Gie me he dices ROBERT. No! Sor Wrong ansver but thnk you for eying (Hal ands ther, locking a bath of them ) HAL. Tean come back ROBERT. Stay. ([o Catherine) Where ae you going? CATHERINE. Inside ROBERT. Wha about dinner? CATHERINE. What about hin? ROBERT. Whar are you doing here, Dobbs? HAL. My ting sucks. Iam teal sony ROBERT. Dont be silly HAL. TM come to your office, ROBERT. Stop. Sit down. Glad youre here. Donte the dinner thing throw you, youll bounce back (To Cathrine) This sould be easier Ler back off che problem, let ie breathe, come st sale wien fs n0¢ looking CATHERINE. Fine. (Exiting) Excuse me ROBERT. Sony I'm rude. Hal, his my daughtce Catherine, (la Catherine.) Dont go, have a drink with un Catherine, Harold Dabte, CATHERINE. H HAL. Hi ROBERT. Hal is 2 grad scuden, He’ doing hit PhD, very romiing suf. Unfortunately fr him hs work coined ik ny return tothe department and e gor suck wih ne HAL. No. t, is ben Te been Sy acy CATHERINE, How long have you been a of C2 HAL, Well ve been working on my thes for ROBERT. Hay in our “Innis” progam, As he approaches completion of his diseraon, ine approaches nfs, Wed you like a drink, Hal? - = FAL. Yet would And uh, with all due respec... (He hans Raber the eneope) ROBERT. Rely? (He open and nie ne) You must have hd an ners fow mon, 46 HAL, (Chef) Wor sme ay i ROBERT. Congacslations HAL. dale Beton cpg me ld shoe at ‘pring. (oes pour «drink Hal babble) . vam suc IFT shold wie tthe quan eared, off 1 should give to you now oe hold of do another dr ut | ig ted face ie Tecan ples as get i over wih, 301 thovghe Ti ju come ove an ce f ou were home, and —- ROBERT. Drink he HAL. Thaoks (ie dibs) decide, | dons ony fet done, naybe ii ROBERT, ‘Wrong IF i fis done hee ae major eons HAL Uhl 7 ROBERT. Thats olay, hat good wel find them an fc them Dont wory. You on your way toasbd carey youl be caching ounge, more aang rion of youl inno tne Hts Thank you ROBERT. Catherine’ inthe math department at Nowthwetrn, Hal. (Cathrine ot pared) HAL Oh, vo ae you working wih? CATHERINE. Im jr ring hil, Undergrad ROBERT. Shes saving in.» hee weskt CATHERINE. A le move: (Bs) ROBERT. ‘They have some good people at Norhwese. O'Donchue, Kenia. CATHERINE. Yu. ROBERT. They wil wrk your as off CATHERINE. Tow ROBERT. You have to um prety hard catch up. CATHERINE. I think Ian do ie ROBERT. Of course you can (Bet) HAL. You must be ace. CATHERINE. am HAL. Fi year of school can be rst. CATHERINE. Yee HAL. Soe al she new people, new pass, geting ou of the howe CATHERINE, (Embersed) You HAL, (Emburaved) Or, 20,1 — ROBERT. Avoluely geting te hll ou of here, chank Gos about tne Ti be glo he back er. CATHERINE, “ou wilt ROBERT. Of couse. Maybe I want wo have the pac to myc for awhile, id hat ever cert you le Hal) Hawk eae children senimenize hi prec (To Catherine) Wes some qe sound hee CATHERINE "Os dont worm Mane ick Ibe ery day coking up big asf oh ola you tough ewok ROBERT. And Il ive ap ss send encores ypuln fon of your classmate GRCHERINE.'Good. So wel bein toch ROBERT. Sur Ad fyou geisck wth problem, gemescl CATHERINE. Olay Sine oyu. ne eaeal ROBERT. Fine. Mae sue o ger me your mumbex. (Hal) tm cul ooking forward to gectng some work dose HAL, ‘Oh, wha arcyou woking one ROBERT. Nothing. ver) ‘Nothing a the moment Which im glad of rely. Thi the ime of year when you ort wat wo be Ged down e anyhing You want be cece | love Chicago in Sapeember Pec Salons on the mane Gals lxing: Wary the sun sll ot with the ocala of Aci wind 0 keep you on you oes remind you of anes Sens mig ot il ey. ‘at ina bookror ened. Copsey fl ents bi books. bowing Stunt dos hla loviteay Fak they Tos browsing, You sce them shufing sound wi hes backnals,gofng of, aking up space. Tou cll love gee once i whe thy pc up abook snd ip the ace Browsing Tae es a honest way eo kil ak sere In the back ofa used bookstore, or going tuough x tao somebody old record albuns not fokng fr snp, hae looking, wat se hl ouching she od book che, ng vot somebody thew ot ssng wht they undeinedaee e fod something gre ikea ld hile with pain cove the fresor textbook one of our proeson soe whcs oes 48 t | | | ‘sadent — his name i written in every carefully. Vea, ke ic [like watching the sudens. Wondering what they'e gonna bry, what they gonna tead. What kindof ideas theyil come up swith when they sete down and get wo work Tm aoe doing much ight now r doce getharder fsa teeonpe thachappens oe rue, unfortunately for me — unfortunatly for you, forall ofus CATHERINE. Maybe youl get lucky ROBERT. Maybe will “Maybe youl pick up where Ie of CATHERINE, Doni hald your breath ROBERT. Dont underestimate youre CATHERINE. Anyway. (Beat) ROBERT, Another dink? Cathy? Hal? CATHERINE. No thanks HAL. Thanks, Illy should get going ROBERT. Ave you sre? HAL, Yeu ROBERT. Ilcll you when Te looked 2 this. Dont chink about ize dha. Enjoy youself see Some movies, HAL. Olay ROBERT. You can come by my office in a week, Call it-— HAL The cn Cone Come) ROBERT. Yes, well... (Bent, He tame to Catherine. Greve Tam sory. {used to have 2 petty god anemory For numbers Happy birdy CATHERINE, Thank you ROBERT. Iam so sry. Tm embarrased CATHERINE. Dad, dont be sup ROBERT. I ddst ge you anything CATHERINE. Dont sory about ROBERT. Tm eding you ou, CATHERINE. You dont hae wo. : ROBERT. We ae going ove {did want to shop and cook. Lets goto dinner. Lets get the hell cu of thie neighborhood. What do You want t0 eae? Lets goto the Nort Side. Or Chinacown. Or Geka, I dont know whats good anymore CATHERINE. Whatever you wane ” ROBERT, Whatever biethday. Bee) CATHERINE, Stak ROBERT. Steak Ye. CATHERINE. No fist boss, ROBERT. Done CATHERINE. That Chicago be sand you can just drink gallons of ROBERT. They just pimp the water ou of Lake Michigan and ote CATHERINE. [0 50 awful ROBERT. Ihave s csc frit mysclé CATHERINE. Then the sek piled ral black tnd creamed spinach ROBERTI remembers place. 1 si thetic CATHERINE, And deser, ROBERT. Thac goes without sng. Wi your bia, hoor. And thts the sluon to ou inser probe, Thock soe reminding me, Harold Dobe CATHERINE, (7 Hel) Wet bing ade Do you wan to come? HAL. Ob, no, {should ROBERT” Why not Phase, come. CATHERINE.” Come on’ (tiny moment benim Hal and Cathrine. He wars ben) HAL. No,T atl have plans Thankyou though: Hepp bch CATHERINE ‘Thank Wa. Miejorense ROBERT. Tl see you on the cent HAL. Gres, CATHERINE. Ym gonna change my cloths, Dad be eady Ste nd Ci nt mo de ar ont atthe ecring Eenual epics ip the nbok andspon ‘its dann opens oa ben page Heri) a ROBERT: *Seprenber our ‘A good diy. (He continue to write) Fade you want goddamnit, Catherine, is your ‘cally cold bee Really chexp beer, that watery with no flavoe and potatoes ‘hte Feink ew do 50 Scene 2 Morning. An instant afc the end of det One: Catherine, (Chie, aed Heal HAL. You wrote hist CATHERINE. Ye. CLAIRE. When? CATHERINE. I sated after I que shoal. I finished a few ‘oaths before Dad det CLAIRE” Did he sce it CATHERINE. "No. He did know I wae working on it, It ‘wouldnt have marred ro him anyway, he was to sik HAL. Tore understand — you did this by yourel® CATHERINE. Yeu CLAIRE. 1 in Dad's notebook. CATHERINE. I used one of his blank books. There were a bunch ofchem upeaire. (Besr) CLAIRE. (Zo Hal) Tell me exactly where you found chi? TAL a realm CATHERINE. In is des. I gave him the — CLAIRE. (To Catherine) Hold on, (To Hal) Whete did you find ie IAL. In the boom drawer of the desk in the sud, = locked drawer: Catherine gave me the key CLAIRE. Why was the drawer locked? CATHERINE, Tes min, ih the drawer I keep my private things in. Te ued i or years, CLAIRE. (To Hel) Was there anything eee in the deer? a CATHERINE, No, thats the only — CLAIRE. Can [se (al gives Clave ebook. She pages throgh ft Beat) Yn sory I jut. (To Catherine) The bodk wat in the st You told him here co ind i... You gave im che ey You rote tis incredible thing and you did cll anyone? CATHERINE. Tm telling you boch now. Afr I dropped out ‘of school I had nothing ro do. I was depressed, really depressed, ‘bur ata certain point {desided Fuck it, dost need ther. Ie just math, can do it on my own. Sol kept working here: I worked at night, after Dad had gone to sleep Iwas heed but | Aid ie Beat) CLAIRE. Cathe i omy buen hier aad wo be CATHERINE. Chive. Iwioe. The proof CLAIRE. Tin voy, — CATHERINE. Chire CLAIRE. This is Dads handing CATHERINE, Is noe CLAIRE. te looks ext like i, CATHERINE” es my wrcng CLAIRE. Tim sory — CATHERINE. Ask Hil, Het been looking at Dad's writing for weeks. (Clie giver Hal ebook. He lob tit Beat.) HALT dont now, CATHERINE, “Hal, come on CLAIRE. What dos i lok like? HAL. It looks... T dont know whae Catherine’ handwsting Tooke ike. CATHERINE. Ic LOOKS like THAT. HAL Okay: fe. okay (Bear He bani the book back,) CLAIRE, 1 think — you know what T think es aly, and people anette, and noc in the best state 1 make dons abou emotional things, so maybe we should all ust tke» breach CATHERINE. You dont believe me? CLAIRE, T don know I relly don know anything shoot eis. CATHERINE. Nevermind. I dont know why I expected you to believe me about ANYTHING. CCLATRE. Could you tellus the prof Tha woul show ic was your CATHERINE, You wouldnt undewstand i CLAIRE. Tall ito Hal CATHERINE. (lsking she boot) We could tll chrough ie cogether. Imig ake 2 wie, 32 CLAIRE, (Teng te bok) You ca we he book CATHERINE. "Bor God sake fry page long 1 dist MEMORIZE i. snot a mufin recipe: (ert) Thi ie spd Tes ay book, my wring, my key, my drawer, my pook Hal eal het HAL Ther what CATHERINE, Whose book sth HAL, dot koow CATHERINE. "What isthe maser with you Youve been Tooking his other sa you know thers nothing even remotely like chs HAL, Look, Catherine — CATHERINE. Wellgo though th proof tose Wel down ~ if Clit will pene let ne have my book tack — CLAIRE. (Giving ber he oo, Al igh, eke in chrough i HAL. ‘That igh tke ays snd i sl woulda chow that she CATHERINE, Why noe HAL. Your dad ight have wren it and explained i 0 you Tae: tno saying he did in just — CATHERINE, Come on! He did do tis he cook's have, Fe didnt do any mathematics al fr year, Bven inthe good eat he couldnt work You kaow that, You supposl tbe a Tess (Beet) HAL. Youre nigh Olay. Here ny soggation. I know thet or four guys ac he deparemen, very sharp, csineested peopl who let your father knew hit wore Lex tee ho the CATHERINE. WHAT? HAL, Meal them wee found seething, omshing potensly ror, were or sre aboot the suthoship I st down with them el go hough te hing carly tain, Good HAL. — and gare ou xa what we've got, would only take couple of day, probably and then wed have loc moe information CLAIRE Think hats an ele ggtion CATHERINE. You ont CLAIRE: Cacrine CATHERINE. Not You can cake FAL. Tim aor “aking” ie CATHERINE. This is what you wanted, HAL. Oh come on, Jesus CATHERINE. You dont ware any ime, do you? No hesitation Now ca wait to show them your Billa deanery HAL, im eying to deermine what thir is CATHERINE. Im telling you what ie HAL You dort know CATHERINE, WROTE i HAL, IT'S YOUR FATHER'S HANDWRITING. (Beas {find At ls i looks an afl lot ike the writing nthe oie books. Maybe your writing looks exaciy like hes Ld ken CATHERINE. (Sy) I does look lke I cid show chit anyone els. I could have. I wanted you to be the eto see dt know I waned tha uel at age Tes ME. Teueed you HAL I know CATHERINE, Was wrong? HAL. Not — CATHERINE. 1 should have known she woulda belive me but why dont you? HAL Thisis onc of his notebooks The exe same kind he used CATHERINE, cold you. I just used one of his eal Soaks ‘There were ext HAL. There arent any exes books in the seu. CATHERINE, There were when acd writing the proot I bough them for him. He wel the vex up lcs HAL, “And the writing CATHERINE, You want ots the handwriting? HAL, Noe doesnt matter. He could have dicated eo you, fo Chrisake: esti doct make sens CATHERINE. Why nor HAL, Tin a machematcien CATHERINE. Yor HAL, 1 know how hac it would bet come up with something ike eis I mean is impossible. Youd have tobe yp hee be your dad, basically. Your dada the peak of his ones 4 CATHERINE. Ym mathematician wo. HAL Nov ike yourdad . CATHERINE. Oh he the only one who cou ave done ti HAL. The only one | kn CATHERINE! Ayu te? HAL Your fer ws the most — : CATHERINE. ur rcs you apd the et of he ge wor Sipe im do mean he wots prot Hal HAL Hear tebe My gncston fan proce anything lk im, He relatonied the id tice bere he woes fo. Tim sory, Catherine, ut you took tome ne ae Nontwesein afew ont CATHERINE: My elton watt Norhweser. ws ving inthis we foc went eas HAL Bren, dunt rT to vane dst een Under stof CATHERINE "Yo think i 0 advance HAL Ye CATHERINE, 1c to adrncd fr YOU HAL You could no fave done hs work CATHERINE: Barwin dah HAL Wal war : STHERINE Ie would be» ce aes for you, woul i Ando os po hry inl ee Dn ae tasking ime din lane ary bagging about the eneenss they go WOW" plying in stl tay ad whining tht they intlely patie av mene BECAUSE THEY ARE (lear al Behe abrbeyei. Bet Gavin sft onde pes bbs ea) Gnine ote Let gine Stic (Catherine open the bob and ies rip a he page anys Cage we fhe Targhee fee ihe bat ey iy send spr, beating hard Aer oe, Cabrini oe bok ot for Sh ets) Fade 58 Scene 3 The nextday The porch is empsy Knocking off No one “appear. Afr a moment Hal comes around he ie of th ‘porch and kro onthe back dor HAL. Catherine (Cle one) Though you re evn CLAIRE That diy my Hight (Beet) HAL. Ie Cathrine ere CLAIRE, Tdont think this god tine, Hal HAL. Could Te her CLAIRE Not ow HAL, What che mare CLAIRE. Shes taping HAL, Can wa fete se ges up CLAIRE." shes ben eying sn peed. She won ge up Se wont ew orto me cole go home. Tn gigs viv unel seems oy ote HAL. Jesus, I'm sorry. ” Laine HAL, Tite elt hee CLAIRE. T dor chink hts 2 god ide. HAL, Has shed saying? CLAIRE. About yout Nn HAL, Yeserdy Thaow I dt do what she wanted CLAIRE, Neth’ fe di HAL, Lid know what to sy. 1 law CLAIRE. Why did you slap ith he (Bea) HAL, Tin sory hats none of our Baste CLAIRE. Bulli. Ihave ole cre of he ee bit hader ‘ith you ein her around HALT ws ekg her around jus append CLAIRE! Your timing as not pct 36 HAL. Ic vase my timing twas both of our — CLAIRE. "Whyil you do 1? You know what sha ike, She's fgile sd you took advantage other, HAL. No. Is what we both wanted I didnt mean eo ut hes CLAIRE, You did HAL Ta tke to alk co Catherine, plese, CLAIRE, You cant HAL. Ate you king her away? CLAIRE, Yes HAL. To New Yore CLAIRE, Yes HEAL. Just going to drag her > New York CLAIRE. IFT hive wo. HAL. Dost you hink she should have some say in whether or not she CLAIRE IF she noe going to speak, what else can I do? HAL. Lee mes: Let me alk io her CLAIRE. Hal, give up. The har nothing todo with you HAL. Linow hee She’ rougher than yo think, Clase CLAIRE, What? FIAL. She can handle hertelé She can handle talking to me — ‘maybe ie would help. Maybe she ike ic CLAIRE. “Maybe shed lke ie? Are you out of your mind? Youre the reason shes up thee right now! You have no idea what she ‘neds. You dont tow het! She's my sister, Jus, you facing mach ‘matcians: You dot think. You dort know what yout doing, You stagger around creating these extartrophes and ict people ike me ‘wo end up flying int len ther up. (Be) ‘She needs to ge out of Chicago, ou ofthis house. Il give you my number in New Yor You ean call her once she ee there “Thats i hate che deal, HAL. Olay. (Bear. Hal doc move.) CLAIRE. T dont mean tobe rade but Ihave lotto do HAL, Theres one more thing, Youte not going to lke CLAIRE. Sure, ake the notebook HAL, (Stred)1— CLAIRE. Hold on a see I ge i for you, (She goer nde and returns withthe notebook. She gos to ll) 7 HAL Lshough his would be ane CLAIRE. "Dont worn ndesand 5 ey acct you wan 0 4 Cathie bt of re ou tke wae he el HAL Gini No ity eagle a {ei tiny bakon meee CLAIRE Rel dont care Take Whar wold do wih 2 HAL. You sure? : i os CLARE er ofc HAL You te whit Cline HAL Yuji doo kaw wham ding CLAIRE. Tehink youre ale bit of an idiot be yous not di Sones. Someone sai put wats eae Teadeg 4 foul dnc hr Che ye ul eas hen you decide me weve gtx me kno we should do. : ae Hat Tans CLAIRE "Doni hake by he mos convenient option sual 1 pu my card in there ll me whence you ane ay (Bela tr Cathe ‘CLAIRE, Hal, " Sat ete CLAIRE Can yout me shut The pin ju cri HAL. Ie would ake sme ime How much math lene jou gee (Beat) te LAIR. tm carey aaa ep I cp 0 be vx uk with numbers Ta. I probably inhered about one-one honedeh oF ‘yb Sin sea thr go ns a seh sch Fade 38 Scene 4 Winsor Abou thre and hal years erin Roberton the porch He wear @ Fah, He writes ine noteout Aer ‘moment we baer Catherine vice om ff CATHERINE. Dad? (Catherine enters wearing a park, She oes Der ater and vps) ‘Whar ate you doing out here? ROBERI. Working CATHERINE. 1¢s December Its thirydegsos ROBERT. I know (Carerine staat brn, baffled) CATHERINE” Dost you needa coat ROBERT. Donityou think can make that atesment for mysel® CATHERINE. Area you eo? ROBERT. Of course sm! T'm Fczing my ast off CATHERINE. So whac are you doing out here ROBERT. Thinking! Weng! CATHERINE. Youre gonna fee. ROBERT. Its too hot inthe house. The radars dey out the se Alo the clanking — can concentae Ifthe house ween so okt ‘ved have cetel ae heating but we dont so have ro come ou ‘exe ro ge any work done, CATHERINE. Il cen of the radiators. They wort make any oie, Come inside, iiss ROBERT. Tim oy. CATHERINE. Tve been aling. Dida you hear the phone? ROBERT. Ie disscton. ‘CATHERINE. 1 didn know whar was going on, {had eo dive all che way down here ROBERT. Ian sce that CATHERINE. Thad 10 skip clas. (She brings hia coat and be ‘pus ton) Why done you answer the phone? ROBERT: Well 'm sory, Catherine, bu is question of priorities, 9 sd work takes priory, you know that. CATHERINE “ose woking? ROBERT. Goddamnic am working! [sy “I — the machinery ‘The machinery is working. Cater, on fal ne Ase onlnders ar fing in on fie Ths have fe eth for years CATHERINE. You kidding ROBERT, Nol CATHERINE, 1 dont belie i ROBERT. I dont blieve i cite! Bat i tue. feared about a vesek po I woke up, came downrtaits made seup of eof ned before T could pou inthe mie was ke some one a LIGHT on in ny head CATHERINE hele ROBERT, Nor te light the whole POWER GRID. 1 LIT UP iu is ike no ime has ped nce 1 was ewengy-one CATHERINE. Youre Ladin’ ROBERT. Noi bc in back in ouch wth he source — the font, the — whatever the sure sf my cette eal ne eas ago Tim in contac with again Tm STETING on nee sey and Tn shooting ght up into the ut on op ai EXTHERINE. My Gea ROBERT. Tm not ullng about divine nspinion i noe fan ‘ling down ino my head and onto the page Tel ake ney shape the sings Im noe sying i work be a tte amount of work, fewill bea temendous amount of wink Roy fing co be cay. Bat she raw mai there Te i Te diving in lic nd now the ans ae opening up belo et Tan scree. [se whole andes per oe ns new techniques, revoltonary ponies Tm pony es stole branches ofthe prfeion talking vo ech ce Ee fe sory im bring ude, hows shoal CATHERINE: (Tater aact) Fae. — ROBERT. Young working had? CATHERINE. Sore ROBERT. Faculty eating you all sigh? CATHERINE” Yo Dad ROBERT. Made any fend? why Teame out hereto cool CATHERINE, Of course, — ROBERT. Dating? CATHERINE, Dad, hold on, ROBERT: No deals necessary you dont want to provide them. Tm it incre CATHERINE” Schools get. want sing ROWERT. Grey ts al CATHERINE This work ROBERT. Ye. CATHERINE: (Inisring the nncbok) tithe? ROBERT. Pact of yea CATHERINE” Can {seit ROBERT. Ih all a» very ely sage. CATHERINE. [dort ind : . ROBERT. Nothing acral comple, co be hone. 1s all in wogies. {chink were ting years ERFHERINE. Thatvokay once just etme se aything ROBERT. You rely vane? CATHERINE, Yo. ROBERT. Yotegeminl inert CATHERINE, Dad, of cure ROBERT. Of course ts your fad CATHERINE. Yo. ROBERT. You know how happy thc makes me. Be, CATHERINE. Yo. ROBERT, [think thers enough hc to keep me wotking the est of my He Tearing cine va Bn Catherine Rely fn ished Dont get me wrong Iwas ratte could got ny ex havea fe, ba sec Tie ered Fd never ork epi, Bid you know that CATHERINE. 1 wondered. ROBERT. Iwas aboltlyfacking eid Then | remembered something sed spat of the tertor went say. rememberd ou, Your creative yrs were just beginning, Yul get your degree sale about what youle a

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