GA3 - Tales of Enchantment (2E)

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Enchantm fit

by Jim Musser -*=., %§ H

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Advariced Tales of Eiiciniritaient is designed for three to

sir: characters, levels 5 to 8. Almost any miit of
Dlmgeons Dragons t nd [difl H
2_ orneui. Gr‘-'ilv'|E
classes can succeed, but players will find it very
helpful to have at least one character who can
D Viovernu as detect iaoisibiiiiy. They may also find the need
for a cleric who can remove a curse. For guid-
Tales or: ance in dealing with a party without some of
these basic tools, see the Troublesiiootiiig section
Enchantment at the end of Chapter One.
This adventure is organized into chapters
Introduction ........................... . . I 'l 'l- il u based on when, if ever, the PCs are likely to
Plot Synopsis ............................. .. 1n. -pl encounter each creature. Chapter Cine contains
Chapter One: Outer Forest ............... .. commVon creatures Vfound near the edge of the
Troubleshooting ......................... . . ‘-V'.3Vi'31'=-i“I-‘—* 1+ II
-|-l- II
'I"I'I 1"!1 }I.I'I' 'l-‘FlI II II IIIIIIII forest and the illusions of them created by pur-
Chapter Two: Diversions ......................... ..1U ies. Players should begin unraveling the mys-
ChVapter Three: Inner Perils ...................... ..19 tery during these encounters. Chapter Two
Chapter Four: Pi:-tie Trouble ................... ..26 contains creatures found deeper in the woods
Resolution ........................................ . .30 but they are generally irrelevant to the main
plot. The PCs can pick up information here that
can set them back on track, or make erroneous
Credits assumptions based on these diversions and go
Design: jim Musser further astray. Chapter Three chronicles the per-
Editing: Aime Gray lvicCready ils of the inner forest. If the party is alert and
Cover Illustration: Glen Urbik misses no key clues, it should never encounter
Interior Illustrations: Ken and Charles Frank these creatures. Chapter Four describes the piirie
Cartography: Iohn Knecht colony and the main characters in this adven-
Typography: Tim Coumbe ture.
Tales of Ei't.Cf'tt1itli'iit3'iif has no mechanism built-
AD'v'.1'tl“~JCED DUNGEONS ti»: DRAGONS and F'\l:3del:|' are registered in to keep the players on track. That is part of
trademari-zs owned by T511, Inc.
The TE=[t logo, DUNGEKJH MASTER. and Dlvl are tradernarl-cs owned the problem for them to solve. They can go as
by T5111, Inc. far afield as their bad judgment takes them, but
@1993 TEE, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the L|.S..»‘t.
the farther afield they go, the more trouble they
Random House and its affiliate companies have worldwide distribu- will find. The only way the party should face
tion rights in the book trade for English language products- Distrib-
uted to the book and tiohby trade in the United liingdoni by TSF. Ltd. much combat is if the players blunder about.
Distributed to the book and hobby trade by regional distril:-utors. Therefore, reduce standard combat experience
This product is protected under the copyright laws of the United States awards by 50% so as not to reward the players
of America. riny Vreproducl-ion or other unlawful use of the material or for making bad choices. The end of the adven-
artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written
permission of T51-i, lnc. ture calls for more advanced role-playing and
some really clever problem-solving. The Resolu-
TSR, Inc. TEBR Ltd-
PUB BT56 Till Church End tion section of Chapter Four includes special
Lake Eieneva Cherry Hinton awards for the end of the adventure.
WI 531-ii? Cambridge CB1 ELEV
USA United itingdom

i‘5Ei‘Vl U—5bU?o—t34-5-3 E1‘-"125}tltlt15U1

The mysteries and legends surrounding years, suddenly grew more numerous and
Whispering Widow Woods have always been stranger.
enough to scare off the timid. The dense canopy A shepherd named Patos complains that his
shrouds the forest floor in darkness even at mid- flock increases by two or three when he’s not
day, and the tangled underbrush inhibits travel looking and then returns to its normal sire when
and can disorient even seasoned woodsmen. he turns away again. He cannot tell. the addi-
lviost folk who live nearby, however, feel safe tional sheep from the regular ones, and he is
enough if they keep near the trails through the afraid to take his eyes off his flock for fear of
outer reaches of the woods. They believe the sto- what will happen.
ries about a dragon and other horrors, but they A farmer named Ierube maintains that it has
have no intention of going into the deepest and been raining on his fields for 22 days straight.
darkest parts of the forest. The locals use special No one believed him at first because the area
care to steer clear of an unusual rock formation has seen little rain in the last three weeks, but
that gives the woods its name. Visible from anyone traveling to his fields can see the steady
some farms near the forest is a towering lime- downpour and the great pools of standing
stone outcropping that some say looks like a water. l-lis crops have rotted.
face. Above and on both sides of the pale lime- Patos, ]erube, and others have noted voices
stone is a thin vein of dark stone much like a coming from Whispering Widow Woods. In
shroud. Trees cover the eerie hill"s gentle eastern every instance, they recognised the voice as that
slope. When the wind is right and especially at of a friend or family member. Those who fol-
night, neighboring farmers can hear what sounds lowed the voice into the forest found nothing,
like a widow’s muted wails of grief. and several times the person hearing the voice
The folklore, eerie rock formations, and thick knew the friend or family member to be else-
underbrush are plenty to keep locals on the where, not in the forest.
trails near the edge of the forest where they can ]areb Klause, a wealthy landowner, has
find sufficient firewood, mushrooms, and herbs decided to hire the PCs to investigate these
and where the forest creatures never bother strange happenings. Iareb is particularly wor-
them—until recently. ried about his adolescent son, Barens. Barens
It started as a frightening curiosity. Terror- has been showing youthful rebellion against his
iaed residents described attacks by normally father by taking long trips away from the manor,
docile creatures, such as black bears. Then it sometimes disappearing for days. Some of these
grew more biaarre. Respected citieens toVlVd wild tiVmes, Barens has been seen entering Whisper-
tales of unprovoked attacks by treants, sprites, ing Widow Woods, and his father is worried
and brownies. The last two curious souls to because Barens has been missing for two weeks.
venture into Whispering Widow Woods have The PCs’ mission is to learn the cause of the
not returned. attacks, to find Eiarens, and to make the woods
Other travelers have disappeared for days, safe again.
eventually arriving at their destinations with no In fact, Barens is a central piece to this puzzle.
memory of what had delayed them. In fact, one On one of his brooding hikes, Barens unknow-
stranger wandered out of the woods with no ingly passed near a colony of piides. These pia-
memory whatsoever; local authorities are still ies had long succeeded in avoiding contact with
trying to learn his identity. huVmans and demihumans. 1-Iowever, Gvvellen, a
In addition, reports of strange occurrences particularly curious and bold princess of the
near the forest, a liVst of oddities dating back for pi:-ties, actually introduced herself to Barens


when he next passed that way. The two became the illusions. The PCs will also hear a voice call-
close friends, developing quite a bond before ing for Gwellen, a name that means nothing to
the pixie king found out. them at first, deepening the mystery and pro-
The king, Ebron, reacted by creating illusions viding a clue at the same tiVme. These incidents
to frighten “large folk” from the forest. Gwellen are caused by pixies trying to lead the PCs
told Barens about the illusions, protecting him astray in the belief that the party is trying to
but getting herself in trouble by leaving the help Barens find Gwellen. The fact is, the PCs
pixie colony against Ebron’s orders. She found it are much less informed than the pixies assume.
ever more difficult to get away to meet with Deeper into the woods, the PCs might
Barens, and his trips into the forest became encounter several kinds of diversions, includ-
longer and lVonger. He even built him self a cabin ing forest creatures unrelated to the main plot,
to use as a base for his long walks in search of false trails created by the pixies, and even false
Gwellen. images of Barens, who will gladly agree to
When Ebron learned that he had not suc- leave the forest with the PCs. The PCs will
ceeded in halting Gwellen’s contacts with probably recognize this as a ruse only when
Barens, he grew angry and began a campaign of they take “Barens” back to his father. The PCs
harassment against humans living near the for- might also encounter the real Barens or the syl-
est and especially againVst Barens. Suddenly van elves, either of whom will aid them in solv-
Barens found himself subjected to all manner of ing the mystery.
trickery, such as being ptilyri-iorpli.ecl, put to sleep, if the PCs stumble onto Barens’ cabin, he will
and led into cnnfusioi-"1. Once, when lost, Barens tell them exactly what is going on. As the PCs
happened upon a tribe of sylvan elves. After are trying to unravel the mystery, Gwellen is
Barens explained his plight, the elves took pity trying to convince her brother that her friend-
on him. Though they did not want to confront ship with Barens is good, that the “large folk”
the pixies directly, the elves gave Barens a won’t harm the pixiVes.
charm that protects him from pixie magic. Gwellen’s mother, Lizbet, also has sympathy
Barens, not wanting to tip off the pixies about for her daughter but dares not openly defy her
his new defense, uses his cabin as a base in his husband. Thus the PCs wilVl have some passive
searches for Gwellen, all the while pretending to allies when they try to find a resolution that is
fall victim to the pixies when they harass him. acceptable to all. Their ultimate success wouVld
The PCs enter Whisperiiig Widow Woods be to find a way to unite Barens and Gwellen in
with no idVea of the pixies’ existence. All they some way acceptable to both Ebron and Iareb.
have is a simple map drawn by Barens’ father.
He has not gone deep into the woods for a very
long time and can only give the PCs an idea of
what lies in the outer reaches of the forest. At
the edges of the forest, they will meet normally
benevolent creatures. One-third of the time they
will encounter the actual creatures, and the rest
of the time they will encounter the pixies’ hos-
tile illusions of those creatures. When the PCs
encounter the illusions, at Vleast one pixie will be
present creating the illusion. This gives the PCs
a chance to discover the pixies and the source of

lareb, Barens"s father, gives the PCs a map clue for the PCs to begin solving the puzzle.
he has drawn of the area (Player's Map). 1-lis There are one or more invisible pixies hiding
knowledge of the area is limited because no one near the scene of each illusion. When the PCs
enters the deepest parts of the forest anymore. discover this, they will at least know what
Also, unless the PCs remind lareb, he forgets to they're up against even if they still don't know
give them a description of Barens (see encounter why.
215 for a complete description). If Iareb is asked In adVdition to the encounters in all the chap-
for a description of his son, he says Barens has ters, there is a special encounter that canV occur
lonVg brown hair and usually wears a cap. anywhere in the forest if one or two PCs get sep-
Beyond that, he cannot rememVber what Barens arated from the rest of the group. This also
was wearing when he last disappeared into the occurs if the party goes to sleep and leaves only
woods. one or two characters awake on guard. When
Each hex on the map equals 50 yards, mean- either of these situations arises, a pixie will
ing that careful listening might reveal sounds in approach the PC more directly. The pixie
a neighboring hex, but the thick undergrowth approaches invisibly and, if undetected, touches
blocks sight for more than about 10 yards. the character to cause cor-ifiisioi-1.. lnV addition, pix-
From outside the forest, only a few features ies harass isolated PCs by making them sleep, by
are visible. The most noteworthy is the “Whis- poly:-uoi'pliii"ig them into outlandish creatures,
pering Widow,” an unusual, rocky hill that con- and by stealing their memories.
sists of a limestone cliff resembling a face, If the PCs seem overmatched or somehow at a
shrouded with a thin layer of dark rock (303). severe disadvantage dVuriVng this part of the
The eerie wail that comes from this area of the adventure, see the£35l'ZOt)ffl"Ig section at the
forest reputedly comes from the face. Also visi- enVd of this chapter.
ble from outside the forest are a series of low
hills often covered with a curious green mist
(305). The hills are rumored to be home to a
101. Black Bears
dragon, but no one has claimed to have seen this Bears, black (2): AC 7; MV 12,: HD 3+3; hp 16;
creature for generations. THACil 17; #VAT 3; Dmg 1-3/l-3/1-6; SA hug
lvlost of the outer forest consists of common 2-8,: AL 1\J_;iv1L 10,;XP 85
animals and creatures that are not normVally 1l]1a. These two black bears have long lived
threatening to humaVns and demihum ans. In in this part of the forest. They learned to ignore
each instance, however, the pixies have, under travelers except to scavenge for food at camp-
their king's orders, created illusions of these sites after the travelers have gone. When the
creatures that behave very aggressively toward PCs encounter them anywhere within this
any travelers. VlVt is possible, and even likely, that area, these bears will first note the party curi-
the PCs will. encounter both the real creatures ously and then lumber off into the woods. If
and their illusions. the PCs attack, the bears try to avoid combat,
The pixies have created the illusions to fighting only if cornered. If the PCs encounter
friVghVten off mortals, not to kill them, which these bears after meeting the aggressive illu-
may start a war in which many more mortals sionary bears of lU1b or 101c, award them a
aVre tramping about the forest. To the PCs, the bonus 5U Kl?’ if they do not attack the bears at
illusions are little more than a bother, since first sighVt.
they should not be rewarded for killing such 101b, 1U1c. Created by pixies, these illusions
creatures, but the illusions are the first major are peVrfect copies of the black bears in 101a. The


big difference is in their reaction to the PCs.

103. Werebear
When the PCs approach, the bears attack fero-
ciously, biting and clawing at the closest charac- Werebear: AC 2; MV 9; HE) 7+3; hp 32; THACU
ters. Remember that the pixies’ purpose is to 13; #AT 3; Dnig 1-3/1-3/2-8; SA hug 2-16; AL
frighten the PCs, not to kill them. If the PCs fig- CG; ML 13; XP 700
ure out that they are facing an illusion, they may 103a. This creature has nothing against
look around for the source of it. Well-hidden, humankind, but hasn't much use for it, either.
and also invisible, are two pixies. If any member When the PCs encounter it anywhere within the
of the party spots the pixies (10% chance each) marked area, this lycanthrope assumes a defen-
and tries to approach them, they waste no time sive posture but does not attack. It maintains
fleeing back toward their home (402). this posture until the PCs leave. If the PCs stay
too long, the werebear eventually leaves the
area itself. Award the PCs 50 extra XP for stay-
I02. Giant Porcupine ing out of combat, or 100 extra if they’ve already
Porcupine, giant: AC 5; M.V 6; HD 6; hp 32; had to fight an illusory werebear.
THACO 13; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8; SA. shoot quills; Treasure: 8 gp, 25 pp, two blue quartz gems
AL N; ML 16; XP 325 worth 10 gp each, gold tiara inlaid with plat-
102a. This large creature is doing what it does inum worth 2,200 gp, scroll of protection from
best—minding its own business. When. the PCs lyre":-IH-"tropes, scroll of protection from fire‘, scroll of
encounter the creature anywhere within its area, protect-for-2 fro-ii-2 poison, unlabeled potion of delu-
the porcupine notes their presence with appar- sion.
ent disinterest. lf the PCs don't approach, the 103b, 1031:. These pixie-built horrors are exact
porcupine eventually waddles off into the copies of the original. Their sole purpose is to
woods. If the PCs do approach, the porcupine chase away the PCs. The pixie controlling this
lets loose a few quills to discourage them from illusion will do his best to injure the party mem-
coming nearer. If the PCs encounter this prickly bers, but he is careful not to kill anyone. If the
fellow after facing the images in 102b or 102c, PCs figure out this illusion and search for its
award them 50 bonus XP if they do not attack source, they may be able to find the invisible
this creature. pixie (10% chance), who is well-hidden but close
102b, 102c. In each of these areas is a replica of enough to monitor all the action. If discovered,
the giant porcupine, but these images are cre- the pixie flees to his home (402).
ated by pixies to frighten off innocent travelers
and meddlers l.ike this party of adventurers. At
I04. Unicorns
first sight, the sluggish porcupine image mean.-
ders closer to the PCs. After closing range a bit, Unicorns (4): AC 2; MV 24; I-ID 4+4; hp 24;
it lowers its head and charges, firing quills on THACO 15; #AT 3; Dmg l-6/1-6/1-12; SA
the run. The porcupine isn’t trying to kill the charge; AL CG; ML 14; XP 325
party, he just wants to scare them enough to 104a. These four unicorns are named Draylee,
drive them out of the forest. lf the PCs figure out Naylon, Prankon, and Naymidmerelda. They
that this is an illusion and seek its source, they have come to dominate this area of the forest (as
may find a well-hidden and invisible pixie near shown on the map). At one tirne_, folk from out-
the scene. If spotted (10% chance), the pixie flees side the woods often trampled the nearby region
toward his home (402). of forest that is rich in herbs. A few pointed
lessons by the unicorns persuaded the intruders

to pay closer attention to the ecosystem, and invisible. If seen (10% chance), she will flee to
everything has been fine ever since. When the her home (402).
I-‘Cs encounter them, the u.nicorns will be
friendly but firm in their message that the party
should stay off the unicorns’ turf. If the PCs dis-
I05. Treants
regard these warnings, the unicorns will fight. Treants (8): AC 0; MV 12; HD 11; hp 64; THACO
Treasure: potion offlying, potion ofgreen tirogori. 9; #AT 2; Dmg 4-24/4-24; SA control 1 or 2
control. trees; AL CG; ML 16; XP 6,500
104b, 10-4c. There can be few things that cause 105a. These eight treants have led a peaceful
more panic than seeing one rogue unicorn bear- existence, rarely bothered by any other crea-
ing clown on you at full gallop, much less four ture and never threatened. If the PCs pass by
of them. With a troublesome pixie holding the this way, the treants will make their presence
imaginary reins, these mighty steeds can throw known and then douse any torches the party
a fright into any band of adventurers, or so the may be carrying. Otherwise, the treants place
pixies hope. The most difficult task may be themselves in a defensive formation and herd
keeping the illusion convincing without killing the I-“Cs away from their lair. As long as the
any of the PCs. If the players figure out that they PCs remain friendly, the treants will be .help-
are facing an illusion, they may be able to spot ful, though not eager for the party to hang
the pixie causing it, though she is hidden and around.

Treasure: Two black onyx gems worth 100 gp Treasure: 24 cp, S0 sp, 5 pp, black sapphire
each, four amethysts worth 500 gp each, potion worth 5,000 gp.
offire "resistance (x2). 106b, 106c. Attacked by a pack of rabid
105b, 105c. As the PCs walk along a trail, they brownies? Who"s going to believe that? Even
are suddenly ambushed .from both sides. These though the PCs may have heard stories about
illusionary treants will do their best to subdue attacks by brownies, the PCs will probably be
the party, but the pixie controlling them will friendly when they encounter these. With a mis-
avoid m.ortal combat. His ultimate aim is to see chief-loving pixie orchestrating the brownies’
the PCs drag themselves away from this scene moves, the PCs won’t be friendly for long. Such
and out of Whispering Widow Woods. If the an attack is bound to cause as much psychologi-
PCs see through the illusion, they might be able cal damage as physical damage, for the PCs
to find the pixie (10% chance), once again hid- must stop and wonder what sort of topsy-turvy
den and invisible. If he's seen, he’ll make a forest this must be. ]ust such disbelief may be
break for home (402). what allows the party to see through the illu-
sion, in which case one of the party members
may spot the invisible pixie (10% chance) cavort-
I06. Brownies ing among his irnaginaiy big brothers. The pixie
Brownies (12): AC 3; MV 12; HD %; hp 3; will not stay around long, however, heading for
THACO: 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1-3 or by weapon; SA home (402) as soon as the illusion is broken.
spells; AL LG; ML 11; XP 85
106a. This band of brownies has been known
107. Sprites
to help many a traveler who found more trou-
ble than he could handle in "Whispering Widow Sprites (28): AC 6; MV 9/18; I-ID 1; hp 4; THACO
Woods. They are not only friendly with “large 19; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon; SA sleep arrows;
folk” from outside the forest but with most all AL NG; ML 11; XP 210
the forest creatures as well. When the PCs 107a. This band of 28 sprites once lived in
encounter the brownies anywhere within the peace and happiness. "Large folk” from outside
marked area, the creatures will be friendly as the forest occasionally passed by, and the sprites
usual. They know that the pixies are trying to sometimes met other forest creatures, but their
scare away “large folk” and they d.isapprove, existence was one o.f harmony with the world.
though they would never actually fight with The recent upheaval by the pixies has caused
the pixies. the sprites to be even more shy and withdrawn
The PCs can .find a great deal of help here. The than usual. They understand that the pixies are
brownies willingly tell them what the pixies the cause of the trouble, making even the nearby
have been doing, though the brownies don’t unicorns grumpy and bringing armed bands
know why. The can also act as guides, like this party of adventurers into the forest. The
ta king the PCs directly to the pixies’ home or to sprites are very wary of the PCs, but if the party
most other lairs, avoiding the illusions and the can gain their confidence, they will place all the
false trails. The brownies know nothing of blame on the pixies. They can give the PCs the
Barens or Gwellen. If confronted by pixies on general .location of the pixie colony, but they
this journey, the brownie guides will quickly know nothing more and are too withdrawn to
disappear into the forest, leaving the PCs on be of any more help. The leader of the band is
their own again. The leader of this band of lvlayella, but none of the other sprites are will-
brownies is named Graham. ing to give their names.

Treasure: 4,000 sp, staff of the tootidlends, gent of he wears no shoes. He carries a few silver pieces
iii.sigli.t. in his pocket. The human’s name and other
1t]'Fb, 1l]7c. if the PCs have the bad luck of characteristics are unknown because of memory
happening onto one of the illusionary bands of loss.
sprites, the pixie creating the image will execute At several places in Whispering Widow
an ambush. The helpless party will find itself Woods, the PCs may encounter a traveler who
the target of a myriad of tiny arrows flying from has fallen victi.m to the pixies. The pixies have
underbrush teeming with sprites. The illusion- used three of their favorite tricks, namely sleep,
ary sprites transport the I-‘Cs back outside the confusion, and rnenzory loss. The poor traveler sits
forest to wake and wonder at how they arrived. on a roc.k rubbing his sleepy eyes and scratching
If the PCs manage to avoid this and his con.fu.sed head. The appearance of the PCs
break the illusion, they have a chance to find the offers some hope, and he greets them enthusias-
pixie (10% chance), who once again is both hid- tically. Of course, he cannot remember how he
den and invisible. If spotted, she quickly flees got this way or where he is from.
for home (402). The only thing the PCs can do to help this
poor fellow is to use a rernooe curse spell. to end
108. Pegasus his confusion or a heel or fin-iiterzl ioish to bring
back his memory. He is still pretty vague about
Pegasus: AC 6; MV 24/48; I-ID 4; hp 31; THACO what happened to him. I-ie did not see the invis-
1?; #AT 3; Dmg 1-8/1-8/1-3; SA dive, rear ible pixie. About all he can do is tell the PCs
kick; AL CG; ML 11.; XI’ 85 where he is from (somewhere distant, because
108a. This beautifu.l beast is somewhat curi- he was not reported missing locally) and where
ous about the PCs and will study them from a he was going. It matters littl.e whether he sets
distance. If the PCs approach, the pegasus will out alone again or asks to join the party, as he is
be skittish, flying off a bit to maintain its dis- of l.ittle use for providing information or for
tance. lf attacked by neutral or good characters, other purposes.
the pegasus will flee. If attacked by evil charac- This encounter can provide the PCs with fur-
ters, the pegasus will fight. ther hints about what they are up against and,
108b, 108c. These illusions of pegasi act very more importantly, to warn them about what
aggressively as the pixies creating the illusions they might expect to happen if they venture off
attempt to frighten the party out of the woods. l.f alone.
the PCs recognize this as strange behavior and
break the illusion, they may be able to spot the
three hidden and invisible pixies (10% chance I IO. Voices
each), who retreat home (402) as soon as they l-Iexes containing the number 110, either indi-
are spotted. vidually or arranged in rows, indicate places,
usually along a trail, where a pixie calls out
109. Traveler from a distance, trying to beckon the PCs in an
adjacent hex to follow or, even better, to beckon
Human (F0): AC 9; MV 12; hp 4; #AT 1; Dmg by only one or two of the PCs to follow.
weapon; Str 11, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 8, Wis, 9, In all such locations, the pixie speaks in
Cha 11; AL NG; THACO 20 Barens’ voice and calls out the name Gwellen,
This human is a short man with crudely cut for the pixies certainly know of this longing and
blond hair. His clothes are old and rumpled and suspect that somebody may be searching for

Barens since he has been gone so long. The play- actually capture him or, worse, kill him. If the
ers may not know the significance of the name PCs kill a pixie, they must make several quick
Gwellen, and their characters probably will not decisions correctly while they probably still
recognize Barens’ voice since they've never met don't know what’s going on. First of all, they
him. An unknown name, heard from afar, adds must conceal this act. They must dispose of the
to the romance of the mystery, and the players body and proceed with the adventure and act as
should eventually figure out the connection. if nothing happened. This is unreasonable to
If the PCs follow in a group, the pixie just expect. Once Ebron learns of the death, the best
keeps leading them farther away, to the end of the PCs can hope for is to rescue Barens from
the string of 1105. If only one or two PCs follow, certain. death and declare the forest off limits for
the pixie will look for an opportunity to circle the next decade or so. They would deserve some
back and cause mischief, primaril.y with his credit for rescuing Barens, but any other Xi’
cease ctii-ifitsioii. touch. awards should certainly be lost because of the
problems they created.
Capturing a pixie is not quite as irredeemable
Troubleshooting as killing one. The pixie will not cooperate with
The main things that can go wrong in the the PCs, of course. Holding it captive may seem
outer forest is that the PCs might do too well or to have no purpose, and it is always a danger
too poorly. because of its powers. Releasing the pixie, how-
lt is highly probable that the PCs will learn ever, presents an even bigger problem. It will
that some of their encou.n.ters are illusions. return to Ebron long before the PCs ever get
They should also deduce that a single force is there, and when .Ebron learns of the PCs’ actions,
causing the illusions to scare people out of the he will figure out their motives and con.centrate
forest. This is essential. If the PCs push ahead all harassment powers directly against them
without an illusion and without wherever they go. No longer content to create
learning about the pixies through the other illusions in the hopes of frightening mortal trav-
clues, they are doomed to blunder about for elers, Ebron will order his band to take more
some time. ln this case, it is probably best to di.rect action against the PCs, using all their
reposition encounter 215 (Fake Barens) in their powers, such as poiyrnorpli, sleep, and cause con-
path. This should make them pause and think fusion. He will also make it impossible for
about what’s going on. Gwellen or her allies to ever contact the PCs. If
Another problem that could arise is if the the PCs persevere in spite of all this, Ebron will
party has no way to detect i"noisil1ility. If the char- still consider them adversaries durin.g the final
acters have the capability and simply don’t use negotiations. It would have been much better to
it, that’s fine because there’s plenty of time to have kept the pixie captive, no matter how cruel
find out about the pixies. If the PCs can never that may seem.
see the pixies, however, they’re going to have a
difficult time negotiating with them. Be aware
of the problem and be ready to drop the proper
item i.nto a treasure hoard or give a ring ofsee
invisible to a wandering goblin or other likely
More problematic is what happens if the PCs
not only spot a pixie creating an illusion but

The encounters in the first chapter gave the something immediately after the weasel en-
party clues to the nature of the adventure and counter ends, he might (10% chance) catch a
perhaps what to do next, but most of the encotm- glimpse of the pixie before it slips off to its home
ters in this chapter are purely diversions. Most (402).
are simply irrelevant to the plot, but some could
help clear up for a confused party and
others could provide false leads to test a party 202. Giant Spider
further. Spider, giant: AC 4; MV 3 (Web 12); I-ID 4+4; hp
The Dungeon Master should feel free to 26; THACO 17; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8; SA poison; AL
change these locations during the adventure as CE; ML 13; XP 325
necessary to either increase the ch.allenge fo.r a This abomination has spun a beautiful web
party that has been having too much good luck between trees at ground level, and it sits high in
or to provide clues or other help to a party that a tree ready to drop onto its prey. The spider
seems hopelessly on the wrong track. This is prefers to have its victim temporarily immobi-
especially the case with encounters 215 and 216 lieed by the web, but it will also attack humans
(meeting either the real Barens or the false one). and others who are smart enough to stay out of
the web.
201. Giant Weasels Perhaps as a tactic but more likely by acci-
dent, the spider has left its treasure pile only
Weasels, giant (8): AC 6; MV 15; HD 3+3; hp 12; partially concealed. The greedy traveler who
THACO 17; #AT 1; Dmg 2-12; SA blood drain; acts on impulse will find the spider's sticky
AL N; ML 10; XP 85 webbing clinging to everything in the pile.
This family of giant weasels usually sustains This spider is not too intelligent, and it will
itself by scouring the forest for small creatures. attack even an obviously superior force.
But when food gets low, these weasels some- Treasure: 2,000 sp, set of six gold-leaf goblets
times prey on human travelers passing through worth 100 gp each.
Whispering Widow Woods. Knowing this, the
pixies set a trap by creating voices to lure travel-
ers off the trail and into the weasels’ lair. Usu- 203. Giant Ticks
ally the travelers are able to escape with their Ticks, giant (9): AC 3; MV 3; I-ID 3; hp 10;
lives and tell others about the voice. Sometimes THACO 16; iiAT 1; Dmg 1-4; SA blood drain;
the weasels catch the humans unaware and AL N; ML 9; X]? 60
have a feast for a week. Waiting in low-hanging branches for any
When the PCs encounter the weasels, the warm-blooded creature to pass by are a cluster of
creatures automatically have a hostile reaction nine giant ticks. After dropping on its prey and
and receive a -1 modifier to their Surprise roll. achieving its first hit, each tick drains 1-6 points
They can hear the party coming and they stalk of blood until it reaches 10 (its own hit points),
their prey. which is its satiation. point, and it drops off.
Since the voice that led the PCs here was the To detach a tick before it reaches its satiation
creation of a pixie, the party will not be able to point, one must immerse it in water, burn it, or
find its source. The pixie is curious, however, kill it. Once a tick has begun to drain blood, its
and waits around briefly to see the result of the victim has a 50% chance of contracting a fatal
encounter with the weasels. If a PC can detect disease. The disease is fatal within 2-8 clays
inoisible and specifically looks for someone or unless a cure riiseese spell is used..

Knowing the mindless ticks will drop onto occasionally bothered, however, when Virtue
any passerby, the pixies use false voi.ces to lure seemed to seek glory for itself and belittle Tre-
“large folk” to this menace and, they hope, to torn, especially in front of his elven band. Virtue
prove the forest is too dangerous and frighten resents persona.lity conflicts when its special
them into leaving. purpose, helping the underdog, is at stake. And
so the two have come to an understanding that
when there is an issue of helping an underdog at
204. Sylvan Elves hand, Tretorn will become passive and let Virtue
Elves, wood (29): AC 5; MV 12; HD 1+1; hp 5; hold sway without a contest. In return, Virtue
THACO 18; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon; SA +1 to will help Tretorn stand tall before his subjects,
hit; AL CG; ML 13; XI." 210 taking full credit for powers and achievements
Tretorn, a 4th level fighter (Str lo, Dex 12, Con he could not have aspired to without lfirtue’s
11, Int 15, Wis 8, Cha 15), heads this band of 28 help. No one else knows about this, of course,
sylvan elves. He stands just over 5 feet tall, especially Tretorn’s band.
which makes him unusually tall for an elf. l-le The rest of the band consists of 1st level elves.
has long brown hair which he neatly pulls back Three elves carry swords, one carries a sword
and ties with colored string. His clothing is and spear, seven carry spears, one carries a
always spotless and matched carefully. His sword and a bow, and the other 15 carry bows.
fussiness about his appearance is a source of In addition to the 28 adults, there are three elf
humor for his band of elves, though none would children, all younger than age 10.
dare mock him to his face. The elves have befriended. a pride of giant
Though Tretorn may initially seem pompous lynxes (212) and a flock of giant owls (215). If
and aloof, he is a trustworthy and loyal elf. If the the elves ever feel threatened, they can summon
PCs converse with him long enough, they will these allies on short notice. By the same token,
discover that Tretorn’s manner is to compensate any party that has visited either the lynxes or
.for his insecurities. owls could never surprise the elves as those ani-
Tretorn always carries l/irtue, an intelligent mals act as an early warning for Tretorn’s band.
sroord +3. Virtues characteristics and abilities are Any party that has fought with the or
lnt 17, AL CG, primary abilities to detect eoii or lyn.xes can expect an automatic hostile reception
detect good i.n a 10> radius, to locate object in a upon encountering the elves.
1201- radius, and detect inoisible objects in a 10> During his wanderings and search for
radius, extraordinary power to cast one unique Gwellen, Barens encountered these elves several
spell (of the sworcl"s choice and design) per times. As kindred spirits of the forest, Barens
week, the special purpose of helping the under- and Tretorn became good friends. The elves
dog, the ability to communicate telepathically admired Barens for his stubborn refusal to give
with its owner, the ability to speak lammasu, up his love in the face of the pi.xie harassment
and the ability to read magic. l/iriue’s ego of 18 campaign. As a matter of fact, Virtue readily rec-
makes a close contest in the case of a personality ognieed Barens as the underdog when the pixies
conflict between the sword and Tretorn, but this unleashed all their tricks against him, and the
has not produced a problem between th.em .for sword created one of its unique to help
many years. him. With Tretorn smiling his approval, Virtue
Because Tretorn and Virtue have the same touched Barens on each shoulder and conferred
alignment, they have never had widely diver- upon him absolute immunity to pixie magic and
gent viewpoints or plans of action. Tretorn was mischief. To help maintain the effectiveness of


the spell, Tretorn. gave Barens a small charm in about Barens’ past, offering information that the
the exact shape of Virtue. As long as Barens has pixies wouldn’t have. The PCs might also
the charm an.d it remains intact, he will be pro- describe an encounter with the pixies, t.hough
tected. He cannot trans.fer the ef.fects of the they would have to be very persuasive (or pro-
charm to anyone else because Virtue gave only duce a captive pixie, for instance) to shake the
him the im.1nunity. If he lets anyone know he elves’ suspicion. Probably the best thing the PCs
has the ch.a.rm, its effectiveness immediately dis- could do would be to disclose their mission but
appears. Barens has used this gi.ft wisely (see profess ignorance of all the events of the forest
Barens’s Cabin, 401 , for details). (the ignora.nce could be real, of cou.rse), such as
Unless the PCs have earned a more hostile the pixies" scare campaign. in this case, the elves
reaction, the elves will be friendly but cautious would quickly recognize the PCs as underdogs
toward them. Knowing of all the pixies’ shenani- and try to help them..
gans, the elves suspect the PCs may be some Though the elves sympathize with Barens and
kin.d of pixie trick. There are a few ways the PCs dislike what the pixies are doing, they would
might try to gain the elves’ friendship. They not d.are to oppose the pixies directly. If the PCs
could try to persuade the elves that they have can win the elves" confidence, Tretorn. will tell
Barens’ best interests at heart, though the elves them. what he knows of the situation, such as
will still suspect a pixie trick. 'l'"he PCs could Barens’s and Gwellen’s love, the pixies’ harass-
overcome this with details about ]'areb or details ment of Barens and their forbidding Gwellen to

see him, and their campaign to scare other encounter the satyrs and avoid having combat
“large folk” out of the forest. Tre torn will direct with them, award the party a bonus of 200 KP.
the PCs to Barens’s cabin, but he will not guide Treasure: Six tiger eye agates worth 10 gp
them there and he will not rnention l=’i'rtire"s spe- each, three topaz gems worth 500 gp each, pipes
cial gift to Barens. ofsouudiiig, pl-rilter of love (10).
Treasure: 10,000 gp, four ebony statuettes of
lammasu each worth 2,000 gp, potion ofplorit
206. Leprechaun
control, potion of speed, potion. of leoitotiorz, potiori of
extra-li.eol-iiig, potion of oriii-i-ml control (2), scroll of Leprechaun: AC 8,; MV 15; HD 1,: hp 3; THACO
protection. from eleii-"rentals, scroll ofprotectiori. from 20; #AT 0; Ding Nil; SA spells; AL N; ML ll;
drogoit. breotl-1. KP 135
This forest is full of en.ou gh mischief, but this
little guy is in the midst of it and doesn’t seem to
205. Satyrs care. This leprechaun, Rollin Dougherty, cares
Satyrs (5): AC 5; MV 18; I-lD 5; hp 18; THACO nothing about Barens, Gwellen, and the pixies’
15; #AT 1; Ding 2-8 or by weapon; SA pipes; campaign to scare off the “large folk.” All this
AL N; ML 13; XIP 4.75 means to Rollin is fewer victims to rob.
This colony of five satyrs gets along with The PCs will find Rollin perched up on a tree
most all other residents of Whispering Widow limb, fast asleep and snoring. I-le is an old lep-
Woods. Their fun-loving lifestyle is infectious, rechaun. l-lis hair underneath a round brown
and other creatures consider the satyrs either as hat is tinged with white. His raggedy brown
friends or as harmless ne’er-do-wells. The satyrs clothes are clean, however. A shiny gold belt cir-
have no natural enemies. cles his waist a.nd is only barely visible behind
This group knows what’s going on in the for- the bag he clutches. He wears dirty black shoes.
est, in a general way at least. They clon’t know Even in his sleep he appears to be tightly clutch-
the particulars of the romance between Barens ing a knotted bag made of twine. Through the
and Gwellen, but they know something has the holes in the bag the PCs can see glittering bits of
pixies mighty upset. For their part, the satyrs shiny gold. Rollin is not actually sleeping, but is
could not care less. They care only if they hear of trying to lure the PCs into a trap.
a threat to their friends the centaurs (213) or If the PCs call out to the leprechaun to try to
their mates, the dryads (207). wake him, Rollin opens one eye and peers at
The satyrs' response to any approach by the them cautiously. At first he pretends to be a
PCs will be for the leader to play his pipes. If pixie and offers his services in countering the
there is an attractive female (Cha 15+) in the pixies. Rollin slowly works his way into the
party, he will play to ch.o.rm her. Otherwise, his party"s confidence.
action depends on the PCs’ approach. If the When he sees a good opportunity, Rollin lures
satyr thinks they’re friendly, he"l_l try to put the party over to the tree where his trap has
them to sleep, then steal all their valuables. It the been laid. Then he springs his rope trap and the
satyr thinl-as the PCs are hostile, he’ll try to make party is scooped up in a huge net. Rollin
his pipes Ct’-Z1-iS£?fE3’(lt’ and drive them away. snatches whatever he can of value, turns invisi-
In any case_, th.e PCs will find the satyrs to be ble, and scampers off into the woods.
of little help, and if the PCs start trouble, they If the PCs try to sneak up on Rollin as he sup-
could find themselves in trouble with most of posedly naps, they will be caught in the rope
the other forest creatures as well. If the PCs trap immediately and robbed. They cannot sur-

prise him in any way. If the PCs have no appro- and Gwellen, but her solution to the problem is
priate magical items, escape from the rope trap much different from Ebron’s. Vitae is plotting to
takes at least three rounds. get rid of Gwellen or to destroy Barens’s love for
Rollin is no help to the party. He only causes her; either will do. She gives the party a com-
grief. He will do anything to prevent the PCs plete description of Gwellen so they can kill her
from finding his lair if they somehow manage to or force her to give up Barens. Vitae stresses that
follow him. none of this is Barens’s fault, so simply tying
Treasure: 5,000 gp, gold belt worth 500 gp. him up and removing him from the forest is not
a good solution—at least not for Vitae.
207. Dryads Vitae describes Gwellen as being about 2 feet
tall. She usually wears a pale blue or pale green
Dryads (3): AC 9; MV 12; I-1D 2; hp 9; THACO dress that seems to be made of an almost weight-
16; #AT 1; Dmg l-4; SA charm; AL N; ML 12; less material. Her long red hair is always
XP 475 braided behind her and is tied with flower
These three maids live near each other and stems. Around her neck she wears a fine gold
may be sisters. They are usually most secretive chain from which hangs a tiny heart charm.
and would never be seen by a party of travel- Barens had given her the charm at their second
ers. Lately, however, one of the three, named meeting and she has not taken it off since. How-
Vitae, has come into the open and greeted sev- ever, since her father discovered her involve-
eral humans and clemihumans passing nearby. ment with Barens, the charm has somehow
She tells them she knows all about what the cracked. Vitae has seen the charm, but does not
pixies are doing and she wants to help the trav- know its significance.
elers. Although Gwellen is beautiful, Vitae natu-
Vitae is clothed in a simple, fine white dress rally describes her as being quite plain. She
that glimmers with a pearly sheen. Her lon.g, complains about the horrid color of Gwellen's
white hair cascades down her back and reaches hair and criticizes the way she “ties it up so
the hem of her dress which extends just below funny with flowers and whatever else she finds
her knees. She is quite beautiful and will in the forest. ”
respond in a very friendly manner to anyone Treasure: 300 gp, 20 garnets worth 300 gp
with high Charisma (15+). each.
As the other two dryads try to keep Vitae
from becoming involved, she ignores their
pleas and offers aid to the party. All is not as it
208. Ankheg
seems, though. Vitae, like Gwellen, was quite Ankheg: AC 2 (underside 4); MV 12; f-ID 1d6+2;
smitten by Barens as he passed one day. Barens, hp 16; THACO 16; #AT 1; Dmg 3-18 (crush) +
however, was already in love with Gwellen, 1-4 (acid); SA squirt acid; AL N; ML 9; KP 300
and he resisted Vitae’s charms effortlessly. This horrid bug is simply lying in wait for its
lncensed, she enlisted the aid of all the trees in next meal. Buried with only its antennae stick-
the forest to find out why and how Barens ing above the earth, the ankheg is very difficult
eluded her. to detect. As the innocent traveler passes over,
Now Vitae comes forward to offer her aid to the ankheg bursts from its underground hiding
passers-by in the hope that she can trick them place to crush its victim in its powerful pincers.
into helping her. She willingly tells everything Treasure: 3,000 sp.
she knows about the romance between Barens


209. Giant Ants 211. Giant lynxes

Ants, giant (146): AC 3; MV 18; I-ID 2 (worker), 3 Lynxes, giant (4): AC 6; MV 12; HD 2+2; hp 14;
(warrior), 10 (queen); hp 8 (worker), 14 (war- THACO 19; #AT 3; “Dmg 1-2/1-2/1-4; SA rear
rior), 47 (queen); THACO 16; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 claws 1-3 each; AL N; ML 9; XP 135
(worker), 2-8 (warrior), 0 (queen); SA poison These four giant lynxes pose no threat to man,
sting (warrior); AL N; ML 9; XP 15 (worker), unless that man appears to be a threat to their
85 (warrior), 0 (queen) friends, the sylvan elves (204). These intelligent
As the party approaches this area, the PCs cats prey on small mammals in the area as they
notice unusual movement amid the underbrush. act as the eyes and ears of the elves.
Upon closer examination, they will find 20 As the PCs approach, the lynxes watch cau-
worker ants going about their business of gath- tiously and curiously, but from a distance. The
ering food. There are four anthills in the immedi- lynxes will not interfere with the PCs in any
ate area. There are 100 more workers, 25 warriors, way. Only if the PCs appear to be headed for the
and the queen in the ants’ tunnels below the elves will the cats race to warn their friends and
anthills. masters.
If the party is reasonably careful, the PCs can Only a truly determined party could force
continue on their way without disturbing the combat with these cats, and only a very talented
ants. The ants will fight, however, if combat- party could befriend them to a point where they
minded PCs are determined to get their weap- would be of some use. If the PCs do manage to
ons bloody. find a way to fight with the lynxes, it severely
If the PCs manage to kill the queen, the other damages their chances to deal with the elves.
ants become confused for six rounds and then
leave the nest.
Treasure: Six jasper gems worth 50 gp each,
212. Centaurs
potion labeled P0fy't?'ID't'}3'fI self (actually poison), Centaurs (6): AC 5; MV 18; HD 4; hp 18; THACO
potion. of diiitiriutiorr, potion ofgaseoas form. 17; #AT 3; Dmg 1-6/1-6/by weapon; SA Nil;
AL CG; ML 13; XP 100
Six sylvan centaurs live in this part of Whis-
210. Bombardier Beetles pering Widow Woods. They are on especially
Beetles, bombardier (6): AC 4; MV 9; I-ID 2+2; good terms with the satyrs (205) and the wood
hp 10; THACO 19; #AT 1; Dmg 2-12; SA acid elves (20-fil). Four of them carry bows and two
cloud; AL N, ML 13; XI’ 60 carry lances.
The party can smell these beetles before it sees When the PCs encounter them, the centaurs
them. Six of these huge insects have chosen the are extremely cautious and not particularly
same parcel of forest to build their nests. Each friendly. The centaurs inform the party that
has accumulated a prodigious pile of waste in humans aren’t welcome in this part of the
which to lay its eggs. All seem intent on tasks woods. Though firm in their resolve to get rid of
comprehensible only to other insects and seem the PCs, the centaurs will be civil, and they will-
oblivious to the party of PCs marching forward ingly give out bits of information if that means
with noses held. The PCs can easily skirt the bee- the PCs will leave.
tles' stomping ground and continue onward, but The PCs must be very polite and self-effacing
they suffer a —2 penalty to their surprise rolls for here if they expect to gain anything from this
the next two hours because of the stench. encounter. If the PCs are the least bit aggressive

or disagreeable, the centaurs won’t hesitate to
give them a fight.
215. Fake Barens
Treasure: 6 gp, three topaz gems worth 500 gp Barens (F0): AC 8; MV 12; I-ID 1; hp 4; THACO
each. 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1-S (double-bladed axe); SA
Nil; AL NG; ML 10; XP 15
At several locations in the forest, Ebroch,
213. Giant Hornet
Gwellen’s brother, has polyiirorplied himself to
Hornet, giant: AC 2; MV 6/24; HD 5; hp 30; look exactly like Barens and imitate Ba rens’s
Tl-lACO 15; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; SA poison and voice perfectly. He can imitate 'Barens’s 1naruier-
paralysis; AL N; ML 10; XP 325 isms to some extent but totally lacks knowledge
This nasty insect buzzes through the forest of Barens’s background and personality. Thus,
looking for its next victim. A careful party he looks, sounds, and even acts like Barens, but
should be able to hear its buzzing from 50 yards would have no idea what Barens’s father’s
(1 hex) away and steer clear of it. lf the PCs are name is, for example. Ebroch hasn’t told
foolish enough to investigate the buzzing, how- Gwellen of his efforts to get rid of the PCs so she
ever, they are likely to have a fight on their can honestly tell her father she knows nothing
hands because the hornet can fly much faster about it.
than they can ru.n away. Barens is a handsome young man. about 20
years old. He has shoulder-length brown hair
which he keeps out of his eyes by tucking it in a
214. Giant Owls
cloth cap or headband that he ties around his
Owls, giant (2): AC 6; MV 3/18; l-ID 4; hp 17; forehead. He wears a white shirt and brown
THACO 17; #AT 3; Dmg 2-8/2-8/2-5; SA sur- leather trousers. He has crude brown, leather
prise; AL N; ML 12; XP 135 shoes that are scuffed. He carries an axe with
This mated pair of owls acts as a warning sys- him not only to use in the forest, but to defend
tem for their friends, the elves (204). The owls himself against dangerous creatures.
are adept at getting ou.t of trouble, but the elves When encountered by the PCs, the ersatz
would surely com.e to their aid if needed. Barens acts out his part to the best of E-broch’s
The owls will. be friendly and curious, but ability. He willingly tells the .l.-‘Cs his name is
cautious toward the PCs. If the PCs are aggres- Barens, but he acts cautiously toward them at
sive, the owls will simply fly away unless the first. This is a ruse, of course, because Ebroch is
PCs threaten their nest, in which case they will trying his best to gain the PCs’ confidence.
fight furiously. If the PCs win the owl.s’ confi- This false Barens openly discusses his love for
dence, the owls will lead them to the elven band Gwellen, a.dmitting that she is the reason he has
at encounter 204. been staying in the forest. He puts a false twist
Treasure: Three eggs, three egg-shaped on events, however, professing to be depressed
rhodochrosite gems worth. 10 gp each, five egg- about the difficulties he and Gwellen face, such
shaped pieces of dark green jade worth 100 gp as different cultures, different sizes, obstacles
each, potion of oeritriloaz.-risra, unlabeled potion of placed by the rest of the pixies, and so forth.
roater lueatliii-ig. What Ebroch is trying to do is get the PCs to
coax Barens out of the forest. As a result, the
search party would leave the forest thinking
they have succeeded. in their mission because
they have Barens by their side.

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lf this all happens according to the pixie s

I-. . .
Barens will be friendly but cautious. See en-
plan, this false Barens will accompany the PCs cotmter 215 for a description of Barens.
all the way back to ]areb’s manor. The only rea- Barens is wary of yet another pixie trick
son that this can work is because the PCs don’t against him. He also has no intention of leaving
know Barens personally. Ebroch knows he won’t the forest without Gwellen, no matter whom his
be able to fool Barens’s family for long, so after father sends after him. With the chart-ri of iriirai.i-
initial greetings, Barens pleads fatigue and riity to pixie rriagic given to him by the elves (204),
excuses himself to take a nap before dinner. Not Barens isn’t too worried even if the PCs are just
even knowing the way to Barens’s bedroom, the another pixie trick. Since he can’t let the pixies
pixie acts as soon as he is out of sight of the oth- know he has this charm, he pretends to suc-
ers. He quickly drops the Barens guise, changes cumb to every bit of pixie harassment.
back to a pixie, becomes invisible, and heads If the PCs have already encountered Gwellen,
back for the forest. Ebroch hopes that Barens’s but she is not with them, telling Barens that they
family won’t go searching for him again, at least know about the heart charm will certainly get
not right away. his attention. He will know when it was given to
If the PCs have somehow already encoun- Gwellen and what it looks like, obviously, and
tered Gwellen, she will have told them about the false Barens (Ebroch) will not.
the heart charm that Barens gave her. If she is lf the PCs manage to convince Barens that
with them when they encounter the false Barens, they are on his si.d.e, not just fulfilling a contract
she will insist that he is an impostor. She has no for his father and certainly not pixie shills, he
proof he is a fake, except that she insists that her will try to enlist their aid. But not here. ”The
cracked heart charm would heal itself if she trees have eyes and ears,” Barens warns the PCs,
found him again. Ebroch has not told Gwellen putting a single finger to his lips and quickly
of his plan to protect the real Barens and to help leading them away from this place.
her, and he will not admit that he is an impostor, Barens will take the PCs to his cabin (401),
even to his sister. where they can talk more openly and where
The PCs may realize that Gwellen could help they can plan strategy. Barens knows the way to
them by testing Barens’s knowledge of his get them there without incident.
romance with the pixie. If they suspect that
something is odd about this Barens, Gwellen
will cooperate by asking him intimate details of
their relationship that only those two could

216. Barens
Barens (F0): AC 8; MV 12; I-ID 1; hp 4; TI-IACO
20; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8 (double-bladed axe); SA
Nil; AL NG; ML 10; XP 15
Barens spends most of his time searching for
Gwellen. Since Ebron has forbidden Gwellen
from seeing Barens, this means Barens spends
more and more time wandering through the for-
est. ‘When the PCs encounter the young man,


Deep in the forest reside dark horrors that the 302. Owlbears
forest folk and others have avoided for
More than mere diversions on the way to solv- Owlbears (5): AC 5; MV 12; HD 5+2; hp 29;
ing the real plot, these creatures are here to pim- Tl-IAC015;#AT 3; Dmg 1-6/1-6/2-12; SA
ish anyone with more muscles than brains. h.ug_; AL N; ML 12 + special; XP 210
These five owlbears, two adults and three
babies, had grown used. to being left alone in
301. Kobolds their part of the forest. That was before the pix-
Kobolds (250): AC 7; MV 6; I-ID ti; hp 2; THACO ies started their scare campaign. Knowing about
20; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; SA Nil; AL LE; ML 8; KP 3 the owlbears’ foul disposition, the pixies created
This tribe of 250 kobolds has lived i.n relative one of their false trails leadin.g directly to the
peace in this part of the forest since driving most owlbears’ lair. Since this happened, innocent
other creatures away. They know this area of the travelers and even other forest creatures have
woods very well and patrol it frequently. been unlucky enough to find themselves facing
If the PCs arrive here along one of the trails, the owlbears. The owlbears have dealt with the
kobold scouts certainly would have spotted intruders e.ffectively, but their disposition has
them long enough ahead of time for the main grown even worse with the bother.
body of kobolds to have prepared an excellent The two adult owlbears will treat the PCs
ambush. If the PCs arrive here without using the just like any other intruder and will attack on
trails, the kobolds would still have spotted them sight. Regardless of the owlbears’ neutral align-
ahead of time and would be gathering more ment, the PCs can do nothing to pacify the
kobolds as the PCs neared the kobold camp. By beasts, and their only course of action is to try
the time the PCs reach here, kobolds will have to retreat with as little damage as possible. The
surrounded them but can no longer catch the PCs have no reason to battle these creatures, so
PCs by surprise. award the party a bonus of 50 XP if they
Regardless of how the party arrives, the encounter the owlbears but manage to leave
kobolds wait for the best opportunity and then without a fight.
attack, using sniping tactics with arrows and
slings in an attempt to damage the party. They 303. Whispering Widow
use their hiding places and superior numbers to (Groaning Spirit)
keep the PCs constantly surrounded. The
kobolds automatically attack when they think Groaning Spirit: AC 0; MV 15; I-ID 7; hp 30;
they have an advantage. They will negotiate THACO 13; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; SA death wail;
with the party only if beaten badly or threat- AL CE; ML 13; XP 2,000
ened with death. This is the location of the towering limestone
Leading the kobolds is a chief an.d his kobold cliff with a shroud of b.lack stone that is com-
honor guard consisting of four kobolds (AC 5, monly known as the Whispering Widovv. It is
HD 1+1, hp F’, Dmg 1-8) as well as 12 captains visible from outside the forest and is a landmark
(AC 6, HD 1-1, hp 4, Dmg 1-6). from those occasional places where the canopy
Treasure: 40 cp, 10 sp, three bloodstone gems opens wide enough to let some daylight reach
worth 50 gp each. the forest floor. While the rock face itself
accounts for the ”Widow” in the name, a horri-
ble occupant of the hill’s forested eastern slope
is responsible for the ”Whispering.”



The rumors and legends common in the land The pixies have created a false trail leading to
betray little about this groaning spirit. No one a spot not too distant from the will o’wisp’s
outside the forest claims to have actually seen a haunt. The pixies didn’t want to get any c.loser
real ‘Whispering Widonr, other than the face on because the will o’wisp is so devious an.d blood-
the hill. Most of the rumors correctly identify thirsty.
the Widoni as an elf, but the rest of the ru.mors When the l-“Cs reach this area of forest, the
are more fantasy than fact. The other accurate will o’wisp hovers just out of their reach, luring
parts of the rumors are that the Widow’s ” whis- them forward. The will o’wisp continues to lead
pering,” actually thought to be cries of grief, its victims toward the quicksand, fighting only
have lured many to their doom. as necessary.
Even the pixies want nothing to do with this Treasure: 200 cp, 200 sp, 300 gp, 100 pp, five
creature, and they also have not been so sadistic jet gems worth 100 gp each, gen: cg’ seeing, niirror
as to create a false trail leading to the spirit’s lair. of niental proioess, shield +3.
lf the PCs are Lmfortunate enough to venture
within 100 yards (2 hexes) o.f the groaning spirit,
they will be able to hear its wail regardless of
305. Green Dragon
wind direction. They can recognize the tone of Dragon, green (very old): AC —5; MV 9/30; 1-ID
anguish and can distinguish it from the voices 18; hp 96; THACO 2; #AT 3; Dm.g 1-8/1-8/’
in encounter 110. If the party has been unlucky 2-20; SA breath, spells; AL LE; ML 16; XP
enough to have blundered onto the groaning 6,500
spirit’s lair, they sh ou.ld be happy to escape with Living in a cluster of hills cloaked in an eerie
their lives. green mist, this very old green dragon goes
If they manage to fight and kill the spirit, the wherever it wants, whenever it wants. It usually
PCs still get only half the XP because they stays close to home, however, to protect its trea-
shouldn’t have been here in the first place. sure hoard. That is tota.lly unnecessary, as every
However, killing the Whispering Widow will forest creature knows about the dragon and
certainly make them local heroes. It will also none would be enough to try to pilfer its
give them instant credibility with the wood. hoard.
elves, pixies, Gwellen, Barens, or most other The dragon long ago cleared out its immedi-
occupants of the forest. ate area of any other creatures. As part of their
scare campaign, the pixies created a false trail
leading to the dragon’s lair, but they stopped
304. Will o’Wisp
well short because they didn’t want to deal with
Will o’Wisp: AC -8; MV 18; HD 9; hp 44; THACO this foul-tempered and powerful beast.
11; #AT 1; Dmg 2-16; SA electrical damage; AL ln addition to its dangerous chlorine breath
CE; ML 1?; XI’ 1,500 weapon, which causes l8d6+9 points of dam-
A will o’wisp has taken up residence in this age, the dragon radiates fear within 35 yards
area of forest because of the suitably large and can cast a number of spells. Once each day
expanse of quicksand, 30 feet by 50 feet. Hang- the dragon can use cliarni person, detect good,
ing from the canopy of limbs above the quick- eritangle, ESP, gust oftoiricl, liolrl person, plant
sand are the bags of treasure the will o’wisp has gi‘oiiitli, sloio, siiggestiriii, ioarp toooal, a.nd toater
recovered from its victims. The will o’wisp has breatliing.
no use for this treasure except as bait for other As the PCs encounter the green dragon, they
adventurers. notice that its curiosity exceeds its hunger as it

quickly begins to converse in common. An open This vine is 120 feet long, twisting back on
exchange of information seems fair to the itself again and again. PCs unlucky enough to
dragon, especially since it has no secrets and wander within its grasp are in for the fight of
sees no harm in giving information to creatures their lives. Its many branches each have 12 hp in
whom it expects to be its next meal. addition to the damage the main vine can sus-
The dragon knows about all long-term resi- tain. The vine can make four attacks on each tar-
dents of this forest, and it does not hesitate to tell get within its reach.
the PCs the general location of any lair, including
the pixies’. The dragon knows nothing of Barens
or his cabin, since they are recent arrivals, and is
307. Ettercap
unaware of the pixies’ harassment campaign. Ettercap: AC 6; Mb’ 12; l-1D 5; hp 20; THACO 15;
The dragon will not divulge any information #AT 3; Dmg 1-3/1-3/1-8; SA poison; AL NE;
about itself, its habits, or its hoard. ML 13; XP 475
The dragon wants to question the PCs because Expecting to claim its victims one at a time,
it is thirsty for information about the outside this ettercap has set many snare-type traps in a
world. The dragon first asks the PCs what they small area, and he sits up in the branches wait-
are doing in the forest. It cares little about their ing for someone or something to set one off. The
mission but is most interested in the fact that creature is quite taken aback to see a whole
they are mercenaries, attempting a task for hire. party of PCs heading his way.
This interests the dragon because it reasons that Regardless of whether a PC sets off a trap or
their empl.oyer must be wealthy to be able to one of them detects a trap without setting it off,
hire them. The dragon asks repeated and the ettercap is not so foolish as to attack the PCs
pointed questions about the PCs’ employer, his as long as they have numerous friends nearby,
residence, and his riches. The dragon also asks and so the creature cowers behind whatever
leading questions like, "Your employer must be foliage it can find.
the richest man in the region, yes?” The d.ragon If the PCs corner the etterca.p, it will defend
is obviously trying to learn if there is an even itself. If the PCs decide not to bother, the etter-
better target outside the forest. cap wheezes a sigh of relief and goes back to its
The. dragon will continue this conversation watching post to wait for better odds.
until he thinks he has gleaned all the informa-
tion he can from the PCs and has given them a
fair amount in return. Then it attacks without
308. Obliviax
warning. Obliviax: AC 10; MV Nil; HD Vi; hp 2; THACO
Treasure: 20,000 sp, 10,000 pp, silver dinner 20; #AT 0; Dmg Nil; SA spells; AL NE; ML 9;
place settings for 64 people, including plates, XP 15
goblets_, eating utensi.l.s, and all serving acces- If the PCs managed to protect their memories
sories—more than 500 pieces in all with a total from the scheming pixies, they now have
silver content exceeding 4,000 sp. another prob.lem to deal with. When the party
comes within 60 feet, the obliviax starts trying
to pluck peopl.e’s memories. it goes after the
306. Choke Creeper spellcasters first so i.t can use those spells to
Plant, Carnivorous: AC 6 (vine), 5 (stalk); l\/W’--; defend itself.
HD 25; hp 150; THACO T; #AT 8 or more; Dm.g
1-4; SA strangulation; AL N; ML 14; XP 9,000

hassle, the worgs moved.
309. Giant Sundew
The worgs are intelligent enough not to attack
Plant, carnivorous: AC 7; MV 1; HD 8; hp 30; the PCs blindly. The worgs know they probably
THACO 1.2_; #AT 6 per target; Dmg 1-3; SA suf- could not win that battle, and so the worgs
focating; AL N; ML 11; XP 1,000 shadow the party warily, attacking only if they
The sti.cky, sweet sundew lashes out with its see a sign of weakness.
tendrils at anyone within its reach. Though this The worgs’ speed and knowledge of the area
plant should not pose a serious threat for the make it almost impossible for the PCs to corner
PCs, it is sure to be a bother. And if the PCs them or force them into a fight.
decide that the sundew is protecting something,
they will find it a major bother to kill, all for
3 I 2. Firbolgs
Firbolgs (3): AC 2; MV 15; HD 13+7; hp 71;
THACO 9; #AT 1; Dmg 1-10+’7; SA spells; AL
31 0. Stirges
N; ML 16; XP 4,000
Stirges (24): AC 8; MV 3/18; HD 1+1_; hp 5; Other forest creatures leave these three fir-
THACO 1?’; #AT 1; Dmg 1-3; SA blood drain; bolgs alone, and for good reason. The giant-kin
AL N; ML 8; XP 85 don’t like strangers, and they are one of the
This c.l.uster of stirges has cleared almost all most formidable foes to be found.
the small m.ammals out of this area of forest. The lf the PCs go far enough afield to reach this
thirsty stirges will not hesitate to attack the part of the forest, they may be in for some seri-
party. As the stirges can smell the PCs some dis- ous trouble. The firbolgs don’t attack immedi-
tance off, the encounter does not occur exactly at ately, but they do try to get the PCs to leave.
the stirges’ lair. If the PCs defeat the stirges and Any PCs who are this far off track may also
go looking for treasure, they must spend consid- decide to stay and talk to the firbolgs a bit
erable extra time to have any chance of finding longer. They’ll see the firbolgs’ attitude ch.a nge
the lair (10% chance per hour). from friendly to firm to fatal.
Treasure: 2,000 gp, potion iIff)‘lyii-ig, riiai-id ofpar— Treasure: 2,000 gp, sapphire worth 1,000 gp.
alyzaiion with 54 charges, book with nothing
written on the cover (tonie of clear ff'lE.lI.lgf'I.i).
313. Hangman Tree
Plant, carnivorous: AC 3/5 (appendages); MY
311. Worgs
0; l-ID 6+1 hp/year; hp 142; THACO '7; #AT 3;
Worgs (8): AC 6; M1./’ 18; HD 3+3; hp 16; THACO Dmg 1-3; SA swallow; AL N; ML 15; XP 700
17’; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8; SA Nil; AL NE; ML 11; if the PCs wander into this area, the best they
KP 60 can hope for is to escape with little loss. The
These worgs are relative newcomers to this hangman tree would like nothing better than a
part of Whispering Widow Woods. They had few PCs as a ch a.nge in diet from its usual kobold
lived nearer the kobolds (301) but grew weary fare. If the PCs do venture too close, the tree
of that sniveling band’s attempts to befriend attacks three of them sirnultaneously.
and train the worgs, presumably to use as
mounts. These particular worgs are too inde-
pendent and proud to serve as mounts for any-
body, much less for kobolds. Tired of the


Any PCs who become yellow musk zombies

314. Wolfwere are out of commission for the rest of the adven-
Wolfwere: AC 3; MV 15; HD 5+1; hp 22; THACO ture, even if their comrades rescue them from
15; #AT 2; Dmg 2-12/1-8 (double-bladed axe); the creeper’s fatal attack.
SA singing brings on lethargy; AL CE; ML 14; Treasure: 5,000 cp, four moonstones worth 5U
X11‘ 1,000 gp each, four amethysts worth 100 gp each.
After all this way, finally the PCs have found
Barens, or so they think. Unfortunately for the
hapless party that has gotten this tar, this isn’t
316. Wizard
Barens, or even a pixie polyn-iorplied to look like Wizard (M11): AC 10; MV 12; hp 30 ; Str 9; Der;
Barens. This wolfwere is much more sinister. 14; Con 10; Int 15; Wis 13; Cha 12; THACO 20;
Seeing the party of humans and demihumans #AT by spell; Dmg by spell; SA spells; AL CG;
approaching, the wolfwere assumes the form of ML 12
an attractive example of their kind, namely that Spells: shield, ride the wind, past liy‘e, liolrl person,
handsome young woodsman the wolfwere has and locate creature
seen wandering about. Fiona is a squat wizard with very large hand s,
The wolfwere in this guise cannot fool the the only other body parts showing besides her
party for long, but he doesn't need to. Upon see- face. Her hair is the color of a crow's feathers
ing the PCs and heading toward them, ‘Barens’ and hangs in straggly ringlets to her shoulders.
breaks into song. This song is far from harmless, Her face is pleasant if expressionless, but when
however, as it causes lethargy (5-8 rounds) she frowns or becomes angry, her face becomes
among the PCs who fail their saving throws vs. frightening and distorted.
spells. She wea rs a flowing robe which changes color
]u st as the wolfwere reaches the PCs it as the sky changes color. Her feet are wrapped
changes into a half-human, half-wolf form and in leather strips, but are seldom visible beneath
attacks with its mighty jaws as well as with the the long robe.
axe it is carrying. The PCs have little choice but When the PCs encounter Fiona, she is outside
to fight back. of what appears to be a small hut hidden by lots
Treasure: 5,000 cp, five amber gems worth 100 of bushes and vegetation. Beside her crude
gp each, oil of ii-isencFiiin.tin.ent, potion cf ievitetion, wooden door is a slice of tree trunl< that appears
potion cf speed, scroll of protection front electricity. to be used as a stool. Strewn about the dirt are
several large bones.
Fiona is on her knees searching the ground for
315. Yellow Musk Creeper something. Even if the PCs attempt to sneak up
Yellow Musk Creeper: AC 7; MV U; HD 3; hp on her, she will not be surprised. She claims her
1»-ii; THACO 17; #AT 8; Dmg special; SA gas; hearing is far too good for anything to sneak up
AL N; ML 20; XP 325 on her. If the PCs approach her in a friendly
The beautiful flowers on this plant may seem manner, she will chat amiably with them, all the
out of place in the darkest reaches of the forest, while searching through the bushes and on the
but not as out of place as any creature that ven- ground. She knows nothing of Barens or
tures too close to them. Even in such a hostile Gwellen or even that the pixies are causing trou-
environment as much of Whispering Widow ble for humans. However, she seems to be inter-
Woods is, there are few things as mindlessly ested and concerned that humans may be chased
destructive as the yellow musk creeper. away from the area. Fiona occasionally uses

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humans in her experiments and a shortage of before the little gnats find them gone Then I ll
them would hinder her research. never get rid of the little pests.” She wants to
If the PCs ask what she is searching for, Fiona restore the humans to their normal size, but has
tells them her spell book has fallen apart and the lost the papers her spell was written on. She will
pages have scattered in the wind. So far she has let the PCs leave only if they can figure out how
only managed to find the pages containing just to help.
four spells. She has lost 14 other spells and is a The PCs can help in two ways which are very
bit distracted by her problem. One spell in par- simple if they take the time to figure it out. They
ticular has her worried. She will explain if the can go search for the missing pages in the bushes
PCs ask. Something went terribly wrong with and try to help Fiona figure out where she went
the spell. as she was casting it and now she must wrong. A PC with high Intelligence (at least 15)
figure out how to reverse it. should be able to help.
If the PCs approach her in a hostile manner or Observant PCs may notice a deep shelf in the
try to attack, she casts a simple hold person so she hut. The shelf is straining under the weight of
can convince them to help her. Of course, the many large jars. Fiona explains the potions that
PCs really have no choice. If they refuse to help each jar contains (potion offlying, potion of dragon.
her, she will not let them leave alive. The PCs control, potion. ofgrototli, potion of onirnoi control),
should receive no XP if they attack Fiona, for but the one that would be the most useful is the
doing so would be extremely foolish. large jar containing many potions ofgrototli. The
If the PCs have been friendly so far, Fiona second option for the PCs might be to painstak-
will invite them into her hut, opening the door ingly .fit the bones together for each small htunan
for them. The door and all windows are wizard and apply a potion ofgrowtli to the humans. Then
locked, so the PCs may have a hard time leav- Fiona could switch the bones and return the
ing. Once inside, Fiona becomes a bit hostile. pixie skeletons before the pixies discovered they
She demands that the PCs help her before they were missing.
may leave. Inside the dark, smoky hut, Fiona Either option should prove successful for the
leads the PCs to a stack of small cages covered PCs. True to her word, Fiona lets the PCs leave
by a faded purple cloth. There inside the three untouched. The humans, back to their usual
cages are two small men and a small woman, form, will not be strong enough yet to accom-
no more than 2 feet tall. They are all wrapped in pany the PCs, even though they are desperate to
small cloths since their clothing no longer fits leave.
them. In their tiny voices, they plead for help The PCs could earn a few potions from Fiona
from the PCs. Behind the cages are three piles of if they also agree to return the pixie skeletons to
human bones, each pile resting in a shallow the graveyard. They just have to make sure they
basket. don’t get caught with the bones by the pixies, or
Fiona explains that she was practicing a new they will be brought before the pixie cotmcil and
spell when things went terribly wrong. She severely punished.
ended up with a pile of bones and three very
shapeless, small .hum ans when she was fin-
ished. As a stopgap measure, she “borrowed”
three pixie skeletons from the pixies’ graveyard
and “installed” them i_n the humans until she
could straighten out the problem. Fiona would
like to return the borrowed pixie skeletons

It is here that the PCs will be challenged the and try to cruise confiision in the party. Any mem-
most, and it is here where they will earn the XP ber of the party who fails a saving throw vs.
awards that will make their adventure a success magic will be permanently confused (a l"€l'i"i.i1i?t3
or failure. curse will remove the co"nfitsion.). If some of the
party avoids the cause confusion spell, Gwellen
401.. Barens’s Cabin will summon a giant hornet to the area (use
encounter 213). If the PCs attack the hornet, they
Barens (FD): AC 8; MV 12; HD 1; hp =1; Str 15; will be kept busy for several rounds. Barens and
Dex 13; Con 12; Int 8; Wis T’; Cha 17; THACO Gwellen will then flee into the forest and cannot
20; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8 (double-bladed axe); SA be found. Neither will return to the cabin.
Nil; AL NG; ML 1.0; KP 15 If the PCs have gained Barens’s trust, Barens
From the outside, this cabin appears to be will explain his side o.f the story. He will motion
well made. The logs have been carefully to everyone to follow him inside the cabin.
matched and the gaps between them are packed The inside of the cabin is as carefully detailed
with mud. Flowering forest plants grow all as the outside. Barens has built a beautiful table
around the cabin except where a cobblestone with two long benches which he offers to the
path leads to the door. The front of the cabin has PCs to sit on. In addition to the chair that Barens
a slightly open door and two windows on each sits on is a carved wooden bed on the other side
side of the door. of the cabin. It has a straw-filled mattress cov-
If Barens has led the PCs here, he has them ered by a big brown blanket. Barens built a small
follow him inside the cabin. He will leave the fireplace along the back wall. From a crude
door open and takes a seat facing the open door. metal hook hangs a small cooking pot. There is a
If the PCs have not already encountered small fire in the fireplace that produces little
Barens, they will find him here at the cabin. See smoke. The windows are uncovered, but have
encounters 21.5 and 216 for a description of shutters that Barens can close from the inside.
Barens. The Barens they encounter here will be He started coming to Whispering Widow
genuine, not a pixie trick. As soon as the PCs are Woods when he got frustrated with his father.
within 20 feet of the cabin, Barens appears at the He would simply take long walks in the woods
door to think and relax. On one of these walks he met
Barens will greet them warily and does not let Gwellen, and they had a wonderful time talking
the PCs enter the cabin until they have gained about their dictatorial fathers and generally
his confidence and convinced him that they are sharing each other ’s company. Neither realized
looking for the best solution for all involved. If just how well they had hit it off Lmtil later.
the PCs try to forcibly capture Barens, he will Both unconsciously started returning to their
fight to the best of his ability against such odds. original meeting place. It was inevitable that
But it is not in the party's best interest to pro- they would find each other again. When they
duce a dead Barens, so they should avoid harm- met for the second time, both knew it was no
ing him. accident. They found even more joy in each
If Gwellen is with the party and she indicates other this time than the first. To show how he
that the PCs are trustworthy, Barens will openly cared for Gwellen, Barens gave her a small gold
discuss his plight with them. But the PCs must heart on a fine chain for her to wear around her
keep close watch on Gwellen and Barens. If the neck.
party is threatening in any way or attempts to After that, they began to schedule meetings,
separate the two, Gwellen will become invisible each of them eagerly anticipating the next ren-

dezvous to take them away from the frustra- Meanwhile, Ebron discovered that Gwellen
tions of home life. As the meetings became more had been sneaking out and meeting with Barens.
frequent, both fathers began to take notice. He posted guards to watch her every minute of
Barens’s father, Iareb, found more tasks to every day to prevent another meeting from tak-
keep the lad busy, too busy for what Iareb took ing place. He also began a harassment campaign
for juvenile daydreaming. Though he respected against Barens. It was also during this time that
his father, Barens was not about to stop seeing Barens met up with the sylvan elves.
Gwellen, and he continued to find ways to go to The elves took pity on Barens but dared not
the forest, becoming ever more defiant of his oppose the pixies directly. As a gift, the elf
father. Gwellen’s father, Ebron, had an extensive leader Tretorn had his powerful sword lfiirtue
spy network and was much better informed bestow upon Barens the ability to resist all. pixie
about what was going on. He wasn’t about to let magic and mischief. He was also given a charm
his daughter become enthralled with a "stupid in the shape of Virtue to help strengthen this
human.” He flatly forbade his daughter from resistance. The only condition was that Barens
meeting with Barens. keep the charm a secret and never involve the
Barens was heartbroken when Gwellen first elves directly in the dispute. Barens readily
missed a scheduled rendezvous. He was angry agreed. Since then, Barens has deceived the pix-
with her at first, but then he realized what must ies by pretending to fall victim to their magic
have happened. Despite the considerable dan- even though he is i.mmune.
gers of Whispering Widow Woods, Barens wan- Finally, in the last few days, Lizbet and her
dered. the forest for days, calling out Gwellen’s allies .have managed to slip Gwellen past
name. Ebron’s guards a few times in an effort to talk to
If Gwellen is with the party, she can explain. Barens. Ebron and his loyal.ists have been so
what happened to her father. A few of Ebron’s busy casting illusions and tracking intruders
subjects had openly sympath.ized with the that they let Gwellen slip a.way.
romance of Gwellen’s feelings. Many others felt It cloesn’t matter if the l.-‘Cs find their way to
the same way but were afraid to speak out for Barens’s cabin or if he leads them there. Once
fear of angering Ebron. lncl.uded in this group the PCs have gained his confidence the results
were Gwellen’s mother, Lizbet, and Gwel.len’s will be the same. Barens will probably refuse to
brother, Ebroch. Word of Barens’s persistence leave the forest without Gwellen. Barens is
and will.i.ngness to brave the dangers o.f the for- h.appy to have the assistance of the PCs as long
est becam.e known among Lizbet, Ebroch, and as they are working for what he wants and that
other sympathizers. They conspired to help is for he and Gwellen to be together. Barens will
Gwellen meet with Barens. talk freely with the PCs, keeping secret only the
This situation continued for some weeks, with charm he received from the elves.
Ebron thinking he had put a stop to the prob-
lem. But Gwellen and Barens did manage a few
clandestine moments together now and then. it 402. Pixies
was during this time that Barens, spending sev- Pixies (=19): AC 5; ll/“IV 6/12; HD ii; hp 2; THACO
eral days at a time away from home in the hopes 20 (16 with bows); #AT 1.; Dmg by weapon;
of meeting Gwellen, built this cabin in the SA spells; AL 1\J;ML 11; XI?‘ 135
woods. Using his wood-cutting and building This has always been a thriving colony of
skills helped diffuse the frustration he was feel- pixies. The rumors and true horrors of Whis-
ing at not being able to meet with Gwellen. pering Widow Woods kept the curious away,

but the pixies were close enough to civi- (encounter 316) and can tell the pixies about the
lization to be able to practice their mischief. pixie skeletons, the pixie leaders will also be
This colony numbers 40 pixies, headed by a much more inclined to talk.
king, Ebron, and a high council of eight other
pixies. The high council is mostly advisory, but
since Ebron rules by consent, he would under-
403. Gwellen
mine his own authority if he chose a course Pixie: AC 5; MV 6/12; I-ID ii; hp 2; THACO 20;
opposed by the council. #AT 1; Dm.g 1-4; SA spells; AL N; ML 11; XP
lviost of the pixies support Ebron's campaign —2,(ll)O
to keep Gwellen and Barens apart, either See encounter 207 for a description of
because they agree that this is a mismatch or Gwellen.
because they simply defer to Ebron’s authority. if the PCs were to kill Gwellen, they probably
There is a growing group of pixies who oppose deserve worse than the —2,U0O XP penalty indi-
this campaign, either actively or secretly. The cated. This is probably the worst possible out-
two most important figures in this group are come of the adventure.
Lizbet, Ebron’s wife, and Ebroch, Ebron’s son As the PCs are wandering through. the woods
and Gwellen’s brother. Lizbet and Ebroch have looking for Barens, they just might meet
not dared to oppose Ebron openly, but they Gwellen, who is also wandering about looking
have taken risks to help Gwellen escape her for Barens. Meeting Gwellen could be a big
house arrest and try to meet Barens. break for the PCs, so place a few more 403 hexes
E-bron’s efforts to harass the “large folk” have on the map as other possible meeting sites, or
taken more and more pixies away from the even one directly in the PCs’ path, if the party
colony. This in turn has made it easier for remains clueless about the point of this adven-
Gwellen to slip away and try to find Barens. ture.
If and when the PCs arrive at the pixie colony, The nature of the PCs’ encounter with
they will be taken before Ebron and the high Gwellen depends largely on how much the PCs
council. To have reached here, the PCs have have learned to this point. If the PCs don’t kn ow
earned some respect in the eyes of the pixies. if about the relationship between Gwellen and
the PCs don’t know the story of Gwellen and Barens, they will probably be quite suspicious at
Barens or keep what they know to themse.lves, meeting a “friendly” pixie. if the PCs have
the pixies will merely point out that the party is unraveled some or all of the story, they will rec-
in the wrong place, has no business here, and ognize how important Gwellen is and will treat
should leave. As long as the PCs don’t become her accordingly.
belligerent, the pixies will not attack them, but Gwellen knows the location of Barens’s cabin,
the pixies will be unyielding and completely but she dares not go there alone because she
unwilling to negotiate. thinks her father has posted guards nearby who
If the PCs know anything about the relation- would intercept her.
ship between Gwellen and Barens, the pixie Gwellen is desperate and will seek help from
leaders will be more inclined. to talk, though the anybody. She will approach the PCs openly and
PCs will still find th.em to be tough negotiators. try to enlist their support. She will tell. them the
For this final parley between the pixies and the whole story. The only part she doesn"t know is
PCs, go to the Resolut-io-n section at the end of about the pixie-immunity charm Barens
this chapter. received from the elves.
if the PCs know anything about Fiona What Gwellen wants most is to be able to be




e’ //"



with Barens whenever she desires. Her grandest .
wish, which she has barely allowed herself to
Leave Barens Behmd
dream, is to become human—size and marry This may not seem like a possible resoluti.on at
Barens. She knows that even if he were shrunk all. But it can be. Once the PCs meet Barens and
down to her size, he would never be accepted try to help him, they may see the situation as
into the pixie colony. She also knows that her hopeless. Barens, armed with the pixie-immtuu'ly
father will probably never agree to any of these ch.arm from the elves, would rather .have the situ-
things. ation continue as is than some o.f the other possi-
If the PCs talk with Gwellen and they then go ble resolutions. From his perspective, things are
their separate ways, continue with the adven- better now than they were before he got the
ture as appropriate. If the l;-‘Cs agree to help charm, and he may not be overly trustful of the
Gwellen and she begins to travel with them., PCs besides. If Barens can convince the PCs that
decide if the time is right to refer to the Resolu- he really wants to stay and if the PCs see no other
tion section. solution, they may .leave him behind.
This is unacceptable, of course. Iareb will
Resolution refuse payment and will do his best to di.rty the
PC-s’ reputations. Not only that but the pixies’
There are many ways the PCs can resolve this harassment campaign continues. This solution
adventure. lvlany of them are at least partially leaves a lot of dissatisfied customers and
unsatisfactory. deserves no award.

Abduct Barens Abduct Gwellen

The easiest way to resolve the adventure is for This solution is the same as persuading
the PCs to seize Barens, tie him up, and return. Gwellen to leave the forest so she can be with
him to his father. This is, after all, what the PCs Barens. It probably wouldn’t take much persua-
are paid to do. They could adopt this plan sion to point out that Ebron will never change
whether they know anything of the romance or his mind and Gwellen and Barens will never be
not. If the PCs know too much about the situa- able to live together in peace unless they get
tion, however, some of the characters’ personali- away from him.
ties or alignments would make them balk at this If Cw ellen leaves "Whispering Widow Woods
solution to the problem. but doesn’t leave the area, Ebron will start a war
Award KP based on what is likely to happen agai.nst the “large folk.” He may be able to enlist
next. If Barens simply runs back to the woods, a number of other forest dwellers on his side,
the PCs get nothing and Iareb demands that considering the circumstances. This war would
they finish the job or he will besmirch their be so destructive tha.t it should cancel the PCs’
names throughout the land. If Barens needs to XP award.
be locked up or if the PCs figure out some mag- If Gwellen and Barens run off together, leav-
ical way to keep him out of the forest, they ing the area, at least those two will be happy.
deserve some XP but also may be penalized for Ebron will forever hate and distrust the "large
acting out of character or violating a charac- folk,” and Iareb will have lost his son perma-
ter’s alignment. This solution does stop the nently. The PCs deserve some award, but they
pixies’ mischie.f, however, and deserves some will be discredited in this region and must move
award. on to find more work.

this time around, he pledges the pixies’ help in
Face Ebron Alone
finding her. This could prove invaluable to the
After arriving at the pixies’ court, the PCs can PCs because, as soon as they leave the pixie
attempt to talk sense into Ebron. Ebron’s posi- council, Lizbet, Ebroch, or another of Gwellen’s
tion is firm, however, so the PCs will certainly allies can approach the PCs and guide them
find a tough time of it. Though the PCs have directly to Gwellen. This connection allows
earned some grudging respect from the pixies Gwellen and her allies to plan strategy with the
for making it this far, Ebron may demand the PCs before returning to Ebron’s court.
party fulfill a quest to show their worthiness to Anything the PCs can arrange that leaves
even speak to him and the pixie council. Two Gwellen and Barens together deserves some XP
possible quests would be to kill the groaning award, with the magnitude of the award deter-
spirit (Whispermg Widow, encounter 303) or the mined by the other effects of that particular
green dragon (encounter 305). Ebron would solution. If the PCs find a way to make every-
give the PCs explicit directions on how to find body (Gwellen, Barens, Ebron, and Ia reb) happy,
their prey and perhaps even strategy tips, as the they deserve a major reward. This should come
pixies would be happy to rid the forest of either in the form of a big X)? bonus as well as gifts
menace. On the other hand, Ebron might come from the pixies and from Jareb.
up with a less strenuous quest. News of the PCs’
achievements will have arrived at the pixie
court before they do, and if the DM decides the
Face Ebron With Barens
PCs have been bold, fought well and virtuously, If Barens accompanies the PCs to the pixies’
and improved the environment for the pixies, court, it will destroy any credibility the PCs
Ebron can give the PCs a task that would be might have as neutral arbiters. The sight of
beneficial to the pixies without being such an Barens angers Ebron and makes him even more
arduous quest. These could be easy kills, such as difficult to deal with.
a giant spider (202), giant ticks (203), stirges Ebron might try some magic against Barens.
(310), worgs (311), or yellow musk creeper (315). When this doesn’t work because of the charm
A bigger challenge would be a choke creeper Barens received from the elves, Ebron would
(306), ettercap (30.7), obliviax (308), giant sun- likely fly into a rage.
dew (309), hangman tree (313), or wolfwere The only way the PCs might salvage this situ-
(314). ation is to pretend that Barens is their prisoner
If the PCs earn the right to make their plea in and that they are trying to help the pixies in
the case, Ebron will still be difficult to convince. order to end the scare campaign. This would
Any solution that Ebron sees as losing his take some pretty fast talking on the part of the
daughter is unacceptable. This includes acts that PCs, as the pixies are not stupid.
he would consider turning her back on her pixie Based on the actions of the PCs, the Dlvl
heritage. should decide what action Ebron will take to
Because of the PCs’ difficulty in negotiating give the PCs a chance to salvage their position.
with Ebron without having Gwellen by their Depending on their attitude, manner, and state-
side, the DM can give them a better chance by ments, Ebron will assign a quest as described
having Ebron send them on a second mission, when the PCs face Ebron alone. The difference is
that of finding Gwellen (as she has once again that Ebron may first imprison Barens or may
slipped away). Because Ebron is more interested instead assign the quest to Barens rather than
in finding his daughter than in testing the PCs the PCs. In either case, it would be up to the PCs

to gain Ebron’s confidence, and his choice of Perhaps the PCs trick Gwellen into drinking a
quest should be one of the more difficult ones love potion and have a fine-looking pixie lad
based on his negative reaction to Barens’s pres- nearby for her to cast her gaze upon when she
ence with the PCs. The DM should decide what wakes up. Or do the opposite with Barens and a
quest would be most appropriate based on the human lass. Or both!
players’ actions and the circumstances. Maybe the PCs have found a way for Gwellen
and Barens to be together even though they are
still different sizes. One PC may get the bright
Pace Ebron With Gwellen
idea to pour a potion. of diinin.1.ttion on Barens
if the PCs approach the pixie king and council while he’s asleep.
in the company of Gwellen, it gives them instant Such creativity should be recogn.i;-zed and
credibility, regardless of whether Barens is also rewarded, but don’t forget to consider the other
with them or not. The fact that Gwellen would effects of the solution. And be sure the players
trust these ”large folk” and would appear with are acting in character. Use the following rough
them in defiance of her parents is a sobering one guidelines to determine the adventure’s KP
for Ebron. Though angry, he does not want to award in addition to awards that have accumu-
drive his daughter away forever. And besides, lated from one encounter to the next.
he thought she was safely tucked away under
house arrest. Clearly he didn’t have the control
of the situation that he thought he had.
Special Awards
The sight of Gwellen with the PCs has another Any solution that leaves Gwellen and Barens
important effect. It ernboldens Lizbet, Ebroch, together deserves some award.
and Gwellen’s other sympathizers among the Any solution that returns Barens to Jareb
pixies. They are still not ready to lead a palace deserves some award, as that was the PCs’ mis-
revolution, but they are much more ready to dis- sion.
agree with Ebron openly, to side with Gwellen Any solution that allows the pixies’ harass-
in the discussion, and to gently inform Ebron ment campaign to continue should receive only
that he can be pretty unreasonable at times. half XP awards.
Now here’s some real hope for the PCs. They Any solution that doesn’t return Barens to
can actually talk and negotiate on an even foot- ]areb should receive only half XP awards.
ing with Ebron. All this hasn’t changed his Any solution that starts a war between the
views, however, and he still will not accept any pixies and the “large folk” deserves no award. or
solution that means losing his daughter. The a negative award based on the other circum-
PCs still have to really use their heads to come stances.
up with a solution acceptable to everybody, but Any solution that pleases everyone deserves
at least they’ve got adversaries who are willing at least 10,000 XP, and even more if the players
to listen. are particularly creative or role—played particu-
larly well.
Any solution that allows Gwellen and Barens
Unique Solutions
to marry and live together happily as man and
With such an open-ended adventure and no wife deserves a bonus award of at least 10,000
“right” answer at the end, a particularly creative XP. Remember, however, that Barens can never
party might come up with something totally be accepted into pixie society.

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Advancetl N ®
Dungeons »\‘=)ra3ons
Cifiicial Game Adventure

_" _.u_.,,


by Jim Musser _.-"

whispering Widow Woods has always been
\V-- a frightening place. For generations the ru-
mors. the strange noises, and the gloomy,
_ . ' ' tangled undergrowth have scared off the
VV . ,V V.!I _VVVV,
faint of heart. Recently. however, Whispering
‘K Widow Woods has grown much more sinister.
Familiar voices speaking from thin air lure
people to their doom; travelers emerge with
no memory; the very trees are said to come to
life and attack the unwary! ls this any place to
, 1'(_i~-* V N go, searching for a lost boy’?
’V,|'- _
. F;

Tales of Enchantment is an ADVANCED

. .|, _V

I -_ '-
1-1' : If’ i.
DUNGEONS 8; DFlAGONS@ adventure that em-
. V

K-—~ -_

phasizes the mystery of this enigmatic

.-._ V "L-"1
"1-. 1.

woods. But to solve the forests puzzle. the heroes must first survive its
danger. 7b1es of Enchantment will test the heroes‘ wits as well as their
steel. 3
_ _-1.-_ .-'


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