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coordination and responses


13. coordination and responses 1

13. coordination and responses 2
13. coordination and responses 3
13.2 the human nervous system
name the following of a human motor nerve

13. coordination and responses 4

change in environment —> stimuli

sense using —> receptors

respond using —> effectors

1-examples for effectors and how they respond

2-what makes up the nervous system?

the peripheral nervous system is made up of

spinal nerves

cranial nerves

neurons have the same basic parts of an animal cell (nucleus, cytoplasm, cell

3-how are neurons adapted to to carry messages quickly?


4-describe the human nervous system

13. coordination and responses 5

5-explain the pathway taken by a nerve impulse once a stimuli is detected

6-what is reflex arc?

7-what does reflex action mean?

automatically and rapidly integrating and

coordinating stimuli with the responses of
effectors (muscles and glands)

describe a simple reflex arc

distinguish between voluntary and involuntary actions

what is a synapse?

synapse is a junction between two neurons. these nerurons have

vesicles (or tiny vacuoles) that contain a chemical called
neurotransmitter. synapses also contain synaptic clefts and
neurotransmitter receptor molecules

explain how a nerve impulse moves forward once it arrive along the axon of a
neuron (sensory or not) / how it moves across a synapse


sensory neuron?

motar neuron?

relay neuron



in a reflex arc the synapses ensure that

impulses travel in one direction only

drugs, e.g. heroin, act upon


reflex action —> involuntary action

13. coordination and responses 6

identify the following

13.3 structure of the eye

describe how the outer structure of the eye is adapted to protects parts
behind it

which part of the retina is light focused on the most when looking at a object?

what is the blind spot

name 2 other structures that adjust light apart from the lens

cornea and vitreous humours

name the following starting from the top of the left side

13. coordination and responses 7

outline the functions of rods and cone cells



explain pupil reflex

why is iris reflex advantageous?

draw how and image is focused on the retina

explain accommodation to view near and distant objects

13.4 the endocrine system

where are hormones made?

endocrine glands have a good blood supply

when these glands makes hormones, it directly gets released into the blood

why is salivary gland not an endocrine gland?

another name for endocrine glands

ductless glands

hormones only affect only their specific parts of the body, called target organs

how does adrenaline help you cope up with danger?

13. coordination and responses 8

write the hormone secerted and their function of

adrenal g




compare mammalian nervous system with endocrine system

13.5 coordination and response in plants

positive tropism —> towards

negative tropism —> away

13. coordination and responses 9

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