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A Research Presented to

The Faculty of Senior High School

University of the Immaculate Conception

Davao City



March 2020
The Struggles of Smart Shamed students in Academe

A Thesis Presented to
The Senior High School Department of the
University of the Immaculate Conception
Davao City

In Partial Fulfilment
Of the Requirements for
Practical Research 1: Qualitative Research


Chapter 1


Background of the Study

As stated on White’s article that smart-shaming can be the effect of having less knowledge about

one thing that others tend to have more knowledge about. People who smart shame tend to have

contempt for those who has more interest in learning. Smart shaming or the anti-intellectualism is

what the schools in America tend to neglect. Most of the learners in schools are discouraged to

express themselves freely and are hindered to expound their own opinions and some tends to be

confused on pursuing their own desires and goals for they are having low self-esteem. School

advisors in U.S. are responsible for shaping learners to value societal importance. But instead for

being education managers who nourish intellectual progress, most of the learning places and school

administrators depreciate intellect and fails to develop the talent of the children which is prominent in

the cases of students who are smart shamed. The issue does not only range from the victims of smart

shaming for it also show effects on the economic progress un-denying the possibility that most of the

children who are smart shamed could be possible leaders of the state.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to know the experience/s of students in the school institution for

being a victim of smart shaming; how they deal with the situation and the possible negative effects to

their mental health. It aims to inform the mass public about the struggles of the victim and to know the

reason/s why people smart shame

Research Questions

Based on the purpose of the study, the researchers explicitly want to seek answers to the

following question:

1. What are the struggles of the victim in smart shaming?

2. How do the victim cope with the issues in the process of not being able to speak out directly?

3. What are the motivating factors for a smart-shaming victim that can easily adopt/embrace?

Theoretical Lens
Theories are used to assist the study in declaration to achieve and strengthen the credibility of

data that are collected. The first theory that is used to support the study is Howard Gardner’s theory of

Multiple Intelligence. The theory states that every individual posse different intelligence and ability.

In definition of the theory, all individuals are able to learn the world through language, mathematical

analysis, spatial representation, musical thinking, use body to solve or innovate things, understanding

of other people and understanding of themselves. People differ in the capability of the given

intelligences that are combined to perform distinct tasks. The multiple intelligence theory is connected

to the study because it states an idea that each individual is smart in their own different ways. The

only problem is that most people give general conclusions to intelligences in just linguistic or

mathematical approach which only gives room for smart shaming. In addition, smart shaming takes

place due to the lack of understanding and individuals only focus on the intellectual capability of each

humans in the field of academics.

The next theory is Doc E’s Kapwa Theory. Baesd on Filipino psychology, the theory of Doc E

gives an elaboration on togetherness that serves as the core structure of the human mind and social

relationship which are good must have importance. But, a group of mistrust contradicts individualism

and criticism was established by Americans and Spaniards. Schools have featured secondary and

higher education for a few rather than promoting primary education for the masses of people under

their control of their religious orders. For the great number of Filipinos, it is either that they got no

education at all or educated only of the mechanical processes of reading and writing minus the

contribution to a person’s capability for independent thought as it is noticed that learners were tended

to verbalize only what they have heard or learned.

These values are linked with high education. The Kapwa theory gives a point of some things

but it would have more directed if education is fair. Possible that smart shaming will last until the field

is a little more level. The togetherness of Filipinos is one of their marvelous values. Nevertheless, they

should not make use of their togetherness to somewhat depend on mediocrity and cluelessness

(Baygan, 2016).
This means that Doc E’s Kapwa theory is attempting to elaborate the root of anti-

intellectualism. Furthermore, this theory wants to stop smart shaming. However, the colonization

prevents its goal. It also wants to show the way it contributes to smart shaming. The theory clarifies

that some Filipinos are needing an appropriate environment that is the reason why it is not easy to

cast intellectualism to people.

According to the Philippine Statistics Authority (2010) that the phenomenon of anti-

intellectualism in the approach of smart shaming is that a population of 25% is over the poverty line,

and a population of 54% have never finished high school, pointing that there are a lot of Filipinos who

have the aptitude to smart shame. Almost half of the Filipinos never finished education as it is obvious

that the life of some Filipinos is quite poor and most of them is are prone to ignorance which they

make use of it as their defense mechanism. Rather than being embarrassed of themselves, they fix

their focus on the intellectuals and smart shame them. To give more worth to knowledge and

intelligence, those kind of Filipinos should have access and chances to education.

The Kapwa theory would assist the researchers’ study to understand the character of Filipinos

regarding on smart shaming. This theory also improve researchers to make Filipino citizens be aware

that their acceptance to intellectuals depend on their togetherness. The Kapwa theory also present

the educational background and life of Filipinos ahead of time that would serve as the possible

foundation of the researchers.

The last theory that supports the research study is the Strain Theory of Robert Merton. The

theory states that every individual have different goals from one another and they desire to

accomplish them in distinct ways but the society wants them to achieve goals that are socially

accepted. Due to this pressure, some individuals commit into illegal works.

In Merton’s theory, the individuals that are strained respond in five ways: innovation,

conformity, retreatism, ritualism and rebellion. Innovation is defined where people have adequate

ambition but have deficient aspirations in performing it. Retreatism is when individuals have unnatural

goals and aspirations of doing it. Ritualism when they have deficient aims but would eventually
accord. Lastly, rebellion is where these people achieved their limit to the point that would lead them to

do actions that are very not acceptable to the society.

The Strain theory upholds the research study because it provides an explanation that smart

shaming occurs due to the reason that the intellectualists who are clever and empirical are opposing

about what the society is used to, confronting the norms, culture and tradition.

Definition of Terms

Smart Shaming the act of the students of the University of the Immaculate Conception that

tends to mock their co-classmate during class participations.

Mental health the smart-shamed students of the University of the Immaculate Conception’s

condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being.

Victims the students of the University of the Immaculate Conception who have experienced

smart shaming in their learning community.

Academe is the University of the Immaculate Conception’s learning community.

Intelligence is the ability of the students of the University of the Immaculate Conception to

acquire and apply knowledge, skills and abilities in natural setting. The main reason why honor

students in this institution are smart- shamed.

Mocking is one of the ways of the students of the University of the Immaculate Conception

that tends to make fun or shame the intellectuals in their learning community in a cruel way.

Rampant is the way smart-shaming is spreading and raging vigorously in the University of the

Immaculate Conception.
Chapter 2


Research Design

This study used a qualitative-explanatory design. Qualitative research used word based data

rather than numerical data. It aims to explain social phenomenon in knowing and understanding the

ways in which individuals make sense of their social phenomena through knowing ways of how

individual make sense of their words and view knowledge as culturally and historically situated.

Burns and Bush (2016) defined exploratory research as gathering information in an informal and

unstructured manner. This is appropriate when the researchers know small about an opportunity or a

problem. In addition to this, an exploratory research design is not only limited to only one paradigm, it

may also use either qualitative or quantitative approaches. In this study, the researchers only have a

small knowledge about the issue. The researchers described the opinion of the smart shamed

students of the University of the Immaculate Conception. The researchers also seek for the effect of

shaming to students. Moreover, the researchers know the coping mechanism of smart shamed

students on how they deal with smart shaming.

Research Participants

This study was conducted at the University of the Immaculate Concepcion, City of Davao,

Mindanao. The researchers selected Senior High School participants who experienced smart

shaming. This is in order to have knowledge about what the participants feel and the implications they

have about it. The characteristics and how students participate in class were used as basis of


Data Collection

The interview, which is the main method to be used is a face-to-face interview sessions that are

invariably scheduled in obliging the time of the participants. Both participants and the researchers

agreed that the identity of the participants will remain esoteric and confidential. The data to be

gathered during the interview was documented through recording both audios to ensure accuracy.

Certain measures were followed during the process of gathering of data. Researchers made sure that
every participant willingly agreed for the interview and are not forced or harmed. They were

comfortable and secured about their identities and answers. After the interview proper, researchers

will go back to the participants to assure that they approve to share the results. All data collected are

for research purposes only and not to be taken against the participants.

Data Analysis

Stories or accounts happens when a speaker or more starts narrating or relaying circumstance

or a happening. Normally, the narrating of a narrative possesses various turns over the span of a

discussion narratives or accounts may share regular basis highlights. Narratives analysis as

characterized by ( Cohen and Crabtree, 2016 ). As utilized by in this study, the researchers carefully

assessed the respondent's accounts and assembled their shared characteristics. The researchers of

this investigation used strategies and systems to guarantee the legitimacy of information which were

narrative analysis and thematic analysis. As indicated by Braun and Clarke (2013) thematic analysis

has been inadequately marked yet generally utilized in qualitative research and has been infrequently

appreciated similarly as grounded theory, ethnography, or phenomenology. The further contended

that thematic analysis ought to be a primary strategy for qualitative research, as it gives core abilities

to directing numerous different types of qualitative analysis. Further, Starks and Trinidad (2017) the

instruments for analysis, making judgements about coding, theming and decontextualizing the data. In

this case the researchers organized the outcomes into topics where nearly or the entirety of the

principle components of the information were present. Thematic Analysis as an adaptable information

investigation plan that qualitative researchers use to produce topics from interview data. The

methodology is adaptable in that there is no particular research configuration related with the thematic


Trustworthiness of the study

To make quality Research paper, we will make a point to continually review and confirm all the

information displayed by the participants. To guarantee the realness of the investigation is an

absolute necessity in research paper to ensure its utility later on. So as to think of a decent research
paper, its reliability must be mulled over, explicitly the believability, transferability, trustworthiness, and



As per William (2006), the validity criteria include building up that the after-effects of qualitative

research are credible from the viewpoint of the participants in the study. The believability criteria

include setting up that the consequence of the qualitative research are trustworthy from the point of

view of the members in the study.


As additionally characterized by William (2006), transferability alludes to how much the after-

effects of subjective research can be moved to different settings. To accomplish transferability, all

records and reports of the investigation must be gathered for these archives and are considered as a

premise or a manual for different analysts in leading an examination that is similar to us.


Is an assessment about the character of the integrated process of data collection, data

analysis, and theory generation. (Korstjens and Moser, 2018) In order to accord the dependability of a

qualitative study, one seeks to see if the researcher lacked care or made errors in interpreting

conceptually the research, collecting the data, interpreting the findings and reporting results. In

addition, we, the researchers will assure that all data will only gathered from the participants anf that

the researchers will not intercede during the process of interview for the outcomes of the research

study may be affected.


Defined as the nature of the outcomes upheld by the members or individuals for the

confirmation, the research paper must undergo investigation for the checking if the data is valid and

right. It will experience a progression of predicate checking to manage all errors and obscure

definition. Likewise, specialists from different field related with the investigation can partake in twofold

checking the total procedure done by the scientists for the examination to be progressively sound.

(Cuba and Lincoln, 1989).

Role of the Researchers

The role of the researchers in this study is to satisfy the targets of this study. The researchers job

is to mind cautiously examine the marvel and report them without predisposition and separation. In

order to understand the different views of the students, the researchers will be needing to select

appropriate participants that can provide more information which is helpful to the study, a researcher

need an consideration or approval before conducting the study involving human participants. The

researchers need to secure all of needed approvals or letter, including approvals by students that is

signed by their parents.

Ethical Considerations

The researchers make sure that the study secured the validated consent from their participants

those who were directly involved in the study, Including asking permission from the parents. The

principle adheres to a larger issue of respect to the participant so that they are not pressured into

participation. Usually, consent is acquired through written consent forms. And necessary elements of

consent are identified and reviewed by the teacher , these usually include prior information on key

elements of research such as purpose , procedure , time period , benefits , and a clause stipulating

that participation is voluntary and the participants have the right to back out form the study (Anjum

Halai, 2016).

To observe ethical consideration in the conduct of study the following were followed:

First, the researchers talked to different person and ask about smart shaming. In this case the

researchers were referred to different schools that have already experienced this kind of case. Then

the researchers asked permission from the principal and gave a letter that indicated the purpose of

the study. The principal gave the researcher’s time to explain what the objectives are and the study is

all about. During the interview the researchers first gave the letter to the participants signed by the

principal, then the researchers explained to the participants the objectives of the study and asked for

their approval to use a phone to take a picture and voice record the information that they’ve shared.
In this study, the researchers made sure that work is new and this is original research while

researchers also acquired and acknowledge the author whose work were highly appreciated by citing

or quoting their finding as related materials for this study.

Informed consent

The researchers gave an educated assent towards the school, administration, instructors, and

participants. This educated assent has been affirmed by the research instructors. The educated

assent will be given to every member's before directing an interview including the background of our

study alongside with the probing questions and their consent. An educated letter will likewise be given

to the parent/guardian of our participants informing the participant's family about their participation in

our research and an educated letter will be given to our chosen participants indicating the outcomes

or results.

Vulnerability of research participants

The study will be focusing on some chosen smart-shamed students in the University of the

Immaculate Conception Senior High School Department.

Risk benefits and safety

This research will be beneficial to the Administration for they will get enough knowledge about

smart shaming as unforeseen circumstances inside the classroom-school setting. This study is also

helpful for the Guidance Office on having a background and a knowledge on how to deal with smart-

shamed students. In addition to this, the gathered data will be kept confidentially .
Chapter 3


In this chapter, the researchers are going to be presenting the results of the gathered

qualitative data based from the participant's answer to the interview questions. Discussions about the

results of the study are included so as for various ideas and ideas to be explained thoroughly.

Moreover, this chapter also answers the particular questions posed within the study's research

questions. In research question, specific themes were narrowed down from the participant's answers

and further elaborated. This was through the analyzing of the findings which were significant to be

ready to expound the participant's perspective and skill on smart shaming.

Table 1: Themes and Core Ideas on the Lived Experiences of Smart Shamed Senior High
School Students of the University of the Immaculate Concepcion


Having a hard time adapting for other people.

Afraid to be judged
Using other term that may lead into insults or

Struggling in expressing thoughts freely due

to the negative judgement of others

Conscious on participating at class

because of the thought of being too smart for others.

Anxious of the word choice Misinterpretation due to different intellectual capability.

Misinterpretation due to different intellectual capability.

Lack of self-confidence due to mocking Struggling in socialization due to the nervous feeling

caused by mocking.

Having low confidence and feeling afraid to be judged.

Table 1 shows the results of the analyzed answers from the participants who were questioned

regarding of what are their struggles as a victim of smart-shaming. The researchers shortened down

three major themes in this table.

The first major theme is afraid of being judged. It is what the participants feel every time they

want to share their knowledge or they want to participate in class. They fear that others will judge

them. It is because their classmates throw sarcastic words on them or they judge them on

participating and they do not want that to be judged negatively.

As IDI participant 1
“I became more conscious when it comes to classroom participation because I have this thinking that
I don’t want to look —because that is what they make me feel.
As IDI participant 2
“I don’t want to be called "pa hawd-hawd" or to be called someone that acts like who knows
As IDI participant 4
“I keep my thoughts to myself like being low-key in order to avoid judgements from others.”

The Social Phobia or also called as the Social Anxiety Disorder is a construction of problematic

emotions, behaviors, and involuntary thoughts that are mutually joined and mutually casual. It
embodies as a long-lasting fear towards a negative judgement in a social phenomenon (Veale, 2003).

In Western Society, between 7-13% of people are affected by the Social Phobia (Furmark, 2002). It

commonly contributes in the time of adolescence and is commonly chronic and long-standing. The

learning theory and cognitive theory are the theories that are generally used to elaborate the

development and preservation of the Social Phobia (Veale, 2003).

The second major theme is anxious of the word choice. It is one of the reasons why the

students are having struggles to express their thoughts freely. They are afraid to socialize to their

classmates because they might misunderstand the words that they used.

As IDI participant 1:
“I become more conscious on the things or on the topic that I introduced to my fellow colleagues and
fellow friends”
As IDI Participant 2:
“I feel anxious in answering the questions that asked by the teacher because I don’t want to be called
As IDI Participant 3:
“I feel anxiety when I socialize to other people.”
As IDI Participant 4:
“I choose the words that I say because I’m afraid to be judged.”

According to Secillano (2016), smart-shaming discourages people to strive to be smarter,

hinders people from expressing themselves freely, puts negative stereotype to the smart ones, makes

us think we’re not smart enough and confuses a person to pursue a passion. It scares them to show

how they really think and talk, when in reality, their opinions and ideas highly matter. The information

they share can actually help but they don’t get to do that due to their fear of being perceived as a


Lack of self-confidence due to mocking. Students are having struggles to express their

thoughts freely due to the lack of confidence. People with low-self often feel awkward or incompetent

due to the mocks they receive coming from the students who see them as a rejection.
As IDI participant 1:
“But just because of my anxiety of being called names I don’t do sharing anymore.”
As IDI participant 6:
“So I feel that I’m not confident anymore, I’m not confident in participating in class and every time
when I tried to speak I feel nervous”.
As IDI participant 7:
“ I’m having low self-esteem, like I’m losing my confidence for example during recitations I am hesitant
to answer”

According to researchers Morris Rosenberg and Timothy J. Owens, who wrote Low Self-

Esteem People: A Collective Portrait, people with low self-esteem tend to be hypersensitive. They

have a fragile sense of self that can easily be wounded by others. Low self-esteem is characterized

by a lack of confidence and feeling badly about oneself. People with low self-esteem often feel

unlovable, awkward, or incompetent

Table 2: Themes and Core Ideas on the Lived Experiences of Smart Shamed Senior High
School Students of the University of the Immaculate Concepcion


Keeping up with other’s jokes

Self-adjusting Being observant on their own actions

Putting oneself on the situation of others

Knowing the intellectual capability to fit in with

Ignoring the negative thoughts of the other
Positive thinking towards smart shaming
Not overthinking the negative opinions towards

Staying positive and looking on the brighter side

of the situation.

Not overthinking the negative opinions towards


Ignoring another people’s judgment Ignoring the negative thoughts of the other

Being not affected of the people who pull them


Table 2 shows the results of the analyzed answers from the participants who were questioned

regarding of how do they cope with the issues in the process of not being able to speak out directly. The

researchers shortened down three major themes in this table.

The first major theme is self-adjusting. This is a coping mechanism used by smart shamed

students. Smart shamed students just go on with the flow of the treatments of their classmates

towards them and they also tend to ignore the negative words that are thrown to them. They are

afraid to speak and that is why they to adjust for others to ;ike them and to not appear too smart in the

eyes of their classmates.

As IDI Participant 1:
"I became more conscious when it comes to classroom participation."
As IDI Participant 2:
"I just think positive in things and not put them into the negative side."
As IDI Participant 3:
"I don’t mind the people who judge me."
As IDI Participant 5:
"I just go with the flow whatever their treatment.”
According to Sison (2015) Self Adjusting or Self Adjustment in Anti-intellectualism is defined as

the hostility and mistrust of intellectual pursuits. Those who present an atypical way of thinking are

othered (perceived as different), deemed a danger to normality, and are considered outsiders with

little empathy for the rest of the population. This is the origin of the idea that those who have

alternative opinions. As if intelligence is now a liability and scratching beneath the surface is a

negative, invalidating ideas that go against the grain seems to be more common than being intrigued

enough to look further.

The second major theme is ignoring another people's judgment. It is one of the reason why

the students have courage to share their knowledge about a particular thing. They feel confident and

feel boosted without minding the negative comments of other which only hinders them from being

confident. Their coping mechanism help them from feeling negative.

As IDI Participant 1:
"I will hide or keep the information that I know."
As IDI Participant 2:
" I think that I need to continue study because that’s my purpose here in school.”
As IDI Participant 3:
"I avoid them at all cost in order for you to not be filled by many toxic people."
As IDI Participant 4:
"I distance myself and I will not revenge."

According to Weber (2017) People go to self-defeating lengths to elude the possibility of being

negatively judged by others. They avoid telling people what they want to tell them. They don’t speak

up in class or at work meetings. This fear of judgment is linked to the desire to be liked by all at all

times. But because that is impossible, this is a losing game that keeps people from uninhibitedly

experiencing and expressing their true selves.

Let’s face it, humans are always judging others—good/bad or like/dislike, with lots of nuance in

between. And as new information comes in, the human mind reassesses: It is an ongoing process.

The last major theme is positive thinking towards smart shaming is one of the coping up

mechanism of the participants so that they will disregard insecurities and avoid overthinking this

increases the motivation of the participants and help them with their academic performance.

As IDI participant 3:
“I just think on the brighter side of the situation, I just think positive in things.”
As IDI participant 5:
“I cope up in this issue through positivity for it is the best approach.”

According to Michael F. Scheier and Charles S. Carver (1993) Psychologist have approached

the notion of positive thinking from a variety of perspectives. Common to most views, though, is the

idea that positive thinking in some way involves holding positive expectancies for one’s future. People

who see desired outcomes as attainable continue to strive for those outcomes, even when progress is

slow or difficult.

Table 3: Themes and Core Ideas on the Lived Experiences of Smart Shamed Senior High
School Students of the University of the Immaculate Concepcion


Their parent’s support motivates them to

continue in their studies.
Parents and Friends as motivation.

Achieving high grades to pay back all the efforts of

their parents.
Support from their family and friends.

They want to achieved high grades because for

them it is one of the things they can give back to

their parents.
Parents who work hard to finance them
motivates them
Grateful of parents’ hard work.
Their parent’s hard work motivates them to
study well

Seeing their parents who works hard for them

makes them to be motivated

In order to pursue their career, their dreams are

what motivates them.

Their goals and dreams motivate them in their If they extend their efforts and hardships in
studying, they will pursue their dreams
Goals inspire the participants

Table 3 shows the results of the analyzed answers from the participants who were questioned

regarding of what are their motivating that they can easily adopt/embrace. The researchers shortened

down three major themes in this table.

The first major theme is parents and friends as motivation. This serves as a factor that inspire students

to do and perform well in academic platform aside from their presence in our lives they also give us motivation

to do better they are factors in our lives that molds us to be what we are right now.

As IDI participant 2:
“the things that motivate me to continue studying is first my parents’ hard work.”
As IDI participant 3:
“things that motivate me to continue studying is my future and also my parents because they work
As IDI participant 6:
“one thing that motivates are my parents”
As IDI participant 7:
“my parents who made me go to school and my friends that I see every day.”

According to Ryan,R , Stiller,J and Lynch,J (1994) Right now young people's portrayals of

connections to instructors, guardians, and friends are inspected according to one another and to

different proportions of school alteration, inspiration and confidence. The relationship measurements
tapped included felt security, enthusiastic and school usage, and copying as for each target figure. It

was theorized that parent portrayals would anticipate those of the two instructors and companions,

while companion and educator factors would not be essentially related. It was anticipated additionally

that progressively positive portrayals of connections to guardians and educators would each

extraordinarily foresee school working lists, though portrayals of friends would be to a great extent

disconnected to class related results. Portrayals of instructors, guardians and friends all were required

to relate with confidence pertinent results. These speculations were commonly affirmed. The

discoveries are talked about as far as the criticalness of relatedness for motivation by and large and

the significance of the full of feeling nature of grown-up understudy connections for instructive results


The second major theme is Grateful of parents’ hard work is one of the reason why the

participants are doing their best in their academe and to continue their study despite of experiencing

smart shaming.

As IDI Participant 2
“My parent’s hard work because they are the ones who finance my – example schooling or studying
In a private school and I believe that it is an enough reason for me to study hard”
As IDI Participant 6
“So, one of my motivation is my parents, specifically to my mother because I can see on her that she
worked hard just to feed me and pay my expenses in school”
As IDI Participant 3
“My parent’s because they work hard for what I’ve accomplished right now they work hard to pay my
tuition fee, to pay everything.”

Each individual is followed back to a family and hence parental contribution in any phase of

person's development is indivisible. It is significant that parental inclusion being developed of an

individual fluctuates inside societies and social orders. Parental contribution takes numerous

structures, for example, great child rearing at home, arrangement of fundamental necessities, positive

conduct shaping, ingraining positive social qualities and great populace or more all, improving

instructive desires (Rafiq et al., 2013). Specifically, parental inclusion in their kids' scholastic
execution may incorporate exercises, for example, helping the kid in perusing, managing their

schoolwork, offering training and introducing learning exercises outside schools.

The fourth release of the Evidence distribution entitled "New Wave of Evidence Report" by

Henderson and Mapp (2002) is an Educational Research Information Center (ERIC) archive which

looked into more than 80 research examines. This report showed that the constantly produced proof

on positive parental support impacts their youngsters' scholastic execution is significant and reliable.

At the point when families, schools and networks work in coordinated effort in supporting the

youngster's learning, the kids increase better training results. These results include: improved

learning accomplishment, maintenance in school and improved instructive yearnings. A similar report

demonstrates that there are long haul impacts related with kids whose families are engaged with their

training. Such incorporate kids accomplishing better grades, being taken on training programs which

are seen to be testing, customary school participation, positive conduct and better socialization


The third major theme is their goals and dreams motivate them in their studies. Everything

the participants went through in smart shaming, they still feel motivated to pursue their dreams in life

and extend their efforts and hard works in school. Their dreams served as their light to get through

smart shaming. It is their dreams that pushes them through smart shaming.

As IDI participant 2:
“I am studying to pursue my dream being an accountant”
As IDI participant 4:
“Those are my goals in life”

Research in education has found goals to be essential for increasing student achievement and

motivation (Ambrose, Bridges, DiPietro, Lovett, & Norman, 2010). Comprehensive meta analyses

have found the effective use of goals to be one of the most powerful instructional interventions known

for improving student academic success (Hattie, 2009). As Hattie (2009) writes, “having and sharing
challenging goals/ intentions with students is a major condition of successful learning.” Students

provided clear and challenging goals significantly outperform peers given easy, vague, or no goals

with performance gaps approximating 250% in some studies (Wood & Locke, 1987). Furthermore,

investigations into successful teaching have consistently found the setting of effective goals to be a

hallmark of superior teachers (Hattie & Clinton, 2008).



Researchers considers those participants who wants to participate in the study with the use of

consent letter indicating that the data gathered are fully confidential, not mentioning their names to

ensure their security and safety

With no harm done, the interview was done successfully and was able to gathered accurate

information. The researchers found out that:

1. Students who experienced smart shame feel that they are afraid of giving or sharing information to

others as they are afraid of people's judgement, that's why they are more anxious in choosing their

words. Researchers also found out that being called pabibo, pahawd hawd, and pa bright bright were

the hurtful things they received. Through this act it will only make the intellectuals discourage about


2. The researchers conclude that there are many students who are already afraid of raising their

answers or to share their knowledge to the class it is because they are already terrified that there is

someone who will smart shame them and according to our participants they don't have any intentions

except of persuading their answers to the class.

3. The researcher also found out based on the answers of the participants that people around them

are not aware of smart-shaming. “ People are covered with ignorance” the people or the students who

tend to smart-shame other highly intellectual students don’t know that they are doing the said action.

But even though the victims are experiencing it, they still can cope up with the situation because they

are well motivated and well aware of their capabilities and goals in life, they are motivating
themselves to pay the hard work and effort of their parents and friends that had supported them on

their studies.


The researchers recommend this study to those future researchers who are in needs more

information regarding Smart Shaming. The benefactors of the study are the Administrators, Parents,

Students, and Future Researchers.

1. For Administrators, the researchers recommend that the result of this research will be used as the

basis for the future orientation program and also to promote a healthy environment.

2. For parents the researchers would like to advise them to tell their children to be more confident or

give their children support in order for the students to become more socialize to others.

3. For the students the researchers would like to recommend this study for them to be aware of

smart shaming incident from a certain individual.

4.For the future researchers that are tackling topics regarding the struggles of students who

experienced smart shame in academe and the adjacent.

Basic Education Department
Senior High School Unit
J.P Laurel Avenue, Bajada Street, Davao City, Philippines

February 6, 2020


Basic Education Principal
University of the Immaculate Conception
J.P Laurel Avenue, Bajada Street, Davao City

Dear Sister Sabate:

Praised be Jesus and Mary!

We, the Grade 11 Senior High School students of the University of the Immaculate Conception, are writing our research
as one of the performance tasks for the Second semester in the subject Practical Research-1. With that, we are working
on a study entitled “The Struggles of Smart Shamed Students in Academe.” This study aims to know the struggles of
smart shamed students and the effect of smart shaming in their academic performance, mental and emotional being.

In line with this, we would like to ask for the permission of your office for us to conduct the study. We would like to conduct
an interview to the identified participants who perform well in their academics. This study is beneficial to the participants
because it may help protect themselves. Specifically, we will administer the collection of the data in the University of the
Immaculate Conception, Junior High School Building. In the conduct of gathering of the data, we, as a research team, will
be supported by our research teacher. In the conduct of interview, we assure you that no classes will be interrupted
because it will be done after their dismissal at 4:45 pm. Also, we assure you the safety of our participants as well as the
safety of the research team.
We are hoping for your positive response regarding this request.

Respectfully yours,


Research Representative

Noted by:


Practical Research 1 Teacher Filipino Teacher
Reading and Writing Teacher BED Research Coordinator

Approved by:


BED Principal


Senior High School Unit

J. P. Laurel Avenue, Bajada Street, Davao City


Title of the The struggles of Smart- shamed Students in

Research: their Academe

Researchers: Lowelle Grace Aguiton, Angel Sarino, Rhona

Villaon, Kyla Calipayan, Cedrikk Gaitano, Clint
Laguidao, Andros Uy, Jade Delos Santos,
Stever Cogtas, Wilbur Napoles and Jefferson

You are being asked permission for your child to participate in research. For you to be able to make an
informed decision about whether you want your child to participate in this investigation, you should
understand what the study is about, as well as the possible risks and benefits. This process is known as
informed consent. This form describes the purpose, procedures, possible benefits, and risks. It also
explains how your child’s personal information will be used and protected. Once you have read this form
and your questions about the study are answered, you will be asked to sign it. This will allow your child’s
participation in this study. You should receive a copy of this document to take with you.

Explanation of Study

This study is being conducted because we aim to put smart-shaming under the spotlight in order to: sell
recognition on what these individuals have felt and experienced; thus, bringing about fine alternate thru
the realizations that come with these accounts of smart-shaming told by actual people. We also aim to
deal with the trouble of smart-shaming that happened in the campus, giving the one who experienced an
avenue for his or her voice to be recognized.

If you conform to enable your child to participate, your child will be asked to: answer our analysis queries
and its accompanying probing questions that encompasses your child’s experiences on smart-shaming, its
effects, and the way he/she has coped with it. Your child will be destined and informed on our protocol and
any queries or clarifications, if there's are going to be answered before the interview can begin.

Your child should not participate in this study if

 He/she is not a student of the University of the Immaculate Conception

 Not enrolled under the Senior High School Department
 He/she does not consider himself/herself to be a victim of smart-shaming
 Her/his account of smart-shaming happened outside the campus.
 He/she is unwilling to participate in the study

Senior High School Unit

J. P. Laurel Avenue, Bajada Street, Davao City

Your child’s participation within the study can last for a minimum of twenty minutes and a maximum of
half-hour. We are going to solely conduct the Interview throughout your child’s dismissal schedule.

Risks and Discomfort

Risks or discomforts that your child might experience are:

 Your child may find it hard to articulate their thoughts/answers.


This study is very important to science and even to the society as a result of new themes or novelties
might arise from the answers extracted from the participants

Individually, your child could profit with the enhancements or actions which will be undertaken by the
administration with regards to the discoveries created by this analysis. Your child will receive aid from our
resident psychometrician if he/she needs to.

Confidentiality and Records

Your child’s study data are unbroken confidential by keeping their identity anonymous and by following the
correct protocol anchored on the study’s ethical concerns.


No compensation will be provided.


By signing below, you are agreeing that:

 You have read this consent form and have been given the opportunity to ask questions and have them
 You have been informed of potential risks to your children and they have been explained to your
 You are 18 years of age or older.
 Your child’s participation in this research is completely voluntary.
 Your child may leave the study anytime. If your child decides to stop participating in the study, there will
be no penalty to your child and he/she will not loose any benefits to which he/she is otherwise entitled.

Parent Signature ______________________ Date__________

Printed Name________________________

Child’s Name _________________________


Senior High School Unit

J. P. Laurel Avenue, Bajada Street, Davao City

Assent Form for 15 to 18 years old (English Version)

Proponents: Lowelle Grace Aguiton, Angel Sarino, Rhona Villaon,

Kyla Calipayan, Cedrikk Gaitano, Clint Laguidao,
Andros Uy, Jade Delos Santos, Stever Cogtas, Wilbur
Napoles and Jefferson Ignacio

Title of the Research: The struggles of Smart- shamed Students in their


Information to participants

According to Mindanao State University, smart-shaming is the act of mocking someone who is smarter than others.
It tends to discourage intellectual view or approaches. Smart-shaming is the act of contradicting the growth of ideas
and in turn, the growth of intellect conversations. There are several negative results that smart-shaming can bring to
an individual’s emotional, mental and personal development. First, it discourages people to strive to be smarter.
Second, it hinders people from expressing themselves freely. Third, it makes us think that we are not smart enough.
Fourth, it puts a negative stereotype to the smart ones. Lastly, it confuses a person to pursue a passion. There are
factors that contribute to the present behavior is analyzed on the individual, social or maybe cultural levels. These
factors are as follow: Low Self-esteem, Low Intelligence, Personality, Past Experiences, and Family Background.
Assent form
For the students: I am being asked to decide if I want to be in this study. I know that if I were to be in this study,

 l will first be oriented regarding the purpose and aims of the study and reassured of the confidentiality of my
 Any questions l have in mind regarding the study will be entertained and answered truthfully.
 l will be asked questions that encompass my experiences on the subject matter of smart shaming.
 The interview will be conducted in the supervision of the resident psychometrician in case of debriefing.
 l may leave the study anytime. If l decided to stop participating in the study, there will be no penalty to myself
and l will not lose any benefits to which l am otherwise entitled.
 I want to be in the study at this time.

Child’s Printed Name: _________________________ Date: ______________






We agree to engage in adviser-advisee relationship in consonance to a Senior High School research

that will be written from __________ to __________. (date)

We agree that the academic performance leads to publication of the manuscript in a reputable peer
reviewed journal with the adviser as the co-author and the advisee, the primary author. Both parties
will implement the corrections during the peer review process.

We agree that the paper be presented in a public forum by the advisee if available at such an
opportunity or by the adviser if the advisee is no longer around. Only the name of the oral presenter
shall be submitted to the conference organizer.

We agree t follow stringent quality assurance measures such as professional editing, plagiarism,
grammar and readability tests, reference checking, and intercontinental literature sources. Statistical
software processing if applicable, among others.

We agree to use various forms of contact such as personal face to face, personal online through
social network such as Facebook, Messenger, and others.

We agree to dress formally and prepare adequately for the oral presentations both in the oral defense
panel and the public presentations.

We agree to be open, honest, and frank with each other to expedite the work.

We agree to inform each other of developments such as submission to the UIC Research Coordinator
must bear the signature of the adviser as endorsement, and whoever is going to present the paper in
a public forum, and submission of the paper to a particular journal.

Signed this __________ in the year of our Lord two thousands __________ in Davao City, Philippines












Research Coordinator



Researcher: What are your struggles in experiencing smart shaming?

Participant 1: I think that the struggles that I am facing when it comes to smart shaming when in

school, is that hmm maybe I am having kana ganing naga dalawang isip ako whether a teacher gives

a certain question naga dalawang isip ako if I should answer it or not? Even though I am— I know the
answer and I am capable of answering it. It is because ah— ma— nagiging unconscious ako as to

what will be my classmates will be telling sa akin like, parang ano gud, like “ih permi na lang ka uy.”

So murag murag I became more conscious when it comes to classroom participation kase, I have this

thinking na, ayaw ko na magpabida ako kase that kase—yan kase yung gina pa feel sa akin na

everytime na mag answer ako, feeling ko na, pabida ako and at the same time I am taking away

opportunities sa aking classmates to answer and to elevate their recitation scores. Yun sya.

Researcher: So for the follow up question, What about in socialization?

Participant 1: Umm... my struggles in experiencing smart shaming pag socialization is that I bec—

ahh... Same gihapon, I become more conscious on the things or on the topics that. I introduced to

my... that I talk to with my fellow colleagues and to my fellow friends. It is because sometimes man

gud kanang umm syempre ikaw, you want... you want to impart something... something informative

and all like example man gud like in a random conversation, you talked about example of fruit then

mag sabi ka ng random fact about a fruit like parang ma conscious ka ba like you know something

about that fruit, pero baka man gud ingnan ka na “unya, bright na ka ana?” murag ingana gud. Murag,

instead of telling something informative to your friends or to your ano murag, I conceal nalang nako

siya to myself umm that information i conceal nalang nako siya sa akong self it is because, ayoko

na... yung image nila sa akin mag-iba like I-I’m that of girl na... pabida na... feeling know it all, ganun


Researcher: So what are effects of smart shaming in your mental and emotional health?

Participant 1: I think ano... it has umm... hindi naman talaga siya ganun ka grabe pero... there are

times na maka ponder nalang ako... like... “am I really like that?” na... kana ganing dili nako siya ma

explain ha pero kana ganing maka question ka sa imong self wether, yung sinasabi ba nila about

sayo, is it totoo, or, are they just exaggerating what I am doing? Or, basi, wala lang jud nako na

consider ang ilahang... ang ilahang perspective murag at some point, it makes me... umm to be more

private, or kanang to be... kanang dili gud kaayo makig socialize with other people it is because I think
na the way I approach people, kay dili mi aligned, and... dili mi the same og vibes it is because umm...

ako as a person I like to talk about umm... issues about the government, umm random conspiracy

theories, and the n ang sa kanila kay... murag they are more into gigs or more into songs mur- whe-

wherein, I am not into like that takaga. Ganun.

Researcher: So do you feel emotional?

Participant 1: Umm... not relly. Kay... dili man jud ko all the time na ma smart shame, pero pag ma

smart shame ko at the moment yes I would really feel bad kase, you did not- wala kang ginawang

masama. Pero they make you feel like may nagawa kang masama. So yun siya.

Researcher: How would you rate your sadness from 1 to 10?

Participant 1: Feeling ko I would rate my sadness mga... mga 8? Kase... yun mga umm you did not

dosomething wrong, pero they make you feel you made something wrong, na parang “Oh wmy god

wala- wala man unta ko nakatamak og dignidad sa other people, pero nganong ingana ilang reaction

towards me sharing something informative to the people?” Yan siya.

Researcher: So let’s proceed to question number two What are your coping mechanisims or how do

you cope up with this situation?

Participant 1: Umm my first coping mechanism would be- I would really- maybe ano... I would really

first be quiet, and then I would process the situation, like... umm syempre you always have your

perspective with you so I’ll try to put my shoes on other people like murag... kung ako pa to siya tas

nadunggan nako akong self nga nag ingato, will I get kanang ma ano ba ko unsay tawag ana ha...

kanang malain ba ko or whatsoever? And then eh- I would- then if para sa akoa murag feeling nako

na “ay dili man siguro ko malain if mabuhat nako to.” And the second thing w-wether ma assess na

nako siya sa akong self if- if it is something bad or not? I would also ask the perspective of other

people. Kay baka pala para sa akin hindi siya lain pero pag tanungin mo na yung iba mo most

specially yung close friends mo who knew you and who know other people as well then, maybe you

can get a feedback gud na “Oi tinuod jud murag medyo pabida man gud kaayo ka ganiha.” So, maybe
I can adjust to it murag na muarg na... I adjust nako akong self and everytime na example kanag ma

shutdown ko, kanang gina shutdown gud ko sa people just because I’m talking something informative,

I think na ang coping mechanism nalang jud nako ana no to the next time around, maybe nao mag

duha-duha nakog... umm answer uhh in other questions, feeling nako I would not answer dayon, dili

ko mag answer directly whenever a teacher asks a question it is because I want to give more

opportunities to my classmate. Then, kato siya then sa school, if ever na I found answer ay I found a

question easy, I will not answer however if the question is something difficult to answer and then no

one will answer that certain question then maybe I can step up to ana na na siya.

Researcher: What are your motivations after you experience smart shaming? And what are the

things that motivate you to continue studying?

Participant 1: So my motivations after I experience smart shaming is that umm maybe I need to

process that there’s something wrong umm gina sabi ko parati sa sarili ko na there’s nothing wrong in

telling... people something informative, telling from the truth about a certain subject however, I need-

maybe there is a necessity for to readjust my ways as to how I deliver it, like maybe siguro umm...

umm... before answering it or whatsoever maybe I need to weigh first wether umm grabe na ba jud

akong pag storya sa isa ka class, na to the point na, wala nako naga hatag og oppurtunities sa other

people and such or, it’s only right for me to answer in a certain umm question and then, I think na...

ang motivation ko nalang is no matter how people will smart shame me, I will not kanang I will not

make it as a hindrance to share information to other people because you learn best when you teach

what you know. So I think na mas maganda na yung effect a you’ll be able to teach other people what

is right and correct rather than keeping that correct and precise information to yourself. Yun yun siya

and as for to continue studying, I think that I need to continue study because that’s my purpose here

in school. Like, no matter how people will smart shame me, umm they cannot take away my right to

education and my right to umm and m- maybe not right, pero it’s an obligation for a person to...

provide something correct... and precise to other people to cure their ignorance and to make them

aware of the things around them so yun lang.

Researcher: What are the struggles of the victim in smart shaming?

Participant 2: Personally, I experience smart-shaming in school for example during oral recitation

because when the teacher typically asked a question I automatically raise my hand when I know the

answer but sometimes uhm I feel ashamed in doing so because there are certain classmates tells me

that uhm ah I act like I know everything or I act like im superior because just because I know the

answer to a certain question. In socialization, uhm my struggles in experiencing smart-shaming is that

uh people feel like they can’t socialize with me just because uhm I’m in the top for example I feel like i

chose my friend base on intellectual capability or they feel like they cannot go or be my friend just

because they dont the same intellectual capability as me. In mental or emotional health this leads to

again from oral recitation from my example of oral recitation this leads to uhm me feeling anxious of

answering the questions that are asked by the teacher just because i dont want to be called

"pahawdhawd" or to be called someone that acts whos know Everything. Sometimes I do feel

emotional because I cant share my knowledge with uhm with a person inside my class because I

know that they can benefit from what I learned in my specific groups for example debate uhm

because in debate we learn economics, political psychology and philosophy through oral recitation or

through extempo or someome um recitations in class I feel like they could benefit from my knowledge

but just because of my anxiety of being called names I don’t do sharing anymore. I would rate my

sadness maybe 5 I feel like the society is covered with ignorance sometimes we eradicate smart-

shaming this intellectually capable people would be able to share there knowledge and perhaps

eradicate the sense of ignorance in the people around them and be enlightened with the societal

issues at hand or economical issues and therefore giving or providing more possible solutions for us

to uh for us to solve this current issue.

Researcher: How do the victim cope up with the issues in the process of not being able to speak out


Participant 2: One of my coping mechanism is though there is anxiety present uhm I still believe or

uplift my principle of having to share the things that I know because i know that the people around me
will still be able to get the advantage of knowing the information that i have the previledge to know for

example in the debate society i know that they can still be able to uhm uhm unsa gani tawag ani uhm

basta naka limot ko they would still be able to gain uhm the promciples that i have known as an

individual. i cope with my same thing emotional health just by not minding other peoples opinions

about me bevause as long as i know that i am not hurting somebody's ego or as long as i know that i

have nothing against other people and my only reason of doing this certain acts of sharing my

knowledge is just for people to be not ignorant and for them to be knowledgeable in such issues. Uhm

what I do is just I show them that i dont choose my friends base on intellectual capabilities and i just

show them that they can approach me regardless of their gender regardless of their race or

regardless of their intellectual capability because i choose or I socialize with people with no certain

standards i socialize with pwople just because i feel like im going to be friends with them or i feel like

outgoing to be with this certain people.

Researcher: So let’s proceed to our last question What are the motivating factors for a smart

shaming victim that can easily adopt or embrace?

Participant 2: My motivations after i experienced smart-shaming is that even though they tell me that

I act like I know everything, as long as I know that these knowledge that I have within me or this

intellegence that the creator bestowed upon me is shared upon this people and as long as I know that

they will gain or they will not be ignorant on yhe things that they still have to learn because students

like us have still lot to learn and if we can share our knowledge with each other or if we can uhm we

can help erase the ignorance among each other i feel like it will be a better society because we will

know what are the problems at hand and we can asses on which solution are to be uplifted to these

certain issues. Uhm the things that motivate me to continue studying is first my parents hardwork and

second my dreams, my parents hardwork because they are the ones uhm who finance my for

example schooling or studying in a private school and I believe that it is an enough reason for me to

study hard and to extend my efforts to get high grades if I can and to stay motivated just to be present

in school and not be absent, second is my dreams, Im studying fpr me to pursue me being an
accountant uhm second being a lawyer because I know that if I study hard snd extend my effort on

studying, I will learn many things and with this i can apply this to my future career as an accountant

and as a lawyer.
Researcher: What are your struggles on experiencing smart shaming in school?

Participant 3: Ahmm. There are times when I tried to recite or answer some questions, there are

times that my classmates tend to joke about like “OMG, You’re smart, ka feeling smart oy, Ikaw na

ganyan ganyan but ahmm I try my best to answer the question that are given and answer them with

the right answers and what is the right answer to recite.

Researcher: Socialization?

Participant 3: Socialization ahmmm ahmmm There are times is that ahm di ko mapigilan mag english

yon nga pag sabi nga nila pag mag eenglish daw parang ano mga High Standard na and then and

medyo smart na daw tingnan sa mga people, they feel professional when they speak english yun so,

ahmm People try to misinterpret it like ano man yan uy pa smart ka man masyado but its just like a

matter of like ahmm your language you want to use or what’s comfortable to use to answer.

Researcher: What are the effects on your mental and emotional Health?

Participant 3: Ahmmm... Actually ahmmm I don’t ahmmm into those ahmmm jokes about ahmm

those jokes about me being smart like smart shaming ahmm I don’t ahmmm see them as a really bad

thing for me I just Ahmmm think that it’s like its gonna like a joke it’s nothing I won’t take it Personal.

Researcher: Do you feel emotional?

Participant 3: Not that much

Researcher: What are your coping mechanisms or how do you cope up with this situation?

Participant 3: Ahmmm… with those situation I just think ahmm on the brighter side of the ahmm the

situation, I just think positive in things and not put them into the negative side bcuz if I put them

ahmmm on the bad thinking then it could affect my social or emotional health yun.

Researcher: In school. What are your coping mechanisms?

Participant 3: I just go with the flow if they smart shamed me or they joke about me I just like ahmmm

anoo like Zgo okay mag joke kayo diyan like I just know what I want to and we like ganun.

Researcher: How do you cope up in terms on your emotional and Mental Health?

Participant 3: Ahmmm. Yun nga hindi ko nga siya gina take seriously I put them on the positive side

so that it wont affect my emotional or mental health ayun.

Researcher: Cope up in Socialization?

Participant 3: Ayun, I just go straight kung ano yung sasabihin ko continue lang and don’t mind the

people who judge you because you know what is the right thing to say or what is the right thing to

socialize or to answer.

Researcher: What are your motivations after you experienced smart shaming?

Participant 3: My motivation is that, yun nga pag na sa-smart shamed ako I just ahmm think of it as

like an opportunity for me to see them that I can do what I want I can andwer What I want and to

believe that and to believe I am smart ganun, I just like kotivate myself that I just need to be positive

and not take those ahmm smart shaming personally and just make them as a challenge to me to step


Researcher: What are the things that motivate you to continue studying?

Participant 3: The things that motivate me to continue studying is for my future and ahmmm also for

my parents because they work hard for what I’ve accomplished right now they work hard to pay my

tuition fee, to pay everything and to give me the enst future, that I need so yun nga yun yung one way

of paying ahmm showing them love and thank them for everything that they’ve done and finish my

studies and college.

Researcher: I am here to conduct research about the struggles of smart shamed students in the

academe. First question, what are your struggles in experiencing smart shaming specifically in


Participant 4: Umm... specifically in school when people engage on academe — uhm...

performances or activities... uhm... most likely smart students are ones who'll lead the group in

performing. For example, when we have performance tasks, so there ate implicitly leadership towards

the smart students themselves. So, sometimes in school smart shaming happens when people bash

other people specifically those smart people when they lead, because they think " ahhh.. kana sya,

hilas mana sya kay feeling niya bright kay' sya, so sya ang ga-lead sa tanan but there wasn't murag—

ahh.. votation na sya ang mu-lead saatoa." kanang ingana na mindset. So it's— it roots from the

perception of the people towards those smart people.

Researcher: How about in socialization?

Participant 4: In socialization, not just in school but particularly in your group of friends who aren't in

the honors list and things like that. Uhmm.. personally, I am not bashed by my group of friends but

uhmm... there are some cases that they bash their friends or even bully them— their friends because

they think that their friends are very nerdy and things like that because they're percieved as smart

people because there's already a generalization that all smart people are nerdy, don't have social life,

and just bury themselves in books.

Researcher: In mental and emotional health?

Participant 4: In mental and emotional health, for certain person he or she is bashed and is

generalized to be someone who thinks he or she thinks is not himself or herself, then there may br

negative effects towards his mental health because syempre maghuna-huna sya " Tama ba ni akong

ginabuhat? dapat ba— dapat ba ko i-socialize saakong ginabuhat na grabe na kaayu ko ka-focus sa

academics? " and things like that. So that's the implification towards our mental or emotional health,

kanang we tend to question the things that we are doing because people bash us or people question "
Why are you like that?" and " Why am I like this? " So, because of comparison of the two people, the

smart one and the person who is not that smart then all the more that they question themselves for

being who they are.

Researcher: Do you feel emotional?

Participant 4: Personally, I don't feel emotional or— nor am I affected by those people who smart

shame me because of course I know myself and I don't care about their judgements.

Researcher: So for you, rate you sadness from 1 to 10 about smart shaming.

Participant 4: Zero

Researcher: Second question is what are your coping mechanism or how do you cope up with this

situation, especially in school?

Participant 4: Uhmm.. in school, as what I've said earlier, there are cases wherein other people

bosch smart people because they're perceived as uhmm.. boastful and things like that. So i think the

best coping mechanism for that is when you— uhmm.. the smart person , itself , show other people

that he or she is humble and don't really boast about his or her learnings or his or her achievements

towards other people.

Researcher: Cope up with your emotional and mental health.

Participant 4: because i have a strong mental health , so i don't really need to cope up with it.

Researcher: Cope up with your socialization.

Participant 4: Uhmm.. for socialization, i surround myself with a good set— with a good set of friends

, so i don't really have a problem on socialization . But uhmm.. just a suggestion for those people who

are surrounded by their toxic friends or toxic friendship when it comes to socialization comma if you

know yourself that you're not like that or if you know yourself that you're doing the right thing , then

there's— uhmm... there's no problem with it. So... yeah, that's it.
Researcher: So last question , what are your motivation after you've experienced smart shaming ?

Participant 4: Uhmmm... the things that motivate me . . . First is siguro those are my goals and your

achievements as a person because if you're a goal oriented person and you know your course of

action, then uhmm... you know which way to go and what are the things to do in order for you to

achieve those kinds of goals and to achieve your aims as a person . And then secondly , your

individual passion , individual motivation , and individual interest . So as a person , other than you

have your goals and you have your uhm.. your dreams in life , then also you have those passion that

uhm... makes you enjoy life and the things that makes you happy. So that's it. What motivates the

person or mankind itself is the person that they fill in any action or in any activity that they do . So , as

long as you find happiness in whatever you do , in reading books for example or in being smart or

being in the honors list then as long as you're happy with that , then it's fine.

Researcher: what are the things that motivate you to continue studying?

Participant 4: Uhm... ofcourse number one that— uhmm... those are my goals in life . For example ,

other people wants to become a good doctor or a good lawyer , so those profession that we want to

have 20 to 10 years from now period and second one , my family and of course those friends who

support you as a whole.

Researcher: Thank you.

Participant 4: Thank you!

Researcher: so good afternoon. We are here to conduct a research about the struggle of smart

shamed students in academe. So.. Hi, how are you?

Participant 5: hi, I'm good

Researcher: ok so.. Shall we proceed to the first question?

Participant 5: yes

Researcher: ok, so first question..What are your struggles of being a victim of smart shaming in your


Participant 5: hmm.. My struggles is.. Its hard for me to express more about my thoughts because,

hmmm... Expressing my thoughts completely....completely would....would make my thoughts..ay

would make me feel like if i am being to ahhhh pasikat gd mao man gd ng label sa uban nga murag

pabida ka nga pag sige kag that's why..i.. Sometimes i keep my thoughts or in discussion i

keep my thoughts to myself na low-key lang para dili pud ma judge sa uban. Labaw na pag ga storya

nako ga hide nalang kos akong opinion para dili nalang ka nila ma judge, dili nalang nako ingnon

akoang opinion.

Researcher: diba may struggles kaman sa school so, do you find that meron karing struggles in

terms of your socialization?yung pag smart shamed ng mga other classmate mo sayo yung parang

maka feel kaba na parang may struggles karin in terms of socialization?

Participant 5: sometimes kuan sa mga peers nako na maka salamuha sa mga classmates

kay gina choose nako akong words na iingon para mag mukha lang..mag mukha lang pud ba

nga...wala pud o nag hambog,kanang humble lang ka ba para...para pud dili nila ma feel

nga .....kanang pataas pataas gd ka, kanang hambog ka're boosting about what you, what

you have or your..your knowledge about something.

Researcher: so,since you have said that meron kang problem sa schools or maybe in terms of

socialization to your peers. So, do you think ano yung naging epekto niya or what are the effects of it
in your school, parang in terms of your performance parang may naging epekto ba yung smart


Participant 5: hmm..dili man siya kaayo prevalent ang epekto sa smart shaming saakoa, dili kaayo

siya makita ba. Pero ang epekto saakoa is maging self concious gd ko, especially na mention nako

ganiha nga self concious ko saakong mga ginaingon, gina choose jud nako nga sensitive kaayo ko

sakong mga ipang ingon kay basig ma judge ka, homan isa pa pud ana is...unsa gani tong question?

Researcher: hmmm...

Participant 5: effect saakoang?

Researcher: Saimong school like, performance mo sa school ana.

Paticipant 5: ang iyang effect lang sa school kay, dili gyud...dili gyud tanan subject kay active ko ga

participate. Di jud ko as in active mo participate sa class, whether nalang kung wala najud koy choice

inana. Kanang pag ma put nako into situ...into situation na kailangan ko mag recite dira lang ko mag


Researcher: so sa palagay mo, hmmm..unsa ang mga effects ani in terms of your socialization

murag nakababa ba saimong low-self esteem, naka hatag ba saimog low-self esteem, unsa paman

ang murag...murag naging epekto in terms of your socialization?

Participant 5: ang epekto ana kay dili tanan saakong mga peers is kanang maka sundo nako, dili gd

nimo maka... dili nimo maka engage to conversations tanan imong peers, because you're afraid to be

judge or you're afraid that they'll think think yourself as higher to them inana so,

medjo naka epekto gd siya, pero ahh..dili man nako, wala man nako, wala man noon ko niabot sa

point nga gina isolate nanako akong self sa mga tao or saakoang peers or sa akong mga classmates

Researcher: so...hmmm..follow up question is do you think nga murag naa pa pud ni siyay epekto

saimohang mental health or mental condition nimo?

Participant 5: yes, naa ni siyay epekto because it greatly affects how you you look to

yourself... look into yourself... kanang ing.ani man jud kanang mag mind na jud ka sa mga gi ingon sa

lain tao which is not good dapat you feel good about yourself man kay imo man ng sarili dapat gina

taas nimo

Human ang epekto sa smart shaming ky gina baba na nuon nimo imong sarili ky mao man ang ang

imohang standards. Sa pag look sa imoha sa laing tao so na parehas na hinuon ug standards nila

imong standards , gi himo nimo standards nila ang imohang standards

Researcher: So do you think you get emotional when you are being smart shamed? Or are you

feeling depressed or sad or kanang...

Participant 5: I do not feel emotional I just feel kanang sa imong sarili gud dissapointed or kaya ma

insulto ka gamay... mainsulto gud ka pero dile to the point na mag hatag kag sama ng loob sa isa ka

tao nga nag smart shame sa imoha ma feel lng nimo na "ay kuan sa akoa siguro ang mali kay na

ing.ato ko" ing.ana akong ma feel dissapointment to my self not to others.

Researcher: Sooo uhmmm... Thank you ... So... As a victim of smart shaming how do you cope up

with this issue.

Participant 5: I cope up in this issue through positivity… mao mn jud ang pinaka gwapo na approach.

Positivity ... positive outlook in life and kanang knowing na dile man ing.ana ang sa imong

peers tan.awon pud nimo... you evaluate yourself you reflect to your actions and you will see na dle

man ka dile man diay ka ga pataas taas sadyang naa sa ilaha ang problema wla sa imoha .

Researcher: So thank you so...Diba you have said that you have a problem in school? So what are

your coping mechanism or coping strategies so that parang uhm.. di maapektuhan yung performance

mo sa school.

Participant 5: Uhmm... I tried to collaborate with my co-students in a way na feeling nila dile gud ka

hambog ug ahh... I tried to boost sa akong sarili lang personally, every night ky gina kuan nako akong

self confidence ok lang na ing.ana jud para dile ko ma feel down gud sa mga gina ingon sa laing tao.
Researcher: So... diba since ano uhm... sabi mo na di ka emotional pero may effect siya sa iyong

mental health so sa tingin nimo diba since naa siya effect sa imong mental health how do you cope

up with this problem sa imong mental health like unsa imong ginabuhat like do outdoor activities

something ana or other creational activities para na makatabang para ma ano ka ... so unsa imong

ginabuhat ana?

Participant 5: Akong ginabuhat ana ky magbasa ug books ky mawala man jud gud sa imong huna

huna ang ubang bagay gud pag gabasa ka ug books ug ang isa pa pud ana ky try to avoid them lang

kanang naga smart shame sa imoha ky mu avoid lng ka sa ilaha at all cost gud para dili pud ka

mapuno ug toxic people gud around you nga mag save sa imong mind

Researcher: So doba sabi mo may problem ka din in your socialization, so how do you socialize with

other people na gina smart shame ka? So what is your treatment to them or ano ginagawa mo for

yourself or gina sabihan mo ba sila?

Participant 5: I... I dle nako sila gina correct because tiguwang naman jud ta so they should know

their actions dapat sila ang maka realize sa ana sa ilahang mali na ginabuhat ang ginabuhat na lang

nako pag ing.ana you distance yourself a bit ky ma feed man gud nila imong utok like what i said

before na ma feed nila imo utok so thats why you distance yourself abit and kanang dile nimo ibalos

sa ilaha ba gi smart shame man ka nila dile ka mubalos kanang you just try act to be civil or kanang

normal lang i trato nimo sila with respect pero dile ... not to close

Researcher: So thank you for proceeding for our last question.

What are your motivating factors or motivation?

Participant 5: akong motivation ani kay sila ra gihapon dile man jud ka (silence)

dile man jud ka pwde magpa kuan sa ilaha magpa dala you- you use them as your motivation not to

to be yourself down ug imong motivation pud ky imong sarili nga kabalo man ka you... know yourself

better than anyone else so kabalo ka sa imong sarili nga dile ka ing.ana kung unsa man ilang mga

insulto na gina tira sa imoha

Researcher: So follow up question is para... yung ... while diba you are smart shamed so do you

think sometimes na ano ... mag stop ng school?

Participant 5: awhh (chuckles) wala pud ko ni abot ana na point as i said i cope up with positive

outlook so i never went to that point na mag stop ug school.

Researcher: Thank you for answering are questions and for being a participant for our study God


Participant 5: Thank you

Researcher: So good afternoon, we have to conduct a research about the struggles of smart-shamed

students in Academe, so... Good afternoon once again so can we start with our questions?

Participant 6: Yes

Researcher: Okay so thank you. So, our first question is uhm... what are your struggles or living

experiences of being a victim of smart- shaming in school?

Participant 6: So isa sa akong mga struggles na gina encounter kay siguro maglisod ko ug adapt sa

ilaha. Kay murag.. murag makulbaan ko or something na murag maka feel ug kakulba na inig

mutubag kog answer, murag “Eyy! Murag bugo man na ana ingana gud.” Murag ma dali rako

makulbaan unya sunod kaduha kay, tsk.. makafeel ahhh... tsk..tsk... ahhh.. po... inig mutubag ka kay

katawan ka nila inana napoint sa akoang isa sa mga struggles nako. Unya murag lahi ang definition

sa ilahang smart gud, para sa ilaha like.. ang sa ilaha smart is kanang kabalo mag socialize, kanang

funny ingana gud. So, wala man nako ginaingon na smart ko pero ang definition sa ilahang smart

kay... ay lahi jud ang definition sa smart murag ingana na ta.. na.. point.

Researcher: So, uhmm.. do you feel na meron ka ding struggles in term of socialization like ano yung

mga... since diba gina smart-shame ka, parang mahirap.. malisudan ba ka na mag socialize.

Participant 6: So, murag oo. Isa sa ana kay murag isa pud na kay siyempre bago pagud ko nag

adapt diri sa UIC kay the commonly biya.. mostly biya sa inyuha kay old students so mostly sa inyuha

kay old students so mostly sa inyuha old students tapos murag maglisod kog approach pud sa

inyuha. Tapos apil pud nang smart-shaming na.. na.. nakaeffect.. pud ko ug

kanang..kanang.. socialize gud kay murag inig musturya gud ko sa ilaha ba kay kanang murag

katawan gud ka nila na”Eyy pahawd-hawd ana ana gud” so maglisod naka ug socialize sa ilaha kay

makulbaan sa imong actions mao na murag kailangan nimo murag careful jud sa imong mga actions

na imong ginabuhatkay basin ma judge ka nila ba ingana.

Researcher: So, uhmm..diba sabi mo may e. marami kang naging struggles sa school and your

socialization, soo do you feel ano yung nagingn epekto nung mga struggles mo interms of your school


Participant 6: So, ano. Low self-esteem. So murag dilina kaayo ko confident, dili na kaayo ko

confident na musturya na muparticipate sa class kay inig musturya o. balik balik nlng ko ni unya inig

musturya ka murag makulbaan na ka ba nga kanang... mutubag gud labi na example ako mura...

muhatag man jud kog chance na di sa di jud ko mu tindog labi na musturya ko. So, para, para dili lang

gud ko mukuan, na para dili sila makaingon ba nga “Ayy si Rome murag buraot na kaayo, kanang

balik-balik na!” Ana. So, ingana gud sa inganang mga situations. So, mao na murag.. murag maulaw

nako mukuan.. unya sunod... isa pa kay uhmm... low na imong connections sa teachers kay murag..

tapos ..kanang... low... kanang murag dili na imong kanang connection sa imong teacher ba siyempre

pag student ka. Dapat ano jud ka sa teachers, focus ka sa teachers nimo kanang maminaw ka,

ingana gud. Pero karon kay, murag dili na kaayo ko kanang mukuan sa teachers kay mahadlok ko

muana sila na “pabibo man na si Rome oy” kanang kanang sa unsa na? “teacher’s pet” murag


Researcher: So, muraggina stop nimo ang murag naga ask ug questions sa teachers or maag ask

ug queries sa teachers?

Participant 6: O

Researcher: Kay basig maingnan kag pa hawd-hawd sa other classmates mo?

Participant 6: O, ana, ana or pabibo.mga ingana na cases.

Researcher: So, naa pakay laing i-add?

Participant 6: Wala.

Researcher: So next is ano yung mga naging epekto nito in terms of your socialization?
Participant 6: So isa sa mga effect kay maulaw mu express sa akong sarili ingana na mga situation.

Dili nako kabalo kung asa ko dili nako kabalo kung asa nako ibutang akong sarili labi na musturya sa

ilaha kay magduda nako ba na patay unsa kaya na ilang... patay unsa kaya na ni akong hunahuna

kung buhaton nako ni. Ingana na cases. Ingana. Unya sunod kay ahhh... tsk... So maulaw napud ko

makigsabay sa ilaha labi na outing. Pero ano lang kanang... o mga ingana na situation.

Researcher: So maulaw ka to socialize because uhm... nahadlok ka or you have fear na basin unsa

ilang maingon sa imo like murag mangdiri sila sa imo kay ana lagi ka pa hawd-hawd.

Participant 6: Dili siguro sa mandiri ano lang kanang mahadlok lang ko mutake ng action kanang

mag kanang makahuna-huna ka na “kailangan ba ko ni ibutang na action? Kay basig ma-judge ko

nila. Murag ingana ba. So maning- ano lang ka. Manima ... ano ka makihalobilo ka, go with the flow

ka kung unsa ilang styke. Pero dili ka magpasakop sa ilahang katoxic ana.

Researcher: So do you think na meron din itong effect sa inyong mental health?

Participant 6: Oo. Sa isa sa mga effect ana. Kay mu overthinking kanang mga ingana na situation.

Overthinking, kanang tsk. Murag example mag.. mag storya ko na mukalit lang ug huna huna na “

Hala! Mutubag, siguro manggamay pud akong grado ani. Ana. Ingana na cases. Tapos ahhh... tsk.

Ano nako na tao like... isa pud kay dili nako mahuna-huna ang mga positive side like always nako na

pessimistic na tao kay mahadlok na ko na ma mag take ug actions so ana sila na kailangan daw nimo

huna-hunaon ang negative bago ang positive kay kana na mga isa sa mga tao kay kabalo sila

magdala sa ilang mga problems sa mga ingana na situations.

Researcher: So uhm.. do you think na emotional pud ka sometimes when ano.. you are being smart-

shamed or like you feel depressed siguro pero maano lang ko na kanang maka maano lang siguro ko

madown. Madown lang ko gamay like, maigo lang gamay akong… So murag ma sad ka

Participant 6: Oo, ma sad ko, siyempre. So emotionally gihapon under. So masad lang... ay... dili sa


Researcher:But you’re not feeling depress?

Participant 6: O, ano lang murag kanang maano lang ko, matandog lang akong

Researcher: Buot?

Participant 6: O, buot na... kanang maka ano lang ko ban a “Nganong ingani man ang reality oy na...

nowadays, ingani na ang ginabuhat sa kasagarang mga students na participative... ingana.

Researcher: So diba you have said na... you felt sad sometimes so, uhmm from a rate, rate your

sadness from one to ten? Feeling nimo unsa?

Participant 6: Five

Researcher: Five? So 50-50 siya?

Participant 6: O

Researcher: Ohh,okay. So thank you... so... let’s proceed to our second question. So, for our second

question, how do you cope up with the issue or what is.. what are your coping mechanisms in terms

of coping up in school.

Participant 6: So ang isa sa akoang coping mechanism kay, be observant. Like ginabantayan na

nako ang akoang mga actions, every move nako kay murag naa nay effect sa... ilaha. So, kanang inig

mag participation, during participation, dili na.. dili na kaayo nako gina express akong answers na

“Ingani, mutubag nako” ingana. Although gina huna huna na nako ang uban nga kani “hala basig

nakatawa na ni sila sa akoa” so, ingani nalang ang akong buhaton. Kanang dili nalang sa ko

muanswer. Akong buhaton nalang sa kay magpahulat kog mga tulo ka tao na mutubag para ako

mutubag nasad ko, mga ingana na case. Tapos isa, makisabay nalang pud ko, tapos murag dili gud,

dili lang ka magpa effect anang mga tao kay sila man gud ang reason na magpa-down sa imoha.

Pero makig sabay lang ka sa ilaha kay kung dili ka makigsabay, ikaw man gihapon ang luoy. So, ano

lang makisabay lang ka sa ilaha na kung bullyhon ka nila, or i-smart shame ka nila like katawan lang

nimo kay ikaw siyempre, kabalo ka sa imong sarili, ikaw lang gihapon makasabot sa mga problems

na ingana dili sila. Kay kung ingnon nimo sila na stop, dili sila mu—stop, mas mugara pana sila.
Researcher: So, how do you cope up with your emotions? Or your mental health, parang.. diba may

mga effects ka man in your mental and emotional, so how do you deal with it?

Participant 6: So, ginadulaan lang nakog online games na. labi na o. tapos mas ma express nako

akong self sa online gaming. Like sometimes gani, maka ingon kag bad words ana, murag siguro diha

kay through online games, ma express nako akong self. Like sa online games, ako raman gud isa,

kanang makuan nako ba na naa koy world gud na maka... naa koy freedom didto na maka express

nako akong thoughts. Kanang murag didto man gud makingon ka nag tactic ba na, “OY! Diri ka”, dili

gud kanang “Oy, pahaw hawd lagi ka” ana gud. Lahi ang sa reality ba, kay kung sa akoa, kung sa

online games, makaingon kay “Guys, diri guys! Move ta diri guys, didto ta!” ana “Didto ta!” ana. Pero

kung diri kay, “Guys lain biya kuan—” “Ey! Pahawd-hawd man ka!” ingana.

Researcher: So, murag you chose to... its better to live on parang ganyan sa online games than in

reality. Tapos, pararng gina favor mo yung online games or virtual world than ano... than the realistic


Participant 6: O

Researcher: So, parang ganon?

Participant 6: O, ingana na term.

Researcher: So, diba you have also said that you have problems in your socialization? So how do

you cope up with your socialization problems? How do you deal with your peers that smart-shamed


Participant 6: So, diba isa sa akong mga giingon kay, nakisabay nalang ko sa ilaha, kung bullyhon

ko nila. Dili ka magpakita na na apektuhan gud ka kay ang... ang... ang isa man gud sa mga kuan sa

mga bullies kay inig makita nila na affected ka, kay murag mas mugara silage bully. Mas

maningkamot sila na murag pahilakon ka nila or pakuanon ka nila. Ana maki sabay lang pud ka. Dili

ka magpakita sa imohang... sa imohang... kanang ka down nimo. Unya... uhh... if kailangan jud kaayo

nimo magpa... kanang... if mangayo silage tabang, mutabang ka sa ilaha kay siguro kana, apil na sa
mga reasons maong maka huna huna silage mali ilahang ginabuhat, or ingana. Mutabang gihapon

ka, masking ginaana ka nila kay ana biya to sa bible ba to na... “Kung labayanka nilag bato, labayan

nimo siyag pan.”

Researcher: Uhmm.. so murag ginahulat nimo sila na mag self-realization sa ilahang gibuhat? So,

uhmm... for our last question… what motivates you to continue in your life or to continue studying?

Participant 6: So, isa sa mga ga motivate sa akoa kay... perents. Like, like.. I feel emotional talaga

pag sa ano kanang ginasturyahan na ang mga parents, or specifically si mama kay makita man gud

nako kay mama na kanang naning... kanang naningkamot ko—siya diri na pakuanaon ko,

paskwelahon ko. So, murag kanang akong action nalang para maghatag ug pasalamat, tarungon

analng nako ang akoang mga studies. kanan dili nako ginapakita ba na, nag gara gara ko or

nagpakuan ko kay pero kanang kailangan man nato mag balance na dili puro pa bright-bright, puro

lang sa studies. kanang makisabay lang pud ka sa ilahang trip. Kanang mga jam nila... mga laag ana

lang. makisabay lang pud ka kay once in a lifetime lang biya mahimog student. Dili biya na murag

mga... ang mga memories biya kay dili na siya mabalik kay mag stay alng na siya.

Researcher: Okay, so wala nakay laing idungag?

Participant 6: Wala na siguro.

Researcher: So thank you so much for participating in our study, Wish you luck and God bless!
Researcher: so.. Good afternoon we are here to conduct a research about the struggle of smart

shamed students in academe. So first question is…What are your experiences or struggles about

being a victim of smart shaming?

Participant 7: hmmmm sa school hmmm gina ang ma struglgles ko about sa school is may for

example pag naga share ako ng something like information for them then gina bara ko nila

ginaingnan ko nilag pag hawd hawd or murag kanang pa “HH” or another term mga ing ana then

mga…. For example gina ignore… gina ignore ko nila because of my information nga gina share nako

sa ilaha kay ana man gd ko sa sarili ko nga tama man to.

Researcher: oh sige.. so thank you. Hmm…so follow up question is hmmm in your in term of

socialization ano yung parang nagging struggles mo in socialization? So okay, Thank you. So for the

follow up question, in terms in socialization, what are your struggles in socialization?

Participant 7:Sa socialization naman kay parang every time na mag estorya ko sa mga laing tao kay

parang maka feel kog anxiety na baka interesting ba akong ginaingon sa ilaha or ok ba sailaha akong

gina ingon or basta murag daghan kayo siyag gaano saakong mind na basig dili basig boring naba

akong topic para sailaha

Researcher: so you feel pressured para mag share ug mga ideas murag ana?

Participant 7: oo, parang na pepressure ako kung…. kung…

Researcher: kung ano yung tamang term?

Participant 7: kung ano yung tama term about that, basig parang to ano ba parang dili bakay siya

ano understandable para sa ilaha…

Researcher: so……so diba nasabi mo naman yung mga yung mga struggles mo so do you

think what is… what are the effects of it in your hmmmm…school parang sa performance mob a sa

schoo. May eff..may effect ba siya?

Participant 7: ang effect niya sakin sakin kasi parang nagkakaroon ako ng….. low-self esteem

parang nawawalan ako ng confidence pag example like recitation minsan na ba bother nalang ako

isasagot ko ba o hindi baka kasi may mag bara nanaman sakin or mag.. sabi nanaman ng pa hh mga


Researcher: so parang.. parang napababa niya yung ..yung self confidence mo or yung self esteem

mo ganun?

Participant 7: oo

Researcher: so, ano pa yung parang nagging effect nia may nagging effect ba ito sa iyong like

socialization or mental or emotional like that nagging emotional baka or?

Participant 7: hmmmm…oo meron siyang effect pero …gina try nako naman nako na to ignore….

Hmmmm…..parang ngayon nagkakaroon ako ng anxiety attack pag nasgka to socialization parang

nakikipag socialize sa mga tao or minsan parang kinakabahan baka… baka hindi siya…parang hindi

siya interesting na topic for them ana…..

Researcher: so… do you feel emotional when in terms na parang gina smart shamed ka like gusto

mo mag or parang maka feel kaba ng depression?

Participant 7: sa word na depressed hindi ko siya ma consider na depression pero…. More like ano

lang parang …..parang na sasad lang ako pag example lang na nagshe share ako din parang

binabara nila parang yun lang yung effect emotion nila saakin parang… na sasad lang ako parang


Researcher: so….from rate of one to ten ano yung parang rate nang sadness mo na ma feel mo?

Participant 7: siguro more like six or seve.

Researcher: cge.. so thank you po, then to our second question is how do the victim or how do you

cope with the issue in the process of not being able to speak up directly? So how do you cope up

when you are being smart shamed?

Participant 7: yung lang..ahh parang

Researcher: so…what are your coping mechanisms or strategies to endure the pain that you have

felt parang ganun..

Participant 7: minsan nag seseek ako ng professional help pumupunta ako sa guidance councillor to

seek some advices about sa na experience ko then minsan sa mga.. yung mga friends ko na

nakakaintindi sa… situation ko na gina smart shamed then or minsan naman or sa advisers or

friends, families daghan…maraming ring…marami ding ways na to cope up para lang hindi ako ma

bother sa pagiging…sa pag sasmart shame nila sakin.

Researcher: ay so you..hmmm..feel like sharing your hmmm..problems to your friends, to your

guidance or seek for help parang ganun?oh sige…so, terms of your socialization, diba you

have said that meron ka ding parang may issue kadin sa socialization, so do you cope

up or what do you do to hmm..para maging, para to socialize to other people?

Participant 7: so yun so gina try ko yung or ginaalam ko sakanila kung ano yung gusto nilang topic or

yung gusto nilang malaman na for example naga share parang. Prang nag ti-think nalang ako ng best

term na mag fit sa kanila para hindi, parang hindi, yung pagkarinig nila hindi parang yung nagpa h.h

ako or nagpa haw hawd or parang…… I’ll try my best na magustuhan nila yung sinasabi ko para hindi

sia mukhang..too educated to hear oh.

Researcher: so, meaning parang solution mo is to kanang mag adjust nalang ?kasi ah sa kanila?ok.

thank you po. And so proceeding to our last question, so..what are your motivation or what are your

motivating factors.. that can help you easily adopt or embrace the pain that you have felt.. when you

are smart shamed?

Participant 7: yung mga motivation ko…yung mga motivation ko is…hmmm.. syempre yung family ko

..ahhh…imbis na isipin ko yung sinasabi nila saakin, mas iniisip ko nalang yung family ko.. yung mga

nag.. tumutlong saakin or yung may tiwala sakin to por…pursue my studies or do well in my

academics para …para patuloy lang yung ano…yung ..academics…..para hin…kaysa isipin ko yung

mga sinasabi nila mas gusto ko nalang mag focus dun sa mas importante at mas …si.sigurado akong

hindi nila ako e sasmart shamed.

Researcher: so for our follow up question is what motivates you to continue to or to …continue to when you experience smart shaming.

Participant 7: just like I said. Syempre first of all. Syempre yung family ko..then lalo na yung mga

parents kona nagpap..nagpaaral sakin then……ahmm ano paba? Syempre yung ahhh..everyday na

mga friends ko na Makita ako ..syempre yun din isa din sila sa mga motivation ko to con…to continue

my studies..then…ayun yun lang…

Researcher: so, thank you po..ahmm..ahmm..Godbless. thank you for participating in our study.



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