Caagbay Activity 4 RVA

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Reading and Visual Performing Arts

Activity 4

Name: Renz Kristian L. Caagbay                                      Course/Sec: BSEDEN 1-1

1.  Draw each one (1) example of Realism and Surrealism style of art.Give the best
title for each presentation.Explain what makes these works of art.significant to you. 

“Eye of Truth” (Realism) - I chose this title because the eye shows the viewer
that he/she is honest. I can connect this art to me because I really hate people who lied to me
also I can know if the person I’m talking to is honest or a liar.
“A pathway” (Surrealism)-

So, I choose Pathway as the title of this

artwork. If you will look closer at the
artwork you can see a way going to a
mountain with a cloud in the sky. It
represents that no matter how big your
problems there’s always a pathway to
overcome them.
“Every Light Had a Dark side”
(Non- representation)
This artwork represents that no matter who we are; whites, blacks or any type of color we are
we have a dark side to us. Light also represents the attitudes of a person then the bad attitudes
was the dark color.
“The Lure of your Dim”
This artwork shows nighttime on a beach place and the
sky was filled with aurora lights and meteor showers. It
gives a message that there’s always light in every
challenges you take.

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