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• Enumerate the three stages of thunderstorm
• identify the hazards associated to
• How to prevent damages due to lightning
Thunderstorm is a weather condition
that produces lightning and thunder,
heavy rainfall from cumulonimbus
clouds and possibly a tornado.
a) Initial or towering cumulus stage
b) Mature stage
c) Dissipitating Stage
Initial or towering cumulus

When the sun heats the Earth's surface,

there is a rapid lifting of moist, warm, low
level air-up beyond the condensation level,
and the water vapor condense to a towering
cumulus cloud which cloud reach as high as
8-10 kilometers.
mature stage

At this stage, the cloud can cause heavy

precipitation, severe lightning, strong
winds, hail and at times, tornadoes. A
thunderstorm as its strongest towards the
end of the mature stage.
dissipating stage

At this stage, rainfall decreases its

intensity and clouds begin to dissipate.
hazards associated to
1) Tornado/Waterspout
2) Heavy Rainfall
3) Hail
4) Lightning

It is a violent whirlwind associated with a

cloud column or a funnel-shaped cloud
extending downwards from the base or
cumulonimbus but not necessarily
reaching the ground.

A tornado acts like a giant vacuum

cleaner, sucking things in air, carrying
everything along its path such as trees,
structures or debris jumping across the
ground in a narrow erratic movement.

A tornado that forms from a body of

water and moves from it is called a
heavy rainfall

• Excessive rains can produce flash floods/floods

can change small creeks into raging floodwaters,
sweeping over structures along its path.

• Hailstones are large pieces of ice that form within

and fall from cumulonimbus cloud. Since air
temperature in the Philippines is normally high,
haistones that reach the ground are usually the
size of a grain of corn, which seldomly cause
damage to properties.
• Lightning is a massive electrical discharge
between two clouds or between a cloud
on the ground.
• Inside the storm cloud are rapidly moving
massess of air filled with water and ice.
• The updrafts and downdrafts sweep the ice
particles up and down, gathering more layers of
ice to form hail.
• Cloud particles, become electrically charged when
they collide into each other, and separtion of
charges occurs.
• The heating of air by lightning causes the air to
expand producing what we heas as thunder.
• A positively charged particles colect at the top of
the cloud, while negatively charged particles stay
at the bottom. Due to the high voltage differences
that build up within clouds or between the rain
cloud and cloud below, dramatic forks or lightning
are created.
• Sudden ightning makes sound waves in the air
that we hear as thunder
• Lightning is dangerous and fatal.
• The temperature of a lightning bolt is five times
hotter than the surface of the sun.
• Lightning can cause death and injuries and can
spark fires. it caught outdoor,keep away from
open spaces and isolated trees.
how do we prevent damages
due to lightning?
• Go inside the house, enclosed car or large
building, if you can
• Avoid using electrical appliances such as
telephones, computers or television sets.
• Stay away from bodies of water
• If you can't find a shelter, avoid standing under
sollitary trees or tall objects in the area. Make
your self smallest target possible.
how do we prevent damages
due to lightning?

• Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are

close enouogh to be struck by lightning!
• When you feel the electrical charge -- if your
hair stand on end or your skin tingles --
lightning may be about to strike you.

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