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Chanelle Ashley Magno

12-STEM Hz

Gender and Development Program (GAD) as the development perspective and

process that is participatory and empowering, equitable, sustainable, free from violence,
respectful of human rights, supportive of self-determination and actualization of human
potentials. The opportunity for sustained social and economic growth is increased by all
when women’s full involvement in society and the economy is maintained through fair
treatment, freedom, and availability of resources.

The impact of encouraging men and women to participate fully and fairly in
initiatives to increase agricultural production, lessen poverty, and support sustainable rural
development. Nutrition cannot be attained without gender equality and the economic and
social empowerment of rural women. Progress in almost all development sectors is
positively multiplied by educating women and girls. National and international initiatives
have propelled the MDG campaign, which has led to a significantly higher participation of
girls in school now than it did 15 years ago. But despite a range of vital advancements, too
many women still lack civil freedoms and advantages and deal with significant imbalances in
the job role. Their time and options are restricted by discriminatory laws and customs, as
well as their ability to own or inherit property, open bank accounts, or gain access to
resources like credit or fertilizer that would enhance their performance.

Building technical capacity among member countries to analyze rural gender

issues and address them in policy and program development; assisting member countries to
advance rural women’s equal participation in decision-making at all levels; supporting the
formulation of gender-sensitive national and regional agricultural policies; establishing links
between rural women and men through information and communication. Empowering
women and girls is not only the right thing to do: It’s also smart economics and vital to
ending poverty and boosting shared prosperity.


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