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DN ae “Love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, \ through which God speaks 5 tous every hour, ’ if we only will tune in” ~ George Washington Carver BITANG EL? oP SECRET LANGUAGE ANIMALS Oracle Cards CHIP RICHARDS The Secret Language of ANIMALS Oracle Cards si Mrxcers ‘THE SECRET LANGUAGE OF ANIMALS “This printing 2018 (Copyright © 2013 Chip Richards Al rights reserved. Other than for personal use, no part of these ‘ards or this book may be reproduced in any way, in whole or part without the writen consent of the copyright holder or publisher. These cards are intend for spiritual and emotional ‘guidance only They are not intended to replace medieal assistance or treatment. Published by Blue Angel Publishing? 80 Glen Tower Deve, Glen Waverley, Victoria, Australia 3150, E-mail Website:, Guidebook and card messages by Chip Richards Card artwork by immy Manton Artworks Copyright Blue Angel Gallery Pry: Ltd edited by Tanya Graham Designed in Pars for Blue Angel Publishing? Blue Angel isa registered trademark of Blue Angel Gallery Pty: Lt ISBN; 978-1-922161-08-6 Dedication: To the living, loving pulse of Mother Earth and all of her steed children, "To Asheyana and Josh. Thank you for your wonderfal research snd for sharing your own true nature so beautifully in the word Contents Introduction 7 Using the Cards 11 Card Messages LWATER. 20 2. tue Whale 22 3. Polar Bear 25 4 Dolphin 27 5.Salmon 29 6 Dugong 32 7.Sea Turtle 34 8.Crayfish 36 9. Shark 39 10, EARTH 44 U.Lion 47 12. Mountain Gorilla 49 13, Snow Leopard 51 14,Caribou 53 15, White Rhino 56 16. Elephant 58 17. Python 61 18, Lizard (Tuatara) 64 19. AIR. 68 20, Eagle 71 21, Falcon 74 22, White Pelican 75 23, Albatross 78 24. Condor 80 25,Fairy-Wren 2 26, Masked Ow! 84 27.Crow 86 28.FIRE 90 29, Wild Horse 93 30, Dragontly 95, 31.Bee 97) 432, Golden Orb Spider 99 '33.Gecko 102 34, Lotus Blue Battery 105 35, Orange Blossom Jellyfish 107 36, Orange-bellid Parrot 110 37. WOOD 114 38.Giant Panda 17 439, Timber Wolf 120 40, Orangutan 123 Al. Tree Frog 126 42, Stick Insect 129 43, Red Squirrel 131 44.Koala 134 45. Black Cockatoo 137 46.GAIA 140 Endangered Animal Insights 145 ‘Choosing your Cause! 158 ‘About the Author 163, Introduction “Llove to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks tous every hou, ‘if wecnly will une in” = George Washington Carver ‘There was a time when our ways were intimately woven svith the pulse of the natural world, The answers to lifes great questions were soight not in books and on websites bat in quiet ‘communion with the voices of Mother Earth. Brom the mighty whale tothe tiny bee, each animal and element was embraced as sacred funily ~ honored forthe gift they bring tothe greater circle of life. When cagle took flight, she spoke to our vision, ‘When snake crossed our path she called for discernment. When the wind shifted direction or the light changed, it clarified our thoughts and feelings fo the journey ahead. each animal and clement reflects a diferent aspect of our ‘vn true nature, what happens if we lose one of these sacred species from existence? Do we lose also their unique gift to our world? Since asa child, havealways eltadeep sense ofconnection with the natural world. From my childhood in the mountains of| Colorado, through to my adult life on the coast of Australia, can honestly say that almost all of my most profound experiences, realizations, creative inspirations and awakenings have occurred ‘within (or directly folowing) moments of communion with nature. In recent years, extended time in the wild with whales and dolphins, time inthe field running with horses and time in ‘he forest connecting with birds, trees and bees have all deepened _my sense of reverence forthe gifts and the pulse of Mother Earth Amidst the rapid pace of our modern world, it takes something for us to step off the racetrack and entrain with this pulse, But she is waiting there every moment. A simple step of are feet nto the grass, a momentary dive into the water or one pure breath “drawn from deep within is all that is needed to remember and return to our true sense of home and connection to life "believe that each animal and element holds an essential key and qualities vital not only to the ecosystem they live in, but to the greater balance of all oflife. If we were to lose the animal, we ‘would sk losing the special quality tht they bring tothe world. ‘With this in min, [felt deeply called to create this work to serve asa vehicle to share the unique and sential voices of some of| our planets most endangered species Fo truly, what would life belike without the qualities ofmastery end resonance ofthe great Blue Whale? Or the power and loyalty of Lion? What would we do without the spontaneity and vibrancy of Fary-Wren? Or the honor and empathy of Elephant? May we never find out! ‘When I frst started researching, I was overwhelmed by hhow many thousands of animals and plants are threatened, endangered or on the brink of extinction. So much so that the simple act of “choosing” made it almost impossible to begin this work. The animals and elements within this deck are no more special or important than the others, they are simply the ones that spoke to me first. They are avery smal representation of the endangered voices in our world today, but their messages and gifts are beyond measure. In connecting with these, have been lead to many others with essential and miraculous messages 10 share, ‘When Blue Angel Publishing asked me if would beinterested in creating this work, The Secret Language of Animal, Ie teal honored. The overwhelming fecling that had while writing has been humility at the incredibly complex yet profoundly simple perfection of each animal and element’ unique gifs and role Inthe greater web of life. In this spirit, 1 welcome you to the Secret Language of Animals and I honor you for the unique and ‘essential part you came to ply inthis great creation song, ‘The Secret Language of Animals i a doorway to reconnect with the wisdom of nature through the messages of a handful ‘of our planets most threatened species. By honoring the insight they brig tous, we deepen our connection te our own path and calling ‘The only real “secret” that many of us have forgotten that these incredible allies are sharing ther gifts with us sn every breath of every day. All that is required of us is to take time to ‘enter the natural world, open ou senses. and be. My greatest intention is that this work not only ignites your connection with the “essence” ofthese sacred animals, but that it propels you to venture into direct connection with the animals and elements themselves. For, the messages contained within this guidebook are just glimpse of what waits for you beyond the pages, within the pulse of Mother Nature. May these cards be an invitation to aiken the next level your connection with your own true nature in all aspects of ie Listen to the whispered call of the Secret Language of Animals... what message or gift is waiting tobe awoken in you? See you out there inthe field ofall possibility! ‘With peace, pasion and deep gratitude, Chip Richards A masis moral worth i not measured by what his religious beliefs are, but rather by what emotional impulses Ihe has received from mature during his lifetime, Abert Einstein My profesion isto alway find God in nature ~ Henry David Thoreau Using, the Cards We each have our own unique ways of communicating with the Universe ~ giving and receiving messages and gifs from God, Nature and our Higher Self. The way I connect with these cards varies from day to day. Our human ways often like to overcomplicate things, but animals are incredible teachers ‘of simplicity. fn this light, Toften find that the message of one animal is quite enough to absorb and connect with fora day (or several days!) And yet there are also times which ell for more expanded reflection. The following are just a few suggestions that you may wish to explore as you begin to discover your own, ‘unique and natural way along the path of connecting with the Secret Language of Animal, MESSAGE FOR THIS MOMENT ~ SINGLE CARD READING As part of a morning practice to begin your day, it can be quite ‘empowering to simply’ shutle the deck and wait until one card presents itself or calls out to your hand to pick. You can spread the deck before you or simply shuffle im your hands until you feel to stop. Before you read, take time to sit quietly with the card and connect withthe image and energy of the anima tel Listen quietly to the inner voiee that may already be waiting to reveal amessage to you, Listen tothe elements and call of nature around you, When you are ready, read the words and find what part ofthe message speaks most powerfully to your heart today. Itmaybe the entre message or it may be ust afew select phrases ‘or a single word. Feel what resonates most for you, sense what actions may be called for, and when you are ready thank the animal spirit for speaking to you and step ut into your day with ‘an openness to continuing this dialogue withthe natural world that you have just begun. Note: Asa slightly expanded variation of the single card reading, sometimes when a card emerges from the middle of| the deck, I also take the top and bottom catd from the deck and include them as supporting energies to the fist card drawn, ELEMENTAL SPREAD ‘The Secret Language of Animals deck is divided into five primary elements ~ Water, Earth, lr, Fre & Wood ~ each with eight animals and a special ‘Element card plus an overall Gaia card that is inclusive ofall. The Element cards can be likened to the Major Arcana cards of a traditional tarot deck. If an Element card is chosen within your spread, this brings an overarching, theme or energy to the rest of the cards in your spread. Each ‘elemental card is inclusive of ll the animals within that element, ‘One way to explore the specific Elements in depth isto separate the Element Cards from the rest of the deck and choose blindly among the five. Once a singe element is chosen, take time over the comsing days to choose among the animale listed under thet clement t© deepen your sense af focused connection to that Element and ts gifts for your path MEDICINE WHEEL SPREAD. ‘A powerfal way to explore the combined energy of Animals and Elements isto create a spread inthe shape ofa sacred Medicine ‘Wheel, with a chosen card in each ofthe four primary directions (North, South, East and West) and 2 cards in the center (Above and Below). The card atthe top of the wheel is symbolic ofthe North, the energy of your mind and the Element of Air. The space to th left of center is symbolic ofthe West, the energy of your physical body and the Element of Earth. The space atthe ‘bottom of the citcleis symbolic ofthe South, the energy of your ‘emotional body and the Element of Water. The space to the right of center is symbolic ofthe East, the energy of your spirit and the Element of Fire, Within this deck, the center ofthe circle is 8 symbolic of your place inthe greater cycle of life, captured inthe Element of Wood ~ the sacred Tree of Life. For this, you will need 4 further two cards, representing ‘Above and ‘Below" and the halance of Yin and Yang (to he place inthe centre ofthe spread) Each card in the spread bringsa special message toa diffrent aspect of your being. You may wish to choose cards from the entire deck to fill each of these spots oF narrow your focus to ‘lect within the animals of ech specific element foreach area of| ‘the wheel. Trust your intuition, for many animals have messages ‘that tavel well beyond thie selected element TOTEM VISION Totem Animal and Elemental connection is an honored tradition held by many native people around the world. Our "Totem Animals are more than momentary messengers. They are “ongoing ales, partners and guides in our journey through life. Different naive traditions have various ways of discovering the animals and elements that “live in their heart: Some are handed