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Jl.Kaliabang Tengah No.22 Depan Cluster Sriwendari THB / PUP (Naik K.15A,K.30 & T.

Bekasi Utara – Kota Bekasi Telp.(021) 8888.2002 – 8888.2020, Fax.(021) 8888.2020


NAMA : ............................................................


Choose a, b, c, d or e for the correct answer!

Text 1 for question number 1- 5

Tania works at a bus agent located at Arjosari terminal. A stranger is walking approaching her
bringing a suitcase.
Tania : hello, Sir. May I help you? Where’s your destination?
Stranger : Yes. I need to go to Jakarta. How long will it take from this bus station? Is this
Arjosari station?
Tania : Yes. This is Arjosari bus station. It takes about 22 hours from here to Jakarta.
Stranger : What time will it leave?
Tania : It will leave at 02.30 p.m. So, you just need to wait for 45 minutes.
Stranger : Do I have to change buses after arriving in Jakarta?
Tania : After arriving in Lebak Bulus Terminal, you have a lot of option to reach your
final destination. You can get in a ‘Trans Jakarta’ bus, metro mini, bajaj, taxi as
well as gojek. You can ask the bus driver there.
Stranger : Thank you. I will buy the bus ticket, then.
Tania : Wait a moment, please, I’ll process it quickly.
Stranger : Ok.

1. Where do you think conversation takes place?

a. Arjosari Terminal d. Train Station
b. Airport e. Shelter gojek
c. Bus Stop
2. What are relationships between the speakers?
a. Friendship d. driver with passenger
b. Family e. bus agent with passenger
c. Siblings
3. What are functions of the italicized words?
a. Offering help/services d. Refusing help/services
b. Declining help/services e. Offering Thank you
c. Accepting help/services
4. What are functions of the underlined words?
a. Offering help/services d. Refusing help/services
b. Declining help/services e. Offering Thank you
c. Accepting help/services
5. Based on the dialog how long is it from Arjosari Terminal to Jakarta?
a. It takes about 45 minutes d. It takes about 43 minutes
b. It takes about 20 hours e. it takes about 42 hours
c. Its takes about 22 hours

6. Novita : Ceria Travel, Can I help you?

Mr. Agi : ...............................................
(Fill in the blanks with the best option)
a. Can you make a reservation for me?
b. Can I have a glass of orange juice?
c. Can I reserve two singles room?
d. Could I make a reservation for Singapore today?
e. Could I book two tables please?
7. Receptionist : Sederhana restaurant, May I help you?
Braga : Yes Please, .............. for next weekend.
Receptionist : I’m sorry. We’ve fully booked this month.
(Fill in the blanks with the best option)
a. I’d like to reserve four tables d. I’d like to confirm my reservation
b. I really need your help e. I need to reserve a room
c. I want to book a ticket
8. Mary : I’d like to check out.
Receptionist : ..........., please.
Mary : Room 711. Here is the key.
(Fill in the blanks with the best option)
a. Is that the key? d. Tell me about your room
b. Your room number e. Do you leave your room?
c. Do you want to stay in your room?
9. A: OK, Sir. You are confirmed. You have reserved a single ticket for next weekend. Your
flight is tomorrow afternoon, Sir?
B : .………………………………
(Fill in the blanks with the best option)
a. OK, sure. I can fly this afternoon
b. Yes, I want to have a ticket right now
c. Thank you, Can I have my room right now?
d. OK, then. Thank you very much
e. Thank you for the fly, Sir
10. Customer : Hello. I’m interested in booking a room for the September long weekend.
Receptionist : ……………………………………………………
(Fill in the blanks with the best option)
a. I’m not afraid we’re totally booked for that weekend
b. I’m afraid we’re totally booking for that weekend
c. I’m not afraid we’re totally booking for that weekend
d. I’m afraid we’re totally booked for that weekend
e. I'm afraid we’re totally booking for those days
11. If I….. a lot of money, I …. Perfect match for her.
(Fill in the blanks with the best option)
a. had, would be d. has, wouldn’t be
b. have, would be e. would have, were
c. had, wouldn’t have been

Text 2 for question number 12 – 14

Expanding national parks and protected areas will not be enough to halt the destruction of nature,
warn leading scientists, who say urgent action on overconsumption, harmful subsidies and the
climate crisis is also required to halt biodiversity loss.

An analysis of the draft UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) agreement by more than
50 leading scientists has found that, while expanding protected areas will, if done well, help slow
the destruction of the natural world, much more is needed to stop it.
12. The text above is telling about?
a. How to protected the area of the world
b. How to help world
c. How to help slow the destruction of the natural world
d. How to help scientist
e. How to analysis of the draft UN CBD
13. According to the text, the environment will be ruined much faster if ….
a. the government continues to impose deforestation for development
b. the world does not put their contribution into it
c. the climate crisis is given attention by the government
d. national parks and protected areas are not preserved well
e. nothing more is done than simply preserving certain areas
14. “....... Who say urgent action on overconsumption”.
The underlined word above is refers to?
a. Economical c. extravagancy e. habitual
b. nature d. politics
For question number 15 – 30 fill in the blanks with the best option (Present tense)
15. My mother and I ____ to the market every morning.
a. Go c. going e. went
b. Goes d. go on
16. Alma ______ always ____ to the library every Friday.
a. Do not, goes c. Do not, went e. Does not, went
b. Does not, goes d. Does not, gone
17. Does ______ drink enough water
a. They c. He e. We
b. You d. She
18. On 17th August, we always _________ our independence day in city hall.
a. Celebration c. Celebrating e. Celebrate
b. Celebrates d. Do Celebrate
19. I _____ not ______ peanuts because I am allergic
a. Does, eat c. Do, eat e. Does, eaten
b. Do, ate d. Do, eaten
20. ____ You ______ your teeth every night?
a. Does, brush c. Do, brushes e. Does, brushes
b. Do, brush d. do not brushes
21. Christian Ronaldo ________ a ballot the goal keeper upon he ____ injured.
a. Shooting, is c. Shoots, does e. Shooting, does
b. Shoots, is d. Shoot, is

For question number 22 – 30 fill in the blanks with the best option (conditional sentence)
22. If I … (finish) my assignment tonight, I will go to Mall with my friends.
a. finish c. would finish e. have finished
b. finishes d. had finished
23. If you cook vegetables for long time, they … (lose) their nutrients.
a. lose c. had lose e. lost
b. loses d. would lose
24. If we … (wake up) earlier, we would have reached school.
a. wake up c. woken up e. had wake up
b. woke up d. had woken up
25. Dinda would buy tens luxury houses if she … (win) the lottery.
a. win c. won e. winner
b. wins d. had won
26. If the Sun rises on the west, the world … (end)
a. end c. ended e. the end
b. ends d. will end
27. If today is your birthday, I … (give) you present.
a. give c. will give e. will gives
b. gives d. would give
28. Nothing is going to change my love for you if you always … (love) me too.
a. love c. loving e. lover
b. loves d. will love
29. If Diaz gets score more than 90, his mom … (buy) bicycle for him.
a. buy c. will buy e. will buys
b. buys d. would buy
30. Indonesian people would be safe from corona if they … (keep) healthy environment.
a. keep c. keeping e. had keep
b. kept d. had kept

Dialog for question number 31 - 32

Kirana : why did you choose this school, SMK Galajuara?
Mega : Because SMK Galajuara is the best vocational high school in this city.
Kirana : I agree with you, the students are diligent and smart.
Mega : The facilities is complete too.
Kirana : Yes, I am sure is my best choice.

31. The dialog above is telling about?

a. Choosing new friends
b. Choosing The Best School
c. Choosing the facilities of the school
d. The students are diligent and smart
e. Kirana want to school
32. “I agree with you, the students are diligent and smart”.
What is antonym from underlined word above?
a. Strong c. Happy e. Selfish
b. Lazy d. Tidy

33. Lia : Where is Dinda?

Fita : I don’t know. In fact I … any of our friends since I arrived.
Fill in the blank with the correct word!
a. Did not see d. Have not seen
b. Do not see e. Has not seen
c. Was not seeing

34. Fira : What are you thinking about?

Lila : I … if I can fly to that cloud.
Fira : Are you OK! Tell me what your problem is.
Lia : I have a problem. My parent is sick, and I don’t have money to buy medicine.
Fira : You can borrow my money.
Complete the dialogue above with the suitable word!
a. Promise d. Wonder
b. Sad e. Want to
c. Happy

35. (1) Little sister : You must know one story! Tell me a story brother George, please…
(2) George : No, no!!! I have no story to tell, little sister.
(3) Little sister : I give you my word.
(4) George : Okay, okay, but please promise me, that you never wake me up in
the middle of down like this anymore?
(5) Little sister : Wake up, Brother George, tell me a story!
Arrange the jumble sentence above into a good dialogue!
a. 1 – 4 – 5 – 3 – 2
b. 1 – 2 – 5 – 4 – 3
c. 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1
d. 5 – 4 – 1 – 2 – 3
e. 5 – 2 – 1 – 4 – 3


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