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Automauca Vol 30 No 4, pp 655-664, 1994

Copyright ~) 1994 Elsevier Smencc Lid

Pergamon Pnntcd m Great Bnt,a,n All nllhts r t , ~ r v ~
(gl05-109fl/94 $6 00 + 0 00

FCMAC: a Fuzzified Cerebellar Model

Articulation Controller with Self-organizing

The C M A C architecture o f Albus zs re-cast m a f u z z y self-orgamzing

f r a m e w o r k such that tt can operate m an unsupervised manner f o r
knowledge acqulsttton or control. F C M A C is demonstrated on a
multivanable blood pressure problem.

Key Words,--Fuzzy control, neural nets, learnmg systems, self-orgamzmg systems, model reference
control, multwanable systems, b~omed~cal

Abm.act--Tbe Albus's Cerebellar Model Artlculatton Functionally, a trained CMAC performs a

Controller (CMAC) network has been used m many praettcal multlvanable function approximation m a
areas wtth considerable success Thts paper presents a
fuz~fied CMAC network (FCMAC) acting as a multavanable generahzed look-up table fashion. Structurally, it
adapUve controller wRh the feature of self-orgamzmg IS equivalent to a network architecture wtth
assoemtlon cells and the further abthty of self-learmng the three layers With increasing interest in neural
reqmred teacher signals m real-trine In parttcular, the
ongmal CMAC has been reformulated within a framework networks, CMAC has gained more and more
of a slmphfied fuzzy control algorithm (SFCA) and the attention particularly from control engineenng
assocmted self-learning algonthms have been developed as a researchers, due primarily to Rs umque charac-
result of mcorporatmg the schemes of competRlve learning
and tteratwe learning control into the system By using a teristics such as fast training speed and localized
s~mdanty-measure-based, instead of codmg-algonthm-based, generahzatlon. For example, the learning control
content-addressable scheme, FCMAC is capable of deahng system developed by Tolle et al. (1992) utlhzes
w~th arbttrary-d~mens~onal continuous mput space m a s~mple
manner w~thout revolving comphcated dlscretmng, quant~z- two CMAC networks (or assocmtive memory
lng, coding, and hashmg pr~ocedures used m the original systems) as essential components, one for
CMAC The learmng control system described here can be modelhng the process and the other for storing
thought of as eRher a completely unsupemsed fuzzy-neural
control strategy wRhout relying on the process model or the control strategy Miller et al. (1990a) have
eqmvalently an automatic real-t~me knowledge acqmsmon successfully applied the CMAC technique to
scheme for the implementation of fuzzy controllers The robot control systems in which the CMAC
proposed approach has been apphed to a multwanable blood
pressure control problem which Js charactenzed by strong functions as an inverse model of the robotic
mteractmn between variables and large t~me delays dynamics
Recently, some improvements m the original
1 INTRODUCTION CMAC have been reported, particularly in the
IN AN ATI'EMPT to derive an efficient computa- aspects of addressing algorithms, tralmng strat-
tional algonthm for use in manipulator control, egies, and convergence analysts For instance, by
Albus developed a mathematical model called introducing B-sphne receptwe field functions
the Cerebellar Model Arttculatlon Controller into the CMAC computational architecture
(CMAC) (Albus, 1975a, b) which is based on the Land et al (1992) proposed a high-order CMAC
neurophyslologlcal theory of the cerebellum network capable of approximating both func-
tions and function derivatives Brown and H a r m
(1992) have made comparatwe studies on the
* Received 12 October 1992, rewsed 5 May 1993, revtsed
15 June 1993 This paper was not presented at any IFAC connection between CMAC, B-sphnes and fuzzy
meeting This paper was recommended for pubhcatmn m logtc control, pointing out some similarities
rewsed form by an Associate EdRor under the dlrectmn of between these schemes. Improvements to the
EdRor C C Hang Corresponding author D A Lmkens
Tel +44 742 768555, Fax +44 742 731729 design of CMAC systems have been proposed by
t Department of Eiectncal Engmeenng, Natmnal Unwers- Miller and co-workers and Parks and Mlhtzer
lty of Singapore, Singapore 0511, Smgapore (Miller et al., 1990b; An et al, 1991; Parks and
~tDepartment of Automauc Control and Systems Engs-
neenng, Umvers,ty of Sheffield, Mappm Street, Sheffield, Mihtzer, 1991), including improved schemes for
UK allocating weights to a given input vector and

modifications to the design of receptive field noted that despite some significant achievements
shapes Parks and Mihtzer (1992) presented five via both approaches, the situation is far from a
training algorithms with extensive comparative complete and satisfactory resolution, particularly
studies on the convergence property possessed in the latter case and also when multlvarlable
by these algorithms Theoretical results concern- systems are involved These aspects are the
lng the CMAC's learning convergence and concern of the present work
approximation ablhty have been investigated This paper, from a pure engineering view-
based either on matrix equation theory (Elhson, point, without paying particular attention to the
1991, Parks and Mlhtzer, 1989, Wong and biological plausibility, presents a fuzzified
Sideris, 1992) or on functional approximation CMAC network (FCMAC) acting as a multi-
theory (Cotter and Guillerm, 1992) variable adaptive controller with the feature of
One of the central issues concerning the self-organizing association cells and the further
design of a CMAC network is how to choose, in ability of self-learning the required teacher
response to an input vector #, NL memory signals when applied to control problems Two
locations from N (N > NL) locations where the key ideas underlying the proposed approach are
function values are distributedly stored such that (1) the original CMAC is fuzzlfied, based upon
the summed value v of NL weights is a the observation of the close equivalence between
reasonable approximation of the desired v * = the CMAC and a slmphfied fuzzy control
f ( # ) This issue has been dealt with using a algorithm (SFCA) proposed by the authors
series of techniques consisting of dlscretizlng, (Nie, 1987, 1989), (2) the fuzzlfied CMAC,
quantizing, coding, and hashing Considerable referred to as FCMAC. is constructed automati-
complexity arises from using these procedures, cally by introducing self-organizing and self-
particularly when a high-dimensional input space learning schemes operating in real-time In
is involved Once the addressing scheme is particular, we suggest that Albus's codmg-
specified, the CMAC becomes a single layered algorithm-based content-addressable technique
network and therefore its data storage or can be replaced naturally by our stmdartty-
training can be carried out in a simple way by measure-based content-addressable scheme
any supervised training algorithm (e g Albus, Furthermore. we will show how the multlvarl-
1975b, Parks and Mihtzer, 1992) able FCMAC-based controller, starting from
However, upon adopting the CMAC as a zero knowledge, organizes its own structure and
controller, a forbidding problem arises immedi- associated weights dynamically via repeatedly
ately as to where the training examples or interacting with the controlled process Since the
teacher signals come from, which is the same FCMAC can be viewed as either a three layered
problem as to where the control rules, or control network or a rule-base representation mechan-
experts, come from in the design of a rule-based ism, the learning control system described here
fuzzy controller Thus, two learning processes can be thought of as either a completely
are generally involved m neural network-based unsupervised fuzzy-neural control strategy or
control systems in general and CMAC-based equivalently as an automatic real-time rule-base
control systems in particular where, apart from acquisition scheme for fuzzy controllers In
learning the network parameters, the teacher addition, the work reported here is one of the
signals used to guide the parameter learning results of our effort to functionally and
must be learned as well Proposed solutions to structurally integrate fuzzy logic with neural
this difficult and challenging problem have been networks (Nle, 1992, Nle and Llnkens, 1992a)
based on either forward or inverse model-based As a demonstration case-study, we have applied
indirect approaches (e g Jordan and Rumelhart, the proposed approach to a multlvanable blood
1992, Miller, 1990b, Nguyen and Widrow, 1990, pressure control problem which is characterized
Tolle et al, 1992, Werbos, 1990) or learning- by strong interaction between variables together
based direct schemes (e g Barto et al, 1983, with pure time delays
Barto, 1990, Berenji, 1992, Lmkens and Nie, The paper is organized as follows In Section
1992a, b, Nie and Linkens, 1994a-c, Procyk and 2, we describe a multi-input multi-output
Mamdaml, 1979) While the former approaches simplified fuzzy control algorithm (SFCA)
require some kind of process model and are Section 3 is devoted to deriving the fuzzlfied
generally complicated (though systematic), the CMAC network by drawing some equivalence
latter schemes rely on extensive and direct between the SFCA and the original CMAC The
interaction with the process and are more schemes for self-construction of the FCMAC-
attractive not only because they are simpler, but based controller are presented in Section 4 and
also because they are more closely related to the simulation results on the multivariable
machine learning and lnteihgence It should be control of blood pressure are given in Section 5

The paper ends with conclusions given in Section parameters, M~., and tY..,, or M~,k and tYvk,
6 where M~., (M~,k) lS the center element of the
support set of A j, (B~), and tY.,, (tYv.k) is the
2 SIMPLIFIED F U Z Z Y CONTROL A L G O R I T H M half-width of the support set Hence A j, and B~,
(SFCA) may be expressed as
Assume that the controlled process is multi-
A~,, = (MJ.,,, ~u ,) B~,k= (M~,k, ~Yvk)
variable with m inputs and m outputs The
inputs to the fuzzy controller are various By using the above notation, t h e / t h rule may be
combinations of control error, change-in-error, written as
and sum of error with respect to each controlled
IF (MJ. 1, ~. 1) AND • (MJ..,/~.,.)
variable In what follows, it is assumed that the
controller input is composed of n variables THEN (M~ l, (~/v 1) AND (M~ m, (~Jvm)
denoted by u, The output of the fuzzy controller Let the Input space g)= (/_/i x U2 x x U.)•
consists of m variables denoted by Vk Thus, a R" be a compact product space, and M~=
n x m controller ts used to control a m x m (M~, 1, M~ 2, , MJ..) • g2 and A~ =
process with n > m in general Furthermore, (6~ l,/i~,2, , 6~.n) be two n-dimensional vec-
assume that there are P rules in the rule-base, tors Then the IF part of the ! th rule may be
each of which has the form viewed as creating a subspace Q J • fl whose
IF 01 is A~I AND AND On IS A~ center and radius are M~ and A~ respectively or
THEN V1 is B~ AND V2 ts B~ A N D . as defining a rule pattern M A c ( I ) = (M~, A~)
AND I;',, is B~, Slmtlarly n current inputs u0,• U, ( t =
1, 2. , n), with u0, being a singleton, can also
where U, and f'k are hnguisttc variables be represented as a n-dimensional vector Uo in
corresponding to the numerical variables u, and and wtll be referred to as an input pattern
Vk, A ~, and B~, are fuzzy subsets representing Geometrically, a rule pattern can be VlSuahzed
some hngutstlc terms and are defined on the as consisting of a set of points (vectors) centered
corresponding universes of discourse U, and Vk at MJ. with a neIghbourhood defined by A~ with
which are assumed to be compact on R constraints zmposed by the corresponding mem-
A traditional fuzzy controller typtcally consists bership grades P rule patterns partition Q into
of three basic modules fuzzificatlon, Inference P subspaces which are typically overlapping to
algonthm, and defuzzlficatton Among these, the some degree along the boundaries due to the
reasoning algorithm usually comprises three effect of fuzziness On the contrary, a measured
further substages, namely, computing the mat- input is just a determined point situated in the
chmg degrees between the current fuzzy inputs same space as the rule patterns Figure 1 shows
with respect to each rule's IF part, determming an example of a rule pattern and an input
which rules should be fired, and combming these pattern in two-dimensional input space
fired rules' THEN parts with different strengths The fuzzy control algorithm can be considered
into the final fuzzy sets (Lmkens and NIe, to be a process in which an appropriate control
1992a) By taking the nonfuzzy property action IS deduced from a current input and P
regardmg the numerical input/output of the rules according to some prespectfied reasonmg
fuzzy controller into account, we have derived a algorithms We spht the whole reasoning
very simple but efficient MISO fuzzy control

algorithm SFCA which consists of only two main
steps, i e pattern matching and weighted
averaging, thereby eliminating the necesstty for 281
the fuzzlfylng and defuzzlfylng procedures (Nle,
1987, 1989) The basic Idea is to make the
approximate reasoning strategy usually derived Input pattern
for hngulstlc vanables suitable directly for use (Uo], uo~)
wtth numerical variables by introducing notions
of patterns and pattern matching The algorithm
can be extended to the MIMO case in a
straightforward way and is described below
To begin with, we assume that A~ and B~, in u!
the rules are normahzed fuzzy subsets whose
membership functtons are defined umquely by
triangular forms on the corresponding universes, FIG 1 Rule pattern and input pattern m two dimensional
each of which ts characterized by only two mput space

procedure into two phases pattern matching and rules are utihzed and they are the only elements
weighted averagmg The first operation deals havmg the maximum membershtp grade 1 in the
with the IF part for all rules, whereas the second corresponding support sets, the algortthm can be
one revolves an operation on the T H E N part for understood as a modified maxtmum membershtp
the fired rules From the pattern concept decismn scheme in which the global center is
introduced above, we need to compute the calculated by the center of gravtty algortthm
matching degrees between the current input Because symmetrical membership functions with
pattern (a point in fl) and each rule pattern (a an identical width are assumed, the effect
set of points m Q) Because the two patterns are produced by omitting the width attached to the
now formulated numerically in the same manner T H E N part can be neglected, thereby suggesting
and are mterpreted geometrically tn the same that the algorithm (3) ts justified, and the widths
space, it ts straightforward to adopt some in the T H E N parts can be removed from the
geometric concepts to measure the s~milarity of onglnal rules As a result, the / th rule is further
the two patterns Two approaches to performing simplified as " I F M A . ( I ) T H E N M~", where
this task are based on the notions of volume M~ = [M~ 1, MJv,2, , M~ ,~] IS a center value
ratio and relative distance Since the distance vector of the T H E N part of the I th rule
approach is more relevant to existing network
concepts, we present only this algorithm as
Denote the current input by uo = 3 1 Descnpuon of the C M A C
(u01, u02, , uon) Then the matching degree The C M A C is designed to represent ap-
denoted by sJe [0, 1] between Uo and the / t h proximately a multi-dimensional function by
rule pattern M A . ( / ) can be measured by the associating an mput vector # e U c R n with a
relationship given by corresponding function vector v e V ~ R m,
s' = 1 - OJ(uo, M A . ( / ) ) , (1) where U is usually assumed to be discrete and
fimte As shown in Fig 2, the C M A C has a
where DJ(uo, M A . ( / ) ) • [0, 1] denotes the rela- similar structure to a three layered network with
tive distance from u0 to M A u ( l ) D j can be association cells playing the role of hidden layer
specified in several ways With the assumption of umts Mathematically, C M A C may be described
an tdentlcai wtdth t5 for all the fuzzy sets At, the as consisting of a series of mappings U--~ A ~ V
computational definitton of D j is gwen by where A is a N-dimensional cell space
A fixed mapping U--~A transforms each # e U
1" IIML- u,,ll
if IIM~ - Uoll -< c5 into an N-dimensional binary association vector
a(#) m which only Nt. elements have the values
otherwise of one, where N L < N is referred to as the
generahzatlon width In other words, each #
where II II denotes distance metncs which can activates precisely NL assoctatlon cells or
be Euclidean, Hamming, or Maximum geometncally each # is associated with a
It is ewdent that, from (1) and (2), if uo and neighbourhood m which N/. cells may be
M A . ( / ) are fully matched, 1 e uo IS exactly the
same as the center vector MJ., then D j = 0 ,
leading to the matchmg degree s j being one On
the contrary, if they are completely unmatched,
t e uo is on or outside the boundary of M A . ( I )
determmed by the corresponding metric of AJ.,
then D j = 1 and thus s j = 0 0 t h e r w t s e 0 < D j < 1
and 0 < s j < 1, mdicatlng a parttal matching
Suppose that for a spectfic input uo and P
rules, after the matching process

vk = s'M~ k ~. S (3) "'~1 //

= I 1=1

It can be seen that equation (3) gives a weighted :::1//

averaging value w~th respect to the fired rule's
T H E N part How large a percentage a speofic aN/ A--->V
rule contributes to the global value is determined
by the corresponding matching degree Because
only the centers of the T H E N parts of the fired FIG 2 A structure of CMAC

included An Important property of the CMAC Mg.k, and P, the former equivalence can be
is local generahzatlon derived from the fact that made clearer as follows
nearby input vectors /~, and /,j have some Instead of saying that each input # is
overlapping nelghbourhood and therefore share associated with a nelghbourhood specified by
some common assocmtlon cells The degree to NL, we can equally consider that each
which the nelghbourhoods of /z, and /,j are association cell ~ Is associated with a neigh-
overlapping depends on the Hamming distance bourhood centered at, say, oY e U referred to as
H,~ of/~, and/~j If H,j Is small, the mtersectton of the reference vector, with the width controlled
t~, and/,j should be large and wce versa. At some by NL If a current input # is within the
values of H,j greater than Nt., the mtersecUon nelghbourhood of ~ , that cell is regarded as
becomes null indicating that no generahzation being active In this view, the associate vector
OCCUrs a(#) can be denved by operating N
According to the above prlnople, Albus nelghbourhood functions ~ ( t d , #) with respect
developed a mapping algorithm consisting of two to #, where
sequential mappings U---~M--~A which per-
forms a content-addressmg task The n ~(,o', ~,)= {10 i f . ~ ga (5)
components of /~ are first mapped into n
NL-dlmens~onal vectors and these vectors are that is, a(/~)= (~01, ~O2, , ~/,N) By appropn-
then concatenated into a binary association ately selecting the ~ , a(/,) can be made to
vector a w~th only Nr elements being one. Albus contain only Nt ones Now it becomes evident
also suggested an approach to reducing further that the associate vector a is similar to the
the N assocmtlon cells mto a much smaller set by matching degree vector s except that the former
a hashing code Thus, the above mapping uses the cnsp nelghbourhood function, whereas
algonthm involves a series of procedures such as the latter adopts the graded one In fact, by
d~scretizmg, coding, and possibly hashing It ~s letting s * j = l for s j > 0 and s * j = 0 for other
evident that the computation and ~mplementa- cases, the vector a will be precisely equal to the
Uon complexity will increase dramatically w~th vector s*, indicating that the former is a special
an mcrease of dimension of the input space case of the latter We notice that a natural
The A ~ V mapping ~s simply a procedure of measurement of whether/* belongs to ~ in (5) is
summing the weights of the assoc~Uon cells to use some distance metric relevant to the
excited by the input vector /z to produce the generahzaUon width NL In fact, Albus himself
output More specifically, each component ok is (1975a) discussed the question of how the
gwen by overlapping of /z, and /~j ts related to the
N Hamming distance of /,, and /,j although he did
Ok = ~ aJ(/t)~r~,, (4) not formulate explicitly th~s concept into the
mapping process U---, A
where ~r~, denotes the weight connecting the ! th Now we are in a position to implement a
assocmUon cell to the k th output Notice that FCMAC by replacing equauon (4) with (3),
only NL association cells contnbute to the where Albus's coding algorithm-based content-
output addressing technique is replaced by our stmda-
nty measure-based content-addressing approach
3 2 Fuzztfied CMAC Several advantages can be identified by this
By carefully respecting the SFCA and the replacement The concept of the graded
CMAC, we have concluded that there exist some matching degree not only provides a clear
striking similarities between these two systems interpretation for U---~A mapping, but also
Functionally, both of them perform a function offers a much simpler and more systematic
approx~mauon m an interpolative look-up table computing mechamsm than that proposed by
manner with an underlying pnncaple of generah- Albus where some very complicated addressing
zatlon and dichotomy to produce similar techniques are utilized and further hashing code
outputs in response to s~mllar input patterns and may be needed to reduce the storage In
produce independent outputs to d~sslmtlar input addmon, as noted by Moody (1989) and Lane et
patterns From the computaUonal point of view, al (1992), the graded nelghbourhood functions
mapping U--~A corresponds to the calculaUon overcome the problem of discontinuous resp-
of the matching degree m the SFCA, and onses over nelghbourhood boundaries due to the
mapping A---~ V corresponds to the weighted crisp neighbourhood functions However, in
averaging procedure gwen by (3) While the order to use FCMAC, reference vectors toj must
latter slmdanty is apparent by comparing (3) be specified m advance Fortunately, this
with (4), where a j, ar~,, and N correspond to sj, requirement can be met by introducing a

fuzzlfied K o h o n e n self-organizing scheme as algorithm (Kohonen, 1988) m the following

described next ways Instead of using absolute minimum
distance as the winner selection criteria and a
4 SELF-LEARNING IN REAL-TIME unique learning rate, we employ the matching
If the controller rule-base is unavailable, the degree given by (1) to determine the wmner and
SFCA cannot be apphed directly Unfortunately, use as many local learning rates as association
the F C M A C is not feasible either This is cells If one of the existing association cells is
because the original C M A C is generally trained able to win the competition, the corresponding
off-line by the supervised scheme, whereas in o~ is modified, otherwise, a new cell is created
In any case, the graded associate vector a is
our case the F C M A C - b a s e d controller as shown
in Fig 3 must be o p e r a t e d m real-time, and derived for computing the net output and
modifying the corresponding weight vector ~rj In
more crucially there are no teacher signals
this manner, the required N and to are
supplied to the F C M A C Therefore, the
dynamically learned in response to the incoming
F C M A C must learn to construct itself, including
controller input u
the association cell n u m b e r N, reference vectors
The algorithm is described as follows, where t
oF, and weight vectors ~J, in a real-time
and T denote the sampling mstant and m a x i m u m
multlvarlable control environment It is worth
sampling time respectwely In addition, a ~ is the
noting that the pair ( ~ , ~rj) which is related to
local gain controlling the speed of the adapttve
the I th association cell can be visualized as
process for ~pJ and is inversely proportional to
specifying a control rule " I F ~ T H E N ~rj ' '
the active frequency n j of the I th cell up to
Accordingly, the process of learning to construct
present time instant, N ( t ) stands for the n u m b e r
F C M A C can be regarded as a process of
of cells at time t and is assumed to be 0 initially,
building the fuzzy controller rule-base m an
and 0 < a0 < 1 is a threshold controlling the cell
automatic manner
n u m b e r created
(1) Calculate the a vector by (1), where
4 1 S e l f . l e a r n i n g N a n d to
With a prespeclfied generahzatlon width NL, a = (a 1, a 2, , aN(t))
our concern is how a speofic region of the input
(2) Find the cell J having the maximum
space can be partlUoned into N subregions, each
matching degree
of which is represented by a reference vector toJ
without knowing N in advance We solve the a j = max a j (6)
problem using the competitive learning approach j=IN
which adaptively quantizes the input space by (3) Determine the winner using the following
dlscovenng a set of representative prototypes, rule
referred to as clusters or centrolds according to
some metric measures with a winner selection if a s -> ao---~J IS winner
criteria We modify the original K o h o n e n if a ~ < a0-~ create a new cell (7)
(4) Modify or mltlahze p a r a m e t e r s

If J is the w m n e r
nJ(t)=n~(t-1)+ l, aJ(t)=--
~,.~or ec nJ(t) '
N ( t ) = N ( t - 1) (8)
toJ(t) = to'(t - 1) + a ~ [u(t) - t o J ( t - 1)]

If a new cell Is created

Teacher I Learning N ( t ) = N ( t - 1) + 1, toN(,) = u ( t ) , n N(t) 1,
Stgnals Errorel, =

a N(O= 1 (9)

(5) Output the a vector

Note that the above computational procedures
(1)-(5) are carried out at each sample instant
To maintain a reasonable net size and, m o r e
importantly, to derive a satisfactory F C M A C , it
Is necessary, after each Iteration, to p e r f o r m a
check procedure to retain only those association
FIG 3 The FCMAC-based learning control system cells that have been actwe at least once dunng

the last iteration, and to discard all other the learning error by el., defined as the
lnactwe cells" difference between the output Yd of the model
Mt+~(0) = Mr(T) - M)naetlve and the output yp of the process, the overall goal

of the learning system is to force the learning
o¢,+,(o) =
error eL(t) asymptotically to zero or to a
~+,(0) = ~(T) , (10)
predefined tolerance region e within a time
1 = 1, 2, , M,+,(O) interval of interest [0, T] by repeatedly operating
the system
where I denotes the iteration number
In hght of the above learning objective and by
taking the process time delay into account, the
4 2 Self-learnmg ~r learning law is given by
Supposing that the k desired output v~
corresponding to the current CMAC mput u is
v*'+l(t) = v*t(t) + PLeL t(t + X)
known, Albus (1975b) developed a training
algorithm spreadmg the output error evenly to a + QLCL t(t + ~), (13)
fixed NL associaUon cell weights contnbutmg to
the present output Vk(U) The algonthm is where v *t, v *t+ ~ ~. R m are on-line learning
essentmlly a special case of the gradient descent teacher vector-valued functions at the I th and
algonthm with the learning rate being fl/NL with the (l + 1)th lteratmns respectively, eLa, cL,~e
0 < f l -<- 1 More specifically, the algonthm is R m are learning error and change of learning
gwen by error defined by CL,t(t) = eL I(t + 1) -- eL I(t), ~, IS
an estimated time advance corresponding to the
A~r~ = fl[(v~ - v k ( u ) ) a q / N L (11)
time delay of the process, and PL, QL ~ R m×m
Notice that only NL weights are adjusted by the are constant learning gain matrices
same amount due to a j
Following the standard gradient procedure,
the update rule of FCMAC subject to the R e m a r k 1 Under certain mild assumptions
weighted averaging output scheme (3) can be about the process being controlled, the learning
denved easily and is gwen by convergence of (13) with respect to iteration can
be assured (Lmkens and Nle, 1994), prowded
A~lk = fl[(v?, - Vk(U))a')l ~ a' (12) that the learning gains are chosen appropriately

It ts ewdent that (11) is a special case of (12)

R e m a r k 2 Although many different algorithms
when a Is a bmary-valued vector wRh NL ones
can be derived with different selections of
As mentmned previously, the major difficulty
matnces PL and QL, the simplest one Is when P~
m applying (11) or (12) lies m the unavadabdRy
is diagonal whereas QL = 0 In this case, the rate
of teacher signals v~ guidmg the supervised
of change of the error is not considered, nor are
training Here we propose a simple but efficient
the loop-interaction effects, and therefore the
approach to carry out the task First, the
reqmred teacher signals v~ are exphcitly learning action in each loop is totally dependent
on its own error It ~s remarkable that th~s simple
constructed at the beginning of each ~terat~on by
algorithm in fact works well in dealing with
an lteratwe learnmg approach (Lmkens and Nie,
multlvariable control problems as will be
1993c) Then the vff are supphed to the FCMAC
demonstrated in the next section
so as to update the ~ using (12)
Figure 3 shows a schematic of the proposed
learning system The input formation module
converts and extends m d~mensional control 5 SIMULATIONRESULTS
error vectors ec, defined as the difference We have apphed the proposed approach to a
between the command signal vector r and the problem of multIvarlable control of blood
output yp of the process, to a 2m or 3m pressure It is reqmred to regulate simul-
dimensional controller input vector composed of taneously the cardiac output (CO) and the mean
error, change-in-error, and/or sum-of-error. The arterial pressure (MAP) of a patient in hospital
reference model is designed to specify what the intensive care using vanous drugs Two typical
process responses yp should be when both the drugs used are dopamme (DOP) which ts an
model and the process are subject to the same lnotropw drug, and sodmm mtroprusslde (SNP)
command signal r For the sake of simphcRy, we which is a vasoactlve drug For the purpose of
adopt a non-interacting reference model wRh this simulation study, we adopt the same model
second-order hnear transfer funcUons Denoting as used before in (Lmkens and Nie, 1992b, Nte,

1992), which ts gwen by FCMAC-based controller and to investigate ~ts

ACO ] = [ 10 -2476] self-learning behavlour, we carried out a set ot
simulations Throughout this work, we adopt the
AMAP_I 0 6636 76 38 following non-interacting reference model with
K, le .... ] second-order hnear transfer functions
STl+l sT~+l I~ , Hr(s) = Dlag {Hrl(S), Hr2(s)}, (15)
x K2,e-'~ K22e-r:'s 12
where Hr(s) is a &agonal transfer matrix relating
sT2+l sT2+l
the command signal r to the model output Yd In
where ACO (mls -t) is the change m cardiac the s-domam and Hrk(s), k = 1, 2, is given by
output due to I1 and 12, AMAP (mmHg) is the ) 2 ~-- r,ks
n r k C,
change m mean arterial pressure due to I~ and/2, z ,
H,k(s) - s2 + 2~rk0).rkS + 0).,k (16)
/1 (/~gKg-~mm -~) is the infusion rate of
dopamlne, 12 (mlh -1) is the mfusmn rate of where ~ and 0). denote damping factor and
sodmm mtroprusslde, K,,, K12, K2~ and K22 are natural frequency respectwely The desired
steady-state gains with typical values of 8.44, transient performance can be determmed by the
5 275, - 0 09 and - 0 15 respectwely, rl and r2 value of ~, which Is closely associated to
represent two time delays with typical values of overshoot, and 0). or equivalently t, (settling
rl = 60 s and ~2 = 30 s, and T~ and T2 are Ume Ume) through an approximate relationsMp
constants typified by values of 84 1 s and 58 75 s ts 4/~w.

respectwely It ~s ewdent that the model Is Figure 4 shows an example of the output
characterized by strong mteracUons between the responses of the process after 10 ~terat~ons w~th
variables and large Ume delays m control the desired responses m&cated by dashed lines
It should be emphasmed that the above model In this example the samphng time was 30 s and
is used merely to model and simulate the the controller comprised four inputs (errors and
controlled process The learner, FCMAC, does change-m-errors) and two outputs using the
not rely on exact quantltatwe knowledge about following parameters learning matrices P / =
the process model However, some qualltatwe drag {0 05, - 0 05} and QL = 0, estimated time
knowledge should be avadable which is used to advance ~ = 5, learning rate fl = 0 1, threshold
pmr the inputs and outputs, specify the reference a o = 0 1, and the Euchdean distance with
model, and choose the signs for the learning 6 = 0 1 It can be seen the process followed the
gams The required knowledge includes basic desired responses satisfactorily
control characteristics of the inputs/output By fixing the controller parameters as above,
variables and approximate time delays m the adaptive ability of the controller was
control, and Is usually not &fficult to obtain In exammed w~th respect to varlaUons of the
tMs study, phymologlcal considerations reveal process parameters and to the desired perfor-
that C O / D O P with a posltwe control gain and mance reqmrements F~gure 5 shows the
MAP/SNP with a negatwe gam pmrs should be normahzed squared sum of learnmg error eL
made smce DOP is prlmardy used to increase (NSSE) against the iteration number when four
CO, and SNP is mainly aimed at lowering MAP different desired responses obtained by altering
In order to verify the apphcabdlty of the parameters m the reference model were



U )

I0" -10


. . . . . . . , . . . , . . . , - _ . ,
20 40 60 80 100
FIG 4 O u t p u t responses after l e a rmng iterations

----desired resp. a) -nominal values

~I.0' desired resp. b) ~I.0" ............ beta=0.2
desired resp. c) gw
1.4 beta=O 05
desired resp. d) Ipll=0 1
~o8' 008" Ipll=0 025

~0.6' ~06"

'~04' .~04'

0 0¢.,

. . . . " ~ II'lJ a F
2" 3" 4" 5" 6 7' 8 9 I0" 11" 3 4 5 6 7' 8" 9' I0' Ii'
iteration iteratlon
FIG 5 AdapUve abthty to desired responses FIG 7 Convergence to learmng rates

K & T nominal values nomlnal values

1 0 k11=9.284 k12=5.803 ~ 1.0I wldth=0.5
k12=-0.099 k22=-0.17 ~ l width=0.05
TI=9____~2.51T2=64.63 ~ ]I threshold=0.2
~0.8 ~0

{o 0

2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 7' 8" 9" i0' Ii" 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 II
iteration iteration
FIG 6 Adaptmveability to process parameters FIG 8 Convergence to wmdthsand thresholds

reqmred Figure 6 g~ves the results when the on these parameters the btgger ¢5, the fewer
process parameters were changed by 10% from cells, and the bigger ao, the more cells
their nominal values It ~s evident that the Corresponding to Fig 8, the cells created after
controller is able to adapt to vanous perfor- 10 ReraUons were 14, 11, 18, 16, and 13
mance reqmrements and d~fferent process respecUvely, which correlates wRh the above
parameters m the sense that after a few gmdeline
iterations, the NSSEs tend to stable, small
The convergence property of the system wRh 6 CONCLUSIONS
regard to the controller parameters was also We have presented an approach to fuzzffymg
examined Figure 7 shows the results produced the CMAC into FCMAC and extended this to
with different fl and PL Compared with fl, PL self-constructing systematically a FCMAC-based
has a more sgmficant effect on the learning multlvanable controller wa learning The system
convergence As would be expected, however, has the following features (a) the graded
the convergence property ~s not very sensmve to nelghbourhood funcuon overcomes the problem
the width 6 and the threshold ao This is clearly of discontinuous responses over nelghbourhood
indicated m Fig 8 where an almost identical boundaries; (b) the matching degree algorithm
curve was obtained for all cases However, the provides a simple similarity-measure-based
number of created cells was strongly dependent content-addressable scheme capable of deahng
664 J NIE a n d D A LINKENS

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o n s t r a t e d the feaslbihty of the proposed Magazme, 10, 18-23
a p p r o a c h , a n d also r e v e a l e d s o m e useful Nle, Junhong (1987) Expert fuzzy control systems, M S
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Acknowledgement--The authors are grateful to reviewers Apphcanons, Israel
and the editor for beneficial comments and suggestions which Nle. Junhong (1992) Fuzzy-neural control principles,
helped to improve the quality of this paper algorithms and apphcatlons Ph D thesis. Department of
Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, The
University of Shelfield
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