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Curr Psychiatry Rep (2011) 13:26–30

DOI 10.1007/s11920-010-0165-z

Diabetes and Depression

Antonio Campayo & Carlos H. Gómez-Biel &
Antonio Lobo

Published online: 30 October 2010

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010

Abstract In a context of the potentially epidemic nature of Introduction

both diabetes mellitus and depression, and the negative
effects reported in cases of comorbidity, this review The relationships between endocrine disturbances and
suggests that the association of the two conditions is psychiatric conditions have stirred considerable interest
multifaceted. Increased risks of prevalent depression and for several reasons [1]. Historically, several authors have
incident depression among diabetic patients have been speculated about the role of hormones and endocrine
reported in community studies. Even more consistent is the disorders in the etiology of psychiatric conditions. Endo-
finding supporting psychosomatic hypotheses regarding the crine hypotheses persist today in attempts to explain
increased risk of diabetes among depressed patients. A classical psychiatric disturbances, but more ambitious
recent relevant finding is the increased risk of diabetes research has attempted to document the implicated physio-
reported in depression that is commonly found in the pathologic mechanisms. For example, attention has been
community, namely nonsevere, persistent, untreated depres- devoted to the role of hormones in relation to control and
sion. In view of the negative implications of the comorbid- feedback processes in neural structures [2]. On the other
ity of depression and diabetes, the suggestion that all hand, psychiatric syndromes have been documented con-
clinically relevant cases of depression found in the sistently in endocrine diseases and may pose a real clinical
community should be treated seems logical. However, challenge for the liaison psychiatrist [3]. The relationship
new studies seem mandatory to document the efficacy of between diabetes mellitus and depression is one of the main
treatment of depression and the safety of antidepressant use examples in this field, but this relationship is complex and
in cases of comorbidity. multifaceted. In view of predictions about the epidemic
nature of diabetes mellitus and depression during the first
Keywords Mood disorders . Diabetes mellitus . Metabolic quarter of the 21st century [4, 5], and because of negative
syndrome . Neuroendocrinology . Liaison psychiatry effects reported in cases of comorbidity, the relationships
between these two conditions are a matter of concern [6]. In
this article, we review the intersection of diabetes and
A. Campayo (*) : C. H. Gómez-Biel : A. Lobo
depression, in particular from the perspective of new
Hospital Clínico Universitario, Servicio de Psiquiatría (3ª Planta),
Avenida San Juan Bosco 15, contributions to the literature.
50009 Zaragoza, Spain

A. Campayo : A. Lobo
Depression in Diabetic Patients
Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Salud Mental
(CIBERsam), Ministry of Science and Innovation, Classical studies in different medical and psychiatric settings
Madrid, Spain documented a high prevalence of depression in diabetic
A. Campayo : A. Lobo
patients [1], and this has been a traditional field of clinical
Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud (I+CS), activity for liaison psychiatrists [7]. Recent reviews con-
Zaragoza, Spain firmed this classical finding. The prevalence of depression in
Curr Psychiatry Rep (2011) 13:26–30 27

adult patients diagnosed with type 1 and type 2 diabetes also The chronic psychosocial stressors of having a chronic
has been documented in several recent studies, which were medical condition have been considered to explain the
summarized by Anderson et al. [8] and more recently by Ali presence of depression in patients with type 1 and type 2
et al. [9]. These studies suggest that the presence of diabetes diabetes [12]. However, we suggested that the coexistence
almost doubles the risk of comorbid depression. Negative of multiple comorbid conditions and the related disabilities
implications of comorbid depression in patients with might largely account for the increased risk of depression
diabetes mellitus might be expected and have been docu- among diabetic patients [18]. In their systematic review,
mented; they include worsened glycemia control [10], Nouwen et al. [19•] concluded that the mechanisms
nonadherence to treatment [11], poor metabolic control underlying this relationship are still unclear.
[12], and increased risk of vascular complications (eg,
diabetic retinopathy, neuropathy, and macrovascular compli-
cations) [13•]. Furthermore, depression in diabetic patients Depression and Incident Diabetes
tends to persist and has been associated with increased
disability, decreased quality of life [14], more somatic The possibility that depression may eventually lead to
symptoms [15], increased health care costs, and even diabetes had been mentioned in the psychosomatic litera-
increased mortality risk [12]. Some studies have even ture going back to British physician Thomas Willis but was
reported an increased risk of dementia [16], although this never convincingly demonstrated [20]. More recently, this
subject remains controversial [17]. hypothesis has been tested in empiric, longitudinal studies
A potential limitation to studies regarding the association and was first supported by Eaton et al. [21•] in the
of diabetes and depression relates to the lack of an adequate Baltimore Epidemiologic Catchment Area study. Knol et
control group or to the use of self-report questionnaires to al. [22] identified nine longitudinal studies related to this
document depression. Significantly different results might hypothesis. They concluded that depressed individuals have
be reported using questionnaires rather than formal inter- a 37% increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
views. For example, Anderson et al. [8] found a prevalence However, the variety of methods used to measure depres-
of 11.4% of depression among diabetics based on formal sion and diabetes in these studies precludes a firm
psychiatric criteria, but a prevalence of 31.0% based on conclusion. We previously made the observation that most
self-report scales. We previously argued that the use of of these studies used rather weak methods to document
formal psychiatric interviews would be preferable to depression [23], such as the Center for Epidemiologic
diagnose treatable depression [18]. Furthermore, most Studies Depression Scale and other self-reports or general
earlier studies on the association of diabetes and depression physicians’ diagnoses.
did not control for other chronic diseases and disabilities. Golden et al. [24] were the first authors to document the
With such bases, we conducted a large population-based bidirectional association between diabetes and depression.
study in individuals 55 years of age and older, controlling However, the association between depression and incident
for these factors and using a formal psychiatric interview type 2 diabetes was “modest” and “partially explained by
[18]. We found a prevalence of depression of 14.4% in lifestyles” [24]. Furthermore, as these authors also used the
cases of diabetes (virtually all of them type 2 diabetes), and Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale to
diabetes was associated with a 47% increased risk of document depression, their study does not provide enough
prevalent depression. The presence of comorbid medical information on a relevant clinical subject such as treatable
diseases seemed to lessen the effect of diabetes on the risk depression [25]. Treatable depression should be docu-
of prevalent depression. mented by formal psychiatric interview. The recent study
In a prospective way, we further tested in the same study by Mezuk et al. [26] may be relevant in this respect because
the hypothesis that diabetes increases the risk of depression. they also documented an increased risk of incident diabetes
Several studies had previously reported an increased risk, in cases of major depression detected in the community by
but these studies either did not use a prospective, means of a diagnostic interview, the Diagnostic Interview
population-based design or did not use formal psychiatric Schedule. However, most cases of depression in the general
criteria. We found a 40% increased risk of incident population may be not major depression. For example, we
depression among diabetics, and the presence of comorbid have shown that about two thirds of clinical cases detected
medical diseases seemed to increase this risk. In a recent in a population sample of older adults were not major
systematic review and meta-analysis of 11 studies meeting depression [27]. In view of this, we recently tested the
inclusion criteria, Nouwen et al. [19•] confirmed the hypothesis that clinically significant depression—not limit-
association of diabetes and increased risk of developing ed to major depressive disorder—increases the risk of
depression, although the increase was more modest than in diabetes mellitus in the general population. In addition, we
our study (24% increased risk). examined the effect of characteristics of depression that
28 Curr Psychiatry Rep (2011) 13:26–30

were frequently observed in previous community studies. considered to be an important risk factor for type 2 diabetes
We concluded that clinically significant depression is [39], a feedback loop of depression, the metabolic
associated with a 65% increased risk of diabetes mellitus. syndrome, and diabetes may be hypothesized. This hypoth-
The estimated rate of diabetes mellitus attributable to esis would also be supported by the bidirectional associa-
depression was about 7%. We also concluded that charac- tion of depression and diabetes reported by Golden et al.
teristics of depression frequently found in the community, [24], by previous research [18], and more recently by two
namely nonsevere depression, persistent depression, and meta-analyses conducted by Mezuk et al. [40•] and
untreated depression, may play a role in the development of Nouwen et al. [19•], which found 15% and 24% increased
diabetes in a predominantly older adult population [28]. risks of depression, respectively, in diabetic patients.
A recent editorial in the American Journal of Psychiatry
[21•] underlines the relevance of these findings, which had
been anticipated by Eaton et al. [29]. Particularly relevant Conclusions
were the findings that compared with nonpersistent or
treated depression, persistent depression and, notably, The recent literature confirms the considerable preva-
untreated depression were associated with a higher inci- lence of depression among diabetic patients. However,
dence of diabetes. Globally considered, the findings in all the association of physical and psychiatric morbidity is
these studies may imply that treating all forms of clinically multifaceted. First, there is evidence that diabetes leads
significant depression could influence the incidence of to incident depression, as suggested in epidemiologic,
diabetes at the population level, particularly because in our longitudinal studies. Second, and of more interest, might
study, treatment with antidepressants was not associated be the finding that depression leads to diabetes. This is a
with an increased risk of diabetes mellitus [28]. Therefore, more consistent finding that supports the psychosomatic
these findings may have important public health implica- hypothesis formulated in the previous century by authors
tions. However, the benefits of this potential treatment such as Thomas Willis. Third, recent studies suggest that
should be balanced with the potential risks of using not only major depression, but also mild or nonsevere
antidepressants. A case-control study by Andersohn et al. depression, such as is observed in the community, is
[30] provided data to suggest a modest association between associated with an increased risk of diabetes. Fourth, the
antidepressant use and the incidence of diabetes. Although comorbidity of depression and diabetes is associated with
our results do not support this association, the limited increased morbidity, increased mortality, and higher
power of the calculations preclude a firmer conclusion. medical costs. In relation to the documented mortality,
It is unclear in present studies what mediates the it may be especially relevant given the findings of an
association between depression and incident type 2 diabetes increased risk of clinically significant microvascular and
[31]. Functional disability [32] or behavioral habits such as macrovascular complications in depressed diabetic
current smoking or alcohol risk consumption have been patients [13•]. Fifth, this epidemiologic and clinical type
considered in some reports [24] but did not increase the risk of evidence suggests that treatment of depression might be
of type 2 diabetes in our predictive models. Behavioral important to prevent the development of diabetes and to
habits related to an increased body mass index also have prevent clinical, potentially severe complications among
been considered because depressed individuals are more diabetic patients. However, new studies seem mandatory
likely to be physically inactive [33] and less likely to comply to document the efficacy of psychosocial or biological
with dietary and weight loss recommendations [34]. Biolog- treatments of depression. The association of antidepres-
ical mechanisms should be considered. Depression has been sants and incident diabetes has been suggested in studies
associated with physiologic abnormalities, including activa- of long-term treatment but has not been confirmed in other
tion of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal and sympathoa- studies, including our own.
drenal systems [35], and with proinflammatory cytokines Although the clinical and public health implications of
[36], which can induce insulin resistance and contribute to the clinical and epidemiologic findings seem apparent, the
diabetes risk. However, the detailed study of these mediators mechanisms to explain the bidirectional association of
would require that diabetes be scored on a continuous scale diabetes and depression need to be elucidated. Severe
(eg, using blood glucose levels rather than using a binary obesity, lack of physical activity, and poor self-care all have
standard) [23]. been documented in depressed patients. Chronic stress
One important hypothesis may arise from previous associated with hypercortisolemia certainly has been sug-
reports about depression leading to development of the gested. We also speculate now that a metabolic syndrome
metabolic syndrome [37]. The metabolic syndrome has induced by these factors in depressed patients may be the
been reported in late-onset depression [38] and in persistent mediating mechanism. Finally, we cannot exclude the
depression [37]. Because the metabolic syndrome is possibility that depression observed in diabetic patients is
Curr Psychiatry Rep (2011) 13:26–30 29

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Pharmaceutica and has had travel/accommodations expenses covered
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for attendance at a meeting by Eli Lilly and Company. Drs. Campayo
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