Theoretical Background Thesis

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Theoretical Background

This study assumed that Integrated Solar-based Generator Vending

Machine: Portable Charging Station its safe and reliable that can improve
once and for all the daily lives of families in the equatorial belt.

This study is connected on the main three theories, policies, and

concept of Green Power for Mobile (2011) Theoretical Analysis of
Integrated Solar-based Generator Vending Machine: Portable Charging
Station in Alstone P, Gershenson D, Kammen DM (2015) Decentralized
energy systems for clean electricity access. Corbus D (1998) Battery
Charging Stations (Project Brief, Renewables for Sustainable Village
Power. G. N. Tiwari, & R. K. Mishra, “Advanced Renewable Energy
Sources. Royal Society of Chemistry”, 2015.

The Ultramodern Arduino-Based Integrated Solar-based Generator

Vending Machine. Sudden shutdown of mobile phones due to lack of
charge, creates huge embargo for people who is in rush to workplace,
market, school, college, office, train and bus station and so on. As
supported by the study the researcher used theories such as: Theoretical
Analysis of Integrated Solar-based Generator Vending Machine.
Decentralized energy systems for clean electricity access Battery
Charging Stations Project Brief, Renewables for Sustainable Village Power
Advanced Renewable Energy Sources. Royal Society of Chemistry. The
three theories talk about how this technology studies describe the process
by which technology is applicable by its users.
Alstone P, Corbus D (1998) G. N. Tiwari, &
Gershenson D, Battery Charging R. K. Mishra,
Kammen DM Stations (Project “Advanced
(2015) Brief, Renewables Renewable
Decentralized for Sustainable Energy Sources.
energy systems Village Power. Royal Society of
for clean Chemistry”,
electricity access. 2015.

Integrated Solar-based Generator Vending

Machine: Portable Charging Station

Quality of the Product

product Acceptability

 4 types of output  Portable

Plugs suitable for  Powerful Capacity
kinds of electrical  Easily Rechargable
products.  Safe to used
 4 modes of  Cost Effective
chargeable sockets  After Sales Service
are convenient for
 Solar panel on the top
of the power station
for power failure

Figure 1.0 Theoretical Framework

The Theoretical Analysis of Integrated Solar-based Generator Vending

Machine: Portable Charging Station as developed by Alstone P,
Gershenson D, Kammen DM Innovative approaches are needed to
address the needs of the 1.3 billion people lacking electricity, while
simultaneously transitioning to a decarbonized energy system. With
particular focus on the energy needs of the underserved, we present an
analytic and conceptual framework that clarifies the heterogeneous
continuum of centralized on-grid electricity, autonomous mini- or
community grids, and distributed individual energy services. Now a days,
our daily living is technology dependent and connectivity of internet over
mobile phone and overall telecommunication is as necessary as our prime
needs. Smart phone gives us all the facilities we need through its various
built-in applications or gadgets. To run smart phone or any
telecommunicating device to get connected with the world, powering those
devices is obvious because all these devices use rechargeable batteries
which need regular charging. So, we cannot think even for a day without
electricity and situation gets worst during long load shedding.

To theoretically study the Integrated Solar-based Generator Vending

Machine: Portable Charging Station. Provide new results concerning
dynamics for a version of the Kiyotaki-Wright model (1989) in which strategies
(either mixed or pure) are restricted so that agents play the same strategy for
each opportunity set. This study provided evidence in favour of the creative
solar-powered smartphone charging station built on Arduino that was created
as a vending machine. Too far, several studies have been conducted to
address this issue of supplying mobile charging stations for electronic
gadgets. Some of those advancements are portable, while others are reliable.
Huge charging stations, yet they all have the same trait: that these systems
either fully or partially generate their own power utilizing one or more
renewable energy sources for as an illustration, a hand-crank generator, the
sun, the wind motion.

Another idea that was Corbus D (1998) stated that Battery Charging
Stations (Project Brief, Renewables for Sustainable Village Power.
Electrification of rural villages has the potential to power substantial
economic development activities if the power is available during the
daytime and the appropriate training and marketing infrastructure is
available. However, in smaller villages served by diesel gen-sets it is cost-
prohibitive to provide daytime power and this economic development
potential is not realized. Renewable energy systems are better suited to
deliver 24-hour power in small villages where income generation and
economic development are policy goals.

A. Solar Photovoltaic

The richest fuel source in the area of renewable energy is the solar
energy. To convert the sun’s energy, the PV cells capture photons; create
free electrons that flow across the cells to produce current. The efficiency
of the panel is determined by the semiconductor material that the cells are
made from. A single silicon photovoltaic cell can generate 0.5V to 0.6V
approximately. The current generated by the silicon photovoltaic cell is
between 28 mA/cm2 and 35 mA/cm2. So, the photovoltaic cells are
connected in series-parallel combination to achieve the desired power.
Since, electricity can be generated only during a day using Solar PV
technology; either an efficient energy storage system or grid connection is
required for the night time utilization.
What is the difference between solar and photovoltaic?

Photovoltaic panels are installed for the conversion of thermal energy

into electricity, while solar panels convert solar radiation into heat. This is
why these solutions do not compete with each other.
Instead, they may complement each other
B. Weather and Solar PV Output

Solar PV has a non-linear characteristics and the efficiency and

power output depends upon various factors. The two main parameters
which have noticeable effect on the solar PV output are temperature and
irradiation (G). The other factors contribute to the variation of the output
power of solar panels includes cloud cover and the angle of the sun. The
PV panel output current is directly proportional to the light intensity and the
change in temperature has inverse effect on the panel voltage. The angle
at which the panels are placed on their mounts also determines the energy
collected by the panels. Fig. 1 shows the effect of temperature in the
output power of PV module and the power output corresponding to
different light intensity are depicted in Fig.2

The weather can affect PV output in other, less direct ways. PV

panel efficiency decreases with the presence of dust and dirt (which can
be washed away by rain or with regular cleaning), or by frost and snow on
the solar panels.

C. Proposed System

Fig. 3 shows the block diagram of the solar powered mobile phone
charging unit with vending machine. The system comprises of a PV
module, charge controller, battery and two voltage regulation circuits. The
energy generated by the PV module is stored in a battery which is
connected to the PV Module through a charge controller and if you insert
10 pesos on charge controller it cost 3hour charging of your cellular
phone. The charge controller acts as maximum power extractor and as
voltage regulator for the battery. A vertical pole is used to mount the PV
panel and a box is designed with proper ventilation to keep the battery and
the regulator circuit safely. Fig. 4 shows the structural design of the
proposed system. This vertical structure can be installed in public places
for public use. A universal charging port is connected to the regulation
circuit to plug any mobile phone to be charged.

Proposed System means the assembly of an operational group of

computer programs that will perform, without modification, a significant
portion of the functional requirements contained in this RFP.

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