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Estd. 1969













I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my principal
Reverend Brother Sudhakar Reddy S.G and the school for
providing me with the facilities required to do my project.

I am highly grateful to my English teacher

Miss Rashmi Mehta for her valuable guidance which has
promoted my efforts in all stages of this project work.

Finally, words are not sufficient to express

my gratitude to my friends and family members for their
encouragement and support.
This is to certify that TUSHAN JYOTI of class 12 C
has successfully completed his project on the topic
"A critical review of movie ,Life Of Pi" as prescribed by
Miss Rashmi Mehta during the academic year 2022-23
as per the guidelines of the central board of secondary
"Life of Pi" revolves around a teenager nd his survival after a
The au thor meets a boy named "Pisicine" who was also
reffered as "Pi" and gets to know about his fascinating story .

The story revolves around the time when Pi was in his early
teenage and progresses onto the time when he's about to be
an adult .The whole story shows how the kid started to
consider animals as beings withou t emotions as he was
taught so by his father, but ends up with a different belief
after a major tragedy.
Somehow ,the boy ends up in shipwreck ,with the tiger and
him being the only two survivor ,on a life boat .
In a life threatening situation ,the teenager learns to adopt
the environment with the animal and survives the disaster by
empathizing with the tiger and by learning to communicate
with the being who actually helps him in survival by keeping
him alert all the time, the boy also claims that he would have
died without the company of the tiger .Moreover,the story
also shows his extraordinary will to live after losing his whole
family,even after alll this, the boy does not lose hope and
keeps believing in himself and su rvives the life threatening
situation by acting accordingly with a calm mind.His
survival ends up with a regret because he expected the tiger
to empathize with him but the tiger doesn't even looks back
at him which makes him believe that his father was right
about the animals being emotion less,but he abruptly
changes his point of view
and says that he still believes that the look in the tiger's
eyes that day, showed some emotions.

The theme of this story would be the lesson of not loosing

hope in any situation and overcoming the fear in order to
survive the cruelities.The extraordinary hope to achieve
something may not guarantee you success but it actually
boosts your confidence in trying to fight for something.And
trying to achieve something with hardwork May not lead
to success but not trying at all will Definitely lead to
Character Sketch :
Piscine or Pi is a very unique character who follows
different religious teachings at the same time as all
these teachings di
puts him to ease and somehow brings him close to
God . Moreover he is portray ed as a strong willed
character who does not loose hope in a deadly
situation and survives it with a brave heart . A very
sensitive and emotional character at the same time as
he empathises with the tiger who is considered an
emotion less being.

The tiger named " Richard Parker" considered emotion

less but ,so ,was not the case ,the carnivore actually
empathises and communicates with the boy during the
whole survival and pushes the boy in an alerting
situation leading to an unintentional boost to their
success in surviving.
About the story:
Deep water is a narrative about how the author develops a
phobia and overcomes it .

The story starts with the author narrating the incident

where he drowns in a pool and nearly dies which leads to the
development of his aquaphobia .The au thor is subjected to
dark days of fear and anxiety after this incident and started
avoiding pools etc . Sometimes he tried swimming again
but the terror which has possessed him didn't allow him to
do so .Few years passed away and the terror was still
there .But the author finally decides to overcome his greatest
enemy and with the help of an instructor and his
overwhelming will he is able to overcome the fear of water .
To eradicate this fear completely he would go swimming at
some places where the fear would grapple him at
instances ,but the au thor wou ld face the it very easily with a
will .Finally, he is able to conquer his fear which gives him
extreme joy and he is extremely proud of himself for this
achievement .Moreover the near death experience teaches
him that the only fear which exists is the fear of death .And
after overcoming this ,a person feels relieved from a huge
Now the story teaches us a lesson on how we should
always situation we should not sit still and do nothing
about the way it haunts us .We should instead try to
conquer our enemy by facing it again and again and we
should never loose hope in the process and keep trying
with the same confidence which will eventually lead us to
Character sketch:
The narrator of the story is potrayed as a courageous
character with strong will who is able to overcome his long
lasting phobia of water .
The narrator gets exposed to a near death experience
which leads to dark days with anxiety and fear but being a
strong willed person he pushes his fear out of himself and
faces it ,which gives us an idea about his self confidence .He
kept believing in himself and is finally able to conquer his
fear which gives him extreme joy about his achievement and
feels proud ,this shows us that he is self loving man who
appreciates himself for achieving something. His positive
attitude towards achieving his goal teaches us how we
should never loose hope just like him and always try to work
our way out of the comfort zone .
Comparison with deep water:
After going thr ough both the stories ,the very first thing that
came to my mind was the theme "overcoming fear".
In deep water, we see the writer's fear
of water which ruins his fishing trips,he is depr ived of
canoeing, boating and swimming until and unless he faces it.
From the story we learn that if we are determined enough and
have the cour age we can face any fear that comes our way
with the without letting it over power us . The stor y also
teaches us not loose hope in any circumstances and teaches
us to work our way out of the comfort zone for achieving our
Even in Life Of Pi we can see Pi's
struggle to sur vive thr ough seemingly unsurmountable odd.
Pi adapts in deadly environment in the middle of the sea
along with the tiger and survives with extreme deter mination
and courage, he also overcomes his fear of tiger and learns
to communicate with the animal in order to fight for his
life .He spends around 227 days on a life boat and does not
loose hope until the end.
So from both the stories we can get a
common lesson of the will and deter mination to face the
difficulties in order to reach our goal.
Personal View On The
It was an overall unique experience due to which I came
across a great movie with lot of learning lessons .
The movie inspired me with lots of positive traits such as
self confidence , the will to live and courageous heart etc. It
provided a sense of positive push , in times of great deal of
academic pressure which has helped me to remain
motivated in any situation no matter how difficult it is . The
portrayal of the tiger and the boy surviving together shows
us that no matter what the situation is ,we need to adapt in
it, and overcome the threatening situation with clam and
focused mind.
Moreover a deep analysis on the story deep water
inculcated a sense of fighting spirit for overcoming any kind
of hurdle .It also taught me to be proud of myself for my
achievements which inculcates a value of self love within
me .
The project turned out to be a pool of lessons and I thank my
teacher for giving me this opportunity which helped me in
number of ways to cope up with various difficulties
This project provided us with a lot of lessons and helped us
to improve our logical analysis through the critical review of
the two stories .Both the stories teaches us to be well
determined and courageous in dire situations.

The movie based on the survival of a boy in the

middle of the ocean with the tiger shows how the boy
survives in an extremely dire situation which motivates us to
fight the difficulties we get to face in our lives with will and
determination without loosing hope.

The story deep water somewhat presents a

common lesson of will and determination by portraying the
story of a boy who finally faces his fear of water and
overcomes it with the help of an instructor .
Bi •

English textbook


Netflix ( for streaming)

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