A Lesson For The Sulutan

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A Lesson for the Sulutan

1.What did the couple solotan sa Agamaniyog and Ba’I sa

Agamaniyog witness on their way to the lakeshore to pray.
> They pass by the small hut of a poor couple .
2. What was the problem of the couple living in the small hut?
> The couple blamed each other for their misfortune life.
3. What is the reaction of solotan sa Agamaniyog and Ba’I sa
Agamaniyog regarding thr poor couple’s quarrel? What did they
decide to do after their argument about it?
> The Sultan and Ba'i of Agamaniyog stepped in and
admonished Lokes a Mama and Lokes a Babay. When they got
home, the Sultan and Ba'i of Agamaniyog talked about the quarrel
between the poor couple until they themselves began to argue.
4. How did their lives changed after making this decision? Explain
the rich couple’s fate after living with Lokes a Mama and Lokes a
> Solotan sa Agamaniyog he became convinced that Lokes
a Babay was lazy and capricious. He also realized that his wealth
had gradually vanished.
5. What is your reaction after reading the folktale? What are your
insights after reading it?
> My reaction after reading this folktale is sad because the
couple’s decide to make their own decision.

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1. Who is the narrator of the story?

> Jaafar
2. Why was Jaafar bought to the big astana?
> Jaafar bought to the big astana because his aunt Babo can’t
support him.
3. What is the point of view of story? To whom does the
narrator tell the story?
> Jaafar tells the story of dayang dayang.
4. Describe how Jaafar felt toward Dayang –Dayang . Cite at
least two evidences from the story.
> He always thinks about dayang dayang and his feeling towards
her grows stronger .
> He always reminds himself of his position that he shouldn’t
have feelings towards her because hes not a blue blood.
5. Do you think Dayang-Dayang feels the same affection towards
Jaafar? Why ? Explain your answer.
> For me yes , because Jaafar he is willing to do anything to make
himself happy.
6. How did Jaafar contrast himself from Dayang-Dayang and her
family, and the young datu? How do you feel about it.
> He considered himself as a servant . I feel sad because he’;s
not a blue blood.
7. What structure of Muslim society is revealed in the short story?
> Muslim society is nice because of their beliefs and rich culture.
8. What does the following line suggest, “Not even the fingers of
Allaah could weave us, even now, into equality?”

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> It means of that line is Jaafar was poor and Dayang-Dayang is
rich so it means they are not same level.
9. What socio-cultural issues are reflected in the story?
> The rich family treating their servant as servant only not as a
10. What is your reaction to the denoument(resolution/end) of the
story? If you were in the author’s shoes, how would you end the
story ? write your version of storys ending below.
> I want to the story end that Jaafar and Dayang-Dayang
together and they lived happ
11. As a Filipino, what can you say about the social inequality
that is present in our country?
> when you are poor no one will notice to help you but when you
are rich many people notice to help you.

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