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A Research Proposal Presented to Faculty of Senior High School

Our Lady of Fatima University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Practical Research 1

Kim Mecaella Garcia

Principal Investigator

Alliyah Wyne De Lara

Aubrey Gayle Alvarado
Carmela Cave
Catherine Jane Solayao
Josha Mae Abundo
Marylyn Beronio Brazil
Rhyza Lobrino Dealagdon

Michelle Aggabao
Research Adviser

(February, 2022)

From life-changing events to everyday tasks, many things can affect your mental health.

There are many strategies you can actively use to improve your mental health, but an often-

overlooked factor is spending time in activities known as hobbies. Hobbies are considered to be

constant activities that are done for pleasure, these are mainly performed in free time and covers

sports, exercise activities, outdoor activities, social activities and to bring pleasure. Therefore,

making time for hobbies may be one way to avoid Anhedonia. The inability to feel joy in things

you normally like doing is one symptom of poor mental health. That’s Anhedonia. Furthermore,

Hobbies may promote the good mental health of the students. This study aims to determine

whether engaging in hobbies can improve the Students’ mental health at the Our Lady of the

Fatima University. Students are at risk for developing mental disorders such as depression and

anxiety. School-related stress can also exacerbate pre-existing mental disorders.

As we continue on this path of infinite fulfillment, it's easy to get lost in the same routine

of waking up, working, eating, and then possibly going back to sleep. In the end, it's gratifying to

get things done and look back on all the obstacles you've overcome or nearly overcame.

However, in the long run, that is not a good thing for health. We all need to practice balance.

You can't spend all your hours in school or else you’ll burn out which might affect your mental


Moreover, having a hobby is one of the best things one can do to improve the Students’

mental health, not only does it allow doing something enjoyable and broaden horizons, but it also
allows the students to focus on a task that has nothing to do with study and gives the brain time

to rest.

Hobbies are a great way to unwind after a busy day. This gives you a chance to be alone

for a while and provides an outlet to release the stress that has built up during the day. Spending

time doing something fun can improve your mental health. Studies have shown that people with

hobbies are less likely to suffer from stress, bad mood, and depression. Activities outside the

home can make me happier and more comfortable. Group activities, such as team sports, can

improve communication skills and relationships with others.

Students found that the more time they spent on creative activities, the more positive

emotions they generated. And being creative can expand the neural connections in your brain

that are involved in the release of feel-good hormones like dopamine. Investing just two hours a

week in your favorite activities, like music or photography, can help you lead a more positive



Having a hobby is a pretty normal thing for people nowadays because it comes with a lot

of benefits, but everything has a negative side. Having a hobby will also bring certain downsides

to some areas. Hobbies such as skydiving or rock climbing are extremely risky, for the reason

that they can result in injuries or even death if the individual is not properly trained. People also

demand a lot of money because these hobbies require a specific amount of money in order to

have access to them. In addition, hobbies can lead to addiction in people. For example, many
people who are addicted to video games may have unrealistic expectations in life or even

separate themselves from the outside world. Playing too much in front of the.


Interest Theory was written by John Dewey. Interest has been described as an outcome of

motivated behavior because it develops and deepens with engagement, developmentally, interest

is also amediator of engagement (Hidi & Renninger, 2006).

The importance of interest as a motivational variable and the pivotal role interest plays in

education, particularly influencing achievement and learning, has been recognized for some time.

Interest made a significant contribution to what people paid attention to and remembered. John

Dewey maintained that interest facilitates learning, improves understanding and stimulates effort

as well as personal involvement (Dewey, 1913).

Renninger and Wozniak (1985) refer to research on interest that although many

researchers provided lengthy discussions of the role of interest in the explanation of attentional

phenomena, only in the last few years have psychologists once again begun to give interest

serious consideration. As Eckblad suggested, interest as an affective state appears to reflect a

central feature of the relationship between the knowledge/value system of the individual and the

environment. Krapp, Hidi and Renninger define interest as “a unique motivational variable, as

well as a psychological state that occurs during interactions between persons and their objects of

interest, and is characterized by increased attention, concentration and affect (i.e. feeling)” as

well as “a relatively enduring predisposition to re-engage with particular content such as objects,

events, ideas and task. (Hidi, 2006).”

Research on interest has included both descriptive and quantitative methods. Findings

from these studies indicate that there are four phases of interest development (Hidi & Renninger,

2006): a triggered situational interest, a maintained situational interest, an emerging individual

interest, and a well-developed individual interest. Affective as well as cognitive factors are

considered. Educational implications of the proposed model are identified.



With the foregoing discussion, the researchers aimed to address the Effects of Hobbies in the

Mental Health of Students at Our Lady of Fatima University with the following questions:

Research Question 1: What are the effects of hobbies on the Mental Health of students?
Research Question 2: What are the important benefits of the effects on the mental health

of Students?

Research Question 3: How can we address the influence of mental health hobbies on Our

Lady of Fatima University students.



Interview Profile of a Student Mental health status leisure and

 Age social activities.
 Sex  Health Behavior
 Year Level  Take up a Hobby


Formal Performance

Informal 3 Performance

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

The figure above shows the conceptual framework that the researcher made to summarize

his plan for this research. The independent variables for this study are the hobbies of the grade

school students of Our lady of Fatima University during the Academic Year 2016 – 2017. On the

other hand, the dependent variable used in this study is their academic achievement in terms of

performance during the first term of the said academic year.

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