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The Future of Work and Older Workers

Older Workers, Precarious Jobs, and

Unemployment: Challenges and Policy
By Carl E. Van Horn and
Maria Heidkamp Findings from two large surveys posit solutions
for the millions of older Americans working in
precarious or part-time jobs.

ven though the labor market in mid-2019 was Mark, a 59-year-old job seeker, reported:
strong and unemployment was at a fifty-year “The majority of colleagues my age in their late
low, more than 1 million job seekers ages 55 and 50s or early 60s have been displaced from mid-
older were unemployed (AARP, 2019). An addi­ to upper-management positions, many from
tional 1.1 million individuals older than age 55 large corporations. Few have found another full­
have been categorized as “long-term discouraged time job. Whatever work they have found is part
workers”—they want to work, but have not time and at well under half of their previous sal­
sought employment in the past year and so are ary. The CFO at my last employer, a major global
excluded from the federal unemployment statis­ bank, is a school bus driver. A close friend who
tics (Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Anal­ was president of a global research company has
ysis, 2018). given up looking after five years. As a group, we
When older job seekers are able to find work, essentially consider ourselves to be unemploy­
it often is temporary or part time, pays less than able” (Heldrich Center New Start Career Net­
they had previously earned, and does not pro­ work, 2018).
vide a full suite of benefits. The top-line unem­ The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) esti­
ployment rate for older workers—2.7 percent in mates that by 2026, older workers will represent
March 2019 (AARP, 2019)—masks the harsh real­ a quarter of the workforce, and will number 42.1
ity for many older job seekers who endure long million (U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging,
stretches of unemployment, financial stress, and 2017). While labor force participation rates for
devastating physical and mental health crises prime-age workers (ages 25 to 54) are predicted
(Van Horn, 2013). to remain at current levels, older workers are

-♦A B S TR A C T In one of the best labor m arkets in decades, m illio n s of older A m ericans w o rk in precarious
or p a rt-tim e jobs w ith low wages and no benefits, or cannot find em ploym ent. M a n y older w orkers have
lim ited savings or pensions and m ust w o rk to supplem en t Social Security paym ents. Findings from a
Rutgers U n ive rsity-H e ld rich C enter fo r W o rkfo rce D evelopm ent survey of vo lu n ta ry and involunta ry
p a rt-tim e older w orkers and a survey o f older, lo n g -te rm unem ployed individuals in the Center's New
S tart Career N etw ork program reveal policies th a t w ould help older workers. | key words: older workers,
Heldrich Center for Workforce Development, precarious jobs, long-term joblessness
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GENERATIONS - Journal o f the American Society on Aging

expected to remain in the labor market at higher with callback rates lower by roughly 18 percent
rates, especially those who are older than age 65 for middle-age workers and 35 percent for older
(U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging, 2017). workers. Older women experienced significantly
The Baby Boom Generation has been labeled more discrimination than did men (Neumark,
“the least prepared in decades” for retirement Burn, and Button, 2019). (For more information
(Gillers, Tergesen, and Seism, 2018) because the on this study, please see Neumark’s article on
older workers in this cohort seldom have a pen­ page 51 of this issue.)
sion or sufficient savings to supplement their Additionally, an Urban Institute and Pro-
Social Security benefits and to provide for a Publica analysis (Johnson and Gosselin, 2018)
secure retirement (Ghilarducci, Papadopoulos, that tracked older adults from 1992 to 2016 in
and Webb, 2017). Moreover, workers younger the Health and Retirement Study concluded that
than age 65 often remain in jobs to retain more than half of older workers were victims of
healthcare benefits until they are eligible “forced retirements”; namely, they were involun­
for Medicare. tarily terminated from a job—pushed out—before
According to a Wall Street Journal analysis of they wanted to leave. Very few recovered finan­
BLS and U.S. Census data, nearly 8 million older cially: only one in ten workers who were forced
Americans are out of work or stuck in low-qual­
ity jobs that essentially preclude them from sav­
ing for retirement (Simon, 2018). This includes 'The CFO a t m y la s t e m p lo y e r, a m a jo r
2.1 million older workers who are jobless, are g lo b a l b a n k , is a school bus d riv e r.'
working part time because they cannot secure
full-time jobs, or have stopped looking for work, to retire ever earned as much as they had in pre­
as well as 5.8 million older workers (23 percent vious jobs (Johnson and Gosselin, 2018). These
of full-time older workers) who toil in jobs with troubling experiences for older workers varied
poor pay and no health benefits, which is up from little across incomes, industries, educational lev­
20 percent a decade earlier (Simon, 2018). els, and communities (Johnson and Gosselin,
Despite their desire to work, many older indi­ 2018). (For more information on the Urban and
viduals are unable find a job. As of March 2019, ProPublica analysis, please see Johnson’s article
more than one in four job seekers ages 55 and on page 63 of this issue.)
older (28.4 percent) had been unemployed for
more than six months, compared to one in five The Trials of Older Part-Time Workers
job seekers ages 54 and younger (21.1 percent) Many older job seekers cannot obtain full-time
(AARP, 2019). The high rate of long-term unem­ jobs with benefits, so they often settle for “non­
ployment among older job seekers has many standard work arrangements,” including part-
causes. Some older job seekers have not mas­ time and temporary positions, self-employment,
tered contemporary job search techniques, pub­ independent contracting, and on-demand plat­
lic workforce programs offer little assistance to form work, such as driving for Uber and Lyft.
them (Heidkamp, Mabe, and DeGraff, 2012), and Many of these precarious jobs are low paying,
employers often are reluctant to hire older work­ and seldom do they offer retirement benefits
ers (Johnson and Gosselin, 2018). (Economic Policy Institute, 2018).
One innovative study of age discrimination, Phil, a 57-year-old job seeker, explained,
based on more than 40,000 job applications from “I am now doing what is considered a ‘portfolio’
young (ages 29 to 31), middle-age (ages 49 to career with four to five jobs—all part time—to
51), and older (ages 64 to 66) applicants found try to make ends meet. None of the ‘jobs’ in the
“strong overall evidence of age discrimination,” portfolio are stable or of a permanent nature. I

22 Fall 2019
The Future of Work and Older Workers

am somewhat resigned to scraping by until I can cited family or personal obligations as a factor.
claim Social Security benefits. For tax year 2017, And among those who were designated as vol­
I submitted five W-2s on tax filing day” (Hel- untary part-timers, 44 percent mentioned fam­
drich Center New Start Career Network 2018 ily or personal obligations, which implies that
Member Survey, 2018). their decision to work part time was not entirely
The Heldrich Center’s 2015 national survey voluntary. Several key findings from the survey
of older workers (ages 50 and older) who work document the following difficult circumstances
part time—less than 35 hours per week—included experienced by part-time older workers:
those who do so voluntarily (83 percent of sur­ V Seventy percent of older part-time workers
vey respondents) and those who work part time had only one job, but 38 percent of involuntary
involuntarily (18 percent of survey respondents) part-timers were working two or more jobs;
(Starace, Van Horn, and Zukin, 2015). Many indi­ V Approximately one in ten involuntary older
viduals who work less than 35 hours per week part-time workers were paid during sick days
do so by choice. They are supplementing their (12 percent), or were enrolled in pension plans
income, caring for family members, taking train­ (9 percent);
ing and educational courses, or blending work V While three-quarters of older voluntary
and leisure time. In March 2019, BLS (2019a) part-time workers reported that they were able to
reported that there were 21.3 million “volun­ set their own schedule, less than half of involun­
tary part-time” workers in the United States. tary part-timers had this flexibility, and they were
In contrast, there were 4.7 million “involuntary more likely to be compelled to work on holidays or
part-time” workers—people working less than weekends than were voluntary part-timers;
35 hours per week because they could not find a V Involuntary part-time workers were three
full-time position, even though they would have times more likely to report economic hardships
preferred one (BLS, 2019a). than voluntary part-time workers (62 percent
Based on the Heldrich Center’s 2015 survey, compared to 19 percent); and
eight in ten (77 percent) older voluntary part- V A third of involuntary part-timers reported
timers were white, non-Hispanic, compared to that in the past year they were sometimes unable
two-thirds (64 percent) of involuntary older part- to afford food, medication, or healthcare.
timers. There were fewer differences based on
gender, education level, or marital status. Invol­ T h e P e rils Faced b y L o n g -T e rm U n e m p lo y e d
untary part-timers were somewhat more likely O ld e r W o rk e rs
to report their highest education as a high school Even as the labor market improved after the
degree (14 percent compared to 9 percent) and Great Recession, long-term unemployment
somewhat less likely to have a bachelor’s degree remained stuck at historically high levels. In
or higher (26 percent compared to 35 percent). the United States as a whole, the long-term
Women made up 64 percent of all older part- unemployment rate in March 2019 was 21.1
time workers; they were 65 percent of voluntary percent, compared to the December 2007 rate
part-timers and 57 percent of those working part of 17.4 percent (BLS, 2019b). One explanation
time for economic reasons. Ninety-one percent of was documented by researchers at the Federal
older part-timers were heads of households. Reserve Bank of Boston, who concluded that
BLS categorizes part-timers based on the pri­ many employers discriminate against job seekers
mary reason they work part time. However, the who are long-term unemployed (Ghayad, 2013).
Heldrich Center survey found that a quarter of Based on a resume audit study, the researchers
those who work part time for economic reasons found a sharp decline in the number of interview
(because they cannot find full-time work) also requests for job seekers who were out of work for

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more than six months, even when they had supe­ mid-2019, the NSCN had served more than 4,500
rior resumes, compared to those who were out people. In a 2018 survey completed by 637 NSCN
of work for shorter durations. members, two-thirds of respondents said NSCN
Marilyn, a 53-year-old long-term unem­ had helped to improve their motivation; half said
ployed job seeker, said of her situation: “Having NSCN helped to improve their confidence and
outstanding background experience and current emotional well-being; and 86 percent said they
knowledge backed up with certifications does would refer a friend to the program (an analysis
not guarantee that you will be hired” (Heldrich of employment outcomes is underway and will
Center New Start Career Network 2018 Member be available in 2020).
Survey, 2018). The NSCN member survey offers insights
Based on BLS estimates for 2018, long-term into the challenging experiences of older job
unemployment rates vary considerably by state, seekers in today’s labor market. Less than
from a low of 8 percent in Utah to a high of 35 per­ half (45 percent) of survey respondents were
cent in the District of Columbia (BLS, 2019c). New employed at the time of the survey. Of these,
Jersey has been on the high end of the long-term roughly half (48 percent) were employed full
unemployment spectrum for several years, with 34 time, 15 percent were working in temporary or
percent of its unemployed job seekers out of work contract positions, 13 percent said they were vol­
for more than six months in 2018 (BLS, 2019c). Of untary part time, 12 percent were involuntary
the long-term unemployed in New Jersey in 2018, part time, 5 percent were self-employed, and
BLS (2019c) reported that 64 percent had been 6 percent described their situation as “other.”
unemployed for a year or longer. A Heldrich Cen­
ter analysis of long-term unemployment found that
T h irty-eigh t percent o f involuntary
older workers were significantly overrepresented
among New Jersey’s long-term unemployed popu­ p a rt-tim ers were working two or
lation (Heidkamp, Hari, and Holcomb, 2019). more jobs.

The New S ta rt Career N etw ork For many, their situations remain precarious.
In 2015, in response to these high rates of jobless­ Jeannine, a 55-year-old NSCN member, described
ness, the Heldrich Center created the privately her status: “Even though I am currently em­
funded New Start Career Network (NSCN), ployed in a full-time contract position in IT, I do
which assists New Jersey’s older (ages 45 and not know when the gig will be over, so I have con­
older) long-term unemployed and underemployed tinued to look for work. Basically, I feel no hope
job seekers. NSCN provides free services, includ­ that I will be hired in a permanent position again
ing virtual tools and webinars, members-only job in this field” (Heldrich Center New Start Career
fairs, and individual and group coaching from Network 2018 Member Survey, 2018).
300 trained volunteers. The NSCN is open to all Of those who were employed, three-
New Jersey residents who are ages 45 and older quarters (76 percent) were earning less than
and are long-term unemployed. they had before their long-term unemployment,
Forty-four percent of NSCN’s members hold and of this group that earned less, three in four
a bachelor’s degree; 33 percent have a master’s (73 percent) estimated that their yearly earnings
degree or equivalent. Sixty-four percent of NSCN declined by more than $20,000. Only one in ten
members are non-Hispanic white; 18 percent are earned more than they had prior to their period
non-Hispanic black or African American; 5 per­ of unemployment.
cent are Hispanic; 5 percent are Asian; and 7 per­ Seven in ten long-term unemployed older
cent are “other.” Their average age is 56. As of workers (69 percent) experienced major changes

24 ) Fall 2019
The Future of Work and Older Workers

in their lives. Thirty-nine percent judged their AARP (Hewitt, 2015) has presented a compelling
current financial situation as fair; 35 percent saidbusiness case for older workers, citing their high
it was poor. levels of engagement, as well as “experience, pro­
To cope with their situation, 32 percent of sur­fessionalism, work ethic, low turnover rates, and
vey respondents sold possessions, 29 percent bor­ knowledge.”
rowed money from friends or family, and 19 percent A 2019 Brookings Institution report notes
missed a mortgage or rent payment. Half (51 per­ that today’s older workers are “healthier, better
cent) took a job below their educational or experi­ educated, and more computer savvy than in the
ence levels, and 38 percent accepted a job they did past” and are similar to younger workers,
not like. Twelve percent moved in with family or but with more experience and professional net­
friends to save money. Forty-five percent said thereworks (Munnell and Walters, 2019). To date,
were times during their period of unemployment based upon older workers’ high rates of long­
when they did not have enough money to pay for term unemployment, employers do not seem
doctor visits or medicines that they or their familyto have embraced this view.
needed. Two-thirds of NSCN members also Federal, state, and local governments should
reported experiencing stress in family relation­ enact legislation that makes it easier for plain­
ships or close friendships. As one NSCN member tiffs to prove age discrimination in hiring. Gov­
put it: “Long-term unemployment is mentally, emo­ ernments also should encourage employers to
tionally, and physically distressing—an emotional reconsider hiring practices that screen out older
rollercoaster.” workers, such as including an experience cap
(“not more than 10 years of experience”) in job
Policy Recommendations postings, targeting “digital natives,” requiring
Millions of older workers are unemployed or applicants to list their year of college graduation
underemployed in precarious situations and may or college grade point average, or recruiting only
never achieve a secure retirement, despite the on college campuses.
most favorable labor market in decades. Many In recent years, digital recruitment ads have
who want to remain in their jobs may be forced been used to target particular demographic
into an early retirement. When older workers groups, such as young people, and to exclude
lose jobs, they often encounter employers that older job seekers. In March 2019, Facebook,
are unwilling to hire them, due to age discrimi­ which was sued for discrimination by multiple
nation and-or the stigma of long-term unemploy­ plaintiffs, reached a settlement (but did not admit
ment. The following strategies are options for to engaging in discriminatory practices) under
improving opportunities for older workers in which companies will be prohibited from using
the coming years: age (or any other legally protected attribute) in
Curtail age discrimination in hiring. The ads on Facebook (Terrell, 2019). Policy makers
Age Discrimination in Employment Act, which also should explore ways to encourage employers
protects individuals ages 40 and older, in 2017 to retain current older workers through expand­
celebrated its 50th anniversary. Age discrimina­ ing flexible, phased retirement options.
tion in hiring is unlawful, difficult to prove, and Update the social safety net and social
widespread. Research suggest many employers insurance. The Unemployment Insurance (UI)
assume older workers will be more expensive, system was established in 1935 to help traditional,
less productive, and unable to master new skills full-time workers weather temporary spells of
or current technology, though these negative ste­ unemployment. The recent growth in nonstan­
reotypes have been refuted by various research­ dard work has resulted in a declining percentage
ers (Baily and Harris, 2019). For many years, of job seekers being eligible for UI (McKay,

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Pollack, and Fitzpayne, 2018). UI should be provides advance notice for workers affected by
updated to match the contemporary realities of large layoffs or closures (U.S. General Account­
employment, especially for those in non-tradi- ing Office [GAO], 1993). GAO (1993) found that
tional, precarious, and part-time jobs. A modern WARN notices did not significantly increase
safety net that reflects the contemporary labor costs for employers or result in decreased worker
market should include access to portable ben­ productivity, but did help workers to plan for
efits that assist independent contractors, part- upcoming layoffs and find new jobs more quickly.
timers, and gig workers; benefits should include Unfortunately, many workers receive little or no
paid leave, support for retirement, disability advance notice of losing their job and scant job
insurance, and healthcare. Guaranteed Retire­
ment Accounts should be available to every­
one who lacks a pension plan (Ghilarducci and The p u b lic w o rk fo rc e syste m s h o u ld
James, 2016). use p re d ic tiv e a n a ly tic s to id e n t if y
Additionally, several policy changes may in-
w h ich jo b seekers a re m o s t lik e ly to
centivize working longer. The Earned Income
Tax Credit should expand eligibility to those b eco m e lo n g -te r m u n e m p lo y e d .
ages 65 to 70, enabling low-income older work­
ers to earn higher post-tax wages (Munnell and search assistance, career coaching, or training
Walters, 2019). Eliminating the Social Security support. WARN legislation should be updated to
earnings test, which is confusing to many indi­ reflect new labor market realities, including non­
viduals and is often misperceived as “a major standard and precarious work, and to help pre­
disincentive to work,” could change the calcu­ pare workers of all ages facing dislocation due to
lation made about continuing to work by work­ automation and robotics.
ers between age 62 and the full retirement age Administrators of the public workforce sys­
(Clark and Shoven, 2019). Raising the minimum tem should use predictive analytics to identify
wage would help workers of all ages. which job seekers, including older workers, are
Steps also should be taken to ensure that most likely to become long-term unemployed.
older individuals access the full range of existing The public workforce programs also should make
benefits to which they are entitled. Nationally, better use of technological tools to expand virtual
only 42 percent of eligible individuals ages 60 supports and coaching, improve job matching,
and older receive SNAP food assistance benefits and encourage online learning. Older job seek­
(O’Dea, 2019). For example, SNAP applications ers need information and support to help them
should be simplified and linked to other pro­ adapt to changing work arrangements, consider
grams, such as Low Income Home Energy Assis­ prospects for entrepreneurship, and acquire new
tance, and outreach and education about these technology and digital literacy skills. Credit for
programs should be increased. prior and experiential learning may help them to
Expand access to transition assistance acquire new degrees and certifications.
and lifelong learning. An updated UI system They also need independent advice about the
should treat UI benefits as the first step in an likely return on investment for education and
active re-employment process, with an emphasis training (Van Horn, Krepcio, and Heidkamp,
on early intervention that helps workers immedi­ 2015). On-the-job training programs and wage
ately after a job loss (or gig or contract) and more subsidies to incentivize employers to hire and
robust transition assistance through the public retain older job seekers, especially those who are
workforce system. The Worker Adjustment and long-term unemployed, can be improved. Older
Retraining Notification (WARN) Act of 1988 job seekers, particularly those who are long-term

26 I Fall 2019
The Future of Work and Older Workers

unemployed, also should have access to mental edu. Maria Heidkamp is the director of Program
health counseling and financial advising. Development and Technical Assistance and director of
Older workers are living longer, with the New Start Career Network at the Heldrich Center.
decreased access to retirement benefits. Older She can be contacted at
adults who want to work face challenges includ­
ing forced retirements, long-term unemploy­ Authors' Note
ment, and precarious work. New policies are The direct quotes in this article are derived from
needed to provide them with the opportunities responses to the Heldrich Center’s 2018 Survey
for work and a social safety net that reflects the of New Start Career Network Members, com­
contemporary labor m arket.^^ pleted by 637 long-term unemployed job seekers,
ages 45 and older, in New Jersey. Major funding
Carl E. Van Horn, Ph.D., is the director of the John J. for the New Start Career Network comes from
Heldrich Center for Workforce Development and The Philip and Tammy Murphy Family Founda­
Distinguished Professor of Public Policy at the Edward tion. Additional support comes from New Jersey
J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Resources, The Fund for New Jersey, and the
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, in New Corporation for National and Community Ser-
Brunswick. He can be contacted at vanhorn@rutgers. vice/New Jersey Volunteer Generation Fund.

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(Unpublished data shared by email New Brunswick, NJ: John J. Hel­
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28 Fall 2019
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