Gateway - Characters

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Gateway – Characters

Characters and The Group

Premise: Why (how) did you get here?
The event that led you to ‘unknown’ space, the ‘setup’ / premise for the campaign.
- sets some motivations, connections/contacts and xp triggers

1) Premises
- Accident/Incident
------- experimental mistake
------- random anomaly
------- (malevolent) intervention

- Migration
------- colonising
------- asylum

- Study/Exploration
------- scientific
------- cultural

2) Continued adventures – Changing premise

- here to stay (any group can move to this during gameplay/the campaign)

3) Different reasons – Characters with different premises

- running groups that include PC’s with different ‘setups’

4) Campaign Mechanics
- optional, not all campaigns will need or want them.

Resource management
- survival / debt running

Lost in space / Stranger in a Strange Land

- universal translator

Chosen One’s
- mark of the gods (campaign specific extras, narratively interwoven)

‘We owe you’

- owe favours as ‘indebted’
- extra contacts
- different sort of debt to ‘debt runner’ in resource management

Crew: Who are you with?

The group and their environment
1) ‘crew’ (collective) character
- sets some contacts, connections and xp triggers
2) ship size and context
- The Colony Ship (a floating civilisation)
- The Stargazer (star trek-esque)
- The Runner (smaller, independent)
- The Shuttle (tiny, possibly even single person)

3) The Universal Translator

- AI communication device
- Improves in stages as PC’s interact with the languages.
- starts as pretty vague predictions rather than full communication.

Character: Who are you?

- your character

- Who are they? (concept)

- What do they do? (character creation and mechanics)
- What are they like? (virtues, vice, ideal and flaw)
- How do they fit in with the crew / world? (contacts and connections)

Character Creation
- 6 Attribute points (10 points???)
- 2 Backgrounds
- 1 Class
- 15 Skill points (can also be spent on 1 speciality per skill)
- 3 Talents (in addition to core class and any from backgrounds) (5 ???)
- 50xp free spend

1) Attributes and Skills

- add dice to pool
- specialities allow further character definition. Take tests with adv.
- mastery: always take tests with adv., specialities now give inspiration.

2) Backgrounds and Archetypes


- security
- scientist
(- pilot)
- engineer
- operative
- diplomat
- mystic
- specialist

- multi-classing: take second archetype, gain core talent.

------Can take 2 further talents from that archetype.

3) Talents

4) Focus
- pool of spendable points

- Give yourself inspiration (1 or 2 points)

----- 1 point regular
----- 2 point if no dice in pool
----- used before taking test

- 6’s ‘explode’
----- can be used after rolling the test

- Gain a boon
------ can be used even on failed or mixed success tests
------ can be used before or after the test is taken

- Second Wind
-----regain health points

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