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Angela Giuliani
23415 Hwy. 27 Apt. B
Pierz MN 56364

Wednesday November 17, 2022

To whom this may concern,

It is with great pleasure that I am writing this letter of recommendation for Lilah Bednar for the
position of Aid at Sunny Day Daycare. I have much experience working with Lilah, and with
that experience I can confidently say that she will be the best candidate for this position. She
would thrive in this role, and have much success working for you.

Lilah currently works for Holy Trinity as an Aide, and I know that she has a passion for this
position. She loves working with kids, and dedicates a lot of her time to her job. She knows the
significance of a work-school-life balance, and she definitely works to achieve that balance.
Although she puts a lot of time and effort into her job, she also excels in school, where she takes
college classes. She is very dedicated, and has a great work ethic.

In addition, Lilah has been my go-to partner in school, since she is a very hard worker, and I
know I can count on her. Throughout the years that we have been in school together she has
shown time and time again that she knows how to work with others. She can work well with
pretty much anyone, and does a great job when given any task. She puts her mind to her work,
and consistently meets deadlines. The quality of her work is always above and beyond, and I
know that if given this position at your company, she would excel.

Once again it is my pleasure to write this letter for Lilah. Her amazing and unmatched work ethic
and positive attitude make it easy for me to recommend her for this position. Feel free to contact
me if you have any further inquiries about Lilah or this letter.

With regard,

Angela Giuliani

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