Physics Activity

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Expt. No. 01 Page No. 0 1

Say muaow n i t a e l , wtngo (AC/ De) Cwmml (AC) and huuk, Mninuiiiy oy
qww. tAMt uoung mulu mut

Muttimlins tanban nuaislans otly, &tp dauwn trammhormu tounidg uau,
&Aiolu unw bhiolgu, patinmioml

Mutimun u alow tallud AVO muliu» (ampu, walt, ohm). t ús O maing a l
S w0k, as am-mlu O o y ull oy emk r'SVms im hw i n u i t
dewank ao miul-awwnl galamamitis qua hunud i h a small ruaitton
uty So wtk an ualimutih high ucitamc wms in 2uuA.

Contnily Toot
Sulerton uloh e bhought im nugian A Twando xM o XK S.

1 Puug un th bmalu pveao o Thu d and 'bluch tuding uads nta jock
&0ckis mankid ao paauu C+) and nugolun (-) huopiclilu

u Touth 1hu palkts at th, othor emds aywa ado mdu, gu
vAduot th zro ohmm &utcn & hat m mnu uooo zuhe
) Sdu unu bhudgu:Touh om poau on thu ukt capp Anp amd , athu
onth an tappu Anp o tn tuo Mds ay thu srtchml wir. Sh ohm mitr
KLadlA z w tho conarh th &lohuo wa
anupHA. Sic, winl bidge
ho oniuiy gthua uaisNowey ha ly om minu mhindi
v()Petlondu:Thud &amu an
Teacher's Signature.

fi:MLAUgotame t Muoowwag AC Valna


Expt. No. Page No. 0 2

Vi ) CoWudgo fuou"leuth onu pralau, at omu milalliu top and enn prelot o
thu mualuw tap oy cotdge uov Multimi uads . ze u ua u u
imauo , hUua i nuads imhiniH
oe pol at
vinty MuaAning naistomcu sh Camoan rAista: Tounhu nd
nd op usistanu ond end thu thun phob a u cond end oy
LOIstam. Nalb t u thu pointin on usiludud HLeitamu
K Rapat sip ?,hon tua athun aihnt puistomes.
o bhught in t h negren c Award
7 MLaDhung De waltages Suuto, ntch
|80 LOV,
thu bottihy ond mu
x Towth u n d oyt ud phob m thu+e wvmnal k
nd oy blatk pholou on 1hw - umunal oy loaktiy. RLocing o mltimilw

AG MATag 3uucta Smlkh is bought

n u wgionD 20
XI MLaownina
TAAsOds, 10Vmahk.
o ACmaina
olom umohovmur (220V-&V)

XDI CAmmmc pimry e &up

lads at uu uMdo oy sCondary Cib. Ruading oy
xiV Towh proles o m
wutmmlin u o AC WAfag.

coulaDMA thu muaauhumima

Canum thu l e i c a l quuamiy toch tmi lakd Satung

and thun mud lau 9e ta thu lovuun angu.

nu highmol naungu
thw msulalirg
1t Hald hu pholots ran

Expt. No. 0 Page No. 03

o oAemlolu a hAnAhold cirul omphising thn oulod hu (on/ot) uulthn

a o and a po w.

oulbs, hololns, Suuchuo, tul, peuun sau, Huibl, uuwA

Pouu &u banmih pa them pour stadnon Tw uw homup and hacteriu

Se vomuo u u 220 v AU y ueuney 50OHz. Omu talolu tallud n e L comius
duhmuby: Othiy ealoll collud muubal N at w a paintial and pronido uluwn

FuaLin a soy dluuu x semus uuchio apliomus tvom alling damagrd

duta amy Cununt. uiw in it qto huatud s mu anl buaks hu cintuit
luydr havmung mappliamu.
HDAuhalal w a 0nnto aul oppliamus m poualU wut t h wa talolis &
that lach appiomu s at 220v, ocet uaud d uppy w an Udie
oppliamu cwws o wnd i m touusd eamh uw mot shwn.

D a o i n t diagnamn as in be Fig..
P l a n a a l o l oiktunt umpenuna m ondih, as shon.

& n m mm wiu
tt Connuct say kua in
w anuct tn buith muuo uth abule ond hu pain in porall wihmain u

S a y kuou u o t u put m i w
t l applianuy a u to amucud um poraul w n u u and muushal

Teacher's Signature,


:E Mul uong un omponUns


Expt. No. Page No.

Co 000unmolu u uomponmh oy agmm uuctical tincut.

Companuno: naisans, mouctona awwwtuvs a l t m s botuy s Ruy ao

1 mmuf t u mpenuma (holars imdurtans o ) im sthis wtn och dhn
osMau in Fiy.1 ond al0 in snus wim tu lodl
Jomuaswhu thu wvim in u tincut, conmuct hu amnartin im w a wuthn

ww tomponunm.
17 o muoonu palunimal dhhOP, wut thu weltmitn im poalul udh u
m t dmnt.
v uAAsUmoy thu uctual mponma in io cieut is compll

uomlolM SH oL tAmponums im d u o ineui io omplu.

unuh that al edmpbmun a e cowudud im u s wth aach Qhu.
U c k that t e ammdtn iA uMuLd m shus n d t u waltmlin in comuelid

im paaul un ciut tumun

Teacher's Signature
234 000uf
a)ianoon Risislws (bCapocilas



Fio: Riostans, capotuos and oliodus


Expt. No. 044

Page No. 05

S Loluntuby a oduooll, amLED, a uaistan kwm a minud a u i m oy uwhn

muwud aluction oy o dtoo, onuAisa and
a apauo.

RLoista, tapartan and dind aw two minal dlmiun.
17o dinlitying wa minad odumitua th talleming thanatinsius oy
CompouMto moy lbt utilisud
|(a) Rasioes»: Whun ewwucud n a DC tincuil, it unous conotand wwmt
tb) CapariTar'. uwhwm tanwtud n a Dc a t , a multimdun, s t at R heus
mllially ull-eo
wmumt) whtn duuos To zeh0 wy idel

y &eak at tu minud componunts and omiy 0u wi mamimum mumkn

h compeMnt wim tua us au aiston , taporitons ED/oliod,

uyALa muudimuli with luute nilih Iubmud on topastion Rhor tucking

1 Lwwduily. nupel, miad ndo onu iMaunkiol m wmurals manleiod sn thu
www.wimsn as tomwman, and P (oh+u) u h tur thu blak omu in in wmmen

ound nud pou io in Po +u).mButhin tud unds sh u dil to tu

) t w u ordhmiy inlogtn thi oimctioa louuctuy conuatiol and unrad),
. e th matin musl shauDa duil dutudiom ,tw omponl ina eoistar,
6) Oww v ony a wnidinduaal lo o uvuni, v. whn paatd ou comnuuol
uth tbut a ltip oyolatk phal in towmucud tatn wwinal oy dukudiom
di mokd d ar oy ud pal a uAmwnonimminal, wuni louo
Teacher's Signature.
Expt. No.
Page No. 06

CC) tw ousou e i s ught uhil Anduting » it in am LED. S4 it des ner t o a

wmpi oliaol
a) u poos o tL mudimuliy theuA a u 2a dutoation, initiam
but u dtuduon datays th ze al i t pao sy im,it is o

tig:Rupatuon "rough Jao

Expt. No. 05 Page No.

Sn oaauv uadion and latual dmiaion a otnm oy light meiolumd

ooliamly on a glaos slao

laps dab, daung boohol , odhomune pino , hut oy pap pebariop had
mtw sd.

ABA'O i a glaoa slab. t whacu Ab, PG am iniidin a . Zi i thu ang y

ncidmu. Ray enlins gtaos i.e., dunou mudiunm. s0 nda auvada emal.La
L aunglu ah uPaction.
&mi u sim n 0
or wpou A'd, auirat angl NaRG =LA ia m ang ey ineioom.Le iu
0ngu o emhgutu
u m z me

tempaurg O &O egt,

inle &ime L i Li= le

Emngunt nay RSII ciolnt ray PG

io t u latiral olmiation oyth
From R dhaw L RK n Pa Phaouud, Mun RK= d

n AGRK RK m Ci-s)

RKGR &ini-7) in -7& d-t ini-7)uc
anal duiation od 9N =t, niknum 6 tab
RK d,
Teacher's Signature,

Expt. No. Page No. 02

Fo gun u ound rdomti, t olon, matm. odlt wnslom

dupatmunt n
oully poponlhonal th 1 thikun.

Fun a hu oy pApt dHairg bo00nd wi dhawurg pn.
7 Kaacaon ough, buadh ty tu slab, an un t Fiq. Plou, o, Dolo on a u
H Pap uth h umgu, ALi) ta t ungh oy pap, ond in th middh ya -

M a k tu ooundany oy th salb AbA'n'. Rumonta, thu Jah. Tok O int n

üinu L NiGN.Mak ia 30og paliaciao ord dran t , inridns
oH P.PloaL thi dalo agpin am Un bawrdory ALA'', Pich, wnpano (1) ond 2) on
hu inuPG. DALTamauiwum tuse pins thowd at bu A han 10om .
vdok ko th mags oy 0) and (2) omuu idu bA E Kupg a
duslo men Uon 30w yom ud A'B', Pick pin1) in um wilh imos ty
vdgoum toauing Mom Thu ud Ale puick anothn pin (4) buhind (3) and af uost
10um tom (9) n iM wh Uu pin (2) and tuimanzny t) ad (2).
v Ramom, thu sao. Rmom puns aumd mank ricbo anound thu pooiomA

Join ()and 4) uaing a &al To gt emugent lunm R5. Joun GR, Phoouue
P dattud; hm R dhmd 1 om this oleia, n . Moau thi LRK d and muasu
thickn sdab AA =t.
Vity Ruadion thangh ungh, oH thu slab Taku ansthu, shut c papeh.. Plac tab
onthin &hut oy paptuitn, Uo lonuadh AAl paralul ta th ung y bu papur.
Nw t ywding wyano AA, CC'pMol Be' bD. Rpeot thu stup 3 toa
VI Ruaction thou th thunuss oy tu alo; Tak andthun u t oy pap.|
Pla Uolb huiht wiL on thin &hut oy papUv wuth unath Ab poalul to
ungh wd with, o ttknus AC poaud la buadth t h i pape , ALA'@' and

eDc m uating Bunhon. Repeat sups 3 to 4

Teacher's Signature .

Expt. No. Page No. 0

do dlt n conotant, wuthin enpUimintal eo s
o at
io oinnetly phopotioal thukris y
dimiation phooduud imu Hauy
ab thaugh nuhch w May passop.

Prucauuna ta.
ncidnu should bu
samw im tw thuw
1 Cgtu
b i t u n puns houtd av atluaot 10em
1 Distamcu
bu shanp.
Pin pitks shanld
shoulol bu
V Pns

Fi biadkon i .

Expt. No. 06 Page No.

ooou aihaduon ay üght a u to aa hun sit.

Sna fuoh Manan blacdes and saoium lamp o aou toruh ou tey la

Cnoing oy womuo aneund am sbstac anol enlinina imo MLgiom o emanAtal
snadomo io tolud olithtacion. iA ypu sK wamua shoo oitdion. Conditiom
i a r hucknus y ohstacu shauld be lus than thu A M i m g .
wauumg oy saund wams is langs but tho o ignt wams
Thuwohe, to dutyadion e ight womus muol om olootard ay tknus
wams a for yulla) ight in o00 mm600x 10
H t oLau oj woMuUgn oy umt
=06x 106m).Eda oy a nuw raryan bladu Ca SumL thu punpaou

Fon uciinar,mation, a na Liah tem stuS heuiol jem shado

o oloolad lblac B) im ugiom ov". ony hu ugion Oy shaud t ilwminatuod
on thu sun. u t ix is tlasihwed that ught bunolo omu thinlolaole enírA
tma U Magion oy Umiriual Bhadoo and homs brighi and dark tunges linu
UnUw ngien oy gROmimead &hado.

7 Suiteh on thu sodium lamp
Hald n nomar bladus i d oy iolu wun hur shanp edgs tlou and pahallu t
ach othw af a diSTOML Mou thom 2m }om thu Soomm lampP.

myobotuh iht comiry m th lamP }em u oppooui sio oy tnuolaois,

IVtande anod bhignd turgsl nn) ae obbuwuol

v untal kina is that oy mammw inkimauy ih dluunandng iminsu
daue and bugnt inao on loen Sios y umial ingu aru homucd.

Teacher's Signature
Expt. No. Page No.

No ondinany lamp io uaud iv placu by bodum lanp tnjnund yinyn o


v On duuaung Uw mioh of tu it, th yungs o m y wr, i.e, ng

wolth imaovo.

vi> iacuon patthm uam aloo bu m om, hu mauu oy a dark, naom

Reoultl and an harp,

whem wudth oy thu sit in mall dgn
Dtacon taku platu

Edgus shonld bu paralul 2m amdy kom the
showld bu afAuas
I Souu o ught

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