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UNIT I The First Unit oe! i a ay li Morning Afternoon Evening Good morning Good afternoon Good evening Dialogue 1 Teacher: Good morning, class. Class: Good morning, Sir Teacher: How are you today ? Class) Fine thank you, and you? Teacher: Very well, thank you * What's your name ? My name is Miss Joan White My name is Miss White Student: My nameis ....4...* * What's your first name? My first name is Joan Student My first name is *What’s your family name? — My family name is White Student: — My family name is * What's your last name My ast name is White Student: My last name is * What's your address? My address is 1340 Main street 25-30 Washington Avenue Student’ My address is sroechress * What's your occupation? tiv a doctor. Student’ lama - Come in, please - Lift your leg - Arch your back - Raise your arm Nove your head - Repeat after me - Lower your foot - Listen carefully - S4 down - Write on the blackboard = Stand up - Go back the seat ~ Gpen your book ~ Read your book - Glose your book - Open your mouth A EI!LOU Vowels: Consonants: B LR Fete Exercises Abbreviations -PT " -LIR PA: + Some Occupations - Physician - Diatitian - Nurse a 2 - a - Surgeon eRe id aarmacist i. - Student HRA, Tesenet f = 1.35 technician - Cardiologist e - Obstetrician surgeon - Gyiecologist - Resident Intera - Nephrologist - Neurologist - Gastroenterologist - Chemist + Orderly Physician A / AN 4- Use A before a consonant sound Examples a tripod a mortar a university a hand a European a union a history 2- Use AN before a vowel sound Examples: anam an envelope an eye an hour DEFINIL THE * The hospital * The earth * The student Note: Use A and AN wilh singular nouns Use THE with singular and plural nouns Exercise. Complete with A/ AN / THE whe. hand «Lhe nose Lhe. foot cnadthe..cight eye | an... ear the. feet ey Jide... mouth AA&....0ars MEDICAL EQUIP towel ampoule 3 scale pa | stethoscope = ' er ‘eu ' aoppel 7 splint fh | fen! paper owel corral epTer cotton wool balls instiuinent sings > pial pot tor lotions: bag for soiled dressings THE VERB: TO BE Table 1 Pronouns TOBE a student’ | doctors at home Examples: | -The doctor is in the ICU - Mary and Betty are nurses -We are English students - They are lab technicians Table 2 Pronouns TO BE ! am not a student you are you we are not doctors they he ali - she is not at home it Examples: - Peter is not in the second year of medicine (isn't) - They are not in the classroom (aren't) -The surgeon isnot busy (isn't) - | am not atthe hospital (I'm not) Table 3 TO BE Pronouns student? doctors? at home? Examples - Is he a cardiologist? - Are you a dietitian? - Are they surgeons? - Is she a nurse? Table 4 Short Answers | | | | Fi Av 2, Enbronce 9, fotteherd 4, sidedoms patito Thea! tafe de fw leay beres/ 5, eat- 6. cheek: 7, mes’ 8, nabib~ of fist} Oe giKl Jes! does tied ) / 9, Tay +medibio 10, tard = boube 14 mustack = 42, toygue + bayve he} Jo std) biyate [hoxs/ 13, teath= dieds 14, lye = ho 1s. mouth ebarer Ire al al Jaoue “a syehd=

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