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REG. NO. 130705144




MEDAN 2017




REG. NO. 130705144


Dr. Martha Pardede, M.S Dra. Diah Rahayu Pratama, M.Pd.

NIP: 19521229 197903 2 001 NIP: 19561214 198601 2 001

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from
Department of English.

MEDAN 2017


Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University
of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,

Dr. Deliana, M. Hum. Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D.

NIP. 19571117 198303 2 002 NIP. 19750209 200812 1 002


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for
the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of
Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies

University of Sumatera Utara on Wednesday, October 18th, 2017

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies

University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S.

NIP. 19600805 198703 1 001

Board of Examiners

Dr. Deliana, M. Hum.

Dr. Martha Pardede, M.S.

Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M. Hum












Signed :

Date : October 18th, 2017
















Signed :

Date : October 18th, 2017



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Alhamdulillah for the

blessing, and everything in my life. Salutation to my Prophet Nabi Muhammad

SAW, may the peace and blessings be on the most noble of Prophets and

Messengers, on his family and all of his Companions.

There are so many steps has been done by the writer to make this thesis complete

entitled Racial Discrimination Portrayed in Flannery O’Connor’s Short Stories:

A Good Man is Hard to Find and Everything That Rises Must Converge, and ready

to presented as a thesis of the first graduate. I have got so many helps, support and

motivation from many people to process of doing this thesis from the beginning until

the end.

My deepest and greatest gratitude thanks to my beloved mother, Elvi Wirnawati, the

most special woman in my life, and my father, Al-Ghozali, for their pray,

unconditional love, attention and support me all the time. For my dear sister, Nadya

Agustina, thank you for your support, happiness and sadness that we always share

together. We may fight sometimes, we may argue, but I do love you. Special thanks

also to all my aunts, my uncle, my cousins and all my family members who always

pray for me. I do love you all.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Martha Pardede, M.S as my

Supervisor for her kindness, patience, knowledge, and immense time for me to write

and finish this thesis. And for Dra. Diah Rahayu Pratama, M.Pd as my Co-Supervisor

for her suggestion, and kindness to help me in writing this thesis.


I address my high gratitude to the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies,Dr. Budi

Agustono, M.S.. The head of English Department, Dr. Deliana, M.Hum.. And the

secretary of English Department for their encouragement during my study in this


I would like to thank to Roma Ayuni Lubis, M.A as my academic Supervisor who

has supported me and all the lecturers of English Department who has given me

valuable knowledge during my study in this faculty. And also Bang Kibot, thank so

much for helping me in administration.

Thanks to ‘TERRA’ Vero, Rara, Taufik, and Vani for their support and laughter for

all the moments we had shared together, I love you guys. For you, Mr. Situmeang,

thanks for your love, support and attention. Thanks also for our moments that we had

ever been shared together, you always put me first before your patients.

Despite my effort to produce a faultless paper, I am well aware that the readers will

find numerous imperfections, for which I apologize.

Medan, October 2017

(Alyuni Fazriani Nst)



This thesis entitled Racial Discrimination Portrayedin Flannery O’Connor’s Short

Stories: A Good Manis Hardto Findand Everything That Rises MustConverge. This
thesis contains an analysis of the racial discrimination in the two short stories of the
same author. The two short stories setting in United States on 19th century. The aims
of this thesis are (i) to know how the stereotype portrayed in A Good Man is Hard to
Find and Everything That Rises Must Convergeshort stories, (ii) to know how the
prejudice portrayed in A Good Man is Hard to Find and EverythingThat Rises Must
Convergeshort stories, and (iii) to know how the rejection portrayed in A Good Man
is Hard to Find and Everything That Rises Must Converge short stories. The writer
used sociology of literature as the main theory, and some attitudes that related to
discriminations such as stereotype, prejudice and rejection in analyzing the problems.
In completing the analysis, the writer used qualitative descriptive method. The writer
collects the data from some sources includedA Good ManisHardto Findand
Everything That Rises MustConverge short stories, journals, article, website, and
books which related to the racial discrimination.

Keywords: Racial Discrimination, Stereotype,Prejudice, Rejection,Short Story.



Skripsi ini berjudul Diskriminasi Rasial yang Digambarkan dalam Cerita Pendek
Flannery O'Connor: A Good Man is Hard to Find dan Everything That Rises Must
Converge. Skrispsi ini berisi analisis diskriminasi rasial dalam dua cerita pendek dari
penulis yang sama. Kedua cerita pendek ini terjadi di Amerika Serikat pada abad ke-
19. Tujuan dari skripsi ini adalah (i) untuk mengetahui bagaimana stereotip
digambarkan dalam cerita pendek A Good Man is Hard to Find dan Everything That
Rises Must Converge, (ii) untuk mengetahui bagaimana prasangka digambarkan
dalam cerita pendek pendek A Good Man is Hard to Find dan Everything That Rises
Must Converge, dan (iii) untuk mengetahui bagaimana penolakan digambarkan
dalam cerita pendek A Good Man is Hard to Find dan Everything That Rises Must
Converge. Penulis menggunakan sosiologi sastra sebagai teori utama, dan beberapa
sikap yang berkaitan dengan diskriminasi seperti stereotip, prasangka dan penolakan
dalam menganalisis permasalahan. Dalam menyelesaikan analisis, penulis
menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Penulis mengumpulkan data dari beberapa
sumber seperti cerita pendek A Good Manis Hardto Find dan Everything That Rises
MustConverge, beberapa jurnal, artikel, situs web, dan buku-buku yang terkait
dengan diskriminasi rasial.

Kata kunci: Diskriminasi Rasial, Stereotip, Prasangka, Penolakan, Cerita




AUTHOR’S DECLARATION ................................................................................. v

COPYRIGHT DECLARATION ............................................................................ vi


ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................. ix

ABSTRAK ................................................................................................................. x

TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................... xi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...............................................................................1

1.1 Background of the Study.....................................................1

1.2 Problem of the Study.........................................................10
1.3 Objective of the Study.......................................................10
1.4 Scope of the Study.............................................................11
1.5 Significance of the Study...................................................11

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE.........................................................12

2.1 Brief Description of Short Story.......................................12

2.1.1 Theme............................................................................13

2.1.2 Background (setting)......................................................13

2.1.3 Plot.................................................................................14

2.1.4 Character........................................................................14


2.2 Brief Description of Racial Discrimination......................17

2.3 Racial Discrimination in United States.............................20

2.4 Sociology Literature..........................................................22

2.5 Concepts............................................................................24

2.5.1 Stereotype.......................................................................24

2.5.2 Prejudice.........................................................................29

2.5.3 Social Rejection..............................................................32

2.6 Historical Approach..........................................................35

2.7 Review of Related Studies.................................................37

CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH..........................................................39

3.1 Research Design...............................................................39

3.2 Data and Data Source.......................................................40

3.3 Data Collecting Procedure................................................40

3.4 Data Analysis....................................................................41

CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND FINDING..........................................................43

4.1 Stereotype as Portrayed in Character in A Good Man is

Hard to Findand Everything That Rises Must



4.1.1 Stereotype as Portrayed in Character in A Good Man is

Hard to Find....................................................................44

4.1.2 Stereotype as Portrayed in Character in Everything That

Rises Must Converge.....................................................53

4.2 Prejudice as Portrayed in Character in A Good Man is

Hard to Find and Everything That Rises Must


4.2.1 Prejudice as Portrayed in Character in A Good Man is

Hard to Find..................................................................56

4.2.2 Prejudice as Portrayed in Character in Everything That Rises Must


4.3 Rejection as Portrayed in Character in A Good Man is

Hard to Find and Everything That Rises Must

4.3.1 Rejection as Portrayed in Character in A Good Man is

Hard toFind..................................................................65

4.3.2 Rejection as Portrayed in Character in Everything That

Rises Must Converge......................................................67

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION............................................70

5.1 Conclusion........................................................................70

5.2 Suggestion.........................................................................71




i.Biography of the author

Flannery O’Connor

ii.Summary of the short story

A Good Man is Hard to Find

` iii.Summary of the short story

Everything That Rises Must Converge




1.1 Background of the Study

Racial discrimination is one of the worst social problems that still exist up

to this very moment in every part of the world. It can be defined as the

mistreatment of a group of people on the basis of race, color, and religion. Racial

discrimination is also the belief that race accounts for differences in human

character and that a particular race is superior to others. This problem is very

serious because it always leads to destruction, not only to certain human being but

also the society.

People who discriminates other peopleusually has a bad temper or

behavior, for example: the Black people get seriously injured or injustice

treatment. In fact this behavior can be a danger treatment and gives more

disadvantages to people or group who became the aimed from discrimination

action, even though the violence will annoy the nation life also caused an

extraordinary of crimes. In America, the Black unjust treatment and cruelty by the

white, just because their race identity. At the moment, the black were insulted,

oppressed, and even killed by the white. The white were against to the black as

minority group caused the white became dominant and supposed the different race

between the black and white as a hostility symbol and a reason for making

practice discrimination toward the black.


In social life often encountered social groups that no doubt there is a

conflict between members in mutual meet the needs. How group members can

accept the inequalities of other groups with all the consequences. The inability to

accept differences in other people or groups, this is what will lead to conflict

between individuals or groups. Actually, the discrimination comes from people

who have a mental problem.

People with mental health problems say that the social stigma attached to

mental ill health and the discrimination they experience can make their difficulties

worse and make it harder to recover.Mental illness is common. It affects

thousands of people, friends, families, work colleagues and society in general.But

even though so many people are affected, there is a strong social stigma attached

to mental ill health, and people with mental health problems can experience

discrimination in all aspects of their lives.This is because society in general has

stereotyped views about mental illness and how it affects people. Many people

believe that people with mental ill health are violent and dangerous, when in fact

they are more at risk of being attacked or harming themselves than harming other

people. Stigma and discrimination can also worsen someone's mental health

problems, and delay or impede their getting help and treatment, and their

recovery. Social isolation, poor housing, unemployment and poverty are all linked

to mental ill health. So stigma and discrimination can trap people in a cycle of


In racial discrimination, there are some kinds of discriminations, such as

stereotype, prejudice, rejection, segregation and etc. The writer wants to do this


thesis which uses stereotype, prejudice, and rejection as the problems that will be

analyzed in the short stories.

Stereotypes are a cognitive component of group clashes, beliefs about

personal attributes recognized by people in a group or social category. The

stereotype of the group is the belief and hope that we focus on what the group

members are like. Stereotypes affect how a person processes and interprets

information. Stereotypes can get people to see what they expect to see and predict

how often they see it.Stereotypes are often interpreted as mockery, as well as

images or wishful thinking or responses to prejudiced individuals or groups.

Individuals who are stereotyped with a group or group, this stereotypical attitude

is difficult to change, though what stereotypes differ from reality. For example:

Stereotypes say that Jews are loan sharks, cheats. Yet many Jews are friendly and

honest. (Franzoi in Social Psychology 2008:199)

Prejudice is directed when members of a group called "inner groups"

exhibit negative attitudes and behavior from other groups called "outsiders". Are

stereotypes and prejudices really different? Stereotypes are cognitive and

prejudice is affective. Although in reality both are reflected together both

cognitively and affectively. Prejudice can be one of the distructive aspects of

human social behavior, often resulting in sad, horrible activities of violence.

Social prejudice is a symptom of social psychology. (Gordon Allport in The

Nature of Prejudice 1958)


Social rejection is the cruelest act because every people were born as

social creature in which people strived for their existence. If people were rejected,

inner conflict will occur. Not every people can be treated that way. Most of them

will become frighten of society or even their social environment due to the


Human is said as a social being for several reasons, such as there is

encouragement to interact, human subject to the rules of social norms, humans

have a need to interact with each other, human’s potential will really develop if he

lives among humans. Surely, a human will face problems in their social life

because not all people can receive someone in the community itself. This kind of

phenomenon is called social rejection. From early childhood to adulthood and

even old, the rejection still hurts and will always be painful. In communities that

had a strong social kinship, social rejection can mean death. In a society that

requires the cooperation for survival, living alone is something that could not

possibly be maintained. (Matnuh in Pengertian Penolakan Sosial 2012)

The topic of racial discrimination also appears in literary works, like in

short story.

The two short storieswritten by Flannery O’Connor’s A Good Man Is

Hard To FindandEverything That Rises Must Converge will be analyzed. The

racial discrimination in these two short stories will be discussed by using

sociology of literature, some concepts about discrimination such as stereotype,


prejudice, rejectionand qualitative method. The writer will discuss about


Literature is the mirror of social condition. Through seeing it, people, in a

large or narrow sight, could see to the reality occuring in the society. Reading

literary works seems like standing in front of a mirror. People could see entirely

of their body without any bug of lying. It is possible since literature tells a truth

for the story intended in that work comes from its author’s heart. In the literature,

there is also a short story.

Flannery O'Connor is considered as one of America's greatest fiction

writers and one of the strongest apologists for Roman Catholicism in the twentieth

century.Mary Flannery O'Connor was born in Savannah, Georgia, on March 25,

1925to Regina Cline and Edward F. O'Connor, she began her education at the

city's parochial schools.The publication of her first short-story collection, A Good

Man Is Hard to Find (1955), made O'Connor's Christian vision and darkly comic

intent somewhat clearer to readers and allowed them to more easily grasp the

intent of her 1960 novel, The Violent Bear It Away. A second collection of

stories, Everything That Rises Must Converge, published posthumously in 1965,

contains some of O'Connor's most popular short fiction, including the title story

and "Revelation."In 1992 O'Connor was inducted as an inaugural honoree into

Georgia Women of Achievement, and in 2000 she was inducted as a charter

member into the Georgia Writers Hall of Fame.


The two short stories published in nineteenth century. So it is important

for the readers to know if there was a segregation happened back there. The writer

wants to give a brief explanation about it. Black Americans, long treated as

second-class citizens, began to make themselves heard in America by demanding

that they be given equal rights under the law. In 1954, the Supreme Court ruled

that segregation by color in public buses was unconstitutional, and the protest

movement gained force. Accounts of bus boycotts and freedom marches were part

of the daily news reports, and Southern writers were expected to give their views

on "relations between people in the South, especially between Negroes and


The two short stories had the same theme, which were racial

discrimination. In the two short stories shown that the female character as the

most influential in the story. The two women came from wealthy families who

had power and hundreds of slaves in the past. Their life experience in the past

made them unable to accept the black that had risen or freed from slavery and had

the same life with the white people. Both women became the symbol of the white

that still had a stigma against black.

From the stigma, there are some kind ofdiscriminations against black. This

is what makes the writer really want to discuss the racial discrimination that

happen in both short stories, so the readers can really understand that the

discrimination is not derived from the regulation, institution and etc, but from the

individual who have stigma against others.


A Good Man is Hard to Find has a deep meaning. Even during O'Connor's

lifetime, her works provoked strong reactions among readers and critics. The

naysayers found them consistently grotesque in their depiction of debased,

repulsive (and usually unsympathetic) characters and their spectacular displays of

violence or cruelty. A Good Man is Hard to Findwhich is O'Connor's most

popular story frequently stood at the center of discussion. O'Connor, though, saw

all of her fiction including this story as realistic, demandingly unsentimental, but

ultimately hopeful. Her inspiration as a writer came from a deeply felt faith in

Roman Catholicism, which she claimed informed all of her stories.

A recurrent theme throughout her writings was the action of divine grace

in the horribly imperfect, often revolting, and generally funny world of human

beings. And this theme is out in force in A Good Man is Hard to Find. The deep

dive into ethics doesn't stop there, A Good Man is Hard to Findalso makes us

think about the possibility of dramatic transformation in a person.The title is also

a line of dialogue, it comes into play when Red Sammy and the grandmother are

talking about how no one is trustworthy anymore. Red Sammy makes the

assertion that a good man is hard to find, and the grandmother heartily agrees. She

doesn't, unfortunately, know that she will get the other kind in short order.

Everything That Rises Must Converge is a story of mothers and sons on

both sides of the black or white divide. O’Connor never considered herself liberal

or political, she wrote during a time of extreme social change. She was deeply

religious when those around her were becoming more and more secular. She


managed to incorporate what was going on in the South with integration and civil

rights without making it the focus of her writing.

In the end of the story, Julian's mom's blood pressure does rise, and it

causes some sort of stroke. We can see this, maybe, as being a statement about

consequences. Julian sees the attack as a harmless lesson, but in fact it's not

harmless at all. There's no peaceful way to teach people a lesson, if their entire

identity is wrapped up in a rapidly outdated truth. Julian's mom believes in the

separate but equal doctrine. The title Everything That Rises Must Converge

undercuts that whole idea. African-Americans are rising and they are going to

eventually rise so high that they will just leap on over the fence and converge with

the white people. What Julian's mom doesn't see is that there's no way to rise

without converging. And that convergence is already happening: all the characters

converge on the bus, and we see that blacks and whites aren't so different after all.

They even have the same taste in hats.

Sometimes, convergence is violent. In fact, it sounds a lot more like a

clash than a neutral convergence.In fact, O'Connor seems to be all inclusive when

it comes to observing the pettiness, misguidedness, and need for redemption in all

of us.

In the two short stories, there are old and young generations. Where the

two generations have different views on blacks. The old generation still had a

stigma against blacks because of their past which at that time was in control of

blacks (blacks as slaves), meanwhile they (the whites) were respected. This


ideacan not disappeared from the memory of the two women in the short story. In

thetwo short stories also had a young generation, they are the sons of the two

women. Their sons had a different view of blacks than their mother. They can

accept circumstances in which blacks have risen or freed from the period of

slavery and already had the same standard of living as them. They can live side by

side, they were more rational minded because they learnt it in college, then they

started to interact with blacks. Because of this differences the sons and mothers

always quarrel (disagree) about things that concernedthe black. The difference of

view between the young and the old generation can be seen from the two short

stories that will be analyzed.

The reason the writer chose two short stories from the same author is

because the writer wants to reinforce the reason for the racial discrimination that

happened in the 20th century, where both women (the old generation) became a

symbol of white skin that still had a stigma against blacks, and their sons (young

generation) were the opposite of their mother, who can accept the fact that the

world had changed, no more race discrimination.

That is why the title is choosen to know how is the stereotype, prejudice

and rejection happened inA Good Man Is Hard To FindandEverything That Rises

Must Converge.


1.2 Problem of the Study

According to the title of this thesis “Racial Discrimination Portrayed

inFlannery O’Connor’s Short Stories A Good Man is Hard to FindandEverything

that Rises Must Converge”, the problems of this study are:

1. How is the stereotype portrayed in A Good Man is Hard to Findand

Everything That Rises Must Converge?

2. How is the prejudice portrayed inA Good Man is Hard to Find

andEverything That Rises Must Converge?

3. How is the rejection portrayed in A Good Man is Hard to Find and

Everything That Rises Must Converge?

1.3 Objective of the Study

This thesis is also designed to achieve two objectives, theyare:

1. To know how the stereotype portrayed in A Good Man is Hard to Findand

Everything That Rises Must Converge.

2. To know how the prejudice portrayed inA Good Man is Hard to Find

andEverythingThat Rises Must Converge.

3. To know how the rejection portrayed in A Good Man is Hard to Find and

Everything That Rises Must Converge.

1.4 Scope of the Study


The analysis is focused on the character in the two short stories A Good

Man Is Hard To FindandEverything That Rises Must Converge, especially the

racial discrimination character figures. The characters will be analyzed based

on the characterization of the characters in the short story itself. Because it is

not possible for the author to discuss all the details.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The analysis of this thesis is expected to be able to give significance for

readers about the impacts of racial discrimination towards the black

people.Moreover, this study can be used as reference for the readers who want to

study literature. We have to be aware of how to treat people without racial

discrimination because in general human are all the same.




2.1 Brief Description of Short Story

In Robert Diyanni’s book Literature: Approaches to Fiction, Poetry, and

Drama(1990:21-23), he said that a short story is a brief work of literature, usually

written in narrative prose. In so doing, short stories make use of plot, resonance,

and other dynamic components to a far greater degree than is typical of an

anecdote, yet to a far lesser degree than a novel. While the short story is largely

distinct from the novel, authors of both generally draw from a common pool of

literary techniques.

Short stories have no set length, in terms of word count there is no official

demarcation between an anecdote, a short story, and a novel. Short story in

general is a form of fiction, and is the most widely published fiction such as

science fiction, horror fiction, detective fiction, and others. The short story is now

also include other forms of non-fiction such as travel notes, lyrics and prose post-

modern variants as well as non-fiction such as fikto-critical or new journalism.

Short stories tend to be less complex than novels. Short stories usually focus on

one incident, has a single plot, a single setting, a limited number of characters,

including a short period of time. In the forms of longer fiction, stories tend to

contain certain core elements of dramatic structure: exposition (the introduction

setting, situation and main characters); complications (events in the story that


introduces the conflict); rising action, crisis (when decisive for the protagonist and

their commitment to a step); climax (the point of highest interest in terms of the

conflict and the point of the story with the most action); resolution (the story

where the conflict is resolved), and moral.

Short story has 2 elements, namely:

• Intrinsic elements

Intrinsic elements are elements that build on the work itself. Intrinsic

elements of stories include:

2.1.1 Theme

The theme in a story is its underlying message, or 'big idea.' In other

words, what critical belief about life is the author trying to convey in the writing

of a novel, play, short story or poem? This belief, or idea, transcends cultural

barriers. It is usually universal in nature. When a theme is universal, it touches on

the human experience, regardless of race or language. It is what the story means.

Often, a piece of writing will have more than one theme.

2.1.2 Background (setting)

Background (setting) is the place, the time, the atmosphere contained in

the story. A story should be clear that the course, when it happened and when the

state of the atmosphere as well as the story progresses.


2.1.3 Plot

Plot is a literary term used to describe the events that make up a story or

the main part of a story. These events relate to each other in a pattern or a

sequence. The structure of a novel depends on the organization of events in the

plot of the story.

Plot is known as the foundation of a novel or story which the characters

and settings are built around. It is meant to organize information and events in a

logical manner. When writing the plot of a piece of literature, the author has to be

careful that it does not dominate the other parts of the story.

2.1.4 Character

Plot and character in fact, are inseparable: we are often less concerned

with “what happened, than with whathappened to him or her. Although fictional

characters cannot step out of the pages of their stories.

Character is very important in real-made creation of literary works such as

novel,short story, drama or even some of poems. The nature of character

presentation brings a positive impact for readers to find out what is going on and

what it is for. In short, we approach fictional characters with the same concerns

with which we approach people. We need to be alert for how we are to take them.

For what we are to make of them, and we need to see how they may reflect our

own experience. We need to observe their actions. To listen to what they say and


how they say it, to notice how they relate to other characters and how other

characters respond to them. Especially to what they say about each other.

Character in fiction can be conveniently classified as major and minor,

static and dynamic. A major character is an important figure at the center of the

story’s action or theme. Usually a character’s status as major or minor is clear. On

occasion, however not one but two character’s may dominate a story.

The major character is sometimes called a protagonis whose conflict with

an antagonis may spark the story’s conflict. Supporting the major character are

one or more secondary or minor characters whose function is partly to illuminate

the major characters. Minor characters are often static or unchanging: they remain

the same from the beginning of a work to the end. Dynamic characters, on the

other hand, exhibit some kind of change of attitude, of purpose, of behavior of the


E. M Forster’s book Aspects of the Novel (1990:73-80) said that,

distinguishes two kinds of characters, those are: Flat character is constructed

round a single idea or quality, unchanging and static, at the end of the short story

he is essentially what he has been throughout, his response is predictable and

Round character is a charcter portrayed in the round, profoundly altered by his

experiences, he does not embody a single or quality but it much more complex,

his responses take us by surprise.


• Extrinsic elements

Extrinsic elements are elements that are outside of literature, but it does

not directly affect the structure or organism system literature. Extrinsic elements


• The values in the story (religious, cultural, political, economic).

• Background of life of the author.

• The social situation when the story was invented.

In analyzing a literary work, such as a short story, we need to apply some

approaches to get the better ideas of understanding of how to analyze this literary

work. These approaches can be applied to analyze a literary work itself. In this

case, the writer applies intrinsic approach to analyze a short stories from the

outside of its text.

The writer would like to focus on character. Because, in here the black

people as a minor character who are the object which get the racial discrimination.

In Robert Diyanni and E. M Forster’s book about literature, the writer gets

more explanation and knowledge about the definition and elements of short story



2.2 Brief Description of Racial Discrimation

The definition of discrimination is the act of prejudice against a person

because they have a certain set of characteristics. Discriminated characteristics

can include disability, age, gender reassignment, religion, race, sex and sexual

orientation. Discrimination can take many forms but in many countries around the

world there are laws prohibiting any form of discrimination.

Racial discrimination refers to unequal treatment of persons or group on

the basis of their race or ethnicity. Many scholars and legal advocates distinguish

between differential treatment and disparate impact, differential treatment occurs

when individuals are treated unequally because of their race. Races are

distinguished from one another by such characteristics as hair color and texture,

skin color, eye color and shape, size of body parts, and facial organs.

Racial discrimination or racism is the belief that race is the primary

determinant of human qualities and capacities and those racial differences produce

an inherent superiority of a particular race. As a result, mistreatment of a group

people on the basis of race, color, and religion are often found in the name


In Bowling’s book Race, Crime, Criminal Justice (2002:38), he states,

Discrimination consist of unequal, unfavorable and unjustifiable

treatment based on a person’s sex, gender, ‘race’, ethnicity, culture,
religion, language, class, sexual preference, age, physical disability
or any improper ground. It includes refusal to offer employment,
pay fair wages, to provide housing or medical treatment or to
provide a commercial or social service. It can also take the form of
harassment, attack, exclusion and expulsion.


The term racial discrimination is usually used to describe the action of a

dominant majority in relation to a weak minority, of course, by implying an

immoraland undemocratic behavior or way. In a broader sense, racial

discrimination is the active and overt aspects of negative prejudice toward a

person or a group of people.

According to Bowling (2002:42) in Race, Crime, Criminal Justice there

are two types of discrimination, those are direct and indirect discrimination.

Direct discrimination is a type of discrimination which is more obvious. It

involves in treating someone less favorably because of their possession of

anattribute such as sex, age, race, religion, family status, national origin, military

status,sexual orientation, disability, body size or shape, skin color compared with

someone without that attribute in the same circumstances.

According to E.U. Essien-Udom in Black Nationalism book (1975:235):

“Race refer to a human groups that defines itself and/or is defined

by other groups asdifferent from other groups by virtue of innate
and immutable physical characteristic.”

In addition Omi and Winant Sacknell’sbook (2003:2) stated:

“Race is a concept that signifies and symbolizes social conflicts

and interests by referring to different types of human bodies. It is a
socio historical process by which racial categories are created,
inhabited, transformed, and destroyed.”

From both statements above, it is clear that race simply a theory that

concern only with physical characteristics. However, human are outwardly

different in appearances. In a positive manner, one may embrace the differences

of people across the face of the earth and marvel at the uniqueness of individuals


who live on a different part of the globe or across the street. Problems occur if

there are claims that these physical appearances are closely related with moral,

intelectual, and other non physical attributesor abilities. Thus, race becomes a

justification for prejudiced beliefs and discrimination attitude to others that have

different physical characteristic.

The other type of discrimination is indirect discrimination. It refers totreatment

which might be described as ‘equal’ in a formal sense between differentgroups,

but is discriminatory in its actual effect on a particular group.

The ‘minimumheight’ requirement for appointment as a police officer in

some jurisdictions is anexample of indirect discrimination (Bowling, 2002:40).

Unlike direct discrimination,this type of discrimination works smoothly and tends

to be undetected. One exampleof indirect discrimination is the capability test used

in job applications to disqualify certain ethnic.One example of direct

discrimination is racial discrimination.

There are some factors of racial discrimination such as:

1. There is increasingly intense competition in various areas of life.

2. There is pressure and intimidation usually done by the dominant group

against the weaker group or group.

3. The powerless group's helplessness of the intimidation they get makes

them worse off and becomes victims of discrimination.

These three factors are the causes of why discrimination is always present

and increasingly discriminates the discriminated society into discrimination.


In Bowling’s book Race, Crime, Criminal Justice and Essien-Udom in

Black Nationalism book the writer gets contribution such as a knowledge and

information that can help the writer more understand about the racial

discrimination itself.

The writer will give an explanation about the racial discrimination in

United States, it is because the two short stories that will be analyzed happened in


2.3 Racial Discrimination in United States

Race is the classification of humans into groups based on physical traits,

ancestry, genetics or social relations, or the relations between them. First used to

refer to speakers of a common language and then to denote national affiliations,

by the 17th century race began to refer to physical traits. The term was often used

in a general biological taxonomic sense, starting from the 19th century, to denote

genetically differentiated human populations defined by phenotype.

According to Omi and Winant (2003:2) in Racial Formation in the United

States book, race is a concept that“signifies and symbolizes social conflicts and

interests by referring to different types of human bodies.” While people may

interchange or confuse the concepts of ethnicity and race, the differences are

important. Race has always existed as groups of people living in certain areas,

developing lifestyles andlanguage feature that distinguish them from others.


Each society in the country consist of various races. Those variousraces

can be a big power for those countries if the people can accept the varieties which

exist among them because they have skills to increase their life and their country.

On the other hand, it also can cause a big problem if they cannot regard one to

another. This condition happened in United States which had various races. The

White people created a new kind of understanding and interpretation of human

differences that gave bad effects and sufferings towards black people. White

people cannot accept the existence of black people, as consequence they never

treat black people as the true human beings due to the different types of physical

characteristics. The Black people always become the victims of white people bad


In the United States, employment laws are very strict regarding

discrimination and the laws serve to protect individuals from being discriminated

in the workplace. The laws also serve to guide employers on acceptable conduct

for its employees with regards to discrimination. The discrimination still continue,

for example in job market. Racial discrimination continues to be pervasive in

cultures throughout the world. Researchers examined the level of racial

discrimination in the United States labor market by randomly assigning identical

résumés black-sounding or white-sounding names and observing the impact on

requests for interviews from employers. Results found that résumés with white-

sounding names received 50 percent more callbacks than those with black names,

indicating that, all other things being equal, race is still an important factor in the

American labor market.


In Omi and Winant book aboutRacial Formation in the United States, the

writer gets a knowledge and some information about the racial discrimination that

happened in United States.

In soscial life, discrimination always related to society. That is why, the

writer will used sociology of literature as the main theory.

2.4 Sociology Literature

Sociology and literature are two studies that are different but have a

relation. The sociology of literature is a subfield of the sociology of culture. It

studies the social production of literature and its social implications.

According to Auguste Comte (1798-1857) in The Foundation of Sociology

, sociology derives from Greek ‘socious’and ‘logos’ which means that sociology

is the systematic and scientific study of human social life. Sociologists study

people as they form groups and interact with one another. The groups they study

may be small, such as married couples, or large, such as a subculture of suburban

teenagers. Sociology places special emphasis on studying societies, both as

individual entities and as elements of a global perspective. Sociology offers a

distinctive and enlightening way of seeing and understanding the social world in

which we live and shapes our lives. Sociology looks beyond normal, taken-for-

granres views of reality, to provide deeper, more illuminating and challenging

understandings of social life. Through its particular analytical perspective, social

theories, and research methods, sociology is a discipline that expands our


awareness and analysis of the human social relationships, cultures, and institutions

that profoundly shape both our lives and human history.

Literature derives from Latin ‘littera’ which means that the art of written

text. It is considered as the reflection of human imagination. Literature is writing

which expresses and communicate thoughts, feelings and attitudes to life. At the

beginning of the chapter, the writer was explain about Literature from the expert.

Literature is like a sound of heart that shows creativity from human. Taylor

(1981:1) says, “Literature like other arts; is essentially an imaginative act, that is

an act of the writer’s imagination in selecting, ordering, and interpreting life

experience”. Some relation between literature and society are the written work is

include some social story which is derives from real fact in society. Every social

phenomenon was written in literary work that will be a note that can be examined

again the truth of the events.

According to M.H. Abrams (1981:178) in Sociology / Politics & Social

Sciences , sociology of literature in literary science is meant to refer to the literary

critic and literary historian who mainly pay attention to the relationship between

authors with social class, social status and ideology, economic conditions, and

model of its target. They believe that literary works (both aspects of the content

and form) are absolute conditioned by environment and social power of a given


Auguste Comte and M.H. Abrams give the writer the contribution such as

knowledge and information about the sociology literature definition.


2.5 Concepts

Some attitudes deal with discriminations as stereotype, prejudice, and


2.5.1 Stereotype

In communicating between one group with another group coming from

different backgrounds, there is a tendency that characterizes attitudes and

behaviors. Among them are stereotypes and prejudices. Often they are used as

guidance or foundation between one group and another rather than considering the

individual characteristics of a group. Consequently communication is based on

stereotypes in which numerous and diverse elements are classified into a

particular picture and this is what stereotypes mean. Stereotyping is an assessment

of something that can not be proven factually factually. Stereotypes in this regard

are overly generalizable, simplified, or exaggerated beliefs against particular

ethnic groups. Thus, when we give stereotypes to a person, the first thing we do is

to identify the individual on the basis of a particular ethnic group member, and the

next step is to assess the individual's self.

“Stereotypes are the perception that most members of a category

(group) have some of the same attributes. Stereotypes arise directly
from the categorization process, particularly the assimilations of
different groups. Stereotypes can come from cultures in which
people are socialized, from the real cultural and socioeconomic
differences between groups, as well as from differences in
cognitive biasesseems to emerge in imaginary correlations between
minority groups and rarely seen attributes (Brown in Gender
Stereotypes and Discrimination2005: 181).”


Franzoi (2008: 199) in Social Psychology’s book, stereotypes are beliefs

about people who put them into one category and do not allow for individual


This social trust is learned from others and maintained through the rules of

social interaction. Stereotypes are an assessment of a person only based on

perceptions of the group in which the person can be categorized. Stereotypes are

the intuitive shortcuts of thinking by humans to simplify complex things and aid

in quick decision making.

Stereotypes affect how a person processes and interprets information.

Stereotypes can get people to see what they expect to see and predict how often

they see it.

The most common stereotype in our society is based on gender and

membership in ethnic or occupational groups. Gender stereotypes are beliefs

about differences in characteristics or attributes that men and women have. People

are more respectful to men than women and these factors play an important role in

discrimination in the workplace for women. Sometimes women who have high

work achievement do not get a position that fits her achievement because she is a

woman. Gender stereotypes tend to say that women are emotional, submissive,

illogical, passive, otherwise men tend to be unemotional, dominant, logical and


Stereotypes of work, such as wise teachers, glamor artists, police officers

and so on. Stereotypes tend to generalize the overly vast unknown in one group


and the less accurate perceptions of a person. Not all police officers are firm, not

all women are emotional, not all men are dominant, and not all wise teachers.

Parents and other adults indirectly instill stereotypes early on. Children

from birth have been labeled by the community using the name of the boy for

boys and girls for girls. Likewise with the model and color of clothing for them.

According to Franzoi (2009: 199) people show stereotypical attitude with

the intention:

1. Thinking fast: providing basic information for immediate action in an

indeterminate atmosphere, rich and different information about

individuals we know personally, showing very free thinking for other


2. Efficient and allow others to join cognitively in other needs activities.

In reality, stereotypes are "quick thinking" which gives us rich and

different information about individuals we do not know personally.

Miles and Brown suggest there are three essential aspects of stereotypes,


1. Often the existence of individuals in a group has been categorized and

that categorization is always easily identified through certain

characters such as behavior and habit of action.

2. Stereotypes derived from the form or nature of hereditary behavior, so

as if attached to all members of the group.


3. Therefore, individuals who are members of the group are assumed to

possess the same characteristic, habitual behavior of the generalized

group (Liliweri 2005: 208).

Based on the direction stereotypes are divided into two kinds, namely

positive stereotypes and negative stereotypes. But most people think that

stereotypes are negative when it is possible that the stereotype can be positive.

Positive stereotype is a positive guess or picture of the condition of a particular

group. Positive stereotypes can help the occurrence of intercultural

communication so as to facilitate the interaction between people of different

backgrounds in an environment together so as to create a harmonious relationship

between groups with different cultures. Whereas negative stereotypes are a

conjecture or a negative image imposed on a particular group that has differences

that can not be accepted by another group.

Although stereotypes that are widely developed are generally negative,

stereotypes also have several functions, including:

a) describing a group condition,

b) giving and shaping the image to a group,

c) helping a person from a group to start behaving towards another

and last group ,

d) through this stereotype we can assess the state of a group.


If the stereotype present in society is a negative stereotype of a particular

group with the condition of a plural society, it will be a threat to maintain unity in

the pluralism.This stereotype will make a clear partition, so that it can hamper

intercultural communication because of the waking distance the stereotype.

Moreover, the stereotype of a group is not impossible to trigger conflict between

groups. Stereotyping will cause prejudice and this prejudice will subsequently

transition into a foundation or a driver of discriminatory behavior. Matsumoto in

Debunking Seven Cultural Stereotypes’s book (1996) describes three points about

stereotypes, namely:

1. Stereotypes are based on the interpretations we produce on the basis of

our perspective and cultural background. Stereotypes are also generated from our

communication with other parties, not from the source directly. Hence our

interpretation may be wrong, based on false facts or no basis of fact.

2. Stereotypes are often associated with identifiable characteristics. The

features we identify are often selected for no reason. It means we can simply

admit a certain trait and ignore the other traits.

3. Stereotyping is a generalization of the group to the people within the

group. Generalization of a group may indeed explain or correspond to many

individuals within the group.

In Franzoi book Social Psychology, Brown’s Gender Stereotypes and

Discrimination, Matsumoto book about Debunking Seven Cultural Stereotypes,


the writer gets a clear explanation about the stereotype and hope that explanation

could help the writer to do the analysis.

2.5.2 Prejudice

According to William J. Goode in Principles of Sociology’s book (1977),

prejudices are attitudes and are likely to lead to the action we call discrimination,

that is, barring people from oppurtunities and rewards they deserve or punishing

them, simply because they are members of a racial or ethnic group.

Prejudice is an unfair, intolerant, or unfavorable attitude toward a group of

people. Prejudice as the possession of negative attitudes targeted against members

ofa particular religious, racial, ethnic, social, and/or political group. These

attitudesgive rise to negative or unfavorable evaluations of individuals seen as

belonging tothat group. Individuals that have a prejudice against specific groups

will tend toexperience intense negative feelings when they come into contact with

these groups,either directly or indirectly (Baron, 2007:177).

Lipsitz in Sacknel (2003:6) also describes how strong the power of white

people among black people. He says:

The power of whiteness depended not only on white hegemony

over separate racial groups, but also on manipulating racial
outsiders to fight against one another, to compete with each other
with for white approval , and to seek the rewards and privileges of
whiteness for themselves at the expense of other racial populations.

From the definition, racial discrimination usually deals with the prejudice.

Prejudice is an attitude of superiority group such white people toward a minority


group, in thiscase a black race people. Prejudice and discrimination are

distinguished, then, by wether we are referring to attitudes or to action. A building

contractor may, for example, discriminate against blacks without being

prejudiced, because he wants to avoid trouble from a white labor union; or he may

not discriminate, even though prejudiced, because he feels that a government

guaranteed loan will be withdrawn if he does.

Prejudice is the assessment of a group or individual based primarily on

group membership. The effects of prejudice are destructive and create large

distances. It is often said that prejudice is a temporary attitude of discrimination is

an act. Prejudice is influenced by choices about public policy. Prejudice has a

contribution to a greater opposition to the activities of the consenting party.

Prejudice is not limited to groups, races, ethnicities, prejudices also exist

between religious groups, parties, as well as overweight people who become

targets of negative prejudices and stereotypes, even elderly are also pretended to

be physically and mentally incapable.

1. Racism is a racial prejudice that becomes institutionalized, reflected in

government policies, schools, etc., and is done by the presence of a

social power structure.

2. Sexism prejudices that have been institutionalized against members of

one sex, based on one of the sexes.

3. Ageism The institutionalized tendency toward discrimination is based

on age, prejudice based on age.


4. Heterosexism beliefs that heterosexuals are better or more natural than


Research suggests that prejudice can be a common personality trait. In the

process, they find that people prejudice against other groups tend to become

prejudiced by all groups.

Prejudice arises from the existence of social norms. Prejudice against the

Negro has been owned by American children since the preschool years. The child

realizes that he belongs to his group, his family and extends to his people. The

family as a place to join forbids his son from hanging out with the Negro because

in his opinion, the Negro is dirty, stupid, and so on. This persistent ban eventually

turns into the norm in children and it is this norm that is used to judge others.

The emergence of prejudices can be reinforced by political circumstances.

Individuals or groups who are prejudiced have an objective and reasonable

attitude and perspective.

Gordon Allport (1958) in The Nature of Prejudice’s book,summarizes two

important sources of prejudice. Personal prejudice occurs when members of other

social groups accept it as a threat to their own interests. Group prejudice occurs

when a person complies with the group norm.

These are the causes of prejudice:

People do not necessarily prejudice others. There are certain factors that

cause a person to be prejudiced.


1. People are prejudiced in search of scapegoats.

2. People who prejudice others actually has been influenced by the

environment or groups to prejudice.

3. Prejudice arises because some differences based on religion, ethnic, skin

color, gender, sex and etc, where differences create superiority feelings.

4. Prejudice arises because of a painful impression or an unpleasant


From William J. Goode, Lipsitz, and Goldon Allport, the writer gets more

knowledge and explanation about the prejudice and kind of prejudice itself, and

hope that the explanation could help the writer to do the analysis.

2.5.3 Social Rejection

Nowadays we can find many people who are not accepted by their

society. Usually, it was because of the weakness in them. The kind of weakness

are physical, personality or social status, for example in our environment there

was a people who has physical defect like ugly face, over weight and many kind

of things. Our society tends to bully those kinds of people like mocking, cursing

or even hurting them. For those who are bullying considered it as a joke but for

those who were bullied considered it as humiliation.

Society does not realize that their act toward the people who had

weakness is considered as a rejection. This kind of phenomenon is called social

rejection. Socialrejection occurs when an individual is deliberately excluded from


a social relationship or social interaction. The topic includes interpersonal

rejection or peer rejection. According toRinaUlwiya (2014: 20) in her journal

entitled SuksesMenghadapiPenolakanSosialsaid that social rejection is when

someone’s identity cannot be accepted by the society for example; the difference

of religion, point of view, way of thinking, aim, sexual orientation, ethnicity, etc.

According to Fausiah and Widury ( 2005: 167 ) in their book entitled

Psikologi Abnormal Klinis Dewasa there are so many impacts from social

rejection, for example: the sufferer will be loner, feels inferior, obsessive and

having avoidant disorder.

- Loner

Loner is a people who always avoid the social interaction. In fact, there

are so many cases that are cause someone in being a loner; it can be caused by the

person is not easy to interact with the other, feels uncomfortable, sensitive, or he

is being isolated by the society (maybe he has mental disorder or something).

- Inferiority

Confident is someone’s belief in the skill and the estimation for himself

that he has. But there are so many people in this era feel inferior (they do not

believe in their selves); it because they think that their physical appearance is not


- Obsessive


Obsessive is marked by the stubborn behavior, worried, perfectionist and

the tendency of repeat something. The first key of obsessive is the tendency of

being perfectionist and not flexible that is stuck in the individual. The individual

with this disorder is preoccupied by the rules, regularity, tidiness, details and lack

of sense of humor. They always think that we should follow the rules no matter

what. It makes them seem like have no tolerance.

- Avoidant Disorder

A people who is anti-social has a personality disorder called avoidant

disorder. Avoidant disorder is a personality disorder in which they will face social

obstacles and have no confident in themselves. Besides, they are fear of rejection

and critics from other people. That is why most of people who suffer avoidant

disorder tend to avoid and hide themselves from society and never show

themselves. We cannot know whether a person suffers avoidant disorder or not

because it is hard to be detected and quite rare. There are some characteristics

which suffered avoidant disorder, one of them is they tend to avoid personal

contact due to rejection and critics.

“The diagnosis of avoidant personality disorder applies to people

who are very fearful of the possibility of criticism, rejection or
disapproval and are therefore reluctant to enter into relationships
unless they are sure they will be liked” (Davidson, 2004: 424)

From Rina Ulwiya, Fauziah and Widury, the writer gets more explanation

and knowledge about social rejection. It will help the writer to understand it well.


The writer will explain about the historical approach as a supporting

theory of racial discrimination for the reader to understand how racial

discrimination first came in United States.

2.6 Historical Approach

The blacks were first sold and traded to the south of America from 1607 to

1807 when it was finally forbidden. After Abraham Lincoln, who opposed slavery

inaugurated as US President in 1860, slavery was abolished in 1863 through legal


When the Spaniards began to occupy Central America (1500), they

established land companies (haciende, plantage) for tobacco, sugar and cotton.

They need workers in many fields. Evidently the Indians can not be used (because

the usual life of independence) and white people themselves can not stand because

of heat. The Indians who were forced to work in the fields were dead.

Bartolomo de las Casas, a Roman Catholic and a defender of the Indians,

then proposed to use the Negro (because of a strong, heat-resistant nation).

Beginning in 1501, the slavery of Negroes in America with a very sad history.

Negroes in Africa are cruelly captured, transported as animals to America by slave

ships and sold there as slaves with large profits (because in Africa they do not

have to buy them, just caught them).


Nevertheless, racial differences still exist until finally around the

beginning and middle of the 20th century, blacks began to rise up against

discrimination against their tribes. The peak occurred in the 1960s with the

emergence of the Human Rights Movement under the leadership of Dr. Martin

Luther King, Jr. And Roy Wilkins so that now black people in the US have gained

a much better life and treatment. Their economic situation and levels in society

have also improved. Nevertheless, collectively, they are still inferior to the white

people in these fields. Many social problems such as poor health access and

difficulty in getting jobs are still attached to blacks in the US.

Louis Filler in his book, The Crusade against Slavery (1960), the author

writes of the beginnings of the anti-slavery movement after the Revolution, of

efforts to end the slave trade, and of the impetus given slavery by the cotton-gin,

which by making slavery profitable in cotton-growing states forced the South to

defend it and brought a corresponding increase in anti-slavery sentiment in the

North. In the 1830's under the slave-owning Jackson the movement turned to one

for abolition and became the hub of all reform movements in that era of reform.

Men such as the Quaker, Benjamin Lundy, and the fiery William Lloyd Garrison

preached abolition; Northern efforts to enforce anti-Negro and Fugitive Slave

Laws brought adherents to the cause; and in Rhode Island Prudence Crandall was

sent to prison for teaching Negro children. Men were kidnapped from Northern

states and sent to Southern prisons for aiding fugitive slaves, presses of abolition

papers were burned, in Illinois an abolitionist, Lovejoy, was lynched, but the fight

continued, to explode in 1860 in John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry.


The writer gets information from media blogs (2012) written by Adam,

Louis Filler book and wikipedia about slavery in America. This information

really help the writer to understand the fighting of some good people who have

decide to abolish the slavery.

2.7 Review of Related Studies

• In Robert Diyanni’s book Literature: Approaches to Fiction, Poetry, and

Drama (1990:21-23), the writer gets more explanation and knowledge about

the definition and elements of short story itself.

• In Bowling’s book Race, Crime, Criminal Justice (2002:38), the writer

gets contribution such as a knowledge and information that can help the

writer more understand about the racial discrimination itself.

• In Omi and Winant (2003:2) in Racial Formation in the United States’s

book, the writer gets a knowledge and some information about the racial

discrimination that happened in United States.

• In Auguste Comte (1798-1857) in The Foundation of Sociology’s book,

the writer gets contribution such as knowledge and information about the

sociology literature definition.

• In Franzoi (2008: 199) in Social Psychology’s book, the writer gets a clear

explanation about the stereotype and hope that explanation could help the

writer to do the analysis.


• In William J. Goode in Principles of Sociology’s book (1977), the writer

gets more knowledge and explanation about the prejudice and kind of

prejudice itself, and hope that the explanation could help the writer to do the


• In RinaUlwiya (2014: 20) in her journal entitled

SuksesMenghadapiPenolakanSosial, the writer gets more explanation and

knowledge about social rejection. It will help the writer to understand it well.

• In Louis Filler’s book, The Crusade against Slavery (1960),the

information really help the writer to understand the fighting of some good

people who have decide to abolish the slavery.




3.1. Research Design

In analyzing the short story, the writer used the library research which is

qualitative descriptive method, because all data were analyzed in form of words

and sentences. Qualitative methods were developed in the social sciences to

enabled research to study social and cultural phenomena (Myres,. 1977).

According to Sukmadinata (2005) the primary thing about qualitative research is

constructivism which assumes that reality is multidimensional, interactive and an

exchange of social experience is interpreted by each individual. Qualitative

research is an inductive approach, and its goal is to gain a deeper understanding of

person’s or group experiences. This methodology as a qualitative research

procedure descriptive data in the form of written word spoken of the people and

the observed behaviour.

In supporting qualitative method, the writer also used descriptive method.

Descriptive method is the way to reveal the image of the subject of the research

and qualitative method as an umbrella term to level to several research strategies

that share certain characteristic. Nazir (1998:75) describes “descriptive method is

a method of research that makes the description of the situation of the events or

occurrences, so that the method has an intentionto accumulate the basic data”.

According to Azwar (2004:126) says that “Analisis deskrptif bertujuan untuk

memberikan deskripsi mengenai subjek penelitian berdasarkan data dari variabel


yang diperoleh dari kelompok subjek yang diteliti dan tidak dimaksudkan untuk

pengujian hipotesis”. (descriptive analysis is aimed to give a description about a

research subject which is based on the data taken from some variables which are

obtained from the group of subject and is not aimed to examine a hypothesis). For

that reason, this research is best done by using qualitative descriptive method.

3.2. Data and Data Sources

The data was taken from the text oftwo short stories. The first short story is

A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O’Connor, published on 1953, it

contains 11 pages. The second short story is Everything That Rises Must

Converge by Flannery O’Connor, published on 1965, it contains 10 pages.

3.3. Data Collecting Procedure

The collecting data is one of the tasks which is the most one important in

this research. In the process of collecting the data, the writer needed primary and

secondary data. For the primary data, the writer took the data from the short story

and printed out in hard copy. The secondary data that used in this study are books,

journal and previous works to support this thesis.

3.4. Data Analysis


After collecting all the data and information which relateed with the

study, the data will be combined and analyzed to get what the writer want and has

been planned in the object of this proposal. This steps is to make the writer easier

in work of analyze the problem in this proposal.

First, the writer read both of two short stories. The writer has read it over

and over again in order tofully understand what the text means.

Second, the writercollected the data from the text about the racial


Third, the writer had to mark and note the data which having the relation

to the problem of this study.

Fourth, the writer decided the data.

Fifth, the writer made a data display to make the writer more easier in

analyzing process.

Sixth, the writer started to analyze the data. Investigated and analyzed the

racial discrimination which contained in the quote with descriptive qualitative

method. The using of qualitative descriptive method is started from the analysis of

various data which are collected from a research, then move to categorical

conclusion drawing or certain general characteristic. On that ground, this method

is started from data classification activity.From here, the researcher entered the

general characteristics conclusion expected. As quoted from Bungin:


Penggunaan strategi deskriptif kualitatif dimulai dari analisis
berbagai data yang terhimpun dari suatu penelitian, kemudian
bergerak kearah pembentukan kesimpulan kategoris atau ciri-ciri
umum tertentu. Oleh karenanya, strategi ini dimulai dari pekerjaan
klasifikasi data.

… peneliti harus mampu mengecilkan keanekamacaman ini dengan

suatu jumlah yang kecil berdasarkan beberapa persamaan atau
perbedaan. Dari pijakan seperti ini, barulah peneliti dapat
memasuki kesimpulan ciri-ciri umum yang diinginkan”.

(Bungin, 2001:290)

Seventh, after all steps had been done, the writer then made the conclusion

and suggestion of the analysis. This was the last step of the analysis.




In this chapter, there are three major points that the writer wants to

analyze. First is the stereotype as portrayed in character in both short stories,

second is the prejudice as portrayed in character in both short stories, and the last

is the rejection as portrayed in character in both short stories.

In the first problem, the writer focuses on the stereotypes of character in A

Good Man is Hard to Find and Everything That Rises Must Converge.Stereotype

is an assessment of a person only based on perceptions of the group in which the

person can be categorized. Stereotypes are the intuitive shortcuts of thinking by

humans to simplify complex things and aid in quick decision making.

In the second problem, the writer focuses on the prejudices of character in

A Good Man is Hard to Find and Everything That Rises Must Converge.

Prejudices are attitudes and are likely to lead to the action we call discrimination,

that is, barring people from oppurtunities and rewards they deserve or punishing

them, simply because they are members of a racial or ethnic group.

In the third problem, the writer focuses on the rejection of character in A

Good Man is Hard to Find and Everything That Rises Must Converge. Rejection

is a kind of phenomenon when an individual is deliberately excluded from a social

relationship or social interaction.


In the analysis, the writer wants to analyze the quotations which related to

three problems. In the first problem, the writer will put the quotations which

related to the stereotype’s character as portrayed in A Good Man is Hard to Find

and Everything That Rises Must Convergeshort stories and explain every

quotation. In the second problem, the writer put the quotations which related to

the prejudice’s character as portrayed in A Good Man is Hard to Find

andEverything That Rises Must Converge short stories. In the last problem, the

writer put the quoations which related to the rejection’s character as portrayed in

A Good Man is Hard to Find and Everything That Rises Must Converge short


4.1 Stereotypeas Portrayed in A Good Man is Hard to Find and Everything

That Rises Must Converge

In this problem, the writer will analyze the point of view or the way the

character thinks about the other in both short stories.

4.1.1 Stereotype as Portrayed in A Good Man is Hard to Find

A Good Man Is Hard to Findis one of the most famous examples of

Southern Gothic literature written by Flannery O’Connor. Southern Gothic

writing focused on strange events, eccentric characters, and local color to create a

moody and unsettling depiction of life in the American South.

Throughout A Good Man is Hard to Find images of the south were

frequent and interestingly, while we heard the grandmother pining for the good


old days of the plantation south, back when she was a belle and could smile at the

“cute” negroes, we cannot help but recoil. This sickening adherence to just about

every stereotype of the old South that the grandmother represents was part of what

made her a grotesque character. In fact, every member of the family was

grotesque in some way, the children by their over-the-top rudeness and lack of

manners, the father by his intense, simmering anger paired with a bright, happy-

looking parrot shirt, the mother by her lack of personality or character and, of

course, the Misfit by his complete lack of regard for anything or anyone.

O'Connor portrayed this family in a very stereotypical manner, depicting

the average modern contemporary American family. Its members possess many

flaws, but were not, necessarily, dysfunctional as they were only human.

As the title suggests, the men in this story were short-tempered, sexist, and

at worst, murderers. Although a good man in this story is hard to find, O’Connor

ultimately showed The Misfit to be a tragic character, and the tale became the

story of the redemption of the grandmother at the hand of this violent criminal.

Many allow the violence of the story to highlight the purest moment of the

Grandmother, however, the redemption story thrown a shadow on the story’s

treatment of women. The female characters in this story conform to a patriarchal

view of how a woman should act, and the story’s conclusion suggested that

woman must be redeemed, and woman can only be guided to redemption with

help from “a good man.”


Men always seen as rational, strong, protective and decisive character but

women always seen as emotional (irrational), weak, nurturing, and

submissivecharacter. We seen woman's heavy reliance on man when O'Connor

described the Grandmother's living conditions.Here is the statement.

Bailey was the son she lived with, her only boy. (page 1)

That statement suggests that while the Grandmother has other children,

because Bailey is the only male, she sees him as being the one to provide her with

a proper living situation, none of her female children can provide for her like a


The grandmother thought that man was able to accommodate her and

finance her life, since in general man will become the head of the household and

had to work hard to fulfill the needs of his family so the grandmother was sure to

stayed with her son rather than her daughter that we know that the daughter will

depend on her husband someday.

The grandmother was a patriarchal woman, a woman who has internalized

the norms and values of patriarchy. Women were perceived as being “irrational”

and “emotional” early in the story. This kind of stereotype is based on the

interpretations that produce on the basis of cultural background. Because the

grandmother was a patriarchal, she still felt that her past with power and title is

still existed in her life now. So, she thought if something bad happened, she would


destroyed. In opposition to the Florida trip, a possible location of The Misfit, the

grandmother told Bailey:

“I wouldn't take my children in any direction with a criminal like

that aloose in it. I couldn't answer to my conscience if I did.” (page

The quotation above means that the grandmother appealed to emotions,

how she will felt if something happens, not the logical process of the chances they

might run into The Misfit.

In addition, the mother has all the attributes and virtues rewarded within

patriarchy, she is selfless, self-sacrificing, nurturing, and unassuming.The mother

performed stereotypical tasks of a wife and mother, it can be seen in this


She was sitting on the sofa, feeding the baby his apricots out of a
jar.(page 1)

Again we saw that women were subservient to men, always relying on

him, or serving him.The mother quietly taken care of her household, although it

was the duty of the mother to fed her child even under any circumstances the

mother remained responsible for her duties.

In this sort of patriarchal family, it was no surprise then that the boy,

John Wesley, has learned “male privilege” early on, and he disrespected his

grandmother, not only John Wesley but also June Star disrecpected everyone. The


children were self centered, annoying, loud, such as the usual children in America.

Here is the quote about John Wesley.

“If you don't want to go to Florida, why dontcha stay at

home?”(page 1)

Although still a boy, John Wesley has no respect for his elders, and did not

see his Grandmother as an equal, his status as a male allowed him to talk to her

however he liked.

John Wesley showed more traditional male behavior when the

grandmother asked him what he would do if The Misfit caught him. John Wesley


“I'd smack his face” (page 1)

Giving the idea no thought, and immediately jumping to the macho,

masculine responsed of violence.

John Wesley showed more chauvinistic, male behavior in the car, when he

cannot let his sister win a simple game based on cloud shapes. It shows in this


When there was nothing else to do, they played a game by choosing a
cloud and making the other two guess what shape it suggested. John
Wesley took one of the shape cow and June Star guessed a cow and
John Wesley said, no, an automobile, and June Star said he didin’t
play fair, and they began fight.(page 2)

He lied to her and becomes physically aggressive. He would rather fight

and argue than admit loss to a girl. John disguised his insecurity at the loss by


becoming angry and aggressive. It such a boy nowadays, boys wanted to have a

higher degree than girls.

The Grandmother’s class and race pretensions were exposed, and she

appeared smug and self-complacent. She performed notions of Southern

femininity, as she dressed from head to toe in white to appear as lady-like as

possible.This kind of stereotype is a stereotype based on the interpretations that

produce on the basis of cultural background. Because, she thought in her past, a

wealthy family like a lady should dressed fancy, and suit with her title. It can be

seen in this statement.

She wears white cotton gloves, a navy blue straw sailor hat with a
bunch of white violets on the brim and a navy blue dress with a
small white dot in the print. Her collar and cuffs were white
organdy. In case of an accident, anyone seeing her dead on the
highway would know at once that she was a lady.(page 1-2)

Being a “patriarchal woman,” she has bought the patriarchal ideology

that women were to be looked at and appreciated in the male gaze. She was

obsessed with keeping herself on the pedestal of a traditional, proper woman.

The Grandmother chose to dress this way so anyone they encountered will be

assured that they were witnessing someone with “good blood.”

By the trip, the grandmother showed an act of a grandmother who loved

her grandchild, generally. It can be seen in this statement.

The grandmother offered to hold the baby and the children’s

mother passed him over the front seat to her. She set him on her
knee and bounced him and told him about the things they were
passing. She rolled her eyes and screwed up her mouth and stuck
her leathery thin face into smooth bland one. Occasionally he gave
her a faraway smile. (page 2)


In the statement above we can see how the grandmother showed her love

toward the baby just like a grandmother in general.

The grandmother started telling the story when she was a maiden lady, in

order to make the children quiet about their fighting. In the story, she mentioned

about a nigger boy that can be seen in this statement.

Well, one Saturday,she said, Mr. Teagarden brought the

watermelon and there was nobody at home and he left it on the
front porch and returned in his buggy to Jasper, but she never got
the watermelon, she said, because a nigger boy ate it when he saw
the initials, E.A.T. (‘page 3)

The initials E.A.T on the watermelon means a name of an old suitor, Edgar

Atkins Teagarden (Mr. Teagarden). He always left it in front of the door and

carved his initials so the Grandmother will know that it was him. Turned out the

nigger boy saw and eat it because he thought it just said eat.

Nigger or sometimes pronounced Nigga in English is a term for to describe

African-Americans. In Indonesian, the commonly used term is Negro which has a

more neutral connotation.The use of the Nigger term in the United States is

perceived as a racist term and can incite hatred for the person who hears it (the

intended person). In the daily social interaction of African-Americans, the term is

often used as a sign of proximity, but when spoken by others outside the

community, Nigger is often regarded as highly offensive.

In slavery time, nigga has a disgraceful habit because they live with

limitations, so the nigga boy sometimes do bad things like stealing, pickpocketing

in order to buy food and survive, because they are alienated in America. Like in

the story, the nigger boy ate the watermelon without hesitation when he saw the


initials, he just didn’t care about whose watermelon was that. This kind of

stereotype is based on the interpretation that produce on the basis of cultural

background. Because, in the past, the children of negro known as slave just like

their parents, so they always seen as a bad person, like stealing, robbing, had an

inappropriate manner, etc. So, this kind of thing made the grandmother called him


On the way, the children whining about their destination, they wanted to

stop at the house with a secret panel just like the grandmother said. But Bailey

(dad) didn’t want to. Here is the quote.

“We never seen a house with a secret panel!” June Star shrieked.
Let’s go to the house with the secret panel! Hey Pop, can’t we go
see the house with the secret panel!” Bailey was looking straight
ahead. His jaw was as rigid as a horsehoe. “No,” he said. (page 4)

Bailey showed that he was the father who has the right to decide the things

in a family. So when his children asked him to go to the house, he directly

answered no, he just want to discipline his children because of their attitude. But

however it was, he loved his children and granted the children’s request to stop

by. Like the quotes below.

“All right!” he shouted and drew the car to a stop at the side of the
road. “Will you all shut up? Will you all just shut up for one
second? If you don’t shut up, we won’t go anywhere.”(page 5)

So they had an accident but nobody’s killed, and then they finally met

three men that they thought will help them. But unfortunately, they were the three


escaped prisoner and one of them is Misfit. Misfit didn’t look like a killer with his

look like that. Here is the statement.

He was an older man than the other two. His hair was just
beginning to gray and he wore silver-rimmed spectacles that give
him a scholarly look. He had a long creased face and didn’t have
on any shirt or undershirt. He had on blue jeans that were too tight
for him. (page 6)

In our opinion, the killer must be scary. It can be seen on his look, his

attitude, that all make us scared, but Misfit was different. Misfit was a middle

aged man, his hair was graying, he was soft-spoken, polite, and philosophical.

With that description, nobody can guessed if Misfit was a killer or criminal but in

fact he was.

Misfit wasn’t a killer who did many bad things like the other killer. Turned

out he was a good man back then. It can be seen in the quote below.

“I was a gospel singer for a while. I been most everything. Been in

the arm service both land and sea, at home and abroad, been twice
married, been an undertaker, been with the railroads, plowed
Mother Earth, been in a tornado, seen a man burnt alive once.”
(page 8)

We always thought that the killer always do something bad. And sure the

killer must had a bad history which is why they turned out to be that kind of guy.

But Misfit was different, he didn’t like the other killer. Heused to be a good man

who did many useful things in his life, unfortunately he became a killer because

of his dad and started doing the bad things, and now he was on the run (escape

prisoner). This kind of stereotype is based on the interpretations that produce on


the basis of our perspective. Because, we always knew that a killer must have a

bad history of life, so that’s why they turned out to be a criminal, but Misfit was

different, he had a beautiful life before he turned out to be a killer.

4.1.2 Stereotype as Portrayed in Everything That Rises Must Converge

The story is told from the close third-person point of view of Julian, a

recent college graduate and self-styled intellectual who lived with his mother

because he cannot afford his own lodgings with the pittance he earned as a

typewriter salesman. The mother, whose worldview reflected the institutional

racism of the mid-twentieth century American South, wished to attend an exercise

session at a nearby community center, but was wary of riding the bus by herself in

light of the recent racial integration of the city's public transportation system.

Though he despised his mother's racism, cheeriness, and intellectual

aloofness, Julian resentfully agreed to escort her, if only out of a sense of duty to

the woman who paid his way through college and continued to support him even

afterward. His confrontational bitterness and her thoughtless prejudice brought the

circumstances to a boil when they step onto the bus and joined a widely disparate

cast of characters, among them two black people who inhabit vastly different

regions of the social spectrum.

Mrs. Chestny was a widow, she lived with her only child named Julian.

Even a widow, she can make Julian grown up to be an independent teenager and

finished his school. This kind of stereotype is based on the interpretation on the


basis of our perspective. In our opinion, a widow always seen as a poor woman

because she had no husband and always seen as a threat of the other woman

because can seduce their husband. But in here, Mrs Chestny was different. It can

be seen in the statement below.

Were it not that she was a widow who had struggled fiercely to feed
and clothe and put him through his school and who was supporting
him until he got on his feet. (page 1)

In general, widow always seen as negative stereotype of woman. People

assume that widow always mourning, not allowed to have fun because of the

death of their husband, emotionally unstable, a threat to their friends’s marriage,

and uncomfortable to be around.

But Mrs Chestny was different, she can survive and so her child, she can

managed everything on her own, she was one of the strong woman.

Mrs. Chestny and Julian came from a wealthy family. Her ancestor or like

her great grandfather was a prosoereous landowner and had so many of slaves.

That thing always remembered in her memory even the world changes. This kind

of stereotype is based on the interpretations that produce on the basis of cultural

background. Because, she still felt that her family’s power in the past still affect

her mind and life. So, she always felt that the others were lower class in the

present. Here is the the quote.

“If you know who you are, you can go anywhere.” She said
everytime he took her to the reducing class. “Most of them in it are
not our kind of people,”she said, “but i can be gracious to
anybody. I know who i am.” (page 2)


Mrs. Chestny was an heir of her rich family, so wherever and whenever

she went, she felt that she was in higher potiton than others, even she still labeled

people but she showed her gracious to anybody.

Living in a city made Mrs. Chestny and her child always dressed well,

remembering them as an heir of the wealthy family, she just want to be

recognized like that all the time. Julian’s act made she angry about his look. It can

be seen in the quote below.

He suddenly unloosened his tie and pulled it off and put it in his
pocket. She stiffened. “Why must you look like that? Why must you
deliberately embarass me?” “You look like a thug, “ she said.
(page 3)

Mrs. Chestny always dressed well everytime, she wanted her son to look

like that. She wanted people see them as a nobble one. She wanted people always

remember of who she was.

In a bus, there were two blacks get on, they were a large black woman and

her child (little boy). They took a seat separately, the black with Julian and the

little boy(Carver) with Mrs. Chestny. Mrs. Chestny found that little boy wass so

cute even he’s black. Here is the statement.

Carver slid down from the seat but remained squatting with his
back against the base of it, his head turned slyly around toward
Julian’s mother. “Isn’t he cute?”Julian’s mother said to the
woman with the protruding teeth. “I think he likes me, “Julian’s
mother said, and smiled at the woman. It was the smile she used
when she was being particularly gracious to inferior. (page 8)


Just like the other mother, Mrs. Chestny can’t keep her love toward the

little boy (Carver), even he was black, but he was cute and act funny. She saw

children like her own children, she didn’t hesitate to play a peekaboo with Carver.

4.2 Prejudice as Portrayed in A Good Man is Hard to Find and Everything

That Rises Must Converge

In this problem, the writer will analyze how the character judge about a

person based on their race, religion, and class without even knowing them

personally in both short stories.

4.2.1 Prejudice as Portrayed in A Good Man is Hard to Find

The word prejudice refers to prejudgement or making a decision before

becoming aware of the relevant facts of a case or an event. In a place that fills

with racial discrimination, prejudice in America has becoming the main social

disease that needs to be aware off. The worst thing of this kind of disease is that

so contagious, could affect people and populations all over the world in a very

short period of time.

The Grandmother demonstrated racial and class prejudice through her

words and actions. She was vain and selfish, and she believed that good character

is a result of coming from "good people," an important concept in O'Connor's

fiction. This kind of prejudice arise because of an unpleasant experience. Because,

in her past the negro boy always known had a bad habit, so the grandmother used


to called them like that even in a present day.It can be seen in the quote when she

saw an African-American child without any clothes, she exclaims,

“Oh look at the cute little pickaninny!” she said and pointed to a
Negro child standing in the door of a shack. “Wouldn’t that make a
picture, now?”(page 2)

The quotation above showed that the grandmother was prejudice. She

just called the negro child as a pickaninny. Pickaninny means a negro boy who

usually pick a penny from the white people in a slavery time, not only from the

people but also they pick a penny on the ground or on the street.

She still called the negro boy that with that name, she saw them as a low

class even the black arisen. She judged all the negro boy like that.

Not only the grandmother, but also the granddaughter, June Star was

being prejudiced toward the negro boy, here is the quote.

“He didn’t have any britches on,”June Star said. “He probably
didn’t have any,” the grandmother explained. “little niggers in the
country don’t have things like we do. If i could paint, i’d paint that
picture,”she said. (page 2)

In the short story, the grandmother demonstrated prejudice through her

words above. When they saw the black kid wearing nothing in his body she said

that the kid may didn’t have anything to wear. Also, the grandmother seemed to

care less about poverty and the sufferings of lower class people.

In here, we can see that the grandmother was a picture of a lot of people

in the real world that pay more attention to their outward appearance to impress

others. In the story we can see that the family had a car in the era where having

car was perceived as a higher class possession. The class difference that existed in


the American society and the negligence and the lack of assistance from higher

class to less fortunate class might be the cause of the prejudice.

When the grandmother met Misfit, she was scared, but she kept talking to

Misfit, she didn’t want to die. So she was trying to manipulate Misfit with her

words. This kind of prejudice arises because of an unpleasant impression. Because

she knew that she would die but she tried to manipulate Misfit by saying

something. In fact, Misfit’s family were broken, sure that he had a bad history in

his family, that’s why he turned out to be like that. But the grandmother begged

for her life by saying the opposite of Misfit’s family past. Here is the quote.

“I know you’re a good man. You don’t look a bit like you have
com-mon blood. I know you must come from nice people!” (page 7)

The grandmother was just trying to convince herself that she will be

alright. She said that prejudice words to manipulating The Misfit. But

unfortunately, telling a shirtless, oddly-dressed, gun-toting criminal who probably

didn't care what she said that he's a "good man," because he didn't look like he had

common blood.

In fact, all of the ways of prejudice in which the grandmother tried to

manipulate The Misfit seem like appealed that would only carry weight for

someone like her. In the situation, her arguments were irrelevant and

inappropriate. Everyone knows that he was a killer, and probably didn't care about

shooting a lady if he's on the run and had been recognized.


When Misfit and grandmother had a conversation. Misfit said that he can’t

remember what he has done. The grandmother said something prejudice toward

him. Here is the quote.

“Maybe they put you in by mistake,”the old lady said vaguely.

“Nome,”he said. “It wasn’t no mistake. They had the papers on
me.” “You must have stolen something.”she said.(page 9)

What the grandmother says was prejudice. When Misfit said that the police

had papers on him, grandmother directly judged him if he has stolen something so

he got arrested. The grandmother directly judged him because Misfit was a black

and she knew if the black always did something bad in the past. So her judgement

about the black always bad, and her words hurt Misfit, and make him angrier.

This kind of prejudice arises because of an unpleasant impression. Because

Misfit can’t remember his sins, the grandmother tried to guess what thing that

made him arrested. She directly said that mayble Misfit stolen something because

she knew that Negro was a bad person, and they known because of their bad habit

like stealing, robbing, etc. Of course their habits made them avoided by the white

until now.

After the grandmother knew that the Misfit shot her children and

grandchildren, the grandmother still asked for mercy from the Misfit, she didn’t

want to die. In fact, she offered her all money to Misfit. Here is the quote.

“Jesus!” the old lady cried. “You’ve got good blood! I know you
wouldn’t shoot a lady! I know you come from nice people! pray!
Jesus, you ought not to shoot a lady. I’ll give you all the money i’ve
got!” (page 10)


` And again, she repeated the same words that was said to manipulate the

Misfit. The grandmother told the Misfit to pray. She thought that the Misfit will

not shoot her. In her panic, she may be instinctively trying to savedher own life. It

certainly looked as if she's losing control of herself and sayid such things.

Although she talked about Jesus a lot in the situation, the grandmother

certainly didn't seem to be deeply religious. She never brought it up in the rest of

the story, and only brought up Jesus when she hoped that it might help saved her

life. Her first appeal isn't a religious one. A religious person will never judged

others. Just like he first quotes that was shown up the prejudice of the

grandmother to a little nigger. She thinks money can solved the problem because

she knew a killer must need money to ran away, but she was wrong.

4.2.2 Prejudice as Portrayed in Everything That Rises Must Converge

This racial division surrounded the story conflicts and eventually results in

the tragic climax.In the plot, a significant character only known as Julians mother

was obviously prejudice and the author expressed her feelings clearly using

stereotypes and biases, that animate the story.

Mrs. Chestny was a clearly racist woman, she always being prejudiced

toward the black. She would like to judge the black anytime. This kind of

prejudice happened because it has been prepared in the environment to prejudice.

The environment that Mrs. Chestny and Julian lived, was filled by the white in the

past, but now it changed, the black also lived in there. That’s why Mrs. Chestny


felt uncomfortable when the black was around her even in the bus. It can be seen

in the statement.

She would not ride the buses by herself at night since they had been
integrated. (page 1)

She didn’t want to ride the bus by herself because she was afraid of the

blacksif they got on the bus too, the blacks will made her uncomfortable and she

thought the blacks were a bad guy such a criminal.

Mrs. Chestny didn’t like the existence of black in the neighborhood,

because she won’t admit that the black now arisen and equal with her. It can be

seen in the quote.

“The ones i feel sorry for,” she said, “are the ones that are half
white. They’re tragic.” (page 3)

She can’t express her feeling toward people who had a family of white and

black because she thoughtit would strange and clearly has mixed feeling. She

called it patethic. It marked her indelibly as a member of that generation which

failed to concern itself with the problem of social justice.

Mrs. Chestny was happy if she surrounded by her own people (white

people), even on her way to the reducing class she hoped that the people she met

were white. This kind of prejudice also happened because it has been prepared in

the environment to prejudice. Because in her past, her environment was always

white so she felt happy but now she had to lived with the black around her. But


the fact that the bus almost filled with the white, she felt the moment like it used

to. Here is the quote.

She sat forward and looked up and down the bus. It was half filled.
Everybody was white. "I see we have the bus to ourselves,” she
said. (page 4)

She talked to the woman who sat beside her. They felt relief if there

wasn’t any black who got on the bus with them. They felt black as a threat to

them, they judged the blacks were always low status, always being a bad ones,

and can’t live the way of the white people live.

In fact, not only Mrs. Chestny was being prejudiced but also Julian. He

showed his prejudice toward the black with his view on the bus. Like in the

statement below.

She got off and a large Negro got on. Julian kept his paper lowered
to watch. It gave him a certain satisfaction to see injustice in daily
operation. The negro was well dressed and carried a briefcase.
(page 5)

As we can see how Julian satisfied with the view of the black got on the

bus, we can tell that he was being prejudice because he knew the common black

was poor, and of course they can’t afford to buy the good outfit and ride the bus

just like the white people but now he suprised when he saw the negro dressed like


The other white people showed the same prejudice just like Mrs. Chestny.

Here is the statement.


The woman with the red and white canvas sandals had risen at the
same time the negro sat down and had gone farther back in the bus
and taken the seat of the woman who had got off. (page 5)

The woman thoght the same as Julian. She didn’t expect of the black will

get on the bus like her. Clearly her act and mind were prejudiced. She felt

uncomfortable of the black.

The woman kept thinking about the negro. She thought that the black was

the worst human being in the world. This kind of prejudice arises because of

differences. Negro as we known is black, have a curly hair, and yellow teeth.

Sometimes there was a fat one or thin one. And sometimes when saw a negro, we

were scared at first because of their look. The woman saw them as a monster,

because the differences of their skin, race, class, and etc. She described him like in

the statement below.

The woman with protruding teeth was looking at him avidly as if he

were a type of monster new to her. (page 6)

The woman judged the black as a worst human being, like a monster

which was scary and bad. She described the black as a frightening man that will

made her crazy, just like he was not worth to look at. She felt disgust.

Mrs. Chestny was shocked when she saw the black woman who wore the

same hat as her. She felt insulted. It can be seen in the statement below.

She kept her eyes on the woman and an amused smile came over
her face as if the woman were a monkey that had stolen her hat.
(page 8)


She felt ashame of herself because people will saw her and the black

woman were equal because of their same hat. She described her hat was stolen by

the monkey. She knew the black was poor, so she cant’t afford to buy the hat like

that, but now she felt insult when she saw her hat was worn by the black woman.

When they got off of the bus, so Mrs. Chestny and Julian. Mrs. Chestny

wanted to give the little boy coin because she thought the little boy was cute. Here

is the quote.

“Oh little boy!” Julian’s mother called and took a few steps and
caught up with them just beyond the lamppost. “Here’s a bright
new penny for you,” and she held out the coin, which shone bronze
in the dim light. (page 9)

Mrs. Chestny felt it’s okay to give him the coin, because in a slavery time,

the white people often gave the negro boy a coin without hesitation, they feel a

negro back then surely need money even coin. And Mrs. Chestny still do that kind

of thing, although she was being kind to the little boy but a negro woman gotmad

on her, the black woman saw Mrs. Chestny is being prejudiced.

4.3 Rejection as Portrayed in A Good Man is Hard to Find and Everything

That Rises Must Converge

In this problem, the writer will analyze how the character reject about a

person or something because of their weakness for example different physical,

religion, point of view in both short stories.


4.3.1Rejection as Portrayed in A Good Man is Hard to Find

In A Good Man is Hard to Find, there were two characters who showed

rejection of the others, they were June Star and The Misfit. June Star showed the

rejection toward people physical and people living. The Misfit also showed his

rejection in the story.

When the family stopped by the diner at Red Sammy’s restaurat, June Star

wanted to dance, so she asked her mother to played a fast number so she can did

her tap routine. Red Sammy’s wife saw that June Star’s act was cute, but June

Star said something harsh toward her. Here is the quote.

“Ain’t she cute?” Red Sam’s wife said, leaning over the counter.
“Would you like to come be my little girl?” “No i certainly
wouldn’t,” June Star said. “I wouldn’t live in a broken down place
like this for a million bucks!” and she ran back to the table. (page

June Star didn’t want to live in the place like that, she directly reject

what the woman said. She saw the place like a broken down, half of it made by

wood, and inside the place was dark. The place like that didn’t suit her, she

compared with her own house and everything that she had. She talked as she

wanted without thinking the other’s feeling. This kind of rejection because of their

social status. June Star looked them as a pity family which was poor, ugly and

sure they were in low class. Becasue of their house’s look, June Star acts

disrespect toward them, because she knew that Red Sammy’s wife can’t afford the

life like her.


June Star also being reject of the Bobby Lee (Misfit’s friend). Here is

the quote.

“I don’t want to hold hand with him,”June Star said. “He reminds
me of a pig.”(page 9)

From the quotation above we can see that June Star was being harsh

toward Bobby Lee. She rejected to hold hands with him because Bobby Lee’s

physical was ugly, like he had a fat body and an ugly face, so that’s why June Star

called him like a pig. This kind of rejection because of their physical. Because of

Bobby Lee’s appearance, June Star felt disgust to hold hands with him.

Misfit also rejected the grandmother kindness, when the grandmother


"You're one of my babies. You're one of my own children."(page


The grandmother's epiphany involved her recognition that the Misfit

was, in some way, a product of the hypocritical attitudes and hollow actions

which she and others like her had held and taken. They have given only lip service

to spiritual concepts and have concerned themselves with the gratification of their

physical and material desires in this life. The Misfit, then, represented this attitude

carried to the extreme. He rejected their hypocrisy by dismissing that which they

hold to be of little worth (a spiritual view of life) and concentrated on the

gratification of the passions.


This kind of rejection because of her personality. Misfit knew that the

grandmother was a woman with an ugly heart and mind, so he directly rejectedthe

grandmother wish. Because he didn’t want to be her child and became like her.

4.3.2Rejection as Portrayed in Everything That Rises Must Converge

In Everything That Rises Must Converge, both of the main characters

showed the rejection towards people based on their look or their action.

Julian didn’t like the way his mother’s dressed, he rejected his mother’s

fashion. He thought that the way his mother’s dressed as old fashioned. It can be

seen in the quote below.

“It was a hideous hat. A purple velvet flap came down on one side
of it and stood upon the other; the est of it was green and looked
like a cushion with the stuffing out. He decided it wass less comical
than jaunty and pathetic.”(page 1)

From the quotation above, we can see that Julian rejected his mother’s

look especially her hat. He described the hat with harsh words. But in reality, he

toildhis mother to wear it. He thought that thing like that didn’t suit at that time.

He knew that his mother was too overdressed even they just went to town.

Mrs. Chestny thought that once a slave will remain a slave. Slave itself

refered to the black. She thoght that the blacks were better when they were slave.

Here is the quote.

“There are no more slaves,” he said irritably. “They were better

off when they were,”she said. “It’s ridiculous. It’s simply not


realistic. They should rise, yes, but on their own side of the fence.”
(page 2)

She won’t admit that the black now arisen, not being a slave anymore. She

can’t stand live in the same neighborhood with the black, and won’t breath the

same air as them. She found that the black was a low class. She clearly rejected

the fact that the world had changed.

Julian’s mother wanted to showed her kindness toward the black people,

but unfortunately, the mother of the black child didn’t think that as a kindness but

as a humilation. This kind of rejection because of her social status. In the past,

negro was in a lower class, surely they need money to survive. And in the present

day, Mrs. Chestny still felt like the black still need money but she was wrong

when she met the negro woman in the bus. It can be seen in the quote.

“He don’t take nobody’s pennies!”(page 9)

From the quotation above, Julian’s mother was being rejected by the

mother of the black child. In fact, Julian’s mother shocked after that incident,

because she never thoghgt that the black will mad.The penny that Julian’s mother

gave to Carver represented her patronizing attitude toward all African Americans.

Even though she waned to give the penny out of kindness, Julian’s mother failed

to recognize the offer’s condescending and patronizing overtones.

Giving money to Carver, therefore, was a symbolic continuation of

blacks’ dependence on whites. Fueled by centuries of anger and the promises of


the growing civil rights movement, Carver’s mother lashed out to establish her

status as an independent being and rejected historical subservience to white


Julian disagreed with his mother’s idea about the situation that

happened in the world now, he knew that his mother can’t move on of her past

when the slavery time. This kind of rejection because of her personality. Julian

never want to be like his mother who always judge the black as a low person

especially a slave. He was more open minded than his mother. Julian said the

mean words to his mother. Here is the quote.

“Don’t think that was just an uppity negro woman, “he said. “That
was the whole colored race which will no longer take your
condescending pennies. That was your black double. She can wear
the same hat as you, and to be sure,” he added gratuitously.(page

From the quotation above, we can see that Julian clearly rejected his

mother’s view about the black. He took out all his heart about how racist his

mother was against the black.




5.1 Conclusion

Based on the result of analysis and finding in chapter IV, the writer can

concluded the subject matter which reflected in both short stories.

1. In A Good Man is Hard to FindandEverything That Rises Must

Converge, the stereotype most found in the female characters. The

stereotype that shown by the Grandmother, June Star and Mrs.

Chestny were clearly racist. They labeled people based on their


2. In A Good Man is Hard to Findand Everything That Rises Must

Converge, the prejudice most found also in the female characters. The

Grandmother demonstrated racial and class prejudice through her

words and actions. She was vain and selfish, and she believed that

good character was a result of coming from “good people”.

Mrs.Chestny’s character led her acts towards the black. Her prejudice

attitude is influenced by her past where the social status of the black

was lower than the white.

3. In A Good Man is Hard to Findand Everything That Rises Must

Converge, June Star showed her rejection towards people based on

their look and their way of lived. Meanwhile, the Misfit showed


rejection towards grandmother’s kindness. Mrs. Chestny showed her

rejection towards the black, she won’t admit that the black has arisen.

But Julian showed his rejection towards his own mother, by his

mother’s dressed and his mother’s ideas about the black.

4. The writer concluded that from the two short stories, it can be seen

that there was a gap between the old and young generation with the


5.2 Suggestion

These two short stories are very interesting to be read and analyzed. The

two short stories give the clear example of how did the stereotype, prejudice, and

rejection happened. So, the readers and the learners can understand and get more

knowledge about it.

Based on the conclusion above, the writer wants to give the suggestion

about the stereotype, prejudice, and rejection. Do not label a person only from

what culture or group he or she belongs to. But label a person from his individual,

regardless of his group's appendages. Because generalization will only plunge us

into false or wrong views. In addition, multiplying personal relationships with

people of different religions, cultures, and races may be the best way to break

stereotypes and suspicions and, of course, if the person has enough open attitude

is not filled with suspicions based on assumptions and so on.

For the prejudice, there should be open to each other and each party

should be able to accept cultural, racial and ethnic diversity as the wealth of a


pluralistic nation like Indonesia. Precisely with unity in diversity. This we will

become a powerful nation in the eyes of the world. For future generations, efforts

are made to combat prejudice between classes. Clearly noble character lessons

must be re-taught to children from an early age, both at home and at school

because the environment is very influential. In the meantime, it is best to avoid

such teachings as to precipitate such social prejudices.

The writer hopes that this research can be understood by the reader and

the reader can learn it well. Furthermore, we as human can understand the aim and

the impact of social rejection, and finally we can understand the good relationship

between human being. Because after all, even the rules are created, still

discrimination can not be eliminated just like that. We have to look at ourself

before discriminate others.




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Appendix 1 : Biography of Flannery O’Connor

Appendix 2 : Summary of the short story A Good Man is Hard to Find

Appendix 3 : Summary of the short story Everything That Rises Must




Appendix 1: Biography of Flannery O’Connor

Born on March 25, 1925, in Savannah, Georgia, Flannery O'Connor is considered one

of the greatest short story writers of the 20th century. She faced some hardships growing up,

losing her father as a teenager; he died of systemic lupus erythematosus.Early on, Flannery

O'Connor demonstrated her literary talents for school publications. Studying at what is now

the University of Iowa for a master's degree, O'Connor's first story, "The Geranium," was

published in 1946. She had also begun what was to be first novel, Wise Blood, published in


After graduating in 1947, Flannery O'Connor pursued her writing, spending time at

several months at Yaddo, a Saratoga Springs, New York artists' retreat. Her work was

informed by her experiences growing up as a Catholic in the South. Religion was a recurring

theme in her work, and the main characters of her first and second novels were preachers of

sorts.O'Connor was best-known, however, for her short stories, which appeared in several


collections, including A Good Man Is Hard To Find and Other Stories (1955) and Everything

That Rises Must Converge (1965).

After battling lupus, an autoimmune disease, for more than a decade, Flannery

O'Connor died on August 3, 1964, in Milledgeville, Georgia. For her work, she received

many honors, including an O. Henry Award in 1957 and the National Book Award in 1972.


Appendix 2: Summary of the short story A Good Man is Hard to Find

It's time for a family trip of some kind, and there's a disagreement in the family about

where to go. Bailey wants to take his family, (i.e., his wife, baby, and two kids, John Wesley

and June Star), to Florida. His mother, called simply "the grandmother," doesn't want to go

there.To make her case, she mentions that there's a dangerous criminal named The Misfit on

the loose, and that he's headed that way. No one seems to take her especially seriously—after

all, she's just the grandma.

The next morning, it's off to Florida they go. Everyone piles in the car, including the

grandmother, who seems to have acquired some enthusiasm for the trip. (She's also secretly

stowed away her cat, Pitty Sing.) They hit the road and begin the trip from Georgia to

Florida.During the trip the grandmother plays games and tells stories to the kids. They stop at

a restaurant to eat, and converse a bit with the owner, Red Sammy, and his wife. The

grandmother talks with the couple about how hard it is to trust people and find "good men"

these days. She also talks a bit about The Misfit.

Back on the road, the grandmother gets the kids all excited by telling them about an

old plantation she once visited that's located nearby. The kids convince the reluctant Bailey to

take them all to see it. He turns onto a dirt road, which, the grandmother assures him, leads to

the plantation.After following the road for a while they don't see anything. Suddenly, the

grandmother remembers that the plantation isn't here at all—it's actually in Tennessee. She is

so startled by this realization (which she doesn't tell anybody), that she jerks, letting her cat

out of the basket where she's stowed it. The animal is propelled onto Bailey's shoulder. A

dramatic accident follows, as the car veers off the road and flips over.

As June Star laments, however, no one is killed.The family waits for a car to come

along, and sure enough, one does. Only it's not quite the help they were expecting. It turns out


that their "help" is none other than The Misfit and two of his buddies. The grandmother

recognizes The Misfit, and tries to convince him he's a good man who couldn't possibly want

to do anything to harm them. The Misfit orders Bailey and John Wesley into the woods,

where his cronies shoot them. The mother, the baby, and June Star soon follow.

All the while, the grandmother, increasingly dizzy and in shock, talks with The Misfit,

still trying to convince him he's a good man, and telling him he should pray to Jesus. This

gives The Misfit the opportunity to tell a bit of his personal history and offer some his ideas

on Jesus, about whom he's actually done some thinking. The grandmother, detecting a

moment of vulnerability in him is suddenly moved to call him her child and reaches out to

touch him. The Misfit responds by promptly shooting her three times in the chest.

The story ends with him telling his cronies, who've returned from shooting the others,

to dump her body with the rest. "She would've been a good woman if it had been somebody

there to shoot her every minute of her life," he says.


Appendix 3: Summary of the short story Everything That Rises Must Converge

Julian, a recent college graduate, prepares to escort his mother to her weekly weight-

loss class at the YMCA, which she attends to reduce her high blood pressure. He escorts her

there every week because she has refused to take the bus alone since integration. She adjusts

her garish new hat and contemplates returning it to pay the monthly gas bill. While walking

through their dilapidated neighborhood, Julian imagines moving to a house in the country. He

declares that he will one day make money, even though he knows he never really will. His

mother encourages him to dream, saying that it will take time to establish himself.

She continues to chatter, mentioning that her grandfather once owned a plantation

with 200 slaves. Embarrassed, Julian comments that the days of slavery are over, to which

she replies that blacks should be free to rise but should do so separately from whites. Both

think about the grandfather’s house again, and Julian grows envious, despite the fact that he

only saw the house in ruins as a boy. As his mother talks about her black nurse, Caroline,

Julian resolves to sit next to a black person on the bus in reparation for his mother’s


When they arrive at the bus stop, Julian baits his mother by removing his tie,

prompting her to exclaim that he looks like a thug. Julian retorts that true culture is in the

mind and not reflected by how one acts or looks, as his mother believes. As they bicker, the

bus pulls up and they board. Julian’s mother strikes up conversation with other passengers,

eventually pointing out with relief that there are only white people on the bus. Another

woman joins in, and the subject of the discussion turns to Julian. Julian’s mother comments

that he works as a typewriter salesman but wants to be a writer. Julian withdraws into a

mental bubble. He judges his mother for her opinions, believing that she lives in a distorted


fantasy world of false graciousness. Although he feels nothing but disdain for her, she has

made sacrifices so that he could have a good education.

The bus stops and a well-dressed African American man boards, sits down, and opens

a newspaper. Julian imagines striking up conversation with him just to make his mother

uncomfortable. Instead, he asks for a light, in spite of the no-smoking signs and the fact that

he doesn’t have any cigarettes. He awkwardly returns the matches to the man, who glares at

him. Julian dreams up new ways to teach his mother a lesson, imagining that he will ignore

her as she gets off the bus, which would force her to worry that he may not pick her up after

her exercise class.

Julian retreats deeper into his thoughts, daydreaming about bringing a black lawyer or

professor home for dinner or about his mother becoming sick and requiring treatment from a

black doctor. Though he would not want to give his mother a stroke, he fantasizes about

bringing a black woman home and forcing his mother to accept her. Despite these fantasies,

he remembers how he has failed to connect with the African Americans with whom he has

struck up conversations in the past.

The bus stops again, and a stern-looking black woman boards with her young son in

tow. Julian senses something familiar about her, but he doesn’t know why. The little boy

clambers onto the seat next to Julian’s mother, while the black woman squeezes into the seat

next to Julian. Julian’s mother likes all children regardless of race and smiles at the little boy.

He then realizes with delight that the black woman seems so familiar because she wears the

same ugly hat as his mother, and he hopes the coincidence will teach his mother a lesson. The

black woman angrily calls out to her son, Carver, yanking him to her side. Julian’s mother

tries to play peek-a-boo with the little boy, but the black woman ignores her and chastises her

son instead.


Julian and the black woman both pull the signal cord at the same time to get off the

bus. Julian realizes with horror that his mother will try to give Carver a nickel as she does

with all little children. While they disembark, his mother searches through her purse but can

find only a penny. Despite Julian’s warnings, his mother calls after Carver and tells him she

has a shiny new penny for him. Carver’s mother explodes with rage, shouting “He don’t take

nobody’s pennies!” She swings her massive purse and knocks Julian’s mother down to the

ground, then drags Carver away.

Julian berates his mother as he collects her items and pulls her up. Disoriented, she

sways for a moment before stumbling off. Julian follows and lectures her, saying that she

should learn from her encounter with the woman on the bus, who represents all African

Americans and their distaste for condescending handouts. Reaching out to grab her arm, he

sees a strange expression on her face. She tells him to call for Grandpa or her nurse, Caroline,

to fetch her. Wresting herself from his grasp, she crumples to the pavement. Julian rushes to

her and finds her face distorted, one eye rolling around and the other fixed on his face before

finally closing. Julian starts to run for help but quickly returns to his mother’s side.


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