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Reservoir=Fluid Property

Correlations—State of the Art

W.D. McCaln Jr.,* SPE, Cawley, Gillespie & Assocs. Inc.
sff5 I 157/

Summary. Thispaperpresents correlations to determine reservok-ffuid pm@ies from field data. TIE b$st avaikible correkitiom
were selected by comparison with a Ma base of hundreds of reservoir-fluid studies of ramples mpre$enting all areas of the ties world
involved in active pstroleura exploitation from 1980 to 1986. Also, cmmlationr of formation-water pmperdes am given.

Values of reservoir liquid and sw pl’OpCtti~are oh needed Wkll solution GOR resufts in vafues that are low by 10% or more. The
Morstory PVT data are. not available. This paper shows how to stock-tank GOR csn be estimated witb3
use normally available field data to esdmate ffuid properties. log Rn=A1 +A2 log yo+A3 logY8SP+A410g PSP
~cti Tew MU.,l MmstiatibWofh&
of reservoir-fluid studies provided by Core Labo?atorier Jnc. The +A510g Tin, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...(I)
geOsr@d~ ‘zmdgeological ori@ns of the reservoir samples bad WfER Al =0.3g18, A2= –5.506, A3 =2.902, A4= 1.327, snd
been caretidfy removed from the data but the samples were )mown A5 = –0.7355. E+ 1 should not&used iftbe sepamtOr tHlIFm-
to represent all areas of the frre world in which petroleum exploi- lure k > 140”F.
tation was active during the tirrt 6 years of the 1980’s.
Addition of the estimate of stock-tank GOR from I@ 1 to the
AUrqwrvoir-tluid properly mrelatiorts avaiisble ia the p3rcde- separator GOR results in au estimate of solution GOR accmate to
um engineering Literature were compared with this database. This
within 3%.
paper gives the best cmrefadons.
Bubblepoint Presmre, Pb The bubblepoint praswre of the oil at
Identification of Romarvolr.Fluld Type reservoir conditiom can be Mmated with4
“rides of thumb” are available
.%prisinglyaccurate to identify
pb=lg.’2(Cpb-l.4). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2)
reservoiMuid type tim field data. When the inilial producing GOR
is < 3,3fsl scflSTB, the fluid is a liquid at reservoir conditions. where Cpb=(lf$/yg)O.~ XIO@.~l~-O.olW.d . . . . . . (3)
Possible exceptions occur if the rtock-taok liquid is colorless or tOanaccumcy 0f15%. Tbespecitic gravity 0fthewpamt0rgas
har a gravity higher than about 50”API. can Lwused for 78; however, R, should include stock-tank vent
Reservoir liquids are either black oils or volatile ok, the gener- gas. The equadons are valid to 325”F.
ai material-balance equatiord work ouky for black oils. Tne kw- can be obtained
Amore accumte esdmate of bubblepoint p—
bavior of volatile oils does not fit the awaaptiom inherent in the ifrewvoir pl’essuw is measured regularly. Plot reservoir pressare
derivation of the materiaf-btice equations. Blsck oils are idmti- and pmduciag GOR vs. cumulative producdon. For a volumemic
tied as having initial prodacing GOR’s below 2,000 scf/STB and solution-gas-drive reservoir, pressure will dedine mpidly initkd-
d@Y COlOredstock-tank oil with gravities below 450API. lY, tim flattm when reservoir presmre drops below the oil b@-
R-mr gws = Cb3?.Siti’=d 8S Mwgd.? @.WS(Often Cdkd blepint prersure (the pressure at which the line cbm?ges s@).
condensate gases m gas condensate), wet gases, and dry gases. The Pmducins GOR wilf be$jn to increaw shortly after bubblepint
Retrograde ga$es have initial producing GOR’S >3,302 scf/STB. is reached.
The few exce.ptionr of oils that bsve ratiOs&ber than * are idm- P—
tikii as having deeply colored stock-tank liquids with gravities c Soluiion GO& R,. F@. 2 aad 3 can be wed to estimate smlution
40”API: Retrograde behavior c-oars for gases with initial prOduc- GOR for pressures below the bubblepoint. Enter my pressure be
ing GORS of 150,0G0 scf/STR or bighe~ however, as a practical low bubblepoint in place of pb in Eq. 2 and cafcufate the corre-
matter, gases with initial producing GOR’s 250,M0 scf/STB can sponding vakue of solution GOR with ELI. 3. The results shoufd
be treated as wet gasa. be within 15% of measured values.
The term wet gas is used for a gas that does not reka.w conderi- If a fieldde.riveA bubblepoint pressure has been obmined from
sate ia the reservoir but does form hydrocarbon liquid at the sur- Pressure measmremeris ar descrilxzl shave, the accumcy of the e.3-
face. The term dry gas is used for a gas that does not form any dmates of solution GOR can be improved. 5 Start by creating a ta-
hydrocarbon liquid at tbe surface. fn this context, the terms “w&” bfe of pressures and solution GQR’s. Subtract the fieldderived
and “dry” do not refer to water or water vapor, which is always bubblepoint pressure from the bubblepoint pressure. cafcufated wftb
pmwnt to some extent. Eqs. 2 and3 tocbmin a “delta pressure.” 8uM’acltbir “deltapms-
sure” from all pressures in the R, vs. p table. This pmcedare
Pmpertbm of Reservoir Lfqulds wmkr very well for pressures near the bubblepoint. It is less ac-
‘fhephysiwdpropdes discussed next apply only to blsckoils. En- curate. at low pmmes.
gintig av01atike411yXwlir1e@es a SpOzialk$mratory study
not discusred here. ~~, Bo. ~eO~~firuw at~*m@ti Or blow
bubblepoint can fx estimated with4
Bokulion GOR at Bnbblepofnt, ff~ The initial producing GOR Ba=0.9759+12(10 -s) CM12,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...(4)
pmwidesa god eshmate of solution GOR for use at prw.wres equaf
to and abovebubblepoint pressure. This will not be true iftlee gas W* r&, =R,(7g/70)0.5+1 .25T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...(5)
from a gascap or another formation is produced with the oil. Field The equations can be used for any premure equal to or below the
data often exbiiit a great deal of scattsr; however, a trend of con- bubblepoint by inserting the corresponding value of solution GOR
!tant GOR usuafkycan be discerned befm reservoir pJES.3URdrops esdmtedasdi.wuwAabcwe. ThemmRingFVFvaluewiUbewbbia
befow the bubblefx)iat. 5% of labOmtoly-measurrd values if awurate values of solution
Often the reported values of prcducing GOR do not include stcck- GOR are used. ffsolution GOR’S are obtsined with I?qs. 2 and 3,
tank vent gas. fn this case, the use of initial pmdacing GOR for the accumcy of the resulting FVF vainer wifl b some unknown
wowwi!h SA Ho!dtidI & .4WOCS, combination of tie 15% awumcy of E@. 2 and 3 and the 5% -
Ct$@gbt 7901 exw 01 Peodawn Englr’mm CURWY of Eqs. 4 and 5. Do not w at tempaatures above 325”F.
2dd SPE -ok F rI@lti 1PM
At prewm above bubblepoint pressure, Ore oi3FVF is calcu- Tim, the effect of solution GOR correspmdirrg to the pressure of
lated with interest is tzken into account withll
BO=B4 eq[co(pb–p)], . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...(s) /lo=.4!J@~, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (15)

where FVF at the bubblepoint is estimated ax discussed above. Es- where A=10.715(RX+100) -0.51S .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(16)
timation of the coer%cient of ixotbermal compressibility of oil, co, and B=5.44(R, +150) -0.338 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(17)
is discusd later. .
?3qs.15 tbrmgh 17 were derived withdatato 295”F and 5,250 F&S.
~’ Densityat RAerYoir Conditions, PO.Q.Eq. 7 WY be US~ to Oil vircosity at pressures above the bubblepoint is estimated by
rdadates “the &osity of the oil in the reser?oir at bubblepoint pxe.s- first calculating viscosity a{~e bubblepoint with !@. 14 through
sure (and below) from extimated values of B. and R,. 17 tlom the solution GOR at the bubblepoint and hen adjusdng
vixcosi~ to higher pressure.r with7
poR=(ps~+o.01357R,yg)lB ~, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..s (7)
/%=i%b(p@b)B, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ..(18)
w 4 E POE is the &nXi& of the rewvoir liquid at tie pressme ~d
temperahm at which B. and R. were estimated. A weighted aver- where B= C1p%exp(C3+C4p), . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(19)
age of separator and stock-tarrk-gaxxpecitic gravitiex should be used and C1=2.6, C2=l.187, C3=-11.513, and C4=-8 .98x10-$.
for Tg; however, the use of separator gas gra~~ giv~ ad~afi Eqs. 18 and 19 were developed from a data baxe with pressures
rewkx. The accuracy of Oixcalmdation should be some unknown to 9,5oo psig; the applicable temperatures were not given. 8
combmadon of the accuracy of the estimates of Bo and R,; how- It appears that the relationships of oil vixmsity to other proper-
ever, in prmtice, Orecalculated denxity k within 5% of labor2t0ry- ties of the 01 are too complicated to be explained by the limited
meaxured values. field data normally available. Thus, Orevalues of oil viscmity cal-
Denxity of reservoir ojl at prmsurw above tie bubblepoint Cm culated with Eqs. 14 through 19 should be comideredto be “order-
be calculated with of-rnagnitude” estimates only.
p~=P~eq[c~(p–p6)] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...(8)
Properties of Rcaervolr Gases
Coefllcientmf 13etfrirrrral Compreddlily of Oil, co. The’coef6- Properties of dry gases will be considered tirxt. Then, Orecalcula-
cient of isothermal compressibility of 0% o~n ~~ Ofimmpr=s- tions n-wry for esdmahn g properties of rexervoir wet gares will
ibility, is detined for pressures above the bubble@nt ax be discussed. Retrograde gaxes will not be cmrxi&rcxl because a
co=–(l/V)(av/pp)*, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(9d special laboratory report is required for thexe.gaxes.
Co=–(l/BO)(aBo)/~p)T, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(9b) Comprexsibifity Equation of State.The equation of state most
Orco=(llpo)(apo/ap) T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(9c)
often uxed by pemoleum engineers is

At prexwres kelmv the bubblepoiiit, oil compressiii ix de6ned6 pv=mRT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(20)

a3 The Standing-Katz12 correlation of z factors has stood ~ ~~
of time. Theiz graphical correlation may be represented by13.14

(10) Z=I+@, +AJTP,+A31TP,S +AJTP,4 +A5/Tpr5)L’Pr
+(A6 +A71TP,+A81TP,2 )PP,2 –A9G471Tpr+A8/TPr2)PP,5
At pressures above the bubble@nt,7
+410(1 +A11pPr2)@Pr2/TPr3)exp(–Allpp,2) . . . . . . . . . (2U
(,41+A*R,+A~T+A~7r+A5ymI)/A6p, . . . (H)
andpPr=0.27[pPJ(zTPJ, .. . . . . . . . .,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(22)
wheWAl=– 1,433.0, A2=5.0, A3=17.2, A4=”- 1,180.0, As=
12.61, and A6=10S. where Al =0.3265, A2= –1.0700, A3 = –0.5339, A4=0.01569,
Valuex of ol commessibilim calculated with Ea. 11 are general- A5 = –0.05165, A6 =0.5475, A7 = –0.7361, A8=0. 1844, Ag =
ly low, by as much ~ 50% at ~gh prixsures. Acck is ~proved 0.1056, A,. =0.6134, and All =0.7210. Eq. 21 ,~presentx the
stmrding-Katz rmrelation to witbin 1% for 0.2 <pP, <15 ~d
~ PRSXUIOS near the bubblepoint. The data set used to develop this
equation included pressures as high ax 9,50Q psig; however, the 0.7< TP,<3.0 and to within 3% for 15<p ,<30.
au~or did not 8ive a temperature range. s 73re pseudoreduced properties are detine# as
At pressures below tie bubblepoint,g “ TP,=TITF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(23a)
ln(co)=–7.633 –1.4!T,lrr(P) +1. 115 br(T)+O.533 ~(7API) andppr=plppc, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (23b)
+O.lU”ln(R$b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(12) where the pseudocritical properties may be caladated with 15
The result-rare accurate to @thin 10% at prexmrres above 500 psia. PPC=756.8–131.0Yg-3 .6Yg2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .(24)
Below 5C#3pxia, tbe accumcy ix within 20%: If the bubblepoint prex-
sure is lmown, the accuracy of exdnrates 6f oif compressibility at and TW=169.2+349.5yg–74.0Y82. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(25)
pressires below bubblepoint cart be iniproved by uxingg Eqs. 21 through 25 produce z factors that are wefl witi 2% Of
ln(c,J=-7.573-l .450 b@-O.383 hl(p~)+ 1.402 lrI(T) experimental for temperatures to 360°F, pressures to 12,500 pxia,
and gax S~CifiC gravitiex to 1.6..
+0.256 ln(7mI)+0.449 br(R,b). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(13) If tb.e gax composition is known, gax specitic gravity for use in
I@. 12 .&d 13 are. valid tm 330”F and 5,300 psia. Eqs. 24 and 25 should be calculated with
T8=.%IJ%=%129, . . ................ . . . . . . . . . ..(26)
Oil Vixcosity, PO. Estimation of oi3 vixmsity at pressures below
the bubblepoint is a two-step procedure. Fret, the viscosity of the where Ma=zyjMt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(27)
oif without dfisolved gas (dead oil), yoD, is estimated at reservoti j
tempermtre lo: 23is wil improve accuracy over direct calculation of the pxeudccrit-
ical properdex with composition. 15
log log.~m + 1)= 1.8653 –0.025086YApI-fJ.5644 10g T. When H2S and C02 are prexent, the pxeudocritical properties
.................. . . . . . . . ..(14) are adjusted by16

Eq. 14 isbaxedrm&tawitb rarrgw of 5 to58”API~d69to 175”F. T:C=TPC–E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...(28)

,— pwT:’ . ......................(29) Gas Viicozrly. Gas viscosity may be estimated with19
‘d ‘p’- TPC+YH2S(1‘y~2~)C #g=A exP(~P$c)( 10-4), . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(38)
(9.379 +0.01607M=)T15
whers17 e=120(f0~+f~~d) +(f~2S–f~2~). . . . . . . . ..(3o) where A= (39)
209.2 +19.26kfa+T ‘“’’””’”””’”’’””’”’
Eqs. 28 through 30 result in z factors within 5% ofexperiment.dls
@rC02 concentmtionsto55 mol% and HzS conditionito74 B=3.448+(986.4/T) +0.01C09d4=, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(40)
mol%-at temperatures to3C43”F and pressures to 7,002 psia.
,md C=2.447-0.2224B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(41)
z-factor values are not gzeatfy affected by the presence of nitro-
gen. z-factor increases by about 1% owr the values cslctiated with l’be rszuk.s of l?+. 38 through 41 agree with the bmitsd publ-
Eqs. 21 and 22 for each 5 mol% of nitrogen in the gas ished data of gas vizcosily to within 2% at low pressure and to
The z-factor vslues calculated as described above are about as within 4% at high prsssure when the specirlc gravity of the gas
accurate as can be measured in the laboratory. TMS iz true even is <1.0. The equations are less accurate for gases of higher spe-
for wet gazes and retrograde gazes with specitic grsvities as high cific @ties, uzml.fy giving low estimates by up m 20%for,*-
m 1.6. gzade gazes with specific gravities over 1.5.

Dry Gases.Dry gases are easy to deal with because no fiquid con- Wet Gases. The key to the estimation’ of the properdes of a wet
denses tim the SS8as it moves from the rezervoir to the surface. s82 is that the compmition of the reservoir gas k not tie same as
‘fhus;the specitic gravity of the surface gas can be used in correla- the composition of the surface gas. Hydrocarbon liquid condenses
tion to determine tie properties of the gas in the rezervoir. from the memoir g232Z it moves tiom reservok conditions to su2-
When the gas is associated and pmduceA with a black oil, it may face conditions. The zmface gaz and surface liquid must be recom-
be assumed to be a dry ga8 with specific gravity equal to tie spe- bined by calculation to determine the @c gmvhy of tle reservoir
citic gmwity of tie gas from the primary separator. gas. Correlations given above can be used once the specific gravi-
Gas FVF. The FVF of a dry gas is defined as ty of the re3e2v0ir gas k known.
Bg=V,i#’,c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(31) Spe@ic Gravi!y of Wet Gm. Wet gazes are processed through
two or moze stages of separation at the smfti. Unfortunately, the
ff standaxd conditions are taken to be 14.65 psia and 60°F, quzntily and specitlc gravity of the stwk-tsnk gm are rarely lmown.
B8=0.0282(zT/p) =0.@3502(zT/p). . . . . .(32) The specific gravi~ of a mkervoir wet gas can be estimated when
only the properties of the gaz tlom me primary sep@Or are
The equations are exact, and the calculated vafues of gas FVF are. knoivn.zo
directly related to the accuracy of the vafues of z factor used.
RSPITSPI+4.@1370 + Gpo
Coef&ient “ofIsothennd Compressibility of Gaz. The coeffi- YzR = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....(42)
cient of isothermal compressibility of gas is defmd as RSPI+ Veg
cK=-(1/v)(av/,3p) r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(33a)
me W+nt Volme, V,q, is the volume Of stc&@k gx ~~
orcg=(l/B8)(M3g/dp) T.............”.. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(33b) second separator gas, if present, plus the volume in stsndard cubic
feet that would be occupied by a barrel of stock-tank liquid if it
f@s. 33 and 26 can be combined and placed on a pseudoreduced were gas. The additional sas prcduced, GP., is related to the !ma3S
basiss: of gas produced from the stcck tank and tie second separator, if
Ppr z ()-3-
aPpr ~p,
......... (34) For three stages of separation,
V,q =Ao +A ,(pspl)Az (7sp1~3 (7N1)A4 (TSP1)AS (~sp#6 ,

%. 34 can be COmbmEd18with the definition of psendored.ced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(43)

gaz density,
where Ao=535.916, Al =2.62310, A2 =0.7?3183, A3 =4.66120,
PP,=0.Z7[PP,I(ZTP,)I, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ... . . ..(39 A4= 1.20940, A5 = –0.8491”15, znd A6=0.269369, and
where the z factor of the gas at the critical point is assumed to be GPa=,41(p~pI –14.65)4Z(~SPl)A3 (7W)A4(TSpI)AS( ~Sm)?6 ,
0.27, to arrive at
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(44)
1 0.27 @z@@T,, where Al =2.99222, i12 =0.970497, A3=6.80491, ,44=1.07916,
cpr’— —~ . . . . . . . . . . ..(36) A5 = – 1.19605, and A6=0.553669. “.
Pp, z Tpr
[ I+bp,kwapprh,
For two stages of separation,
An expression for (atiappr) can bs &riveds tlom Eq. 21: V,q=Ao +A1(PSP1)A2 (7W)~3(7UI)~4(Tm)~5 , . . . . . . . . (45)
@z/apPr)Tpr=A, +A21TP,+A31TP,3 +A41TP,4 where Ao =635.530, Al =0.361821, ~2= 1.05435, A3 =5.08305,
A4=1.58124, A5 = -0.791301, and
+A51Tpr5+2PprM6 +A71Tp,+A81Tpr2)
GPa=A1(PSP1 –14.65)~2(ysP)~3 (7m~4(Tsp)A5 , . . (46)
where 41= 1.45993,,42 =1.33940, A3 =7.09434, A4= 1.14356,
~ 10Ppr and A5= –0.934460.
+— (1 +AIIPP,2 ‘A112PPr4)flP(-AIIPPr2), (37)
TP,3 Values of specitic gravity of reservoir g23 calculated with Eq.
42 and the appropriate pair of ~s. 43 and 44 or Eqs. 45 and 46
where ti vslues of tie constants are given with ~. 2 L wilf be within 2% of LAxmamrydetemdmd values. This accuracy
kd6zm.s of the z *r plod v8. pseudoreduced pressure have degenerates to about 6% when the total nonhydrmbm contsnt
tier sharp minima at low temperamtes. E+ 21 foffows the shape of the gas is between 5 and 25 mol%. The equstions are not rsc-
of th~:isotherrrw rather weU. However, the slop of the izotherms ormnended when total nonhydrc.arbon content of the gas exceedz
csfculti witl &q. 37 are not pazdcufmly accmate near these ndni- 25 mol%. The results are independent of reservoir tempxature and
ma, where the slope changes sharply Ilom negative to positive. prssmre. Reservoir gases with ZP@C gravities between O.g.and
Thus, Eqs. 36 and 37 should not be used at TPrC 1.4 for 1.55 were used in the development of the equation.
0.4<p ‘;< 3.O..’fhe accuracy of these equadonz is unkmow how- FVF of Wet Gas. Eqs. 31 and 32 apply onIy to a @ gas. The
ever, 4. results should be s.itsble for enginiexing calculations. FVF of a wet gas is uzwlfy defined as the volume of reseivoir gas

Term symbol Definition Equations

mty cm g mol sulid

1,000 g pure water
molarky CM g mol solld
1,000 mL brine
normality CN eq wt sofid
1,000 mL brine
milliequivdents pw fiterCm* meq solid C.wL = i ,000 x CN=C.Wleq WI
1,000 mL brine
weight.percent solids Cw “g solid Cw=cppm XIO-4
100 g brine
park per million c ~. g solid c ~pm=cwxlod
106 g brine
milligrams per liter Cm@ g solid Cmw=pwxcppm =pwxcwxlo”
10e mL brine
grains per gallon %?,lm grains solid Co,,gd =17.1 Xcmw =17.1 Xpwxcppm,
gal brine where p W is in glcms at standard
..4d@d fromJorden,J,R. and cowbell, F.L WellLcggJngl–R@i Pmpertk’,Borehole
Mud, snti
Momgmph serlas SPE,, lX (1935) 9,38.

required tu prui :e 1 bbl of stock-tank liquid. The uuits ure either Values from this correlation agree with the limited published ex-
standard cubic I i of reservoir gas per stuck-kink barrel or bar- perimental data to within 2 %. The correlation is valid throughout
rels of resewoir gas at reservoir conditions per stcck-tank barrel. the full range of solids contents, temperulures m 260”F, aud pres-
Thes~ of the pzimsry separator gas and V.q is tie staudard sures to 5,Ci30psia. h increase in sdfds content causes a slight
cubic feet of reservoir gas required tu prcduce 1 bbl of stock-tank increase in AVWT aud a slight decrease in AVW that are offsetting .
liquid towitbin l%.
VW=RsPl+V,q. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(47)
Density of Furmatfun Water, Pw. The density of formation water
This can @ convemed tu re3erv0ir conditions, 5 rediug in at standzrd conditions may be calculated with5
BW=0.LX1502(R~P1+Veg)T/p, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(48) PW=62.368+0.4386Q3S+ 1.60074x 10 ‘3s2. . . . . . . . . .. (52)
where stzudard conditions of 14.65 psia and 60”F were used. The resuk3 zre 22 ac~”te 22 laboratory measurement thmugb
F@.48 will give rewlts within about 6% of laboratory measure- out”the fdl range of srdids contents. Demsity at reservoir condi-
ment for gases with nmhydrcearbon content <5%. The accuracy tions is calculated by diviig densily at smndard cunditiomsby FVF
degenerates badly for bigber nonbydmarbon content. for the pressure aud temperature of interest.

Pr0pertk3s of Reservoir Water Solution Gas/Water ltatio of Formatiun Water, Rw. The. SOIU-
Must of the water caredatiuns presented here. require a knowledge tion g23/water ratio of pure water may be cafmdated witi5
of the solids conteut of the brine of iuterest. Solids content can be RW=A+BP+CP2, .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(53)
easily measured in the laboratory, or it w be deterndnedzl fmm
measurement of the resistively of the brine. where A =8.15839 -6.12265( 10-2)T+ 1.9M63(10-4)T2
–2.1654(10-7)T3, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ..(54)
Sufidz Content.AU formation tiatem cuntzin dissolved solids,
@madly Nafl. The quantity and ditibution of the ious am differ- B= 1.01021(10-2)–7.44241(10 ‘5)T+3.05553(10 -7)~
eut in every formation water. Solids contents have been reported –2.94883(10-10)T3, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(55)
fmm as little as 2(H3ppm tu saturation, which just exc%ds 3C0,CO0
ppm. aud C= –(10-7)[9.02505 -0.130237T+8.53425(10 -4)T2
Solids cuutentz are reported in various sets of units. Thle 1 gives –2.34122(10 ‘6)T3 +2.37049(10 ‘9)T4]. .. . (56)
the redatiunships between these uuit..s.
‘fbeze equationz fit the original graphical correlation~ to within
Bubblepoint Fmsufe of Format50n Water, pti The bubblepoint 5% at pressures from I,00i1 to 10,.CKX3 psia and tempmtures fium
pressure of formadon water is the same as tbe bubblepoint pres- 100 tu 340°F. Do not use at pressures below 1,000 psia.
sure of the ccexistiug oif. E the water is in coumct with s23, itz E@ 57 gives a salinity adjustment factors that is multiplied by
bubblepim pressure is equal to iuiti@ reservoir pressure. Butb of the rewlt of Eq. 53 tu give the solution g22/water mtio of fOrma-
the abuve are tie result of tbermc@namic,@fibrium in the reser- tion water.
voir at discovery.
log = –0.0840655ST-o.2~8fi. . . . . . . . (57)
FVF of Formation Watm’, Bw. The FVF of brine maybe calcu- [ (Rw)Pure vats,1
lated with5
E+ 57fit2theexistinggrzpbiczl correlzdonx tu within 3% for
Bw=(l+Avw)(l-tAvwT), . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(49)
salinities up tu 30% aud temperature frum 70 to 250”F.
‘where AVWT=– 1.0301(10-2)+ 1.33391(10-4)2’+
Cueftlcient of kuthmmal Compressibility of Formation Water,
5.50654(10 -7)2’2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(50) c.. At pressures above the bubblepoint, water compressibility is
and AVW = –I.95301(10-9)PT- 1.72834( 10-13)P2T detimd as
-3.58922(10 -7)P,-2.25341(10 -10)P2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (51) cW=_(l/VW)(,3VW/~p)r, . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .. (58a).

8FE Reservoir 19P1 269

CW=—(l/BW)(dB#P)T, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ..(58b) where S=saliity, wt%. Eq. 69 agrees with the existing g~pbical
c0rrelati0n30 to witbin 1%.
Or’cW=(UpW)(apW/ap) p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(58c) ‘TIEabove cm?elatiom were developed for dIT-gas systems con-
Eq. 59 may be used to estimate values of water compressi- tig 110nO~y~~bOn !omp0nent3. ‘fbe presence.Of b=vier
bility.~ ~ hydrocarbons in wet gases or remgmde gases will @creasethe water
content by as much as 10% at 1,OLMpsia and 20% at 10,CW3psia.
Cw= l/(7.033p+o.5415s –537.oT+403,300), . ,!+:. (59) Naturaf gas that contains substantial amounts of C02 and/or H2S
where S=saliity in rng/L. wifl conbixt more water vapor. 30 M-bough now we avaifable,
Eq. 59 is valid on3y for temperatures between 200 and 270”F, the increase is probably on t+e order of 5 %. Llubstantial amounts
pressures of l,COOto20,KM psia, i.nd wdinitiesup to 2CW3,1YYI
mgiL. of nitrogen or hefium will lower tie moisture content. 31 Limited
Osi~ gave no estimate of accuracy: A zrapbic correlation is data are availablq the decrease is probably 5 to 10%.
availabi “for use at lower temperaties ~d”pressures.
At pressures below the bubblepoint, water compressibility is Hydrate Formatfon. Hydrocarbon gas and liquid water wilf com-
calctia.tiz m bme to form sofids cafled gas hydrates at temperatmes above the
temperature at which water freezes. Eq. 70 can be used to estimate

‘.=-+(:);2(:); (60) the. tempmature at which hydrates will f02m32:

Tfi= l/p.77077(lo-3) -2.7g224(lo-3)(bl 7’8)–5.64929(10-4)
The first tern” on the right side of Eq. 60 is related to water com- (h P)–1.29859(10-3 )(31178)2 +1.40712( 10-3)(IJI Tg)@ P)
pre.ssibtity at pressures above the bubblepoint and can be esdmat-
ed with Eq. 59. The derivative in the sewnd term on the right side + L78574(10-4)(In p)2 + 1. 13028(10 -3)(Iu 7’J3
of Eq. 60 can be estimated with5 +5.97282(10 ‘4)(ln -y8)20n P)–2.3279Z(1O “)(Iu Yg)fln P)2
(aRw/ap)T=B+2cp, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...(61) –2.68408(10 ‘$)(III p)3 +4.661Q6(10-3)@ 78)4
wbere B and Care from)@. 55 and 56. The resuft of Eq. 61 should +5.55424(10 -4)(ln 78)3(ITJp)– L47278(10 ‘5)(fn Yg)z(hi P)z
be multiplied by the saliity adjustment factor of Eq. 57. Values
of FVF of formation water for use in the second term are esdmat- + 1.39381(10 ‘S)(ln vJ(ln P)3 + 1.4885O(10 -6)(IJ P)4].
ed as described above, and FVF of gas is estimated with a gas spe- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(70)
CitiC gravity Of 0.63.
The estimate of hydrate-forming temperature could error by
Tbe resuitig estimate of water compressibility is of unknown
5°F m more. Do not use 17.q.70 at tenqwratures above 62”F, pres-
‘ accuracy. It sboufd be considered to be “order of magnitude” only.
sures above 1,500 psia, or gm S*IC gmvities abOve 0.9..
The presence of Ef2S muflor C02 in the g33 wilf cau3e an in:
Vfscosity of F&@ion Water, PW. The viscosity of formation
crease in hydrate-forming tempemfmres, bit data are too fimited
water at reservoir temperature and atmospheric pressure can be es-
to. qwmtify this.
timated withs
The presence of dissolved solids in the water wifl decrease the
ICWI=AT-B, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (62) temperature at which hydrates form. The deimse can be calculat-
where A= IOP.574-8.40564S+ 0.313314S2 +8.72213 (10-3)S3 ed with5
ATk=As+Bs2 +cs3, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(71)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(63)
where A=2.20919— 10.574678+12.1601782, . (72)
and B= 1.12166 –2.63951(10-2)S+ 6.79461(10‘4)&
+5.47119( 10-3)S3–1.55586(10-6)S4. . .. . . .(64) B= –LM36056+0.722692yg-0.85093Tt2 , . .. . . . . . . . ; . (73)

Fq. 62 fit3 the exkting gmpbical correlatiO.27 to within 5% at tem- and C= O.00347221 –0.0165564Tg+0.01976-4Y82 (74)
peratures between 100 and 4CWF and salinities to 26%. @.71 agrees with the existing data~ exactly when the results are
Water .viscosi(y at 1 am can be adjusted to reservoir pressure rounded to the nearest whole degree Fahrenheit. E@. 71 through
withs 74 are.based on gas spific gravities <0.68 and salinities <20%.
pW/pWl=0.99P4+4.0295x 10-Sp +3.1062 X 10 ‘9P2. (65) fnbibitor is often added to the,wtir in contact with gas to reduce
the hydrate-forming temperahue. ‘fhe temperature reductiOII m
Eq. 65 tits data2S at 86 to 167°F and pressures below 10,000 psi. be calculated wbb33,~
to witlin’4 %. At pressures between 10,OW and 15,0CK3psia, the
fit is to withii 7%. ATh=2,335w/100M-Mw. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(75)
The resuft3 of Eq. 75 ae well within the scatter of the experimen-
Moisture Content of Naturaf Gas. l%c dewpoint water-vap4r wn- tal &ta.
tent of natural gas in equilibrium with liquid water maybe cafcu- The pre.sam of liquid hykcadm!s with the gas and liquid water
fated with29 will decrease hydrate-forming tempxature;~ Data am fimited, and
W=AIP+B, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(66) the tem~rature decrease has not been quantified.
18(lo6)p,c Nomenclatwe
where A=pV,H ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(67)
2 10.73 (459.6 +TJZ,C A,B, C = cceffiimts
B$ = FVF of dry gas, res t13/scf or RB/scf
and log ,B=–3083.87(1/T) +6.69449. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(68) B,. = oif FVF. RBLSTB
Eqs; 66 througti 68 give restitz that are as accurate a3 moi.mre B: = water Ffi, RB/STB
content can be measured (about 5%) at pressures to 10,OO+Ipsia ?W = FvF of wet ga3, RE3/sTB
and temperamres to, 460”F. . =8 = ~fficimtof isottwmal compressibility of SW,
Dissolved solids in the water reduce he partiaf pressure of the mi
--- —1
water, thereby reducing the water content of the gas. Moisture con- C. = cwfficimt of isothemd compressibility of oil,
tent from Eq. 66 should be multiplied by the salinity-adjustment psi’1
factor5 given in Eq. 69:
Cpr= p=udordud cwfficient of iso~ed
w~Me ozmpmssl%ility
— =1–4.920(10 ‘3)S– 1.7672(10 -4)s2, (69) CW= caciem of i3003ezM~ impressibility of

WY’ w= wwer, P3i-1

facial~= S~OOf MOle [~cti’XJ of ,C02 ,~d Jf2s ~ W. PSTO = W$k-td IN density at standard conditions,
~zs = mole fraction of H2S in ~. 30 “pv = water densi~, lbmlft3
.GPa = additional gas produced, 2?iIS.42 tbmusb44,
scflSTR times specfic gravity Subscrfpt3
~ = ~m~, Ibm ml acid = C02 +HzS
M= molecular weight of solute in E.q. 75,. Ibm/ibm ~
mol b = at bubblepoint presmrs at reservoir temperature
M= = apparent molecular weight, lbmilbm mol H2S = hydrogen sulfide
&fti = apparent molecular weight of air, lbmilbm mol j = component j
p = pRs3.ure, psia R = reservoir conditions
Pb. = bubblepoint pressure, psia SC = standard COllditiOnS
P;c = pseudocriticaf pssure, psia SP = separator
Pm = pseudwritical pressure adjusted for acid-gas SPI = primary separator
content, psia SP2 = second-stage separator
Ppt = pseudOr~uc~ PRSSU~ ST = stock tank
pY,H20 = vapOr p~ssti= Of pu= Wtit at tiIUJWf#Ure Of STO = stock-tank 01
interat, psia
R = universaf KU cmnstant. 10.732 (mia-ft3)/flbm
mol-”R~ or produc~g GOR “ I am grateful to Core Laboratories 2RC. and, in pafdcukaf, to PldJ
R, = solution OOR, scf/STB Moses for providing the data used to evaluate these correlations.
RSPI = producing GOR from primary separator, AJso, I thank Cawley, GUespie & Assocs. fnc. for permission OJ
publish thiS pa~r.
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RW = volubility of gas in water, scf/STB
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