CSE IT Syllabus

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Syllabus: CSE 11 ‘rogramming for problem solving School: SET Batch 2018-22 Program: B.Tech Current Academic Year: Branch: ALL Semester: Son 1 | Course Code SENS Course Name: Pr ing for problem solving 2| Course Title Programming for problem solving 3 | Credits 4 4 | Contact Hours: 30-2 (L-T-P) Course Status Core 5 | Course Objective 1. Learn basic programming constructs ~data types, decision structures, control structures in C 2. leaming logic aptitude programming in c language 3. Developing software in c programming 6 | Course Outcomes: Students will be able to: COL: Create flowchart , algorithm and Pseudo-code CO2: Understanding basic C concept CO3: Implement Array and Funetions CO4: Understand and implement Pointers COS: Apply user-defined data types 7 | Course Description Programming for problem solving gives the Understanding of C programming and implement code from flowchart or algorithm 8 | Outline syllabus co — Mapping | Unit 1 | Logie Buildin; A Flowch Elements, Identifying and | CO, understanding input’ output, Branching and iteration in flowchart B Algorithm design: Problem solving approach(top | CO1 down/bottom up approach) ¢ Pseudo Code : Representation of different COT construct, writing pseudo-code from algorithm and flowchart Unit2 Introduction to € Programming A Introduction to C programming language, Data _| CO2 types, Variables, Constants, Identifiers and | keywords, Storage classes B Operators and expressions, Types of Statements: | CO2 Assignment, Control, jumping, c Control statements: Decisions, Loops, break, | COD continue Unit 3 Arrays and Funetions A Arrays: One dimensional and multi dimensional | COS arrays: Declaration, Initialization and array manipulation (sorting, searching), - B Funetions: Definition, Declaration/Prototyping | CO3 | and Calling, Types of functions, Parameter | passing: Call by value, Call by reference. Passing and Returning Arrays from Functions, | CO3 Recursive Functions. Unit 4 Pre-processors and Pointers Pre-processors: Types, Directives, Pre Cod processors Operators (#,##,\) , Macros: Types, Use, predefined Macros | memory allocation. Poimter: Introduction, declaration of pointer cor variables, Operations on pointers: Pointer arithmetic, Arrays and pointers, Dynamic String: Introduction, predefined string functions, COd Manipulation of text data, Command Line Arguments, Unit 5 User Defined Data Types and File Handling — Structure and Unions: Introduction, Declaration, | COS Difference, Application, Nested structure, self- referential structure, Array of structures, Passing structure in function, Files: Introduction, concept of record, 0 ‘COs Streaming and Buffering, Types of Files: Indexed file, sequential file and random file, Creating a data file, Opening and closing a data) COS file, Various 1/0 operations on data files: Storing data or records in file, adding records, Retrieving, and updating Sequential file/random file. Mode of examination | Theory Weightage Distribution | CA MTE_ [ETE 30% 20% [50% Text book/s* Kemighan, “Brian, and Dennis Ritchie The C Programming Language Other References 1. BS. Gottfried - Programming With €~ Schaumvs Outline Series - Tats MeGraw Hill 2nd Edition - 2004, 2. E, Balagurusamy - Programming in ANSI C - Second Edition -Tata McGraw Hill: 1999 s. Course Outcome Program Outcomes (PO) & | Program Specific Outcomes (PSO) 1 CO1: Create flowchart, algorithm and Pseudo-code POI,PO2,PO3,POI1,POID PSO1,PSO2,PS03,PSO4,SPOS 2 C02: Understanding basic C concept POI,PO2,PO3,POTI,POI2 PSO1,PSO2,PSO3,PSO4,SPOS 3. | C03: Implement Array and Functions POI,PO2,PO3,PO11,POI2 PSO1,PSO2,PSO3,PSO4,SPO5 4 C04: Understand and implement Pointers POI,PO2,PO3,POI1,POI2 PSO1.PSO2,PSO3,PS04.SPOS 5. COS: Apply user-defined data types PO1,PO2,PO3,POL1,POI2 l PSO1,PSO2,PSO3,PS04,SPO5 | PO and PSO mapping with level of strength for Course Name Programming for problem solving(Course Code CSE. 113) fe] =] ™ [rm] | ro] ve TO] Por | POE) Pos POW | Fo [vate BE] BP | EE | os 8 [ers aya + ee A + ‘Pers ays rats r Sea zs T?Tz 7 a [2 7 a TP ws] eps > ape =) es Syllabus: CSP 113: Programming for problem solving Lab School: SET Batch: 2018 _] Program: B.Tech. | Current Academic Year: 2018-19 Branch: CSE ‘Semester: I |__| Course Code | CSP113 2_ | Course Title Programming for problem solving Lab 3_| Credits 1 = 4 | Contact Hours | 0-0-2 (LP) - ‘Course Status | Compulsory 3 [Course 1. Learn basic programming constructs ~data types, Objective decision structures, control structures in c 2. learning logic aptitude programming in c language 3._Developing software in c programming 6 | Course Students will be able to: Outcomes CO1: Understand core concept of ¢ Programming C02; Implement Array and String CO3: Implement Functions ‘C04: Use Union and Structure COS: Understand and implement Pointers 7 | Course Programming for problem solving gives the Understanding of C_ Description _| programming and implement code from flowchart or algorithm 8 | Outline syllabus jco |_| Mapping Unit 1 Logic Bi is col ‘Draw flowchart for finding leap year Write a ¢ Program to Add Two Integers Write a program to create a ealeulator Unit 2 Introduction to C Programming _CO2 Write a c program to convert length meter to cm Write a program to convert temp [ Write a program to swap two numbers 7 Units Arrays and Functions [eos Write 3 program to calculate the average using arya Wit program to find the largest element ofthe aay Unit 4 Pre-processors and Pointers cod Wit ac program to swap two values using pointers Write @ ¢ program to find largest number fron aay ig ier Unit 5 User Defined Data Types and File Handling COs Write @ ¢ program to store information of a student using structure Write 2 program to store information of a student using union Mode of Practical al examination Weightage [CA MTE ETE Distribution [60% % 40% Text book/s* | Kernighan, Brian, and Dennis RWGhie The —C Programming Language Other 4. BS. Gottfried - Programming With © > Schaum's References Ourtine Series - Tata McGraw Hl 2nd Fdtion - 2004, 5. Balagurusamy - Programming in ANSI C ~ Second Edition - Tata McGraw Hill 1999, Course outline This course implements array and pointer and Recursive applications, The course talks Primarily about Array, string, functions, structure & union and Pointers ete Course Evaluation Attendance None 7] “Any other CA judged on the praticals conducted inthe lab, weightage may be specified References Text book | Kemighan, Brian. and Dennis Ritchie The C Programming Language ‘Other References 1. BS. Gottfried - Programming With C Schaum's Outine Series Tata MEGraw Hill 2nd Edition - 2004, 2. E Balagurusamy - Programming in ANSI C- Second Edition - Tata MeGraw Hil 1999 Softwares [Turbo c School: SET Batch : 2018-2021 Ly Program: B.Tech, Branch: CSE Current Academie Year: 2018-19 Semester: 1 1 | Course Code [MTH 142 — 2 [Course Title | Calculus and Abstract Algebra — 3_| Credits 4 te 4 | Contact 31-0 Hours | |a-rry a ‘Course ‘Compulsory Status _ - 3 | Course The objective of this course is to familiarize the prospective engineers with Objective techniques in basic calculus and linear algebra. It aims to equip the Students with standard concep!s and tools at an intermediate to advanced level that will serve them well towards tackling more advanced level of mathematics and applications that they would find useful in their disciplines. 6 | Course CO1: Explain the concept of differential calculus, Mustrale the curvature Outcomes / and Maxima, minima and saddle point. (K2. K3, Kd) CO2: Explain the basic concepis matrices and determinate, evaluate system of linear equation by using rank and inverse method. (K2, K3, KS) CO3: Explain the basic concept of sets, relation, functions, groups Rings and Field. (K2, Kd) CO4: Discuss the basic of Vector spaces. (KI, K3) COS: Describe and use the linear transformation and evaluate nullity and kernel, (K1, ) CO6: Explain the concept of Figen values and Eigen vectors; evaluate the diagonalization of matrices, explain the basic introduction of Inner product spaces. (K2, K3, K4, K5) 7 | Course This course is an introduction to the Fundamental of Mathematics. The Description | primary objective ofthe course isto develop the basic understanding of differential and integral calculus, linear Algebra and Abstract Algebra 8 | Outline syllabus: Calculus and Abstraet Algebra {co 7 _ Mapping Unit 1 7 - Le | A n. Taylor's and Maclaurin theorems with | CO! remainders; indeterminate forms, L! Hospital's rule. 5 Maxima and minima, Partial derivatives, Euler’s theorem, | CO e Fae Col Total derivative. Evaluation of double integration. ns of double integral (to calculate area). Unie 2 Mawes - A Matrices, vectors: addition and scalar multiplication, matrix | COD multiplication, - B near systems of equations, linear Independence, rank ofa | CO2 matrix, determinants, Cramer’s Rule a c Inverse of mattix, Gauss elimination and Gauss-Jordan | CO2 elimination Unit 3 | Basie Algebra - - a A Sets, relations and functions. _ _ | C03 B Basics of groups, cyclic groups. CO3 c Subgroups, basies of Rings and Field. C03 Unit4 | Veetor spaces 7 _ 7 A | Vector Space. linear dependence of vectors, bask C4, COS dimension, 7 B Linear transformations (maps). range and kernel of @ linear [ CO4, COS | ‘map, rank and nullity. ot ia Inverse of a linear transformation, Matrix associated with a | CO4, COS linear map. Unit 5 Vector spaces (Prerequisite Module 2 Matrices & Module-4 Veetor spaces) 2. Veerarajan T.. Fngineering Mathem: Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2008. 3. Ramana B.V., Higher Engineering Mathematics, Tata MeGraw Hill New Delhi, 11th Reprint, 2010. 4. V. Krishnamurthy, V.P, Mainra and J.L. Arora, An introduction to Linear Algebra, Affiliated East-West press, Reprint 2005, ics for first year, [A Eigenvalues, Figenvectors fi) | 606 B Symmetric, skew-symmetric, and orthogonal Matrices, | C06 Diagonalization onl | c Basic introduction of Inner produet spaces, Gram-Schmidt | CO6 orthogonalization, 7 Mode of | Theory examination : Weightage | CA ATE ETE = Distribution _[ 30% 20% | 30% | = Text book/s* | 1. G.B. Thomas and R.L. Finney, Caleulus and Analytie geometry, 9th Edition. Pearson, Reprint, 2002. 2. Erwin Kreyszig Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2006. Other 1. D. Poole. | inear ‘Algebra: / \ Modern Introduction, 2nd References | Edition, Brooks/Cole, 2005, B.Tech. (CS, EC, EE) I term cl LTP (Credits): 2-1-0 (3) Semiconductor Physics (PHY117) Unit 1:-Physics of Semiconductor Introduction, classical free electron theory: Lorentz-Drude theory introduction only) and limitations, Quantum theory of free Clectron, Fermi energy, effect of temperature on Fermi= Dirac distribution (qualitative analysis only), Energy bands, Classifica Of Solids on the basis of energy band, Mobility, conductivity, electrons and holes in an intrinsic semiconductors, Donor and Acceptor impurities (n-type and EavPe semiconductor) . Fermi levels , can ier densities in Dart dustor (concentration of electrons in Conduction band and holes in valence band) ‘graded junction) . formation of ics of Zener diode , Avalanche “ode (Construction, basic working principle), semiconductor ide (working Text book: Integrated Electronics: Millman « Halkias, Tata Me Graw Hill Reference books 3. Laser and non linear optics by B.B. laud, New Age Int, 3 Semiconductor Device Fundamentals: Rober F. Pierret Addison Wesley Longman, 4, Semiconductor Devices- Kanaan Kano, Peneen Education, 4. Principles of Electronics by V.K Mchta * Blectronies devices and circuit theory by RL. Boylestad, Pearson School: SET Bateh : 2018-2022 B.Tech | Current Academic Year: 2018-2019 - : Semester: IT Course Code | EEE1I2 2 {Course Title | Principles of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (3 [Credits 3 4 Contact 2-1-0 Hours (L-T-P) - Course Status [Compulsor; a | 3 | Course To provide the students with an introductory concept in the eld oF Objective | electrical and electronics engineering to facilitate better understanding of the devices, techniques and equipments used in engineering applications © | Course COI: To analyze and solve basic electrical circuits Outcomes _/ CO3: To understand the working principle of transformer and identify its applications, CO3: To understand the working principle of de and ac motors and lentify the starting methods of single phase induction motor CO4: To apply the basies of diode to describe the working of rectifier circuits such as half and full wave rectifiers COS: To apply the concepts of basic electronic devices to design various circuits 7 | Course This initial course introduces the concepts and fundamentals of electrical Description | and electronic circuits and devices. Topics include basic circuit analysis, diode and transistor fundamentals and applications. This course also introduces working principle and applications of de/ac motors and transformers. 8_| Outline syifabus CO Mapping Unit 1 | DC & AC Cirenits (6 lectures) A Electrical circuit elements (R, L and ©), series and parallel | COT Circuits, concept of equivalent resistance, Kirchhoff-current and voltage laws, star-delta conversion B Analysis of simple circuits with de exeitation and COI Superposition Theorem, Representation of sinusoidal waveforms, peak and rms values, real power, reactive power, apparent power, power factor — C Introduction to three phase system, relationship between | COT phase voltages and line voltages, Lb Unit2 | Transformer( 4 lectures ) r A Working principle and construction of transformer, EMF | CO2 _{ equation _ B Efficieney of transformer, Power and distribution | CO2 transformer and difference between them L G ‘Transformer applications in transmission and distribution | CO2 —_— of electrical power Electrical Motors (6 lectures ) Construction, working principle, torque-speed “COs characteristic and applications of de motor, _| Construction, working principle and applications of a C03 three-phase induction motor, significance of torque-slip characteristic Working principle starting methods and applications of ) CO3 single phase induetion motor Semiconductor Diode and Rectifier (5 lectures ) PN junction and its biasing | co4 Semiconductor diode, ideal versus practical diode , VI Coa characteristics of diode Half wave and full wave rectifiers with and without filters. COd Transistors (5 lectures ) Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) — Construction, working COS principle and input-output characteristics BJT as CE amplifier and as a switch cos Introduction to JFET COS Theory [Cx _ | MTE ETE an 30% 20% 30% 1. D.P. Kothari and I. J. Nagrath, “Basic Electrical | Engineering”, Tata MeGraw Hill, 2010, 2. S.K. Bhattacharya, “Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering”, Pearson Publication, 3. Robert L Boylestad, “Electronic Devices and ‘Theory” Pearson Education, 2009 reuit 1. V.D. Toro, “Electrical Engineering Fundamentals”, Prentice Hall India, 1989, Course Articulation Mat Poa | Pos | Pos [Por [Pos | Poo | POI | poil | POL Ri SHARDA AMY UNIVERSITY Batch : 2019-20 SET Current Academic Year: 2019-20 Semester: 1" 1 I Course Code — ARP 101 a 2 Course Titie Communicative English-+ 3 Credits __ | 2 _ 4 | Contact Hours (LTP) 1-0-2 - yo minimize the linguistic barriers that emerge in varied socio- linguistic environments through the use of English Help students fe anderstand different accents and standardise their existing 5 Course Objective English. Guide the students to hone the basic communication Sal Ustening, speaking, reading and writing while also upiting {heir perception of themselves, giving them self-confidence ang building positive attitude. 6 Course Outcomes CO1 Learn to use correct sentence structure and puncluatlon ae well as different parts of speech, COZ Learning new words ie application and usage in different contexts helpful in Buléing meaning conversations and written drafts. Develop over aif | comprehension ability, interpret it and describe itn writing, Very ‘useful in real life situations and scenarios, | C02 A recognition of one’s self and abilities through language { learning and personality development training leading up to Ereater employability chances. Learn to express oneself through writing while also developing positive perception of self. To te able to speak confidently in English C03 To empower them to capitalise on strensths, overcome weaknesses, exploit opportunities, and counter threats, To | ingrain the spirit of Positive attitude in students through @ full length feature fim followed by a storyboarding activity. Create a Sef Brand, identity and set esteem through various interesting | and engaging classroom activity | C04 Exposing students to simulataions and situations wherein students learn to describe people and situations and handle Such situations effectively and with ease, Teaching students how 0 ‘engage in meaningful dialogues and active conversational abilities to navigate through challenging situations in life and make effective conversations. CO12 Learn how to transform | acverse beginnings into positive endings - through: waiting activities like story completion Se JARDA SkiisPage 1 SHARDA Ri NIVERSITY Course Description he course is designed to equip students, who are ata very Basle | level of language comprehension, to communicate and werk fase in varied workplace environment. The course begins with base grammar structure and pronunciation pattcrns, leading up {0 “apprehension of oneself through written and verbal expression as a ist step towards greater employability, __Outline syllabus - ARP 201 co iz - Sentence Structure Mapping Subject Verb Agreement — i ae cor - a Parts of speech zl Writing well-formed sentences | —__Voeabutary Bing # Punetuaion | —}—Hlomonyms/ homophones, Synonyms/Antonyms cor ‘unctuation/ Spellings (Prefixes-suffixes /Unjumble Punctuation/ Spellings (Prefixes-suffixes njumbled coucod - Words) 7 ns/Compound Sentences cor, coz - Writing kis Picture Description ~ Student Group Activity co3 Positive Thinking - Dead Poets Society-Full length Feature film - Paragraph Writing inculcating the postive attitude of 2, [3 learner through the movie | SWOT Analysis ~ Know ed yourself "Story Completion Exercise ~Building positive Man from Earth (Watching a Full length Feature Film ) attitude -The | COZ, €o3, Coa’ Speaking Skill _-Self-introduction/Greeting/Meeting people. = seifbranding | CO, COs Describing people and situations - To Sir With Love ( C03, Co4 | Class AssignmentslFree Speech Exercises 7 JAM Group | Presentations/Probtem Solving Scenarios/GD/ Simulations ( N/A 60% CA and 40% ETE Texts & References | Library Links + Blum, 'M. Rosen. How to Build Beiter Vocabulary London: Bloomsbury Publication SHARDA fF UNIVERSITY University Press fy ~ * Comfort, Jeremletall. Speaking Effectively Cambridge | Lt Se Observations ‘eed the Previous Functional Enylish Beginners -1 and 1A Single Consolidated Syliabus has now rept Functional English Intermediate -1 Credits previously allocated 10 FEN 01 Lab Sessions have been dissolved 3. The Fearson Voice Labs have been completely eliminated ——— ee Prepared by: SHARDA StallsPage 3 abu: P1011 :Introdu to Computer Science and Engineerin; | School: SET Bateh :2018 7 Program:B.Tech | Current Academic Year: Branch: CSE _| Semester:1 1 | Course Code | CSPIO1 | Course Name. 2 | Course Title | Introduction to Computer Science and Engineering 3_| Credits 1 7 _ =| 4 | Contact 0-0-2 Hours (L-T-P) _ = ‘Course UG Status 3 | Course T. To familiarize the students about the importance of Objective Undergraduate course on Computer Science & Engineering. 2. To discuss recent developments in hardware and software | environments. 3. To focus future application areas of Computer Science and Engineering. 4. To discuss various research and development options in Computer Science and Engineering. 6 | Course ‘The student should be able to: Outcomes | COL: Understand the technical aspects of Computer Science & Engineering Course. | CO2: Perceive some knowledge about programming in various applications, CO3: Acquire basic understanding about computer networking and related technology. CO4: Enhance “some fundamental knowledge of DBMS. including | pplication ares ; ; $: Understand the current trends in computing in discovering swisdom/knowledge and future prediction, 7 | Course This course focuses application areas of Computer Science and Description | Engineering for students admitted in undergraduate program. The purpose of B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering is to be given through this course to students, 8__| Ouiline syllabus = (CO Mapping Unit 1 Hardware aspect of Computer Science & Engineering A History of Computing Systems, Computer | Basies and Computer Organization. iB ‘Computer Architecture, Introduction to various col connecting devices. e Recent additions — IoT, Roboties and new altemate architectures. | | Unit Programming Aspects - A Basics of Programming, Programming | Paradigms, System Software versus Application Software, co2 | B Hard Computing versus Soft Computing, Data | Structures and Algorithms. - G Computer Graphics, Multimedia, Computer Vision. _ Unit 3 (Computer Networkin; A Introduction to Networking, Various terminologies, Client Server Technology, Web - ‘Technology. B Introduction to data/network security and current cos trends. ie Concept of Cloud Computing and Virtualization, | Real life applications. - Unit 4 Database Management Systems A Introduction to DBMS, DBMS versus File System, Relational DBMS. Co B Information Processing and Retrieval G ‘Big Data Analyties & Scientific Computing Unit 5 _ A B Basies of Pattern Recognition cos c Basics of Machine Learnin; _ Mode oF Practical examination - Weightage | CA MTE [ETE tribution [60% | NIL 40% Text book/s* 1. Introduction to Computer, Peter Norion, 7/¢, 2017, Tata __MeGraw Hill Publishing. Other References 2. Foundations of Computer Science, B A Forouzan& F Mosharraf, 2/e, 2008, Delmar Learning. ‘O-and PO Mapping S.No. Course Outcome Program Outcomes (PO) & Program Specific Outcomes 7 (PSO) i COT: Understand the technical aspects of Computer Science | POI, PO2, POI2, PSOs &Engineering Course. 2 ‘CO2:Perceive some knowledge about programming in various | POI, POI2, PSOI, applications, | esos = C03: Acquire basic understanding about computer networking | PO], PO2, POI2, and related technology. 7 PSO2, PSO4 + ‘CO4Enhance some fundamental knowledge of DBMS including | POI, POI2, PSO2, application areas. PSO4 COS: Understand the current trends in computing in discovering | POI, POs, POS, POI2, wisdom/knowledge and future prediction. [Pso2, pso4 Cos [PO] POT PO] PO|PO|PO] PO] PO] PO] PO] POI] PO] PS] PS] PS] PSO] PS tt2t3}e}s}ol7}s}]o}w}] i] 2lorjolos} 4 fos i Course No =—— 2 Course Title Em cnt - 3 ‘Academic year 2019-2020 4 Credits a 5 Contact hours (L1-P) oo a —— 6 Course Objective ‘+The concepis, principles and importance of environmental | science and about natural resource | © Toundersiand ecosystem and biodiversity ‘+ To understand various renewable and nonrenweable resources | ‘* To understand the pollution problem and related policies. | © The concept of human health, population growth and various __environmental movements - 7 ‘Course Outcomes Students will understand |. Principles and scope of environmental seience and natural resource conservation and management About ecosystem its structure and function, biodiversity and wild life 3. About various renewable and non renewable resources and ‘energy need of the country 4. Different types of pollution and solid waste: Cause, effect, management and policies 5. Impact of population on environment, various natural disaster and environmental movements 6. About environment and its components and various conservation and management strategies Outline syllabus co. Unit | Introduction to environmental studies and natural resource conservation. L 700 a Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies; €01/C06 ‘components of environment ~ atmosphere, | hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere. Scope and importance; Concept of sustainability and sustainable | development TOT B land Resources and land use change; Land c01/cos degradation, soil erosion and desertification. Deforestation: Causes and impacts due to mining, dam building on environment, forests, biodiversity and tribal populations. Water: Use and over-exploitation of surface and ground water, floods, droughts, conflicts over water (international & inter-state}. 702 ic Energy resources. Renewable and non-renewabl c01/C06 energy sources, use of alternate energy sources, | growing energy needs. | Unit2 | Ecosystem and Biodiversity Conservation 7.03 A Ecosystem definition, Structure and Function of co2/c06 ecosystem, Energy flow in ecosystem, food chain, food web, and ecological sucession. a :) Forest and desert ecosystem, Levels of biological c02/C06 diversity :genetic, species and ecosystem diversity, Hot spots, Endangered and endemic species of india 7.05 © Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, poaching of c02/C06 wildlife, man-wildlfe conflicts, biological invasions; Conservation of biodiversity: In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity. Ecosystem and biodiversity services: Ecological, economic, social, ethical, aesthetic and Informational value Unit3 | Environmental Pollution 7.06 A Environmental pollution : types, causes, effects and 03/CO6 controls; Air and water pollution | mar B Soil, thermal and noise pollution. Nuclear hazards «=< €03/CO6 and human health risks See f 708 c Solid waste management: Control measures of urban c03/C06 and industrial waste. Pollution case studies. Unitd | Environmental Policies and Practices E oo a Climate change, global warming, ozone layer c04/co6 depletion, acid rain and impacts on human communities and agriculture, vie 8 Environment Laws : Environment Protection Act; Air ee (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act; Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act; Wildlife Protection Act | cu S Forest Conservation Act; conservation on Biological soa/eag Diversity (CBD).International agreements; Montreal = and Kyoto protocols UnitS | Human Communities and the Environment 712 A Human population and growth: impacts on c05/co6 environment, human health and welfares. Carbon foot-print. Resettlement and rehabilitation of | project affected persons; case studies. fee 73 B Disaster management: floods, earthquakes, 05/608 L landslides. eee Tid C mental movements: Chipko, Silent valley, c05/C08 ishnios of Rajasthan. Environmental communication | and public awareness, case studies (e.g, CNG vehicles in Delhi) and field work 80 Course Evaluation 8.01 | Continuous Assessment 8.02 ‘Attendance 8.03 | Homework 8.04 | Quizzes 8.05 | Projects 8.06 | Presentations 8.07 | Any other ‘S assignments (best of 2), 3 quizzes (best of 2), Total 30 Marks 8.08 | MTE [20% 8.09 ETE 50% = _ 9 References a - | 9.01 | Text book® ~~ |B Joseph, Benny, “Environmental Studies", Tata MograwFia 2, Howard S, Peavy, Donald R. Rowe, George Tehobanoglous. Environmental engineering Me Graw-Hill, 1985 9.02 | other references ee 7

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