The IS Comp Map

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A.Madhu MBA., M.Phil.,(Ph.D) Lecturer, Department of Management studies,Einstein College of Engineering Dr.R.Mohan Kumar, Ph.D Head, Department of Management Studies, Sri.Krishna college of Engineering, Pannapakam (via) Thanparam, Chennai-601301

Competency Mapping has gained wider circulation in the management profession in recent times. In the competitive business scenario, organizations have felt the utmost need to procure and retain competent employees and develop distinctive competencies. Winners do not do different things, they do things differently. True to this statement, years of experience shows that exceptional performers use a variety of approaches and behaviors to get the job done or to do the job. Competencies provide a means of looking at those behaviors that differentiate the best from the rest and confer decisive on-job behaviors. With all the regions of the world participating in the world economy, the companies have become more proficient to absorb competent employees and develop distinguished competencies for every organization. Hence competency mapping is substantiated to be an important and essential exercise to identify consistently performing manpower and attain excellence in business. The article The inside story of Competency mapping portrays the importance of competency based human resource management where it identifies preferred human skills and outstanding performance from the average and bridges the gap in every organization

Key words: Competency, competence, human skills, organization

Competency Mapping has emerged as a major concern for the organization in the recent times and has attracted the attention of the top management. If Competency Mapping is employed, the organization can identify its area of thrust and take necessary actions for future implement of the activities. Undoubtedly, the twenty first century human resource

management faces some of the greatest challenges and this renewed vigor stems from numerous influences such as the changing nature of the economy and government legal influences, new organizational forms, global competition, changing employee expectations and the increased feeling that organizations are vehicles for fulfilling societal goals. Before going into the inside story of competency mapping, the subtlety between the Competency and the Competence need to be observed. Competency refers to the desired level of attitude, knowledge and skills required to do a job in the best possible manner whereas Competence refers to the actual level of attitude, knowledge and skills possessed by the employee holding a particular job position. The availability of right quality and quantity of management competence is the key factor in business success of organizations. Competencies are generic knowledge motive, trait, social role or a skill of a person linked to superior performance on the job.( Hayes 1979). UNIDO (2002) defines that A Competency is a set of skills, related knowledge and attributes that allow an individual to successfully perform a task or an activity within a specific function or job. One comprehensive definition of "competency" is: "A cluster of related knowledge, skills, and attitudes that affects a major part of ones job (a role or responsibility), that correlates with performance on the job, that can be measured against well-accepted standards, and that can be improved via training and development." (Training magazine: July, 1996)

Actual Skills Desired Skills

Actual Knowledge


Desired knowledge

Actual level of attitude

Desired level of attitude

Fig 1. Significance of Competency Mapping

Competency Sets
Competencies are universal, transferable and unique. The employees of an organization reflect the companys values, culture and business imperatives emphasizing universal competencies. Employees with skills and abilities needed to perform roles in varying degrees of importance and mastery refer transferable competencies. Unique competencies highlights specialized abilities required within a specific role or job. Organizations perform the task of Competency Mapping to determine the areas which are crucial for its proper working and success. The Competencies which are included in the identification are Managerial, Behavioral, Technical skill based, Attitude based and Conceptual knowledge based. All these put together lead to determine the actual status of the activity completion and process functioning which is important for the organization. Managerial Competencies: Competencies which are considered essential for staff with managerial or supervisory responsibility in any service or programme area holding senior

posts. Managerial competencies are applied in analysis and decision making, team leadership, change management etc. Behavioral Competencies: Competencies which are considered essential for all staff members, regardless of their function or level, i.e. communication, program execution, processing tools, linguistic, etc. Technical competencies Competency identification skill, computer competencies, Career development theories and techniques understanding, objectives preparation skill, performance observation skill, Business competencies-Business understanding skill, cost-benefit analysis skill, organization behavior understanding, project management skill, Interpersonal Competencies- coaching skill, negotiation skill, Team building skill, relationship building skill, Intellectual Competencies- Data reduction skill, information search skill, intellectual versatility, model building skill, observation skill. Attitudes and conceptual knowledge: Attitudes are predispositions to other individuals, groups, objects, situations, events, issues, etc. Attitudes determine the kind of things we choose and whether we are likely to approach a particular situation or not or whether we are open to try out the technology or meet the customer or sell a particular product with high motivation, etc. Attitudes decide our approach or avoidance behavior. They are normally conceptualized as positive or negative. A positive attitude makes us to treat that object, technology, method, situation, and person or group more positively and therefore we appreciate it and promote the same. Knowledge and skills tend to be visible and relatively surface, characteristics of people. But attitude, trait and motive competencies are more hidden deeper and central to personality. Conceptual Knowledge comprises of Creative Thinking, Strategic Thinking, and Tolerance to non-compliance, non-congruence, and non-conformance Creative Thinking: Competency of Creative thinking is defined as the set of human attributes required to generate solutions. Strategic Thinking: Competency of Strategic thinking is defined as the set of human attributes required to visualize near and distant future conditions and develop appropriate organizational response.

Tolerance to non-compliance, non-congruence, and non-conformance: Competency of Tolerance to non-compliance, non-congruence, and non-conformance is defined as the set of human attributes required to remain unfazed when encountered with unfamiliar and unacceptable situations. Core Competencies: Competency based Management focuses on leading an organization through the business environment using core competencies. Core competencies represent the knowledge, skills or abilities, companies use to produce goods and services. The main tenets of competency based management are defining core competencies within the company, getting top management to buy in the programs and competencies that will lead the company, restructuring human resources around the companies and finally creating mission statement based on the observation and information. Two main qualifications exist for core competencies. First, the competencies must be difficult for a competitor to replicate. Second, the company must be able to leverage these competencies into many different. All these constitute a complete competency skill. In any organization, one of the major concern areas for the Human Resource Department is to determine the competencies of the processes and to evaluate the strength level of the person working on it. HR professionals are entrusted with the responsibility in selection of training and development, administration, deployment support, performance appraisal and performance diagnostics of the employees. Competencies include the collection of success factors necessary for achieving important results in a specific job or work role in a particular organization. Success factors are combinations of knowledge, skills and attributes that are described in terms of specific behaviors and are demonstrated by superior performers in those jobs or work roles. A person possesses a competence as long as the skills, attitude and knowledge that constitute competence are a part of them, enabling the person to perform effective action within a certain workplace environment.

Methodology of competency mapping

Competency Mapping is an ongoing process and Human Resource personnel have an important role in identifying right method for competency modeling based on internal

conditions of the organization and eventually execute the mapping in a methodical way. This in turn assumes greater significance in optimizing the human resources and provides meaningful job understanding to its incumbents. The three basic models used in mapping the competencies namely, One Size fits All Competency model, multiple job competency model and the single job competency Model, help to identify and categorize the skills, traits, experiences and knowledge of the employees. One size fits all competency model uses the data obtained from existing job descriptions and job analysis. The Multiple Job Competency model involves identification and classification of competencies required for organizational functions. Combination of competencies will be grouped to draw a particular role based on the requirements. The Single Job Competency model is a traditional time-tested method where the data is obtained observing its incumbent while performing the job. The Data so obtained will be used to build competency model for that particular position. Another successful method is to employ research methodology using Behavioral Event interview techniques to selective target population. The collection of behavioral data is sorted, categorized and leveled carefully to create models that are concise and comprehensive, simple and sophisticated. Using Behavioral Interview methods the organization creates model that reflects its own strategy and the competencies that bring success in that specific context. The behaviour dimension assessments of individuals are competency assessment. In competency mapping, the behaviour indicators for identified competencies are defined and documented. These behaviours are assessed through various tools and measures on pre-determined scales Identify Competencies Define Competencies Competency levels developed & defined

Assessment of competencies

Assessment tools decided for measuring competency levels

Behaviour descriptions for every level prepared

Competency Gap analysis

Intervention Planning

Fig 2. Competency Mapping process Map

Assessment tools
The universally used assessment tools of two kinds namely Instrument based tools and simulation tools Instrument based tools are those which are tried and tested instruments. Some of the psychodynamic instruments used generally are 16PF ( 16 Personality factors), MBTI, Belbins team role, Firo-B The Catell 16 Personality factor model is the most widely used system for categorizing and defining personality The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment is a psychometric questionnaire designed to measure psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions The Belbin Team Inventory is an assessment used to gain insight into an individual's behavioral tendency in a team environment. The Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior (FIRO-B) is a highly valid and reliable tool that assesses how an individuals personal needs affect that persons behavior towards other individuals. This highly valid and reliable self-report instrument offers insight into an individuals compatibility with other people, as well as providing insight into that persons own individual characteristics. The instruments that are non psychodynamic in nature are 360 degree feedback analysis and Leadership survey instruments 360 Degree Feedback is a system or process in which employees receive confidential, anonymous feedback from the people who work around them. Leadership survey instruments are a multi-rater tool that evaluates leadership skills from the leaders own perspective as well as from the perspective of others who have worked with the leader. Simulation tools are the techniques whereby the individual or team is assessed on their behaviour in a given circumstance, which is a simulated one based on the business scenarios 7

Once the competencies are assessed it is mapped against the requisite levels for the position/role. The mapping will entail providing the insight on the gaps in the competency levels displayed by the individual, if any. This is done by mapping the existing levels of competency exhibited by individuals against the desired competency levels for each of the roles for individuals .The gaps identified will be between the demonstrated proficiency levels against the expected proficiency levels

A well defined Competency Gap Analysis Format that can be used by any HR professional is formatted below:

Competency Gap Analysis Format

Sl.N o Competencies Behavioural and Managerial Communication Analytical ability Decision making Creative thinking 5 Emotional intelligence 6 7 8 9 10 Planning Available 1 2 Functional competencies Sound understanding of the industry Versatility in handling the range of functions Required Available Required Available // //// // //// // 2 2
Get more knowledge about industry Get more knowledge about function

Proficiency level

Proficiency state
Basic Advanced

Competency Gap Expert


1 1 2 3 4 Required Available Required Available Required Available Required Available Required Achievement motivation Conceptual ability Business literacy Systems orientation Available Required Available Required Available Required Available Required Available Required

7 //

8 //// ////

10 1 2 1 2 2 Improve presentation skill Improve ability to analyse Improve risk taking ability Think out of the box Develop sub ordinates
Disciplined application required

// //// // /// / // /// / // //// // //// // //// // //// // /// / 1 2 2 1 1

Improve holistic view Improve cost effectiveness Prevention through well built system Plan with clear focus

Signatures: Date:




Fig .3 Competency Gap Analysis Format Competency Modeling is focused more on how objectives are accomplished than what is accomplished. In addition, the process of competency modeling is usually concentrated on managerial positions and should be more closely linked to business goals and strategies. Developing and utilizing competency models has been equated with running a profitable and successful organization through strategic management of the professional talent within the organization.

Recent corporate companies which has a successful competency based HR system, points out that competency mapping helps identify the success criteria and the performance excellence required for individuals to be successful in their roles. It is significant that nearly all their HR interventions are linked to competency. The term intervention refers to s set of sequenced planned actions or events intended to help an organization increase its effectiveness. The factors of effective intervention (i) the extent to which it fits the needs of the organization (ii) the degree to which it is based on casual knowledge of intended outcomes (iii) the extent to which it transfers change management competence to organization members. Competency Mapping is the process of identifying and defining the key competencies of an individual for a particular position in an organization and then using it for job-evaluation, recruitment, training and development, performance management, succession planning, measurement against well accepted standards. Now let us spark our attention on the application side of competency mapping.







Figure 4.Areas of Implementation of Competency Mapping

Competency Mapping in Recruitment and Retention

Competency mapping plays a significant role in recruiting and retaining people as it gives more accurate analysis of the job requirements, the candidates capability, and diversity of the applicant, accuracy of applicants expectations, self-insight knowledge, skills and abilities. In the competitive business scenario, organizations feel the utmost need to procure and retain competent employees and develop distinctive competencies. HR seeks to place the right employees at the right time at the lowest possible cost, thereby providing means for the organization to pursue its competitive strategy. Recruitment encompasses both the attraction and selection of the most qualified applicants and ultimately accepts the positions in an efficient manner. Competency mapping in Internal Recruitment which seeks applicants for positions from among the ranks of those currently employed gives better assessment of candidates, reduces training 10

time, motivates employees and reduces economic parameters. Also it plays a vital role in External Recruitment where it increases diversity, facilitates growth and solves novel problem. As far as meeting an individuals career aspirations are concerned, the organization drives the employee to develop the competencies when it gives an employee the perspective of what is required from him. Employees become self propelled. Competencies enable individuals to identify and articulate what they can offer while performing a job. Companies very conveniently use the competency approach in the important HR function. The competency approach enables an organization to assign challenging tasks to an employee and use his/her competencies. The employee in turn derives pleasure for job content. If the role is clear, one performs ones assignments better and gain intrinsic satisfaction. Satisfied employees contribute positively to the work environment and create an atmosphere conducive to effective working. Competency mapping ultimately serves the individuals who decide to seek employment in an environment where they perhaps can learn new things and be exposed to more intellectually challenging work. On the whole, Competencies in recruitment and retention enables organization communicate opportunities and information to attract the quantity and quality of potential employees it requires, fulfilling its human resource plan.

Competency in Training and Development

Human competence is the most important element which leads to the success of every business. Training is a procedure that an organization adopts by which people acquire knowledge and skills aimed to achieve definite purposes. It is an attempt to improve current or future performance on a currently held job which involves learning experience and a planned organizational activity in response to identified needs. The need for training and development is determined by the employees performance deficiency. Training and Development need is the gap between expected standard performance and actual performance.


Training needs assessment is a systematic determination of training needs which ultimately derives objectives for the training program. It comprises of organizational analysis, job analysis and person analysis. An organizational analysis answers where the training emphasis need to be placed and what factors may affect training. A job analysis tries to answer the questions of what need to be taught in the training and how trainee can perform the task satisfactorily. A person analysis attempts to answer the questions of who needs training in the firm and the specific type of training required. Once the competencies are determined, proper training is provided to the individuals to work more efficiently on the processes. As competency based training need assessment has direct relation with employee performance and effectiveness of training can directly be gauged through assessment of performance and competencies. Competency mapping in Training and Development depends on the five factors namely, Number of employees required to being trained, specific competencies to be imparted, the duration of the training programme, the type of trainer required and the facilities required for upgrading the employees. The number of employees required to be trained are decided and the training is conducted on cost- benefit analysis. Competencies required to be imparted may be generic or job specific and organization specific. Training is imparted on cost consideration. The identified need for training may be required to be imparted immediately, after a short time or a later date. In such cases, training calendar is prepared by the training divisions. An experienced trainer undertakes any challenge to launch a new programme where his/her entrepreneurial zeal adds strength to the training module. If an identified training needs some special facilities, the organization takes up the task to realize the facilities required for upgrading the employees. Competency in training and Development is the tool to motivate and revitalize people, to promote all round organizational growth and work culture, sustain competitive advantage, gain distinctive competence, to survive and grow amidst cutthroat competencies in todays business parlance. Competency based training and Development allows trainees to share each others experiences and insight, stimulates employees interest and activates employees skills. Also competency mapping in training and


Development bridges the gap between what is required of a person to perform his/her work and what she/ he is skilled and gives consensus to reward system of organization.

Competency in Performance Management and Appraisal system

Competency mapping on performance management systems shift the emphasis of appraisal from organizational results achieved from employee behaviors and competencies demonstrated. Performance Management is the means through which managers ensure that employees activities and output are congruent with the organizations goal. Job performance or work performance of persons having identical academic background and skill bases vary widely from person to person. In fact, performance is the conglomeration of both qualitative judgments and quantitative bases. It has been identified by organizational stalwarts that assertiveness, job satisfaction, job involvement and organizational commitment as determinants of performance management. Assertiveness is a social boldness and is a dominant determinant of performance management in manufacturing and service sector. The employees performance is measured by administering a research questionnaire to their immediate supervisors. Job satisfaction is an attitude which results from the balancing and summation of many likes and dislikes experience in connection with the job. Measuring employee job satisfaction is very essential for organizational development. There are two types of measures namely global measures and facet measures. Global measure emphasizes attitude towards the job in general with multiple terms. The facet measure includes measurement of various facets namely pay, promotion, colleagues and operating procedures. Job involvement is the degree to which people identify themselves psychologically with the job. A high degree of involvement results in psychological empowerment. An organization is required to measure employee job involvement as the measurement leads to organizational development. Organization commitments are emotional reactions of the employees towards an organization and its policies. It is measured by number of factors such as job security, loyalty and trust in management.


Competency in performance management discovers human characteristics, analyzing important human performance gaps, planning for improvements, designing and developing cost-effective and ethically justifiable interventions to bridge the performance gaps. Performance management process includes people orientation, quality of work life, benchmarking, measurement and monitoring. Ultimately, implementing performance management process creates an understanding of how individual performance of all employees is translated into total organizational performance. Performance and appraisal are balanced in a competency based performance management system. The process of measurement of the performance of employees at work is termed performance appraisal and is a structured formal interaction between a subordinate and a supervisor. A performance appraisal system is required to be objective and transparent and for short term, medium term and long term. Competencies in performance appraisal measure the most important areas namely, clarifying, defining, redefining priorities, delegating additional responsibilities, identifying training needs, installing career and succession planning, developing mutual awareness, understanding, and relationship of the employee and his/her manager. Performance appraisal has long been regarded as one of the most critical areas of Human Resource Management. Competency in Performance appraisals plays an important role in employee motivation, attitude building, behavior modification and development, communicating and aligning individual and organizational aims and fostering positive relationships between management and employees.

Competency based Rewards and Recognition system

Competency based reward and recognition system is a method of rewarding and recognizing people to the level of competence, they demonstrate in carrying out their roles. The criteria for reward system focus mainly on quality performance, innovation, effort and attendance. Financial rewards provide a tangible form of recognition and therefore serve as indirect motivators, provide financial recognition to employees for their achievement in the shape of attaining or exceeding their performance targets or reaching the level of competence skill. 14

Reward system is made effective in an organization by certain principles- giving value to reward system, making the reward system simple to understand, laying down performance standards within the control of the team, making the reward system fair and effective, involving people in the reward system and empowering them to do the needful. Competency based pay is compensation for individual characteristics for skills and competencies. Rewarding employees for their ability to make the best use of their skills and competencies in accordance with the organizations needs is the best way to improve employee performance. Competency based reward system has a profound effect on the quality of work life of employees and effectiveness of the organization. The integrated reward system includes job evaluation and profiling, relativities and social climate surveys with focus on remuneration. Performance based reward is based on the definition of key performance indicators identified as part of job evaluation and linking these indicators with reward components. A combination of performance measuring system and additional motivational components delivers an integrated performance based reward system. Competency mapping in reward and recognition system improve effectiveness of the organization, support the attainment of organizations mission and strategies, and help to achieve sustainable and competitive advantage. Subsequently it prioritizes employee recognition, motivates employees to achieve high levels of quality performance to ensure positive, productive organizational climate.

Competency based Career Development and Succession planning

Career Development and succession planning synergy creates happier and more productive employees in a growth oriented company. The organization experiences bottom-line results while preparing for future business needs based on mutual corporate and individual growth. For an individual it exercises greater self-determination and selfawareness which enhances personal growth and development. And for the organization it improves career communication between employees and superiors which enhances organizations image. Internal career development, training initiatives, mentoring, 15

coaching, evaluations, annual reviews, orientation programs are meaningfully connected to organization goals. The system of career development involves career assessment by the employee with the manager, improvement of skills with the organization, serving as a facilitator and the organization providing a supportive environment. An internal career Development program begins with assessment. The organization needs to understand what it is all about. The employees within the organization need to understand what they are all about. The component parts need to comprehend how it all fits together. Organizational assessment necessarily starts at the top with senior management and other key stake holders. It involves designing a systemic process in which all things support and fit each other. Viewing career development in conjunction with succession planning provides the organization and the individual with what is needed and wanted by both employer and employee. At its most extreme, career Development is an activity carried out by the organization where it provides the opportunity for succession planning. Succession planning helps to develop multiple succession scenarios for any position within the organization. It is the preemptive process of identifying significant leadership positions that could put the organization at risk if left unfulfilled, targeting current employees that could move into such roles and grooming them for succession. Succession Planning identifies promising talent and critical roles within the organization and ensure that the right people are promoted to the right positions. Success planning requires steps to obtain leadership guidance, collect relevant information, make key decisions, and execute succession and development actions. Moreover based on the performance appraisal, succession planning is done to meet the future requirement of the organization. Succession plan is neither rigid nor fixed at a point of time. Competency based succession planning facilitates the HR department and its top management to train and prepare employees to carry out jobs and manage senior managers careers. It is a flexible framework which tackles with the change in business plans, unexpected resignations emergence of new talents by recruitment and acquisitions. Since competency based succession planning is a challenging task, it is worth the reward of watching the business grow and succeed in the next generation. It is 16

due to this reason that competency mapping has gained so much relevance in the present scenario. Persons with high competency for a particular task demonstrate certain logically associated behavior which can be used to identify the factors that make the person highly competent for the task. By paralleling career development and succession planning to the corporate business plan, employees gain clarity about the organizational culture, goals, strategy and structure. It becomes clearer how they fit in and employers stay in touch with the human resources which helps them to observe what each person offers and recognize when employees are ready for a mutually beneficial move in the organization.

Companies have long realized the importance of competency mapping as an important HR function. This is relevant that human capital is one of the most important assets of an organization and needs to be nurtured. Competency mapping not only helps know the various competencies but also the weak areas which can be worked upon. Besides increasing employee morale and enhancing productivity, it induces fresh thinking, fosters innovation and thereby aims to provide an enriching job experience. As a conclusion we can say that, it is through the competencies of its employees, executives, managers, and individual contributors that an organization executes its strategy and achieves results that are crucial to its success.

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4. Gary







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