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Numeracy and Data Analysis

Student Name: Sebastian Korsak

Student Id: 100041381-CCCU NDA

Table of Contents
1.Table format.....................................................................................................................................4
2. Graphical Representation using different charts..........................................................................5
3. Calculation of Mean, Median, Mode, Range, and Standard Deviation.......................................6
4. Use of linear forecasting model.......................................................................................................8

In this assignment we have taken wind speed data (km/h) of New Work City of last 10 days
in order to make a decision by analyzing the data statistically (Robinson and Castle Bell, 2006).
Using the collected data we will determine the mean, median, mode, and range value of the
city’s wind speed of last 10 days. Apart from these, this assignment also shows how standard
deviation measured and the collected data are also graphically represented for a better
understanding by showing the data in line chart and bar chart. And lastly using the we will
apply the concept of linear equation model for forecasting the wind speed of the city.

1.Table format
Last 10 days wind speed data of New York City.
Days Wind speed
1 27
2 26
3 22
4 15
5 11
6 11
7 13
8 14
9 14
10 15

2. Graphical Representation using different charts

Wind speed (km/h)

27 26

15 14 14 15
11 11

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 1: Wind Speed of New York City

From the above line chart, we can see that the wind speed of New York City over the last 10
days had an ups and down trend. In the last 10 th day, the wind speed of New York City was
15 km/h but in yesterday the wind speed has rose to 27 km/h over 10 days interval which is
the fastest speed recorded in the last 10 days and from the line we can see there is a upward
trend indicating the increase in the speed of wind.

Wind speed (km/h)

27 26
15 14 14 15
15 13
11 11

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 2: Wind Speed of New York City

The figure 2 shows the collected wind speed data in bar chart. We can see from the chart that
the 5th and 6th day had the slowest wind speed which is 11 km/h compare to the rest the other
10 days and highest bar was in yesterday which is 27 km/h indicating an increase in level of
wind speed of New York City.

3. Calculation of Mean, Median, Mode, Range, and Standard Deviation
a. Mean
The mean value is calculated to find an average result of a data set, mean is a unique value,
which means a data set can have only one mean value. Mean is the sum of the all data in a
data set that is divided by the total number of data set (Robinson and Castle Bell, 2006). The
mean value of the wind speed of New York City is calculated as follows-

Ascending order 11, 11, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 22, 26, 27.
So, Mean value=168/10=16.8
b. Median
The median value is calculated to find center or middle value of a data set. In order to find the
median value of a data set data are needed to sort in ascending order first. The median value
is also unique to a data set, which means there can be no more than one value that is the 50%
of the data set (Robinson and Castle Bell, 2006). The median value of the data set of wind speed
of New York City are calculated as follows- (4th +5th value divided by 2).
Ascending order 11, 11, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 22, 26, 27.
So, Median Value=14+15/2=14.5
c. Mode
The mode value is the value that appears most frequently in a data set. Mode is not unique to
the data set, which means there can be more than one mode value. In order to find the mode
value, we first need to arrange the data in sequential order. The mode value of the wind speed
of New York City are calculated as follows-
Ascending order 11, 11, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 22, 26, 27.
From the above data set we can see there are three modes which are = 11, 14, 15.

d. Range
Range is the difference between highest and lowest value of a data set. Range can be affected
by extreme values (Winstral, Jonas and Helbig, 2007). The range value of the wind speed of
New York City are calculated as follows-
= (27-11)
= 16

e. Standard Deviation
Days Wind speed Mean (x−µ) ¿
(km/h) (µ)
( x)
1 27 14.5 12.5 156.25
2 26 14.5 11.5 132.25
3 22 14.5 7.5 56.25
4 15 14.5 .5 .25
5 11 14.5 -3.5 12.25
6 11 14.5 -3.5 12.25
7 13 14.5 -1.5 2.25
8 14 14.5 -.5 .25
9 14 14.5 -.5 .25
10 15 14.5 .5 .25
∑ (x ¿−µ)2 ¿=

Standard deviation = σ =
√ ∑ (x ¿−µ)2 ¿ =
N √ 372.5
= 37.25

4. Use of linear forecasting model
Linear forecasting model is calculated by using the following linear equation, y = mx + c.
Linear equation is used determine the relationship between independent variable and
dependent variable, where x is independent variable and y is dependent variable (Speed,
Hocking and Hackney, 1978).

Days Wind speed Mean

(x) (km/h) (xy ) ¿
1 27 27 729
2 26 52 2704
3 22 66 4356
4 15 60 3600
5 11 55 3025
6 11 66 4356
7 13 91 8281
8 14 112 12544
9 14 126 15876
10 15 150 22500
∑ (x ¿)=55 ¿ ∑ (¿ y )=168 ¿ ∑ (x ¿ y)=805 ¿ ∑ (x ¿)2 ¿=

From the above calculation in the table, we can find that,

N= 10

∑ (x ¿)=55 ¿;
∑ (¿ y )=168 ¿;
∑ (x ¿ y)=805 ¿;
∑ ( x ¿)2 ¿= 77971
(∑ x )2 =(55)2=3025
N ∑ xy −∑ x ∑ y 10∗805−55∗168 −1190
I. m = N ∑ x −( ∑x ) =
2 2
10∗77971−3025 = 776685 = -0.0015321527

∑ y−m ∑ x 168− (−0.0015321527 )∗55 168.0842683985

II. c= N
III. Using the calculated 'm' and 'c' values, forecast the wind speed for day 11 and day 13
 the wind speed for day 11

y=mx+c = −0.0015321527∗11+16.8084268399=16.8
 the wind speed for day 13

y=mx+c = −0.0015321527∗13+16.8084268399=16.79 .

In this assignment we have analyzed the wind speed of New York City for the last ten days
using statistical methods such as mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and linear equation
for forecasting. The result shows that the city’s wind speed is being increasing compare to the
4th and 5th days. And also using the linear equation method and past data we have forecasted
the wind speed of the future few days and this forecast of wind speed will help New York
City predict weather of the city. We have calculated the statistical values using statistical
formulas of mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and linear equation.

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Robinson, N. and Castle Bell, G., 2006. Rating Slam Dunks to Visualize the Mean,
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Speed, F., Hocking, R. and Hackney, O., 1978. Methods of Analysis of Linear Models
with unbalanced Data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 73(361),
Von Huhn, R., 1933. The Standard Deviation as a Measure of the Intensity of seasonal
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